Griffonian Empire

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Griffonian Empire
The Sick Bird of Griffonia

Griffonian Empire.png

GRI map.png

IdeologyDespotism.png Despotism
Emperor Grover V
Ruling partyKaiserpartei (56%)
PopulationPopulation 6,078,089
28,312,349 (incl. vassals)
PonypowerPonypower 36,558
RaceGriffon Griffon
StabilityStability 38%
War supportWar support 50%
FactoriesFactory 17
  • 8 Military factory
  • 0 Naval dockyard
  • 9 Civilian factory
ContinentCentral Griffonia
DiplomacyLeader of the Reichspakt
Overlord of Flag of Grand Duchy of Feathisia Grand Duchy of Feathisia, Flag of Strawberry Duchy Strawberry Duchy, Flag of Sunstriker Clan Sunstriker Clan, Flag of County of Bronzehill County of Bronzehill, Flag of Katerin Principality Katerin Principality, Flag of Barony of Angriver Barony of Angriver, Flag of Yale Rectorate Yale Rectorate, Flag of Free City of Romau Free City of Romau and Flag of Greifenmarschen Greifenmarschen
Color  #E58A2F

The Griffonian Empire, the Sick Bird of Griffonia, was once the greatest nation on the Griffonian continent. It spanned from the cossack lands of the Gryphian Host to the tundras of Northern Cloudbury, and at its peak, dominated the ancient kingdoms of Aquileia, Wingbardy, and Griffonstone.

When the Idol of Boreas was first wielded by Grover I against the armies of the Heartlanders, Aquileans, and Wingbardians, the entire continent feared his wrath. That fear was amplified even more when his vicious son Grover II took the wheel, and moved into the remaining independent nations on the continent.

However, 300 years after Grover I first took the idol, it is now lost, and with it, the glory of the Empire. Revolution and corruption have taken hold in every once-prosperous province of the Empire. Today, the Empire is left with nothing but a fraction of its former territory, now filled with dissatisfied nobles, angry commoners, and power-hungry rulers. The current Emperor, Grover V, is not expected to have long left until death claims his life, and with his only heir to the throne being underage, the Empire is soon to face crisis yet again.

Will internal conflict shatter the once-glorious Empire once and for all?

Or can imperial glory be reclaimed?


Grover I, the First Emperor

Since time immemorial, Griffons have fought for wealth and power

Since time immemorial, Griffons have fought for wealth and power, with no king or country strong enough to unite the others.

However, in 705 ALB, Grover, King of Flag of Kingdom of Griffonstone Griffonstone used the Idol of Boreas, an artifact of incredible power, to defeat the two most powerful Kingdoms on Griffonia - Flag of Kingdom of Wingbardy Wingbardy and Flag of Kingdom of Aquileia Aquileia. After their submission, Grover claimed the title of Kaiser, or Emperor, which quickly prompted the rest of the continent to bend the knee. Grover I, as he would become known, had achieved the impossible and united the griffons under a single leader, creating a dynasty that would last 300 years.

However, Grover’s conquests were not over. He moved the capital to Griffenheim, a key position on the convergence of the Griffking river, and began looking North. When it became clear that Albert Plumenjar, the Duke of Flag of Griffonian Republic Cloudbury, was in a vital position to unite the Northern duchies, Grover I supported him with arms. In 713 ALB, When Albert finally united the duchies in a short and decisive war, he bent the knee to Grover, leading to a mutually beneficial relationship that would leave the Empire with control over the North and a stepping stone into the Flag of Kingdom of Vedina Kingdom of Vedina.

Portrait of Grover I, the first Griffonian Emperor.

After his early conquests, Grover continued to secure the Griffonian continent for another 70 years. In 728 ALB, Grover founded the University of Flag of Free City of Romau Romau, a beacon of higher learning that attracted more and more griffons to his new Empire in search of a greater future. In later years, Romau would become a prosperous Imperial free city, and the University would continue to attract the sharpest minds in Griffonia. In 747 ALB, Grover crossed the Creeper Mountains, beginning his decisive Eastern campaign, where he crushed the Flag of Principality of Lushi Principality of Lushi and associated Flag of Kingdom of Brodfeld Prywhenian principalities.

Then, Grover moved into the lands of the Minotaurs, seizing their coastal states and creating the Flag of County of Cyanolisia County of Cyanolisia. Grover I’s ambitions were not sated, and so he moved further east. The Zaphzian cossacks were reformed into the Flag of Gryphian Host Gryphian Host, a loyal march to the Empire, and 4 years later, Grover I’s mercenaries sacked Flag of Lake City Jezeragrad, his first main attack against pony forces in the East. In 783 ALB, Grover I founded Nova Griffonia on the continent of Equus, beginning his first Equusian conflict against the Flag of Polar Bear Communities Polar Bear and Flag of Kingdom of Pingland Penguin natives.

Grover II, The Warmonger

In 785 ALB, Grover I died. Grover II, the new Emperor, was met with much skepticism from the Griffonian populace, especially the particularly rebellious Kingdom of Aquilea, which rebelled against Grover only a day after his coronation. At the same time, forces led by the ponies of Flag of Nimbusia Nimbusia invaded the Gryphian Host, seeking to undo the efforts of Grover I’s eastern campaigns.

However, Grover II was much more of a capable commander than his enemies believed. He crushed the Aquilean rebellion and left most of the country in ashes as his feudal Imperial Army marched through the Aquilean countryside. Rumor has it he beat the Aquilean king to death with his own claws and took his third child, Giselda Discret as his bride, marrying her in the Aquilean Temple of Arcturius, which was a ruin due to Grover II’s brutal war. Despite the circumstances surrounding their marriage, Giselda proved to be a capable wife, and while Grover II was out on his conquests, Giselda Discret made his enemies disappear.

Shortly after that, the armies of Nimbusia were crushed, and Grover II solidified himself as a capable military leader and Emperor.

Grover II gave the Idol of Boreas to Guto I, his brother and King of Griffonstone

Grover II, occupied with administration of the empire, passed rulership of Griffonstone and the Idol of Boreas to his brother Guto, who faithfully guarded it. This arrangement split the family, creating two royal lines descended from Grover II and Guto.

Grover II, after his early military victories, would begin a campaign in the East that surpassed his fathers. He took over Flag of Republic of Asterion Asterion, subjugated Flag of Sicameon Sicameon, and sanctioned the first Eternal Crusades against the Eastern ponies. These crusades consumed the next 40 years of his reign, and he died in one of them against a simple Nimbusian foot soldier.

Grover III, The Unifier

It is said that while Grover I and II conquered the Empire, Grover III truly made it whole.

Grover III is credited for the stabilization of the Empire following the numerous wars in the East and South. The new Emperor established and revitalized a strong, centralized Imperial army, ensured the loyalty of his new subject lords, who had begun to grow angry and weary at Herzlander rule. Largely considered to be one of the best Grovers, Grover III was scarred from his father's military experiences at a young age and began a prosperous and peaceful reign - although many who disagreed with him or grew too powerful were simply disposed of...

In 854, on the year of his coronation, Grover III restored democratic rights in Sicameon on the condition that they pledged full loyalty to the Empire - but in 862, he murdered Kihai de Kissau, the first Prince to unify both Brodfeld and Sydia, who was growing too powerful for the Empire's tastes. Perhaps it could be said that these were his only major foreign policy adventures before his death in 914, after sixty years of peace, prosperity, and Imperial glory.

Grover IV, The Glutton

Historians are deeply divided on their views about Grover IV, the fourth Emperor of all Griffons.

His supporters believe his reign to be a continuation of the peace and prosperity of Grover III's, with the Empire largely staying out of foreign conflicts and participating in industrial and social reforms. He was an extremely competent administrator who expanded the centralization and modernization policies of his predecessor. He was adored by the commoners for his expansive reforms of the Imperial economic system, and was believed to have halted major Republican revolution efforts until, his supporters say, the corrupt administration of Grover V reverted his reforms.

His critics view him as the Emperor that destroyed the Empire and begun its downward spiral into decay and revolution. He was socially inept and utterly uncharismatic, and the nobles despised him for his pro-commoner and anti-nobility reforms. He was a glutton and famously loved chocolate, and historians generally agree that this is what led to his stroke and death in 970 ALB. He was known to be brutally honest, so much so that he had almost no allies among the nobility.

However history may speak of Grover IV, all agree he died in 970 ALB - and that was one of the acts that truly shattered the Empire.

Guto VI was killed by a cyclops who stole the Idol of Boreas

Grover V, The Weak

The Tricolor of orange, yellow, and orange became a popular Republican symbol that was used by the underground National Republican Party.

Grover V, the sickly ten-year-old son of Grover IV, became the new Emperor in 970 ALB, just 8 years before the Republican Revolution shattered his country. His distant relative, Guto VI, was to be the regent, but bad went to worse, as a monstrous cyclops attacked Griffonstone, slew Guto VI and stole the Idol of Boreas.

Chronological Map of the Fall of the Griffonian Empire

As Grover's regency dragged on, however, corruption, decadence, and mismanagement reigned as nobles attempted to use their power for personal gain. The nobles were accused of the assassination of the Wingbardian King in 972 ALB, leading to Wingbardy's secession and the subsequent Aquileian declaration of independence by King Gerad Discret. Grover IV's reforms were rolled back, and the commoners rioted for their restoration. The proud bureaucracy was left to decay, and the Empire's role in preserving the peace faded as nobles and kingdoms feuded more and more openly.

Republican sympathizer President-Marshal Kemerskai briefly seized power in Griffenheim

Chaos, mismanagement, and conspiracy converged in 978 ALB, as hundreds of thousands of commoners marched on Imperial Palace. While the Emperor managed to escape to the countryside unharmed with the help of the loyal Archon Eros VII, most if not all of Grover V's regency was lynched. An Imperial Officer named Kemerskai, along with many other mutinous officers, declared his loyalty to the revolution and proclaimed himself President-Marshal of the new (and short-lived) Flag of Griffonian Republic Griffonian Republic.

The Current State of the Empire

The Flag of Griffonian Republic Griffonian Republic was short-lived, falling to a counter-revolution in 979 ALB. The republican loyalists fled to the north, led by Kemerskai, and the nobility restored the young Emperor Grover V to the throne, but the revolution had taken its toll on the Griffonian people.

Despite the Imperial restoration, the damage had already been done, as much of the country was in utter chaos. Out of the many lords, princes, and kings of Griffonia, only those in the Imperial Heartlands remained loyal to the young Emperor - and even that could be considered a stretch, as they maintained almost complete autonomy from the capital.

The lands of the former Empire descended into an orgy of violence, bloodshed and destruction for nearly thirty years, as local powers rushed to fill the vacuum and attempt to create their own empires and kingdoms. Civil wars, border conflicts, widespread banditry, and the clash of kings and lords led to millions upon millions dead, uncountable amounts of orphans, and complete economic and societal collapse.

Grover V grows old and may trigger another regency with his death

The chaos has begun to calm, as borders have settled and war-weary griffons return to their farmsteads,, if only to avoid starvation. Scholars predict that soon a new wave of centralization and wars are to be expected in coming years, as the most powerful recovering states snap up local neighbours and formalize a post-Empire world.

