In Equestria at War, some countries are modern societies with electricity, universities, and thriving industries. Others are agrarian and primitive. To model these vast differences all countries are assigned a Science Base, which measures their capacity for modern learning and discovery, and an Industrial Base, which measures their ability to support modern industry and make full use of infrastructure and resources. The industrial level is also used for special conditions, such as Detached Country.
Scientific Development
Scientific Development Levels of all nations in 1007
Developed Science Base
No penalties
This nation is part of the global community of intellectuals and scholars. As such, the latest inventions are quick to spread here. Some of them might even originate from the country's prestigious modern universities. The scientific method is proficiently used by local researchers to construct an objective view of the magical world around us.
Substantial Science Base
Daily Political Power Gain: +0.10
Research Speed: -30%
Scholars in this country have embraced the Equestrian scientific revolution, abandoning the ways of the past. However, they face much obscurantism or even outright hostility from wider society. Not only that, but they also lack resources and personnel to conduct any large-scale research.
Small Science Base
Daily Political Power Gain: +0.20
Research Speed: -55%
While some philosophers and scholars in this country question traditional conceptions of nature and are curious about foreign ideas, they are few in number and most intellectuals cling on to the old. What the outsiders call "science" is largely seen as heresy or delusion, as most intellectuals still believe the natural world cannot be understood or explained.
Poor Science Base
Daily Political Power Gain: +0.30
Research Speed: -80%
"Science" is an unknown concept here. Superstition and outlandish ideas are used to explain the functioning of the world. Magic is seen as a wild, untamed and even dangerous force that should be avoided. Most "intellectuals" are elders or priests who focus on recording traditional knowledge rather than trying to innovate.
Reforming Science
Naturally, less developed nations will wish to improve their base as soon as possible. The method varies from country to country.
Unique Focus Trees
Nations with unique focus trees typically use special focuses and events tailored for their country to reform, and other methods are locked out.
Griffonian Generic Focus Tree
The Griffon industrial tree has Focuses that improve the science base as follows.
Focus to Reach
Poor Science Base
Small Science Base
Education Reform
Substantial Science Base
Scientific Effort
>14 Factories
Developed Science Base
Scientific Effort II
Generic Reform
Some nations can reform their science base directly if they meet the conditions for a cost of 40PP per level. However, this path may be locked for many nations. To do this, click the Science Base icon in the nation page.
Poor Science Base
Small Science Base
>2 Civilian Factories
Technology - Musket
Substantial Science Base
Owns an Industrial Griffonian State
Owns a Cultural Griffonian State
>9 Factories
Developed Science Base
Owns an Industrial Griffonian State
>17 Factories
The list of states are as follows
Industrial Griffon States
The Imperial City
Cultural Griffonian States
The Residence
Society Development
Societal Development Levels of all nations in 1007
Modern Society
No penalties
A modern society has tamed and taken control of the natural world. While this might not mean complete management of weather like in Equestria, it does mean the nation has organized into an extremely complex, interconnected entity with robust institutions and efficient mass-scale industrial production. Sprawling urban conglomerations are supported by all the necessary infrastructure to maintain their massive populations. Due to increased automation and global trade, more and more citizens work in the service sector. At this rate, the country will eventually advance beyond modernity.
Newly Industrialized Society
Resource Gain Efficiency: -10.00%
Construction Speed: -10.00%
Research Speed: -10.00%
Factory Output: -10.00%
Dockyard Output: -10.00%
Despite industrialising, this nation has not yet caught up to more advanced nations. Some traditional institutions still do all they can to stop the seemingly inevitable march of progress. Yet their efforts appear increasingly futile as the society around them continues to change rapidly. A majority of the population is already living in cities and working in the industrial sector, while communication and transportation technologies are being used to connect the growing capital to all corners of the nation, as well as the larger world beyond. Soon enough, this society can call itself modern by any definition of the word.
Industrialising Society
Resource Gain Efficiency: -20.00%
Monthly Population: -10.0%
Construction Speed: -20.00%
Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
Research Speed: -20.00%
Factory Output: -20.00%
Dockyard Output: -20.00%
Factory Bomb Vulnerability: -25.00%
This society is experiencing an industrial revolution. New machines are imported from abroad and sometimes even manufactured domestically, allowing for far more efficient production of goods. A more extensive bureaucracy and a principle of meritocracy improve governance, economy and healthcare, allowing the population to grow rapidly. With less workers needed on farms, many are migrating to cities looking for work in the newly established factories. While some protest these radical changes, they can only slow down the process.
