User:Etrusctan boar vessel 600-500 BC

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The area covered by the Etruscan civilization.

Hi, i won't tell much or display detailed information about myself as i want to keep some sense of anonymity. I live in Lithuania, i like history and history related games. I only work on the Equestria at war wiki. I'll try and edit some country pages and add other things there. But that will require me to play some nations that i don't like but i will do anyway. I love the mod Equestria at War, it's really good and has a lot of detail put into it and it's very interesting to see what people can do with a thing like My Little Pony. Plus it's a very good break from the one million times that i've played Road to 56.

PS: I messed up my name, how do i fix it? It's supposed to be Etruscan, not Etrusctan...

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