The Herzland in 1007. Art by @✠ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖒𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖗 ✠#3910

The old Empire the world once knew is now long dead. The sickly Grover V is growing old and seems set to repeat his father's tragedy, as his son is still too young to rule.

Hoping to avoid another disastrous regency, the powers of the Empire are determined to unite behind a single regent with the powers of an Emperor. The three orders of Archons are sure to press the claim of Archon Eros VII of Boreas, backed by popular mandate, while the powerful nobility would prefer Duchess Gabriela, Grover's cousin and closest and most trusted friend to ensure an orderly transition that prefers the status quo in the recovery while allowing limited reforms.

Despite the Empire's sad state, the idea of a united Griffonia still resonates deep within the hearts of every griffon. Be wary, for there are many who will fight tooth and claw to make sure that the dream of a united Griffonia comes to pass once more, but there are many more who shall ensure this dream remains just that - a dream...


The Griffonian Empire is a powerful nation located on the Griffonian continent, at the center of the Herzland region. It is a focus tree driven nation with the possibility to conquer and core large amounts of territory on Griffonia, and would very likely become a regional power in early- to mid-game, and a world class superpower by mid- to late-game.

The Griffonian Empire is almost entirely driven by conquest; it does not have a peaceful route, and nearly every nation on Griffonia would sooner or later have to face off with the Empire.

Starting Situation

The Griffonian Empire is a landlocked but powerful nation situated in the heart of the Herzland region. All the nations in the Herzland region (Flag of Barony of Angriver Barony of Angriver, Flag of County of Bronzehill County of Bronzehill, Flag of Grand Duchy of Feathisia Grand Duchy of Feathisia, Flag of Greifenmarschen Greifenmarschen, Flag of Katerin Principality Katerin Principality, Flag of Free City of Romau Free City of Romau, Flag of Strawberry Duchy Strawberry Duchy, Flag of Yale Rectorate Yale Rectorate), plus Flag of Sunstriker Clan Sunstriker Clan in Northern Griffonia, start out as vassals of the Empire. The Empire also leads the Reichspakt faction, which consists of itself and its vassals.

The Empire starts with 15 divisions, consisting of:

  • 11 Imperial Guard Divisions (6 inf + support artillery and engineers)
  • 2 Imperial Knights (6 knights + recon company)
  • 1 Panzer Division (3 light tanks + 2 motorized infantry)
  • 1 Panzergrenadier Division (3 light tanks + 4 motorized infantry + engineers, support artillery and recon company)

The full army consists of a total of 360 Light tanks and almost 100k ponypower deployed. The Empire also begins with 40 bombers and 60 fighters.

The Panzergrenadier Division is the Changeling attaché; it cannot be edited or trained. When the Changelings recall their attaché, the division will demobilize and their template will be deleted.

The Empire has the best starting industry in the Herzland region, with 8 military factories and 10 civilian factories. The Empire also has Developed Science Base and Newly Industrialized Society as its starting societal development levels. The Empire's starting national spirits grant some mild debuffs, but overall the Empire is still easily the strongest nation in the Herzland region.

Threats and Opportunities

As a conquest-driven nation, the Empire has many enemies and few friends.

Within Herzland

The Empire's initial vassals within the Herzland all have their own goals and allegiances, and it is inevitable that Herzland will become divided after the ascension of the new Regent. Each of the Herzland vassals will begin their own political developments, and many different situations may emerge during this time.

Vassals of the Empire may secede depending on the new leader, and the Empire will eventually have to go to war with the seceded vassals to reunite the Herzland. Vassals may even receive war goals on the Empire to topple the Empire and attempt to institute their rule over Herzland.

  • Flag of County of Bronzehill County of Bronzehill: Bronzehill will always remain a vassal of the Empire initially. However, their chosen political path may allow them to secede from the Empire afterwards.
    • If the Archon is the regent, they may choose to back the Duchess, signing mutual guarantees with the Strawberry Duchy and removing their vassal status from the Empire. They may also stay loyal and remain with the Archon.
    • If the Duchess is the regent, they can not take the Archon focus. However, remaining loyal and siding with the Duchess is still available.
    • Regardless of the Regent, they may reject the Regent and form their own regency, removing their vassal status from the Emprie.
  • Flag of Yale Rectorate Yale Rectorate:
    • Remains if Archon, secedes if Duchess. Will also secede for either regent in certain paths.
  • Flag of Barony of Angriver Barony of Angriver:
    • If the Baron remains in power, then Angriver will remain loyal to the Empire if the Archon becomes the Regent, and will secede if the Duchess became the regent.
    • If the Baron was overthrown, then Angriver will always secede.
  • Flag of Grand Duchy of Feathisia Grand Duchy of Feathisia:
    • Remains if Duchess, secedes if Archon.
    • Feathisia will secede if it collapses into a civil war.
  • Flag of Strawberry Duchy Strawberry Duchy: Remains if Duchess, secedes if Archon. Will secede if The Prelate of Osnabeak focus is taken.
  • Flag of Greifenmarschen Greifenmarschen: Always secedes.
  • Flag of Katerin Principality Katerin Principality: Always secedes.
  • Flag of Free City of Romau Free City of Romau: Always secedes.
    • If Romau became Supremacist after the event "The Battle for Romau", they will rejoin the Archon's Empire and become a vassal again.
    • If it went Non-Aligned, they can rejoin the Duchess' Empire and become a vassal again as well.
    • If Romau is in the Empire's faction, then it will not be annexed by the Empire during the Herzland reunification tree. Instead, it will remain a loyal ally of the Empire, and will attempt expansion through diplomacy with their overlord, requesting the states of Greater Romau from the Empire.

Beyond Herzland

  • Flag of Griffonian Republic Griffonian Republic: The democratic pretender to the Empire. The Republic is a major opponent to the Empire, but is quite weak when taken on individually. The Empire will typically gain a war goal on the Republic before they can ally with other nations such as Aquileia. Take them down swiftly.
    • If the Republic has a civil war that ended with the revolting National Republican Army being victorious, and the monarchist Claus Rosewing then takes power and restores the Duchy of Cloudbury, then Cloudbury has a chance to join the Reichspakt through their focus "Bend The Knee".
  • Flag of Skyfall Trade Federation Skyfall Trade Federation: Skyfall is a very factory rich nation with a strong fleet and will considerably boost your power. They can join Harmonist Aquileia, or even host the Archon should he be exiled due to his opponents taking power.
    • If the Empire (or the Empire's successor) annexes Skyfall, Skyfall's navy will be transferred to the Empire, granting a major naval power boost.
  • Flag of Kingdom of Aquileia Kingdom of Aquileia: The first true challenger to the Empire. Aquileia is a powerful nation that can receive lots of core territories and many allies, and will eventually get a war goal on the Empire itself through their focus tree.
    • If Aquileia proper reunites the nation during the Second Aquileian Revolution, their focus tree will let them go on an expansionist conquest into the many states between Herzland and Aquileia, and core their territories.
    • If Aquileia is Harmonist, they can form the Entente with Skyfall and the Griffonian Republic. Smaller countries between Aquileia and Herzland might also decide to join Aquileia's faction during Aquileia's reconquests.
    • If Aquileia proper does not reunite the nation during the Second Aquileian Revolution (i.e. the vassal states of Aquileia manages to defeat Aquileia itself, regardless if Aquileia proper is Non-Aligned or Harmonist), then the resulting state will have a generic focus tree and no way to expand itself. Western Griffonia would thus remain divided and an easy target to the Empire's conquests.
      • The Empire can help to set up this situation by sending lots of volunteers to Aquileia's enemies during the Second Aquileian Revolution.
  • Flag of Griffon Liberation Army Griffon Liberation Army: This Communist state will likely overextend early on, and you (and Flag of Wingbardy Wingbardy) will be offered a chance to invade as soon as they attempt to take Flag of Kingdom of Griffonstone Kingdom of Griffonstone. Overpower their growing forces quickly to gain a good source of industry and deny it to Flag of Wingbardy Wingbardy. Should you neighbour Wingbardy whilst both at war with Prywhen, you will receive an option to declare war on Wingbardy immediately.
  • Flag of Kingdom of Wingbardy Kingdom of Wingbardy: The strongest rival to the Empire on the continent. The Karthinian Pact is a respectably strong faction, and Supremacist Wingbardy will have many opportunities to gain more core territories and add more states to the Karthinian Pact. Gaining power through expansion faster than they can match you will ensure your victory.
  • Flag of River Republic River Republic: The River Republic is the leader of the River Coalition. While the normal paths for the Griffonian Empire does not directly cross paths with the Coalition, expansions undertaken by Coalition member states into the Griffking river basin (Flag of Ordensstaat Hellquill Ordensstaat Hellquill and Flag of County of Longsword County of Longsword) and the Evi Valley (Flag of Kingdom of Brodfeld Kingdom of Brodfeld, Flag of Principality of Lushi Principality of Lushi, Flag of Gryphian Host Gryphian Host, and Flag of Free Towns of Gryphus Free Towns of Gryphus) will result in the Coalition spreading into the paths of the Empire's conquest.

Succeeding the Griffonian Empire

Succeeding the Empire.jpg

Almost all Griffon nations on Griffonia can unlock a decision to declare themselves the successor to the Griffonian Empire if they are fully independent, control Griffenheim, and the Empire does not exist anymore.

When the decision is taken, the Empire's successor state will receive cores on the original core states of the Empire, and receive the ability to integrate and core all states in Herzland. The nation will also be renamed to a name more suitable for a new continental power (monarchist nations are likely to claim the mantle of the Griffonian Empire, while Republican nations would likely rename themselves to Griffonian Republic).

Some specific political paths in a number of nations will unlock additional political focus branches in their focus tree should they take the decision to succeed the Empire. The nations that can do so include:

In addition, the Flag of Griffonian Republic Griffonian Republic, Flag of Socialist Republic of Skynavia Socialist Republic of Skynavia, and the Flag of Kingdom of Aquileia Kingdom of Aquileia have conquering Griffenheim as a prerequesite for unlocking more advanced branches of political focuses in their focus tree, though they do not use the decision to declare themselves the successor of the Empire.

Nations in the Herzland region have "Unite the Herzlands" instead of "Become the successor to the Griffonian Empire" as their decision. Gameplay-wise, the two decisions are identical.

Feathisia's Proposal

If Duchess Gabriela is the Regent, at some point later in the game Grand Duke Gerlach of the Flag of Grand Duchy of Feathisia Grand Duchy of Feathisia may offer a marriage proposal to Duchess Gabriela. Accepting will cause Feathisia to annex both Flag of Strawberry Duchy Strawberry Duchy and Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire, ending the game.

Emperor Grover VI

Should you have brought the Griffonian Empire through its struggles, the new Emperor, Grover VI, will ascend to the throne in the year 1021.

Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

Focus Tree

The Griffonian Empire Focus Tree

The Griffonian Empire's focus tree consists of five branches: an industrial tree, a political/expansion tree, an army tree, a navy tree, and an air force tree.

At the start, the entire focus tree is locked. The expansion tree is unlocked when Emperor Grover V dies.

Death of the Emperor

GRI Emperor Dead.jpg

Soon after the game starts, the player will get an event about the Emperor touring his various vassals. This will give a boost to political power and stability. About a month later, though, the Emperor will fall ill, immediately losing that political power and stability. The Emperor will die in March of 1007, after a total of 72 days from the start of the year.

