Module:Trait/countrytrait data

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Trait/countrytrait data/doc

return {
["absolute_monarch"] = { ["name"] = "Absolute Monarch", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["administrative_genius"] = { ["name"] = "Administrative Genius", ["mods"] = [===[* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["advanced_artillery_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Advanced Artillery Manufacturer", ["mods"] = [===[* Artillery Attack: {{color|green|+3%}}
* {{color|yellow|Towed Artillery}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+5%}}
]===] },
["advanced_computer_network"] = { ["name"] = "Advanced Military A.I.", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Motorized Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mechanized Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mechanized Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Armor Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Armor Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Artillery Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Artillery Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["adventurous_daredevil"] = { ["name"] = "Adventurous Daredevil", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["aero_fascist"] = { ["name"] = "Pegasi Aerofascist", ["mods"] = [===[* Pegasi Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Pegasi Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Pegasi Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["affable"] = { ["name"] = "Affable", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["agent_of_smile"] = { ["name"] = "Agent of S.M.I.L.E.", ["mods"] = [===[* Encryption: {{color|green|+0.5}}
* Decryption: {{color|green|+0.5}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["agent_of_smile_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Agent of S.M.I.L.E.", ["mods"] = [===[* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* Own operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["agile_cas_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Agility-focused CAS Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Close Air Support Airframe}}:
** Agility: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Ground Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Carrier CAS Airframe}}:
** Agility: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Ground Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["agrarian_nationalist"] = { ["name"] = "Agrarian Nationalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Max Factories in a State: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}]===] },
["agricultural_capitalist"] = { ["name"] = "Agricultural Capitalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["agricultural_concern"] = { ["name"] = "Agricultural Concern", ["mods"] = [===[* Resources to Market: {{color|yellow|−5%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["agricultural_nationalist"] = { ["name"] = "Agricultural Nationalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|red|−0.05}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|red|−0.05}}]===] },
["air_air_combat_training_1"] = { ["name"] = "Air Combat Training (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Ace generation chance: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["air_air_combat_training_2"] = { ["name"] = "Air Combat Training (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Ace generation chance: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["air_air_combat_training_3"] = { ["name"] = "Air Combat Training (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Ace generation chance: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["air_air_superiority_1"] = { ["name"] = "Air Superiority (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air superiority attack: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Air superiority defense: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["air_air_superiority_2"] = { ["name"] = "Air Superiority (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air superiority attack: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Air superiority defense: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["air_air_superiority_3"] = { ["name"] = "Air Superiority (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air superiority attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air superiority defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["air_airborne_1"] = { ["name"] = "Airborne Assault (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Paradrop attack: {{color|green|+1%}}
* Paradrop defense: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["air_airborne_2"] = { ["name"] = "Airborne Assault (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Paradrop attack: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Paradrop defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["air_airborne_3"] = { ["name"] = "Airborne Assault (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Paradrop attack: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Paradrop defense: {{color|green|+7%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+7%}}]===] },
["air_bomber_interception_1"] = { ["name"] = "Bomber Interception (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Interception attack: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Interception defense: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Interception agility: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["air_bomber_interception_2"] = { ["name"] = "Bomber Interception (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Interception attack: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Interception defense: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Interception agility: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["air_bomber_interception_3"] = { ["name"] = "Bomber Interception (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Interception attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Interception defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Interception agility: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["air_chief_all_weather_1"] = { ["name"] = "All-Weather (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Bad Weather Penalty: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["air_chief_all_weather_2"] = { ["name"] = "All-Weather (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Bad Weather Penalty: {{color|green|−20%}}]===] },
["air_chief_all_weather_3"] = { ["name"] = "All-Weather (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Bad Weather Penalty: {{color|green|−30%}}]===] },
["air_chief_ground_support_1"] = { ["name"] = "Ground Support (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Air Superiority: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["air_chief_ground_support_2"] = { ["name"] = "Ground Support (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Air Superiority: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["air_chief_ground_support_3"] = { ["name"] = "Ground Support (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Air Superiority: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["air_chief_naval_aviation_2"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Aviation (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Naval Air Attacks from Carriers: {{color|green|+6%}}
* Naval Air Targeting from Carriers: {{color|green|+7%}}
* Naval Air Agility from Carriers: {{color|green|+8%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Naval Air: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["air_chief_night_operations_1"] = { ["name"] = "Night Operations (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Night Operations Penalty: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["air_chief_night_operations_2"] = { ["name"] = "Night Operations (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Night Operations Penalty: {{color|green|−20%}}]===] },
["air_chief_night_operations_3"] = { ["name"] = "Night Operations (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Night Operations Penalty: {{color|green|−30%}}]===] },
["air_chief_old_guard"] = { ["name"] = "Old Guard", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+10}}]===] },
["air_chief_reform_1"] = { ["name"] = "Air Reformer (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["air_chief_reform_2"] = { ["name"] = "Air Reformer (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["air_chief_reform_3"] = { ["name"] = "Air Reformer (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["air_chief_safety_1"] = { ["name"] = "Air Safety (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Accidents Chance: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}]===] },
["air_chief_safety_2"] = { ["name"] = "Air Safety (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Accidents Chance: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}]===] },
["air_chief_safety_3"] = { ["name"] = "Air Safety (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Accidents Chance: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}]===] },
["air_close_air_support_1"] = { ["name"] = "Close Air Support (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Close air support attack: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Close air support defense: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Close air support agility: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["air_close_air_support_2"] = { ["name"] = "Close Air Support (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Close air support attack: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Close air support defense: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Close air support agility: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["air_close_air_support_3"] = { ["name"] = "Close Air Support (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Close air support attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Close air support defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Close air support agility: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["air_combat_academy"] = { ["name"] = "Air Combat Academy", ["mods"] = [===[* Ace generation chance: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["air_land_theorist"] = { ["name"] = "Air-Land Battle Theorist", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−7%}}
* Land Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−12%}}]===] },
["air_naval_strike_1"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Strike (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Bombing: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Naval Targeting: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Naval Agility: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["air_naval_strike_2"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Strike (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Bombing: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Naval Targeting: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Naval Agility: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["air_naval_strike_3"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Strike (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Bombing: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Naval Targeting: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Naval Agility: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["air_pilot_training_1"] = { ["name"] = "Pilot Training (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Wing Training Experience Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["air_pilot_training_2"] = { ["name"] = "Pilot Training (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Wing Training Experience Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["air_pilot_training_3"] = { ["name"] = "Pilot Training (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Wing Training Experience Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["air_strategic_bombing_1"] = { ["name"] = "Strategic Bombing (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Strategic Bombing: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Bomber attack: {{color|green|+1%}}
* Bomber defense: {{color|green|+1%}}
* Bomber agility: {{color|green|+1%}}]===] },
["air_strategic_bombing_2"] = { ["name"] = "Strategic Bombing (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Strategic Bombing: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Bomber attack: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Bomber defense: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Bomber agility: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["air_strategic_bombing_3"] = { ["name"] = "Strategic Bombing (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Strategic Bombing: {{color|green|+9%}}
* Bomber attack: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Bomber defense: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Bomber agility: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["air_tactical_bombing_1"] = { ["name"] = "Tactical Bombing (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Ground support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["air_tactical_bombing_2"] = { ["name"] = "Tactical Bombing (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Ground support: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["air_tactical_bombing_3"] = { ["name"] = "Tactical Bombing (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Ground support: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["air_warfare_theorist"] = { ["name"] = "Air Warfare Theorist", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["aircraft_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Aircraft Designer" },
["alt_air_air_combat_training_1"] = { ["name"] = "Air Combat Training (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Ace generation chance: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}]===] },
["alt_air_air_combat_training_2"] = { ["name"] = "Air Combat Training (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Ace generation chance: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}]===] },
["alt_air_air_combat_training_3"] = { ["name"] = "Air Combat Training (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Ace generation chance: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}]===] },
["alt_air_air_superiority_1"] = { ["name"] = "Air Superiority (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Air superiority attack: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Air superiority defense: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["alt_air_air_superiority_2"] = { ["name"] = "Air Superiority (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Air superiority attack: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Air superiority defense: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["alt_air_air_superiority_3"] = { ["name"] = "Air Superiority (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Air superiority attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air superiority defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_air_airborne_1"] = { ["name"] = "Airborne Assault (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Paradrop attack: {{color|green|+1%}}
* Paradrop defense: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["alt_air_airborne_2"] = { ["name"] = "Airborne Assault (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Paradrop attack: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Paradrop defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_air_airborne_3"] = { ["name"] = "Airborne Assault (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Paradrop attack: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Paradrop defense: {{color|green|+7%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+7%}}]===] },
["alt_air_bomber_interception_1"] = { ["name"] = "Bomber Interception (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Interception attack: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Interception defense: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Interception agility: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["alt_air_bomber_interception_2"] = { ["name"] = "Bomber Interception (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Interception attack: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Interception defense: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Interception agility: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["alt_air_bomber_interception_3"] = { ["name"] = "Bomber Interception (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Interception attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Interception defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Interception agility: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_all_weather_1"] = { ["name"] = "All-Weather (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Bad Weather Penalty: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_all_weather_2"] = { ["name"] = "All-Weather (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Bad Weather Penalty: {{color|green|−20%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_all_weather_3"] = { ["name"] = "All-Weather (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Bad Weather Penalty: {{color|green|−30%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_ground_support_1"] = { ["name"] = "Ground Support (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Superiority: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_ground_support_2"] = { ["name"] = "Ground Support (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Superiority: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_ground_support_3"] = { ["name"] = "Ground Support (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Superiority: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_night_operations_1"] = { ["name"] = "Night Operations (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Night Operations Penalty: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_night_operations_2"] = { ["name"] = "Night Operations (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Night Operations Penalty: {{color|green|−20%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_night_operations_3"] = { ["name"] = "Night Operations (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Night Operations Penalty: {{color|green|−30%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_old_guard"] = { ["name"] = "Old Guard", ["mods"] = [===[* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+10}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_reform_1"] = { ["name"] = "Air Reformer (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_reform_2"] = { ["name"] = "Air Reformer (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_reform_3"] = { ["name"] = "Air Reformer (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_safety_1"] = { ["name"] = "Air Safety (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Accidents Chance: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_safety_2"] = { ["name"] = "Air Safety (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Accidents Chance: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["alt_air_chief_safety_3"] = { ["name"] = "Air Safety (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Accidents Chance: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["alt_air_close_air_support_1"] = { ["name"] = "Close Air Support (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Close air support attack: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Close air support defense: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Close air support agility: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["alt_air_close_air_support_2"] = { ["name"] = "Close Air Support (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Close air support attack: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Close air support defense: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Close air support agility: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["alt_air_close_air_support_3"] = { ["name"] = "Close Air Support (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Close air support attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Close air support defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Close air support agility: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_air_naval_strike_1"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Strike (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Bombing: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Naval Targeting: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Naval Agility: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}]===] },
["alt_air_naval_strike_2"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Strike (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Bombing: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Naval Targeting: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Naval Agility: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}]===] },
["alt_air_naval_strike_3"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Strike (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Bombing: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Naval Targeting: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Naval Agility: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}]===] },
["alt_air_pilot_training_1"] = { ["name"] = "alt_air_pilot_training_1", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Air Wing Training Experience Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_air_pilot_training_2"] = { ["name"] = "alt_air_pilot_training_2", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Air Wing Training Experience Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_air_pilot_training_3"] = { ["name"] = "alt_air_pilot_training_3", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Air Wing Training Experience Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_air_strategic_bombing_1"] = { ["name"] = "Strategic Bombing (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Strategic Bombing: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Bomber attack: {{color|green|+1%}}
* Bomber defense: {{color|green|+1%}}
* Bomber agility: {{color|green|+1%}}]===] },
["alt_air_strategic_bombing_2"] = { ["name"] = "Strategic Bombing (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Strategic Bombing: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Bomber attack: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Bomber defense: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Bomber agility: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["alt_air_strategic_bombing_3"] = { ["name"] = "Strategic Bombing (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Strategic Bombing: {{color|green|+9%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Bomber attack: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Bomber defense: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Bomber agility: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["alt_air_tactical_bombing_1"] = { ["name"] = "Tactical Bombing (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Ground support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_air_tactical_bombing_2"] = { ["name"] = "Tactical Bombing (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Ground support: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_air_tactical_bombing_3"] = { ["name"] = "Tactical Bombing (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Ground support: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["alt_army_armored_1"] = { ["name"] = "Armor (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Armor Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Armor Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_army_armored_2"] = { ["name"] = "Armor (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Armor Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Armor Division Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_army_armored_3"] = { ["name"] = "Armor (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Armor Division Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Armor Division Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_artillery_1"] = { ["name"] = "Artillery (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Artillery Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Artillery Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_army_artillery_2"] = { ["name"] = "Artillery (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Artillery Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Artillery Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_army_artillery_3"] = { ["name"] = "Artillery (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Artillery Attack: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Artillery Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_cavalry_1"] = { ["name"] = "Motorized (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Motorized Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mechanized Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mechanized Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_army_cavalry_2"] = { ["name"] = "Motorized (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Motorized Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mechanized Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mechanized Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_army_cavalry_3"] = { ["name"] = "Motorized (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Motorized Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Mechanized Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Mechanized Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_defensive_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Defense (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_defensive_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Defense (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_defensive_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Defense (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_drill_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Drill (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division training time: {{color|yellow|−5%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_drill_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Drill (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division training time: {{color|yellow|−10%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_drill_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Drill (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division training time: {{color|yellow|−15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_entrenchment_1"] = { ["name"] = "Entrenchment Specialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Max Entrenchment: {{color|green|+3}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|red|−2%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_entrenchment_2"] = { ["name"] = "Entrenchment Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Max Entrenchment: {{color|green|+5}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|red|−4%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_entrenchment_3"] = { ["name"] = "Entrenchment Genius", ["mods"] = [===[* Max Entrenchment: {{color|green|+7}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|red|−6%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_maneuver_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Maneuver (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_maneuver_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Maneuver (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_maneuver_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Maneuver (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_morale_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Morale (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: {{color|green|−3%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_morale_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Morale (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: {{color|green|−6%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_morale_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Morale (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: {{color|green|−9%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_offensive_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Offense (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_offensive_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Offense (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_offensive_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Offense (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_old_guard"] = { ["name"] = "Old Guard", ["mods"] = [===[* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+10}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_organizational_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Organization (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+4%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_organizational_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Organization (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+8%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_organizational_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Organization (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+12%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_planning_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Planning (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Planning Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_planning_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Planning (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Planning Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_planning_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Planning (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Planning Speed: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_reform_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Reformer (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Military Advancements: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_reform_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Reformer (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Military Advancements: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_army_chief_reform_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Reformer (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Military Advancements: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_army_combinedarms_1"] = { ["name"] = "Combined Arms (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Motorized Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mechanized Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mechanized Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_army_combinedarms_2"] = { ["name"] = "Combined Arms (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Motorized Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mechanized Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mechanized Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_army_combinedarms_3"] = { ["name"] = "Combined Arms (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Motorized Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Mechanized Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Mechanized Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_commando_1"] = { ["name"] = "Commando (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Special forces Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Special forces Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_army_commando_2"] = { ["name"] = "Commando (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Special forces Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Special forces Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_commando_3"] = { ["name"] = "Commando (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Special forces Attack: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Special forces Defense: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["alt_army_concealment_1"] = { ["name"] = "Concealment (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Enemy Air Support: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["alt_army_concealment_2"] = { ["name"] = "Concealment (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Enemy Air Support: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["alt_army_concealment_3"] = { ["name"] = "Concealment (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Enemy Air Support: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_entrenchment_1"] = { ["name"] = "Entrenchment (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Entrenchment speed: {{color|green|+8%}}]===] },
["alt_army_entrenchment_2"] = { ["name"] = "Entrenchment (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Entrenchment speed: {{color|green|+16%}}]===] },
["alt_army_entrenchment_3"] = { ["name"] = "Entrenchment (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Entrenchment speed: {{color|green|+24%}}]===] },
["alt_army_infantry_1"] = { ["name"] = "Infantry (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Infantry Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Infantry Division Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_army_infantry_2"] = { ["name"] = "Infantry (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Infantry Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Infantry Division Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_army_infantry_3"] = { ["name"] = "Infantry (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Infantry Division Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Infantry Division Defense: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["alt_army_logistics_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Logistics (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attrition: {{color|green|−4%}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}]===] },
["alt_army_logistics_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Logistics (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attrition: {{color|green|−8%}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}]===] },
["alt_army_logistics_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Logistics (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attrition: {{color|green|−12%}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}]===] },
["alt_army_regrouping_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Regrouping (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+4%}}]===] },
["alt_army_regrouping_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Regrouping (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+8%}}]===] },
["alt_army_regrouping_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Regrouping (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+12%}}]===] },
["alt_bat_bombs_away_lehay"] = { ["name"] = "Bombercraft Proponent", ["mods"] = [===[* Strategic Bombing: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: {{color|yellow|+25%}}]===] },
["alt_jungle_warfare_expert"] = { ["name"] = "Jungle Warfare Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Heat Attrition: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+2.5%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_amphibious_assault_1"] = { ["name"] = "Amphibious Assault (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Amphibious Invasion Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_amphibious_assault_2"] = { ["name"] = "Amphibious Assault (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Amphibious Invasion Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_amphibious_assault_3"] = { ["name"] = "Amphibious Assault (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Amphibious Invasion Speed: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_anti_submarine_1"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Submarine (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Submarine Detection: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_anti_submarine_2"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Submarine (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Submarine Detection: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_anti_submarine_3"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Submarine (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Submarine Detection: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_capital_ship_1"] = { ["name"] = "Capital Ships (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Capital Ship Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Capital Ship Armor: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_capital_ship_2"] = { ["name"] = "Capital Ships (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Capital Ship Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Capital Ship Armor: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_capital_ship_3"] = { ["name"] = "Capital Ships (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Capital Ship Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Capital Ship Armor: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_carrier_1"] = { ["name"] = "Carriers (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Sortie efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_carrier_2"] = { ["name"] = "Carriers (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Sortie efficiency: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_carrier_3"] = { ["name"] = "Carriers (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Sortie efficiency: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_commerce_raiding_1"] = { ["name"] = "Commerce Raiding (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Convoy Raiding Efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_commerce_raiding_2"] = { ["name"] = "Commerce Raiding (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Convoy Raiding Efficiency: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_commerce_raiding_3"] = { ["name"] = "Commerce Raiding (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Convoy Raiding Efficiency: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_decisive_battle_1"] = { ["name"] = "Decisive Battle (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Capital Ship Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Capital Ship Armor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Screen Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Screen Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_decisive_battle_2"] = { ["name"] = "Decisive Battle (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Capital Ship Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Capital Ship Armor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Screen Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Screen Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_decisive_battle_3"] = { ["name"] = "Decisive Battle (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Capital Ship Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Capital Ship Armor: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Screen Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Screen Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_maneuver_1"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Maneuver (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_maneuver_2"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Maneuver (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_maneuver_3"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Maneuver (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Speed: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_naval_aviation_1"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Aviation (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Air Attacks from Carriers: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Naval Air Targeting from Carriers: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Naval Air Agility from Carriers: {{color|green|+4%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Naval Air: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_naval_aviation_2"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Aviation (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Air Attacks from Carriers: {{color|green|+6%}}
* Naval Air Targeting from Carriers: {{color|green|+7%}}
* Naval Air Agility from Carriers: {{color|green|+8%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Naval Air: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_naval_aviation_3"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Aviation (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Air Attacks from Carriers: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Naval Air Targeting from Carriers: {{color|green|+12%}}
* Naval Air Agility from Carriers: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Naval Air: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_old_guard"] = { ["name"] = "Old Guard", ["mods"] = [===[* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+10}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_reform_1"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Reformer (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_reform_2"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Reformer (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Navy: {{color|yellow|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_chief_reform_3"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Reformer (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Navy: {{color|yellow|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_fleet_logistics_1"] = { ["name"] = "Fleet Logistics (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Naval max range factor: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_fleet_logistics_2"] = { ["name"] = "Fleet Logistics (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Naval max range factor: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_fleet_logistics_3"] = { ["name"] = "Fleet Logistics (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Naval max range factor: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_naval_air_defense_1"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Air Defense (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Naval AA attack: {{color|green|+8%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_naval_air_defense_2"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Air Defense (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Naval AA attack: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_naval_air_defense_3"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Air Defense (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Naval AA attack: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_screen_1"] = { ["name"] = "Screens (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Screen Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Screen Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_screen_2"] = { ["name"] = "Screens (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Screen Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Screen Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_screen_3"] = { ["name"] = "Screens (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Screen Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Screen Defense: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_submarine_1"] = { ["name"] = "Submarines (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Submarine Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Submarine Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_submarine_2"] = { ["name"] = "Submarines (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Submarine Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Submarine Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["alt_navy_submarine_3"] = { ["name"] = "Submarines (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Submarine Attack: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Submarine Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["amateur_aviator_hess"] = { ["name"] = "First Among Equals", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* {{color|yellow|Heavy Fighter Airframe}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−2.5%}}
]===] },
["ambitious_negotiator_fascism"] = { ["name"] = "Ambitious Negotiator", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* (Will be replaced by Daily Support for Unaligned if Bulgaria becomes Non-Aligned)
<!--Localisation key:BUL_bogdan_filov_negotiations_tt-->
Bogdan Filov increases the chance of success when negotiating with the Axis and decreases it when negotiating with the Allies.]===] },
["ambitious_negotiator_neutrality"] = { ["name"] = "Ambitious Negotiator", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* (Will be replaced by Daily Support for Fascism if Bulgaria embraces Fascism)
