New to My Little Pony
“ | Glorious :D Friendship is combined arms :D
— Dan Lind AKA Podcat, HoI4 Game Director, on Equestria at War
” |
“ | [...] They put so much effort into it, it's insane. [...] I was really surprised.
— Dan Lind (@23m17s), HoI4 Game Director, on Equestria at War
” |
“ | I promised my friend I would play this mod and its actually a very well done mod, I was extremely surprised
— Daniel Sjöberg AKA Da9L, HoI4 QA Lead, on Equestria at War
” |
If you don't know how to install Equestria at War mod, you can find the instructions here.
We also have an optional but recommended music mod.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a shitty meme mod?
No. It's a fantastic meme mod huge sprawling work, with 150+ countries, unusual mechanics, a detailed fictional world, racial tech trees, a variety of fantasy and magitek elements, and far more portraits, focus tree icons and idea icons than the entirety of vanilla HoI4.
But don't ask us. Take a look at what some other members of the community have to say.
But I thought this was a TV Show about colourful ponies and Friendship? How can it work with a WW2 mod?
This isn't your mother's MLP. Over its run from 2010 to 2019, the TV show had gone places. It's probably most equivalent to a DnD setting - there are monsters and old dungeons, Kingdoms that rise and fall, places of light, beauty and power, but also roads that are an adventure just to travel.
It's a world that's industrialising, and still grappling with the consequences of big markets, big companies and big cities.
A lot of this mod is inspired by a particularly out there time travel episode, in which the protagonists witness a world without them to save it.
Mass conscription, assembly lines for the war effort, desperate guerilla movements, prosthetic limbs, slavery, and even total magical apocalypse all feature.
Even putting aside the "what if?" of time travel. Equestria has nearly fallen to armed invasion twice, and the Griffons are famous for their conflict over greed and power.
In short, there's fertile ground for a lot of wars, be they magical or mundane.
How are the game mechanics different from vanilla?
What are these new units?
- Main article: Changes from Vanilla HOI4
Magical infantry are more powerful variants of normal infantry, equipped with the more expensive Magical Equipment. However, magical equipment is also much less reliable than normal equipment.
Ponies can significantly upgrade their magical infantry via the Specialised Magical Training tree.
Airships are available in addition to regular planes. They are extremely versatile, able to perform almost any mission, depending on your needs at the moment, but also more fragile. A decent option for less developed nations fighting against enemies without an air force or anti-air.
There are no cavalry. None. Zilch. Not to beat a dead horse, but mounted infantry are dead. Why? Horses can't ride other horses. It's a Paradox game engine limitation.
Racial Special Forces
Knights are heavily equipped
Griffon special forces that can shrug off gunfire with their magically augmented armour and break through lines with heavy weaponry. They share some similarities with mechanized infantry, bringing some hardness (and to a lesser degree armour) stats to your army in the early years, though they move only as fast as leg infantry.
Jaegers are light
Changeling special forces that move quickly (5.2 km/h) and have decent breakthrough. They excel at fighting in cities, forests and jungles.
Pegasi are flying
Pony special forces that can move quickly (6 km/h), be paradropped. They are particularly well suited for river crossings, but hindered by forests and jungles. They can handle hilly and mountainous terrain pretty well, too, but not as well as dedicated mountaineers.
Ironpaws are heavily armoured
Diamond Dog special forces that are specialised in utilising rough terrain of hills and mountains to their advantage. They are stronger when defending, especially when fully entrenched. They struggle in jungles, marshes, and deserts.
Chargers are
Zebra special forces. Empowered by alchemy, they are slightly faster (4.4 km/h) than regular infantry, excelling at offense, but they are not the ideal choice for defense. They can handle deserts and jungles a bit better than regular infantry without any drawbacks in other types of terrain.
Panserbjørne: you know what's scarier than a
Polar Bear charging at you? A Polar Bear wearing heavy armour charging at you. In addition to regular rifles, they use equipment that is unique to them, which may pose some extra logistical challenge. However, they don't count towards special forces cap either.
Vanguards are elite
Kirin light infantry that move quickly (6 km/h) despite their lack of wings. Their initiative bonus allows for quicker reinforcement in battle. They can be motorized after researching the right technology, which keeps them relevant as your fastest unit. They are better in forests, marshes, and jungles, especially compared to motorized infantry.
Racial Support Companies
Magical Support Companies are
Pony and
Horse support units of unicorn spellcasters that provide a variety of buffs to units through their use in communication, healing, shielding, and offensive spells.
Infiltrator Companies are recon
Changeling support units that provide small bonuses to the effectiveness of troops, especially in recon and assault against cities and forts. They may also be a good addition to your garrison division, alongside the MP.
Valiants are the warrior monks of the
Kirin, utilising their ability to ignite themselves to inflict terror upon their enemies. They are a big help when attacking enemy forts and after some research can improve your division's ability to pierce enemy armour.
All this and some other, more rare creatures and machines you may encounter on the battlefield.
Where did all my infrastructure go?
The world of MLP is not a well-tamed one. It is a wild, magical land filled with monsters and danger. Though there are well-industrialised, connected cities, they are the exception, not the norm. For this reason, you will have to get used to moving your armies through rough conditions, and building infrastructure as you go.
We apologise for any inconvenience or hurt feelings if you should find the battlefields of My Little Pony are tougher than that of Western Europe.
What country should I play?
Well we happen to have a page called exactly that.
So I guess now I have to learn about the lore of My Little Pony...
Not really. So much of the game expands beyond the show anyway. But it helps.
- If you want to understand the continent of Griffonia, read the lore page for the
Griffonian Empire, as it's central to everything that has happened there.
- If you want to understand the continent of Equus, read the lore page for
Equestria, for the same reason.
- Zebrica is a vast and diverse continent, where for most of history no nation held influence over more than its nearby region. Nevertheless, consider reading the lore page for
Hippogriffia to learn about the very recent war against the Storm King who had ravaged half of the continent and how he met his demise.
- Its also worth reading the Race pages for any of the races you wish to play (
Diamond Dog,
Polar Bear,
Zebra or
I've kept silent long enough. I demand answers. HOW DO THEY USE GUNS AND BUILD THINGS WITHOUT HANDS?
Probably some combination of
- Unicorns are even better at it than humans, since they have telekinesis, allowing especially talented ones to perform multiple complex actions independently at a distance.
- Non-unicorn ponies, yaks, and other hooved animals all have very limited magical telekinesis powers, allowing them to perform fine manipulations through things touching their hooves.
- Griffons, hippogriffs, and dragons can use claws to get things done.
- Minotaurs have hands.
- Some weapons are especially adapted for use by hooved animals. Pistols can be held in the jaw, heavier weapons are often side slung in "battle saddles" for convenience, and can be fired whilst mounted this way.
- Some of them don't deal especially well with it, which explains why yaks, penguins, and polar bears are so behind in modernising.