Hippogriff national focus tree

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Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia, as one of the eight major powers, gets a unique national focus tree

HIP focus tree.png

Hippogrif national focus tree. Clicking on the branches leads to the appropriate section.

Placating The Isolationist Branch
is the main political branch for Hippogriffia where the decision is made to remain either closed or open up the country. Depending on the choice made the player can continue to either the non-aligned path or the communist path, if they manage to get enough support. The harmonic path is taken in case the support for Aris First isn't enough or the player can choose between harmonic and communist, as long as there is enough communist support, if they took path to open up the country.
Continue Navy Modernisation Branch
Seapony Primacy Branch and Hippogriff Primacy Branch
Army Branch
Establish The Air Armament Committee Branch
Empower Aris First Branch
Harmony Above All Branch
Organize The Left Branch

For the Empower Aris First branches of the Hippogriff focus tree, see Hippogriff national focus tree: Empower Aris First branches

For the Harmony Above All branches of the Hippogriff focus tree, see Hippogriff national focus tree: Harmony Above All branches

For the Organize The Left branches of the Hippogriff focus tree, see Hippogriff national focus tree: Organize The Left branches

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading

For the Rise Up! branches of the Hippogriff focus tree, see Hippogriff national focus tree: Rise Up! branches

For the The Great And Noble State Of Aris of the Hippogriff focus tree, see Hippogriff national focus tree: The Great And Noble State Of Aris branches

Placating The Isolationist Branch

HIP Placating The Isolationists Branch.png

The political branch of the Hippogriff national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

Focus Prerequisites Effects
Placating The Isolationists icon
Placating The Isolationists
The isolationist policies have long been championed by the seaponies, who view recent events as evidence that we should stick with isolationism instead of opening up. If we are to make progress, we have to make sure that they are placated.
  • Gain 15% Stability Stability
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic production bonus.png “Splendid Isolation”
Splendid Isolation icon
Splendid Isolation
  • Lend-lease tension limit: +50%
  • Send volunteers tension limit: +50%
  • Guarantee tension limit: +50%
  • This stability bonus will be removed upon the removal of Splendid Isolation
  • Will move our divided society towards total Seapony control
  • The political power cost of constructing underwater buildings will decrease by 5.
Seapony Autarky icon
Seapony Autarky
Hippogriffia survived for centuries on its own, and it would be beyond irresponsible to abandon this policy. Between invaders, slavers, mad foreigners and countless other threats, we must make sure to rally all the strength we possess for the benefit of our nation, not others'.
  • Requires the following:
    • Placating The Isolationists “Placating The Isolationists”
  • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Designated Trade Ports “Designated Trade Ports”
  • If country does not have the Trade Law Idea generic closed economy.png “Closed Economy”
    • Gets the Trade Law Idea generic closed economy.png “Closed Economy”
  • Gets the National Spirit HIP autarky.png “Arisian Autarky”
Arisian Autarky icon
Arisian Autarky
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: +10%
  • Fuel Gain: +15%
  • Will move our divided society towards total Seapony control
  • The political power cost of constructing underwater buildings will decrease by 5.
  • (Hidden)Increase variable HIP_underwater_slots by 1
  • Will grant 1 additional underwater building slot.
The Anti-Harmonic Activities Committee icon
The Anti-Harmonic Activities Committee
Stalliongrad, Chiropterra, Griffonia, the Stormlanders: foreign ideologies and interests can be found everywhere, and many of these are driven by interests directly opposed to ours. We must carefully weigh these ideas, and determine which ones are a threat to our way of life and which aren't.
  • Requires the following:
    • Seapony Autarky “Seapony Autarky”
  • Set variable HIP_AHAC_drift_defence_factor to 0.2
  • Add the dynamic modifier “The Anti-Harmonic Activities Committee” to this country providing the following effects:
    • Ideology drift defense: +20%
  • Unlock the Anti-Harmonic Activities Committee decisions
  • Available as Political Advisor:
  • Violet Facade , which grants
    • Chief of AHAC
      • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.1
      • Party Popularity Stability Modifier: +15%
      • Resistance Growth Speed: −5%
      • Enemy operative detection chance factor: +10%
The Committee for National Defense icon
The Committee for National Defense
War will come to our nation's borders once again, whether sooner or later. The ravages of the Storm King proved that we cannot simply hide, but the next time foreign princesses will not come along to save us. We must plan for all scenarios from now on, no matter how dire.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Anti-Harmonic Activities Committee “The Anti-Harmonic Activities Committee”
  • Gets the National Spirit HIP defense.png “The Committee for National Defense”
The Committee for National Defense icon
The Committee for National Defense
  • Division Attack on core territory: +10%
  • Division Defense on core territory: +10%
  • One random owned and controlled state that is a a core state of Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
    • Add 1 Military factory Military Factory
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
  • One random owned and controlled state that is a a core state of Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
    • Add 1 Civilian factory Civilian Factory
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
  • (Hidden)Increase variable HIP_underwater_slots by 1
  • Will grant 1 additional underwater building slot.
Universal Education icon
Universal Education
Every child born in our nation has the right to be given a full education, both on land and in the sea. Whether rich or poor, and whether seapony or hippogriff, we cannot leave anyone behind.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Seapony Autarky “Seapony Autarky”
    • Designated Trade Ports “Designated Trade Ports”

The following will bypass the focus:
  • Has more than 4 research slots
  • Gain 1 research slot
Long Distance Friendship icon
Long Distance Friendship
We want to be self-reliant, but that does not mean that we are going to forget the friends we do have. Those who give kindness can be given it in return, and we will both be stronger for it.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Universal Education “Universal Education”
    • Agricultural Reforms “Agricultural Reforms”
  • Gets the National Spirit HIP lend lease.png “Long Distance Friendship”
Long Distance Friendship icon
Long Distance Friendship
  • Improve relations opinion: +10%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +10%
  • Improve relations maintain cost: −15%
Lend-Lease icon
Even if we cannot directly aid our friends in war, we can still make sure they are given the tools needed to finish the job. Our factories stand ready to churn out countless weapons needed, and our friends will have access to it for the lowest price we can charge.
  • Requires the following:
    • Long Distance Friendship “Long Distance Friendship”
  • Replace the National Spirit HIP lend lease.png “Long Distance Friendship” with the National Spirit HIP lend lease.png “The Lend Lease Act”
The Lend Lease Act icon
The Lend Lease Act
  • Improve relations opinion: +10%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +10%
  • Lend-lease tension limit: −100%
  • Send volunteers tension limit: −20%
  • Improve relations maintain cost: −15%
  • Gain 5% War support War Support
The Mountain Awakes icon
The Mountain Awakes
We were asleep, but now we have awaken. The mountain is no longer silent, but it resonates with the sound of labour and preparations. Beware, all who would threaten us. We are ready for you, and we will be your undoing.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Lend-Lease “Lend-Lease”
    • National Defense Works “National Defense Works”
  • At least one of the following is true:
    • Is at war
    • Has completed national focus Slumber.png “Stirring From Slumber”
    • Any country is justifying on, or has a wargoal on us
    • All of the following must be true:
    • Zarantia, Warzena and Tobuck have all fallen to Colthage or Chiropterra.?
  • If country has the National Spirit Generic production bonus.png “Splendid Isolation”
    • Remove the National Spirit Generic production bonus.png “Splendid Isolation”
  • If country has the Economy Law Idea isolation.png “Isolation”
    • Gets the Economy Law Idea civilian economy.png “Civilian Economy”
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic morale bonus.png “The Mountain Awakes” for 70 days
The Mountain Awakes icon
The Mountain Awakes
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.1
  • Division Attack on core territory: +10%
  • Division Defense on core territory: +10%
  • Mobilization speed: +50%
  • Weekly War Support: +2%
We were asleep, but now we have awaken. The mountain is no longer silent, but it resonates with the sound of labour and preparations. Beware, all who would threaten us. We are ready for you, and we will be your undoing.
  • If at least one of the following is true:
    • Has the Conscription Law Idea volunteer only.png “Volunteer Only”
    • Has the Conscription Law Idea disarmed nation.png “Disarmed Nation”
  • Then, Gets the Conscription Law Idea limited conscription.png “Limited Conscription”
  • Else, if country as the Conscription Law Idea limited conscription.png “Limited Conscription”
    • Gets the Conscription Law Idea extensive conscription.png “Extensive Conscription”
  • Else:
    • Gain Political Power 50 Political Power
  • If the current ruling party is Harmony Harmonic
    • Gain 15% War support War Support