After the Emperor dies, Flag of Sunstriker Clan Sunstriker Clan will break free, their bandit agreement with the Emperor having ended. The Regency Council will convene to elect a regent for the underage Grover VI. This immediately finishes the first focus in the focus tree, "The Emperor is Dead".

There are two prospective candidates for the Regent of Grover VI: Archon Eros VII (Supremacist), the faithful Archon of Boreas and anti-noble populist, and Duchess Gabriella Eagleclaw (Non-Aligned), cousin to Grover V and Duchess of the Strawberry Duchy. A choice needs to be made.

The first decision immediately locks you in for one of the candidates. The Council of Three will lead to the Archon, while The Old Guard will lead to the Duchess. Following that, both paths have 6 focuses to complete (taking a total of 170 days) before the Regent is elected. These focuses trigger events that give stability, war support, political power, and either Supremacist or Non-Aligned support depending on the choice of Regent. Both paths have a mutual focus: Die Kleine Sauberung, which will purge the military for 280 days.

After completing the 6 focuses, the Regency Council will elect either the Archon or the Duchess, unlocking the empire's industrial focuses.

Reforming the Empire

GRI Regent Reforms.jpg

Regardless of the path, the regent must reform the Empire to prepare for the reconquest of the shattered Empire. This section of the focus tree grants bonuses across the board.

In this section of the focus tree, the eight center focuses (Deal With the Bureaucrats branch, Support of the Reichsarmee, Entschlossenheit, Establish the Industrierat and Prepare for War) are shared between the Archon and the Duchess. The rest of the focuses are path-exclusive.

Notable foci:

  • Deal With the Bureaucrats: Removes Bloated Bureaucracy negative national spirit.
  • Start a Literacy Campaign: Gradually reduces illiteracy level.
Political Tree - From the Duchess / Archon Path to Vassal Integration
Tree Bonus Goal the archon.pngArchon Path Goal the duchess.pngDuchess Path
RushTime.pngRush Time (d) 306 306
CompleteTime.pngComplete Time (d) 663 663
Stability Stability 20 5
Political Power Political Power (Flat) 100 50
Political Power Political Power (Daily) 0.10 0
War support War support 30 10
PonypowerRecruitable Pop 15% Factor +25000 25000
Civilian factory Civilian factory 2 5
Constructspeed.pngConstruction Speed 15% 15%
Military factory Military factory 1 3
Factoryout.pngFactory Output 5% 5%
Other Bonuses
Timed Bonuses 365 days
  • 5% PE Cap
  • 5% Factory Output
  • 5% Dockyard Output
  • -5% Consumer Goods
365 days
  • Daily PP: +0.10
Notable Army Bonuses
  • Recovery Rate +10%
  • Organization: +10%
  • Max Planning: +25%
  • Effect of Partisans on Us: -20%
  • Organization: +10%
  • Max Planning: +25%
National Spirit Changes
  • Remove Bloated Bureaucracy
  • Gradually Remove Mass Illiteracy
  • Remove Bloated Bureaucracy
  • Gradually Remove Mass Illiteracy

Reuniting the Herzland

GRI Herzland Unification.jpg

After the Empire finishes its reforms, the next step is to reunite the Herzland region under the rule of Griffenheim. Vassals that remained loyal to Griffenheim will be reintegrated, while vassals who seceded must be reconquered.

Reward The Faithful (for the Archon) and Unite the Nation (for the Duchess) will reach out to vassals still loyal to the Empire's rule, and request to reintegrate them. The vassals will likely accept if they're AI-controlled; those that don't will receive an annex war goal.

It should be noted that the Flag of Free City of Romau Free City of Romau cannot be integrated with the aformentioned focuses.

After reintegrating whatever vassals that can be reintegrated, the next step is to militarily reconquer the ones that seceded from the very beginning. There will be eight individual focuses that each makes the Empire declare war on a single country in Herzland. It is likely that some alliances between former vassals would have formed during this time, and the Empire should take out the more isolated and weaker former vassals first to gain a boost of industry before moving on to the stronger ones.

The four final focuses unlocks the ability for the Empire to use the Integration occupation law on conquered Herzland states and core these states once the average compliance of the states reaches 40%.

The Rising Empire

GRI The Rising Empire.jpg

Now that the Empire has united Herzland, the Empire's next goal is to reconquer their lost territories. Importantly, the focus The Rising Empire proclaims to Empire to be resurgent; many other countries on Griffonia have the Empire's proclamation of resurgence (or another country's unification of the Herzland) as a prerequisite for their focuses that lets them attack the Empire.

In this section of the focus tree, the Griffonian Empire will receive an extremely generous set of annex war goals on many countries on Griffonia, along with cores on the conquered territories. The Empire will become immensely powerful by the end of the conquests.

This section of the focus tree is divided into five groups of four focuses each (plus a few individual focuses targeting individual nations). Each of the five groups is focused on one general region in Griffonia; the first focus in each of the five groups of focuses grants war goals on almost all countries in that region. The final focuses in each of the five groups allows the conquered territories to be occupied with the Integration law and cored when their compliance reaches over 40%.

The following focuses grant war goals on the following nations:

Emperor Grover VI's Tree

Grover VI's tree.

With the Empire most likely unified by now and the new Emperor Grover VI crowned, the country will be wracked with student protests, which will tank your stability and war support, as well as increasing support for harmony and communism. You will also load in a new tree to replace your old conquest and political one.

There are two main paths in the focus tree. The first involves hearing the protestors out, and implementing true reforms to the Empire. While you will have a hit to your recruitable population, it gives superior stability bonuses and will allow you to hold the first ever elections between the Harmonist Volksfront and the Non-Aligned Kaiserpartei. The other path will have you break up the protests by force, and putting in token reforms to keep the Empire stable. While not as radical as the other path, you still get some good stability bonuses from it, and ends with Grover VI appointing a new head of government to help deal in matters of state.

Both branches, however, have to take the central branch to finish the tree, which will have some very noticeable effects. These include locking your laws to Free Trade and Civilian Economy, as well as either Volunteer Only or Limited Conscription. This means that you will most likely not be waging war again anytime soon, though in your position why would you need to?

The last focus, A New Empire For A New Age will finally remove the Student Protests national spirit.

Industrial Tree

Griffonian Industrial Tree

The Griffonian industrial tree is small compared to the conquest tree but still relatively strong, giving notable bonuses with some of the later focuses requiring the Herzland and Skyfall to have been reintegrated. It can also only be started once a regent has been chosen. The beginning focuses will unlock alternate design companies for use, as well as 22 extra steel in your starting territory should you need it. Subsequent foci will require parts or even the entirety of the Herzland to be conquered, with the exception of the far right branch which can be taken at any time and grants a research slot. The bottom of the central segment will require control over the Skyfall Trade Federation, and the last focus will improve your industry and production for a year.

Army Tree

Imperial Army Tree

The ground forces tree of the Griffonian Empire is decently sized, being large enough to most likely carry you throughout all your conquests. It will require you to either gain the support of or reform the Reichsarmee to begin. It can be generally split into three branches, with only a few foci intersecting the branches. The first branch gives a small bonus to recruitable population, as well as research bonuses to infantry equipment and artillery, eventually transitioning to doctrine bonuses and general stat buffs. The right branch mostly has bonuses to motorized and tanks, along with 3 free tank divisions.

The middle branch is unique, and going down it requires the Changeling-Griffonian Attache to still be active. It will give a few positive national spirits to both you and the Changeling Lands, mostly from decisions you unlock after the first focus. Some bonuses will eventually be removed when the attache is recalled, but the majority of them will remain as long as you can take them beforehand.

Navy Tree

Griffonian Naval Tree

The naval tree, as one would assume, can only be started once the Griffonian Empire owns a port province, usually Rottendedam from Feathisia, which is also required. The first focus is unique, though, in that to replace the Skyfallian navy that was stolen long ago, the Empire creates a completely new Kaiserliche Marine from scratch. This will take a year and negatively effect your economy, but once it is finished you will be given a new free naval fleet and can continue the focus tree.

The two main mutually exclusive focuses involve a choice on how you want your navy to function: either producing more ships at the cost of reliability or vice versa. Fleet in Being or Base Strike are the two doctrines with bonuses available to you, and alongside bonuses to researching ship types you will also gain national spirit relating to convoys, dockyard construction and dockyard production.

Air Force Tree

Griffonian Air Force Tree

Just like the army tree, the air force expansion tree requires you to have completed Support of the Reichsarmee or Reform the Reichsarmee depending on which path you went down. After choosing between Battlefield Support and Strategic Destruction as your doctrines, you can get multiple research bonuses to further doctrine research, as well as bonuses to nuclear and rocket technology. Another thing to note is that for every focus on the side branches for a specific type of aircraft, you will get the first plane version (Fighter I, Heavy Fighter I, etc) for free.

Alternate Path - The Lord Protector

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
The new expansion tree for the Lord Protector.

When either of the regents begins to purge the military via the focus Goal skull treaty2.pngDie Kleine Säuberung, Oberstleutnant Ferdinand Dawnclaw gathers his forces and launches the Barrack Revolt, a military coup against the Imperial government. Ferdinand was a patriot to the Empire, but in his eyes, the Empire in its current state is way too weak. He believes that the Empire, headed by a weak child surrounded by corrupt nobles, will eventually collapse unless radical changes are introduced. Thus, he launches his coup to save the Empire from itself.

If Ferdinand's Barrack Revolt fails, Ferdinand will be captured and executed for treason, allowing the Regent's rule to progress smoothly. But should he succeed, Ferdinand will seize control of the Imperial palace and declare himself Lord Protector of the Empire in a radio address. He announces the formation of a new government, one that will clear out the Empire's rot and bring it to new heights.

The negative national spirit Bloated Bureaucracy will be removed during the coup event, which also promotes General Ferdinand Dawnclaw to Field Marshal.

Ferdinand sees the child Emperor as an powerless puppet, and an obstacle to the rejuvenation of the Empire. After much deliberation, Ferdinand decides commit to his plans, and kills Grover VI. The national spirit Grover VI will be removed, and general Benito will be killed.

Ferdinand's act causes a massive outrage across all of the Imperial Heartlands, causing all of the Empire's vassals to secede and collapsing the Empire itself into total anarchy. Following the above events, Ferdinand's political tree appears, replacing the normal political tree (the industrial and military trees will be maintained). The Empire will gain a new negative national spirit:

Die Anarchie icon
Die Anarchie
Political Power Gain: -50%

Recruitable Population Factor: -40% Stability: -20% War Support: -15%

The unthinkable has happened: the line of Grover has extinguished. The new military government is having an extremely difficult time trying to control what small holdings they control, with mass desertions and riots being norm.

Flag of County of Bronzehill County of Bronzehill will unlock their First Grief, Then Anger branch of the focus tree, replacing their normal political focus tree.

Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Ferdinand Dawnclaw

Regierung der Nationalen Rettung
  • Political Power Gain: +25%
  • AI Modifier: Desired Divisions Factor: +20%
  • Weekly War Support (Combat Casualties): +0.1%


  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +50%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: −15%
Born: 10th of March, 965 in Griffenheim

Rank: Oberstleutnant

Biography: Ferdinand Dawnclaw was born in the slums of Griffenheim. A sickly and weak albino, whoever his parents were had simply opted to leave the young griffon in the care of the Arcturian Archonate.

