Polar Bear Communities

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On the northern shores of Equus, the polar bears have recently banded together into a modern civilization. Paw Wellington, a mighty warrior who brought the clans together, will soon be entering his fifth year of rule. His position, however, is not certain, and the clans still chafe under his rule. But with the Changelings to the southwest, they may need to learn to cooperate. Can the bears hold on and avoid being conquered by their ancient foes?
— Polar Bear Communities's Brief History in Country Selection
Polar Bear Communities
The Frozen North

Polar Bear Communities.png

PLB map.png

IdeologyDespotism.png Despotism
Paw Wellington
Ruling partyClan Scyfling (32%)
PopulationPopulation 3,270,816
PonypowerPonypower 15,907
RacePolar Bear Polar Bear
StabilityStability 49%
War supportWar support 45%
FactoriesFactory 10
  • 4 Military factory
  • 2 Naval dockyard
  • 4 Civilian factory
CapitalMathair Fearainn
ContinentNorthern Equus
DemonymPolar Bear
Color  #9492A4


Almost all races have a myth or legend from where they spawned. Some claim divine creation, some even dare to proclaim direct divine descent in some form. The Polar Bears have no such legends or myths, for they claim that they were present upon the world since the start of days, before the world even truly was. The histories written by magi-scribes claim that for hundreds of thousands if not millions of years, ursinekind roamed the land, if it could be called land, as creatures halfway between the realms of spirit and material in the blessed, primordial cold. They were there before the Age of Monsters, and when abominations roamed the land they were there with them. It is said that during the Age of Monsters the Polar Bears were uplifted from merely existing, like their non-polar brethren, into thinking and dreaming by the mystical All-Father. They claim that with his blessing, they gained the power to forge great empires of ursines and sit on top of the primordial food chain. How exactly such alleged empires of so-called "Primordial Frost" existed in contrast with historically proven warmer climates and ruins of ancient pony settlements, with ponies never mentioned in the stories of magi, is something that bear scholars refuse to elaborate upon and have been prone to threaten violence if questioned too much upon.

It is somewhere during this alleged period, the so called "Age of Starsteel", Polar Bears moved from merely nomadic tribes of warriors into more settled societies, taught by legendary magical beasts such as the boar Gallinbursti, direwolf Fenrir, the nameless Great Raven, and so on. It is said that during this period bear armor was first forged, and great armies of armoured bears marched across the North under various alleged warlords and pseudo-monarchs, with so-called "Monster Kings" being an often applied moniker. And in the heartlands of their race, which bears claim are their current lands, great holds were dug into the mountains and raised in the great taigas and tundras.

One would assume that such primordial, and as any pony, griffon or changeling scholar would proclaim clearly absurd, statements on history, even if believed by some creatures, should hold absolutely no importance on societies, politics, economics and ways of war in the modern day. However, it is in this mythological past that bears find their definition. Thus, many of them even in the modern day believe they are creatures of primordial frost in some form, with statements about frozen souls and hearts of ice prevalent in bear rhetoric. Furthermore, many of them seem to feel some kinship with the countless wild beasts that roam the north still.

In any case, on the shores of the Polar Ocean there are many clans, as well as a healthy population of clanless bears. From the spiritual shamans of Clan Rozenkrantz to the arrogant warriors of Clan Kane, from the fortress lords of Clan Gotlung to the penguin-majority fishers of Clan Anker, the politics of the Communities are defined by clans. Wesslandia is home to the upstart Triple Alliance of Falsen, Brodkorb, and Benkestok, and Key Lake was once home to the crystal-obsessed Clan Rosensverd and gold-hungry Clan Tordenstjerne. But any discussion of clans would be incomplete without including the Three Great Clans: the harmonists of Volsungr, the warrior-scholars of Svartpels, and the currently-ruling Scyfling. Each of these Three Great Clans has far more resources and power than a lesser clan, and each would make a worthy leader for the Communities. The clanless bears, for their part, are willing to cooperate with anyone who treats them well, and are being increasingly integrated with the newly-modernized Communities.

Paw Wellington of Clan Scyfling, Despot of the Communities, has ruled with a fair but firm paw for the past five years, acting as a modernizing force dragging the backwards Communities into the industrial age. During the Unification War of 1000-1002, Paw pitted muskets and Griffonian mercenaries against traditional axes and armor, eventually conquering or allying with every clan save two: the aforementioned Clan Rosensverd and Clan Tordenstjerne, who were exiled for collaborating with changelings. They have not been seen since they were driven into the Changeling Lands.

Paw has been a good ruler by modern standards, but not necessarily by bear standards. He is perhaps too distant, too obsessed with foreign ideas, and many clans are getting tired of his seemingly absurd demands for unity and modernization. Change may be coming. While it is unlikely that any of the minor clans could truly pose a threat to him, Princess Eira of Volsungr and Thunder Lord Torben of Svartpels may be another matter. Eira's time in Equestria has changed her, and she now dreams of a new dawn for the bears. Torben has been a faithful ally to Paw, but even he may not be able to tolerate some of the changes to come.

While the bears may be divided internally, they largely agree on enemies abroad. The terrible Changelings must be dealt with, and the Griffon Frontier is rightful bear territory that must be regained. A union with the Penguins would also be desirable, as the two peoples share souls of frost and polar winds.