The following will happen when selecting the focus:
Never Forget Our Roots icon
Never Forget Our Roots
We cannot, must not, forget who we are. To ensure this, our children will receive a thorough education in our history and traditions, and all who wish to work towards its preservation and continuation will be given support in their endeavours.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Anti-Harmonic Activities Committee “The Anti-Harmonic Activities Committee”
  • Requires the following:
    • Universal Education “Universal Education”
  • Gain 10% Stability Stability
  • Gets the National Spirit HIP it was we.png “We Who Brought Down the Storm King” for 1 year
We Who Brought Down the Storm King icon
We Who Brought Down the Storm King
  • Weekly Ponypower: +200
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.1
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.1
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.2
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Race Research Bonus) (2 uses) towards:
    • Race-specific technology
Prepare For The Next War icon
Prepare For The Next War
The world is turning more and more violent, and it is all we can do to prepare ourselves as much as we can. If that day finally comes, it will not find us unprepared or off guard.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Committee for National Defense “The Committee for National Defense”
  • Requires the following:
    • Never Forget Our Roots “Never Forget Our Roots”
  • We have increased investment in underwater construction. ?
    • Decrease variable HIP_underwater_mil_time by 15
  • Else:
    • Decrease variable HIP_underwater_mil_time by 30
  • Will reduce the time to build underwater military factories by 30 days?
  • Gain 10% War support War Support
  • Modify the National Spirit HIP defense.png “The Committee for National Defense”
The Committee for National Defense icon
The Committee for National Defense
  • Division Attack on core territory: +10%
  • Division Defense on core territory: +10%
  • Planning Speed: +10%
  • Military Factory construction speed: +10%
  • One random owned and controlled state that is a core state of Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
    • Add 1 Synthetic refinery Synthetic Refinery
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
  • One random owned and controlled state that is a core state of Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
    • Add 1 Synthetic refinery Synthetic Refinery
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
Expand Coastal Fortifications icon
Expand Coastal Fortifications
Anycreature who sets a single hoof or claw on our islands will be met with resistance from the get-go. If they establish a beachhead, it might already be too late, so we must make sure they will never be able to.
  • Requires the following:
    • Prepare For The Next War “Prepare For The Next War”
  • Every owned state that is fully controlled and a core state of our country
    • Add 2 Land fort Land Fort, on all provinces, on province with a naval base
    • Add 2 Coastal fort Coastal Fort, on all provinces, on province with a naval base
  • One random owned and controlled state that is a core state of Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
    • Add 1 Fuel silo Fuel Silo
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
  • One random owned and controlled state that is a core state of Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
    • Add 1 Fuel silo Fuel Silo
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
The Youth Defense League icon
The Youth Defense League
We would never place our children in harms way, but in war there are many duties necessary, including several that will keep them able to aid in the struggle, but still remain out of the way of the actual fighting.
  • Requires the following:
    • Prepare For The Next War “Prepare For The Next War”
  • Gets the National Spirit Pony militarization.png “The Youth Defense League”
The Youth Defense League icon
The Youth Defense League
  • Recruitable Population Factor: +5%
  • Training time: −10%
  • Recruitable Seapony Population Factor: +5%
  • 1 500 units of Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia Breech-Loaded Rifles is added to the national Stockpile
As The War Approaches icon
As The War Approaches
When the Storm King came, we could have lost everything. The next time war comes - and it will come sooner or later - we shall be ready to meet it with all the strength we have.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Youth Defense League “The Youth Defense League”
  • Requires the following:
    • Expand Coastal Fortifications “Expand Coastal Fortifications”
  • Seaquestria has not fallen into chaos.?
  • We have permitted or denied a major Aris First rally.?
  • Will reduce the time to build underwater military factories and dockyards by 10 days
  • Modify the National Spirit HIP defense.png “The Committee for National Defense”
The Committee for National Defense icon
The Committee for National Defense
  • Supply Consumption: −10%
  • Division Organization: +5%
  • Division Attack on core territory: +10%
  • Division Defense on core territory: +10%
  • Planning Speed: +10%
  • Military Factory construction speed: +15%
  • (Hidden)If Seaquestria has not fallen into chaos.?
    • (Hidden)Set temporary variable HIP_arisfirst_support_var to the value of the Neutrality Neutrality party populartity
    • (Hidden)Increase temporary variable HIP_arisfirst_support_var by the value of the Supremacy Supremacy party populartity
    • (Hidden)If value of variable HIP_arisfirst_support_var is greater than the value of the Harmony Harmony party populartity
      • (Hidden)Trigger country event “Aris First Forms Government” in 14 days
    • (Hidden)Else:
      • (Hidden)Trigger country event “Twilight for Aris First” in 14 days
  • (Hidden)If country flag HIP_increased_underwater_investment is set
    • (Hidden)Decrease variable HIP_underwater_mil_time by 10
    • (Hidden)Decrease variable HIP_underwater_dock_time by 10
  • (Hidden)Else:
    • (Hidden)Decrease variable HIP_underwater_mil_time by 20
    • (Hidden)Decrease variable HIP_underwater_dock_time by 20
  • If Seaquestria has not fallen into chaos.?
    • If Neutrality and Supremacy support exceed Harmony support, Aris First will take over the government.
Designated Trade Ports icon
Designated Trade Ports
Contrary to what some claim, we are not looking to stick our heads in the sand and ignore the outside world. The cities of Winggarden, Howlington, and Canterford will be dedicated to trade with the outside world, and through it we can still be part of the world while watching its influence on us.
  • Requires the following:
    • Placating The Isolationists “Placating The Isolationists”
  • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Seapony Autarky “Seapony Autarky”
  • None of the following are true:
    • Chiropterran Puppet?
    • The country is in chaos.?
  • Will move our divided society towards total Hippogriff control
  • The political power cost of constructing underwater buildings will increase by 5.
  • Gets the National Spirit HIP trade.png “Designated Trade Ports”
Designated Trade Ports icon
Designated Trade Ports
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +50%
  • Improve relations maintain cost: −15%
Agricultural Reforms icon
Agricultural Reforms
The agricultural sector has been left languishing in recent times. With all the development both internally and abroad, the time has come for a dedicated effort to make sure that our farmers can keep feeding our people even if the worst happens.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Designated Trade Ports “Designated Trade Ports”
    • Seapony Autarky “Seapony Autarky”
  • Gain 10% Stability Stability
  • Gets the National Spirit HIP traktor.png “Agricultural Reform”
Agricultural Reform icon
Agricultural Reform
  • Monthly Population: +25%
Encourage Private Enterprises icon
Encourage Private Enterprises
As our nation grows, so will its industry, but it'd only bloat the nation to try to run everything centrally. There are countless talented and ambitious citizens within our nation, and if we just give them some encouragement, they will provide us with plenty of new industries.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Agricultural Reforms “Agricultural Reforms”
    • Universal Education “Universal Education”
  • One random owned and controlled state that is a core state of Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
    • Add 1 Civilian factory Civilian Factory
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
  • One random owned and controlled state that is a core state of Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
    • Add 2 Civilian factory Civilian Factory
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
  • Will grant 1 additional underwater building slot.
National Defense Works icon
National Defense Works
Modern wars are won not just on the battlefield, but in the factories as well. We must be ready to produce immense amounts of weaponry for when the war comes, and there is no time like the present to get started.
  • Requires the following:
    • Encourage Private Enterprises “Encourage Private Enterprises”
  • One random owned and controlled state that is a core state of Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
    • Add 2 Military factory Military Factory
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
  • One random owned and controlled state that is a core state of Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
    • Add 1 Military factory Military Factory
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
  • Will grant 1 additional underwater building slot.
The Aris Stock Exchange icon
The Aris Stock Exchange
The world is woven together more tightly than ever before, and like the currents and winds, trade, wealth and prosperity is more understood as a "flow" than a fixed thing. Opening the Aris Stock Exchange will let us partake in this flow, and control it to some extent.
  • Requires the following:
    • Designated Trade Ports “Designated Trade Ports”
  • None of the following are true:
    • Chiropterran Puppet?
    • The country is in chaos.?
  • Gets the National Spirit HIP stock.png “Booming Economy”
Booming Economy icon
Booming Economy
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Economy Laws Cost: −15%
  • Trade Laws Cost: −15%
  • (Hidden)Trigger country event “The Rising Lower Classes” in 30 days to 40 days
  • Hidden effect:
    • If country flag HIP_increased_underwater_investment is set
      • Decrease variable HIP_underwater_civ_time by 7
    • Else:
      • Decrease variable HIP_underwater_civ_time by 14
  • Will reduce the time to build underwater civilian factories by 14 days?
Developing The Outer Islands icon
Developing The Outer Islands
Mount Aris is the gleaming jewel of Hippogriffia, but a jewel needs a necklace to hold it. Too long, we have ignored the golden ring of islands around us, and this must be rectified.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Aris Stock Exchange “The Aris Stock Exchange”
  • Requires the following:
    • Agricultural Reforms “Agricultural Reforms”