<!--Localisation key:BUL_bogdan_filov_negotiations_tt-->
Bogdan Filov increases the chance of success when negotiating with the Axis and decreases it when negotiating with the Allies.]===] },
["ambitious_prince"] = { ["name"] = "Ambitious Monarch", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["ambitious_union_boss"] = { ["name"] = "Ambitious Union Boss", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["ambitious_union_boss_2"] = { ["name"] = "Ambitious Union Boss", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+8%}}]===] },
["american_caesar"] = { ["name"] = "American Caesar", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["amnesiac"] = { ["name"] = "Amnesiac", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Planning Speed: {{color|red|−20%}}
* Coordination: {{color|red|−20%}}
* <pre>rocket_attack_factor = 0.15</pre>]===] },
["anarchist_zeal"] = { ["name"] = "Anarchist Zeal", ["mods"] = [===[* Minimum training level: {{color|green|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["anarchist_zeal_communist"] = { ["name"] = "Anarchist Zeal", ["mods"] = [===[* Minimum training level: {{color|green|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["anarcho_communist_council"] = { ["name"] = "Anarcho-Communism", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["ang_village_education_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Educational Program", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["anti_bolshevik_leftist"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Stallionist Leftist", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["anti_communist"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Communist", ["mods"] = [===[* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|red|−50}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|red|−0.01}}]===] },
["anti_communist_crusader"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Communist Crusader", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|red|−0.1}}]===] },
["anti_democrat"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Harmony", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|red|−50}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|red|−0.02}}]===] },
["anti_fascist_agent"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Fascist Agent", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|red|−0.02}}]===] },
["anti_fascist_chaplain"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Fascist Chaplain", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Organization Regain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["anti_fascist_committee"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Fascist Committee", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+40%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.3%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["anti_fascist_pacifist"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Fascist Pacifist", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|red|−70}}]===] },
["anti_german_personality"] = { ["name"] = "Staunch Anti-German", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|red|−0.05}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|red|−40}}
* ({{flag|Changeling Lands}}) Attack bonus against country: {{color|green|+10%}}
* ({{flag|Changeling Lands}}) Defense bonus against country: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["anti_revisionist_bureaucrat"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Revisionist Bureaucrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|red|−0.05}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|red|−0.05}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|red|−0.05}}]===] },
["anti_revisionist_gensec"] = { ["name"] = "Ruthless Anti-Revisionist", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|red|−200}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|red|−20%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|red|−0.2}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|red|−0.2}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|red|−0.2}}]===] },
["anti_soviet_socialist"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Soviet Socialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+40}}]===] },
["anti_stalinist_marxist"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Stalinist Marxist", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|red|−20}}]===] },
["anti_stalinist_propagandist"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Stalinist Propagandist", ["mods"] = [===[* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Intelligence gained from Operatives and Infiltrated Assets: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Strengthen Resistance efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["anti_unionist_pure_anarchist"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Unionist Pure Anarchist", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−5%}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Free repair: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["apn_hivemistress"] = { ["name"] = "Hive-Mistress", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+1}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+200%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+100%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+100%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+100%}}]===] },
["apn_queen_of_the_league"] = { ["name"] = "Queen of the Undead", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.25}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+50%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+75%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+20%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+40%}}]===] },
["apn_time_queen"] = { ["name"] = "Queen of Eternity", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+50%}}
* Division Speed: {{color|green|+40%}}
* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+500}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+50%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+100%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+100}}
* Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Resistance Activity Chance: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["apn_vampire_queen"] = { ["name"] = "Queen of Midnight", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Division Speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+250}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+100%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["appeaser"] = { ["name"] = "Humble Appeaser", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["appeaser_regency_council"] = { ["name"] = "Mushanov heads the Regency Council", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["appeasing_technocrat"] = { ["name"] = "Appeasing Technocrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.02%}}]===] },
["arantigos_reborn"] = { ["name"] = "Arantigos Reborn", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+40%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["arch_bishop_of_gojjam"] = { ["name"] = "Arch Bishop of Gojjam", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["archbishop_of_ethiopian_orthodox_tewahedo_church"] = { ["name"] = "Arch-Shaman of All Souls of Ice", ["mods"] = [===[* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Legitimacy Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["architect_of_finnish_coporatism"] = { ["name"] = "Architect of Finnish Corporatism", ["mods"] = [===[* Max Factories in a State: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}]===] },
["archlich"] = { ["name"] = "archlich", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−75%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1%}}]===] },
["archon_arcturius"] = { ["name"] = "Archon of Arcturius", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["archon_basileus"] = { ["name"] = "Archon", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* AI Modifier: Desire to be in or expand a faction: {{color|yellow|−90}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}]===] },
["archon_boreas"] = { ["name"] = "Archon of Boreas", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["archon_eyr"] = { ["name"] = "Archon of Eyr", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["archon_maar"] = { ["name"] = "Archon of Maar", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−75%}}
* Decryption: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Justify war goal time on us: {{color|red|−75%}}
* Planning Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["archon_maar_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Archon of Maar", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−75%}}
* Justify war goal time on us: {{color|red|−75%}}
* Planning Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* [[File:decrypt_strength_icon.png]] Decryption Power Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["arkhigos"] = { ["name"] = "Arkhigos", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["armaments_aficionado"] = { ["name"] = "Armaments Aficionado", ["mods"] = [===[* Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["armaments_organizer"] = { ["name"] = "Armaments Organizer", ["mods"] = [===[* Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: {{color|green|−20%}}
* {{color|Y|Supply Hub}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["armored_car_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Armored Car Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Soft attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Hard attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
]===] },
["army_armored_1"] = { ["name"] = "Armor (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Armor Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Armor Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["army_armored_2"] = { ["name"] = "Armor (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Armor Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Armor Division Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["army_armored_3"] = { ["name"] = "Armor (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Armor Division Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Armor Division Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["army_artillery_1"] = { ["name"] = "Artillery (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Artillery Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Artillery Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["army_artillery_2"] = { ["name"] = "Artillery (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Artillery Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Artillery Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["army_artillery_3"] = { ["name"] = "Artillery (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Artillery Attack: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Artillery Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["army_cavalry_1"] = { ["name"] = "Motorized (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Motorized Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mechanized Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mechanized Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["army_cavalry_2"] = { ["name"] = "Motorized (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Motorized Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mechanized Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mechanized Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["army_cavalry_3"] = { ["name"] = "Motorized (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Motorized Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Mechanized Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Mechanized Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["army_chief_defensive_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Defense (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["army_chief_defensive_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Defense (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["army_chief_defensive_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Defense (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["army_chief_drill_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Drill (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Division training time: {{color|yellow|−5%}}]===] },
["army_chief_drill_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Drill (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Division training time: {{color|yellow|−10%}}]===] },
["army_chief_drill_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Drill (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Division training time: {{color|yellow|−15%}}]===] },
["army_chief_entrenchment_1"] = { ["name"] = "Entrenchment Specialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Max Entrenchment: {{color|green|+3}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|red|−2%}}]===] },
["army_chief_entrenchment_2"] = { ["name"] = "Entrenchment Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Max Entrenchment: {{color|green|+5}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|red|−4%}}]===] },
["army_chief_entrenchment_3"] = { ["name"] = "Entrenchment Genius", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Max Entrenchment: {{color|green|+7}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|red|−6%}}]===] },
["army_chief_maneuver_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Maneuver (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}]===] },
["army_chief_maneuver_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Maneuver (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}]===] },
["army_chief_maneuver_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Maneuver (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}]===] },
["army_chief_morale_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Morale (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: {{color|green|−3%}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}]===] },
["army_chief_morale_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Morale (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: {{color|green|−6%}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}]===] },
["army_chief_morale_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Morale (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: {{color|green|−9%}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}]===] },
["army_chief_offensive_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Offense (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["army_chief_offensive_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Offense (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["army_chief_offensive_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Offense (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["army_chief_old_guard"] = { ["name"] = "Old Guard", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+10}}]===] },
["army_chief_organizational_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Organization (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+4%}}]===] },
["army_chief_organizational_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Organization (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+8%}}]===] },
["army_chief_organizational_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Organization (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+12%}}]===] },
["army_chief_planning_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Planning (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Planning Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["army_chief_planning_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Planning (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Planning Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["army_chief_planning_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Planning (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Planning Speed: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["army_chief_reform_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Reformer (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Military Advancements: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["army_chief_reform_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Reformer (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Military Advancements: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["army_chief_reform_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Reformer (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Military Advancements: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["army_combinedarms_1"] = { ["name"] = "Combined Arms (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Motorized Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mechanized Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mechanized Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["army_combinedarms_2"] = { ["name"] = "Combined Arms (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Motorized Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mechanized Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mechanized Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["army_combinedarms_3"] = { ["name"] = "Combined Arms (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Motorized Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Mechanized Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Mechanized Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["army_commando_1"] = { ["name"] = "Commando (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Special forces Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Special Forces Cap: {{color|green|3}}]===] },
["army_commando_2"] = { ["name"] = "Commando (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Special forces Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Special Forces Cap: {{color|green|6}}]===] },
["army_commando_3"] = { ["name"] = "Commando (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Special forces Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Special Forces Cap: {{color|green|10}}]===] },
["army_concealment_1"] = { ["name"] = "Concealment (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Enemy Air Support: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["army_concealment_2"] = { ["name"] = "Concealment (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Enemy Air Support: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["army_concealment_3"] = { ["name"] = "Concealment (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Enemy Air Support: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["army_entrenchment_1"] = { ["name"] = "Entrenchment (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Entrenchment speed: {{color|green|+8%}}]===] },
["army_entrenchment_2"] = { ["name"] = "Entrenchment (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Entrenchment speed: {{color|green|+16%}}]===] },
["army_entrenchment_3"] = { ["name"] = "Entrenchment (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Entrenchment speed: {{color|green|+24%}}]===] },
["army_german_ground_commander"] = { ["name"] = "German Commander (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Amphibious Invasion Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Infantry Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+60}}
* <pre>paradrop_organization_factor = 0.1</pre>]===] },
["army_illusionist_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Illusionist (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Land Night Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* HP: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Initiative: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Coordination: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["army_infantry_1"] = { ["name"] = "Infantry (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Infantry Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Infantry Division Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["army_infantry_2"] = { ["name"] = "Infantry (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Infantry Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Infantry Division Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["army_infantry_3"] = { ["name"] = "Infantry (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Infantry Division Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Infantry Division Defense: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["army_infiltrator_2"] = { ["name"] = "Infiltration (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Infiltrator Company Attack: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Infiltrator Company Defense: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["army_logistics_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Logistics (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attrition: {{color|green|−4%}}]===] },
["army_logistics_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Logistics (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attrition: {{color|green|−8%}}]===] },
["army_logistics_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Logistics (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attrition: {{color|green|−12%}}]===] },
["army_logistics_center"] = { ["name"] = "Army Logistics (Bureau)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attrition: {{color|green|−12%}}]===] },
["army_radio_intelligence_1"] = { ["name"] = "Radio Intelligence (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Civilian Intelligence: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Army Intelligence: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Navy Intelligence: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Air Intelligence: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Initiative: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["army_radio_intelligence_2"] = { ["name"] = "Radio Intelligence (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Civilian Intelligence: {{color|green|+6%}}
* Army Intelligence: {{color|green|+6%}}
* Navy Intelligence: {{color|green|+6%}}
* Air Intelligence: {{color|green|+6%}}
* Initiative: {{color|green|+4%}}]===] },
["army_radio_intelligence_3"] = { ["name"] = "Radio Intelligence (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Civilian Intelligence: {{color|green|+9%}}
* Army Intelligence: {{color|green|+9%}}
* Navy Intelligence: {{color|green|+9%}}
* Air Intelligence: {{color|green|+9%}}
* Initiative: {{color|green|+6%}}]===] },
["army_regrouping_1"] = { ["name"] = "Army Regrouping (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+4%}}]===] },
["army_regrouping_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Regrouping (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+8%}}]===] },
["army_regrouping_3"] = { ["name"] = "Army Regrouping (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+12%}}]===] },
["artillery_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Artillery Designer" },
["aspiring_duce"] = { ["name"] = "Aspiring Duce", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.3%}}]===] },
["assassination_survivor"] = { ["name"] = "Assassination Survivor" },
["assault_avaition"] = { ["name"] = "Assault Aviation", ["mods"] = [===[* Operational Integrity Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["ataman_transbaikal_host"] = { ["name"] = "Ataman of the Transbaikal Host", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Attacking divisions speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Attack against major countries: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Motorized Infantry Unit Design Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["atlantic_fleet_naval_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Celestial Sea Fleet Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Carrier}}:
** HP: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Armor: {{color|green|+50%}}
* {{color|yellow|Capital Ships}}:
** Armor: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Heavy Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["autocratic_archbishop"] = { ["name"] = "Autocratic Archbishop", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["autocratic_imperialist"] = { ["name"] = "Autocratic Imperialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["autokratessa"] = { ["name"] = "Autokratessa", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−50%}}
* AI Modifier: Desire to be in or expand a faction: {{color|yellow|−100}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["autokrator"] = { ["name"] = "Autokratōr", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−50%}}
* AI Modifier: Desire to be in or expand a faction: {{color|yellow|−100}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["autonomous_cooperative"] = { ["name"] = "Autonomous Cooperatives", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Factory Repair Speed: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["aviation_hero"] = { ["name"] = "Aviation Hero", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
*   - <!--Localisation key:air_equipment_research-->Air Research Speed: {{color|G|+5%}}]===] },
["avid_turanist"] = { ["name"] = "Avid Turanist", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["backed_by_political_coalition"] = { ["name"] = "Backed by Political Coalition", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["backroom_backstabber"] = { ["name"] = "Backroom Backstabber", ["mods"] = [===[* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["backroom_windbag"] = { ["name"] = "Backroom Windbag", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["bak_commie_leader_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Marks Of The Riverlands", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−20%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["bal_ministry_defence_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Ministry of Defence", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Land Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Coastal Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Anti Air}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["bal_ministry_information_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Ministry of Information", ["mods"] = [===[* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["bal_ministry_labour_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Ministry of Labour", ["mods"] = [===[* Production Efficiency Retention: {{color|green|+10%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["baltic_revolutionary"] = { ["name"] = "Revolutionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["ban_bandit_queen"] = { ["name"] = "Bandit Queen", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["bar_asinti_puppet"] = { ["name"] = "Flesh Puppet", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|red|−100%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* (Hidden)Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|red|−1}}
]===] },
["bar_asinti_witch_doctor"] = { ["name"] = "Witch Doctor", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|red|−100%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}
* (Hidden)Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|red|−1}}
]===] },
["bar_avatar_of_chaos"] = { ["name"] = "Avatar of Chaos", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2.5%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+50%}}]===] },
["bar_benevolent_ruler"] = { ["name"] = "Benevolent Ruler of Barrad", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2.5%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}]===] },
["bar_cpt_novak_advisor"] = { ["name"] = "Count's Right Claw", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["bar_despot"] = { ["name"] = "Barradian Despot", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2.5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}]===] },
["bar_despot_herzland"] = { ["name"] = "Viiradian Despot [[File:helmet_texticon.png]]", ["mods"] = [===[* Encryption: {{color|green|+1}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}]===] },
["bar_despot_herzland_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Viiradian Despot [[File:helmet_texticon.png]]", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}
* [[File:crypto_defense.png]] Cryptology Level: {{color|green|+1}}]===] },
["bar_leopold_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Mechanical Demigod", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}
* (Hidden)Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|red|−1}}
]===] },
["bar_north1_sci"] = { ["name"] = "Shadow Council [[File:locked.png]]", ["mods"] = [===[* Encryption: {{color|green|+2}}
* Factory Bomb Vulnerability: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Resources to Market: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}]===] },
["bar_north1_sci_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Shadow Council [[File:locked.png]]", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:crypto_defense.png]] Cryptology Level: {{color|green|+2}}
* Enemy operative capture chance: {{color|red|+15%}}
* Civilian intelligence to others: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Navy intelligence to others: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Airforce intelligence to others: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["bar_north3_waste"] = { ["name"] = "Anarchic Wasteland [[File:decrease_texticon.png]]", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−90%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|red|−50%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−40%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−80%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|red|−80%}}
* No Compliance Gain: {{color|red|Yes}}]===] },
["bar_silver_star_archlich"] = { ["name"] = "Archlich", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|red|−100%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+20%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+20%}}
* (Hidden)Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|red|−1}}
]===] },
["bar_true_avatar_of_chaos"] = { ["name"] = "True Avatar of Chaos", ["mods"] = [===[* Encryption: {{color|green|+50%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|10%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+50%}}]===] },
["bar_true_avatar_of_chaos_lar"] = { ["name"] = "True Avatar of Chaos", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|10%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+50%}}
* [[File:crypto_defense.png]] Cryptology Level: {{color|green|+2}}]===] },
["bar_viira_end"] = { ["name"] = "The First Under the Sky", ["mods"] = [===[* Encryption: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Decryption: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}]===] },
["bar_viira_end_1"] = { ["name"] = "Mirror of Knowledge", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["bar_viira_end_2"] = { ["name"] = "Voice in the Darkness", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["bar_viira_end_3"] = { ["name"] = "Saviour of the Faithful", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+100}}]===] },
["bar_viira_end_lar"] = { ["name"] = "The First Under the Sky", ["mods"] = [===[* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}
* [[File:decrypt_strength_icon.png]] Decryption Power Factor: {{color|green|+100%}}
* [[File:crypto_defense.png]] Cryptology Level: {{color|green|+5}}]===] },
["bar_viira_what_now"] = { ["name"] = "...???", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−50%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|red|−50%}}
* Generate war goal tension limit: {{color|yellow|+100%}}
* Join faction tension limit: {{color|red|+100%}}
* Lend-lease tension limit: {{color|red|+100%}}
* Send volunteers tension limit: {{color|red|+100%}}
* Guarantee tension limit: {{color|red|+100%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|red|+100%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|red|+10&#8239;000%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−50%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−50%}}]===] },
["baron_of_news"] = { ["name"] = "Baron of the Printing Presses", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["baron_of_terror"] = { ["name"] = "Baron of Terror", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+1%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["basileus"] = { ["name"] = "Basileus", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.25}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−50%}}
* AI Modifier: Desire to be in or expand a faction: {{color|yellow|−100}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* Military Leader Cost: {{color|green|−20%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["bat_actual_reformer"] = { ["name"] = "Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["bat_affable_slavemaster"] = { ["name"] = "Resource Allocation Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["bat_aristocratic_heritage"] = { ["name"] = "Aristocratic Heritage", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["bat_bleeding_heart"] = { ["name"] = "Bleeding Heart", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: {{color|yellow|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["bat_blood_and_guts"] = { ["name"] = "Old Blood And Guts", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["bat_bombs_away_lehay"] = { ["name"] = "Bombercraft Proponent", ["mods"] = [===[* Strategic Bombing: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.02}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: {{color|yellow|+25%}}]===] },
["bat_borderline_genocidal"] = { ["name"] = "Embodiment Of Terror", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−25%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Military Advancements: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["bat_champion_of_the_nightmare"] = { ["name"] = "Champion Of the Nightmare", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["bat_civil_politician"] = { ["name"] = "Diplomatic Genius", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: {{color|yellow|+5%}}]===] },
["bat_dedicated_soldier"] = { ["name"] = "Strict Disciplinarian", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["bat_dorn"] = { ["name"] = "Fortification Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|red|−5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+25%}}
* {{color|Y|Land Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Coastal Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Anti Air}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["bat_economic_reformer"] = { ["name"] = "Economic Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−4%}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["bat_enthusiastic_researcher"] = { ["name"] = "Head Of Medical Research", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+3%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Military Advancements: {{color|yellow|+20%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["bat_exploiter"] = { ["name"] = "Economic Exploiter", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["bat_frothing_fanatic"] = { ["name"] = "Frothing Fanatic", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|red|−2.5%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+25%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["bat_hardliner"] = { ["name"] = "Hardliner", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["bat_master_of_psychology"] = { ["name"] = "Master Of Psychology", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["bat_moderate"] = { ["name"] = "Moderate", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["bat_old_blood"] = { ["name"] = "Old Blood", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["bat_political_savant"] = { ["name"] = "Intricate Webweaver", ["mods"] = [===[* Encryption: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Decryption: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Intel network strength gain factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Own operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["bat_political_savant_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Intricate Webweaver", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:decrypt_strength_icon.png]] Decryption Power Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:crypto_defense.png]] Cryptology Level: {{color|green|+1}}
* Intel network strength gain factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Own operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["bat_princeps_et_primus"] = { ["name"] = "Princeps And Primus", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["bat_purist"] = { ["name"] = "Purist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["bat_purist_2ver"] = { ["name"] = "Purist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["bat_purist_3ver"] = { ["name"] = "Purist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["bat_reformer"] = { ["name"] = "Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["bat_reformist_soldier"] = { ["name"] = "Reformist Legionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.02}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Military Advancements: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["bat_stern_legionary"] = { ["name"] = "Stern Legionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.02}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Pegasi Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Pegasi Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["bat_the_apostate"] = { ["name"] = "The Red Apostate", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["bat_the_duumivrs"] = { ["name"] = "The Duumvirate", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["bat_the_jackal"] = { ["name"] = "The Jackal", ["mods"] = [===[* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* Own operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["battlefleet_designer"] = { ["name"] = "Battlefleet Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Capital Ships}}:
** Armor: {{color|green|+15%}}
** Heavy Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* {{color|yellow|Screens}}:
** Sub detection: {{color|red|−25%}}
** Torpedo attack: {{color|green|+25%}}
]===] },
["bba_alb_fascist_lawyer"] = { ["name"] = "The Fascist Lawyer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.25}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Puppet cost: {{color|green|−40%}}]===] },
["benevolent_despot"] = { ["name"] = "Benevolent Tyrant", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["benevolent_overlord"] = { ["name"] = "The Benevolent Empress", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.2}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+30%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["benevolent_overlord_2"] = { ["name"] = "Benevolent Overlord", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["best_baker_in_town"] = { ["name"] = "Best Baker in Town", ["mods"] = [===[* Max Factories in a State: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["black_sea_naval_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Middle Sea Fleet Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Screens}}:
** Sub detection: {{color|green|+10%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
** Max Range: {{color|red|−25%}}
* {{color|yellow|Submarine}}:
** Sub Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
** Max Range: {{color|red|−25%}}
* {{color|yellow|Carrier}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|red|+15%}}
** Max Range: {{color|red|−25%}}
]===] },
["blitzkrieg_theorist"] = { ["name"] = "Blitzkrieg Theorist", ["mods"] = [===[* Mobile Warfare Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["bookworm"] = { ["name"] = "Bookworm", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["born_agitator"] = { ["name"] = "Born Agitator", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["brf_voice_of_reason"] = { ["name"] = "Voice of Reason", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+25}}]===] },
["british_bulldog"] = { ["name"] = "British Bulldog", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["british_industrial_benefactor"] = { ["name"] = "British Industrial Benefactor", ["mods"] = [===[* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["brs_eternal_vigor"] = { ["name"] = "Eternal Vigour", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−25%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["brutish"] = { ["name"] = "Brutish", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["bureaucrat"] = { ["name"] = "Sociopathic Bureaucrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}]===] },
["cabinet_crisis"] = { ["name"] = "Cabinet Crisis", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−50%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["caliph"] = { ["name"] = "Caliph", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+1&#8239;250}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+25%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["calipha"] = { ["name"] = "Calipha", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+2&#8239;000}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+25%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["camarilla_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Camarilla Leader", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["capable_administrator"] = { ["name"] = "Capable Administrator", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["capo_supremo"] = { ["name"] = "Capo Supremo", ["mods"] = [===[* Subject ponypower requirement: {{color|yellow|+15%}}
* Puppet cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Master impact: {{color|red|−0.15}}
* Militia Organization: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["captain_of_industry"] = { ["name"] = "Captain of Industry", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Refinery}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["captains_of_industry"] = { ["name"] = "Captains of Industry", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Refinery}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["carlist_intellectual"] = { ["name"] = "Carlist Intellectual", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.05%}}]===] },
["cas_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "CAS Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Close Air Support Airframe}}:
** Ground Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Carrier CAS Airframe}}:
** Ground Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["caudillo_1"] = { ["name"] = "Caudillo", ["mods"] = [===[* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["caudillo_2"] = { ["name"] = "Caudillo", ["mods"] = [===[* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+20}}
* Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["cautious_arbiter"] = { ["name"] = "Cautious Arbiter", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["celebrity_junta_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Celebrity Junta Leader", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["chair_of_the_unions"] = { ["name"] = "Chair of the Unions", ["mods"] = [===[* Production Efficiency Retention: {{color|green|+10%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["chamberlain_appeaser"] = { ["name"] = "Appeaser", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["champion_of_equality"] = { ["name"] = "Champion of Equality", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["champion_of_national_cooperation"] = { ["name"] = "Champion of National Cooperation", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|red|−70}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}]===] },
["champion_of_peace_1"] = { ["name"] = "Champion of Peace", ["mods"] = [===[* Generate war goal tension limit: {{color|yellow|+100%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−30%}}]===] },
["champion_of_peace_2"] = { ["name"] = "Champion of Peace", ["mods"] = [===[* Generate war goal tension limit: {{color|yellow|+80%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−24%}}]===] },
["champion_of_peace_3"] = { ["name"] = "Champion of Peace", ["mods"] = [===[* Generate war goal tension limit: {{color|yellow|+60%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−18%}}]===] },
["champion_of_peace_4"] = { ["name"] = "Champion of Peace", ["mods"] = [===[* Generate war goal tension limit: {{color|yellow|+40%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−12%}}]===] },
["champion_of_peace_5"] = { ["name"] = "Champion of Peace", ["mods"] = [===[* Generate war goal tension limit: {{color|yellow|+20%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−6%}}]===] },
["champion_of_the_great_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Champion of the Great Leader", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+50%}}]===] },
["changeling_fuhrer"] = { ["name"] = "changeling_fuhrer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.08}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["changeling_queen"] = { ["name"] = "Changeling Queen", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+40%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["chosen_by_maar"] = { ["name"] = "Chosen By Maar", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}]===] },