Agrarian Society
Resource Gain Efficiency: -50.00%
Monthly Population: -25.0%
Construction Speed: -50.00%
Production Efficiency Cap: -20.00%
Research Speed: -50.00%
Factory Output: -50.00%
Dockyard Output: -50.00%
Factory Bomb Vulnerability: -50.00%
An agrarian society is where a substantial portion of the populace, around 90%, is engaged in agriculture. The countryside is divided into countless small villages and towns, with only a few larger urban settlements. Almost all work is done manually, with minimal automation and a reliance on beasts of burden. Life is slow and unchanging, with the same traditional institutions continuing to remain in place. Only a few metropolitan individuals ever visit abroad and foreigners are a rare sight. However, these few outside connections could potentially spark an industrial revolution.
Primitive Society
Resource Gain Efficiency: -70.00%
Monthly Population: -30.0%
Stability: -30.00%
Construction Speed: -70.00%
Production Efficiency Cap: -30.00%
Research Speed: -60.00%
Factory Output: -70.00%
Dockyard Output: -70.00%
Factory Bomb Vulnerability: -70.00%
Loosely defined, a primitive society is defined by lack of social complexity. The population is divided into countless small units, often based on familial relationships, and there is no strong central authority. The entire population, except for a few exceptions like spiritual leaders, engage in subsistence agriculture, pastoralism or even hunting and gathering. Specialization or division of labour are near non-existent. There is no shared identity, no "nation", no "country" and no "government". Yet there is still culture, art, religion, language and above all, ageless primordial wisdom.
Special Societies
Communal Society
Daily Political Power Gain: +0.20
Resource Gain Efficiency: -50.00%
Monthly Population: -30.0%
Stability: +10.00%
Construction Speed: -50.00%
Production Efficiency Cap: -30.00%
Division Attack on Core Territory: +15.0%
Division Defense on Core Territory: +15.0%
Research Speed: -70.00%
Factory Output: -50.00%
Dockyard Output: -50.00%
Factory Bomb Vulnerability: -70.00%
AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: +25.0%
Communal societies are similar to primitive ones, as they have simple organization, societal fragmentation and subsistence economies. It differs by having a widespread culture of interdependence and common sharing of land and resources, with leaders primarily having a purely ceremonial role. Individuals support the larger community, which supports them in turn.
Communal societies are similar to Agrarian Societies, but have some bonuses to combat and stability. Currently this level is only used for the Northern Tribes and Watertowns, two Pony nations who shun the higher tech of their southern brethren. If upgraded by a focus, they will become an Agrarian Society.
Detached Country
Daily Political Power Cost: +0.20
Monthly Population: -30.0%
Construction Speed: -65.00%
Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
Research Speed: -800.00%
Factory Bomb Vulnerability: -70.00%
Ideology Drift Defense: +100.0%
Civilian intelligence to others: -80.0%
Army intelligence to others: -80.0%
Navy intelligence to others: -80.0%
Airforce intelligence to others: -80.0%
This nation has barely any connections to the outside world, having completely closed its borders and constantly patrolling them for intruders. As such, no new foreign ideas enter the country, and the society remains stuck in the past, unable to advance and closely following old traditions.
Detached countries are cut off from the rest of the world - other countries can't declare war on them, and although their military production is strong, their construction and research abilities are crippled. This is used for special countries that are in the middle of an isolated conflict or civil war that other countries will not meddle in - until the war is resolved, these countries are detached and can fight well, but cannot expand or improve. Currently only the Arcturian Order and the Dread League are detached societies.
Reforming Industry
Naturally, less developed nations will wish to improve their base as soon as possible. The method varies from country to country.
Unique Focus Trees
Nations with unique focus trees typically use special focuses and events tailored for their country to reform, and other methods are locked out.
Griffonian Generic Focus Tree
The Griffon industrial tree has Focuses that improve the industrial base. It works differently from the other methods, read carefully. Each focus improves industry by 1 level.
Level Up Focus
Max Level Reachable
Industrial Revolution
Pre Industrial Society
Industrial Effort II
Newly Industrialized Society
>14 Factories
Modernise Society
Modern Society
>14 Factories
Scientific Breakthrough
Modern Society
>50 Factories
Two examples as follows.