This decision would not only save Ferdinand's life, but ultimately, propel him to greatness, as it was precisely due to his upbringing within the Arcturian priesthood that he was able to flourish into the formidable griffon he is today.

In spite of his sickly disposition and poor eyesight, Ferdinand's priestly caretakers quickly noticed the young griffon's sharp mind and attention to detail; talents which they quickly chose to cultivate. By 978, Ferdinand was well on his way to becoming an Arcturian priest, and he might well have become one had a simple event not occurred - The Republican Revolution.

It was the Revolution that gave Dawnclaw his first taste of war, and while he was too young to join the Reichsarmee or even assist in the fighting, he found himself so enamoured by the violence that when he finally finished his studies in 983, he chose to attend the Reich Militärakademie in Vinnin rather than be ordained as an Arcturian Priest.

After graduating from Vinnin in 987, Ferdinand steadily rose through the ranks of the Reichsarmee, managing to attain the rank of Oberstleutnant in 1004 via a battlefield promotion in a skirmish at the Feathisian-Cloudburian border - the murky circumstances of which many within the Imperial General Staff have found rather confusing.

Portrait By: Echo

Portrait By: Scroup

Dear Boreas, Everything Is On Fire

Lord Protector Anarchy Focus Tree.png

Ferdinand's actions have plunged the Empire into total anarchy, and his newly-formed Regierung der Nationalen Rettung (RdNR) is barely organized. Ferdinand's first act is to end the anarchy by force and consolidate his rule over what remains of the Empire. Dissenters will be shot, rebels will be hung, and anybody that dares to oppose Ferdinand will be ruthlessly purged.

The focuses in this section of the focus tree are very short, taking only 20 days each to finish. Each focus grants an event that rewards some stability and other small benefits.

Notable foci:

  • Goal split helmet.pngAnd a Noose For the Commanders: Generals Elias Bronzetail and Erich Ebonwing will be executed.
  • Goal step on skull.pngWith a Message: An assassination attempt will be made on Archon Eros; the attempt will always fail.
  • HOL crackdown natpop.png'Retire' Eros: Can only be taken if the Flag of Skyfall Trade Federation Skyfall Trade Federation isn't Supremacist (i.e. led by Archon Eros in exile); Archon Eros will be personally killed by Ferdinand. The national spirit Archonate of Boreas will also be removed.
  • Dawnclaw Icon.pngLong Live the Lord Protector!: The national spirit FRA scw intervention republicans focus.pngDie Anarchie will be removed. The Society Development level will be increased.

Long Live the Lord Protector!

Lord Protector Preparation Focus Tree.png

With the anarchy pacified, Ferdinand prepares to gear up the Empire for total war.

Notable foci:

  • Goal generic media controls.pngEducate the People: Gradually reduces illiteracy level.
  • R56 goal FRA alliance with industrialists.pngThe War Economy: Changes the economy law to War Economy, and locks down the options to just War Economy or Total Mobilization.
  • Goal MAF Graveyard.pngNo Place For Cowards: Changes the conscription law to Limited Conscription.

Operation: Herzschmerz

Lord Protector Operation Herzschmerz Focus Tree.png

With the Empire remilitarized, Ferdinand prepares to reunify Herzland in one fell swoop, in a massive war known as Operation: Herzschmerz.

Instead of having individual focuses for individual vassals to declare war on, Ferdinand has only a single focus: Goal authority.pngOperation: Herzschmerz. Upon finishing Operation: Herzschmerz, the Griffonian Empire will declare war on all of its former vassals simultaneously. The Empire cannot manually justify war goals before Operation: Herzschmerz is complete, meaning that the Empire cannot declare war on the vassals individually.

The lack of any allies, plus the simultaneous war declaration against eight powerful countries that surround the Empire, makes the war invariably extremely difficult; an AI-controlled Empire is almost guaranteed to be quickly crushed during Operation: Herzschmerz. To tackle Operation: Herzschmerz, micromanagement is extremely necessary. Focus on capitulating one vassal at a time while defending on all the other fronts. Train low-width divisions to fill up the frontline's gaps and provide more micro-encirclement opportunities. Exploit the fact that not all vassals are in a single faction (and thus don't share supply lines) to create encirclement pockets along borders.

It is possible to delay taking Operation: Herzschmerz to strenghten the Empire some more, though it is almost guaranteed that the combined growth of the vassals will outstrip the Empire's own. However, delaying Operation: Herzschmerz may present another opportunity; one or more vassals may decide to declare war on the Empire first. This provides a chance to divide and conquer the vassals in more manageable chunks instead of all at once.

The Reich Rises

Lord Protector Expansion Focus Tree.png

Ferdinand has reconquered the Herzland, but he is not even close to completing his grand plans to realize the glories of the Empire. The flag of the Griffonian Empire shall be raised across all of Griffonia. As with the normal expansion tree, the focus Focus ger reichskommisariats.pngThe Reich Rises proclaims the Empire to be resurgent.

Ferdinand's final conquest section of the tree is mostly the same as the normal regents' conquest trees, consisting of groups of four focuses that grant war goals on entire regions of Griffonia and allows them to be cored. However, instead of going to war to reclaim Nova Griffonia, Ferdinand tries to expand the Griffonian Empire into the Riverlands, and gets war goals on Riverland countries instead.

The following focuses grant Declare warwar goals on the following nations:

The Lord Protector's Riverlands once all Reichskommissariats are established. The new Reichskommissariats are Kosakenland, Karminrotland, Höheland, and Süd-Ost Griffonia. The former River Republic regions are also now under the puppet Independent State of Rijeka.

Notable foci:

  • Hang The Traitor.pngA Noose For the President-Marshal: President-Marshal Kemerskai will be executed.
  • Goal offensive army.pngKosakenland: A puppet state known as Reichskommissariat Kosakenland will be released on the former states of the Flag of Gryphian Host Gryphian Host
    • Reichskommissariat Kosakenland has some unique focuses relating to its interactions with the Empire.
  • Goal constitutional guarantees.pngEstablish the Reichskommissariats: Multiple puppet states will be released in the Riverlands.

Spoiler end.


Army Naval Air Tech / Industry
  • Weapon 989 (Basic Eq.)
  • Katze (Truck)
  • Basic Armored Car
  • Mountain Infantry I
  • Engineer Company I
  • Recon Company I
  • Artillery I
  • Destroyer I
  • Light Cruiser I
  • Battlecruiser I
  • Submarine I
  • Transport Ships
  • Early Fighter
  • Early Bomber
  • None
Doctrine Racial
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • Knights Division I
  • We Can Fly?!


National spirits

Bloated Bureaucracy icon
Bloated Bureaucracy
  • Daily Political Power Gain: -0.75
  • Stability: -15.00%
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -30.00%
After years of neglect, failure to modernise and general corruption, the Imperial bureaucratic system has become a bloated abomination. It is not unusual to wait a full month just to get an audience with a bureaucrat. That bureaucrat then redirects you to another one so you can file several forms that in the end turn out to be unnecessary.
Reichsarmee icon
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.02 daily
  • Daily Command Power Gain: +0.05
  • Maximum Command Power Increase: +10
  • Land Doctrine Research Speed: +10%
Even as the glory of the Empire waned, its army has remained at forefront of development and modernisation. Our soldiers are drilled veterans whose profession remains respected, and a popular choice for the nobility's offspring. Furthermore, our commanders are well versed in latest military thought, with the assistance of the Changeling attaché.
Changeling-Griffonian Attache icon
Changeling-Griffonian Attache
  • Armor speed: +3.0%
  • Armor Division Attack: +3.0%
  • Land Doctrine Research Speed: +3%
  • Armor Research Speed: +6%
A Changeling military mission is present in the Griffonian Empire. Their designs are, in general, improving the quality of Imperial Tanks. Thanks to this, the designs are seeing much practical use throughout the Empire, giving the Changelings feedback on their design, an arrangement practical for both nations.
Archonate of Boreas icon
Archonate of Boreas
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.05
  • Consumer Goods Factories: -2.0%
  • Daily Supremacy Support: +0.01
Griffenheim has been the seat of the Archon of Boreas for the past three hundred years, and as such the Archon exerts quite a bit of influence in the local politics. Little goes on in the city without the Archon knowing about it.


Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Emperor Grover V

Griffonische Kaiserpartei
Born: 26th March 960 in Griffenheim

Biography: Nominally the Emperor of all Griffonia, Grover V has had a difficult life. Never the most healthy of griffons, he has lost his father to a stroke, and with that, woe soon came to the Empire. The loss of the Idol of Boreas, the Republican Uprising of 978, millions of dead griffons - Grover could only watch and weep as the events unfolded. Nonetheless, the Emperor could count on his good friends, notably Archon Eros VII and Duchess Gabriela Eagleclaw, to keep him safe from the worst and guide him in ruling what remained of loyalists. An unifying force for the Heartlands, Grover has developed a sense of grim determination and does his best to maintain the Empire's legacy, regardless of his personal issues.

Portrait By: Scroup

Edwin van Cleef
Edwin van Cleef
Democratic Monarchism.png
Democratic Monarchism

Griffonische Volksfront

Gisa Eagels
Gisa Eagels
Equestrian Socialism.png
Equestrian Socialism

Griffonische Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei

Archon Eros VII
Authoritarian Theocracy.png
Authoritarian Theocracy

Rat der Drei
Der Rat der Drei
Born: 9th December 914 in Griffenheim

Biography: One of the oldest living griffons, Archon Eros VII was born when the Empire was at the height of its power. At a young age, he joined the priesthood of Boreas out of genuine respect for the Gods. His pious devotion and humble manner has led him to quickly rise to the position of Archon, and all seemed well. Yet cruel fate had in store to render the Empire asunder, with the loss of the Idol of Boreas and the incompetent Council of Regents dragging the country to the ground. He was responsible for saving the young Grover V's life from the claws of Republican insurgents, and has maintained a close friendship with him ever since. This is why he protects the late Emperor's son, Grover VI, and hopes that once his regency is over, he will rule an unified Empire. Yet Eros has little love for the nobility of the Empire, believing them to be responsible for every misfortune that has plagued the Heartlands. And now, with the broad support of the commonfolk, Eros and his fellow Archons are attempting the restore the Empire's glory. The traitors and unbelievers will pay with their blood, Boreas wills it!

Portrait By: Duke Von Kessel

Complete the focus The Archon

Post-1007 leaders [may contain spoilers]
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Regency Council
Regency Council

Griffonische Kaiserpartei
Provisional Government
  • Generate war goal tension limit: +100%
  • Join faction tension limit: +100%
  • Lend-lease tension limit: +100%
  • Send volunteers tension limit: +100%
  • Guarantee tension limit: +100%
  • Justify war goal time: +100%

Temporarily after Grover V dies

Ferdinand Dawnclaw

Regierung der Nationalen Rettung
  • Political Power Gain: +25%
  • AI Modifier: Desired Divisions Factor: +20%
  • Weekly War Support (Combat Casualties): +0.1%


  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +50%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: −15%
Born: 10th of March, 965 in Griffenheim

Rank: Oberstleutnant

Biography: Ferdinand Dawnclaw was born in the slums of Griffenheim. A sickly and weak albino, whoever his parents were had simply opted to leave the young griffon in the care of the Arcturian Archonate.