The following will bypass the focus:
  • Does not have full control of state Feathered Isles (687)
  • Does not have full control of state Talonzarote (694)
  • Does not have full control of state Terrarife (693)
  • Does not have full control of state Trots and Canters Islands (1199)
  • If country has full control of state Feathered Isles (687)
    • Feathered Isles (687):
      • Set state category to Developed Rural Region
      • Start construction of 2 Air base Air Base
      • Start construction of 2 Naval base Naval Base, on the province (20273)
      • Start construction of 1 Naval dockyard Naval Dockyard
      • Start construction of 1 Fuel silo Fuel Silo
  • If country has full control of state Talonzarote (694)
    • Talonzarote (694):
      • Set state category to Small Island
  • If country has full control of state Terrarife (693)
    • Terrarife (693):
      • Set state category to Rural Region
  • If country has full control of state Trots and Canters Islands (1199)
    • Trots and Canters Islands (1199):
      • Set state category to Developed Rural Region
      • Start construction of 2 Air base Air Base
      • Start construction of 2 Naval base Naval Base, on the province (20655)
      • Start construction of 1 Naval dockyard Naval Dockyard
      • Start construction of 1 Fuel silo Fuel Silo
Come On Down To Hippogriffia! icon
Come On Down To Hippogriffia!
Our home is among the most beautiful regions in the world, and visitors agree. Opening up for tourist enterprises will net us another source of revenue, as well as making sure that thousands of creatures across the world will go home with positive experiences of us.
  • Requires the following:
    • Developing The Outer Islands “Developing The Outer Islands”

The following will bypass the focus:
  • At least one of the following is true:
    • Is at war
    • Chiropterran Puppet.?
    • The country is in chaos.?
  • Gets the National Spirit HIP beach ball.png “Hippogriffian Tourism Industry”
Hippogriffian Tourism Industry icon
Hippogriffian Tourism Industry
  • Consumer Goods Factories: −2.5%
  • We will lose our tourism industry as soon as we enter a state of war!
Cut The Industrial Red Tape icon
Cut The Industrial Red Tape
Our industry suffers from miles upon miles of red tape. It might have been well-intentioned, but it is simply stifling us. Rationalizing the bureaucracy, doing away with some of the regulatory framework and consolidating the management of the remainder into a new organization will benefit our economy immensely.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Aris Stock Exchange “The Aris Stock Exchange”
  • None of the following are true:
    • Chiropterran Puppet?
    • The country is in chaos.?
  • Modify the National Spirit HIP stock.png “Booming Economy”
Booming Economy icon
Booming Economy
  • Efficiency texticon.png Production Efficiency Growth: +10%
  • Political Power Gain: +7%
  • Factory Output: +10%
  • Dockyard Output: +10%
  • Economy Laws Cost: −15%
  • Trade Laws Cost: −15%
  • (Hidden)Trigger country event “The Socialist Unions” in 30 days to 45 days
Encourage The Automotive Industry icon
Encourage The Automotive Industry
The car did have some difficulties getting established in Hippogriffia, being neither able to fly nor swim, but over time more and more of us have come to enjoy both as a tool and as entertainment. In time, our automotive industry will be one of the world's foremost.
  • Requires the following:
    • Cut The Industrial Red Tape “Cut The Industrial Red Tape”
  • None of the follwing are true:
    • Chiropterran Puppet?
    • The country is in chaos.?
  • Modify the National Spirit HIP stock.png “Booming Economy”
Booming Economy icon
Booming Economy
  • Efficiency texticon.png Production Efficiency Growth: +10%
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • Factory Output: +10%
  • Dockyard Output: +10%
  • Economy Laws Cost: −15%
  • Trade Laws Cost: −15%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +10%
  • (Hidden)Trigger country event “The Motor Strike” in 30 days to 40 days
The Hippogriff Miracle icon
The Hippogriff Miracle
From the shadows under the sea, our civilization has risen high. Golden Skyscrapers now tower tall across Mount Aris, rising out of the sea and binding our peoples together stronger than ever before. Hippogriffia is now the shining, prosperous jewel of Zebrica, as she always was meant to be!
  • Requires the following:
    • Come On Down To Hippogriffia! “Come On Down To Hippogriffia!”
  • Requires the following:
    • Encourage The Automotive Industry “Encourage The Automotive Industry”
  • None of the following are true:
    • Chiropterran Puppet?
    • The country is in chaos.?
  • Gain 10% Stability Stability
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
  • Mount Aris (1165):
    • Set state category to Megalopolis Region
    • Add 2 Civilian factory Civilian Factory
  • (Hidden)Trigger country event “The Beggar in the Throne Room” in 15 days to 20 days

Continue Navy Modernisation Branch

HIP Continue Navy Modernisation Branch.png

The Naval branch of the Hippogriff national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

This branch is only visible if the national focus Goal UESR TNO justice.png “The Marksist Revolution” has not been completed.