Will the polar spirit of the Land of the Frozen Sea endure, or will it be subjugated by its encircling enemies? Only time will tell.

Starting Situation

Polar Bears located at the northernmost of the Equestria continent, borders with the Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands to the West, the Flag of Kingdom of Pingland Kingdom of Pingland to the East and the Flag of Kingdom of Yakyakistan Kingdom of Yakyakistan to the South. Polar Bears are mostly dominated by cold temperatures and mountainous terrain (noticeably in the West and North East of the country).

Threats and Opportunities

The first and foremost threat is actually in the country itself. Polar Bears has only one division right at the start, and the Polar Bears barely have any infrastructure alongside with the mountainous terrains. If the players want to have any successful runs, they have to build up both the forces and the infrastructures, fast. The second threat that Polar Bears has to concern about is the Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands, as they can at almost any time go after the Polar Bears through border war or straight war.

But, there are some opportunities that the Polar Bears have. The first one is the Northern Pact (it can be formed by the Flag of Kingdom of Pingland Kingdom of Pingland through Harmonic path and the Flag of Kingdom of Yakyakistan Kingdom of Yakyakistan can join it), Polar Bears can be invited to the faction for its safety around the threats. Second is the western border which consists of mostly mountains. Therefore, they can be used as natural forts in case of Changeling invasion.

National Focus

Polar Bear Focus Tree at the start of the game.
Main article: Polar Bear Communities national focus tree

Starting focus tree

At first glance, the initial focus tree of the polar bears seems to focus on giving background info on the polar bears and modernising their country, with many of its foci claiming to provide good national spirits, which will last for the entirety of the game. However, the many clans of the Polar Bear Communities are all opposed to the reforms of Paw Wellington, and will do everything they can to sabotage his work. As such, any focus which claims to have a positive effect will trigger an event 10 days later which will have the opposite, negative effect. This unwillingness to cooperate from the other clans causes Paw Wellington to ally with the outcasts, who are far more excepting of his ideas. Upon doing so, a civil war will begin between the various clans of the north. However, only three clans have enough power and influence to be real contenders for reunifying the bears: the clans of Scyfling, led by the current country leader, Paw Wellington, Clan Svartpels (led by Lord of Thunder Torben), Clan Volsungr (led by Princess Eira).

The first two foci of the starting focus tree (Goal document.png"The Yearly Review" and Goal gold reserve.png"The Treasury Situation") trigger events, which add some additional info on the current situation of the polar bears, but otherwise do nothing. The focus Focus indy unequal treaties.png"Request Financial Support from Other Clans" will take away -100 political power, but otherwise do nothing. All of the described foci take 7 days to complete.

From here, three other foci are available. They all claim to add useful national spirits upon completion, but will actually replace them with worse spirits 10 days after completion. All of them take 21 days to complete. They are:

  • Goal tfv generic tech sharing.png"Start Combined Research Initiatives", which claims to grant +5.00% research speed, but will grant -5.00% research speed after 10 days.
  • Goal generic army artillery.png"Create a United Polar Bear Army", which claims to grant 1.00% recruitable population, but will take away -500 guns and grant -0.50 recruitable population after 10 days.
  • Goal ITA urban2.png"Begin Nationalization of Fish Farms", which claims to grant -5.00% consumer goods factories, but will grant 5.00% consumer goods factories after 10 days.

Realising that negotiating with the other clans is not an option, Wellington attempts to exert dominance against the other clans by force. Taking the focus associated with this (Goal silver reserve.png"Take What We Need"), claims to lessen the effects of the national spirit Clan Divides, but, after 10 days, will make the divides even stronger than before. It takes 21 days to complete said focus.

On a more positive note, this is about the time that the debt to Flag of Nova Griffonia Nova Griffonia for the rifles is repayed. Shortly after, Paw's good friend Ulrik invents the fighter plane, giving various air force related technologies, and giving +25 political power.

Out of patience with the rest of the clans, Wellington decides to ally with the exiled bear clans to regain dominance over the Polar Bear Communities. This is done by taking the focus Focus renounce the treaty of triannon.png"The Outcast Question", taking 21 days to complete. Upon completion, he is presented two options on what outcasts to allow back into the lands of the north:

  • Allowing only the most rational and reasonable exiles in, which will slightly increase monthly population and research speed, but at the cost of some stability;
  • Allowing all bears back, which will significantly increase monthly population and research speed, but at the cost of much stability. Should you intend go down Paw Wellington's path, taking this option will have far-reaching consequences.

Regardless of what option was taken, an event, titled either Stupidity or Insanity depending on what option was taken in the event described above, will trigger a week later, giving the player a choice on who to support in the Second War of Unification:

  • Paw Wellington, the current country leader and leader of Clan Scyfling (the unaligned option);
  • The Lord of Thunder Torben, the scholar-warrior of Clan Svartpels (the supremacist option);
  • Princess Eira, the harmonic reformist of Clan Volsungur (the harmonist option).

Upon taking any of the options, all territories of opposing clans will become demiliterised, and a new reunification focus tree will be loaded, thus starting the Second War of Unification. This will decrease stability by -30.00%/-40.00% (depending on what option was taken in the event The Question of Outcasts), and +5.00% support for the ideology of the favoured clan. Additionally, if the clan sided with is not Scyfling, the polar bear army will be deleted and replaced by a new one, and the negative national spirits gained through the foci will be removed and replaced by new ones (Idea gre political instability.pngOutcast Raids for Svartpels and GRW famine.pngSevere Famine for Volsungr).