This decision would not only save Ferdinand's life, but ultimately, propel him to greatness, as it was precisely due to his upbringing within the Arcturian priesthood that he was able to flourish into the formidable griffon he is today.

In spite of his sickly disposition and poor eyesight, Ferdinand's priestly caretakers quickly noticed the young griffon's sharp mind and attention to detail; talents which they quickly chose to cultivate. By 978, Ferdinand was well on his way to becoming an Arcturian priest, and he might well have become one had a simple event not occurred - The Republican Revolution.

It was the Revolution that gave Dawnclaw his first taste of war, and while he was too young to join the Reichsarmee or even assist in the fighting, he found himself so enamoured by the violence that when he finally finished his studies in 983, he chose to attend the Reich Militärakademie in Vinnin rather than be ordained as an Arcturian Priest.

After graduating from Vinnin in 987, Ferdinand steadily rose through the ranks of the Reichsarmee, managing to attain the rank of Oberstleutnant in 1004 via a battlefield promotion in a skirmish at the Feathisian-Cloudburian border - the murky circumstances of which many within the Imperial General Staff have found rather confusing.

Portrait By: Echo

A few days after the focus Die Kleine Säuberung, Ferdinand Dawnclaw stages a coup. If he succeeds, within a few days he will take over and subsequently make it impossible for Grover VI to ever become the leader of any nation.

Duchess Gabriela Eagleclaw

Griffonische Kaiserpartei
Born: 12th February 961 in Readewetter

Biography: First cousin to the Emperor, Duchess Gabriela Eagleclaw is one of most powerful nobles in the Heartlands and Grover the Fifth's personal friend. Her charisma and force of personality, not to mention her sizable personal properties and wealth, has placed her in a position where she can command most of the petty lords. She has always championed for the cause of her peers, but she is not blind to the plight of the common griffon and wishes to introduce limited reforms to the system, genuinely wishing for the people to have a good life, proud of their country. All she does, she does it in honour of her friend, the late Emperor, and holds in contempt the Archons, believing that they'll ruin the country with their dangerously radical ideas. Until the Emperor's son is old enough to ascend to the throne, Gabriela balances her many responsibilities and leads the Empire to a new dawn.

Portrait By: Scroup

Complete the focus The Duchess

Emperor Grover VI

Kaiserliche Liga des Reiches
Kaiser des Volkes
  • Political Power Gain: +15%
  • Monthly Population: +10%
  • Ideology drift defense: +15%
  • Stability: +5%


  • Complete the focus The Duchess and wait until Grover VI is crowned in late May or early June of 1021, or
  • Complete the focus The Archon. Complete the focuses Shackle The South and Integrate The Frontier and wait until Grover VI is coronated (in any order). Wait for the student protest event to trigger, and then complete the focus For A Better Tomorrow.
Benevolent Absolutism.png
Benevolent Absolutism

Griffonische Volksfront

Complete the focuses Shackle The South and Integrate The Frontier and wait until Grover VI is coronated (in any order). Wait for the student protest event to trigger, and then complete the focus The First Election and select "The Volksfront secures a majority!" in the subsequent event.

Emperor Grover VI
Emperor Grover VI

Kaiserliche Liga des Reiches
Chosen by the Gods
  • Daily Political Power Cost: −0.1
  • Division Recovery Rate: +10%
  • Division Attack: +5%
  • Division Defense: +5%
Complete the focus The Archon and wait until Grover VI is crowned in late May or early June of 1021.

Kaiserliche Liga des Reiches

Complete the focuses Shackle The South and Integrate The Frontier and wait until Grover VI is coronated (in any order). Wait for the student protest event to trigger, and then complete the focus The Once And Future Kaiser Of Griffonkind.


Political parties
Name Ideology Leader Popularity
Griffonische Kaiserpartei
Despotism.png Despotism
Emperor Grover V 57%
Griffonische Volksfront
Democratic Monarchism.png Democratic Monarchism
Edwin van Cleef 12%
Griffonische Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei
Equestrian Socialism.png Equestrian Socialism
Gisa Eagels 8%
Rat der Drei Authoritarian Theocracy.png Authoritarian Theocracy
Archon Eros VII 23%

Staff and Designers

Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Archon Proteus III
Archon Proteus III
Archon of Arcturius
  • One of the following must be true:
    • Current ruling party is SupremacySupremacist.
    • All of the following must be true:
      • One of the following must be true:
        • Current ruling party is NeutralityNon-Aligned.
        • Current ruling party is HarmonyHarmonic.
      • Original country is not Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire
    • Emperor Grover VI is the current country leader
  • Division Attack: +5%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: +5%
  • War Support: +5%

See description:
From a young age, Konrad Krukenberg was considered to be blessed by Arcturius, the god of war. He was strong in both mind and soul, fearless in danger and always willing to sacrifice for the greater good. As a child he admired chivalrous knights and wished to join their ranks, but to do so one had to earn the title first. And so he joined the Reichsarmee as soon as he came of age. His courage and exemplary piety meant that within a few years he gained the rank of military chaplain, serving the spiritual needs of his fellow soldiers.

However, this was the first time Konrad had to deal with administrative tasks, and he quickly began to despise them. Being a commoner, he had never learned until now, which only contributed to his distaste of paperwork. Oftentimes he delegated it to others while focusing on training. This eventually paid off, when his regiment faced a raid from the Sunstriker clan and suffered heavy casualties. Without Konrad to lead them and improve their morale, they would've lost the battle. For this act he was rewarded with Knighthood, and his dream was realized.

But the clergy of the Temple of Arcturius had other plans for him. The Prelate of Yale had died of old age and a new one was needed, so Konrad was appointed as he was the least controversial candidate. Soon he began to regret accepting the offer, being overwhelmed with administrative duties while having few if any military ones. This was when his popularity among the commoners began to rise however, and Konrad used this popular support to gain the title of Archon, so he could avoid doing any paperwork. Now he became Archon Proteus III, despite opposition from some of the clergy who accused him of neglecting his duty.

Not long after, the Empire was embroiled in the revolution of 978 and Proteus was delighted to once more fight on the frontline. He lead the Reichsarmee to many victories over the revolutionaries, making his popularity soar among the military. Ever since he has been a friend of Archon Eros, who cooperated with him during the struggle. He is ready to stand by his side to the bitter end if need be.
Political Power 150
Archon Erion XII
Archon Erion XII
Archon of Eyr
  • One of the following must be true:
    • Current ruling party is SupremacySupremacist
    • All of the following must be true:
      • One of the following must be true:
        • Current ruling party is NeutralityNon-Aligned
        • Current ruling party is HarmonyHarmonic
      • Original country is not Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire
  • Flag of Free City of Romau Free City of Romau: One of the following must be true:
    • Does not exist
    • Archon Erion XII is not the current country leader
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Monthly Population: +5%
  • Efficiency cap texticon.png Production Efficiency Cap: +5%

See description:
Youngest of the three Archons, born in 959, Erion XII has risen rapidly through the ranks of the Eyrite Temple to the very top. However, this was not achieved by exceptional piety alone, nor by hard and honest work. Erion is ever hungry for more power and is not afraid to use more questionable and violent means to gain it. Now that he has achieved supremacy in the Archonate of Eyr itself, he seeks to grow his temporal power as well.

All this has made Erion rather unpopular among the nobility and the clergy, who see him as a threat and a lunatic. The hatred is mutual, as Erion often rants about the corruption of the nobles of Griffonia and the senators of Romau, and the incompetence and lack of zealotry of the priesthood. Many commoners are swayed by his fiery and passionate speeches, especially among the lower classes. Erion's control of education contributes to this as young students are indoctrinated and turned into faithful servants of Eyr.

While Erion is power-hungry, none can deny he is a devout Eyrite as well. His parents, poor industrial workers in Romau, were very religious and conservative, and sent all their children to a temple school. There, the eyes of their youngest child, Lorenz Whitefeather, were opened and he became a faithful servant of Eyr, the goddess of fertility and family. After becoming an Archon, Lorenz chose the archonal name of Erion. Even to this day, Erion sends money to his old parents, and preaches the importance of traditional values.

Erion has a tenuous relationship with his fellow Archons of the Borean and Arcturian temples. As Eros is one of the most influential griffons in Heartlands, Erion always seeks to impress him and earn his favour, so Eros would entrust him with more power. Eros sees through his act, however, but sees him as a useful if dangerous pawn. Proteus on the other claw openly distrusts and dislikes Erion, and Erion despises him in return for his lack of piety and neglect of clerical duty. The two only work together because they must.
Political Power 150
Ceron Greytalon
Ceron Greytalon
Ruthless Industrialist
Prince of Terror
  • Current ruling party is NeutralityNon-Aligned
  • Has completed national focus Goal state economy.png Establish the Industrierat
  • Daily Political Power Gain: −0.05
  • Construction Speed: +5%
  • Efficiency cap texticon.png Production Efficiency Cap: +5%
  • Non-Core Ponypower: +2%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: −30%
  • Damage to Garrisons: −25%
Political Power 150
Hathor Lunarclaw
Hathor Lunarclaw
Silent Workbird
  • Political Power Gain: +15%
Political Power 150
Iris Silverclaw
Iris Silverclaw
Unhindered Scientist
  • One of the following must be true:
    • Has completed national focus Goal supremacy of will.png Fund the Southern Universities
    • Has completed national focus Goal GRI feath cadet school.png The Feathisian Cadet Schools
    • Has completed national focus Goal government icon.png A Place of Higher Learning
  • Political Power Gain: −15%
  • Research Speed: +5%
Political Power 150
Andrea Bronzeclaw
Andrea Bronzeclaw
Friendly Preacher
  • Daily Political Power Cost: +0.1
  • Division Recovery Rate: +2.5%
  • Stability: +5%
Political Power 150
Ela Grimwing
Ela Grimwing
The Eisenadler
  • Has created an Intelligence Agency
  • Operative slots: +1
  • Intel network strength gain factor: +5%
  • Own operative detection chance factor: −10%
  • Enemy operative detection chance factor: +10%
  • Agency upgrade time: −5%

