User:Snow EaW

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Welcome to my profile page ...wew...

So yeah why are you here....

ah you want to kow who I am....


Okay now realtalk if you have been on our Discord you probalby have seen some of my posts about announcing events.

So my work there is to coordinate the community and if everything goes well making it more fun for all.

That means:

- Run community pages - Reddit, TVTropes, Wiki

- Recruit non-dev volunteers for community pages.

- Market the mod through posts, advertising and trailers

- Empower non-devs such as Wiki editors, Submodders, Fanfic writers and others by ensuring they have access to resources, information and contacts.

- Maintain uptodate lists of artists and submods to ensure that people can find and commission them.

- Make the community fun by supporting or running events, multiplayer etc.

- Crowdsource from the community to get content for the mod (eg ship namelists)

So if you want to contact me directly don't be shy here is my Discord Name: ///////////

My favorite pages in EAW