Reunification focus trees

Overall, all the reunification focus trees share a similar format: the first few foci will give some bonuses, like more ponypower or stability, after which the player will get to decide what to do with the minor clans. The territories associated with said clans will be demilitarised after completing a consolidation focus. Then, the player can deal with the two major opposing clans and consolidate their territories, and all of the realm shortly after, thus ending the Second War of Unification.

Generally speaking, there are three approaches to dealing with the them: peacefully negotiating with them, subjugating them by force, or exterminating them. Negotiations won't cost any ponypower, subjugation will cost some ponypower (but it will be mostly restored after taking the consolidation foci), and extermination will reduce ponypower the most, alongside damaging local infrastructure and factories, and, if the clan is one of the Three Great Clans, the support of the ideology assosiated with the clan will decrease by -20%. Some options may not be available in certain paths:

  • The extermination option is not available to the harmonists, and Clan Scyfling can only take it if all the exiles have been welcomed back;
  • Clan Svartpels doesn't have any options for peaceful negotiations;
  • Clan Scyfling can't negotiate with Clan Svartpels and can't subjugate Clan Volsungr; however, both clans can be exterminated if all exiles have been welcomed back.

Depending on what approaches were taken when dealing with the clans, the polar bear communities can go on various different, unique, and interesting political paths.

Scyfling reunification

Should you choose to stay with and support Paw Wellington and his griffon-influenced reforms, this is the focus tree that will be loaded. The first few foci will give you increased ponypower, stability, political support, war support, and allows for the reclamation of Eastern Key Lake. Afterwards, the tree branches into two subbranches: one for reconquering the south (Orlantir), and another for the east (Wesslandia). From here, the two other major clans can be dealt with.

Below, a table showing the lost/gained ponypower of the methods of dealing with the clans is shown:

Negotiations Subjugation Extermination
Free Ponypower In State Free Ponypower In State
Clan Kane +5000 -1000 -5000 -5000 -50000
Gotlung +5000 -2000 -5000 -6000 -50000
Rozenkrantz +5000 -2000 -5000 -6000 -50000
Triple Aliance +20000 -3000 -20000 -2000 -150000
Volsungr +10000 None -150000
Svartpels -2000 -10000 None -150000

Scyfling also has 4 consolidation foci (Focus hol the foundations of defense.png"The South is Ours", Focus indy unequal treaties.png"The East is Ours", Focus generic treaty.png"Yak Mountains are Ours", and Focus generic treaty black.png"The North is Peaceful"), giving +15000 manpower and +40% support of un-aligned. Besides those, Goal poland goal.png"Storm Their Fortresses", Goal generic position armies.png"Finish the Reclamation of the Northwest", Goal generic occypy states ongoing war.png"March West", and Goal generic national unity.png"Forge Local Alliances" all together give +24000 ponypower. In other words, polar bears will gain +39000 ponypower no matter the methods they'll chose, which compensates for the ponypower lost during the civil war.

Depending on what methods were used to win the civil war, the polar bears will gain a different political path. If Wellington only used kindness and diplomacy when dealing with the other clans (except with Clan Svartpels), he shall attempt to form a republican confederation, strongly inspired by the success of the Flag of Griffonian Republic Griffonian Republic. Should Violence ever be used against the other clans (except with Clan Svartpels), but they are never exterminated, Wellington will crown himself as King Joris I of Clan Scyfling, and attempt to bring the polar bears to greatness, forging the Flag of Polar Bear Communities Kingdom of Winter, inspired by the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire. And should all the exiles be let back, he will have no option but to exterminate all opposing clans, and will have to find a way to recover from such a great mistake.

This focus tree also removes the following negative national spirits:

  • Spa recovering from the civil war.pngDestroyed Fish Farms (Goal italy compagnia etiopica degli esplosivi.png"Restore the Fish Farms");
  • MEX politicised army.pngDisjointed Military (Focus indy generic political.png"Prepare for The Final Push");
  • PLB clan divides.pngClan Divides (Gradually removed by taking consolidation foci).

(Idea jap duplicate research.pngScientific Failures will be removed at the start of the political path, and exile related national ideas PLB exiles2.pngThe Exiles' Return or PLB exiles3.pngWave of Exiles cannot be romoved.)

Svartpels reunification

As the illusion of bear unity collapsed, the clan of Svartpels, lead by the Thunder Lord Torben were in great denial, choosing to believe that the collapse was caused not by the incompetence of Clan Scyfling, but rather by the deceitful and honourless Flag of Changeling Lands Changelings to the west of them. After gathering his forces, the first thing Torben does is going to the ancient ally and vassal of Svartpels, Clan Anker, to make sure they are still loyal. To his delight, they are, and re-affirm their loyalty. After this, the Thunder Lord can begin to fight against the opposing clans, and even go as far as completely exterminating them.

In the same time, Svartpels has to deal with raids by the recently brought back outcasts, represented by the national idea Idea gre political instability.pngOutcast Raids. This negative effect of this idea can be weakened by taking Goal checkmate.png"Cut Off Roads from East" and fully removed by taking Focus eng move to secure the dominions.png"Secure the Mountain Passes".