With DLC La Résistance La Résistance disabled

  • Encryption: +0.5
  • Decryption: +0.5
  • Subversive activities cost: −15%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: −15%
  • Ideology drift defense: +20%
Political Power 150
Idea slot tank manufacturer.png Tank Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Mobile Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Light Tank:
    • Hard attack: +5%
  • Armor technology:
    • Max Speed: +5%
    • Reliability: +10%
  • Armored Car:
    • Max Speed: +5%
    • Reliability: +10%
Political Power 150
Arcturien Automobile
Arcturien Automobile
Medium Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +10%
  • Medium Tank:
    • Breakthrough: +5%
  • Armor technology:
    • Soft attack: +5%
    • Reliability: +5%
  • Armored Car:
    • Soft attack: +5%
    • Reliability: +5%
Political Power 150
Idea slot naval manufacturer.png Ship Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Ship Designer
  • Any owned state:
    • Is coastal.
  • Naval Research Speed: +10%
  • Carrier:
    • Surface Visibility: −5%
    • Anti-air: +5%
    • Armor: +5%
  • Heavy Ship:
    • Light Attack: +5%
    • Heavy Attack: +5%
Political Power 150
Kraken Schiffsbau
Kraken Schiffsbau
Ship Designer
  • Any owned state:
    • Is coastal.
  • Naval Research Speed: +8%
  • Cruiser:
    • Surface Visibility: −5%
    • Anti-air: +7%
    • Max Speed: +5%
    • Armor: +5%
Political Power 150
Alligator Flottenbau
Alligator Flottenbau
Ship Designer
  • Any owned state:
    • Is coastal.
  • Naval Research Speed: +8%
  • Destroyer:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −5%
  • Submarine:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −7%
Political Power 150
Idea slot aircraft manufacturer.png Aircraft Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Adler Luftfahrt
Adler Luftfahrt
Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Small Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Eule Fluggesellschaft
Eule Fluggesellschaft
Medium Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Heavy Fighter Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Medium Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Scout Plane Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
Political Power 150
Greif Flugzeuge
Greif Flugzeuge
Heavy Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Large Airframe:
    • Strat. Bombing: +10%
  • Transport Plane:
    • Range: +10%
Political Power 150
Idea slot materiel manufacturer.png Materiel Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Has completed national focus Goal GRI reichswaffen.png The Reichswaffen Contract
  • Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands: Does not have Materiel Designer GRI imperial arms co.png Reichswaffen.
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%
  • Infantry Equipment:
    • Breakthrough: +5%
Political Power 150
Blautal Waffenhäuser
Blautal Waffenhäuser
Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%
  • Infantry Equipment:
    • Defense: +5%
Political Power 150
Helheim Kannonen
Helheim Kannonen
Artillery Designer
  • Artillery Research Speed: +15%
  • Towed Artillery:
    • Soft attack: +5%
Political Power 150
Motorized Equipment Designer
  • Has completed national focus Goal generic army motorized.png The Löwenstein Contract
  • Motorization Research Speed: +15%
  • Truck:
    • Defense: +5%
Political Power 150
Idea slot industrial concern.png Industrial Concerns
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Stolz Bohren
Stolz Bohren
Refining Concern
  • Synthetic Resources Research Speed: +15%
  • Refinery construction speed: +5%
Political Power 150
Industrial Concern
  • Has completed national focus Goal GRI krahe.png The Krähe-Stahl Contract
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Electronics Concern
  • Has completed national focus Goal GRI bluetronics.png Subsidise Blautronik
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Select theorist.png Theorists
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Eggert Silverplume
Eggert Silverplume
Military Theorist
  • Land Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Harald Hardbeak
Harald Hardbeak
Naval Theorist
  • Naval Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Konrad Grimclaw
Konrad Grimclaw
Air Warfare Theorist
  • Air Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Conrad Darkclaw
Conrad Darkclaw
Nuclear Scientist
  • Nuclear Research Speed: +10%
Political Power 100
Adraste Shadowing
Adraste Shadowing
Rocket Scientist
  • Rocket Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 100
Select army chief.png Chief of Army
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Elias Bronzetail
Elias Bronzetail
Army Defense (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Defense: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: +15%
Political Power 100

Command power 20

Erich Ebonwing
Erich Ebonwing
Army Morale (Expert)
  • Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: −6%
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select navy chief.png Chief of Navy
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Karl Stormfeather
Karl Stormfeather
Submarines (Specialist)
  • Any owned state:
    • Is coastal.
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Submarine Attack: +10%
  • Submarine Defense: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Konstantinos Hellcrest
Konstantinos Hellcrest
Decisive Battle (Expert)
  • Any owned state:
    • Is coastal.
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Capital Ship Attack: +10%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10%
  • Screen Attack: +10%
  • Screen Defense: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Cornelius Raincrest
Cornelius Raincrest
Naval Aviation (Specialist)
  • Any owned state:
    • Is coastal.
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Naval Air Attacks from Carriers: +3%
  • Naval Air Targeting from Carriers: +3%
  • Naval Air Agility from Carriers: +4%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Select air chief.png Chief of Airforce
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Fritz Ebonbeak
Fritz Ebonbeak
Air Superiority (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Air Superiority Mission Efficiency: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Erika Grimplume
Erika Grimplume
Air Combat Training (Expert)
  • Ace generation chance: +10%
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Theodor Mistfeather
Theodor Mistfeather
Airborne Assault (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • paradrop_organization_factor = 1.5
  • paratrooper_aa_defense = 0.15
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select high command.png Military High Command
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Anicetus Mudbeak
Anicetus Mudbeak
Entrenchment (Expert)
  • Entrenchment speed: +16%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Reinhold Thundertail
Reinhold Thundertail
Armor (Expert)
  • Armor Division Attack: +10%
  • Armor Division Defense: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Teodor Fröhlich
Teodor Fröhlich
Army Planning (Expert)
  • Planning Speed: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20

Military Leaders

Field Marshal
Field Marshal Traits Description Skills Race
Elias Bronzetail
Field Marshal
Elias Bronzetail
Elias Bronzetail (advisor).png
Trait old guard.png Old Guard
While not the most brilliant officer, he is unlikely to cause trouble.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −25%
  • Max Entrenchment: +1
Trait inflexible strategist.png Inflexible Strategist
Skilled but stubborn. A good enough plan can survive contact with the enemy.
  • Defense: +1
  • Logistics: +1
Trait career officer.png Career Officer
Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match.
  • Promotion Cost: −25%
Trait defensive doctrine.png Defensive Doctrine
Especially skilled in fighting on the Defensive.
  • Max Entrenchment: +30%
Trait thorough planner.png Thorough Planner
A strategic master mind. Given time, the well-laid plan will be the strongest.
  • Max planning: +10%
See description:
Born: 23rd of July, 939 in Landstal

Rank: Generalfeldmarschall

Biography: Elias Bronzetail was born in Landstal as the youngest of eight children of the oil entrepreneur Ernst Bronzetail and Aquileian socialite Yvette Pierrat. In 957 the young Elias finished his secondary education, but with no hope of ever inheriting his father's business he chose to become an army cadet at the prestigious Groverianische Reich Militärakademie in Helheim.

In spite of some initial hurdles Elias quickly proved himself an adept strategist and a masterful if rather stubborn planner. While his blunt demeanour and oftentimes mirthless attitude did not exactly earn him many friends, he nevertheless managed to find a sense of camaraderie and some would say friendship with fellow cadet Erich Ebonwing: who like Elias himself would go on to earn the rank of Generalfeldmarschall.

Elias began to steadily climb the Reichsarmee hierarchy, which was frequently dominated by nobility. However, Elias would only truly earn a place in the eyes of the Empire at-large during the Republican Revolution of 978; the constant delays his troops caused the Republicans proved to be crucial in allowing the Loyalist forces to regroup, and his victory over General Reinhard Suntail at the Battle of Crona in 979 earned him the rank of Generaloberst. In 991 Elias finally achieved the rank of Generalfeldmarschall due to both his skill and his many years of service

Portrait By: Echo
Level 4
Attack.pngAttack: 4
Defense.pngDefense: 4
Planning.pngPlanning: 4
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Erich Ebonwing
Field Marshal
Erich Ebonwing
Erich Ebonwing (advisor).png
Trait career officer.png Career Officer
Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match.
  • Promotion Cost: −25%
Trait media personality.png Media Personality
This general will go out of his way to talk to the media and will always try to be in the limelight.
  • Army reassignment duration: +100%
Trait offensive doctrine.png Offensive Doctrine
More Offensive-minded than most.
  • Org Loss when Moving: −30%
  • Attack: +1
See description:
Born: 27th of September, 938 in Crona

Rank: Generalfeldmarschall

Biography: Erich Ebonwing was born in Crona as the eldest and only child of the affluent Baron Germund Ebonwing and Rhea Steinheil; the daughter of a merchant from Ravensburg. The young Erich spent his youth in abjact luxury - partying and drinking his days away, caring little for his studies. Thus it came as a surprise to both his friends and his family when he chose to attend the Groverianische Reich Militärakademie in Helheim.

Ebonwing would to the surprise of many prove himself a capable officer, a resourceful leader and a fierce combatant - All of these factors coupled with his natural charisma and force of personality managed to win him the respect of many of his peers, the most notable of which was the usually mirthless Elias Bronzetail.

Due to his noble background Erich was able to advance his career rapidly. However, it would be during the Republican Revolution of 978 when Ebonwing truly showed his prowess as a military commander. Beating the Republicans at the Battles of Vinnin, Gamia and Osnabeak the young Oberst quickly became a media darling and a living propaganda tool, in spite of his prowess he could not stop the so called 'Rape of Crona' an event that affected him deeply. Thus, it came as no surprise that when the Republicans were finally chased out of Griffenheim in 979 that it was Ebonwing who gave chase. Chasing them from Griffenheim to Brenna, Ebonwing would have more than likely contiuned hounding the Revolutionaries all the way to Cloudbury had he and his troops not been recalled back to Griffenheim in order to assist in restoring order to the Imperial Heartlands.

For his actions during the Revolution Ebonwing would much like his friend and comrade Elias be promoted; first to the rank of Generaloberst in 981, and finally to the rank of Generalfeldmarschall in 996

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 5
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Field Marshal
Synovial (advisor).png
Trait old guard.png Old Guard
While not the most brilliant officer, he is unlikely to cause trouble.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −25%
  • Max Entrenchment: +1
Trait organizer.png Organizer
Able to plan and organize the movement of large armies.
  • Planning Speed: +10%
Trait offensive doctrine.png Offensive Doctrine
More Offensive-minded than most.
  • Org Loss when Moving: −30%
  • Attack: +1
See description:
Born: 13th of March, 940 in Vesalipolis

Rank: Oberst

Biography: Born to a cadet branch of the glorious and honourable Vesali bloodline of Vesalipolis, Synovial Vesali's first cousins include Queen Chrysalis Vesali of the Changeling Lands and many other nobles of the Vesalian hive.

As a scion of the royal house of Vesali, Synovial was exposed from an early age to the military society of the Vesalian aristocracy.

This had a major impact on him and, in maturity, Synovial is seldom seen out of uniform.

Serving with distinction as an officer throughout the unification wars of the Changeling Lands, Synovial is responsible for the successful takeover of Vraks in 971 to force them to join the Changeling Lands and was promoted to Hivesmarschall in 972 by his royal cousin after she had ordered the execution of the previous Hivesmarschall.

During the Canterlot Invasion of 1002 ALB, Synovial served as commander of the taskforce assigned to support Chrysalis's swift takeover of the Equestrian Capital, however due to its failure and Chrysalis's inability to take responsibility, he is offically blamed for the defeat which has soured his relationship with his cousin and the rest of the Vesalian aristocracy and is demoted from Hivesmarschall, thankfully without the subsequent execution due to his connections to the throne.

Due to the political machniations of the Changeling Lands and Chrysalis's overall dislike of him has seen him granted with the honour of leading the attaché to the Griffonian Empire to makeup for his failure as Canterlot. So far he has conducted himself as adequate and level headed if somewhat arrogant superior to the Changelings that makeup the attaché.