["chosen_of_arantigos_boreas"] = { ["name"] = "Chosen of Arantigos-Boreas", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−50%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+90%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+60%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["chosen_one"] = { ["name"] = "Chosen by the Gods", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|green|−0.1}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["civilian_industry_organizer"] = { ["name"] = "Civilian Industry Organizer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["close_air_support_proponent"] = { ["name"] = "Close Air Support Proponent", ["mods"] = [===[* Battlefield Support Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["coastal_defence_naval_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Coastal Defense Fleet Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Carrier}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
** Max Range: {{color|red|−50%}}
* {{color|yellow|Capital Ships}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
** Max Range: {{color|red|−50%}}
** Armor: {{color|red|−20%}}
** Heavy Attack: {{color|red|−20%}}
* {{color|yellow|Screens}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
** Max Range: {{color|red|−50%}}
* {{color|yellow|Submarine}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
** Max Range: {{color|red|−50%}}
]===] },
["cockatoo_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Light Ship Specialist", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Cruiser}}:
** Sub detection: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Max Range: {{color|green|+30%}}
* {{color|yellow|Light Hull}}:
** Sub detection: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Max Range: {{color|green|+30%}}
]===] },
["cogboy"] = { ["name"] = "Fabricator-General of the Imperium", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Bolzengewehr}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* {{color|yellow|Star Knight Armor}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
]===] },
["collaborating_press_chief"] = { ["name"] = "Collaborating Press Chief", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["collaborationist_arch_bishop"] = { ["name"] = "Collaborationist Arch Bishop", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["collaborator_king"] = { ["name"] = "Collaborator King", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+75}}]===] },
["collectivization_specialist"] = { ["name"] = "Collectivization Specialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["colonial_communist"] = { ["name"] = "Colonial Communist", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+250}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["comically_corrupt_kleptocrat"] = { ["name"] = "Comically Corrupt Kleptocrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["comintern_workhorse"] = { ["name"] = "Comintern Workhorse", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−50%}}]===] },
["commander_of_the_fetno_derash"] = { ["name"] = "Commander of the Fetno-Derash", ["mods"] = [===[* Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Special Forces Non-Combat Out of Supply: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* Intel network strength gain factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["commander_of_the_fetno_derash_no_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Commander of the Fetno-Derash", ["mods"] = [===[* Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Special Forces Non-Combat Out of Supply: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["committed_anti_fascist"] = { ["name"] = "Committed Anti-Fascist", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|green|+2}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+50%}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["committed_anti_fascist_no_lar"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:committed_anti_fascist-->Committed Anti-Fascist", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|green|+2}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+50%}}]===] },
["commoners_king"] = { ["name"] = "Commoner's King", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["communist_orator"] = { ["name"] = "Resistance Orator", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["communist_promoter"] = { ["name"] = "Communist Supporter", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["communist_revolutionary"] = { ["name"] = "Communist Revolutionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["communist_theorist"] = { ["name"] = "Communist Theorist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["compassionate_commoner"] = { ["name"] = "Compassionate Commoner", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["compassionate_gentleman"] = { ["name"] = "Compassionate Grandee", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["connected_citizen"] = { ["name"] = "Connected Citizen", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["connected_diplomat"] = { ["name"] = "Well Connected Diplomat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["conscience_of_the_revolution"] = { ["name"] = "Conscience of the Revolution", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+30}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.02%}}]===] },
["conservative_communist"] = { ["name"] = "Conservative Communist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["conservative_grandee"] = { ["name"] = "Conservative Grandee", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["conservative_nationalist"] = { ["name"] = "Conservative Nationalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["conservative_nationalist_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Conservative Nationalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.5%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["constitutional_monarch"] = { ["name"] = "Constitutional Monarch", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+1%}}]===] },
["constitutional_monarch_minor"] = { ["name"] = "Constitutional Monarch", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.5%}}]===] },
["constitutional_philosopher"] = { ["name"] = "Constitutional Philosopher", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["construction_company"] = { ["name"] = "Construction Company", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["consul_of_karthin"] = { ["name"] = "Consul of Karthin", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+100%}}]===] },
["controversial_writer"] = { ["name"] = "Controversial Writer", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.01%}}]===] },
["convoy_escort_naval_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Escort Fleet Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Screens}}:
** Sub detection: {{color|green|+10%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|red|+10%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Max Range: {{color|green|+30%}}
]===] },
["corn_lord"] = { ["name"] = "Lord of Corn", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−4%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["cornered_fox"] = { ["name"] = "Cornered Fox", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["corporatist_industrialist"] = { ["name"] = "Corporatist Industrialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−6%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["council_communist"] = { ["name"] = "Council Communist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−30%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["council_of_theorists"] = { ["name"] = "Council of Theorists", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.03}}
* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.03}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.03}}
* Air Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Land Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Naval Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["count_of_paris"] = { ["name"] = "Count of Paris", ["mods"] = [===[* Max Factories in a State: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["cristero_general"] = { ["name"] = "Cristero General", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1%}}]===] },
["crown_of_mind_control"] = { ["name"] = "Crown Of Control", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+500}}]===] },
["crown_prince_of_finland"] = { ["name"] = "Crown Prince of Finland", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2.5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+75}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}
*   - {{color|Y|Reduced cost}} for {{color|Y|Take States}} action in Peace Conferences. Cost for {{color|Y|Estonian cores}} is further reduced.]===] },
["crown_regent"] = { ["name"] = "Crown Regent", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["crowned_adder"] = { ["name"] = "The Crowned Adder", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−40%}}
* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["crowned_adder_2"] = { ["name"] = "The Crowned Adder", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−20%}}
* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["cryptologic_genius"] = { ["name"] = "Cryptologic Genius", ["mods"] = [===[* Encryption: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Decryption: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["cryptologic_genius_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Cryptologic Genius", ["mods"] = [===[* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* [[File:decrypt_strength_icon.png]] Decryption Power: {{color|green|+15}}
* [[File:crypto_defense.png]] Cryptology Level: {{color|green|+1}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["crystal_landscaper"] = { ["name"] = "Crystal Landscaper", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["cth_baltazar_zakbar_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Co-Sufrit Zakbar", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+25%}}]===] },
["cth_batrun_zaryes_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Co-Sufrit Zaryes", ["mods"] = [===[* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+25}}]===] },
["cth_empowered_sufrit"] = { ["name"] = "Empowered Sufrit", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["cth_first_chief_trait"] = { ["name"] = "First Chief Of The Revolution", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.25}}
* Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+30%}}]===] },
["cth_mzn_zarcid_patriarch"] = { ["name"] = "Zarcid Patriarch", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["cth_no_co_sufrit_trait"] = { ["name"] = "No Co-Sufrit", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["cth_ochzor_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Co-Sufrit Ochzor", ["mods"] = [===[* Artillery Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["cth_supreme_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Supreme Sufrit", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["cth_technocratic_council_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Technocratic Council", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["cth_zaphod_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Co-Sufrit Zarca", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Naval Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["cth_zaron_zorrel_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Co-Sufrit Zorrel", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["cth_zarvad_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Co-Sufrit Orzagid", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["cth_zerutra_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Co-Sufrit Zerutra", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resistance Target: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["cth_zoblos_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Co-Sufrit Zoblos", ["mods"] = [===[* Monthly Population: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["ctl_a_bride_for_chital"] = { ["name"] = "A Bride for Chital", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+7.5%}}]===] },
["ctl_benjen_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Kind Viking", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|red|+15%}}]===] },
["ctl_biased_bureaucrat"] = { ["name"] = "Biased Businessdeer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.15}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Refinery}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ctl_bloated_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Bloated Manufacturer" },
["ctl_bureaucratic_nightmare"] = { ["name"] = "Bureaucratic Nightmare" },
["ctl_dannya_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Carpetbagging Insurgent", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["ctl_enlightened_executive"] = { ["name"] = "Narcissistic Visionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["ctl_father_of_a_new_chital"] = { ["name"] = "Father of Chital", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["ctl_intellectual"] = { ["name"] = "The Most Boring Deer in Chital", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+3%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["ctl_kind_soul"] = { ["name"] = "Revolutionary Equinophile", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["ctl_liberator"] = { ["name"] = "Vituvippavar", ["mods"] = [===[* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["ctl_neolib_moment"] = { ["name"] = "The Most Boring Deer in Chital", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["ctl_pride_of_the_south"] = { ["name"] = "Pride of the South", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.15}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["ctl_prince_of_cervids"] = { ["name"] = "Prince of Cervids", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.2}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ctl_scheming_spymistress"] = { ["name"] = "Scheming Spymistress", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Intelligence gained from Operatives and Infiltrated Assets: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["ctl_scheming_spymistress2"] = { ["name"] = "The Watchful Mother of Chital", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Intelligence gained from Operatives and Infiltrated Assets: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["ctl_scheming_spymistress3"] = { ["name"] = "Mother and Protector", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Intelligence gained from Operatives and Infiltrated Assets: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["ctl_staunch_progressive"] = { ["name"] = "Firebrand Progressive", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["ctl_the_cooler_benjen_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Sea Kings' Heir", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["ctl_the_harmonic_benjen_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Kind Viking", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["ctl_to_the_nines"] = { ["name"] = "To the Nines", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+7.5%}}]===] },
["ctl_upjumped_socialite"] = { ["name"] = "Jumped-up Socialite", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+4%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["ctl_voice_of_the_people"] = { ["name"] = "Voice of the People", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["ctl_whippersnapper"] = { ["name"] = "Presumptuous Pipsqueak", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["ctl_whippersnapper_embraced"] = { ["name"] = "Jakob's Favorite Nephew", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["ctl_whippersnapper_restrained"] = { ["name"] = "Secluded Sovereign", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|green|−0.15}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["cult_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Cult Leader", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["cultural_hegemony_theorist"] = { ["name"] = "Cultural Hegeomny Theorist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.05%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["cva_communal_organizer"] = { ["name"] = "Communal Organiser", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["cva_connected_kleptocrat"] = { ["name"] = "Connected Kleptocrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["cva_depressed_alcoholic"] = { ["name"] = "Depressed Alcoholic", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|red|−5%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["cva_famous_bandit"] = { ["name"] = "The Lion Of The West", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["cva_financial_mastermind"] = { ["name"] = "Financial Mastermind", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−6%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+15%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["cva_flamboyant_revolutionary"] = { ["name"] = "Flamboyant Revolutionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["cva_going_cold_turkey"] = { ["name"] = "Cold Turkey", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|red|−5%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Weekly Prefecture [[File:pol_power_20x20.png]] {{color|C|Authority}} Loss: {{color|R|0.25%}}

]===] },
["cva_inspiring_leader"] = { ["name"] = "The Lion Of Coltva", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["cva_reformist_soldier"] = { ["name"] = "The Compassionate Colonel", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.02}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["cva_revolutionary_intellectual"] = { ["name"] = "Champion Of The People", ["mods"] = [===[* Supply Consumption: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["cva_revolutionary_intellectual_2"] = { ["name"] = "Champion Of The People", ["mods"] = [===[* Supply Consumption: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["cva_stern_militarymare"] = { ["name"] = "Stern Militarymare", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["cva_the_pearl_of_colthage"] = { ["name"] = "Lady Oleander", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.2%}}]===] },
["cva_urbanite_intellectual"] = { ["name"] = "Urbanite Intellectual", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}]===] },
["daybreaker_god"] = { ["name"] = "God-Empress", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["daybreaker_god2"] = { ["name"] = "God-Empress", ["mods"] = [===[* Heat Attrition: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["daybreaker_mother"] = { ["name"] = "Empress Mother", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+30%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["daybreaker_protector"] = { ["name"] = "Empress Protector", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Reinforce Rate: {{color|green|+2%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["dealbroker"] = { ["name"] = "Deal Broker", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["defeatist"] = { ["name"] = "Defeatist", ["mods"] = [===[* Surrender Limit: {{color|red|−25%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["defence_theorist"] = { ["name"] = "Defence Theorist", ["mods"] = [===[* Infantry Division Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Land Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* {{color|Y|Land Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["defender_of_the_faith"] = { ["name"] = "Defender of the Faith", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["defender_of_the_peasantry"] = { ["name"] = "Defender of the Peasantry", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Civilian intelligence to others: {{color|red|+15%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["defier_of_the_sun_god"] = { ["name"] = "Defier of the Celestial Gods", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* ({{flag|Equestria}}) Attack bonus against country: {{color|green|+10%}}
* ({{flag|Equestria}}) Defense bonus against country: {{color|green|+10%}}
* ({{flag|Lunar Empire}}) Attack bonus against country: {{color|green|+10%}}
* ({{flag|Lunar Empire}}) Defense bonus against country: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["defunct_monarch"] = { ["name"] = "Defunct Monarch", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["demagogue"] = { ["name"] = "Demagogue", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|0.5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["democratic_centralist"] = { ["name"] = "Democratic Centralist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["democratic_crusader"] = { ["name"] = "Democratic Crusader", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|red|−0.05}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|red|−0.05}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+40}}]===] },
["democratic_firebrand"] = { ["name"] = "Democratic Firebrand", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["democratic_reformer"] = { ["name"] = "Pro-Harmony Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["democratic_restorationist"] = { ["name"] = "Democratic Restorationist", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Exiled Government Ponypower: {{color|green|+700}}
* Daily Legitimacy Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["democratic_sympathies"] = { ["name"] = "Harmonist Sympathies", ["mods"] = [===[* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+70}}]===] },
["den_fascist_militarist"] = { ["name"] = "Fascist Militarist", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1.5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|red|+15%}}
*   - All Military Advisors Cost: {{color|G|-10%}}
* (Hidden)Air Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* (Hidden)Navy Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* (Hidden)Army Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
]===] },
["den_fascist_populist"] = { ["name"] = "Fascist Populist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1.5%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|red|+15%}}]===] },
["den_freedom_council_traits"] = { ["name"] = "Political Unity", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2.5%}}
* Weekly War Support (Combat Casualties): {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* Weekly War Support (Sunk Convoys): {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* Weekly War Support (Enemy Bombing): {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* All Advisors Cost: {{color|G|-25%}}
* (Hidden)Air Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* (Hidden)Navy Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* (Hidden)Army Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* (Hidden)Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
]===] },
["den_kommunist"] = { ["name"] = "Communist Politician", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−20%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1.5%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["den_konservativ"] = { ["name"] = "Converative Politician", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2.5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
*   - All Military Advisors Cost: {{color|G|-15%}}
* (Hidden)Air Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Navy Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Army Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
]===] },
["den_plenipotentiary"] = { ["name"] = "[?DEN.DEN_overlord_nation.GetAdjective] Plenipotentiary", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Master Ideology Drift: {{color|green|+0.01}}
* Weekly Balance of Power Change: {{icon|bop left}}'''0.5%'''
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|red|+5%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|red|+5%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|red|+5%}}]===] },
["den_rightwing_populist"] = { ["name"] = "Right-wing Populist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1.5%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|red|+15%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["den_socialdemokrat"] = { ["name"] = "Socialist Politician", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|red|+10%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["den_the_king"] = { ["name"] = "Sovereign of Elefantordenen", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2.5%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|red|+15%}}
*   - All Military Advisors Cost: {{color|G|-15%}}
* (Hidden)Air Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Navy Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Army Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
]===] },
["den_venstre"] = { ["name"] = "Liberal Politician", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|red|+15%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["deranged"] = { ["name"] = "Deranged", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.15}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Planning Speed: {{color|red|−10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}]===] },
["desperate_gambit"] = { ["name"] = "Desperate Gambit", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["determined_crusader"] = { ["name"] = "Determined Crusader", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["devoted_communist"] = { ["name"] = "Devoted Communist", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resistance Activity Chance: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.05%}}]===] },
["devoted_corporatist"] = { ["name"] = "Devoted Corporatist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["devoted_marxist"] = { ["name"] = "Devoted Marxist", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["devoted_trotskyist"] = { ["name"] = "Devoted Trotskyist", ["mods"] = [===[* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["diamond_king"] = { ["name"] = "Diamond King", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["dictator"] = { ["name"] = "Dictator", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+25%}}
* AI Modifier: Desired Divisions Factor: {{color|yellow|+20%}}
* Weekly War Support (Combat Casualties): {{color|green|+0.1%}}]===] },
["diehard_environmentalist"] = { ["name"] = "Environmentalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["diehard_revolutionary"] = { ["name"] = "Diehard Revolutionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["dimensional_traveler"] = { ["name"] = "Dimensional Traveler", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+50}}
* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["disarmament_proponent"] = { ["name"] = "Disarmament Proponent", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["disdain_for_politicians_1"] = { ["name"] = "Disdain for Politicians", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|red|−0.01}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|red|−0.01}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|red|−0.01}}]===] },
["disdain_for_politicians_2"] = { ["name"] = "Disdain for Politicians", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|red|−0.02}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|red|−0.02}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|red|−0.02}}]===] },
["disgraced_monarch"] = { ["name"] = "Disgraced Monarch", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["dislikes_griffon_empire"] = { ["name"] = "Dislikes the Empire" },
["dive_bomber"] = { ["name"] = "Dive Bomber", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Close Air Support Airframe}}:
** Ground Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["divided_interests"] = { ["name"] = "Divided Interests", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["divisive_absolute_monarch"] = { ["name"] = "Divisive Despot", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["dreams_of_a_new_byzantium"] = { ["name"] = "Dreams of a New Byzantium", ["mods"] = [===[* Generate war goal tension limit: {{color|yellow|−50%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Master impact: {{color|red|−0.15}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+20%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
*   - Extra military and civilian factories from subjects: {{color|G|+40%}}]===] },
["drill_sergeant"] = { ["name"] = "Drill Instructor", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Training time: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["driver_of_the_faithful"] = { ["name"] = "Driver of the Faithful", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["drug_dealer"] = { ["name"] = "Army Drugs Supplier", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["duce"] = { ["name"] = "Il Duce", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["duelist"] = { ["name"] = "Duelist", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["duke_of_aosta"] = { ["name"] = "Third Duke of Aosta", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["duke_of_orleans"] = { ["name"] = "Duke of Orléans", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["dysfunctional_assembly"] = { ["name"] = "Dysfunctional Assembly", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.5}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|red|−0.2%}}]===] },
["eager_collaborator"] = { ["name"] = "Eager Collaborator", ["mods"] = [===[* Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|green|+2}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−100%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+75}}]===] },
["eager_commander"] = { ["name"] = "Eager Commander", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase Multiplier: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["earth_pony_strength"] = { ["name"] = "{{color|Y|Earth Pony Strength}}", ["mods"] = [===[* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+2.5%}}]===] },
["eccentric"] = { ["name"] = "Eccentric", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Encryption: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+25%}}]===] },
["eccentric_ex_royal"] = { ["name"] = "Eccentric Ex-Royal", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["eccentric_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Eccentric", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+25%}}
* [[File:crypto_defense.png]] Cryptology Level: {{color|green|+1}}]===] },
["eccentric_royal"] = { ["name"] = "Eccentric Royal", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ecologist"] = { ["name"] = "Ecologist", ["mods"] = [===[* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["ecomonist_publicist"] = { ["name"] = "Economist and Publicist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["economic_organizer"] = { ["name"] = "Economic Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["economic_reformer"] = { ["name"] = "Economic Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}]===] },
["economist"] = { ["name"] = "Economist", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["economy_reformer"] = { ["name"] = "Reformer of Economy", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["editor"] = { ["name"] = "Editor", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["education_reformer"] = { ["name"] = "Education Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["el_jefe_maximo"] = { ["name"] = "El Jefe Máximo", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["elected_monarchist_puppet"] = { ["name"] = "Elected Monarchist Puppet", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["elected_regency_council"] = { ["name"] = "Elected Regency Council", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["elected_regency_council_pro_allies"] = { ["name"] = "Elected Regency Council", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["elected_regency_council_pro_axis"] = { ["name"] = "Elected Regency Council", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["electronics_concern"] = { ["name"] = "Electronics Concern" },
["electronics_developer"] = { ["name"] = "Electronics Developer" },
["element_of_loyalty"] = { ["name"] = "Element of Loyalty", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Air Superiority: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["element_of_magic"] = { ["name"] = "Element of Magic", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["elf_bits_gun_idea_trait_tooltip"] = { ["name"] = "Weekly {{color|Y|Bits Gun}} Production: {{color|G|+200}} units" },
["emergency_powers"] = { ["name"] = "Emergency Powers", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.5}}]===] },
["emigre_connections"] = { ["name"] = "Émigré Connections", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+2&#8239;000}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}]===] },
["emperor_and_autocrat_of_all_griffonia"] = { ["name"] = "Emperor And Autocrat Of All Griffonia", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["emperor_and_autocrat_of_all_the_russias"] = { ["name"] = "Emperor and Autocrat of All Griffonia", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["emperor_of_ethiopia"] = { ["name"] = "Emperor of Ethiopia", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["emperor_showa"] = { ["name"] = "Emperor Showa", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+60%}}]===] },
["empire_builder"] = { ["name"] = "Empire Builder", ["mods"] = [===[* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["employee"] = { ["name"] = "Model Employee", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["empress_of_equestria"] = { ["name"] = "Empress Regnant of Canterlot and Equestria", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["enthusiastic_exile"] = { ["name"] = "Enthusiastic Exile", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["eqc_nlr_the_prophet_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Nightmare's Prophet", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+30%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["eqs_twi_tabby_regent_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Celestial Regent", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["eqs_uesr_sablin_sentry_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Last Sentry", ["mods"] = [===[* Ship Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Fleet Coordination: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["eqs_wonderbolts_captain"] = { ["name"] = "Wonderbolts Captain", ["mods"] = [===[* Air superiority attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air superiority defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["ethnarch"] = { ["name"] = "Ethnarch", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["evans_deakin_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Pacific Venture", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Carrier}}:
** Max Range: {{color|green|+25%}}
* {{color|yellow|Capital Ships}}:
** Max Range: {{color|green|+25%}}
* {{color|yellow|Screens}}:
** Max Range: {{color|green|+25%}}
* {{color|yellow|Submarine}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Max Range: {{color|green|+25%}}
* {{color|yellow|Convoy}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
]===] },
["exile_king"] = { ["name"] = "King of the Exiles", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Exiled Government Ponypower: {{color|green|+700}}
* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Legitimacy Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["exiled"] = { ["name"] = "Exiled" },
["exiled_revolutionary"] = { ["name"] = "Exiled Revolutionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+30%}}]===] },
["expansionist_policies"] = { ["name"] = "Expansionist Policies", ["mods"] = [===[* Generate war goal tension limit: {{color|yellow|−25%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
{{color|Y|Reduced cost}} for {{color|Y|Take States}} action on {{color|Y|[SOV.GetFlag][SOV.GetAdjective] cores}} in Peace Conferences.]===] },
["experienced_insurgent"] = { ["name"] = "Experienced Insurgent", ["mods"] = [===[* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+40%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+25}}
* Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["experimental_genius"] = { ["name"] = "Experimental Genius" },
["expert_organizer"] = { ["name"] = "Expert Organizer", ["mods"] = [===[* Supply Consumption: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["face_licker"] = { ["name"] = "Face Licker", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["fal_princess"] = { ["name"] = "National Heroine", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["falangist_figurehead"] = { ["name"] = "Falangist Figurehead", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["falangist_industrialist"] = { ["name"] = "Industrial National Syndicalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Refinery}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["falangist_militarist"] = { ["name"] = "Falangist Militarist", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["falangist_syndicalist"] = { ["name"] = "Syndicalist Falangist", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["famous_aviator"] = { ["name"] = "Famous Aviator", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Medium Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+1%}}
* {{color|yellow|Small Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+1%}}
]===] },
["fascist_corporatist"] = { ["name"] = "Fascist Corporatist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["fascist_demagogue"] = { ["name"] = "Supremacist Demagogue", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["fascist_militia_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Fascist Militia Leader", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["fascist_orchestrator"] = { ["name"] = "Fascist Orchestrator", ["mods"] = [===[* Master impact: {{color|red|−0.3}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Dockyard}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["fascist_sympathies"] = { ["name"] = "Supremacist Sympathies", ["mods"] = [===[* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+70}}]===] },
["fast_tank_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Mobile Tank Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["fat_depressive_businessman"] = { ["name"] = "Depressive Businessgriff", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["fat_griffon_of_the_people"] = { ["name"] = "Civil Servant", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["fat_inoffensive_centrist"] = { ["name"] = "Inoffensive Centrist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["fat_lunatic_workbird"] = { ["name"] = "Lunatic Author", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["fat_suntails_lackey"] = { ["name"] = "Suntail's Little Bird", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["father_of_polish_nationalism"] = { ["name"] = "Father of Polish Nationalism", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["father_of_the_empire"] = { ["name"] = "Father of the Empire", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["father_of_the_republic"] = { ["name"] = "Father Of The Republic", ["mods"] = [===[* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+40%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+70}}]===] },
["father_of_the_turks"] = { ["name"] = "Father of the Turks", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−30%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["father_of_the_turks_1"] = { ["name"] = "Father of the Turks", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−22%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−22%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−22%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−22%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−22%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−18%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−18%}}]===] },
["father_of_the_turks_2"] = { ["name"] = "Father of the Turks", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−12%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−12%}}]===] },
["father_of_the_turks_3"] = { ["name"] = "Father of the Turks", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−7.5%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−7.5%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−7.5%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−7.5%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−7.5%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["father_of_the_turks_4"] = { ["name"] = "Father of the Turks", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+30%}}]===] },
["fbk_anti_extremist"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Extremist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|red|−0.01}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|red|−0.01}}]===] },
["fbk_communist_sympathies"] = { ["name"] = "Communist Sympathiser", ["mods"] = [===[* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+70}}]===] },
["fbk_the_warrior_chief"] = { ["name"] = "The Warrior Chief", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+1&#8239;000%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["fearless_crusader"] = { ["name"] = "Fearless Crusader", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Reinforce Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["feisty"] = { ["name"] = "Feisty", ["mods"] = [===[* Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["feminist_ultranationalist"] = { ["name"] = "Feminist Ultranationalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["field_surgeon"] = { ["name"] = "Field Surgeon", ["mods"] = [===[* Supply Consumption: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Experienced soldier losses: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["figurehead_president"] = { ["name"] = "Figurehead President", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["fin_champion_of_equality_sillanpaa"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:champion_of_equality-->Champion of Equality", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Unlocks decision {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:FIN_gather_funds_for_womens_shelters-->Gather Funds for Women's Shelters}}]===] },
["fin_communist_revolutionary_leino"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:communist_revolutionary-->Communist Revolutionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Unlocks decisions in preparation for a civil war: {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:FIN_gather_popular_support-->Gather Popular Support}}, {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:FIN_crack_down_on_fascists-->Crack Down on Fascists}} and {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:FIN_crack_down_on_the_military-->Crack Down on the Military}}]===] },
["fin_democratic_reformer_fagerholm"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:democratic_reformer-->Pro-Harmony Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Unlocks decision {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:FIN_call_to_union_activism-->Call to Union Activism}}]===] },
["fin_humble_appeaser_tanner"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:appeaser-->Humble Appeaser", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Unlocks decision {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:FIN_push_for_cabinet_participation-->Push for Cabinet Participation}}]===] },
["fin_patriotic_socialist_kuusinen"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:patriotic_socialist-->Patriotic Socialist", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Unlocks decisions in preparation for a civil war: {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:FIN_purchase_soviet_equipment-->Purchase Soviet Equipment}} and {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:FIN_infiltrate_soviet_commandos-->Infiltrate Soviet Commandos into Finland}}]===] },
["fin_stalins_puppet_kuusinen"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:stalins_puppet-->Stalin's Puppet", ["mods"] = [===[* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
*   - Finnish goods will flow to the Soviet Union, granting them temporary bonuses to Consumer Goods and Supply.]===] },
["fin_technocrat_saarinen"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:technocrat-->Technocrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Unlocks decisions in preparation for a civil war: {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:FIN_prepare_construction_workers_actions-->Prepare Construction Workers' Actions}} and {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:FIN_align_the_trade_unions-->Align the Trade Unions}}]===] },
["finance_graduate"] = { ["name"] = "Finance Graduate", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}]===] },
["financial_expert"] = { ["name"] = "Financial Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}]===] },
["finansminister"] = { ["name"] = "Finansminister", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["fir_avatar"] = { ["name"] = "Avatar of the Spirits", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Join Ally Desire: {{color|yellow|−40}}