Focus Prerequisites Effects
Continue Navy Modernisation icon
Continue Navy Modernisation
Although our navy is already one of the most powerful in the world, we cannot afford to be lax. We must ensure our navy is always ahead of the competition. As an island nation, the navy will determine whether we live or die.
  • Has not completed national focus Goal UESR TNO justice.png “The Marksist Revolution”
  • Gain Navy experience 25 Navy Experience
  • One random owned and controlled coastal state:
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Naval dockyard Naval Dockyard
Deep Blue War Games icon
Deep Blue War Games
A strong naval doctrine is essential to success. Traditionally we have favoured striking our enemies' ships when they are in ports, but we do have other doctrinal options available should we wish to change our course. No matter what, we must choose a path.
  • Requires the following:
    • Continue Navy Modernisation “Continue Navy Modernisation”
  • Gain Navy experience 25 Navy Experience
  • Gain 2 uses of +50% (Deep Blue War Games) doctrine cost reduction for:
    • Naval Doctrine
Expand The Marines icon
Expand The Marines
When we must invade other countries, it will be the marines who will lead the way, and the landing craft that will carry them to safety. Naval invasions are a nightmare, but with grit and determination we can prevail.
  • Requires the following:
    • Deep Blue War Games “Deep Blue War Games”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Expand The Marines) (2 uses) towards:
    • Marine technology
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Expand The Marines) (2 uses) towards:
    • Transport models
Freedom Ships icon
Freedom Ships
Our civilian shipping industry is invaluable to our continued development. By producing more convoys, we'll be able to trade with our friends regardless of enemy raiding. As an added bonus, readily available convoys will make naval invasions faster.
  • Requires the following:
    • Deep Blue War Games “Deep Blue War Games”
  • Gets the National Spirit Liberty ships focus.png “Freedom Ships”
Freedom Ships icon
Freedom Ships
  • Amphibious Invasion Speed: +10%
  • Convoy:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −15%
Shipboard Radar icon
Shipboard Radar
Radar will let us spot enemy ships through the worst conditions nature can throw at us. Future models may even be able to locate submarines or calculate better firing trajectories.
  • Requires the following:
    • Continue Navy Modernisation “Continue Navy Modernisation”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Shipboard Radar) (2 uses) towards:
    • RADAR technology
Form The Royal Shipbuilding Committee icon
Form The Royal Shipbuilding Committee
Our many shipbuilders are skilled but disorganized. Different styles, gun measurements, and even engine designs prevail across the country. By forming a committee to centralise administrations and establish national standards, we can drastically speed up production.
  • Requires the following:
    • Continue Navy Modernisation “Continue Navy Modernisation”
  • Does not have the Economy Law Idea isolation.png “Isolation”
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic navy bonus.png “The Royal Shipbuilding Committee”
The Royal Shipbuilding Committee icon
The Royal Shipbuilding Committee
  • Naval Equipment Experience Cost: -10%
  • Heavy Ship:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −5%
  • Carrier:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −5%
  • Cruiser:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −5%
  • Light Hull:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −5%
  • Standardised Coastal Submarine Hull:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −5%
Seapony Squadrons icon
Seapony Squadrons
We have a long and storied history of the use of submarines. By forming dedicated squadrons of seaponies to crew them, we can quickly adapt to looming problems with design.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Continue Navy Modernisation “Continue Navy Modernisation”
    • Seapony Primacy “Seapony Primacy”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Seapony Squadrons) (2 uses) towards:
    • Submarine models
Underwater Supremacy icon
Underwater Supremacy
As a nation of seaponies, we can afford to invest even further in submarines. As our submarines don't have to carry air, we can hide like ghosts. Our submarines will strike at any troop transports and escape into the depths. No one will ever be able to take our home from us again!
  • Requires all of the following:
    • Seapony Squadrons “Seapony Squadrons”
    • Integrate The Underwater Dockyards “Integrate The Underwater Dockyards”
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic navy bonus.png “Underwater Supremacy”
Underwater Supremacy icon
Underwater Supremacy
  • Submarine:
    • Surface detection: +10%
    • Sub Visibility: −10%
  • Add technology: Cruiser Submarine Hull
Expand The Escort Fleet icon
Expand The Escort Fleet
When trading with other nations, it's absolutely critical to make sure our shipments arrive safely. We lack many resources other nations enjoy, and to keep our war machine operational we must protect our trade routes. Modern destroyers will keep our convoys safe.
  • Requires the following:
    • Form The Royal Shipbuilding Committee “Form The Royal Shipbuilding Committee”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Expand The Escort Fleet) (1 use) towards:
    • Destroyer models
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Expand The Escort Fleet) (1 use) towards:
    • Light Cruiser models
  • Completing this focus will unlock a new decision to design a specialized cruiser!
Battleship Primacy icon
Battleship Primacy
The battleship is the ultimate expression of naval dominance, and the backbone of the navy. With a large enough battlefleet, no one will ever dare to attack us.
  • Requires the following:
    • Form The Royal Shipbuilding Committee “Form The Royal Shipbuilding Committee”
  • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Air-Sea Warfare “Air-Sea Warfare”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Battleship Primacy) (1 use) towards:
    • Battleship models
The Imperious Class Project icon
The Imperious Class Project
Our naval theorists have discussed a design for a new battleship. This proposed "super heavy battleship" will carry guns twenty-one meters long. It will no doubt be an enormous investment of resources, but when completed it will tear even the battleships of the future to shreds.
  • Requires the following:
    • Battleship Primacy “Battleship Primacy”
  • Has full control of state Westshore (1202)
  • If the DLC Man the Guns Man the Guns is enabled
    • Two Imperious Class ships will be added to our production line. One with 75% completion and the other with 50%. Having the Decimetric Radar technology will add radar to these ships. (?)
    • If the technology Battleship Killer Hull is not researched
      • Add technology: Battleship Killer Hull
    • If the technology Battleship Killer Hull is researched
      • If Decimetric Wavelength RADAR technology researched
        • Create a Battleship Killer Hull variant called “Imperious Class” with the CXAM Radar module
      • Else:
        • Create a Battleship Killer Hull variant called “Imperious Class”
    • Hidden effect:
      • add_equipment_production
        • equipment
          • type = ship_hull_super_heavy_1
          • creator = "HIP"
          • version_name = "Imperious Class"
        • name = "RHS Imperious"
        • requested_factories = 1
        • progress = 0.75
        • amount = 1
      • add_equipment_production
        • equipment
          • type = ship_hull_super_heavy_1
          • creator = "HIP"
          • version_name = "Imperious Class"
        • name = "RHS Glorious"
        • requested_factories = 1
        • progress = 0.5
        • amount = 1
  • Else:
    • Gain +300% research bonus (The Imperious Class Project) (1 use) towards:
      • Superheavy Battleship models
Air-Sea Warfare icon
Air-Sea Warfare
As a people who can shift from soaring through the skies to swimming under the seas, it's only logical to focus our efforts on a navy that does the same. Pairing planes with boats will not only be a symbol of our unity, it will let us strike our enemies in their bases with ease!
  • Requires the following:
    • Form The Royal Shipbuilding Committee “Form The Royal Shipbuilding Committee”
  • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Battleship Primacy “Battleship Primacy”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Air-Sea Warfare) (1 use) towards:
    • Carrier models
Rapid Strike Tactics icon
Rapid Strike Tactics
Our pilots will have to fly in quickly, execute their mission, and then return to the carrier to fuel up. We can accelerate this process by refuelling and reequipping in the air.
  • Requires the following:
    • Air-Sea Warfare “Air-Sea Warfare”
  • Gets the National Spirit Idea generic navy carrier bonus.png “Rapid Strike Tactics”
Rapid Strike Tactics icon
Rapid Strike Tactics
  • Sortie efficiency: +20%