Deponya is an Agrarian Society. It needs to level up 3 times to reach modern society. By taking Industrial Revolution, Industrial Effort II, and Modernise Society, it will fully upgrade.
House Eyrie is an industrializing society. It only needs 2 levels to reach modernity, but the first focus, Industrial Revolution, cannot upgrade it past Industrializing Society. It will need to reach the 2nd and 3rd focuses, Industrial Effort II and Modernise Society to fully upgrade.
Equestrian Generic Focus Tree
The Equestrian industrial tree has Focuses that improve the industrial base. There are few generic nations in Equestria - this is usually only witnessed in tiny nations or puppets.
Focus Required
Primitive Society
Agrarian Society
>15 Factories
Industrialising Society
Agrarian Society
>25 Factories
Newly Industrialized Society
Early Industrial Society
>35 Factories
Modern Society
Modern Society
>40 Factories
Illiteracy Levels of all nations in 1007
Negligible Illiteracy
No penalties
The literacy rate in this country is above 90%, primarily thanks to near-universal schooling. The fight against illiteracy here is therefore considered to be concluded.
Limited Illiteracy
Construction Speed: -5%
Research Speed: -15%
Less than a fourth of the population cannot read or write, but increasingly available education ensures most citizens, especially the young ones, have attained basic literacy skills. There is no longer a shortage of skilled workers.
Modest Illiteracy
Construction Speed: -10%
Research Speed: -30%
Despite continued efforts, about half of the populace in this country remains illiterate, with many being unable to attain any education. However, the foundation for the education of the entire population exists and simply needs to be expanded upon.
Broad Illiteracy
Construction Speed: -15%
Research Speed: -45%
A clear majority of the population in this nation is completely unable to read or write, though the number of literate citizens is by no means small. There is some basic education whose availability is limited. Skilled workers capable of understanding complex written instructions are in high demand.
Mass Illiteracy
Construction Speed: -20%
Research Speed: -60%
Due to pandemic illiteracy and a nonexistent education system, at most only a small fraction of the population can read or write. Most labourers are unskilled and ignorant, unable to work on more complex jobs.
Poverty Levels of all nations in 1007
Negligible Poverty
No penalties
While poverty exists in this country, most citizens are at least able to get by and survive on their own, and very few are noticeably poorer than others.
Mild Poverty
Monthly Population: -4%
Consumer Goods Factories: 4%
Construction Speed: -5%
Due to various reasons, some citizens have significantly lower standards of living than the majority of the population, having lost their means to sustain themselves. They rely on the charity of others to survive and are unable to effectively contribute much to society.
Low Poverty
Monthly Population: -7%
Consumer Goods Factories: 7%
Construction Speed: -10%
Research Speed: -2.5%
There exists a minority group of citizens defined by being poorer than most. Their number is not insignificant, and some of them resort to desperate measures to survive, such as begging or crime.
Moderate Poverty
Monthly Population: -12%
Consumer Goods Factories: 10%
Construction Speed: -15%
Research Speed: -5%
Somehow, a sizeable portion of the population are suffering from lack of access to basic needs. They are looked down upon by the rest of society as they beg, do work that is seen as servile or humiliating, and commit crimes. Yet it is not their own fault that they suffer, and they wish for nothing more than a normal life.
High Poverty
Monthly Population: -13%
Consumer Goods Factories: 11%
Construction Speed: -16%
Research Speed: -7.5%
This country has serious economic issues, with masses of destitute citizens living in sprawling slums and crumbling rural shacks. They own nothing, and no matter how hard they work, they don't get enough to get by. As such, many of them become criminals or join radical movements.
Severe Poverty
Monthly Population: -14%
Consumer Goods Factories: 13%
Construction Speed: -18%
Research Speed: -10%
This country is stricken by widespread poverty that affects a majority of the population. Hunger ravages the poor who wander the land, looking for any scraps of food. Cities, once humming with activity, have become quiet ghost towns. Crime is rampant as it is the most reliable way to earn a living.
Extreme Poverty
Monthly Population: -15%
Recruitable Population: -0.9%
Consumer Goods Factories: 15%
Construction Speed: -20%
Research Speed: -15%
This country has suffered a near total societal collapse leading to tremendous levels of poverty all across the board. It is a miracle a famine has not taken place as farms are abandoned and urban marketplaces become desolate. Crime lords dominate the land as the government cannot afford to maintain law and order. There is a mass exodus of civilians out of the country.