* AI Modifier: Desire to be in or expand a faction: {{color|yellow|−60}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["fir_great_king"] = { ["name"] = "Great King", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+25%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["fir_necromancer"] = { ["name"] = "Powerful Necromancer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["first_lady"] = { ["name"] = "First Lady of the Republic", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["former_leader_of_red_finland"] = { ["name"] = "Former Leader of Red Finland", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Dockyard}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["forsvarsminister"] = { ["name"] = "Forsvarsminister", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Dockyard}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Air Base}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Naval base}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["fortification_armchair_general"] = { ["name"] = "Fortification Armchair General", ["mods"] = [===[* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+3%}}
* {{color|Y|Land Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Coastal Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Anti Air}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["fortification_engineer"] = { ["name"] = "Fortification Engineer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Land Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* {{color|Y|Coastal Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* {{color|Y|Anti Air}} construction speed: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["freedom_fighter"] = { ["name"] = "Freedom Fighter", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+25%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["friendly_priest"] = { ["name"] = "Friendly Preacher", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|red|+0.1}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["friendship_school_student"] = { ["name"] = "Friendship School Graduate", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: {{color|yellow|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+70}}]===] },
["frn_silver_tongue"] = { ["name"] = "Silver Tongue", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["fst_anti_clerical_crusader"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Clerical Crusader", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["fuel_efficient_aircraft_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Range-focused Aircraft Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Small Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Heavy Fighter Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+20%}}
* {{color|yellow|Medium Airframe}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+20%}}
]===] },
["gallant_doctor"] = { ["name"] = "Gallant Doctor", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["gallo"] = { ["name"] = "El Gallo", ["mods"] = [===[* Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|green|+3}}
* Air volunteer cap: {{color|green|+1}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Militia Attack: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["generallissimo"] = { ["name"] = "Generalissimo", ["mods"] = [===[* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+40%}}]===] },
["genial_anti_revolutionary"] = { ["name"] = "Genial Anti-Revolutionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["gentle_scholar"] = { ["name"] = "Gentle Scholar", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["german_technological_patron"] = { ["name"] = "German Technological Patron", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["gifted_shipping_magnate"] = { ["name"] = "Gifted Shipping Magnate", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+15%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Supply Hub}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Refinery}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|red|−0.1}}]===] },
["god_king"] = { ["name"] = "God King", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|green|−0.15}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["god_of_the_rastafari"] = { ["name"] = "God of the Rastafari", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+50%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.01%}}]===] },
["good_king"] = { ["name"] = "Kaiser des Volkes", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["gran_carabinero"] = { ["name"] = "Gran Carabinero", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|0.5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["grand_admiral"] = { ["name"] = "Grand Admiral", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.12}}
* {{color|Y|Naval base}} construction speed: {{color|green|+9%}}
* {{color|Y|Dockyard}} construction speed: {{color|green|+6%}}]===] },
["grand_battle_plan_expert"] = { ["name"] = "Grand Battleplan Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Grand Battleplan Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["grand_fleet_proponent"] = { ["name"] = "Grand Fleet Proponent", ["mods"] = [===[* Fleet in Being Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["grand_master_of_the_equestrian_order_of_the_holy_sepulcher_of_jerusalem"] = { ["name"] = "Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Cavalry Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase Multiplier: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["grand_vizier_nursi"] = { ["name"] = "Grand Vizier", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["grandpa_vainamoinen"] = { ["name"] = "Grandpa Väinämöinen", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−30%}}]===] },
["great_architect"] = { ["name"] = "Great Architect", ["mods"] = [===[* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+1%}}]===] },
["great_nobody"] = { ["name"] = "The Great Imperial Nobody", ["mods"] = [===[* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Resistance Target: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Own operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["great_nobody_lar"] = { ["name"] = "The Great Imperial Nobody", ["mods"] = [===[* Operative slots: {{color|green|+2}}
* Own operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["great_survivor"] = { ["name"] = "Great Survivor", ["mods"] = [===[* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["great_war_hero"] = { ["name"] = "Great War Hero", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["grey_hound_of_bronzekreuz"] = { ["name"] = "Grey Hound of Bronzekreuz", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["gri_ap_griffonia_unificator"] = { ["name"] = "The Unificator of Griffonia", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.5%}}
* Weekly War Support: {{color|green|+0.5%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.05%}}]===] },
["gri_democratic_minister"] = { ["name"] = "Premierminister", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+25}}]===] },
["gri_iron_lady"] = { ["name"] = "The Eisenadler", ["mods"] = [===[* Encryption: {{color|green|+0.5}}
* Decryption: {{color|green|+0.5}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["gri_iron_lady_lar"] = { ["name"] = "The Eisenadler", ["mods"] = [===[* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* Intel network strength gain factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Own operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["gri_lord_protector"] = { ["name"] = "The Lord Protector", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+40%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["gri_neutrality_minister"] = { ["name"] = "Premierminister", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.01}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+25}}]===] },
["gri_reich_chancellor"] = { ["name"] = "Reichskanzler", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+25}}]===] },
["gry_great_hetman"] = { ["name"] = "Hetman of Hetmans", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["guerilla_warfare_expert"] = { ["name"] = "Guerilla Warfare Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|0.2%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["hardened_officer"] = { ["name"] = "Hardened Officer", ["mods"] = [===[* Entrenchment speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Max Entrenchment: {{color|green|+5}}]===] },
["hardened_officer_regency_council"] = { ["name"] = "Lukov heads the Regency Council", ["mods"] = [===[* Entrenchment speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Max Entrenchment: {{color|green|+5}}]===] },
["hardline_latvian_nationalist"] = { ["name"] = "Hardline Latvian Nationalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+7.5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+7.5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.15}}]===] },
["harmonic_bulldog"] = { ["name"] = "Harmonic Bulldog", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["harmonic_novelist"] = { ["name"] = "Harmonic Novelist", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["harmonic_politician"] = { ["name"] = "Prominent Opposition Leader", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|0.5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+25}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["harmonic_unifier"] = { ["name"] = "Harmonic Unifier", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+50%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["harsh_propagandist"] = { ["name"] = "Harsh Propagandist", ["mods"] = [===[* Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["hawk"] = { ["name"] = "Hawk", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["he_who_bears_the_throne"] = { ["name"] = "He Who Bears the Throne", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+50%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+20%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["head_directorate_of_new_buildings"] = { ["name"] = "Head of Directorate of New Buildings", ["mods"] = [===[* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["head_of_intelligence"] = { ["name"] = "Illusive Gentlebeing", ["mods"] = [===[* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["head_of_intelligence_kirin"] = { ["name"] = "head_of_intelligence_kirin", ["mods"] = [===[* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["head_of_intelligence_useless"] = { ["name"] = "Conspicious Gentlebeing", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["head_of_ohs"] = { ["name"] = "Director of the OHS", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Encryption: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Decryption: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["head_of_ohs_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Director of the OHS", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["head_of_the_nkvd_beriya"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:head_of_the_nkvd-->Head of the NKVD", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Intel network strength gain factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance offset: {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* Enemy operative capture chance: {{color|red|+15%}}
* Civilian intelligence to others: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Political Paranoia increases by an extra {{color|R|2}} weekly
{{color|Y|The Head of the NKVD cannot be manually replaced or removed from post until the Great Purge has concluded.}}]===] },
["head_of_the_nkvd_beriya_initial"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:head_of_the_nkvd-->Head of the NKVD", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Intel network strength gain factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance offset: {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* Enemy operative capture chance: {{color|red|+15%}}
* Civilian intelligence to others: {{color|green|−10%}}
{{color|Y|The Head of the NKVD cannot be manually replaced or removed from post until the Great Purge has concluded.}}]===] },
["head_of_the_nkvd_beriya_no_paranoia"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:head_of_the_nkvd-->Head of the NKVD", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Intel network strength gain factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance offset: {{color|green|+0.2%}}
* Enemy operative capture chance: {{color|red|+15%}}
* Civilian intelligence to others: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["head_of_the_nkvd_yagoda"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:head_of_the_nkvd-->Head of the NKVD", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance offset: {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* Enemy operative capture chance: {{color|red|+5%}}
* Civilian intelligence to others: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Political Paranoia increases by an extra {{color|R|1}} weekly
{{color|Y|The Head of the NKVD cannot be manually replaced or removed from post until the Great Purge has concluded.}}]===] },
["head_of_the_nkvd_yagoda_initial"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:head_of_the_nkvd-->Head of the NKVD", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance offset: {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* Enemy operative capture chance: {{color|red|+5%}}
* Civilian intelligence to others: {{color|green|−5%}}
{{color|Y|The Head of the NKVD cannot be manually replaced or removed from post until the Great Purge has concluded.}}]===] },
["head_of_the_nkvd_yagoda_no_paranoia"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:head_of_the_nkvd-->Head of the NKVD", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance offset: {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* Enemy operative capture chance: {{color|red|+5%}}
* Civilian intelligence to others: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["head_of_the_nkvd_yezhov"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:head_of_the_nkvd-->Head of the NKVD", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance offset: {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* Enemy operative capture chance: {{color|red|+10%}}
* Civilian intelligence to others: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Political Paranoia increases by an extra {{color|R|2}} weekly
{{color|Y|The Head of the NKVD cannot be manually replaced or removed from post until the Great Purge has concluded.}}]===] },
["head_of_the_nkvd_yezhov_initial"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:head_of_the_nkvd-->Head of the NKVD", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance offset: {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* Enemy operative capture chance: {{color|red|+10%}}
* Civilian intelligence to others: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−10%}}
{{color|Y|The Head of the NKVD cannot be manually replaced or removed from post until the Great Purge has concluded.}}]===] },
["head_of_the_nkvd_yezhov_no_paranoia"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:head_of_the_nkvd-->Head of the NKVD", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance offset: {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* Enemy operative capture chance: {{color|red|+10%}}
* Civilian intelligence to others: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["headstrong"] = { ["name"] = "Headstrong", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["heavy_aircraft_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Heavy Aircraft Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Large Airframe}}:
** Strat. Bombing: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Transport Plane}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["heavy_tank_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Heavy Tank Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Hard attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Armor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Hard attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Armor: {{color|green|+5%}}
]===] },
["hedonist"] = { ["name"] = "Hedonist", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["heels_nipper"] = { ["name"] = "Heels Nipper", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["heir_of_blessed_sowrd"] = { ["name"] = "Heir of Blessed Sword", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["hel_general_secretary"] = { ["name"] = "Sécretaire-Général", ["mods"] = [===[* Encryption: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Decryption: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["hel_general_secretary_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Sécretaire-Général", ["mods"] = [===[* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["hel_gods_tankist"] = { ["name"] = "The Tankist of Eyr", ["mods"] = [===[* Armor Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Armor Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|red|−0.01}}]===] },
["hel_instrument_of_vengeance"] = { ["name"] = "Instrument of Vengeance", ["mods"] = [===[* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|red|−25}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|red|−25}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|red|−25}}]===] },
["hel_outlaw_in_chief_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Outlaw-in-Chief", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Reinforce Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["hel_revolutionary_intellectual"] = { ["name"] = "The Theorist", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+3.5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Supply Combat Penalties on Core Territory: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["hel_vengeful_regent"] = { ["name"] = "Sheriff and Regent", ["mods"] = [===[* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["hero_of_the_peasantry"] = { ["name"] = "Hero of the Peasantry", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|red|−2%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Civilian intelligence to others: {{color|red|+15%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["hero_of_the_revolution"] = { ["name"] = "Hero of the Revolution", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["hie_cth_arcadian_proponent"] = { ["name"] = "Arcadian Idealist", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["hie_cth_architect_of_the_works_of_beauty"] = { ["name"] = "Architect Of The Works Of Beauty", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.25%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}]===] },
["hie_cth_conductor_of_the_choir_of_knowledge"] = { ["name"] = "Conductor Of The Choir Of Knowledge", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+7.5%}}
* Weekly War Support: {{color|green|+0.25%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−2.5%}}]===] },
["hie_cth_economic_centraliser"] = { ["name"] = "Callous Urbanite", ["mods"] = [===[* Monthly Population: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["hie_cth_godhead_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Immaterial Being", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["hie_cth_the_guide"] = { ["name"] = "Wielder of The Guidance", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.05}}
* {{color|r|Alchemical Super Projects:}} Cooldown Time: {{color|green|−20%}}
* {{color|Y|Journal:}} Time Taken Factor: {{color|green|−15%}}
* {{color|Y|Journal:}} Success Odds Factor: {{color|green|+7.5%}}
* {{color|Y|The Guide}}'s connections allows her to call in {{color|G|favors}} in aid of her expeditions.]===] },
["hie_cth_the_model_ruler"] = { ["name"] = "The Perfect Ruler", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+7.5%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−2.5%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* {{color|r|Alchemical Super Projects:}} Cooldown Time: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["hie_shinespark"] = { ["name"] = "Delta NE-G Commander", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|red|+0.1}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−6%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+1%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* - {{color|r|Secret Necromancer}}]===] },
["hierarch_minister_of_corporations"] = { ["name"] = "Hierarch - Minister of Corporations", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* When hired the {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:ITA_power_balance-->National Balance of Power}} moves {{color|Y|15%}} towards {{color|Y|The Grand Council of Fascism}}.]===] },
["hierarch_minister_of_education"] = { ["name"] = "Hierarch - Minister of Education", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* When hired the {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:ITA_power_balance-->National Balance of Power}} moves {{color|Y|15%}} towards {{color|Y|The Grand Council of Fascism}}.]===] },
["hierarch_minister_of_foreign_affairs"] = { ["name"] = "Hierarch - Minister of Foreign Affairs", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* When hired the {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:ITA_power_balance-->National Balance of Power}} moves {{color|Y|15%}} towards {{color|Y|The Grand Council of Fascism}}.]===] },
["hierarch_minister_of_justice"] = { ["name"] = "Hierarch - Minister of Justice", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* When hired the {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:ITA_power_balance-->National Balance of Power}} moves {{color|Y|15%}} towards {{color|Y|The Grand Council of Fascism}}.]===] },
["hin_jeweled_deer"] = { ["name"] = "The Jeweled Maharaja", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["hin_unjeweled_deer"] = { ["name"] = "The Unjeweled Maharaja", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["hip_ahac_chief"] = { ["name"] = "Chief of AHAC", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["hip_ahac_chief_antifascist"] = { ["name"] = "Chief of AHAC", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|red|−0.05}}]===] },
["hip_high_priests_of_hippogriffia"] = { ["name"] = "High Priests of An and Tiamat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Submarine Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["hip_the_ace"] = { ["name"] = "The Ace", ["mods"] = [===[* Ace generation chance: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Air superiority attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air superiority defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["hip_the_ace_leader"] = { ["name"] = "The Ace", ["mods"] = [===[* Ace generation chance: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air Superiority: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Sortie efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+20%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["hip_the_ace_redeemed"] = { ["name"] = "Inspiring Aviation Hero", ["mods"] = [===[* Ace generation chance: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Air superiority attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air superiority defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Air superiority agility: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["humanist"] = { ["name"] = "Humanist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Civilian Intelligence: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["humble"] = { ["name"] = "Humble", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["hurja_hilja"] = { ["name"] = "Hurja Hilja", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["hyena"] = { ["name"] = "Hyena", ["mods"] = [===[* Equipment Capture Ratio Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ice_german_consul"] = { ["name"] = "German Consul", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+50}}
* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["ice_hot_tempered_reformer"] = { ["name"] = "Hot Tempered Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["ice_independence_advocate"] = { ["name"] = "Independence Advocate", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily autonomy progress gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* All autonomy gain: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["ice_internationalist_guardian"] = { ["name"] = "Internationalist Guardian", ["mods"] = [===[* Join faction tension limit: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Send volunteers tension limit: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Divisions required for sending volunteer force: {{color|green|−75%}}]===] },
["ice_judge_and_editor"] = { ["name"] = "Judge and Newspaper Editor", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["ice_minister_of_finance_moller"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Finance", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Lack of Resources Penalty: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["ice_minister_of_healthcare_and_finance"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Healthcare And Finance", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ice_national_romanticist"] = { ["name"] = "National Romanticist", ["mods"] = [===[* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["ice_progressive_doctor"] = { ["name"] = "Progressive Doctor", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+100}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["ice_revolutionary_educator"] = { ["name"] = "Revolutionary Educator", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["ice_shipping_concern"] = { ["name"] = "Shipping Concern" },
["ice_the_navy_king"] = { ["name"] = "The Navy King", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Naval Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["ice_the_strict_regent"] = { ["name"] = "The Strict Regent", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ice_trade_unionist"] = { ["name"] = "Trade Unionist", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Lack of Resources Penalty: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["ice_transportation_enthusiast"] = { ["name"] = "Transportation Enthusiast", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Truck}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
]===] },
["ice_travel_enthusiast"] = { ["name"] = "Travel Enthusiast", ["mods"] = [===[* Send volunteers tension limit: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Divisions required for sending volunteer force: {{color|green|−5%}}
* <!--Localisation key:air_equipment-->Aircraft Research Speed: {{color|G|+15%}}]===] },
["idealistic_visionaries"] = { ["name"] = "Idealistic Visionaries", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["idealistic_visionary"] = { ["name"] = "Idealistic Visionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ideological_crusader"] = { ["name"] = "Ideological Crusader", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ideological_groupie"] = { ["name"] = "Ideological Groupie", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["il_duce"] = { ["name"] = "Il Duce", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase Multiplier: {{color|red|−10%}}
*   - Economy, Trade and Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|G|-15%}}
* (Hidden)Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
]===] },
["il_duce_devotion"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:il_duce-->Il Duce", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase Multiplier: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}
*   - Economy, Trade and Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|G|-15%}}
* (Hidden)Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
]===] },
["il_duce_heroes"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:il_duce-->Il Duce", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}
*   - Economy, Trade and Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|G|-15%}}
* (Hidden)Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
]===] },
["il_duce_providence"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:il_duce-->Il Duce", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase Multiplier: {{color|red|−10%}}
*   - Economy, Trade and Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|G|-15%}}
* (Hidden)Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
]===] },
["il_duce_providence_strengthen"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:il_duce-->Il Duce", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase Multiplier: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}
*   - Economy, Trade and Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|G|-15%}}
* (Hidden)Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
]===] },
["il_duce_strengthen"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:il_duce-->Il Duce", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase Multiplier: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}
*   - Economy, Trade and Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|G|-15%}}
* (Hidden)Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* (Hidden)Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
]===] },
["il_migliore"] = { ["name"] = "Il Migliore", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["illiteracy_idea"] = { ["name"] = "" },
["imperator_absentis"] = { ["name"] = "Imperator Absentis", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|red|−20%}}]===] },
["imperial_connections"] = { ["name"] = "Imperial Connections", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["imprisoned_emperor"] = { ["name"] = "Imprisoned Emperor", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|red|−50}}]===] },
["impulsive"] = { ["name"] = "Impulsive", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.05}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Decryption: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["incognito"] = { ["name"] = "Incognito", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["incompetent_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Incompetent Leader", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−15%}}]===] },
["indecisive"] = { ["name"] = "Indecisive", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["indisposed_political_scientist"] = { ["name"] = "Indisposed Political Scientist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Antonio Gramsci needs time to recover from his severe illness, this trait will be significantly improved in the future.]===] },
["indomitable_perseverance"] = { ["name"] = "Indomitable Perseverance", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+4%}}]===] },
["industrial_concern"] = { ["name"] = "Industrial Concern" },
["industrial_expert"] = { ["name"] = "Industrial Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Production Efficiency Retention: {{color|green|+10%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["industrial_machines"] = { ["name"] = "Machine Tools Producer" },
["industrial_monopoly"] = { ["name"] = "Industrial Monopoly", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.05}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Resources to Market: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["industrial_researcher"] = { ["name"] = "Industrialist-Researcher", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Production Efficiency Base: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* {{color|Y|Refinery}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["industrialist"] = { ["name"] = "Ruthless Industrialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.05}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["industry_magnate"] = { ["name"] = "Industry Magnate", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["industry_reformer"] = { ["name"] = "Industry Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["industry_theorist"] = { ["name"] = "Industry Theorist" },
["inexperienced_imperialist"] = { ["name"] = "Inexperienced Imperialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−30%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["inexperienced_monarch"] = { ["name"] = "Inexperienced Monarch", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}]===] },
["inexperienced_sultan"] = { ["name"] = "Inexperienced Sultan", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|red|+0.3}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["inexperienced_sultan_2"] = { ["name"] = "Inexperienced Sultan", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: '''0'''
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["infantry_equipment_designer"] = { ["name"] = "Infantry Equipment Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Infantry Equipment}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
]===] },
["infantry_equipment_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Infantry Equipment Designer" },
["infantry_support_equipment_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Infantry and Support Equipment Designer" },
["infantry_tank_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Infantry Tank Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Soft attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Armor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Soft attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Armor: {{color|green|+5%}}
]===] },
["infirm"] = { ["name"] = "Infirm", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−25%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}]===] },
["insane"] = { ["name"] = "Rambling Lunatic", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−7.5%}}]===] },
["insane_2"] = { ["name"] = "Insane", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−40%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|red|−0.3%}}]===] },
["inspiration_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Inspirational Leader", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["internal_rivalry"] = { ["name"] = "Internal Rivalry", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−25%}}
* Encryption: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Join faction tension limit: {{color|red|+50%}}]===] },
["international_anarchist"] = { ["name"] = "International Anarchist", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Lend-lease request tension limit: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Legitimacy Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Added Female Army Leader Chance: $VALUE$: {{color|yellow|+35%}}]===] },
["international_communist"] = { ["name"] = "International Communist", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2%}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−50%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["international_revolutionary"] = { ["name"] = "International Revolutionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Diplomatic Pressure mission effects: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Boost Ideology mission effects: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Intel network strength gain factor: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["internationalist_nationalist"] = { ["name"] = "Internationalist Nationalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|green|+2}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−100%}}
* License purchase cost: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Master Ideology Drift: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Control Trade mission effects: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Diplomatic Pressure mission effects: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Boost Ideology mission effects: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+100}}]===] },
["inventive_genius"] = { ["name"] = "Inventive Genius", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["iron_duke"] = { ["name"] = "The Iron Duke", ["mods"] = [===[* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["iron_lazar"] = { ["name"] = "Iron Lazar", ["mods"] = [===[* Fuel Capacity: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Supply Hub}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Train}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|red|+5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+15%}}
]===] },
["irredentist_academic"] = { ["name"] = "Irredentist Academic", ["mods"] = [===[* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["isolationist_advisor"] = { ["name"] = "Isolationist Advisor", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["isolationist_anarchist"] = { ["name"] = "Isolationist Anarchists", ["mods"] = [===[* Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|red|−40%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+40%}}
* Resistance Target in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ita_head_of_the_national_committee"] = { ["name"] = "Head of the National Committee", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mountaineers Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mountaineers Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mountaineers Organization: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["ita_tomislav_of_croatia"] = { ["name"] = "Tomislav II, King of Croatia", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Fleet Coordination: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−25%}}
* Breakthrough against minor countries: {{color|green|+30%}}]===] },
["jan_polarizing_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Polarizing Leader", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+50%}}
* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+500}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+25%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+14%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Lack of Resources Penalty: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Invasion Preparation Speed: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Chance to score Critical Hit: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Base Fuel Gain: {{color|green|+100%}}]===] },
["japanizer"] = { ["name"] = "Japanizer", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+4%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["jefe"] = { ["name"] = "Jefe", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["jer_allard_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Ardent Vanguardist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+25%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["jer_captain_of_state_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Captain Of The Ship", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["jer_cru_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Big Fellow", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+25}}]===] },
["jer_empress_of_aquileia_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Empress Of Aquileia", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["jer_empress_of_griffonia_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Empress Of Aquileia And All Griffonia", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["jer_father_of_the_republic"] = { ["name"] = "The Father Of The Republic", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["jer_gadreau_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Compassionate Revolutionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: {{color|yellow|+15%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["jer_kindly_enigma"] = { ["name"] = "Kindly Enigma", ["mods"] = [===[* Encryption: {{color|green|+0.5}}
* Decryption: {{color|green|+0.5}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["jer_kindly_enigma_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Kindly Enigma", ["mods"] = [===[* Resistance Target: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* Own operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["jer_marshal"] = { ["name"] = "The Maréchal", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["jer_thibault_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Trade Union Organizer", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["jer_trade_council_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Voice Of The People", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|red|−25%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["jer_uncouth"] = { ["name"] = "Insufferable Genius", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["jer_verany_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Hero Of The Revolution", ["mods"] = [===[* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+75%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["jes_nationalist_poet"] = { ["name"] = "Nationalist Poet", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["jungle_warfare_expert"] = { ["name"] = "Jungle Warfare Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Heat Attrition: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+2.5%}}]===] },
["jungle_warfare_expert_political"] = { ["name"] = "Jungle Warfare Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Heat Attrition: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+2.5%}}]===] },
["kaiserin_of_the_people"] = { ["name"] = "Kaiserin of the People", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["karelian_irredentist_writer"] = { ["name"] = "Karelian Irredentist Writer", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|red|−0.1}}]===] },
["kautskyian_socialist"] = { ["name"] = "Kautskyian Socialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["kindhearted_crusader"] = { ["name"] = "Kindhearted Crusader", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["king_of_albania"] = { ["name"] = "King of Albania", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["king_of_blackwings"] = { ["name"] = "King of Blackwings", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["king_of_ethiopia"] = { ["name"] = "King of Ethiopia", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["king_of_galicia_and_lodomeria"] = { ["name"] = "King of Galicia and Lodomeria", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["king_of_kings"] = { ["name"] = "By the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Elect of God", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["king_of_kings_2"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:king_of_kings-->By the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Elect of God", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["king_of_kings_3a"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:king_of_kings-->By the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Elect of God", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Puppet cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Guarantee tension limit: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase Multiplier: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["king_of_kings_3b"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:king_of_kings-->By the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Elect of God", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time on us: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.1%}}]===] },
["king_of_kings_4"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:king_of_kings-->By the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Elect of God", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Puppet cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Guarantee tension limit: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Justify war goal time on us: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase Multiplier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.1%}}]===] },
["king_of_wingbardy"] = { ["name"] = "King of Wingbardy", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["kir_aerospace_engineer"] = { ["name"] = "Aerospace Engineer" },
["kir_aurum_cassia_banner_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Diplomats of the Tribes", ["mods"] = [===[* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|red|−20%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.1%}}]===] },
["kir_birdkeeper"] = { ["name"] = "The Bird-Keeper", ["mods"] = [===[* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Garrison Penetration Chance: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Intel network strength gain factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Own operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Enemy operative capture chance: {{color|red|+5%}}]===] },
["kir_birdkeeper_lar"] = { ["name"] = "The Bird-Keeper", ["mods"] = [===[* Garrison Penetration Chance: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* Intel network strength gain factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Own operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Enemy operative capture chance: {{color|red|+5%}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["kir_board_of_governors"] = { ["name"] = "Board of Trustees", ["mods"] = [===[* ({{flag|Realm of Kiria}})Civilian industry to target country: {{color|red|+50%}}
* ({{flag|Realm of Kiria}})Military industry to target country: {{color|red|+50%}}
* ({{flag|Realm of Kiria}})Extra trade to overlord: {{color|green|+50%}}
* ({{flag|Realm of Kiria}})Target country trade cost: {{color|green|−50%}}
]===] },
["kir_bourgeois_modernizer"] = { ["name"] = "Nationalist-Bourgeois Modernizer", ["mods"] = [===[* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["kir_businessmare"] = { ["name"] = "Businessmare", ["mods"] = [===[* Industrial Factory Donations: {{color|green|+1}}
* Military Factory Donations: {{color|green|+1}}
* Dockyard Donations: {{color|green|+1}}]===] },
["kir_charter_monopoly"] = { ["name"] = "Charter Monopoly" },
["kir_civil_engineer"] = { ["name"] = "Materials Engineer" },
["kir_computer_scientist"] = { ["name"] = "Computer Programmer" },
["kir_computronics_concern"] = { ["name"] = "Computronics Concern" },