Seapony Primacy Branch and Hippogriff Primacy Branch

HIP Primacy Branch.png

The Industrial branch of the Hippogriff national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

This branch is only visible if the national focus Goal UESR TNO justice.png “The Marksist Revolution” has not been completed.

Focus Prerequisites Effects
Seapony Primacy icon
Seapony Primacy
We survived the Storm King's invasion by hiding underwater. The sea shelters us, and it must be the sea we rely upon going forward. Even with modern submarines, our enemies can't reach the sea floor, so we'll always have a safe place to flee to.
  • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Hippogriff Primacy “Hippogriff Primacy”
  • Has not completed national focus Goal UESR TNO justice.png “The Marksist Revolution”
  • Set country flag HIP_seapony_primacy_flag
  • Gain Political Power 75 Political Power
  • If country Has a divided society.:
    • Will move our divided society towards total Seapony control
Hippogriff Primacy icon
Hippogriff Primacy
We can't afford to cower in the depths any longer. The world is changing, and if we are to take our place as a preeminent nation among the peoples of the world, it's time to change too.
  • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Seapony Primacy “Seapony Primacy”
  • Has not completed national focus Goal UESR TNO justice.png “The Marksist Revolution”
  • Set country flag HIP_hippogriff_primacy_flag
  • Gain Political Power 75 Political Power
  • If country Has a divided society.:
    • Will move our divided society towards total Hippogriff control
Integrate The Underwater Dockyards icon
Integrate The Underwater Dockyards
There are some things best done in above-water dockyards, and other things best done in underwater ones. We will integrate our surface and underwater shipping facilities to better repair our vessels and streamline shipbuilding.
  • Requires the following:
    • Seapony Primacy “Seapony Primacy”
  • Gets the National Spirit Idea generic sea focused navy.png “Underwater Dockyards Expanded”
Underwater Dockyards Expanded icon
Underwater Dockyards Expanded
  • Dockyard Output: +15%
  • Ship Repair Speed: +15%
Refine Underwater Construction Techniques icon
Refine Underwater Construction Techniques
Constructing buildings underwater makes them immune to strategic bombing. As long as Seaquestria stands with us, we will have an impervious industry.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Seapony Primacy “Seapony Primacy”
    • Hippogriff Primacy “Hippogriff Primacy”

The following will bypass the focus:
  • We can construct underwater buildings! (?)
  • Will unlock 3 additional underwater building slots and unlock a decision to double underwater construction speed and number of civilian factories required.
  • We can construct underwater buildings! (?)
Shell Oil Company icon
Shell Oil Company
Although we have a reasonable amount of crude oil, it isn't enough to fuel our massive navy. We'll need to develop our oil refining process, and synthetic refineries are also worth looking into.
  • Requires the following:
    • Refine Underwater Construction Techniques “Refine Underwater Construction Techniques”
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available as Industrial Concern:
  • Shell Oil Company , which grants
    • Refinery construction speed: +10%
    • Industrial Research Speed: +15%
    • Synthetic Resources Research Speed: +30%
  • Unlock the Deep Sea Oil Extraction decision
National Road Network icon
National Road Network
By constructing a nationwide road network, we can speed up all our future construction. It'll also be useful for supplying any military operations. It will move our society in favor of hippogriffs, however.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Seapony Primacy “Seapony Primacy”
    • Hippogriff Primacy “Hippogriff Primacy”
  • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Underwater Railways “Underwater Railways”
  • Every owned state that has a direct land connection to the owner's capital:
    • Add 1 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • If country Has a divided society.:
    • Will move our divided society towards total Hippogriff control
Underwater Railways icon
Underwater Railways
Building underwater rails will make future underwater construction much faster, and even help us build things on the surface should we desire to. It will move our society in favor of seaponies, however.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Seapony Primacy “Seapony Primacy”
    • Hippogriff Primacy “Hippogriff Primacy”
  • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • National Road Network “National Road Network”
  • Add 2 off map Civilian factory Civilian Factory
  • Increase variable HIP_underwater_civ by 2
  • Decrease variable HIP_underwater_civ_remove by 2
  • Increase variable HIP_underwater_buildings by 2
  • Increase variable HIP_underwater_slots by 4
  • Will grant 2 additional underwater building slots.
  • If country Has a divided society.:
    • Will move our divided society towards total Seapony control
Public Infrastructure Works icon
Public Infrastructure Works
We are a peaceful and isolationist people. It's only sensible to build better roads and bridges to improve our citizens' quality of life.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • National Road Network “National Road Network”
    • Underwater Railways “Underwater Railways”
  • Gets the National Spirit Idea generic build infrastructure.png “Public Infrastructure Works”
Public Infrastructure Works icon
Public Infrastructure Works
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Public Infrastructure Works) (1 use) towards:
    • Construction technology
Form The Bellbreeze Aircraft Corporation icon
Form The Bellbreeze Aircraft Corporation
We are a naturally airborne people. When we fight our enemies in the skies, directing our efforts to maneuverability will let us shoot them down while dodging their attacks.
  • Requires the following:
    • Hippogriff Primacy “Hippogriff Primacy”
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available as Design Company:
  • Bellbreeze , which grants
    • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • If DLC By Blood Alone By Blood Alone is enabled:
    • Gain +50% research bonus (Bellbreeze) (1 use) towards:
      • Light aircraft
  • Else:
    • Gain +50% research bonus (Bellbreeze) (1 use) towards:
      • Fighter models
Expand Aircraft Funds icon
Expand Aircraft Funds
We need more fighters. They shoot down enemy bombers and escort ours to their destination. [HIP.GetLeader] has approved a special fund for fighters, using some of the royal treasury to personally cover costs.
  • Requires the following:
    • Form The Bellbreeze Aircraft Corporation “Form The Bellbreeze Aircraft Corporation”
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic air bonus.png “Air Industry Fund”
Air Industry Fund icon
Air Industry Fund
  • Small Airframe:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −10%
  • Heavy Fighter Airframe:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −10%
Form The Department Of Commerce icon
Form The Department Of Commerce
While we are a modern nation, the fact remains that as the world changes at breakneck speed, we run the risk of being left behind. If we are to safeguard our technological advantage, we need to keep advancing.
  • Requires the following:
    • Refine Underwater Construction Techniques “Refine Underwater Construction Techniques”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Form The Department Of Commerce) (2 uses) towards:
    • Industry
Open The Office Of Industrial Sciences icon
Open The Office Of Industrial Sciences
There are so many topics we can be investigating, from machinery to electronics to battleships to our own biology. We need to open a new branch of the government dedicated exclusively to research and innovation. This Office of Industrial Sciences will ensure we are never behind our peers.
  • Requires the following:
    • Form The Department Of Commerce “Form The Department Of Commerce”
  • Has more than 25 Civilian factory Civilian factory
  • Does not have the Economy Law Idea isolation.png “Isolation”