Just like in the Scyflilng section above, a table showing the lost/gained ponypower of the methods of dealing with the clans is provided below:

Subjugation Extermination
Free Ponypower In State Free Ponypower In State
Clan Triple Aliance -2000 -10000 -2000 -50000
Orlantir -3000 -20000 -4000 -150000
Volsungr -2500 -20000 None -150000
Scyfling -2000 -10000 None -150000

Just like the Scyfling path, Svartpels has 4 consolidation foci (Goal generic more territorial claims.png"Wesslandia is Within Our Claws", Focus generic treaty red.png"Tighten Our Grip", Focus generic treaty.png"Rivals No More", and Focus generic treaty black.png"Realm of Scyfling Liberated!"), giving +10000 ponypower and +40% for supremacy.

Upon the end of the civil war, the supremacist faction (Svartpels/Torben) become the ruling faction, and the focus tree switches to theirs. A different political path will be taken depending on what choices were made during the civil war: if any clans (besides Scyfling) were spared during Torben's war of reunification, the polar bears will be united into a fair and equal nation, in which every clan would have a say. But if all of them (besides Scyfling) were exterminated, the bears will work to get revenge against all the foreign powers which have once wronged them, no matter the cost.

The national spirits PLB exiles2.pngThe Exiles' Return (or PLB exiles3.pngWave of Exiles if all the exiles were welcomed back by Wellington) will be removed after taking Focus eng move to secure the dominions.png"Secure the Mountain Passes". PLB clan divides.pngClan Divides is removed by gradually taking consolidation foci.

Volsungr reunification

Outraged by the failures of the Wellington regime, the bears of Volsungr, led by the once exiled princess Eira, are yet another contender for the reunification of the polar bears. The princess' time in Flag of Equestria Equestria during exile has drastically changed both her and her clan, and she now aims to reunify the bears under a new, harmonic Polaria. However, before their grand ambitions, they must first deal with the question of exiles: the younger bears of the clan want to allow all exiles back to the realm, whereas the elders propose no such thing. Should the new generation be supported, Volsungr will have access to new political advisors, like Comrade Icebear. Otherwise, nothing happens.

With the debate settled, Volsungr can deal with Wesslandia, and deal with their famine problem (note: after Goal anschluss.png"Our Flags Over Wesslandia", the foci can't be completed in any order, but must be completed left to right, that is, first Focus indy agriculture 2.png"Reclaim Root Farms", then Goal arms export.png"Secure Fish Roads", and then Modern Weapons.png"Open Up Seal Hunting Grounds"). Besides removing the famine, this also adds +75 political power. From here, the other two major clans can be dealt with.

Table of lost/gained ponypower when dealing with the clans depending on the method:

Negotiations Subjugation
Free Ponypower In State
Clan Triple Alliance +20000 -2000 -10000
Scyfling +15000 -2000 -10000
Svartpels +7500 -2000 -10000

Unlike the other clans, Volsungr only has 3 reclamation foci, those being Goal anschluss.png"Our Flags Over Wesslandia", Goal generic alliance.png"Our Flags over Mathair Fearainn", and Goal unicorn academy.png"A New Lord of Thunder", all together giving +30% harmony support, +15% stability, but only +5000 ponypower. However, the event Continuing the Push (triggered by Goal split helmet.png"Remember the Crimes of the "Uniters"") adds another +10000 ponypower, for a combined +15000 ponypower bonus.

Once the civil war ends, the harmonist faction (Volsungr/Eira) become the ruling faction, and the political focus tree switches to theirs. If one of the other major clans was negotiated with, then Eira will be able to implement Flag of Equestria Equestrian-inspired reforms and introduce their virtues and values of harmony to the polar bear society. If one of the major clans was subjugated, then Eira will be able to crown herself Queen and implement a more cynical, bear-like vision of harmony.

The spirits PLB exiles2.pngThe Exiles' Return (or PLB exiles3.pngWave of Exiles) can be changed to PLB exiles2.pngThe Harmonic Outcasts in the political focus path (the Queen-subbranch), and PLB clan divides.pngClan Divides's effects will be gradually reduced by taking consolidation foci, but not fully removed.


The Polar Bear Communities starts with 2 research slots available.

Army Naval Air Tech / Industry
  • Primitive Weapons
  • Muzzle-loaders
  • Breech-loaded Rifles
  • Mountain Infantry I
  • Support Equipment
    • Recon Company I
  • Civilian Train
  • Pre-Industrial Artillery
  • Artillery
  • Torpedo Boat Destroyer
    • Basic Depth Chargers
  • Scout and Armoured Cruisers
  • Naval Gunnery
  • Basic Torpedo
  • Designated Landing Barges
  • None
  • None
Doctrine Racial
  • Mass Assault
  • None
  • None
  • Polar Berserkers
  • Traditional Panserbjørn Equipment