["kir_deep_infiltration_theorist"] = { ["name"] = "Deep Infiltration Theorist", ["mods"] = [===[* Decryption: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Intel network strength gain factor: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["kir_direct_democracy"] = { ["name"] = "Direct Democracy", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["kir_equestrian_attache"] = { ["name"] = "Equestrian Attaché", ["mods"] = [===[* Planning Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Grand Battleplan Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["kir_figurehead_matriarch"] = { ["name"] = "Figurehead Matriarch", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["kir_financier_executor"] = { ["name"] = "Financier-Executor", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−5%}}
* Resources to Market: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* License purchase cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Industrial Factory Donations: {{color|green|+1}}]===] },
["kir_first_minister"] = { ["name"] = "First Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|green|+5}}
* Air volunteer cap: {{color|green|+10}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["kir_fledgling_government"] = { ["name"] = "Fledgling Independence", ["mods"] = [===[* Militia Organization: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Militia Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Militia Organization Recovery Cap: {{color|green|+10%}}
* ({{flag|Republic of Kiria}}) Defense bonus against country: {{color|green|+10%}}
* ({{flag|Republic of Kiria}}) Breakthrough bonus against country: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["kir_great_helmsmare"] = { ["name"] = "Great Helmsmare", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Puppet cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Guarantee Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Master Ideology Drift: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["kir_heavy_machinery_designer"] = { ["name"] = "Heavy Machinery Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Mechanized}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Truck}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+5%}}
]===] },
["kir_heavy_works_minister"] = { ["name"] = "Minister for Heavy Industry", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Mechanized}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Truck}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
]===] },
["kir_humble_theocrat"] = { ["name"] = "Hierocrat-Provost", ["mods"] = [===[* Master impact: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.2%}}
* Embargo Cost Modifier: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.02}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Theorist Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["kir_imperial_premier"] = { ["name"] = "Imperial Premier", ["mods"] = [===[* Commander as Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["kir_industrial_chemist"] = { ["name"] = "Industrial Chemist" },
["kir_iron_hawk_banner_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Masters of the West", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−20%}}
* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Army Organization Regain: {{color|red|−20%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|red|−25%}}
* Division training time: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Resources to Market: {{color|yellow|+20%}}
* Minimum training level: {{color|red|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|red|−70%}}
* Steel: {{color|green|+6}}
* Chromium: {{color|green|+6}}]===] },
["kir_jade_lotus_banner_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Governors of Zaikiria", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+200}}
* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−5%}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Military Factory Donations: {{color|green|+2}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["kir_king_of_kirin"] = { ["name"] = "King of the Kirin", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["kir_kiria_second_first_premier"] = { ["name"] = "Premier of Kiria", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["kir_literati_figurehead"] = { ["name"] = "Literati Elder", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["kir_maiden_of_democracy"] = { ["name"] = "Caryatid of Democracy", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["kir_master_artificer"] = { ["name"] = "Master Artificer" },
["kir_matriarch_commander"] = { ["name"] = "Matriarch-Commander", ["mods"] = [===[* Reinforce Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["kir_matriarch_protector"] = { ["name"] = "Matriarch-Protector", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time on us: {{color|green|+20%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["kir_matriarch_superior"] = { ["name"] = "Matriarch Superior of Kiria", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["kir_matriarch_tutelar"] = { ["name"] = "Matriarch Tutelar", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time on us: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Guarantee Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["kir_matriarch_usurper"] = { ["name"] = "Matriarch Usurper", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["kir_merchant_bank"] = { ["name"] = "Merchant Bank", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−2.5%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Naval base}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Dockyard}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["kir_military_governor"] = { ["name"] = "Military Governor", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−20%}}]===] },
["kir_naturalised_patriot"] = { ["name"] = "Naturalised Patriot", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["kir_neophyte_chairmare"] = { ["name"] = "Neophyte Chairmare", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|red|+5%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Industrial Concern Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Naval Designer Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Tank Designer Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Theorist Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Aircraft Designer Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Materiel Designer Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["kir_nirik_warlord"] = { ["name"] = "Nirik Warlord", ["mods"] = [===[* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+100%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Weekly War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Cannot Assign Ministers & Laws: {{color|red|Yes}}]===] },
["kir_obedient_figurehead"] = { ["name"] = "Obedient Figurehead", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["kir_optimistic_reformer"] = { ["name"] = "Optimistic Reformist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["kir_paper_crane_banner_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Custodians of Taungpau", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Max Factories in a State: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|red|+0.15}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+10%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Industrial Factory Donations: {{color|green|+3}}]===] },
["kir_peasant_preacher"] = { ["name"] = "Peasant-Preacher", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["kir_pirate_queen"] = { ["name"] = "Pirate Queen", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−20%}}
* Naval Detection: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Ship Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Naval max range factor: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Convoy Raiding Efficiency: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Fleet Coordination: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["kir_popular_mandate"] = { ["name"] = "Popular Mandate", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["kir_president_of_kiria"] = { ["name"] = "President of Kiria", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["kir_private_military_company"] = { ["name"] = "Private Military Company", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Special Forces Division training time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Amphibious Invasion Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|green|+5}}
* Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|green|+50%}}
* Air volunteer cap: {{color|green|+25}}
* Civil war involvement tension: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Guarantee Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["kir_procurement_bureau"] = { ["name"] = "Procurement Agency", ["mods"] = [===[* Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Dockyard}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["kir_providence_viceroy"] = { ["name"] = "Viceroy of Providence", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["kir_radical_shipwright"] = { ["name"] = "Radical Shipwright", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Screens}}:
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Max Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["kir_reluctant_figurehead"] = { ["name"] = "Reluctant Figurehead", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−20%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["kir_righteous_hoof_banner_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Saviors of the South", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Terrain Penalty Reduction: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Breakthrough: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["kir_ruby_sheath_banner_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Tamers of the Zeblu", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|red|−30%}}
* Max Factories in a State: {{color|red|−20%}}
* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|red|+1}}
* Division Attrition: {{color|red|+30%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|red|−30%}}
* Special forces Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Special forces Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Free repair: {{color|red|−50%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−50%}}
* Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: {{color|green|+20%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|red|−60%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|red|−60%}}]===] },
["kir_security_chief"] = { ["name"] = "Colonial Security Chief", ["mods"] = [===[* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["kir_shipping_magnate"] = { ["name"] = "Shipping Magnate", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* {{color|Y|Naval base}} construction speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* {{color|Y|Dockyard}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["kir_small_arms_inventor"] = { ["name"] = "Small Arms Inventor" },
["kir_social_reformer"] = { ["name"] = "Social Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Max Factories in a State: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|2.5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Weekly Stability Gain: {{color|green|+0.5%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* {{color|Y|Supply Hub}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["kir_spiritual_communalist"] = { ["name"] = "Spiritual Communalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["kir_sunrise_blossom_banner_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Velvet Fist of Barasingha", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|red|+0.05}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−30%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["kir_supreme_matriarch"] = { ["name"] = "Supreme Matriarch of All Kirin", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* Annex cost: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−20%}}]===] },
["kir_technocrat"] = { ["name"] = "Technocrat Elite", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|green|−0.05}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Repair Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["kir_tempered_flame"] = { ["name"] = "Tempered Flame", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["kir_tired_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Tired", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["kir_traditional_mystic"] = { ["name"] = "Traditionalist Mystic", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["kir_vermilion_pretender"] = { ["name"] = "Vermilion Pretender", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Weekly War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["kir_vertical_kircorpn"] = { ["name"] = "Vertical KirCorpn", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|2.5%}}
* Production Efficiency Base: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Lack of Resources Penalty: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["kir_violet_waves_banner_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Sailors of the Southern Seas", ["mods"] = [===[* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+15%}}
* Extra trade to overlord: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Dockyard Donations: {{color|green|+5}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["kir_well_meaning_eugenicist"] = { ["name"] = "Well-Meaning Eugenicist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Training time: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["kir_wingluck_whirlwind"] = { ["name"] = "KIR_wingluck_whirlwind", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Medium Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Ground Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+20%}}
]===] },
["knightly_recruiter"] = { ["name"] = "Knightly Order Recruitment Officer", ["mods"] = [===[* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["known_pony"] = { ["name"] = "Well-known Pony", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["kokoomus_policies"] = { ["name"] = "Kokoomus Policies", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}]===] },
["la_pasionaria"] = { ["name"] = "The Passionate", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["labor_defense_organizer"] = { ["name"] = "Organizer of Labor and Defense", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|red|−3%}}]===] },
["lady_inquisitor"] = { ["name"] = "Lady Inquisitor", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Military Advancements: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−20%}}]===] },
["lady_inquisitor_planning"] = { ["name"] = "Lady Inquisitor", ["mods"] = [===[* Max Factories in a State: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Supply Consumption: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Max planning: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Military Advancements: {{color|yellow|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−20%}}]===] },
["lady_socialite"] = { ["name"] = "Lady Socialite", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["landbrugsminister"] = { ["name"] = "Landbrugsminister", ["mods"] = [===[* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["landed_noble"] = { ["name"] = "Landed Noble", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["lat_military_dictator"] = { ["name"] = "Military Dictator", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|red|−0.2}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["latvian_militant"] = { ["name"] = "Latvian Militant", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["leader_of_the_agrarian_union"] = { ["name"] = "Leader of the Agrarian Union", ["mods"] = [===[* Max Factories in a State: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resources to Market: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["left_sanationist_minister"] = { ["name"] = "Leftist Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+85}}]===] },
["left_trade_unionist"] = { ["name"] = "Left Wing Trade Unionist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resources to Market: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["leftist_freemason"] = { ["name"] = "Leftist Freemason", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Civilian Intelligence: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Army Intelligence: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Navy Intelligence: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Air Intelligence: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["leftist_independent"] = { ["name"] = "Independent Leftist", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["leftist_intellectual"] = { ["name"] = "Communist Intellectual", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+25}}]===] },
["leftist_legionary"] = { ["name"] = "Leftist Legionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Special forces Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Special forces Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["legitimate_businessgriff"] = { ["name"] = "Legitimate Businessgriff", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.35}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["legitimate_heir"] = { ["name"] = "Legitimate Heir", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["leider"] = { ["name"] = "Leider", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["liberal_democratic_paragon"] = { ["name"] = "Liberal Democratic Paragon", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+25%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+33%}}]===] },
["liberal_journalist"] = { ["name"] = "Liberal Journalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["liberal_professor"] = { ["name"] = "Liberal Professor", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["liberator_of_cothage"] = { ["name"] = "The Heir Of Zamilcar", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["liberator_of_eth_gugsa"] = { ["name"] = "Liberator of Ethiopia", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Improve relations opinion: '''0%'''
* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["liberator_of_eth_haymanot"] = { ["name"] = "Liberator of Gojjam", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: '''0%'''
* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|20%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Equipment Capture Ratio Modifier: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["liberator_of_eth_jofir"] = { ["name"] = "Liberator of Jimma", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|green|−0.1}}
* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["lieutenant_of_industry"] = { ["name"] = "Lieutenant of Industry", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Refinery}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["lifelong_carlist"] = { ["name"] = "Lifelong Carlist", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["light_aircraft_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Light Aircraft Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Small Airframe}}:
** Agility: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Carrier Fighter Airframe}}:
** Agility: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["light_aircraft_manufacturer_2"] = { ["name"] = "Agility-focused Aircraft Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Small Airframe}}:
** Agility: {{color|green|+20%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Carrier Fighter Airframe}}:
** Agility: {{color|green|+20%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["light_kasa"] = { ["name"] = "Light of Kása", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|C|Light of Kása}} — Double the {{color|G|population growth}} and {{color|R|stability malus}} effects of {{color|Y|Operação Liberdade}}]===] },
["light_tank_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Light Tank Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Light Tank}}:
** Breakthrough: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Breakthrough: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["linchpin_of_infrastructure"] = { ["name"] = "Linchpin of Infrastructure", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Repair Speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["lion_tamer"] = { ["name"] = "Lion Tamer", ["mods"] = [===[* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["lion_tamer_2"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:lion_tamer-->Lion Tamer", ["mods"] = [===[* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["lit_king_of_lithuania"] = { ["name"] = "King of Lithuania", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["little_chieftess"] = { ["name"] = "Little Chieftess", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.03}}]===] },
["little_churchill"] = { ["name"] = "\"Little Churchill\"", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["little_rocket_man"] = { ["name"] = "Little Rocket Man" },
["local_magician"] = { ["name"] = "Local Magician", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["loyal_falangist"] = { ["name"] = "Loyal Falangist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["lucky"] = { ["name"] = "Lucky", ["mods"] = [===[* Reinforce Rate: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Chance to Receive Critical Hit: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Chance to score Critical Hit: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["maan_turva_headman"] = { ["name"] = "Maan Turva Headman", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|red|+10%}}
* Counter intelligence: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Civilian intelligence to others: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["magical_concern"] = { ["name"] = "Magical Concern" },
["magical_theorist"] = { ["name"] = "Magical Theorist", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["magical_weapons_enthusiast"] = { ["name"] = "Magical Weapons Enthusiasts" },
["main_battle_tank_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Main Battle Tank Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Soft attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Hard attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Armor: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Soft attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Hard attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Armor: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+5%}}
]===] },
["man_dummy_idea_for_continuous_love_tax_sucking_tooltip"] = { ["name"] = "Weekly [[File:lovetax_texticon.png]]  {{color|C|Love}} Base Gain: {{color|G|+0.005}} {{color|Y|Erots}}." },
["man_dummy_idea_for_state_based_migration_tooltip"] = { ["name"] = [[All {{color|Y|Megalopolis Region}} States:
    Weekly Population Growth: {{color|G|+2500}}
All {{color|Y|Metropolis Region}} States:
    Weekly Population Growth: {{color|G|+2000}}
All {{color|Y|Dense Urban Region}} States:
    Weekly Population Growth: {{color|G|+1500}}
All {{color|Y|Urban Region}} States:
    Weekly Population Growth: {{color|G|+1000}}]] },
["man_dummy_idea_for_weekly_immigration_tooltip"] = { ["name"] = "Weekly Population Growth: {{color|G|+8000}}" },
["man_of_the_nation"] = { ["name"] = "Man of the Nation", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["man_state_investor_1"] = { ["name"] = "State Investor", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+5%}}
* License purchase cost: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["man_state_investor_2"] = { ["name"] = "State Investor", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* License purchase cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["maresal"] = { ["name"] = "Mareşal", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["maresoc_leader_trait"] = { ["name"] = "International Pariah", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−75%}}
* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|red|−50%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|−75%}}
* Civilian intelligence to others: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Army intelligence to others: {{color|green|−7.5%}}
* Navy intelligence to others: {{color|green|−12.5%}}
* Airforce intelligence to others: {{color|green|−7.5%}}]===] },
["marine_general"] = { ["name"] = "Marine General", ["mods"] = [===[* Special Forces Division training time: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Special forces Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Special forces Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["married_to_latvia"] = { ["name"] = "Married to Latvia", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["marxist_academic"] = { ["name"] = "Marksist Academic", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["marxist_fundamentalist"] = { ["name"] = "Marxist Fundamentalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["marxist_philosopher"] = { ["name"] = "Marksist Philosopher", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["marxist_priest"] = { ["name"] = "Marksist Priest", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+30%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["mass_assault_expert"] = { ["name"] = "Mass Assault Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Mass Assault Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["master_armorer"] = { ["name"] = "Master Armorer", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Lack of Resources Penalty: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Equipment Experience Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* {{color|H|Conversion speed modified by:}}: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["master_of_politics"] = { ["name"] = "Master of Politics", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−5%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["mastermind_code_cracker"] = { ["name"] = "Mastermind Codebreaker", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:decrypt_strength_icon.png]] Decryption Power: {{color|green|+15}}]===] },
["mediterranean_naval_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Arabian Sea Fleet Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Capital Ships}}:
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Max Range: {{color|red|−25%}}
* {{color|yellow|Screens}}:
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Max Range: {{color|red|−25%}}
]===] },
["medium_aircraft_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Medium Aircraft Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Heavy Fighter Airframe}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+20%}}
* {{color|yellow|Medium Airframe}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+20%}}
* {{color|yellow|Scout Plane Airframe}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+20%}}
]===] },
["medium_tank_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Medium Tank Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Soft attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Soft attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+5%}}
]===] },
["member_of_the_suojeluskunta"] = { ["name"] = "Member of the Suojeluskunta", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Minimum Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["member_of_the_suojeluskunta_improved"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:member_of_the_suojeluskunta-->Member of the Suojeluskunta", ["mods"] = [===[* Justify war goal time when at war with a major: {{color|green|−35%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Minimum Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase Multiplier: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["mild_mannered"] = { ["name"] = "Mild Mannered", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+20%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Own operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["mild_mannered_no_lar"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:mild_mannered-->Mild Mannered", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+20%}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["militant_harmonist"] = { ["name"] = "Militant Harmonist", ["mods"] = [===[* Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["militant_minister"] = { ["name"] = "Militant Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+40}}]===] },
["militant_socialist"] = { ["name"] = "Militant Socialist", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* ({{flag|Stalliongrad}}) Attack bonus against country: {{color|green|+10%}}
* ({{flag|Stalliongrad}}) Defense bonus against country: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["military_academy"] = { ["name"] = "Military Academy", ["mods"] = [===[* Land Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["military_bishop"] = { ["name"] = "Military Priest", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["military_command"] = { ["name"] = "Military Command", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["military_engineer"] = { ["name"] = "Military Engineer", ["mods"] = [===[* Artillery Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Artillery Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Terrain Penalty Reduction: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["military_modernizer"] = { ["name"] = "Military Modernizer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Command Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Air Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Land Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Coordination: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["military_pioneer"] = { ["name"] = "Military Pioneer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.15}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["military_theorist"] = { ["name"] = "Military Theorist", ["mods"] = [===[* Land Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["milli_sef"] = { ["name"] = "Millî Şef", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time on us: {{color|green|+200%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["miners_council"] = { ["name"] = "Decentralized Council", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["miniluv_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Ministry of Love", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["mining_company"] = { ["name"] = "Mining Company" },
["mining_occupation"] = { ["name"] = "{{color|r|Mining District}}", ["mods"] = [===[* Max Factories in State: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["minipax_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Ministry of Peace", ["mods"] = [===[* Supply Consumption: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Training time: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−75%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+75%}}]===] },
["miniplenty_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Ministry of Plenty", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["minister_of_agriculture"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Agriculture", ["mods"] = [===[* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["minister_of_ecclesiastical_affairs"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Education", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+6%}}]===] },
["minister_of_ecclesiastical_affairs_upgraded"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:minister_of_ecclesiastical_affairs-->Minister of Education", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["minister_of_finance_deressa"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Finance", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resources to Market: {{color|yellow|−5%}}
* Lack of Resources Penalty: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["minister_of_finance_mariyam"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Finance", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Lack of Resources Penalty: {{color|green|−10%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["minister_of_peasants"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Peasants", ["mods"] = [===[* Max Factories in a State: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["minister_of_posts_and_telegraphs"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Posts and Telegraphs", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Reinforce Rate: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["minister_of_the_interior_abate"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:minister_of_the_interior-->Minister of the Interior", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Repair Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* Lack of Resources Penalty: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Supply Range: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["minister_of_the_interior_aregai"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:minister_of_the_interior-->Minister of the Interior", ["mods"] = [===[* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance offset: {{color|green|+0.1%}}]===] },
["minitrue_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Ministry of Truth", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.02%}}]===] },
["mladorossi_theorist"] = { ["name"] = "Mladorossi Theorist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|red|−0.1%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.03}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.15}}]===] },
["mnc_king_of_whitetail"] = { ["name"] = "MNC_king_of_whitetail", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["mnc_triumvirate"] = { ["name"] = "MNC_triumvirate", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["mobile_warfare_expert"] = { ["name"] = "Mobile Warfare Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Mobile Warfare Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["model_cajander"] = { ["name"] = "Model Cajander", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|red|+15%}}]===] },
["moderate_reformist"] = { ["name"] = "Moderate Reformist", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["modernist_and_reformer"] = { ["name"] = "Modernist and Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+10}}]===] },
["modernizer_and_diplomat"] = { ["name"] = "Modernizer And Diplomat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Declare war tension on us: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Justify war goal time on us: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["monarchist_media_mogul"] = { ["name"] = "Monarchist Media Mogul", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["monarchist_puppet"] = { ["name"] = "Royal Puppet", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Stability: {{color|red|−3%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["morale_booster"] = { ["name"] = "Morale Booster", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+2.5%}}]===] },
["morges_champion"] = { ["name"] = "Champion of Front Morges", ["mods"] = [===[* Training time: {{color|green|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["most_helpful_griff"] = { ["name"] = "Very Helpful Griffon", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−20%}}]===] },
["mother_of_the_republic"] = { ["name"] = "Mother of the Republic", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.2}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+40%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|red|−0.01}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|red|−0.01}}]===] },
["motorized_equipment_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Motorized Equipment Designer" },
["multi_purpose_fleet_naval_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Multi-Purpose Fleet Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Carrier}}:
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Max Range: {{color|red|−50%}}
** Deck size: {{color|red|−30%}}
* {{color|yellow|Capital Ships}}:
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Max Range: {{color|red|−50%}}
** Armor: {{color|red|−20%}}
** Heavy Attack: {{color|red|−30%}}
* {{color|yellow|Screens}}:
** Sub detection: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
** Max Range: {{color|red|−20%}}
* {{color|yellow|Submarine}}:
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Sub Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Max Range: {{color|red|−50%}}
]===] },
["multi_role_aircraft_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Multi-Role Aircraft Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Naval Bomber Airframe}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Medium Airframe}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Close Air Support Airframe}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Scout Plane Airframe}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["munckska_karens_member"] = { ["name"] = "Munckska Kårens Member", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Resistance Activity Chance: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|red|−50}}]===] },
["mussolini_minister_of_corporations"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Corporations (Ad Interim)", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["mussolini_minister_of_education"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Education (Ad Interim)", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+1%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["mussolini_minister_of_foreign_affairs"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Foreign Affairs (Ad Interim)", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+7%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−7%}}]===] },
["mussolini_minister_of_justice"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Justice (Ad Interim)", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["mzn_military_crowdfunder"] = { ["name"] = "Military Crowdfunder", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Lack of Resources Penalty: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["national_determinist"] = { ["name"] = "National Determinist", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|red|−2%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["national_hero"] = { ["name"] = "National Hero", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["national_integralist"] = { ["name"] = "National Integralist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.1%}}]===] },
["national_propagandist"] = { ["name"] = "National Propagandist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["national_socialist_paramilitarist"] = { ["name"] = "National Socialist Paramilitarist", ["mods"] = [===[* Training time: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["national_socialist_sympathizer"] = { ["name"] = "National Socialist Sympathizer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+40}}]===] },
["national_socialist_veterinarian"] = { ["name"] = "National Socialist Veterinarian", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["national_transitional_government"] = { ["name"] = "National Transitional Government", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["nationalist_journalist"] = { ["name"] = "Nationalist Journalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["nationalist_lutheran_priest"] = { ["name"] = "Nationalist Lutheran Priest", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+200}}
* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["nationalist_symbol"] = { ["name"] = "Nationalist Symbol", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["naval_aircraft_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Aircraft Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Naval Bomber Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Naval Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Carrier Naval Bomber Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Naval Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Carrier Fighter Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Agility: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Carrier CAS Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Naval Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["naval_aviation_pioneer"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Aviation Pioneer", ["mods"] = [===[* Base Strike Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["naval_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Ship Designer" },
["naval_theorist"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Theorist", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["navy_amphibious_assault_1"] = { ["name"] = "Amphibious Assault (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Amphibious Invasion Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["navy_amphibious_assault_2"] = { ["name"] = "Amphibious Assault (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Amphibious Invasion Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["navy_amphibious_assault_3"] = { ["name"] = "Amphibious Assault (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Amphibious Invasion Speed: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["navy_anti_submarine_1"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Submarine (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Submarine Detection: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["navy_anti_submarine_2"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Submarine (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Submarine Detection: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["navy_anti_submarine_3"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Submarine (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Submarine Detection: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["navy_capital_ship_1"] = { ["name"] = "Capital Ships (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Capital Ship Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Capital Ship Armor: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["navy_capital_ship_2"] = { ["name"] = "Capital Ships (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Capital Ship Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Capital Ship Armor: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["navy_capital_ship_3"] = { ["name"] = "Capital Ships (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Capital Ship Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Capital Ship Armor: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["navy_carrier_1"] = { ["name"] = "Carriers (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Sortie efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["navy_carrier_2"] = { ["name"] = "Carriers (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Sortie efficiency: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["navy_carrier_3"] = { ["name"] = "Carriers (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Sortie efficiency: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["navy_chief_commerce_raiding_1"] = { ["name"] = "Commerce Raiding (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Convoy Raiding Efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["navy_chief_commerce_raiding_2"] = { ["name"] = "Commerce Raiding (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Convoy Raiding Efficiency: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["navy_chief_commerce_raiding_3"] = { ["name"] = "Commerce Raiding (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Convoy Raiding Efficiency: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["navy_chief_decisive_battle_1"] = { ["name"] = "Decisive Battle (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Capital Ship Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Capital Ship Armor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Screen Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Screen Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["navy_chief_decisive_battle_2"] = { ["name"] = "Decisive Battle (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Capital Ship Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Capital Ship Armor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Screen Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Screen Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["navy_chief_decisive_battle_3"] = { ["name"] = "Decisive Battle (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Capital Ship Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Capital Ship Armor: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Screen Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Screen Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["navy_chief_maneuver_1"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Maneuver (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}]===] },
["navy_chief_maneuver_2"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Maneuver (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}]===] },
["navy_chief_maneuver_3"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Maneuver (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}]===] },
["navy_chief_naval_aviation_1"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Aviation (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Naval Air Attacks from Carriers: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Naval Air Targeting from Carriers: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Naval Air Agility from Carriers: {{color|green|+4%}}]===] },