Portrait By: Richmay
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
General Traits Description Skills Race
Ferdinand Dawnclaw
Ferdinand Dawnclaw
Ferdinand Dawnclaw (advisor).png
Trait career officer.png Career Officer
Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match.
  • Promotion Cost: −25%
Trait infantry leader.png Infantry Leader
Skilled at leading infantry in combat.
  • Infantry Division Defense: +13%
See description:
Born: 10th of March, 965 in Griffenheim

Rank: Oberstleutnant

Biography: Ferdinand Dawnclaw was born in the slums of Griffenheim. A sickly and weak albino, whoever his parents were had simply opted to leave the young griffon in the care of the Arcturian Archonate.

This decision would not only save Ferdinand's life, but ultimately, propel him to greatness, as it was precisely due to his upbringing within the Arcturian priesthood that he was able to flourish into the formidable griffon he is today.

In spite of his sickly disposition and poor eyesight, Ferdinand's priestly caretakers quickly noticed the young griffon's sharp mind and attention to detail; talents which they quickly chose to cultivate. By 978, Ferdinand was well on his way to becoming an Arcturian priest, and he might well have become one had a simple event not occurred - The Republican Revolution.

It was the Revolution that gave Dawnclaw his first taste of war, and while he was too young to join the Reichsarmee or even assist in the fighting, he found himself so enamoured by the violence that when he finally finished his studies in 983, he chose to attend the Reich Militärakademie in Vinnin rather than be ordained as an Arcturian Priest.

After graduating from Vinnin in 987, Ferdinand steadily rose through the ranks of the Reichsarmee, managing to attain the rank of Oberstleutnant in 1004 via a battlefield promotion in a skirmish at the Feathisian-Cloudburian border - the murky circumstances of which many within the Imperial General Staff have found rather confusing.

Portrait By: Echo
Level 4
Attack.pngAttack: 5
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 4
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
August Duskwing
August Duskwing
August Duskwing (advisor).png
Trait infantry leader.png Infantry Leader
Skilled at leading infantry in combat.
  • Infantry Division Defense: +13%
Trait fortress buster.png Fortress Buster
Assaulting a Fort holds no terror for this officer.
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +15%
Trait artillery expert.png Artillery Expert
A true expert in directing artillery.
  • Artillery Attack: +10%
See description:
Born: 17th of December, 962 in Ravensburg

Rank: Oberst

Biography: August Duskwing, Oberst in the Imperial Army, born in Ravensburg in 962 to a group of working-class parents originally seemed destined for a life in as many others in his neighborhood was cut out for. Long hours in the factory and on and on until he was to die some point. However, as time marched on, he turned out to be decidedly not that, having been involved with numerous petty crimes during his time.

This would, once the law caught up to him, be the start of his rather strange way up the ladder to a command position. Originally destined for the infantry, which seemed to be a certain death sentence, he instead became one of the first to join the Sturmtruppen or the 'Dare-to-die' Corps as it was called in military circles. He gained a probably not healthy reputation for always charging into the enemy lines as the first, earning him several battlefield promotions as his superiors either retired or died. Usually the latter. Stories about him are popular material both in the Imperial newspapers and in the military rumour mill, with at least a few being true such as him refusing sedation during surgery.

Nevertheless, in later years, he has been known in the Imperial Officer Corps as one of the foremost proponents of the Superior Firepower doctrine and has called for its implementation.

Portrait By: Richmay
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 4
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Oskar Silverfeather
Oskar Silverfeather
Oskar Silverfeather (advisor).png
Trait brilliant strategist.png Brilliant Strategist
A natural born strategist that is able to adapt to the dynamics of the battlefield.
  • Attack: +1
  • Planning: +1
Trait skilled staffer.png Skilled Staffer
Surrounded by some of the best staff, this leader is able to organize and manage a larger number of units.
  • General Max Army Size: +6
See description:
Born: 3rd of Janurary, 941 in Greenback

Rank: Generalleutnant

Biography: When one looks at Oskar Silverfeather, he doesn't strike one as the typical general. Born in 941 in Greenback as the son of intellectuals, he distinguished himself as being able to sink into a deep concentration state, despite normally being utterly unable to keep his attention on anything else. He originally joined the military as a way to get some 'real life' experience (his parent's words) before he was going into a life of sheltered academia.

Whatever the motivation of the young Silverfeather, this was certainly not to last, as he found a home in the military, often sinking his mind into solving complex problems. A few kind words from his superior later, he was fast-tracked onto the Groverianische Reich Militärakademie in Helheim where he graduated with honors before being stationed in the outskirts of Griffenheim, or what someone would call 'the most boring post in the world'.

This changed when in 978, as a Oberst, the Revolution broke out in Griffenheim. Silverfeather immediately rallied to the Emperor's side, being personally responsible to break through to the Palace to evacuate the Emperor. Since then, Silverfeather has been in the good graces of the Emperor and remains as devoted as during the Revolution to His Majesty and His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince.

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 5
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Anicetus Mudbeak
Anicetus Mudbeak
Anicetus Mudbeak (advisor).png
Trait substance abuser.png Substance Abuser
Addiction can be a bad thing, but it's really under control. Really.
Trait engineer.png Engineer
Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications.
  • River:
    • Attack: +5%
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +10%
See description:
Born: 18th of October, 959 in Griffenheim

Rank: Oberstleutnant

Biography: Anicetus Mudbeak, born the only son to a family with a long line of service to the Emperor in Griffenheim in 959 grew up repressed. Whatever he dreamt of, from architect and trader to politician and his chief interest, engineering was all shot down by his parents in their intense desire to see the family legacy continued. In other words, forced into the military at age 16, far away from the books and bridges he had enjoyed before, and even farther away from the engineering battalions.

While slowly climbing the ranks in the Kaiserliche Armee, he turned to the bottle as a way to cope with his quashed hope and dreams for the future, and slowly sank into a depression. It would take the Revolution to wake him up, as he arranged the finer mechanics of the Second Battle of Griffenheim, getting the improvised bridges quickly up to permit the artillery bombardment of the Republican positions.

However, this did not come without cost, as he was wounded by artillery shrapnel during the last few hours of the battle. This led to an even worse habit as he became addicted to the cocaine provided to him, along with other substances. Since then, he has mainly been idling in his office, counting the time until he can retire with a big pension to return to his first passion.

Portrait By: Scroup/Sesek
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Reinhold Thundertail
Reinhold Thundertail
Reinhold Thundertail (advisor).png
Trait panzer leader.png Panzer Leader
A natural with Tanks and Mechanized forces.
  • Armor speed: +5%
  • Armor Division Attack: +16%
Trait panzer expert.png Panzer Expert
Experience and training makes this leader an expert at commanding tanks.
  • Armor Division Defense: +10%
See description:
Born: 24th of Janurary, 968 in Allwerder

Rank: Major

Biography: TBD

Portrait By: Squiggles
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 4
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Cecilia Marshtail
Cecilia Marshtail
Cecilia Marshtail (advisor).png
Trait media personality.png Media Personality
This general will go out of his way to talk to the media and will always try to be in the limelight.
  • Army reassignment duration: +100%
Trait promising general.png Promising Leader
This leader has proven to be a quick learner.
  • Leader Experience Gain: +25%
Trait ranger.png Ranger
Rangers lead the way, especially when it involves fighting in Forests.
  • Forest:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
See description:
Born: 4th of July, 971 in Vanguardigo

Rank: Major

Biography: Cecilia Marshtail was born in the hills of Vanguardigo as the only child of Count Gaspard Marshtail and Armelle Aubert; the last scion of the venerable Aubert family that had ruled Meshiro for centuries. Young Cecilia was destined to live a life of luxury and wealth, but fate decided otherwise; As in 980 the famed Aquileian Revolution began. The Revolution would see both of her parents beheaded, and the then nine year old griffoness spirited away into the forested hills of Orvalillo by a group of loyal retainers.

And so, the young Countess would live in the forest, safe from the chaos that had consumed her homeland, and although her parents were dead, her retainers nevertheless did everything in their power to ensure that Cecilia had at least some semblance of a normal childhood. She was given a basic education but also learned how to live off the land and hunt. This would continue until Marshal Berthelot's Counter-Revolution in 985, at which point Cecilia would at long last return to civilisation.

While her title and lands were returned to her, the wealth and power that were tied to it were not as the Discret used the situation to consolidate power away from the traditional nobility. By 989 Cecilia would enroll in the prestigious Écoles des Beaux-Arts in Rila, where she would in turn briefly join the MPA which she left a month later after deciding that they were nothing but fools and upstarts. Thoroughly dissatisfied with both the Discrets and the Republicans, Cecilia concluded that Aquileia had only truly been great while it had been under the Griffonian Empire and would end up forming the Impératrice Giselda Society, which sought to restore Imperial hegemony over Aquileia.

The Impératrice Giselda Society would quickly be suppressed by the Discrets and Cecilia forced into hiding once more. After being sentenced to death (in absentia) for high treason in 1000, she would once again return to the forests of Orvalillo where she and what few compatriots she had; From there, she began a guerilla campaign against both the Discrets and the Republicans rebel groups. Although she received little to no material support from the Empire, she very quickly became an Imperial Media Darling after an article about the Impératrice Giselda Society was published in 1004, something that would earn her the at the time honourary rank of Major and a commendation from Archon Proteus. After being forced to evacuate Orvalillo and by extension Aquileia in 1005, Cecilia would at long last formally join the Reichsarmee.

Portrait By: Cofido
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Arnold Scheer
Arnold Scheer
Arnold Scheer (advisor).png
Trait organizer.png Organizer
Able to plan and organize the movement of large armies.
  • Planning Speed: +10%
Trait scavenger.png Scavenger
More likely to scavenge and repair captured equipment for use by their own troops.
  • Equipment Capture Ratio Gain: +3%
See description:
Born: 11th of February, 953 in Soldau

Rank: Generalmajor

Biography: The son of a Hellquilian Baker from Soldau, Scheer's family moved West into the Heartlands when he was young, so as to find better opportunity and get out of Hellquill - ultimately a good idea, if the political landscape was anything to go by.

Scheer grew up reasonably well off for his family's standing, and finished both his primary and secondary education, spending a short term as a teacher in his new home city of Helheim. He quickly grew listless, however, and found that he was not overly fond of small children, and so began to look for other opportunities. On the word of a friend of the family, Arnold enlisted into the Kaiser Groverakademie Officer Candidate School on a whim, able to pay his own way with a mix of personal funds and saved funds given by his family.

He quickly butted heads with his then rival, Cornello Galluzzo, who held little regard for the bookish Scheer, and the two held little love for each other through most of their Officer's training, eventually fostering a healthy respect for each other by the time they'd graduated the course. They wouldn't be legitimate friends until the year 978, however, with the advent of the Republican Revolution in the Griffon Empire. During the Civil War, Scheer put his bookish nature to great use, and made a name for himself as an excellent Logistician, able to "magic up supplies from thin air," as one officer remarked. Due to his efforts, the Monarchist army was able to remain supplied, even when it was thought next to impossible, and raised himself to local hero status when he was able to deliver supplies four miles past enemy lines to the surrounded but easily holding forces of Cornello Galluzzo- which incidentally, made the two fast friends. Galluzzo, who'd been waging an unconventional guerilla warfare style of combat in the thick Scheisswald forest, denies that he'd ever needed resupply, but more than readily thanks Scheer, even to this day.