National Spirits

Polar Bear Temper icon
Polar Bear Temper
  • Surrender Limit: +5.00%
  • Division Attack: +10.0%
  • Division Defense on core territory: +5.0%
  • Weekly War Support (Combat Casualties): +0.10%
  • Weekly War Support (Sunk Convoys): +0.10%
  • Weekly War Support (Enemy Bombing): +0.10%
Bears fight like creatures possessed, and many would rather die than surrender their honor. They are ready to face down impossible odds for their clans.
Polar Bear Exiles icon
Polar Bear Exiles
  • Monthly Population: -10.0%
  • Stability: +5.00%
  • Research Speed: -5.00%
Eccentrics, criminals, outcasts, and cultists: all are sent out from our lands to find a home elsewhere. Unfortunately, this has slowed our research, as some of our brightest minds wind up exiled.
Clan Divides icon
Clan Divides
  • Daily Political Power Gain: -0.50
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -40%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: +30.0%
  • Stability: -10.00%
  • War Support: -10.00%
  • Construction Speed: -30.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap Production Efficiency Cap: -20.00%
  • Factory Output: -25.00%
  • Dockyard Output: -25.00%
  • Cannot train units, disband units, or edit unit templates.
The three great clans of the Polar Bears cannot see eye to eye, and even the smaller clans are often at odds. This seriously debilitates the country, and must be resolved for the Polar Bears to stand united.
Repaying Griffons for Rifles icon
Repaying Griffons for Rifles
  • Consumer Goods Factories: +5.0%
  • Licence purchase cost: +100%
We have purchased breech-loader rifles from Nova Griffonia, and are still paying back our debt.


Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Paw Wellington

Clan Scyfling
Divisive Despot
  • Stability: −10%
  • Political Advisor Cost: −15%
  • High Command Cost: −15%
  • Air Chief Cost: −15%
  • Army Chief Cost: −15%
  • Navy Chief Cost: −15%
Born: October 10th, 959, Mathair Fearainn

Biography: Paw Wellington has been many things in his life: wanderer, mercenary, unifier, and now despot. He fought in the Republican Revolution as a mercenary, where his warband distinguished themselves with excellent combat performance, if somewhat tainted by political unreliability and looting. When time came for his payment, his employers lacked the funds to pay him, so they gave him an ancient battleship, which sparked his long-running interest in the navy.

Paw led the Unification Wars from 1000 to 1002, where he exiled the clans of Rosensverd and Tordenstjerne and subjugated the rest. For the past five years, he has tried to modernize society, purchasing rifles from Nova Griffonia and attempting to form a truly united polar bear nation. By foreign standards, he is a firm but fair ruler, interested in the well-being of the polar bear race as a whole. But by polar bear standards, he has been a mad tyrant making absurd demands of the clans, who are rapidly getting sick of his inept pretentiousness and ridiculous ambitions. In his own mind, he feels he is ineffective and not powerful enough. Grover I, Grover II, and Kemerskai tolerated no defiance. Why should he?

With his five-year anniversary of rulership approaching, only time will tell how he fares in the changing situation on Equus.

Portrait By: Kessel

Eira of Clan Volsungr
Benevolent Absolutism.png
Benevolent Absolutism

Clan Volsungr
Born: March 8th, 976, Volsungr Hold

Biography: A curious leader among bear elders, Eira is a stark outlier to the normal brutality of ursines due to her past as an exile. At a young age she was cast out from Clan Volsungr and bear society itself for her ideas aligning with that of the weak ponies from the south, and left for the land of Equestria. She traveled there for many years, studying pony society, culture and their way of life. The knowledge she gained only grew her fascination of Harmony as an ideology, believing that the Equestrian way was not just something for ponies, but also something ursines could achieve as well.

However, not everything learned was positive during her time in Equestria. For no matter where she traveled, the signs of the industrial revolution and its consequences presented itself for her to plainly see. Factories overtook nature as ponykind asserted its dominance more and more over the land, sometimes with little regard for the local flora and fauna. The ecologists she did meet gave her hope, however, and she swore to herself that should she ever get the chance, she would ensure that the same would never happen to her bear homeland.

That chance presented itself with Paw Wellington's return to the North and his takeover of the clans, as her former home of Clan Volsungr was decimated and on the brink of complete collapse. She returned to offer her help to the place that once exiled her, and they were forced to accept, bringing in thousands of former exiles like Eira herself and changing the clan forever. With her new and now popular ideas among the young and even some of the elders, Eira's leadership came swiftly, until the pivotal moment when she was forced to openly fight back against Paw Wellington's leadership.

Now, having become the new unifier of clans, Eira leads polar bears to a newer, Harmonic future, though how that future will look remains to be seen.

Portrait By: Neither

Chairbear Icebear
Great Leader Theory.png
Great Leader Theory

Kameraten Icebears Divisjon
  • Efficiency cap texticon.png Production Efficiency Cap: +5%
  • War Support: +5%
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.1
Born: December 21st, 965, under a double rainbow, as a brilliant new star appeared in the daytime sky

Offices and Titles: Chairbear of the Central Committee of the APaP, General Secretary of the APaP, Premier of the Cabinet of the DUCP, President of the DUCP, Chairbear of the National Defence Committee of the DUCP, Supreme Commander of the Ursine People's Army, Navy, and Air Force, Sun of the 11th Century, and Eternal Leader of Selvforsynte Polaria.

Biography: Icebear is a myth, a legend, a god. It is said he has the strength of twenty bears, and has torn apart tanks with his claws. He is wiser than the greatest scribes of Svartpels, more compassionate than the kindest Volsungr, and more powerful than the avalanche. He challenged Queen Chrysalis to a duel and she turned and fled. His military acumen and raw power singlepawedly saved the bears from the changelings. When a changeling spy tried to assassinate him, the bullet ricocheted off his skull, leaving him unharmed and killing the spy instantly. Every bear in the nation adores him, and aspires to be like him in whatever small way they can. Glory to the Great Leader!