["navy_chief_naval_aviation_2"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Aviation (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Naval Air Attacks from Carriers: {{color|green|+6%}}
* Naval Air Targeting from Carriers: {{color|green|+7%}}
* Naval Air Agility from Carriers: {{color|green|+8%}}]===] },
["navy_chief_naval_aviation_3"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Aviation (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Naval Air Attacks from Carriers: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Naval Air Targeting from Carriers: {{color|green|+12%}}
* Naval Air Agility from Carriers: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["navy_chief_old_guard"] = { ["name"] = "Old Guard", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+10}}]===] },
["navy_chief_reform_1"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Reformer (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["navy_chief_reform_2"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Reformer (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["navy_chief_reform_3"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Reformer (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["navy_fleet_logistics_1"] = { ["name"] = "Fleet Logistics (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval max range factor: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["navy_fleet_logistics_2"] = { ["name"] = "Fleet Logistics (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval max range factor: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["navy_fleet_logistics_3"] = { ["name"] = "Fleet Logistics (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval max range factor: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["navy_naval_air_defense_1"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Air Defense (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval AA attack: {{color|green|+8%}}]===] },
["navy_naval_air_defense_2"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Air Defense (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval AA attack: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["navy_naval_air_defense_3"] = { ["name"] = "Naval Air Defense (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval AA attack: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["navy_screen_1"] = { ["name"] = "Screens (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Screen Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Screen Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["navy_screen_2"] = { ["name"] = "Screens (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Screen Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Screen Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["navy_screen_3"] = { ["name"] = "Screens (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Screen Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Screen Defense: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["navy_submarine_1"] = { ["name"] = "Submarines (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Submarine Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Submarine Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["navy_submarine_2"] = { ["name"] = "Submarines (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Submarine Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Submarine Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["navy_submarine_3"] = { ["name"] = "Submarines (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Submarine Attack: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Submarine Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["nazi_sympathizer"] = { ["name"] = "Nazi Sympathizer", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+75%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["ncr_army_infantry_1"] = { ["name"] = "Infantry (Specialist)", ["mods"] = [===[* Infantry Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Infantry Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["ncr_army_organizer_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Organization (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Supply Consumption: {{color|green|−7.5%}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+7.5%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−7.5%}}]===] },
["ncr_commando_3"] = { ["name"] = "Commando (Genius)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Special Forces Division training time: {{color|red|+20%}}
* Special forces Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Special forces Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["ncr_mass_warfare_general_2"] = { ["name"] = "Mass Warfare Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ncr_patriot_2"] = { ["name"] = "Patriot", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+7.5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+7.5%}}]===] },
["ncr_special_forces_commander_2"] = { ["name"] = "Special Forces (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["ncr_suspicious_tech_company"] = { ["name"] = "Suspicious Tech Company", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Land Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["necromancer_hopeful"] = { ["name"] = "Hopeful Necromancer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.5}}]===] },
["nightmare_moon_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Empress of the Night", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.2}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−12.5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+30%}}]===] },
["nightmare_moon_trait_2"] = { ["name"] = "Empress of the Night", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.2}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−12.5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["nim_old"] = { ["name"] = "Ruthless Veteran", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Reinforce Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Planning Speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Join Ally Desire: {{color|yellow|−30}}
* AI Modifier: Desire to be in or expand a faction: {{color|yellow|−40}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+30%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["nim_young"] = { ["name"] = "Glory Seeker", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|red|−5%}}
* AI Modifier: Join Ally Desire: {{color|yellow|−50}}
* AI Modifier: Desire to be in or expand a faction: {{color|yellow|−50}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["nkvd_rezident"] = { ["name"] = "NKVD Rezident", ["mods"] = [===[* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["nlr_empress_of_equus_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Empress Of All Equus", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|0.5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["nlr_regent_of_the_southwest"] = { ["name"] = "President Of The Southern Association", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["no_designated_regency"] = { ["name"] = "No Designated Regency", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|red|−25%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|red|+15%}}]===] },
["noble_beurocrat"] = { ["name"] = "Noble Bureaucrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["nor_aristocratic_industrialist"] = { ["name"] = "Aristocratic Industrialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.03}}
* {{color|Y|Land Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+25%}}
* {{color|Y|Coastal Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["nor_callous_engineer"] = { ["name"] = "Callous Engineer", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+9%}}]===] },
["nor_clueless_defense_minister"] = { ["name"] = "Clueless Defense Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Land Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|red|+75%}}]===] },
["nor_communist_agitator"] = { ["name"] = "Communist Agitator", ["mods"] = [===[* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["nor_compliant_politician"] = { ["name"] = "Compliant Politician", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["nor_conciliatory_socialist"] = { ["name"] = "Conciliatory Socialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["nor_conservative_businessman"] = { ["name"] = "Conservative Businessman", ["mods"] = [===[* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.03}}]===] },
["nor_defeatist_commander_in_chief"] = { ["name"] = "Defeatist Commander", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.20}}
* Entrenchment speed: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Max Entrenchment: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|red|−20%}}]===] },
["nor_democratic_powerhouse"] = { ["name"] = "Democratic Powerhouse", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["nor_fascist_advocate"] = { ["name"] = "Fascist Advocate", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["nor_fascist_dilettante"] = { ["name"] = "Fascist Dilettante", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−15%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["nor_fascist_judiciary"] = { ["name"] = "Fascist Judiciary", ["mods"] = [===[* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["nor_fascist_lackey"] = { ["name"] = "Fascist Lackey", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.08}}]===] },
["nor_fascist_landssviker"] = { ["name"] = "Fascist Landssviker", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−20%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["nor_germanophile_officer"] = { ["name"] = "Germanophile Officer", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.09}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−25%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed: {{color|red|−25%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.03}}]===] },
["nor_hydroelectric_company_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Hydroelectric Concern", ["mods"] = [===[* Aluminum: {{color|green|+10}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["nor_minister_of_agriculture"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Agriculture", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+300}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["nor_nationalized_hydroelectric_company_trait"] = { ["name"] = "National Hydroelectric Concern", ["mods"] = [===[* Aluminum: {{color|green|+20}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["nor_oppportunistic_officer"] = { ["name"] = "Opportunistic Officer", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+7%}}
* Land Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["nor_pacifist_diplomat"] = { ["name"] = "Pacifist Diplomat", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+25%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["nor_permanent_revolutionary"] = { ["name"] = "Permanent Revolutionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+7%}}
* War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|red|−20%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.08}}]===] },
["nor_pragmatic_defense_minister"] = { ["name"] = "Pragmatic Defense Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Land Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["nor_queen_of_norway"] = { ["name"] = "Sovereign of The Norwegians", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|green|−0.05}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["nor_radical_trade_unionist"] = { ["name"] = "Radical Trade Unionist", ["mods"] = [===[* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+12%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["nor_royal_chamberlain"] = { ["name"] = "Royal Chamberlain", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["nor_ruthless_administrator"] = { ["name"] = "Ruthless Administrator", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.12}}]===] },
["nor_ruthless_police_captain"] = { ["name"] = "Ruthless Police Captain", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+4%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−40%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["nor_shipping_capitalist"] = { ["name"] = "Shipping Capitalist", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Dockyard}} construction speed: {{color|green|+17%}}]===] },
["nor_shrewd_regent"] = { ["name"] = "Shrewd Regent", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|red|+0.15}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["nor_stern_communist"] = { ["name"] = "Stern Communist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.09}}]===] },
["nor_tobacco_industrialist"] = { ["name"] = "Tobacco Industrialist", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|red|−15%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+25%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["nor_vigilant_fort_commander"] = { ["name"] = "Vigilant Fort Commander", ["mods"] = [===[* Initiative: {{color|green|+2%}}
* <pre>coastal_bunker_effectiveness_factor = 0.05</pre>
* <pre>land_bunker_effectiveness_factor = 0.1</pre>]===] },
["northern_horror"] = { ["name"] = "The Northern Horror", ["mods"] = [===[* Monthly Population: {{color|red|−25%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−80%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Encryption: {{color|green|+1}}]===] },
["nuclear_concern"] = { ["name"] = "Nuclear Concern" },
["nuclear_enthusiast"] = { ["name"] = "Nuclear Enthusiast" },
["nuclear_enthusiast_2"] = { ["name"] = "Nuclear Enthusiast", ["mods"] = [===[* Nuclear Production: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+1%}}
* {{color|Y|Nuclear Reactor}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+35}}]===] },
["nuclear_revolutionary"] = { ["name"] = "Nuclear Revolutionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Nuclear Production: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2%}}
* {{color|Y|Nuclear Reactor}} construction speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+70}}]===] },
["nuclear_scientist"] = { ["name"] = "Nuclear Scientist" },
["observant"] = { ["name"] = "Observant", ["mods"] = [===[* Reconnaissance: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["occultist"] = { ["name"] = "Occultist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.05}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["oddball"] = { ["name"] = "Political Oddball", ["mods"] = [===[* Free repair: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ohs_director"] = { ["name"] = "OHS Director", ["mods"] = [===[* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Resistance Activity Chance: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["old_chief"] = { ["name"] = "Old Chief", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+20}}]===] },
["old_coup_maker"] = { ["name"] = "The Old Coup-Maker", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["old_figurehead"] = { ["name"] = "Old Figurehead", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["olenian_seer"] = { ["name"] = "Seer", ["mods"] = [===[* Reconnaissance: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["olv_bandit_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Bandit Queen", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["olv_berserker_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Berserker", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["olv_bold_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Bold", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−6%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["olv_brave_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Brave", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["olv_cartographer_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Cartographer", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Fleet speed while retreating: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["olv_criminal_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Ruthless", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−4%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["olv_cunning_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Cunning", ["mods"] = [===[* Decryption: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Target in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["olv_cunning_trait_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Cunning", ["mods"] = [===[* Resistance Target in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}
* [[File:decrypt_strength_icon.png]] Decryption Power Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["olv_democratic_minister"] = { ["name"] = "Forsætisráðherra", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+25}}]===] },
["olv_hardy_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Hardy", ["mods"] = [===[* Winter Attrition: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["olv_hero_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Hero Of The People", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["olv_kind_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Kind", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["olv_merc_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Mercenary Captain", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["olv_neutrality_minister"] = { ["name"] = "Forsætisráðherra", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.01}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+25}}]===] },
["olv_priest_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Allsherjargoði", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["olv_seer_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Seer", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Planning Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Reconnaissance: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["olv_sociable_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Sociable", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["olv_socialist_minister"] = { ["name"] = "Forsætisráðherra", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+25}}]===] },
["olv_trade_ties_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Trade Ties", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["olv_viking_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Víkingur", ["mods"] = [===[* Amphibious Invasion Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Invasion Preparation Time: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["olv_well_read_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Well-Read", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["operational_intelligence_2"] = { ["name"] = "Army Intelligence (Expert)", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Max planning factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Reconnaissance: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Terrain Penalty Reduction: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["organic_centralist"] = { ["name"] = "Organic Centralist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["orthodox_rabblerouser"] = { ["name"] = "Orthodox Rabblerouser", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1%}}]===] },
["our_right_to_survive"] = { ["name"] = "Our Right to Survive", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["paasikivi_doctrine"] = { ["name"] = "Paasikivi Doctrine", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["paasikivi_doctrine_improved"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:paasikivi_doctrine-->Paasikivi Doctrine", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["pacific_fleet_naval_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Lunar Ocean Fleet Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Carrier}}:
** Max Range: {{color|green|+25%}}
** Armor: {{color|red|−15%}}
** Deck size: {{color|green|+100%}}
* {{color|yellow|Capital Ships}}:
** Max Range: {{color|green|+25%}}
* {{color|yellow|Screens}}:
** Max Range: {{color|green|+25%}}
* {{color|yellow|Submarine}}:
** Max Range: {{color|green|+25%}}
]===] },
["pan_turkic_doyen"] = { ["name"] = "Pan-Turkic Doyen", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.05%}}
* Root Out Resistance mission effects: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["partisans_organizer"] = { ["name"] = "Partisans Organizer", ["mods"] = [===[* Resistance Target in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Damage to Enemy Garrisons in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* Boost Ideology mission effects: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Militia Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["party_maker"] = { ["name"] = "Party Maker", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["patriarch_of_moscow_and_all_russia"] = { ["name"] = "Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["patriot_king"] = { ["name"] = "Patriot King", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["patriotic_guerilla"] = { ["name"] = "Patriotic Guerilla", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Exiled Government Ponypower: {{color|green|+700}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Legitimacy Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["patriotic_socialist"] = { ["name"] = "Patriotic Socialist", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["patroness_of_ethiopian_red_cross"] = { ["name"] = "Patroness of the Ethiopian Red Cross", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Enemy Air Support: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["pc_for_foreign_affairs_litvinov"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:pc_for_foreign_affairs_molotov-->People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Lend-lease request tension limit: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Justify war goal time on us: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+40}}]===] },
["pc_for_foreign_affairs_molotov"] = { ["name"] = "People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+40}}]===] },
["pc_military_naval_affairs"] = { ["name"] = "Commissar for Military and Navy", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["pca_leader"] = { ["name"] = "PCA Strongpony", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.30}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Infantry Division Attack: {{color|green|+8%}}
* Infantry Division Defense: {{color|green|+12%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["pegasi_versatility"] = { ["name"] = "{{color|Y|Pegasi Versatility}}", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["peoples_commissar_for_posts_and_telegraphs"] = { ["name"] = "Commissar for Posts and Telegraphs", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Reinforce Rate: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["peoples_commissar_of_finance"] = { ["name"] = "People's Commissar of Finance", ["mods"] = [===[* Construction Speed: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Factory Repair Speed: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["permanent_revolutionary"] = { ["name"] = "Permanent Revolutionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|red|+15%}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["personal_agenda_aaltonen"] = { ["name"] = "[[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:personal_agenda-->Personal Agenda}}", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|G|Anti-Fascist Crusade}}: Having a contribution of more than {{color|Y|10%}} War Participation in all active wars and less than {{color|Y|5%}} Surrender Progress while being at war against a Fascist country will increase [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - {{color|R|Divided Proletariat}}: Having less than {{color|Y|80%}} support for <!--Localisation key:communism-->Communist ideology will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - <!--Localisation key:losing_soverignty_threatened_tt-->{{color|R|Finnish Sovereignty Threatened}}: Losing control over a Finnish core state will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}.]===] },
["personal_agenda_annala"] = { ["name"] = "[[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:personal_agenda-->Personal Agenda}}", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|G|Strong Nation}}: Having more than {{color|Y|300.000}} [[File:manpower_texticon.png]]  <!--Localisation key:MANPOWER-->Ponypower in the field and less than {{color|Y|5%}} Surrender Progress while at war will increase [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - {{color|R|Concerning Support for Socialists}}: Having more than {{color|Y|9%}} support for <!--Localisation key:democratic-->Harmonic or <!--Localisation key:communism-->Communist ideologies will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - <!--Localisation key:losing_soverignty_threatened_tt-->{{color|R|Finnish Sovereignty Threatened}}: Losing control over a Finnish core state will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}.]===] },
["personal_agenda_kallio"] = { ["name"] = "[[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:personal_agenda-->Personal Agenda}}", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|G|Eradicate Extremists}}: Having less than {{color|Y|1%}} support for <!--Localisation key:fascism-->Supremacist and <!--Localisation key:communism-->Communist ideologies will increase [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - {{color|R|Concerning Support for Extremists}}: Having more than {{color|Y|9%}} support for <!--Localisation key:fascism-->Supremacist or <!--Localisation key:communism-->Communist ideologies will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - <!--Localisation key:losing_soverignty_threatened_tt-->{{color|R|Finnish Sovereignty Threatened}}: Losing control over a Finnish core state will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}.]===] },
["personal_agenda_kuusinen"] = { ["name"] = "[[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:personal_agenda-->Personal Agenda}}", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|G|A Solar System of Organizations}}: Having all {{color|Y|Scandinavian}} and {{color|Y|Baltic core states}} controlled by Finland or an ally will increase [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - {{color|R|Forgotten Finno-Karelians}}: Not controlling the states of {{color|Y|Karjala}}, {{color|Y|Kola}}, {{color|Y|Onega}} and {{color|Y|Olonets}} will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - <!--Localisation key:losing_soverignty_threatened_tt-->{{color|R|Finnish Sovereignty Threatened}}: Losing control over a Finnish core state will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}.]===] },
["personal_agenda_leino"] = { ["name"] = "[[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:personal_agenda-->Personal Agenda}}", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|G|Obliteraded European Fascism}}: Having less than {{color|Y|1%}} support for <!--Localisation key:fascism-->Supremacist ideology while keeping Europe free of Fascist governments will increase [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - {{color|R|Divided Proletariat}}: Having less than {{color|Y|80%}} support for <!--Localisation key:communism-->Communist ideology will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - <!--Localisation key:losing_soverignty_threatened_tt-->{{color|R|Finnish Sovereignty Threatened}}: Losing control over a Finnish core state will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}.]===] },
["personal_agenda_mannerheim"] = { ["name"] = "[[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:personal_agenda-->Personal Agenda}}", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|G|Reliable Leader}}: Being at war will increase [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - {{color|R|Appointed Regent}}: Being at peace will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}.]===] },
["personal_agenda_paasikivi"] = { ["name"] = "[[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:personal_agenda-->Personal Agenda}}", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|G|Realist Conservative}}: Having more than {{color|Y|95%}} [[File:stability_texticon.png]] $stability$ will increase [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - {{color|R|Caretaker}}: Having less than {{color|Y|60%}} [[File:stability_texticon.png]] $stability$ will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - <!--Localisation key:losing_soverignty_threatened_tt-->{{color|R|Finnish Sovereignty Threatened}}: Losing control over a Finnish core state will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}.]===] },
["personal_agenda_ryti"] = { ["name"] = "[[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:personal_agenda-->Personal Agenda}}", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|G|Dream of Greater Finland}}: Occupying Finnish core states owned by an enemy will increase [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - {{color|R|Concerning Support for Socialists}}: Having more than {{color|Y|9%}} support for <!--Localisation key:democratic-->Harmonic or <!--Localisation key:communism-->Communist ideologies will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - <!--Localisation key:losing_soverignty_threatened_tt-->{{color|R|Finnish Sovereignty Threatened}}: Losing control over a Finnish core state will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}.]===] },
["personal_agenda_svinhufvud"] = { ["name"] = "[[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:personal_agenda-->Personal Agenda}}", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|G|Eradicate Socialism}}: Having less than {{color|Y|1%}} support for <!--Localisation key:democratic-->Harmonic and <!--Localisation key:communism-->Communist ideologies will increase [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - {{color|R|Concerning Support for Socialists}}: Having more than {{color|Y|9%}} support for <!--Localisation key:democratic-->Harmonic or <!--Localisation key:communism-->Communist ideologies will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - <!--Localisation key:losing_soverignty_threatened_tt-->{{color|R|Finnish Sovereignty Threatened}}: Losing control over a Finnish core state will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}.]===] },
["personal_agenda_tanner"] = { ["name"] = "[[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:personal_agenda-->Personal Agenda}}", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|G|United Nation}}: Controlling {{color|Y|Karjala}} and every owned state while having more than {{color|Y|95%}} support for <!--Localisation key:democratic-->Harmonic ideology will increase [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - {{color|R|Concerning Support for Extremists}}: Having more than {{color|Y|9%}} support for <!--Localisation key:fascism-->Supremacist or <!--Localisation key:communism-->Communist ideologies will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - <!--Localisation key:losing_soverignty_threatened_tt-->{{color|R|Finnish Sovereignty Threatened}}: Losing control over a Finnish core state will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}.]===] },
["personal_agenda_von_hesse"] = { ["name"] = "[[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|<!--Localisation key:personal_agenda-->Personal Agenda}}", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|G|Dream of Greater Finland}}: Occupying Finnish core states owned by an enemy will increase [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - {{color|R|Concerning Support for Socialists}}: Having more than {{color|Y|9%}} support for <!--Localisation key:democratic-->Harmonic or <!--Localisation key:communism-->Communist ideologies will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}. 
  - <!--Localisation key:losing_soverignty_threatened_tt-->{{color|R|Finnish Sovereignty Threatened}}: Losing control over a Finnish core state will decrease [[File:bop_texticon.png]] {{color|Y|Public Trust}}.]===] },
["personal_union_trait"] = { ["name"] = "personal_union_trait", ["mods"] = [===[* All autonomy gain: {{color|red|−50%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["pie_artillery"] = { ["name"] = "Pie Throwing Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Artillery Attack: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Artillery Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["pioneer_activist"] = { ["name"] = "Pioneer Activist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["plb_baron_of_terror_torben"] = { ["name"] = "Baron of Terror", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+1%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["plb_cultural_hegemony_theorist"] = { ["name"] = "Cultural Hegemony Theorist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.02%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["plb_exuvia_unifier"] = { ["name"] = "Primordial Ruler", ["mods"] = [===[* Winter Attrition: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+1%}}
* Resistance Activity Chance: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["plb_tyrant_of_minds"] = { ["name"] = "Tyrant of the Mind", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−25%}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Division Organization: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Compliance Growth Speed: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Root Out Resistance mission effects: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["plb_um_wut"] = { ["name"] = "Eldritch Abomination", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+250}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|red|−20%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["pol_cossack_king"] = { ["name"] = "The Cossack-King", ["mods"] = [===[* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Motorized Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["pol_soldier_king"] = { ["name"] = "The Soldier King", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["polemarch"] = { ["name"] = "Polemarch", ["mods"] = [===[* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["policy_analyst"] = { ["name"] = "Policy Analyst", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["polish_legionary"] = { ["name"] = "Polish Legionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Exiled Government Ponypower: {{color|green|+700}}
* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["polish_peasant_champion"] = { ["name"] = "Peasant Hero", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["political_chameleon"] = { ["name"] = "Political Chameleon", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["political_commissar"] = { ["name"] = "Political Commissar", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+30}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["political_dancer"] = { ["name"] = "Master Maneuverer", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["political_manipulator"] = { ["name"] = "Political Manipulator", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Join faction tension limit: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["political_manipulator_regency_council"] = { ["name"] = "Filov heads the Regency Council", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Join faction tension limit: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["political_plotter"] = { ["name"] = "Political Plotter", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["political_prisoner"] = { ["name"] = "political_prisoner" },
["political_reformer_1"] = { ["name"] = "Political Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* All Advisors Cost: {{color|G|-25%}}
* (Hidden)Air Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* (Hidden)Navy Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* (Hidden)Army Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* (Hidden)Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
]===] },
["political_reformer_2"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:political_reformer_1-->Political Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* All Advisors Cost: {{color|G|-25%}}
* (Hidden)Air Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* (Hidden)Navy Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* (Hidden)Army Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* (Hidden)Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
]===] },
["political_reformer_2_no_lar"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:political_reformer_1-->Political Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* All Advisors Cost: {{color|G|-25%}}
* (Hidden)Air Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* (Hidden)Navy Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* (Hidden)Army Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* (Hidden)Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
]===] },
["ponies_caucus"] = { ["name"] = "{{color|Y|Ponies' Caucus}}", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["ponies_tanks_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Ponies' Tank Manufacturer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Hard attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Hard attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["pontifex_maximus"] = { ["name"] = "Pontifex Maximus", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["pop_singer"] = { ["name"] = "Popular Singer", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["popular_figurehead"] = { ["name"] = "Popular Figurehead", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["popular_figurehead2"] = { ["name"] = "Popular Figurehead", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["popular_figurehead3"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:popular_figurehead-->Popular Figurehead", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["popular_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Popular Leader", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.05%}}]===] },
["popular_queen"] = { ["name"] = "Popular Queen", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["populist"] = { ["name"] = "Grassroots Populist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["poverty_idea"] = { ["name"] = "" },
["pragmatic_pacesetters"] = { ["name"] = "Pragmatic Pacesetters", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["pragmatic_socialist"] = { ["name"] = "Pragmatic Socialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|red|−35}}]===] },
["prelate_council"] = { ["name"] = "Council Of Prelates", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["prelate_eyr"] = { ["name"] = "The People's Prelate", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["priest_of_boreas"] = { ["name"] = "Priest of Boreas", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["priestly_prime_minister"] = { ["name"] = "Priestly Prime Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["primate_of_mexico"] = { ["name"] = "Primate of México", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["prime_minister_atsiz"] = { ["name"] = "Prime Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|0.5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−33%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["prime_minister_aydemir"] = { ["name"] = "Prime Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+7%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["prime_minister_bayar"] = { ["name"] = "Prime Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+25%}}]===] },
["prime_minister_cakmak"] = { ["name"] = "Prime Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["prime_minister_demirag"] = { ["name"] = "Prime Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Air Base}} construction speed: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["prime_minister_husnu"] = { ["name"] = "Chaircreature", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["prime_minister_inonu"] = { ["name"] = "Prime Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["prime_minister_menderes"] = { ["name"] = "Prime Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.07}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["prime_minister_okyar"] = { ["name"] = "Prime Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["prime_minister_peker"] = { ["name"] = "Prime Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+7%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+7%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["prime_minister_saracoglu"] = { ["name"] = "Prime Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Justify war goal time on us: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["prince_of_blackwings"] = { ["name"] = "Prince of Blackwings", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["prince_of_equestria"] = { ["name"] = "Prince of Equestria", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|green|−0.05}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["prince_of_terror"] = { ["name"] = "Prince of Terror", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["prince_of_wingbardy"] = { ["name"] = "Prince of Wingbardy", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["princess_of_ponies"] = { ["name"] = "Princess of Ponies", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.2}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["princess_of_terror"] = { ["name"] = "Princess of Terror", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["princesses_of_ponies"] = { ["name"] = "Princesses of Ponies", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.25}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["professional_crisis_solver"] = { ["name"] = "Professional Crisis Solver", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["proletariat_internationalist"] = { ["name"] = "Proletariat Internationalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["propaganda_bungler"] = { ["name"] = "Propaganda Bungler", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["propaganda_expert"] = { ["name"] = "Propaganda Master", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["propaganda_master"] = { ["name"] = "Propaganda Master", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["protector_of_cultural_heritage"] = { ["name"] = "Protector of Cultural Heritage", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+60}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+60}}]===] },
["protector_of_the_campesinos"] = { ["name"] = "Protector of the Campesinos", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["provisional"] = { ["name"] = "Provisional Government", ["mods"] = [===[* Generate war goal tension limit: {{color|yellow|+100%}}
* Join faction tension limit: {{color|red|+100%}}
* Lend-lease tension limit: {{color|red|+100%}}
* Send volunteers tension limit: {{color|red|+100%}}
* Guarantee tension limit: {{color|red|+100%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|red|+100%}}]===] },
["pumpkin_swirl_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Baba's Favorite", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−2%}}]===] },
["puppet_of_buckista"] = { ["name"] = "Puppet of Buckista", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["quartermaster_general"] = { ["name"] = "Quartermaster General", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Air Base}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* {{color|Y|Naval base}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* {{color|Y|Rocket Site}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* {{color|Y|Radar Station}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* {{color|Y|Nuclear Reactor}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["quartermaster_trainee"] = { ["name"] = "Quartermaster Trainee", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Air Base}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Naval base}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Rocket Site}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Radar Station}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Nuclear Reactor}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["queen_argynnis"] = { ["name"] = "Queen of Vraks", ["mods"] = [===[* Production Efficiency Retention: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}]===] },
["queen_aurantia"] = { ["name"] = "Queen of Lyctida", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Repair Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}]===] },
["queen_helvia"] = { ["name"] = "Queen of Ditrysium", ["mods"] = [===[* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.02}}
* Amphibious Invasion Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Unlocks a {{color|Y|decision}} to recall a {{color|G|skilled admiral}}.]===] },
["queen_of_dead"] = { ["name"] = "The Queen of the Dead", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.2}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+50%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|15%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+75%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+40%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+40%}}
* {{color|yellow|Infantry Equipment}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−35%}}
]===] },
["queen_of_the_hippogriffs"] = { ["name"] = "Queen of the Hippogriffs and the Seaponies", ["mods"] = [===[* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+30%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: {{color|yellow|+20%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["queen_of_the_people"] = { ["name"] = "Queen of the People", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resistance Target in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["queen_yaria"] = { ["name"] = "Queen of Soryth", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["queens_guard"] = { ["name"] = "Queen's Guard", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily autonomy progress gain: {{color|red|−0.5}}