For his fantastic logistical abilities, Scheer was elevated to General staff, and by 1006, had achieved the rank of Majorgenerall. Though he has no current field command, he instead has the unenviable task of managing the Imperial Army's logistics and supply channels.

Portrait By: Echo
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Cornelio Galluzzo
Cornelio Galluzzo
Cornelio Galluzzo (advisor).png
Trait commando.png Commando
Skilled in Amphibious operations, Air Assaults, and Cold weather conditions - the Commando is a man of many talents.
  • Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: −25%
Trait urban assault specialist.png Urban Assault Specialist
An expert in Fighting In Someone's House and Causing Havoc In People's Streets.
  • Urban:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
See description:
Born: 29th of May, 956 in Talont

Rank: Oberst

Biography: Born to a pair of blacksmiths in Talont, Wingbardy, Cornello grew up poor. The young griffon, however, found himself quite smitten with the outdoors, finding himself at home in the mountains and forests of his homeland. As he grew up, he found little to no interest in his family's business, and instead began to travel the Empire on his own, so as to find a place to fit in. This would lead him to the Capitol, Griffenheim, where he finally enlisted with the Imperial Military, having exhausted all other options.

Finding himself at home amongst the armed forces, Galluzzo spent several years as an NCO until his unit commander paid for him to go through the Kaiser Groverkademie Officer's course in Griffenheim. Galluzzo passed his courses with distinction, and there met his longtime friend and part time rival, Arnold Scheer. The two initially grew to dislike each other, what with Scheer's bookish nature clashing with Galluzzo's outdoorsgriffship, but they came to respect each other during their courses.

At the time of the Republican Revolution of 978, the two had become friends, and supported each other during the civil war. There, Galluzzo's love of the outdoors bled into his style of warfare, where his active lifestyle and terrain knowledge made the then Hauptmann an excellent field officer.

By the end of the war, Galluzzo had fought in several difficult battles in difficult terrain, such as mountains and thick forests, winning stunning victories for the Monarchist forces and cementing him his rank of Oberst. Galluzzo is a dedicated proponent of extreme terrain training for the Griffon Imperial Military, and has recently begun to push high command to create a special tasks and training branch of the Imperial Army.

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Teodor Fröhlich
Teodor Fröhlich
Teodor Fröhlich (advisor).png
Trait politically connected.png Politically Connected
This leader has political connections which has smoothed the way for his career. Perhaps too quickly.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −10%
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
Trait reckless.png Reckless
A good officer needs to lead from the front.
  • Planning Speed: +20%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: +50%
Trait war hero.png War Hero
Hailed as a hero from their actions in war.
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
  • Army reassignment duration: +50%
See description:
Born: 9th of June, 950 in Kivessin

Rank: Generalmajor

Biography: Born to one of the various Griffon noble houses of Kivessin, Teodor Frolich grew up amongst the wealth and excess of noble life, and much to his parents' chagrin, was not exactly the most morally proper griffon in the world. Fed up with dealing with his excesses, his mother and father shipped him off to the Kaiser Groverakademie Officer's Academy in Griffenheim, where he was beaten into shape by his instructors, and re-moulded into a proper military officer despite his personal failings earlier in his life.

He easily made his rank as a Junior Officer, having grown up with a decent schooling from his parents. However, his old habits began to creep back into his lifestyle having made a rank, and he was frequently in trouble with his superior officers for inviting his aristocratic friends to outlandish parties requiring the intervention of the Military Constabulary.

Things changed, though, in the year 978, when the Republican Revolution broke out. Frolich, who'd been at the Military Academy celebrating a fellow Aristocrat's Graduation party, nearly panicked and ran when gunfire broke out in the city. Seeing his terrified countrygriffs - barely adults themselves changed something within him, though.

Technically the highest ranking officer at the Academy, as the instructors held no rank on the basis of being retired officers, Theodor steeled himself and took charge of the situation, snapping out orders in a manner which no one had heard from the aristocratic griffon before. With his troops rallied and the academy's out of date armaments passed out, Frolich organized as good a defense as he could manage, defending the Officer's Academy for nearly a week, until Griffenheim was declared lost to the Republicans. Refusing to just up and surrender himself and his troops, however, Teodor led his soldiers in a fighting retreat out of the Academy and through the city, until they regrouped with the Monarchist armies southeast of the city.

For his actions, he received the favor of the crown for his calm under extenuating circumstances, and for his later actions during the Republican rebellion, he continued to climb through the ranks, making the prestigious rank of Majorgenerall by 1005, a mere thirty years after his induction into the Empire's officer korps.

Portrait By: Scroup/Flake
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Benito (advisor).png
Trait old guard.png Old Guard
While not the most brilliant officer, he is unlikely to cause trouble.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −25%
  • Max Entrenchment: +1
Trait reckless.png Reckless
A good officer needs to lead from the front.
  • Planning Speed: +20%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: +50%
Trait hill fighter.png Hill Fighter
Excels at fighting in Hilly terrain.
  • Hills:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
See description:
Born: 17th of March, 935 in Var-Silfur

Rank: Haupthetzen

Biography: Born to a family of hatmakers in the town of Var-Silfur no one could have possibly imagined the heights young Benito would reach. Unwilling to pursue the family business, he enrolled into the Bronzehill Border Guard. In 959, his unit fell in an ambush from Whitetail clan raiders. With the unit's officer killed, he assumed the leadership of the unit and heroically fought off the raiders. For his bravery, he was rewarded with a promotion within the Countal Army.

Despite his rudimentary education and low birth, he rose above expectations and served with distinction. Some even expected him to eventually be promoted within the higher ranks of Bronzehill's military. However, after the loss of the Idol of Boreas, he requested to serve in the Barkginian Guard. Due to his low birth, the Guard's rules meant he would have to begin at the lowest rank. Nevertheless, he joined.

He once again rose above expectations when in 978, he was personally responsible for saving Grover V's life, an act for which he would be rewarded by being promoted to the rank of Haupthetzen and credited by name during Grover V's coronation speech.

Portrait By: Cofido
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Diamond Dog.png
Diamond Dog
Thranx (advisor).png
Trait commando.png Commando
Skilled in Amphibious operations, Air Assaults, and Cold weather conditions - the Commando is a man of many talents.
  • Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: −25%
Trait winter specialist.png Winter Specialist
Possesses an intuitive understanding of the difficulties of fighting in Cold conditions.
  • Winter Attrition: −50%
See description:
Born: 7th of May, 958 in Gorak

Rank: Major

Biography: Born to the venerable zu Eisland family in the Changeling Hive of Gorak, Thranx Elias zu Eisland was the third eldest child of about a dozen brothers and sisters. Although his family had long since grown rich due to their ties to the whaling industry. However, Thranx found his family's existence rather dull and as such he would soon find himself enlisting in the Changeling Army.

Serving as an enlisted trooper for a full service rotation, Thranx found that he rather enjoyed his time as a infantryling, and decided to remain with the service. On the suggestion of his peers, he used his family's connections to land himself a spot in the Vesalipolis Officer's Academy.

From there, he graduated near the middle of his class, and would go on to be an infantry commander during the Canterlot Invasion under the then Hivesmarschall Synovial. Although the Invasion ended in failure Thranx would nevertheless continue to steadily rise through the ranks of the Changeling Army, earning the rank of Major in 1005 ALB - coincidentally the same year the Changeling-Griffonian attaché was formed.

Thranx, intrigued by the prospect of getting to explore a whole new continent, would go on to become one of the very few Changelings to volunteer to join the attaché. Ultimately this decision would prove rather fruitful for the Changeling, as he found himself right at home both rubbing shoulders with the Imperial nobility, and in helping the now Oberst Synovial run the attaché. Although, it could be said that he has gotten a bit too friendly with the locals - if the tales of his late night dalliances are anything to go by.

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Helga Weisskopf
Helga Weisskopf
Helga Weisskopf (advisor).png
Trait harsh leader.png Harsh Leader
Discipline is necessary to lead an army, but some leaders take it a bit too far.
  • Division Recovery Rate: −10%
  • Attack: +1
Trait air controller.png Air Force Commander
Either a former pilot or an air force officer relegated to army command, this general uses their experience to better coordinate joint air and land operations.
  • Air Superiority: +5%
  • Ground support: +3%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1


Flag Information
Griffonian Empire.png
Griffonian Empire

Despotism.pngOligarchy.pngDemocratic Monarchism.pngBenevolent Absolutism.pngAuthoritarian Theocracy.pngAutocracy.pngStratocracy.png
Griffonian Federation of Socialist States.png
Griffonian Union of Socialist States

Equestrian Socialism.png
Herzland Republic (Aquileia).png
Herzland Republic

Flag of Kingdom of Aquileia Aquileian Republic puppet

Harmonic Socialism.pngSyndicalism.pngUltranationalism.png
Grand Principality Of Herzland.png
Grand Principality Of Herzland

Flag of Kingdom of Aquileia Kingdom of Aquileia puppet

Viiradian Heartland State.png
Viiradian Heartland State

Flag of Barrad Magocracy Viiradian puppet

Zealous Knightly Order.png
Herzland Extermination Zone.png
Herzland Extermination Zone

Flag of Colthaginian Republic Ascendant puppet



Laws and Development

Laws and Development
Conscription Law Trade Law Economy Law
Volunteer Only Volunteer Only
  • Recruitable Population: 1.50%
Export Focus Export Focus
  • Construction Speed: +10.00%
  • Research Speed: +5.00%
  • Factory Output: +10.00%
  • Dockyard Output: +10.00%
  • Resources to Market: +50%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +20.0%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +10.0%
Civilian Economy Civilian Economy
  • Industrial Research Speed: +3%
  • Electronics Research Speed: +2%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 35.0%
  • Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Fuel Gain per Oil: -40.00%
  • Fuel Capacity: -25.00%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
  • Military Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Refinery construction speed: +5.00%
Scientific Development Society Development Illiteracy
Developed Science Base Developed Science Base
  • No penalties
Newly Industrialized Society Newly Industrialized Society
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: -10.00%
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -10.00%
  • Factory Output: -10.00%
  • Dockyard Output: -10.00%
Modest Illiteracy Modest Illiteracy
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -30.00%
Poverty Race
Negligible Poverty Negligible Poverty
  • No penalties
Griffon Griffon Race
  • Uses Griffon Racial Tree

Industry and Resources

Without Vassals

Military factory
Military Factories
Naval dockyard
Naval Dockyards
Civilian factory
Civilian Factories
Fuel silo
Fuel Silos
Synthetic refinery
Synthetic Refineries
8 0 9 (-5) 1 0
Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.
Steel icon.png
0 0 0 15 (-8) 23 (-12) 5 (-3) 0
Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.

With Vassals

Military factory
Military Factories
Naval dockyard
Naval Dockyards
Civilian factory
Civilian Factories
Fuel silo
Fuel Silos
Synthetic refinery
Synthetic Refineries
28 1 40 (-22) 2 0
Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.
Steel icon.png
31 (-15) 18 (-9) 0 59 (-29) 184 (-92) 77 (-38) 86 (-43)
Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.


Main article: Awards
Emperor Of Griffonia icon
Emperor Of Griffonia
Have Grover VI reach full age and become the Emperor.