Portrait By: Neither

Torben of Clan Svartpels

Clan Svartpels
Irredentist Academic
  • Justify war goal time: −10%
  • Ideology drift defense: +30%
  • Mobilization speed: +15%
Born: June 4th, 952, Svartpels Stronghold

Biography: To those outside polar bear society, Torben would seem a walking paradox. The mightiest warrior in the entire Polar Bear Communities, he is also a brilliant scholar and historian. But this fails to understand the vital link between his mind and his body. He perfects the physical to nurture his mind, and perfects the intellectual to guide his body. He has devoted his life to studying the past and ensuring it is upheld in the present. He clashed with the Wesslandians and Old Clan Volsungr, before they fell to harmonist weakness. He battled raiders from the Frontier who came seeking a mythical city of gold. And he was the first to join Paw Wellington in the First Unification Wars, and stood by him until changeling subversion welcomed exiles home.

He cares deeply for tradition and history, and it is this passion that drove him to rise from warrior to Thunder Lord to leader of the clan and now the entire polar bear race. He dreams of the entire North united, with the perfidious changelings punished for the countless crimes they have committed and the imperialist griffons shown their place. With all the polar bears now under his guidance, such dreams may be within reach.

The bears will retake their lost lands and restore their honor. All their enemies will be defeated and punished. And the North will stand strong and free for a million years more.

Portrait By: Neither

Alternate Leaders [may contain spoilers]
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by

Changeling Collaborators
Changeling Collaborators and the Northern Queen's Guard
Eager Collaborator
  • Max volunteer force divisions: +2
  • Improve relations maintain cost: −100%
  • Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: +75
Born: December 22th, 975, Eastern Key Lake

Biography: A Rosensverd dilettante, Bjornling was exiled with the rest of his clan by the despot Paw Wellington for their collaboration with changelings. Far from dissuading him from further cooperation, this was a turning point for the young Bjornling, as he came to realize that only the Changelings themselves could save bearkind from decadence, weakness, and Harmony. Through endless fawning and flattery, he managed to stoke Queen Chrysalis's ego enough to earn the coveted prize of rulership of the Northern Protectorate.

With her backing, he was installed as Lord Protector and given vague directions with generous autonomy in their implementation. The North will be reunited in a Third Unification War, the Four Stage Plan will be enacted fully and completely, and all bears will learn to love their Queen and their Lord Protector.

Now that he has secured power, only a rare few have any idea what he plans to do with it, but all know that his reign will be a horrific one, for Bjornling plans to let nothing - not morality, not the clans, not the Equestrians, not even the laws of reality itself - stand in the way of his dream.

By bullet, napalm, and gas, Hyperbearia will be restored. No matter the cost.

Portrait By: Neither

Chairbear Snowbear
Great Leader Theory.png
Great Leader Theory

Arbeiders Parti av Polaria
Sins of the Father
  • Daily Political Power Gain: −0.1
  • Military Factory construction speed: +10%
  • High Command Cost: −34%
  • Air Chief Cost: −34%
  • Army Chief Cost: −34%
  • Navy Chief Cost: −34%
Born: January 14th, 991, in the sacred site near Mathair Fearainn, as a comet streaked across the sky

Offices and Titles: General Secretary of the APaP, Generallissimo of DUC Polaria, Secretary of the Central Committee, Chairbear of the Central Military Commission, Deputy to the Supreme Peoples' Assembly, Sun of the Selvforsynte Future, Shining Star of the North, and Eternal Chairbear of the National Defense Commission.

Biography: Snowbear is a beloved young luminary, a wise scholar and kind soul. She outsmarted the assassins that murdered her father, and butchered them with her own paws. She is determined to do her father proud, and ensure that DUC Polaria will endure for centuries to come.

Shockingly, a few crypto-harmonist traitors claimed hereditary rule was contrary to communism and the Selvstendighet ideal. These traitors were swiftly dealt with, and all bears now embrace the newest heir of the Divine Bloodline. Glory to the Dear Leader!

Portrait By: Neither


Political parties
Name Ideology Leader Popularity
Clan Scyfling Despotism.png Despotism
Paw Wellington 32%
Clan Volsungr Benevolent Absolutism.png Benevolent Absolutism
Eira of Clan Volsungr 31%
Kameraten Icebears Divisjon
Great Leader Theory.png Great Leader Theory
Chairbear Icebear 5%
Clan Svartpels Kratocracy.png Kratocracy
Torben of Clan Svartpels 32%

Staff and Designers

Polar Bear Communities starts off with Paw Wellington (advisor).pngPaw Wellington as Chief of Navy.

Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Granny Bear
Granny Bear
Popular Leader
  • Stability: +20%
  • Daily Compliance Gain: +0.05%
Political Power 150
Aditi The Wandering Prophet
Aditi The Wandering Prophet
Propaganda Master
  • War Support: +10%
Political Power 150
The Clanless
The Clanless
Silent Workpony
  • Political Power Gain: +15%
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Illusive Gentlebeing
  • Operative slots: +1
  • Agency upgrade time: −15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot tank manufacturer.png Tank Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Traditional Armorsmiths
Traditional Armorsmiths
Infantry Tank Designer
  • Panserbjørn Armor:
    • Production cost Production Cost: -15.00%
  • Armor technology:
    • Soft attack: +5%
    • Armor: +5%
  • Armored Car:
    • Soft attack: +5%
    • Armor: +5%
Political Power 150
Idea slot naval manufacturer.png Ship Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Clan Anker Craftsbears
Clan Anker Craftsbears
Coastal Defense Fleet Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +10%
  • Carrier:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −25%
    • Max Range: −50%
  • Capital Ships:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −25%
    • Max Range: −50%
    • Armor: −20%
    • Heavy Attack: −20%
  • Screens:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −25%
    • Max Range: −50%
  • Submarine:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −25%
    • Max Range: −50%
Political Power 150
Idea slot aircraft manufacturer.png Aircraft Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Penguin Aviators' Guild
Penguin Aviators' Guild
Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +10%
  • Small Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Idea slot materiel manufacturer.png Materiel Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Traditional Gunsmiths
Traditional Gunsmiths
Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +5%
  • Infantry Equipment:
    • Production cost Production Cost: -10.00%
Political Power 150
Idea slot industrial concern.png Industrial Concerns
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Sages of Industry
Sages of Industry
Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Speed: +7%
  • Electronics Research Speed: +7%
  • Production Efficiency Growth Production Efficiency Growth: +5.00%
  • Reinforce Rate: +2.0%
Political Power 150
Select theorist.png Theorists
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Torsten of Wesslandia
Torsten of Wesslandia
Mass Assault Expert
  • Mass Assault Doctrine Cost: −15%
Political Power 150
Hvittom The Mad
Hvittom The Mad
Nuclear Scientist
  • Nuclear Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 100
Select army chief.png Chief of Army
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Elof the White
Elof the White
Army Organization (Genius)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.40
  • Division Organization: +12%
Political Power 200
Select navy chief.png Chief of Navy
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Paw Wellington
Paw Wellington
Decisive Battle (Genius)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.40
  • Capital Ship Attack: +15%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +15%
  • Screen Attack: +15%
  • Screen Defense: +15%
Political Power 200
Almveig the Bughunter
Almveig the Bughunter
Anti-Submarine (Genius)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.40
  • Submarine Detection: +20%
Political Power 200
Select air chief.png Chief of Airforce
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Vediana The Winged
Vediana The Winged
Air Combat Training (Expert)
  • Ace generation chance: +10%
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
Political Power 100
Select high command.png Military High Command
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Gåsesteg the Exile
Gåsesteg the Exile
Army Drill (Expert)
  • Division training time: −10%
Political Power 100
Soker of Clan Anker
Soker of Clan Anker
Anti-Submarine (Expert)
  • Submarine Detection: +15%
Political Power 100
Sneuke of Haukland
Sneuke of Haukland
Night Operations (Expert)
  • Night Operations Penalty: −20%
Political Power 100
The Eternal
The Eternal
Infantry (Genius)
  • Infantry Division Attack: +15%
  • Infantry Division Defense: +20%
Political Power 200


Flag Information
Polar Bear Communities.png
Polar Bear Communities / Clan Scyfling / Untamed Realm

Benevolent Absolutism.pngDespotism.png
Polar Bear Communities (Supremacy).png
Polar Bear Communities / Clan Svartpels / All-Polar Souls Crusade / Great Realm of the Wilds

Confederation of Polar Bears.png
Confederation of Polar Bears

Polar Bear-Penguin Confederation.png
Polar Bear-Penguin Confederation

Union with Flag of Kingdom of Pingland Kingdom of Pingland

Northern Confederation.png
Northern Confederation

Union with Flag of Nova Griffonia Nova Griffonia

Kingdom of Winter.png
Kingdom of Winter

Glorious City of Mathair Fearainn.png
Glorious City of Mathair Fearainn

Endless Wastes.png
Endless Wastes

Great Polar Bear Realm.png
Great Polar Bear Realm

Realm of the Frozen Sea.png
Realm of the Frozen Sea

Princessdom of Polaria.png
Princessdom of Polaria / Woodland Realm / Princessdom of Beasts

Benevolent Absolutism.pngKratocracy.png
DUC Polaria.png
DUC Polaria

Great Leader Theory.png
Northern Protectorate.png
Northern Protectorate

Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling vassal


Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling betrayal

Greater Soryth.png
Greater Soryth

Primordial Changeling-Bear Queendom.png
Primordial Changeling-Bear Queendom

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
Titanic Realm of Equus.png

Spoiler end.
Titanic Realm of Equus

United Equus as Exuvia



Laws and Development

Laws and Development
Conscription Law Trade Law Economy Law
Limited Conscription Limited Conscription
  • Recruitable Population: 2.50%
Limited Exports Limited Exports
  • Construction Speed: +5.00%
  • Research Speed: +1.00%
  • Factory Output: +5.00%
  • Dockyard Output: +5.00%
  • Resources to Market: +25%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: -30.00%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +10.0%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +5.0%
Early Mobilization Early Mobilization
  • Industrial Research Speed: +2%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 30.0%
  • Fuel Gain per Oil: -25.00%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +5.00%
  • Military Factory construction speed: -10.00%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: -10.00%
Scientific Development Society Development Illiteracy
Small Science Base Small Science Base
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.20
  • Research Speed: -55.00%
Industrialising Society Industrialising Society
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: -20.00%
  • Monthly Population: -10.0%
  • Construction Speed: -20.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -20.00%
  • Factory Output: -20.00%
  • Dockyard Output: -20.00%
  • Factory Bomb Vulnerability: -25.00%
Limited Illiteracy Limited Illiteracy
  • Construction Speed: -5.00%
  • Research Speed: -15.00%
Poverty Race
Negligible Poverty Negligible Poverty
  • No penalties
Polar Bear Polar Bear Race
  • Uses Polar Bear Racial Tree

Industry and Resources

Military factory
Military Factories
Naval dockyard
Naval Dockyards
Civilian factory
Civilian Factories
Fuel silo
Fuel Silos
Synthetic refinery
Synthetic Refineries
4 2 4 (-4) 0 0

Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.