* ({{flag|Changeling Lands}})Civilian industry to target country: {{color|red|+10%}}
* ({{flag|Changeling Lands}})Extra trade to overlord: {{color|green|+10%}}
* ({{flag|Changeling Lands}})Target country trade cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
]===] },
["raiding_fleet_naval_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Raiding Fleet Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Carrier}}:
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Capital Ships}}:
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Heavy Attack: {{color|red|−10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Screens}}:
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Submarine}}:
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Sub Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["railroad_enthusiast"] = { ["name"] = "Railroad Enthusiast", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["railway_company"] = { ["name"] = "Railway Company", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* {{color|Y|Supply Hub}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* {{color|yellow|Train}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["rarity_the_designer"] = { ["name"] = "Uniform Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* Winter Attrition: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Heat Attrition: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["rearmament_proponent"] = { ["name"] = "Rearmament Proponent", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1.5%}}
* Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["rearmer"] = { ["name"] = "Rearmer", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["rebellious_educator"] = { ["name"] = "Rebellious Educator", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["red_admiral"] = { ["name"] = "The Red Admiral", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["red_army_organizer"] = { ["name"] = "Red Army Organizer", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+12%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["red_suffragette"] = { ["name"] = "Red Suffrager", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["redeemed_tyrant"] = { ["name"] = "Redeemed Tyrant", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Supply Consumption: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Max planning: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|red|−0.1%}}
* Attack against major countries: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["redeemer_of_talonsian_honor"] = { ["name"] = "Redeemer of Talonsia's Honour", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.2%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+60%}}]===] },
["refinery_concern"] = { ["name"] = "Refining Concern" },
["refounder_of_mexico"] = { ["name"] = "Refounder of México", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+20%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["regent_of_the_emperor_and_autocrat_of_all_griffonia"] = { ["name"] = "Regent Of The Emperor And Autocrat Of All Griffonia", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["regional_traditionalist_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Regional Traditionalist Leader", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["reincarnation_of_blessed_sowrd"] = { ["name"] = "Reincarnation of Blessed Sword", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["reluctant_interventionist"] = { ["name"] = "Reluctant Interventionist", ["mods"] = [===[* Lend-lease tension limit: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Lend-lease request tension limit: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["reluctant_stalinist"] = { ["name"] = "Reluctant Stalinist", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["reluctant_veteran"] = { ["name"] = "Reluctant Veteran", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["repair_and_refurbishment_plant"] = { ["name"] = "Repair-Refurbishment Plant", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Screens}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Submarine}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Capital Ships}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Carrier}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
]===] },
["republican_criminologist"] = { ["name"] = "Republican Criminologist", ["mods"] = [===[* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["research_center"] = { ["name"] = "Research Centre" },
["resistance_artist"] = { ["name"] = "Resistance Artist", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Exiled Government Ponypower: {{color|green|+700}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Legitimacy Gain: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["resistance_banker"] = { ["name"] = "Resistance Banker", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−30%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["resistance_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Resistance Leader", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resistance Target in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Damage to Enemy Garrisons in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["resolute_social_democrat"] = { ["name"] = "Resolute Social Democrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["retired_officer"] = { ["name"] = "Retired Officer", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["revolutionary_author"] = { ["name"] = "Revolutionary Author", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["revolutionary_council"] = { ["name"] = "Revolutionary Council", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+20%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["revolutionary_culture_minister"] = { ["name"] = "Revolutionary Culture Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["revolutionary_duo"] = { ["name"] = "Revolutionary Duumvirate", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+150}}]===] },
["revolutionary_general"] = { ["name"] = "Revolutionary General", ["mods"] = [===[* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Theorist Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["revolutionary_intellectual"] = { ["name"] = "Revolutionary Intellectual", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+3.5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+3.5%}}]===] },
["revolutionary_lawyer"] = { ["name"] = "Revolutionary Lawyer", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["revolutionary_poet"] = { ["name"] = "Revolutionary Poet", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["rich_industrialist"] = { ["name"] = "Wealthy Industrialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resources to Market: {{color|yellow|−5%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["rich_sultan"] = { ["name"] = "The Rich Sultan", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["right_industrialist"] = { ["name"] = "Right Industrialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Refinery}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["right_trade_unionist"] = { ["name"] = "Right Wing Trade Unionist", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Production Efficiency Retention: {{color|green|+10%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["rocket_scientist"] = { ["name"] = "Rocket Scientist" },
["royal_dictator"] = { ["name"] = "Royal Dictator", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["royal_legitimist"] = { ["name"] = "Royal Legitimist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.05%}}]===] },
["royal_magician"] = { ["name"] = "Royal Magician", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+4%}}]===] },
["royalist_bulldog"] = { ["name"] = "Royalist Bulldog", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Weekly War Support (Enemy Bombing): {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["rural_magnate"] = { ["name"] = "Rural Magnate", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−6%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["rural_populist"] = { ["name"] = "Rural Populist", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["ruthless_capitalist"] = { ["name"] = "Ruthless Capitalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.2}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}]===] },
["sam_universally_despised"] = { ["name"] = "Illegitimate Tyrant", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.15}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−25%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|−25%}}]===] },
["sanation_militarist"] = { ["name"] = "Sanation Militarist", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.04}}
* Land Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["sanation_militarist_falangist"] = { ["name"] = "Sanation Militarist", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.04}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["scholar_of_ethiopian_and_somali_studies"] = { ["name"] = "Scholar of Ethiopian and Somali Studies", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resistance Target: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.05%}}]===] },
["science_idea"] = { ["name"] = "" },
["scs_agribaron"] = { ["name"] = "Agricultural Powerhouse" },
["scs_royalist_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Royalist Leader" },
["seasoned_statespony"] = { ["name"] = "{{color|Y|Seasoned Statespony}}", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["secret_police"] = { ["name"] = "Secret Police", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Encryption: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Decryption: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Resistance Activity Chance: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["secret_police_chief"] = { ["name"] = "Secret Police Chief", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Encryption: {{color|green|+0.5}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Resistance Activity Chance: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["secret_police_chief_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Secret Police Chief", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* [[File:crypto_defense.png]] Cryptology Level: {{color|green|+1}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["secret_police_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Secret Police", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* [[File:decrypt_strength_icon.png]] Decryption Power Factor: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* [[File:crypto_defense.png]] Cryptology Level: {{color|green|+1}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["seer_occultist"] = { ["name"] = "Konnar's Protégé", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|green|−0.05}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["serene_monarch"] = { ["name"] = "Serene Monarch", ["mods"] = [===[* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|red|+20%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|red|+20%}}]===] },
["serene_sovereignty"] = { ["name"] = "Serene Sovereignty", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Guarantee tension limit: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Guarantee Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["shadow_of_calles"] = { ["name"] = "Shadow of Calles", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["shadowbolt_society_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Shadowbolt Society Chairmare", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["sharp_tongued_lawyer"] = { ["name"] = "Sharp Tongued Lawyer", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−50%}}]===] },
["silent_mule"] = { ["name"] = "Silent Mule", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["silent_workcat"] = { ["name"] = "Silent Workcat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["silent_workdeer"] = { ["name"] = "Silent Workdeer", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["silent_workdog"] = { ["name"] = "Silent Workdog", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["silent_workgoat"] = { ["name"] = "Silent Workgoat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["silent_workgriffon"] = { ["name"] = "Silent Workbird", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["silent_workgriffon1"] = { ["name"] = "Silent Workbird", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["silent_workgriffon2"] = { ["name"] = "Silent Workbird", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["silent_workhorse"] = { ["name"] = "Silent Workpony", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["silent_workhorse2"] = { ["name"] = "Silent Workpony", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["silent_workirin"] = { ["name"] = "Silent Workirin", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["silver_tongue"] = { ["name"] = "Silver Tongue", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−20%}}]===] },
["silver_tongue_no_lar"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:silver_tongue-->Silver Tongue", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−20%}}]===] },
["sins_of_the_father"] = { ["name"] = "Sins of the Father", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−34%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−34%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−34%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−34%}}]===] },
["siren_aircraft_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Siren Aircraft Manufacturer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Magic Drift: {{color|red|−1}}
* {{color|yellow|Small Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Agility: {{color|green|+20%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Carrier Fighter Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Agility: {{color|green|+20%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Heavy Fighter Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+20%}}
* {{color|yellow|Medium Airframe}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+20%}}
* {{color|yellow|Scout Plane Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+20%}}
* {{color|yellow|Close Air Support Airframe}}:
** Ground Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Carrier CAS Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Naval Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Ground Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Large Airframe}}:
** Strat. Bombing: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Transport Plane}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Naval Bomber Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Naval Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Carrier Naval Bomber Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Naval Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["siren_charismatic_manipulator"] = { ["name"] = "Charismatic Manipulator", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.2}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Magic Drift: {{color|green|+1}}]===] },
["siren_charismatic_manipulator_2"] = { ["name"] = "Charismatic Manipulator", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.3}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Daily Magic Drift: {{color|green|+3}}]===] },
["siren_charismatic_manipulator_advisor"] = { ["name"] = "Charismatic Manipulator", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["siren_constant"] = { ["name"] = "The Siren Constant", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["siren_industrial_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Siren Industrial Manufacturer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* {{color|Y|Supply Hub}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Magic Drift: {{color|red|−1}}
* {{color|yellow|Train}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["siren_leader_of_the_three"] = { ["name"] = "Leader of the Three", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Target: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Daily Magic Drift: {{color|green|+1}}]===] },
["siren_level_headed_realist"] = { ["name"] = "Level-Headed Realist", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Seapony Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["siren_level_headed_realist_2"] = { ["name"] = "Level-Headed Realist", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Max planning: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Seapony Population Factor: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["siren_level_headed_realist_advisor"] = { ["name"] = "Level-Headed Realist", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Seapony Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["siren_material_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Siren Material Manufacturer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Magic Drift: {{color|red|−1}}]===] },
["siren_naval_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Siren Naval Manufacturer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Magic Drift: {{color|red|−1}}
* {{color|yellow|Carrier}}:
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** HP: {{color|green|+10%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Armor: {{color|green|+25%}}
** Deck size: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Capital Ships}}:
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Screens}}:
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−20%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Submarine}}:
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Sub Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−20%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["siren_passionate_ditz"] = { ["name"] = "Passionate Ditz", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|red|+0.15}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Resistance Target: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["siren_passionate_ditz_2"] = { ["name"] = "Passionate Ditz", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|red|+0.25}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−20%}}
* Resistance Target: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−35%}}]===] },
["siren_passionate_ditz_advisor"] = { ["name"] = "Passionate Ditz", ["mods"] = [===[* Resistance Target: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["siren_tank_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Siren Tank Manufacturer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Magic Drift: {{color|red|−1}}
* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Breakthrough: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Soft attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Hard attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Armor: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Piercing: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Breakthrough: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Soft attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Hard attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Armor: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Piercing: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["sisterly_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Sisterly Leader", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["skillful_tactician"] = { ["name"] = "Skilful Tactician", ["mods"] = [===[* Reinforce Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Coordination: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["smooth_talking_charmer"] = { ["name"] = "Smooth-Talking Charmer", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−50%}}]===] },
["smooth_talking_con_man"] = { ["name"] = "Smooth-Talking Con-Man", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+5%}}]===] },
["snuggler"] = { ["name"] = "Snuggler", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["socdem_reformist"] = { ["name"] = "Democratic Reformist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["social_reformer"] = { ["name"] = "Social Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["social_revolutionary"] = { ["name"] = "Social Revolutionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["socialist_autocrat"] = { ["name"] = "Socialist Autocrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["socialist_director"] = { ["name"] = "Socialist Director", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["socialist_grandmother"] = { ["name"] = "Socialist Grandmother", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["socialist_journalist"] = { ["name"] = "Socialist Journalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.02%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["socialist_journalist_eaw"] = { ["name"] = "Socialist Journalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["socialist_justice"] = { ["name"] = "Socialist Justice", ["mods"] = [===[* Resistance Target: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["socialist_novelist"] = { ["name"] = "Socialist Novelist", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["socialist_reformist"] = { ["name"] = "Socialist Reformist", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["socialist_writer"] = { ["name"] = "Socialist Writer", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["socialite_connections"] = { ["name"] = "Socialite Connections", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["society_idea"] = { ["name"] = "" },
["soldier_king"] = { ["name"] = "Soldier King", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["soldier_of_destiny"] = { ["name"] = "Soldier of Destiny", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+25%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["soldier_of_the_gods"] = { ["name"] = "Soldier of the Gods", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["sombra_leader"] = { ["name"] = "The Shadow King", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["sombra_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Shadow King", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["soryn_inkognito"] = { ["name"] = "Inkognito", ["mods"] = [===[* Encryption: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Decryption: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Infiltrator Company Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Infiltrator Company Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["soryn_inkognito_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Inkognito", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:decrypt_strength_icon.png]] Decryption Power Factor: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* [[File:crypto_defense.png]] Cryptology Level: {{color|green|+1}}
* Infiltrator Company Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Infiltrator Company Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["sotamarsalkka"] = { ["name"] = "Sotamarsalkka", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["sotamarsalkka_improved"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:sotamarsalkka-->Sotamarsalkka", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+20%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["soviet_economist"] = { ["name"] = "Soviet Economist", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Refinery}} construction speed: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["soviet_thaw"] = { ["name"] = "Pro-Soviet", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily autonomy progress gain: {{color|green|+0.5}}]===] },
["special_envoy"] = { ["name"] = "Special Envoy", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Civilian Intelligence: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−20%}}]===] },
["special_forces_commander"] = { ["name"] = "Special Forces Commander", ["mods"] = [===[* Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["spirit_of_genghis"] = { ["name"] = "Spirit Of Genghis", ["mods"] = [===[* Motorized Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Naval Bomber Airframe}}:
** Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Naval Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["spiritual_organization"] = { ["name"] = "Spiritual Organisation", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["stalin_architect_of_communism"] = { ["name"] = "Architects of Socialism", ["mods"] = [===[* Puppet cost: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Master Ideology Drift: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["stalin_authority_undermined"] = { ["name"] = "Authority Undermined", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
*   - Political Paranoia increases by {{color|R|2}} weekly]===] },
["stalin_father_of_nations"] = { ["name"] = "Father of Nations", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2%}}
* Justify war goal time when at war with a major: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.1%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.05%}}]===] },
["stalin_great_commander"] = { ["name"] = "Great Commander", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Annex cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["stalin_heart_of_steel"] = { ["name"] = "Heart of Steel", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Master impact: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["stalin_heart_of_steel_opposition"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:stalin_heart_of_steel-->Heart of Steel", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Master impact: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["stalin_inheritor_of_lenin"] = { ["name"] = "Inheritor of the Mantle of Lenin", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["stalin_inheritor_of_lenin_final"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:stalin_inheritor_of_lenin-->Inheritor of the Mantle of Lenin", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+40%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["stalin_inheritor_of_lenin_genius"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:stalin_inheritor_of_lenin-->Inheritor of the Mantle of Lenin", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["stalin_inheritor_of_lenin_leader"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:stalin_inheritor_of_lenin-->Inheritor of the Mantle of Lenin", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+40%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["stalin_political_paranoia"] = { ["name"] = "Political Paranoia", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
*   - Political Paranoia increases by {{color|R|1}} weekly]===] },
["stalin_political_paranoia_advanced"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:stalin_political_paranoia-->Political Paranoia", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
*   - Political Paranoia increases by {{color|R|2}} weekly]===] },
["stalin_servant_of_lenin"] = { ["name"] = "Faithful Servant of Lenin", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Guarantee Cost: {{color|green|−50%}}]===] },
["stalin_servant_of_lenin_final"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:stalin_servant_of_lenin-->Faithful Servant of Lenin", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Guarantee Cost: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+40%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["stalin_servant_of_lenin_leader"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:stalin_servant_of_lenin-->Faithful Servant of Lenin", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Guarantee Cost: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+40%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["stalin_servant_of_lenin_worship"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:stalin_servant_of_lenin-->Faithful Servant of Lenin", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Guarantee Cost: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["stalins_puppet"] = { ["name"] = "Stalin's Puppet" },
["stalwart_mage"] = { ["name"] = "Stalwart Mage", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−10%}}
* {{color|Y|Land Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Coastal Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["stammer"] = { ["name"] = "Stammer", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["standardisation_concern"] = { ["name"] = "Standardisation Concern", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["state_investor"] = { ["name"] = "State Investor", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}]===] },
["statism_adept"] = { ["name"] = "Statism Adept", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["staunch_anti_fascist"] = { ["name"] = "Staunch Anti-Fascist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+25%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["staunch_aristocrat"] = { ["name"] = "Staunch Aristocrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−20%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["staunch_constitutionalist"] = { ["name"] = "Staunch Constitutionalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+50%}}]===] },
["staunch_loyalist"] = { ["name"] = "Staunch Loyalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["staunch_monarchist"] = { ["name"] = "Staunch Monarchist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["staunch_republican"] = { ["name"] = "Staunch Republican", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["staunch_stalinist"] = { ["name"] = "Staunch Stalinist", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["stm_rightful_heir"] = { ["name"] = "Rightful Heir", ["mods"] = [===[* Air Superiority: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["stout_defender"] = { ["name"] = "Stout Defender", ["mods"] = [===[* AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["strict_austerity_adherent"] = { ["name"] = "Strict Austerity Adherent", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−30%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|red|+50%}}]===] },
["strong_party_discipline"] = { ["name"] = "Strong Party Discipline", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.05%}}]===] },
["strongman_of_san_luis_potosi"] = { ["name"] = "Strongman of San Luis Potosí", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["stubbon_bulldog"] = { ["name"] = "Stubborn Bulldog", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+20%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["stw_ambitious_ruler"] = { ["name"] = "Ambitious Ruler", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["submarine_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Submarine Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Carrier}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|red|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Capital Ships}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|red|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Screens}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|red|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Submarine}}:
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Sub Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Max Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["submarine_manufacturer_2"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:submarine_manufacturer-->Submarine Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Carrier}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|red|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Capital Ships}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|red|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Screens}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|red|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Submarine}}:
** Surface Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Sub Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+15%}}
** Max Range: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["submarine_specialist"] = { ["name"] = "Submarine Specialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade Interdiction Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["subservient_democrat"] = { ["name"] = "Subservient Democrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["subservient_democrat_democratic"] = { ["name"] = "Subservient Democrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["subservient_ultranationalist"] = { ["name"] = "Subservient Ultranationalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+85}}]===] },
["sultana"] = { ["name"] = "The First Ottoman Sultanta", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.01%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}]===] },
["super_heavy_tank_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Super Heavy Tank Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Breakthrough: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Piercing: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Breakthrough: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Piercing: {{color|green|+5%}}
]===] },
["superior_firepower_expert"] = { ["name"] = "Superior Firepower Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Superior Firepower Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["support_equipment_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Support Equipment Designer" },
["supreme_pontiff"] = { ["name"] = "Supreme Pontiff", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["supreme_representative_of_god_on_earth"] = { ["name"] = "Supreme Representative of the Gods", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["swe_admiral_of_industry"] = { ["name"] = "Admiral of industry", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+17%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+17%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+17%}}
* {{color|Y|Refinery}} construction speed: {{color|green|+17%}}]===] },
["swe_anti_nazi_interdisciplinary_social_scientist"] = { ["name"] = "Anti-Nazi Social Scientist", ["mods"] = [===[* War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resistance Target in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+4%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|red|−0.1}}]===] },
["swe_ardent_conservative"] = { ["name"] = "Ardent Conservative", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Entrenchment speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2%}}
* Max Entrenchment: {{color|green|+10%}}
* <pre>grant_medal_cost_factor = -0.15</pre>]===] },
["swe_close_ties_to_the_military"] = { ["name"] = "Close ties to the military", ["mods"] = [===[* Training time: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["swe_committee_against_the_finnish_white_terror"] = { ["name"] = "Committee Against the Finnish White Terror", ["mods"] = [===[* Breakthrough against minor countries: {{color|green|+6%}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["swe_committee_against_the_finnish_white_terror_idea"] = { ["name"] = "Committee Against the Finnish White Terror", ["mods"] = [===[* Breakthrough against minor countries: {{color|green|+6%}}]===] },
["swe_education_for_all"] = { ["name"] = "Education for all", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+6%}}]===] },
["swe_every_barrel_counts"] = { ["name"] = "Every barrel counts", ["mods"] = [===[* Supply Consumption: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Navy Fuel Consumption: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Air Fuel Consumption: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["swe_exiled_revolutionaries"] = { ["name"] = "Exiled Communist Military Council", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|red|−6%}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+16%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−8%}}]===] },
["swe_fallen_riksdag_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Chaos and confusion", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−25%}}]===] },
["swe_family_oriented_sociologist"] = { ["name"] = "Family Oriented Sociologist", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+80}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−1%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|red|−0.03}}]===] },
["swe_foreign_minister"] = { ["name"] = "Foreign Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Lend-lease tension limit: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Lend-lease request tension limit: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Justify war goal time on us: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Embargo Tension Limit: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Embargo Cost Modifier: {{color|green|−50%}}
* <pre>military_industrial_organization_funds_gain = 0.15</pre>]===] },
["swe_foreign_minister_no_bba"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:SWE_foreign_minister-->Foreign Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Lend-lease tension limit: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Lend-lease request tension limit: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Justify war goal time on us: {{color|green|+30%}}
* <pre>military_industrial_organization_funds_gain = 0.25</pre>]===] },
["swe_former_autocrat"] = { ["name"] = "Former Autocrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+20}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+20}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["swe_former_autocrat_upgraded"] = { ["name"] = "SWE_former_autocrat_upgraded", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+20}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+20}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["swe_high_defense_budget"] = { ["name"] = "High Defense Budget", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2%}}]===] },
["swe_interventionist_firebrand"] = { ["name"] = "Interventionist Firebrand", ["mods"] = [===[* Send volunteers tension limit: {{color|green|−70%}}
* Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|green|+3}}
* Divisions required for sending volunteer force: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Attack against major countries: {{color|green|+8%}}
* Defense against major countries: {{color|green|+8%}}]===] },
["swe_landsfader"] = { ["name"] = "Landsfader", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+6%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+6%}}
* Supply Combat Penalties on Core Territory: {{color|green|−8%}}]===] },
["swe_minister_of_agriculture"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Agriculture", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["swe_minister_of_defense"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Defense", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Land Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Refinery}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Coastal Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Anti Air}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["swe_minister_of_justice"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Justice", ["mods"] = [===[* Resistance Target: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["swe_minister_of_state"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of State", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["swe_minister_of_supply"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Supply", ["mods"] = [===[* Lack of Resources Penalty: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Supply Efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["swe_minister_of_trade"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Trade", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+35%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−30%}}]===] },
["swe_minister_of_transport"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Transport", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Supply Hub}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["swe_minor_opposition_party_in_power"] = { ["name"] = "Minor opposition party in power", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["swe_partners_in_a_dangerous_time_alva"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:SWE_partners_in_a_dangerous_time_gunnar-->Partners in a Dangerous Time", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["swe_partners_in_a_dangerous_time_gunnar"] = { ["name"] = "Partners in a Dangerous Time", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["swe_rearnament_proponent"] = { ["name"] = "Rearmament Proponent", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Infantry Equipment}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}
]===] },
["swe_rearnament_proponent_upgraded"] = { ["name"] = "Rearmament Adherent", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Infantry Equipment}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
]===] },
["swe_reluctant_towards_rearmament"] = { ["name"] = "Reluctant towards Rearmament", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|red|+15%}}]===] },
["swe_respectful_occupier"] = { ["name"] = "Respectful occupier", ["mods"] = [===[* Resistance Target: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Resistance Activity Chance: {{color|green|−20%}}]===] },
["swe_solidified_mandate"] = { ["name"] = "Solidified Mandate", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["swe_solidified_mandate_upgraded"] = { ["name"] = "Mandate of the people", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−30%}}]===] },
["swe_suffragette"] = { ["name"] = "Suffragette", ["mods"] = [===[* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["swe_suffragette_clout"] = { ["name"] = "Equality in politics", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["swe_suffragette_production"] = { ["name"] = "The new workforce", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+4%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+4%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−4%}}]===] },
["swe_suffragette_research"] = { ["name"] = "Women pioneers", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+4%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−4%}}]===] },
["swe_suffragette_rfsu"] = { ["name"] = "RFSU institution", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+8%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.08}}]===] },
["swe_support_party_in_power"] = { ["name"] = "Supporting party in power", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}]===] },
["swe_the_eternal"] = { ["name"] = "The Eternal", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Division Experience Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|3%}}
* Experienced soldier losses: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Resistance Target: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−10%}}
* <pre>max_training = 0.15</pre>]===] },
["swe_the_great"] = { ["name"] = "The Great", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Division Experience Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|2%}}
* Experienced soldier losses: {{color|green|−25%}}
* <pre>max_training = 0.15</pre>]===] },
["swi_anarchist"] = { ["name"] = "Anarchist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["swi_brandy_the_st_bernard_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Incompetent councilor", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−30%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["swi_cantonal_conservative"] = { ["name"] = "Cantonal Conservative", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["swi_commander_in_chief"] = { ["name"] = "Commander in Chief", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.07}}]===] },
["swi_conservative_democrat"] = { ["name"] = "Conservative Democrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["swi_corporatist"] = { ["name"] = "Corporatist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.3}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|red|−0.05}}]===] },
["swi_democratic_capitalist"] = { ["name"] = "Democratic Capitalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.03}}]===] },
["swi_diplomat"] = { ["name"] = "Diplomat", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Intel network strength gain factor: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["swi_fascist"] = { ["name"] = "Fascist", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.07}}]===] },
["swi_fascist_appeaser"] = { ["name"] = "Fascist Appeaser", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.03}}]===] },
["swi_fascist_propagandist"] = { ["name"] = "Fascist Propagandist", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.07}}]===] },
["swi_fascist_recruiter"] = { ["name"] = "Fascist Recruiter", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.07}}]===] },
["swi_guisan_leader_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Popular Dictator", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["swi_humanitarian"] = { ["name"] = "Humanitarian", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+50%}}