The following will bypass the focus:
  • Has more than 4 research slots
  • Gain 1 research slot
Expand Metalworking Industry icon
Expand Metalworking Industry
Hippogriffia is quite resource rich, but much of those resources are particularly hard to get to or require extensive refining to be made usable. To get the most out of our mineral wealth, we will expand aluminum mining operations in Grand Alaudia and develop the Starfield Steelworks so that our industries never want for materials.
  • Requires the following:
    • Form The Department Of Commerce “Form The Department Of Commerce”
    • Public Infrastructure Works “Public Infrastructure Works”
  • Has full control of state Grand Alaudia (696)
  • Add production of 6 Aluminum Aluminum to Grand Alaudia (696)
  • Add production of 10 Steel Steel to Central Aris (684)
  • Central Aris (684):
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
    • Add 1 Civilian factory Civilian Factory
  • Unlock the Develop Grand Alaudia Bauxite Mine decision

Army Branch

HIP Army Branch.png

The Army branch of the Hippogriff national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

Requires picking either Seapony Primacy Seapony Primacy or Hippogriff PrimacyHippogriff Primacy

Focus Prerequisites Effects
Department Of Defence icon
Department Of Defence
In a world filled with threats, we will need a strong army to safeguard our borders. This Department will both cover our army's modernisation and its central administration.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Seapony Primacy “Seapony Primacy”
    • Hippogriff Primacy “Hippogriff Primacy”
  • Gets the National Spirit Idea usa war department.png “Department of Defense”
Department of Defense icon
Department of Defense
  • Maximum Command Power Increase: +25
  • Gain Army experience 25 Army Experience
Modern Weaponry Contests icon
Modern Weaponry Contests
By holding contests for the best-designed guns and grenades, we can ensure top-of-the-line performance for all our troops. Soldiers are in short supply, so our guns have to be the best we can possibly make them.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Seapony Primacy “Seapony Primacy”
    • Hippogriff Primacy “Hippogriff Primacy”
  • Gain +200% research bonus (Modern Weaponry Contests) (1 use) towards:
    • Infantry Weapons
Armament Plans icon
Armament Plans
We will contact prominent figures in the arms industry, such as Plumage Moonfeather, to improve our arms procurement process. Factory owners must know that there will be great demand for weapons in the near future, so they will be prepared to convert their civilian factories into military ones should we be attacked.
  • Requires the following:
    • Modern Weaponry Contests “Modern Weaponry Contests”
  • Gets the National Spirit Idea ast volunteer defence corps.png “Armament Plans”
Armament Plans icon
Armament Plans
  • Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: −15%
  • Military Factory construction speed: +10%
Continue Army Modernisation icon
Continue Army Modernisation
As a small nation, we have always believed that our first and foremost priority for the army should be better guns than our foes. Some military theorists advocate for changing our course, while others say that what has served us well should remain. Either way, keeping our theory of war modern is absolutely critical in these times.
  • Requires the following:
    • Department Of Defence “Department Of Defence”
    • Modern Weaponry Contests “Modern Weaponry Contests”
  • Gain Army experience 30 Army Experience
  • Gain 1 use of +50% (Continue Army Modernisation) doctrine cost reduction for:
    • Land Doctrine
Fund The Royal Island Gunworks icon
Fund The Royal Island Gunworks
We have long used cannons in our armies. Big guns let us blast our enemies from afar, keeping our own troops safe. Having Royal Island design new artillery will let us prepare for whatever our enemies throw at us!
  • Requires the following:
    • Modern Weaponry Contests “Modern Weaponry Contests”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Fund The Royal Island Gunworks) (2 uses) towards:
    • Support Artillery
Motorising The Army icon
Motorising The Army
Any attacks on our soil will have to be quickly repulsed, and any terrorist action countered swiftly. Armored cars and mechanized troop transports will keep our soldiers safe as they go wherever they are needed.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Continue Army Modernisation “Continue Army Modernisation”
    • Fund The Royal Island Gunworks “Fund The Royal Island Gunworks”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Motorising The Army) (2 uses) towards:
    • Truck
Armored Operations Training icon
Armored Operations Training
Tanks can punch through lines and quickly encircle enemies. Even if we choose to avoid aggression, tank destroyers are very useful for stopping our enemies' armored advances.
  • Requires the following:
    • Motorising The Army “Motorising The Army”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Motorising The Army) (2 uses) towards:
    • Armor technology
Expand The Royal Engineer Corps icon
Expand The Royal Engineer Corps
Combat engineers can dig trenches, set explosives to breach forts, and operate flamethrowers to smoke our foes out. We must not neglect our engineers, especially the defenses they can give to protect our home.
  • Requires the following:
    • Fund The Royal Island Gunworks “Fund The Royal Island Gunworks”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Expand The Royal Engineer Corps) (2 uses) towards:
    • Engineers Technology
A School For Signals And Logistics icon
A School For Signals And Logistics
Modern warfare involves more than guns and planes; it also involves distribution of goods and quick communication. Creating a school dedicated to these less visible but still vital topics will make sure we can synchronize and plan with lightning speed.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Motorising The Army “Motorising The Army”
    • Expand The Royal Engineer Corps “Expand The Royal Engineer Corps”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (A School For Signals And Logistics) (2 uses) towards:
    • Signal Company Technology
    • Logistics Company
Invite Griffon Theorists icon
Invite Griffon Theorists
The Griffonian school of war has long been that maximal planning and preparation is the method by which victory is won. We can approach them for guidance on our own war machine to help us organize properly.
  • Requires the following:
    • Continue Army Modernisation “Continue Army Modernisation”
  • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Lessons From The Enemy “Lessons From The Enemy”
  • Gets the National Spirit Idea CZE planning bonus.png “Griffonian Advisors”
Griffonian Advisors icon
Griffonian Advisors
  • Max planning: +15%
Lessons From The Enemy icon
Lessons From The Enemy
The Storm King's tactics were brutal yet effective. Rapidly organized plans and swift offensives let him conquer most of Zebrica, and doing the same could let us take the fight to any would-be conquerors.
  • Requires the following:
    • Continue Army Modernisation “Continue Army Modernisation”
  • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Invite Griffon Theorists “Invite Griffon Theorists”
  • Gets the National Spirit Idea chi wargaming division.png “Storm King Military Theory”
Storm King Military Theory icon
Storm King Military Theory
  • Division Organization: +5%
  • Planning Speed: +25%
Training Grounds At Grand Alaudia icon
Training Grounds At Grand Alaudia
Grand Alaudia has both jungles and plains, and it's respectably distant from Mount Aris. Summoning our entire army there to practice war games, and then conducting extensive surveys on the experience of both foot soldiers and generals, will help us reorganize our army and refine our military doctrine.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Lessons From The Enemy “Lessons From The Enemy”
    • Invite Griffon Theorists “Invite Griffon Theorists”
  • Gain Army experience 25 Army Experience
  • Gain 2 uses of +50% (Training Grounds At Grand Alaudia) doctrine cost reduction for:
    • Land Doctrine
Air-To-Ground Warfare icon
Air-To-Ground Warfare
Paratroopers can land behind enemy lines and quickly disrupt their flow of supply. If we can capture their capitals and industrial centers, we might be able to win wars without ever firing a shot.
  • Requires the following:
    • Training Grounds At Grand Alaudia “Training Grounds At Grand Alaudia”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Air-To-Ground Warfare) (2 uses) towards:
    • Airborne Technology
Special Forces Concentration icon
Special Forces Concentration
Special forces, from mountaineers to paratroopers to even more exotic possibilities like amphibious tanks, are a defining part of the [HIP.GetAdjective] military. We'll need to train more to cover our various operations and maximize the impact of our limited soldiers.
  • Requires the following:
    • Training Grounds At Grand Alaudia “Training Grounds At Grand Alaudia”
  • Gets the National Spirit Idea eng special air service.png “Military Special Service Force”
Military Special Service Force icon
Military Special Service Force
  • Special Forces Division training time: −10%
  • Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: +5%
Jungle Special Forces School icon
Jungle Special Forces School
Jungles are a nightmare to fight on for everyone. However, we have many jungles across our lands, and by training troops in jungle warfare, we can give our special forces a deadly edge in this dangerous terrain.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Air-To-Ground Warfare “Air-To-Ground Warfare”
    • Special Forces Concentration “Special Forces Concentration”
  • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Mountain Warfare School “Mountain Warfare School”
  • Enables Jungle Training
  • All Special Forces
    • Jungle
      • Attack: +5%
      • Movement: +10%
  • (Hidden)Add technology: Borne Of The Jungle
Mountain Warfare School icon
Mountain Warfare School
Mountaineers are a necessity on on any mountain terrain, and as our capital lies atop a great mountain, we'll need to invest heavily to protect it. Mountaineers can make the most of our home, securing it against any attack.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Air-To-Ground Warfare “Air-To-Ground Warfare”
    • Special Forces Concentration “Special Forces Concentration”
  • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Jungle Special Forces School “Jungle Special Forces School”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Mountain Warfare School) (2 uses) towards:
    • Mountaineers Technology
National Defence Draft icon
National Defence Draft
In these terrifying times, we have to take drastic measures. [HIP.GetLeader] has, after extensive deliberation, decided to institute a limited draft. This decision is not taken lightly, but we must ensure the safety of all seaponies and hippogriffs. [HIP.GetName] will never flee again!
  • Requires the following:
    • Department Of Defence “Department Of Defence”