Steel icon.png
30 (-8) 0 0 10 (-3) 11 (-3) 0 0

Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.



Name Composition No.
Infantry Scyfling Inndeling Infantry x6

Support Artillery
Panserbjørn Scyfling Panserbjørn Panserbjørn x8 3
InfantryLow Priority
Militia Infantry x3 0
Army experience Total divisions 10
Ponypower Ponypower used 68.100
Field Marshal
Field Marshal Traits Description Skills Race
Bard of The Wastes
Field Marshal
Bard of The Wastes
Bard of The Wastes (advisor).png
Trait inflexible strategist.png Inflexible Strategist
Skilled but stubborn. A good enough plan can survive contact with the enemy.
  • Defense: +1
  • Logistics: +1
Trait organizer.png Organizer
Able to plan and organize the movement of large armies.
  • Planning Speed: +10%
Trait commando.png Commando
Skilled in Amphibious operations, Air Assaults, and Cold weather conditions - the Commando is a man of many talents.
  • Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: −25%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Polar Bear.png
Polar Bear

Some of the generals become available after taking the "Enable joke generals" decision.

General Traits Description Skills Race
Bergljot of Key Lake
Bergljot of Key Lake
Bergljot of Key Lake (advisor).png
Trait engineer.png Engineer
Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications.
  • River:
    • Attack: +5%
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +10%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Polar Bear.png
Polar Bear
Happy Drunkard
Happy Drunkard
Happy Drunkard (advisor).png
Trait unknown.png Communist Sympathizer
Supporter of the communist cause.
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Polar Bear.png
Polar Bear
Mishka (advisor).png
Level 1
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Polar Bear.png
Polar Bear
Stronk Boi
Stronk Boi
Stronk Boi (advisor).png
Trait engineer.png Engineer
Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications.
  • River:
    • Attack: +5%
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +10%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 4
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Polar Bear.png
Polar Bear


Type No.
Battleship Battleship 1
Light Cruiser Light Cruiser 1
Destroyer Destroyer 4
Navy experience Total ships 6
Ponypower Ponypower used 4.800

The battleship PBS Changeling Butcherer serves as the navy's Pride of the Fleet.

Admiral Traits Description Skills Race
Paw Wellington
Paw Wellington
Paw Wellington (advisor).png
Trait politically connected.png Politically Connected
This leader has political connections which has smoothed the way for his career. Perhaps too quickly.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −10%
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
Trait naval lineage.png Naval Lineage
It takes 3 years to build a ship. It takes 300 years to build a tradition.
  • Number of ships in the first contact: +25%
  • Retreat Decision Chance: −25%
Trait admiral screening master.png Fleet Protector
An expert in keeping small ships away from the big ships.
  • Screening Efficiency: +20%
Trait ironside.png Ironside
Determined to defend our home waters with the most powerful ships our navy can muster.
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10%
Trait admiral big guns expert.png Big Guns Expert
This officer likes big guns and is incapable of lying.
  • Capital Ship Attack: +15%
Trait admiral marksman.png Marksman
"Put the next salvo half a meter aft, right into their magazine."
  • Chance to score Critical Hit: +10%
Level 4
Attack.pngAttack: 6
Defense.pngDefense: 5
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 1
Coordination.pngCoordination: 1
Polar Bear.png
Polar Bear
Vsalpar of Clan Anker
Vsalpar of Clan Anker
Vsalpar of Clan Anker (advisor).png
Trait bold.png Bold
The difference between a bold attack and a stupid attack is that the bold attack succeeds.
  • Naval Speed: +10%
  • Naval Damage: +5%
Trait blockade runner.png Blockade Runner
Able to rapidly Disengage from Naval Combat.
  • Retreat Decision Chance: +20%
  • Fleet speed while retreating: +15%
  • Convoy speed while retreating: +5%
Trait admiral arctic waters expert.png Cold Water Expert
This officer has spent a lot of time in arctic waters and learned how to avoid most of the icebergs.
  • Attrition: −8%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 2
Coordination.pngCoordination: 2
Kjell of Clan Falsen
Kjell of Clan Falsen
Kjell of Clan Falsen (advisor).png
Trait battleship adherent.png Battleship Adherent
Naval air power will never become a viable alternative to big guns.
  • Naval AA attack: −20%
  • Capital Ship Attack: +10%
Trait ironside.png Ironside
Determined to defend our home waters with the most powerful ships our navy can muster.
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10%
Trait admiral arctic waters expert.png Cold Water Expert
This officer has spent a lot of time in arctic waters and learned how to avoid most of the icebergs.
  • Attrition: −8%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 4
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 1
Coordination.pngCoordination: 1
Polar Bear.png
Polar Bear


The Polar Bear Communities start with no airforce.