* Join faction tension limit: {{color|green|−15%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Civilian Intelligence: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["swi_intelligence_officer"] = { ["name"] = "Intelligence Officer", ["mods"] = [===[* Decryption: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Army Intelligence: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["swi_militaristic_democrat"] = { ["name"] = "Militaristic Democrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Command Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.07}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.03}}]===] },
["swi_militaristic_nationalist"] = { ["name"] = "Militaristic Nationalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+20%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["swi_nationalistic_industrialist"] = { ["name"] = "Nationalistic Industrialist", ["mods"] = [===[* Lack of Resources Penalty: {{color|green|−30%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.07}}]===] },
["swi_pragmatic_democrat"] = { ["name"] = "Pragmatic Democrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["swi_radical_democrat"] = { ["name"] = "Radical Democrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.07}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["swi_social_democrat"] = { ["name"] = "Social Democrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.03}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["swi_socialist_pacifist"] = { ["name"] = "Socialist Pacifist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.25}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−20%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["swi_soviet_spy"] = { ["name"] = "Stalliongradian Spy", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Intel network strength gain factor: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["swi_trade_unionist"] = { ["name"] = "Trade Unionist", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Lack of Resources Penalty: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["swi_weapons_designer"] = { ["name"] = "Weapons Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.03}}
* Materiel Designer Cost: {{color|green|−75%}}]===] },
["syncretic_revanchist"] = { ["name"] = "Syncretic Revanchist", ["mods"] = [===[* Generate war goal tension limit: {{color|yellow|−50%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["syndicate"] = { ["name"] = "Construction Syndicate" },
["syndicate_of_agriculture_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Landworkers' Collective", ["mods"] = [===[* Max Factories in a State: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+25%}}]===] },
["syndicate_of_defence_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Soldiers' Collective", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.40}}
* Division training time: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Resistance Growth Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["syndicate_of_production_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Workers' Collective", ["mods"] = [===[* Production Efficiency Retention: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["syndicate_of_research_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Scientists' Collective", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Encryption: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Decryption: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["syndicate_of_research_trait_lar"] = { ["name"] = "Scientists' Collective", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* [[File:decrypt_strength_icon.png]] Decryption Power Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:crypto_defense.png]] Cryptology Level: {{color|green|+1}}]===] },
["tainted_ras"] = { ["name"] = "The Tainted Ras", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|10%}}
* Equipment Capture Ratio Modifier: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["tainted_ras_2"] = { ["name"] = "The Tainted Ras", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Equipment Capture Ratio Modifier: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["tank_commander"] = { ["name"] = "Tank Commander", ["mods"] = [===[* Armor Division Attack: {{color|green|+7.5%}}
* Armor Division Defense: {{color|green|+7.5%}}]===] },
["tank_destroyer_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Tank Destroyer Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Hard attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Hard attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["tank_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Tank Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+5%}}
]===] },
["tank_refurbishment_plant"] = { ["name"] = "Tank Refurbishment Plant", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Reliability: {{color|green|+5%}}
]===] },
["tbk_alesia_holy_mother"] = { ["name"] = "Our Dear Mother", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["tbk_big_boss"] = { ["name"] = "The Big Boss", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["tbk_big_boss_final"] = { ["name"] = "The Big Boss", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["tbk_bureaucrat_spotlight"] = { ["name"] = "Bothered Bureaucrat", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["tbk_custodian"] = { ["name"] = "Custodian of Ponies", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["tbk_exiled_officer"] = { ["name"] = "Exiled Officer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+2.5%}}]===] },
["tbk_father_of_republic"] = { ["name"] = "Father of the Republic", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["tbk_generalissimo"] = { ["name"] = "Visionary Generalissimo", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1%}}]===] },
["tbk_generalissimo_harmony"] = { ["name"] = "Harmonious Generalissimo", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1.5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["tbk_great_restorer"] = { ["name"] = "The Great Restorer", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["tbk_hazrumenian_agriculture"] = { ["name"] = "Agriculture Investments and Development", ["mods"] = [===[* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["tbk_hazrumenian_protector"] = { ["name"] = "Defender of Hazrumenia", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["tbk_humble_chancellor"] = { ["name"] = "Humble Chancellor", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+15%}}
* Party Popularity Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["tbk_leopard_blood"] = { ["name"] = "Leopard Bloodline", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Air Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Army Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Navy Chief Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["tbk_loveable_drunk"] = { ["name"] = "The Loveable Drunk", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|red|+100%}}]===] },
["tbk_protector_president"] = { ["name"] = "Protector of the People", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.03}}]===] },
["tbk_smuggler"] = { ["name"] = "Well-Known Smuggler", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−6%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["tbk_steel_generalissimo"] = { ["name"] = "Steel Generalissimo", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Organization Regain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1.5%}}]===] },
["tbk_tsaritsa"] = { ["name"] = "Blessed of the Moon, Tsaritsa and Autocrat of Severyana, Protector of the Faithful, Warmistress of Her Imperial Majesty's Legions, Grand Duchess of Tobuck and others, and others.", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+2.5%}}]===] },
["tbk_vasile_legimate_president"] = { ["name"] = "Strong-Clawed President", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.02}}]===] },
["tbk_vasile_legimate_president_final"] = { ["name"] = "Strong-Clawed President", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.15}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.03}}]===] },
["technocrat"] = { ["name"] = "Technocrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["telephone_company"] = { ["name"] = "Telephone Company", ["mods"] = [===[* Reinforce Rate: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Coordination: {{color|green|+4%}}]===] },
["temperamental"] = { ["name"] = "Temperamental", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−35%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Master impact: {{color|red|−0.5}}
* Commander Abilities Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["tenacious_defender"] = { ["name"] = "tenacious_defender" },
["tenacious_negotiator"] = { ["name"] = "Tenacious Negotiator", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+25%}}]===] },
["the_absentee_president"] = { ["name"] = "The Absentee President", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−30%}}]===] },
["the_academic"] = { ["name"] = "The Academic", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_texticon.png]] Production Efficiency Growth: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["the_banker"] = { ["name"] = "The Banker", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|green|−33%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|red|−25}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|red|−25}}]===] },
["the_bloody_professor"] = { ["name"] = "The Bloody Professor", ["mods"] = [===[* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−35%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|red|−0.2%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Master Ideology Drift: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["the_bloody_professor_regency_council"] = { ["name"] = "Tsankov heads the Regency Council", ["mods"] = [===[* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−35%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|red|−0.2%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Master Ideology Drift: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["the_council_on_the_management_of_turkish_debt"] = { ["name"] = "Turkish Debt Council", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.15}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|10%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Resources to Market: {{color|yellow|+30%}}]===] },
["the_dean_of_mexican_marxism"] = { ["name"] = "The Dean of Mexican Marxism", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["the_director"] = { ["name"] = "The Director", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Planning Speed: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Max planning: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["the_faded_star"] = { ["name"] = "The Faded Star", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.05%}}]===] },
["the_foreign_connection"] = { ["name"] = "The Foreign Connection", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["the_gentleman_president"] = { ["name"] = "The Gentleman President", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["the_grand_council"] = { ["name"] = "The Grand Council", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−1%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["the_hero_of_the_leipzig_trials"] = { ["name"] = "The Hero of the Leipzig Trials", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+30%}}
* Justify war goal time on us: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["the_humbled_knyaz"] = { ["name"] = "The Humbled Knyaz", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−30%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["the_king_of_the_castle"] = { ["name"] = "The King of the Castle", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["the_lady_protectress"] = { ["name"] = "The Lady Protector", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.25}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["the_last_romanov_definitely"] = { ["name"] = "The Last Romanov!", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+20%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["the_last_romanov_maybe"] = { ["name"] = "The Last Romanov?", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−20%}}]===] },
["the_last_romanov_probably"] = { ["name"] = "The Last Romanov", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["the_legitimist"] = { ["name"] = "The Legitimist", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["the_lion_of_the_rif"] = { ["name"] = "Lion of the Rif", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["the_masses_opium"] = { ["name"] = "The Masses' Opium", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+1&#8239;000}}
* Garrison Penetration Chance: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−20%}}]===] },
["the_nightmare_trait"] = { ["name"] = "The Nightmare", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.2}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+30%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+30}}]===] },
["the_red_ras"] = { ["name"] = "The Red Ras", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["the_sacred_king"] = { ["name"] = "The Sacred King", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["the_siberian_lenin"] = { ["name"] = "The Siberian Lenin", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Resistance Decay Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Resistance Activity Chance: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Operative slots: {{color|green|+1}}]===] },
["the_silver_president"] = { ["name"] = "The Silver President", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}]===] },
["the_soldier_king"] = { ["name"] = "The Soldier King", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["the_spider"] = { ["name"] = "The Spider", ["mods"] = [===[* Land Night Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Night Operations Penalty: {{color|green|−10%}}
* <pre>naval_night_attack = 0.1</pre>]===] },
["the_statist"] = { ["name"] = "The Statist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−10%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["the_young_magnate"] = { ["name"] = "The Young Magnate", ["mods"] = [===[* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+25%}}
* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Railway}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Refinery}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+25}}]===] },
["theocratic_diplomat"] = { ["name"] = "Theocratic Diplomat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["theorist_prince_general"] = { ["name"] = "{{color|Y|Theorist Prince-General}}", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["thestral_vigilance"] = { ["name"] = "{{color|Y|Thestral Vigilance}}", ["mods"] = [===[* Reinforce Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Reconnaissance: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["trading_consortium"] = { ["name"] = "Representative of a Trading Consortium", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+7.5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−6%}}]===] },
["traditionalist_academic"] = { ["name"] = "Traditionalist Academic", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.1%}}]===] },
["traditionalist_theorist"] = { ["name"] = "Traditionalist Theorist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["transnational_anarchist"] = { ["name"] = "Transnational Anarchist", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Max Factories in a State: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["tribal_warrior"] = { ["name"] = "Tribal Warrior", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Org Loss when Moving: {{color|green|−15%}}
* Initiative: {{color|green|+4%}}]===] },
["triumphant_revolutionary"] = { ["name"] = "Triumphant Revolutionary", ["mods"] = [===[* Justify war goal time: {{color|red|+15%}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−50%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+50}}
* Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["tro_cth_amoral_diplomat"] = { ["name"] = "Masterful Diplomat", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}
* Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}
* Acceptance of Unaligned Diplomacy: {{color|green|+50}}
* Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: {{color|red|−100}}]===] },
["tro_cth_father_zisco_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Leader of the {{color|C|Zaga Brotherhood}}", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.25}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["tro_cth_horrible_general"] = { ["name"] = "The General Who Never Won A Battle", ["mods"] = [===[* Planning Speed: {{color|red|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["tro_cth_shama_zurumilki_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Leader of the {{color|R|Zurumilki Family}}", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["tro_cth_zermelqart_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Leader of the {{color|g|Zapsa Syndicate}}", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["tro_cth_zicardo_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Leader of the {{color|O|Tiger Syndicate}}", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["tro_cth_zuan_abizaal_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Leader of the {{color|0|Abizaal Syndicate}}", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* Nuclear Production: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Synthetic Oil: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["true_hedonist"] = { ["name"] = "True Hedonist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.15}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|10%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}]===] },
["trusty"] = { ["name"] = "Trusty", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+0.25}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+20%}}
* Stage Coup effectiveness: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Infiltration effectiveness: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Strengthen Resistance effectiveness: {{color|green|+35%}}
* Sabotage Industry effectiveness: {{color|green|+35%}}
* Sabotage Resources effectiveness: {{color|green|+35%}}
* Sabotage Infrastructure effectiveness: {{color|green|+35%}}]===] },
["trusty_no_lar"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:trusty-->Trusty", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+0.25}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+20%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|red|+30%}}]===] },
["tsar_unifier"] = { ["name"] = "Tsar Unifier", ["mods"] = [===[* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+25%}}
* War Support: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["tsars_puppet"] = { ["name"] = "Tsar's Puppet", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.3%}}]===] },
["turkish_public_debt_administration"] = { ["name"] = "Turkish Public Debt Administration", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.05}}
* Resources to Market: {{color|yellow|+15%}}]===] },
["udenrigsminister"] = { ["name"] = "Udenrigsminister", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Trade deal opinion factor: {{color|yellow|+15%}}
* Improve relations maintain cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["uesr_cheese_sandwich_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Balderdash", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["uesr_lavender_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Friend of the Foals", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["uesr_party_flavor_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Balloons", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["uesr_sugar_belle_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Minister of Baking", ["mods"] = [===[* Max Factories in a State: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["unbreakable"] = { ["name"] = "Unbreakable", ["mods"] = [===[* Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Attack: {{color|red|−5%}}
* MsgMODIFIER_DONT_LOSE_DIGIN_ON_ATTACK_MOVE: {{color|green|Yes}}]===] },
["unbreakable_anti_fascist"] = { ["name"] = "Unbreakable Anti-Fascist", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|green|+4}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+50%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Root Out Resistance mission effects: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Agency upgrade time: {{color|green|−30%}}]===] },
["unbreakable_anti_fascist_no_lar"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:unbreakable_anti_fascist-->Unbreakable Anti-Fascist", ["mods"] = [===[* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Max volunteer force divisions: {{color|green|+4}}
* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−20%}}
* Foreign subversive activities efficiency: {{color|green|−30%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+50%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["underage_monarch"] = { ["name"] = "Underage Monarch", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Trade Laws Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Conscription Laws Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}
* Economy Laws Cost: {{color|red|+25%}}]===] },
["undervisningsminister"] = { ["name"] = "Undervisningsminister", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["uneasy_duumvirate"] = { ["name"] = "Uneasy Duumvirate", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Stability: {{color|red|−0.1%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|red|−0.01}}]===] },
["unhindered_s"] = { ["name"] = "Unhindered Scientist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−15%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["unicorn_magic"] = { ["name"] = "{{color|Y|Unicorn Magic}}", ["mods"] = [===[* Research Speed: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Planning Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["uniform_designer"] = { ["name"] = "Uniform Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* Winter Attrition: {{color|green|−5%}}
* Heat Attrition: {{color|green|−3.5%}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+2.5%}}]===] },
["union_man"] = { ["name"] = "union_man" },
["unpopular_monarch"] = { ["name"] = "Unpopular Monarch", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−30%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−20%}}]===] },
["unruly_falangist"] = { ["name"] = "Unruly Falangist", ["mods"] = [===[* Generate war goal tension limit: {{color|yellow|−50%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["unscrupulous_orchestrator"] = { ["name"] = "Unscrupulous Orchestrator", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Counter intelligence: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Intel network strength gain factor: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Own operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["unscrupulous_orchestrator_no_lar"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:unscrupulous_orchestrator-->Unscrupulous Orchestrator", ["mods"] = [===[* Subversive activities cost: {{color|green|−35%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["unstable_coalition"] = { ["name"] = "Unstable Coalition", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|10%}}]===] },
["untethered"] = { ["name"] = "Untethered", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Org Loss when Moving: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["vapsid_economist"] = { ["name"] = "Vapsid Economist", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["vatan_ideologue"] = { ["name"] = "Vatan Ideologue", ["mods"] = [===[* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ved_fascist_teaching_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Ondska's Teachings", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ved_no_charity_teaching_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Princess Sköldsvärd the Cold", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−4%}}]===] },
["ved_reformer_teaching_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Lycklig's Teachings", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["ved_statecraft_level_1"] = { ["name"] = "Indulgent Wastrel", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−6%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ved_statecraft_level_2"] = { ["name"] = "Naive Appeaser", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−6%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ved_statecraft_level_3"] = { ["name"] = "Thrifty Clerk", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−6%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ved_statecraft_level_4"] = { ["name"] = "Fortune Builder", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−6%}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Fuel Capacity: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ved_statecraft_level_5"] = { ["name"] = "Tough Soldier", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−6%}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.2}}
* Fuel Capacity: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ved_statecraft_level_6"] = { ["name"] = "Skilled Tactician", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−6%}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Starting level of new army leaders: {{color|green|+1}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.2}}
* Fuel Capacity: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["ved_statecraft_level_7"] = { ["name"] = "Charismatic Negotiator", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−6%}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Starting level of new army leaders: {{color|green|+1}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.2}}
* Fuel Capacity: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["ved_statecraft_level_8"] = { ["name"] = "Grey Eminence", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−8%}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|3%}}
* Starting level of new army leaders: {{color|green|+1}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Surrender Limit: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Command Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.2}}
* Fuel Capacity: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Damage to Garrisons: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["ved_welfare_teaching_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Welfare Focus", ["mods"] = [===[* Production Efficiency Base: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["vengful_ex_slave"] = { ["name"] = "Vengeful Ex-Slave", ["mods"] = [===[* Generate war goal tension limit: {{color|yellow|−50%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−25%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["veteran_anti_bolshevik"] = { ["name"] = "Veteran Anti-Bolshevik", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|red|−0.5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Communism Support: {{color|red|−0.05}}]===] },
["veteran_communist"] = { ["name"] = "Veteran Communist", ["mods"] = [===[* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["veteran_guerrilla_fighter"] = { ["name"] = "Veteran Guerrilla Fighter", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+15%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["veteran_minister"] = { ["name"] = "Veteran Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+20}}
* Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* High Command Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["veteran_strikebreaker"] = { ["name"] = "Veteran Strikebreaker", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Encryption: {{color|green|+0.5}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Enemy operative detection chance factor: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["veteran_trade_unionist"] = { ["name"] = "Veteran Trade Unionist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Construction Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["viceroy_emeritus"] = { ["name"] = "Viceroy Emeritus", ["mods"] = [===[* Generate war goal tension limit: {{color|yellow|+10%}}]===] },
["viceroy_of_aoi"] = { ["name"] = "Viceroy of Africa Orientale Italiana", ["mods"] = [===[* Required Garrisons: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Daily Compliance Gain: {{color|green|+0.1%}}]===] },
["victoria_iii"] = { ["name"] = "Victoria III", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["victory_through_airpower"] = { ["name"] = "Victory Through Airpower", ["mods"] = [===[* Strategic Destruction Doctrine Cost: {{color|green|−15%}}]===] },
["vigilant"] = { ["name"] = "Vigilant", ["mods"] = [===[* Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Max Entrenchment: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["voice_of_restraint"] = { ["name"] = "Voice of Restraint", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["wallis_fancy_title"] = { ["name"] = "Her Majesty Queen Wallis, First of Her Name, by the Grace of God Queen of the Americas, Grand Admiral of the Royal American Navy, Duchess of Wallington, Duchess of Manhattan, Duchess of Long Island, Countess of Orange, Countess of O'ahu, Marquise of New Orleans, Baroness of Springfield, Baroness of Hollywood, Baroness of Central Park, Grand Socialite, Protector of Liberty, Northwest Vanguard of Alaska, Avenger of the Boston Tea Party, Terror of Wallington, D.C.", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["war_correspondent"] = { ["name"] = "War Correspondent", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|6%}}
* Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["war_hero_general"] = { ["name"] = "War Hero - General", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Land Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Coastal Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Anti Air}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Radar Station}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Air Base}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Dockyard}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Fuel Silo}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["war_hero_grunt"] = { ["name"] = "Highly Decorated Trooper", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Attack on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Land Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Coastal Fort}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Anti Air}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Radar Station}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Air Base}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["war_industrialist"] = { ["name"] = "War Industrialist", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Dockyard}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Fuel Silo}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["war_industrialists"] = { ["name"] = "War Industrialists", ["mods"] = [===[* AI Modifier: Focus on War Production: {{color|yellow|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Dockyard}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|Y|Fuel Silo}} construction speed: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["war_profiteer"] = { ["name"] = "War Profiteer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Military Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Dockyard}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["wargamer"] = { ["name"] = "Wargamer", ["mods"] = [===[* Max planning factor: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Breakthrough: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["warmonger"] = { ["name"] = "Warmonger", ["mods"] = [===[* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+50%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: {{color|yellow|−15%}}]===] },
["warrior"] = { ["name"] = "Warrior", ["mods"] = [===[* Special forces Attack: {{color|green|+7.5%}}
* Special forces Defense: {{color|green|+7.5%}}]===] },
["warrior_chief"] = { ["name"] = "Warrior Chief", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["warrior_code"] = { ["name"] = "Warrior Code", ["mods"] = [===[* AI Modifier: Join Ally Desire: {{color|yellow|−30}}
* AI Modifier: Desire to be in or expand a faction: {{color|yellow|−40}}]===] },
["wartime_innovator"] = { ["name"] = "Wartime Innovator" },
["welfare_architect"] = { ["name"] = "Welfare Architect", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["welfare_program"] = { ["name"] = "Welfare Program", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.25}}
* Monthly Population: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Same ideology monthly opinion: {{color|green|+1%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["welfare_reformer"] = { ["name"] = "Welfare Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["white_chaplain"] = { ["name"] = "White Chaplain", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Defense on core territory: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Ideology drift defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["white_liberal"] = { ["name"] = "White Liberal", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["white_liberal_leader"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:white_liberal-->White Liberal", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["white_liberal_leader_improved"] = { ["name"] = "<!--Localisation key:white_liberal-->White Liberal", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Daily Support for Unaligned: {{color|green|+0.1}}]===] },
["wilhelmina"] = { ["name"] = "Wilhelmina", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["win_duce_of_hippogriffia"] = { ["name"] = "The Commandant", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Daily Supremacy Support: {{color|green|+0.01}}]===] },
["win_made_mare"] = { ["name"] = "Made Mare", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−5%}}]===] },
["win_puppet_president"] = { ["name"] = "The Puppet President", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["win_self_made_pony"] = { ["name"] = "Self-Made Pony", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+3%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["windigo_queen"] = { ["name"] = "Queen of the Windigos", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+10&#8239;000}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+75%}}
* War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+30%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+30%}}
* ({{flag|Arcturian Order}}) Attack bonus against country: {{color|green|+10%}}
* ({{flag|Arcturian Order}}) Defense bonus against country: {{color|green|+10%}}
* ({{flag|Arcturian Order}}) Breakthrough bonus against country: {{color|green|+10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Magic Infantry Equipment}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−35%}}
]===] },
["wit_heavy_tank_manufacturer_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Enchanted Armor Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Armor technology}}:
** Hard attack: {{color|green|+6%}}
** Armor: {{color|green|+6%}}
* {{color|yellow|Armored Car}}:
** Hard attack: {{color|green|+6%}}
** Armor: {{color|green|+6%}}
]===] },
["wng_oil_genius"] = { ["name"] = "Administrative Genius", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["womens_rights_activist"] = { ["name"] = "Women's Rights Activist", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.5%}}
* Daily Harmony Support: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["workers_council"] = { ["name"] = "Workers' Council", ["mods"] = [===[* Production Efficiency Retention: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+2%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["workers_countess"] = { ["name"] = "Workers' Countess", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["ww_one_trauma"] = { ["name"] = "ww_one_trauma", ["mods"] = [===[* AI Modifier: Desire to be in or expand a faction: {{color|yellow|+10}}]===] },
["xiopili_chief"] = { ["name"] = "Chief of the Xiopili", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Infantry Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["yal_advisor_loewenherz"] = { ["name"] = "War Advocate", ["mods"] = [===[* War Support: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["yal_avatar_of_the_gods_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Boreas' Aura", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["yal_daddy_issues"] = { ["name"] = "Father Complex", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.05}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["yal_fake_diamond_king"] = { ["name"] = "Diamond Dog Leader", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["yal_father_of_the_revolution"] = { ["name"] = "Father of the Revolution", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["yal_grover_temporary_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Resurrected Autocrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.25}}
* Division Organization: {{color|green|+5}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+100%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["yal_grover_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Reconqueror Of Griffonia", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* Recruitable Population: {{color|yellow|1%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+20%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["yal_infantry_equipment_designer"] = { ["name"] = "Infantry Equipment Designer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Infantry Equipment}}:
** Soft attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
]===] },
["yal_military_theorist_better"] = { ["name"] = "Military Genius", ["mods"] = [===[* Army Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Naval Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Air Experience Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}]===] },
["yal_production_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Trade Union Ally", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|−4%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+3%}}]===] },
["yal_reformer_trait"] = { ["name"] = "Society Reformer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.15}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|red|−5%}}]===] },
["yal_social_democrat_chick_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Grassroots Democrat", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.05}}
* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|6%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["yal_speaker_of_the_gods_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Passionate Prelate", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+2%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+2%}}]===] },
["yal_technocrats_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Unfeathered Empiricist", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+7%}}]===] },
["yal_union_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Union Chairman", ["mods"] = [===[* Consumer Goods Factories factor: {{color|yellow|10%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+8%}}]===] },
["yal_werkzeugkiste_manufacturer"] = { ["name"] = "Toolbox Manufacturer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Towed Anti-Air}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* {{color|yellow|Towed Anti-Tank}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
]===] },
["young_count"] = { ["name"] = "Young Count", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|red|−0.1}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["zar_cultural_writer"] = { ["name"] = "Cultural Writer", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.1}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["zar_first_among_equals"] = { ["name"] = "First Among Equals", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["zar_hiram_preacher"] = { ["name"] = "Herald of the Goddess", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Resistance Target: {{color|green|−5%}}]===] },
["zar_revered_queen"] = { ["name"] = "Revered Aguellid", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}]===] },
["zar_revered_queen2"] = { ["name"] = "Revered Aguellid", ["mods"] = [===[* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["zar_the_blue_sage"] = { ["name"] = "The Blue Sage", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Research Speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["zar_the_worm_god"] = { ["name"] = "Ijirmed", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|red|−10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+90%}}
* Resistance Target: {{color|red|+15%}}
* No Compliance Gain: {{color|red|Yes}}]===] },
["zar_the_worm_god_2"] = { ["name"] = "Ijirmed", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|red|−10%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+90%}}
* Annex cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.3%}}
* Weekly War Support: {{color|green|+0.3%}}
* Resistance Target: {{color|red|+15%}}
* No Compliance Gain: {{color|red|Yes}}]===] },
["zar_the_worm_god_3"] = { ["name"] = "Ijirmed", ["mods"] = [===[* Weekly Ponypower: {{color|green|+500}}
* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Division Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|red|−10%}}
* Justify war goal time: {{color|green|−50%}}
* AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: {{color|yellow|+90%}}
* Annex cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
* Weekly Stability: {{color|green|+0.3%}}
* Weekly War Support: {{color|green|+0.3%}}
* Resistance Target: {{color|red|+10%}}
* No Compliance Gain: {{color|red|Yes}}]===] },
["zebrican_close_combat_expert"] = { ["name"] = "Zebrican Close Combat Expert", ["mods"] = [===[* Special forces Attack: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Special forces Defense: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["zes_altu_commander"] = { ["name"] = "Iron Hammer", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Defense: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Infantry Division Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Artillery Attack: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["zes_avo_kasa"] = { ["name"] = "Avo di Kása", ["mods"] = [===[* Stability: {{color|green|+15%}}]===] },
["zes_chain_breaker"] = { ["name"] = "Chainbreaker", ["mods"] = [===[* Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: {{color|green|+10%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },
["zes_congress_leader"] = { ["name"] = "Founder of the Confederation", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+0.2}}]===] },
["zes_fib_doctrin"] = { ["name"] = "Capital Ships Constructor", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Capital Ships}}:
** HP: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Armor: {{color|green|+10%}}
** Heavy Attack: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["zes_first_minister"] = { ["name"] = "First Minister", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+25%}}
* Production Efficiency Base: {{color|green|+5%}}
* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["zes_first_president"] = { ["name"] = "Father of the Republic", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Recovery Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Reinforce Rate: {{color|green|+5%}}
* War Support: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Maximum Command Power Increase: {{color|green|+0.2}}]===] },
["zes_gun_manufa"] = { ["name"] = "Native Kásan Weapons Manufacturer", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Infantry Equipment}}:
** [[File:production_cost.png]]  Production Cost: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Reliability: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["zes_harmonic_capitalist"] = { ["name"] = "Harmonic Capitalist", ["mods"] = [===[* Improve relations opinion: {{color|green|+15%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["zes_known_poet"] = { ["name"] = "Idealistic Poet", ["mods"] = [===[* Daily Political Power Cost: {{color|green|−0.1}}
* Mobilization speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["zes_modern_commander"] = { ["name"] = "Modern First Commander", ["mods"] = [===[* Division Organization: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Division Defense: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["zes_political_protege"] = { ["name"] = "Political Protége", ["mods"] = [===[* Political Power Gain: {{color|green|+10%}}
* Political Advisor Cost: {{color|green|−25%}}]===] },
["zes_promising_businesspony"] = { ["name"] = "Promising Businesspony", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|Y|Civilian Factory}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}
* {{color|Y|Infrastructure}} construction speed: {{color|green|+5%}}]===] },
["zes_social_advocator"] = { ["name"] = "Local Advocator", ["mods"] = [===[* Non-Core Ponypower: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Recruitable Population Factor: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+10%}}]===] },
["zes_successful_business_zebra"] = { ["name"] = "Successful Tycoon", ["mods"] = [===[* [[File:efficiency_cap_texticon.png]]  Production Efficiency Cap: {{color|green|+5%}}
* Factory Output: {{color|green|+2.5%}}
* Dockyard Output: {{color|green|+2.5%}}]===] },
["zes_ti_doctrin"] = { ["name"] = "Submarine Constructor", ["mods"] = [===[* {{color|yellow|Submarine}}:
** Sub Visibility: {{color|green|−10%}}
** Max Speed: {{color|green|+10%}}
]===] },
["zrs_everfree_guardian"] = { ["name"] = "Guardian of the Everfree", ["mods"] = [===[* Resource Gain Efficiency: {{color|green|+20%}}
* Stability: {{color|green|+20%}}]===] },