The following will bypass the focus:
  • At least one of the following is true:
    • Has the Conscription Law Idea extensive conscription.png “Extensive Conscription”
    • Has the Conscription Law Idea service by requirement.png “Service by Requirement”
    • Has the Conscription Law Idea all adults serve.png “All Adults Serve”
    • Has the Conscription Law Idea scraping the barrel.png “Scraping the Barrel”
  • If at least one of the following is true:
    • Has the Conscription Law Idea volunteer only.png “Volunteer Only”
    • Has the Conscription Law Idea disarmed nation.png “Disarmed Nation”
  • Then:
    • Gets the Conscription Law Idea limited conscription.png “Limited Conscription”
  • Else:
    • Gets the Conscription Law Idea extensive conscription.png “Extensive Conscription”
The Royal Legion Of Aris icon
The Royal Legion Of Aris
We love peace, but in a violent world, sometimes the only way to preserve peace is to fight. The Royal Legion of Aris will preserve our rights and protect our home against anyone who would take it from us.
  • Requires the following:
    • National Defence Draft “National Defence Draft”
  • Has not completed national focus Skystars Six Promises.png “Skystar's Six Promises”
  • Gets the National Spirit GRF militias.png “The Royal Legion of Aris”
The Royal Legion of Aris icon
The Royal Legion of Aris
  • Recruitable Population Factor: +15%
  • Recruitable Seapony Population Factor: +15%
  • Conscription Laws Cost: −25%

Establish The Air Armament Committee Branch

HIP Establish The Air Committee Branch.png

The Airforce branch of the Hippogriff national focus tree.
Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.

This branch is only visible if the national focus Goal UESR TNO justice.png “The Marksist Revolution” has not been completed.

Focus Prerequisites Effects
Establish The Air Armament Committee icon
Establish The Air Armament Committee
As the world recovers from the Storm King's defeat, it's more important than ever to make sure we have a strong air force to keep our people safe. Whether that's fighters to protect our own airspace, or bombers to take out the enemy's ability to wage war, we have to be ready for whatever the world throws at us.
  • Gain Air experience 50 Air Experience
  • One random owned and controlled state that has a direct land connection to the owner's capital
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Start construction of 2 Military factory Military Factory
Air-Land Warfare icon
Air-Land Warfare
Any war must ultimately be won on land. By focusing our air force around winning land battles, we can push our enemies back whenever they advance, securing our borders forever.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Establish The Air Armament Committee “Establish The Air Armament Committee”
    • Hippogriff Primacy “Hippogriff Primacy”
  • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Strategic Obliteration Doctrine “Strategic Obliteration Doctrine”
  • If DLC By Blood Alone By Blood Alone is enabled
    • Gain +100% research bonus (Rocketry technology) (1 use) towards:
      • Rocketry technology
    • Gain +100% research bonus (Anti-Tank) (1 use) towards:
      • Anti-Tank
  • Else:
    • Gain +100% research bonus (Air-Land Warfare) (2 uses) towards:
      • Close Air Support models
  • Gain 2 uses of +50% (Air-Land Warfare) doctrine cost reduction for:
    • Battlefield Support Doctrine
Tactical Bomber Initiative icon
Tactical Bomber Initiative
While we favor close air support to win land battles, tactical bombers are a necessity to cover other operations. They can execute any mission with reasonable effectiveness, from strategic bombing to close air support, and are thus wonderfully flexible.
  • Requires the following:
    • Air-Land Warfare “Air-Land Warfare”
  • If DLC By Blood Alone By Blood Alone is enabled
    • Gain +100% research bonus (Tactical Bomber Initiative) (2 uses) towards:
      • Medium aircraft
  • Else:
    • Gain +100% research bonus (Tactical Bomber Initiative) (2 uses) towards:
      • Tactical Bomber models
Cluster Bombing icon
Cluster Bombing
We have developed advanced bombs that eject smaller bomblets specifically designed to eliminate enemy personnel and vehicles. The bomblets are dispersed in a wide area in a single precision strike.
  • Requires the following:
    • Tactical Bomber Initiative “Tactical Bomber Initiative”
  • Gets the National Spirit Strategic bombing focus.png “Advanced Cluster Bombs”
Advanced Cluster Bombs icon
Advanced Cluster Bombs
  • Close Air Support Airframe:
    • Ground Attack: +10%
  • Medium Airframe:
    • Ground Attack: +10%
  • Carrier CAS Airframe:
    • Ground Attack: +10%
Strategic Obliteration Doctrine icon
Strategic Obliteration Doctrine
Victory in war can only be achieved by the total obliteration of our enemy's capability to wage war. Without air bases, dockyards, railways, roads, mines, stockpiles, and industries they will have no capability to stand up to us and the morale of the enemy's population will plummet.
  • Requires the following:
    • Establish The Air Armament Committee “Establish The Air Armament Committee”
  • Mutually Exclusive Mutually exclusive with:
    • Air-Land Warfare “Air-Land Warfare”
  • Available as Theorist:
  • Raincloud Firebringer , which grants
    • Victory Through Airpower
      • Strategic Destruction Doctrine Cost: −15%
  • If DLC By Blood Alone By Blood Alone is enabled
    • Gain +100% research bonus (Strategic Obliteration Doctrine) (2 uses) towards:
      • Heavy aircraft
  • Else:
    • Gain +100% research bonus (Strategic Obliteration Doctrine) (2 uses) towards:
      • Strategic Bomber models
  • Gain 2 uses of +50% (Strategic Obliteration Doctrine) doctrine cost reduction for:
    • Strategic Destruction Doctrine
Bomber Offensive icon
Bomber Offensive
The total destruction of the enemy's capability to wage war can only be achieved by increasing the size of our bomber fleet. More bombers means more bombs, and more bombs means fewer guns for the enemy.
  • Requires the following:
    • Strategic Obliteration Doctrine “Strategic Obliteration Doctrine”
  • Gets the National Spirit Strategic bombing focus.png “Strategic Bomber Overproduction”
Strategic Bomber Overproduction icon
Strategic Bomber Overproduction
  • Large Airframe:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −10%
Escort Fighters icon
Escort Fighters
Our bombers will need protection. Whether strategic bombers deep in enemy territory or CAS striking our straits, heavy fighters can reach across vast distances and defend bombers from local planes.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Air-Land Warfare “Air-Land Warfare”
    • Strategic Obliteration Doctrine “Strategic Obliteration Doctrine”
  • If DLC By Blood Alone By Blood Alone is enabled
    • Gain +75% research bonus or 1 year ahead of time penalty reduction (Escort Fighters) (2 uses) towards:
      • Medium aircraft
    • Gain +75% research bonus (Aircraft Guns) (1 use) towards:
      • Aircraft Guns
  • Else:
    • Gain +100% research bonus or 1 year ahead of time penalty reduction (Escort Fighters) (2 uses) towards:
      • Heavy Fighter models
Consolidated Aircraft icon
Consolidated Aircraft
An airforce built for immense range will let us fight our opponents across the continents. The Consolidated Aircraft company has already offered to aid us in our development.
  • Requires the following:
    • Escort Fighters “Escort Fighters”
  • Available as Design Company:
  • Consolidated Aircraft , which grants
    • Air Research Speed: +15%
Fighter Working Group icon
Fighter Working Group
Enemy bombers will inevitably target our homes and factories. We swam underwater to escape the Storm King's armies, but as much of our industry is on land, doing so is immensely costly. Building fighters will let us engage bombers before they strike our land.
  • Requires the following:
    • Establish The Air Armament Committee “Establish The Air Armament Committee”
  • If DLC By Blood Alone By Blood Alone is enabled
    • Gain +100% research bonus (Fighter Working Group) (2 uses) towards:
      • Light aircraft
  • Else:
    • Gain +100% research bonus (Fighter Working Group) (2 uses) towards:
      • Fighter models
Young Fliers Program icon
Young Fliers Program
Are you doing your part? Our air force is the shield against our foes' bombs and the spear we ready against their charges. If we make this clear to our people, we're bound to have many young hippogriffs flocking to the air force!
  • Requires the following:
    • Fighter Working Group “Fighter Working Group”
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic air bonus.png “The Young Fliers Program”
The Young Fliers Program icon
The Young Fliers Program
  • Ace generation chance: +25%
  • Air Wing Training Experience Gain: +15%
  • Air Wing Mission Experience Gain: +25%
Transcontinental Air Warfare icon
Transcontinental Air Warfare
Our enemies lie across the seas on three continents. We must be able to strike them wherever they might be.
  • Requires the following:
    • Young Fliers Program “Young Fliers Program”
  • Requires the following:
    • Bomber Offensive “Bomber Offensive”
  • Replace the National Spirit Strategic bombing focus.png “Strategic Bomber Overproduction” with the National Spirit Combined bomber offensive.png “Trans-Continental Air Warfare”
    • Effective change: Strategic Bomber: Range +25%.
Trans-Continental Air Warfare icon
Trans-Continental Air Warfare
  • Large Airframe:
    • Range: +25%
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −10%
Academy Of Aerial Science icon
Academy Of Aerial Science
With new plane models rolling off the assembly lines, we ought to found a new academy dedicated to the theory of air warfare. We'll likely be able to research other, more esoteric technologies as well...
  • Requires the following:
    • Fighter Working Group “Fighter Working Group”
  • Has more than 25 Civilian factory Civilian factory
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic air bonus.png “Academy of Aerial Science”
Academy of Aerial Science icon
Academy of Aerial Science
  • Air Doctrine Cost: −10%
  • Gain Air experience 25 Air Experience
Jet Engines icon
Jet Engines
The jet engine has the potential to completely revolutionize flight. With it, we might even be able to break the sound barrier. We can't afford to neglect this promising new field of study!
  • Requires the following:
    • Academy Of Aerial Science “Academy Of Aerial Science”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Jet Engines) (2 uses) towards:
    • Jet technology
Department Of Rocketry icon
Department Of Rocketry
Rockets—self-propelled missiles packed with liquid or solid fuel—have the potential to strike a base in the [CHN.GetName] from the comfort of our own mountain. A way to wage war without a single hippogriff or seapony ever having to leave home is incredibly tempting for obvious reasons. We need to find out more!
  • Requires the following:
    • Academy Of Aerial Science “Academy Of Aerial Science”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Department Of Rocketry) (2 uses) towards:
    • Rocketry technology
Atomic Committee icon
Atomic Committee
Our scientists have long known that matter is made up of atoms. Recent findings suggest that certain atoms, in particular uranium and plutonium, can be split, and that such an event, properly controlled, could cause a chain reaction, unleashing incalculable destruction and loss of civilian life. We don't want to kill innocents, of course, but even having such a weapon could prove a mighty deterrent.
  • Requires the following:
    • Academy Of Aerial Science “Academy Of Aerial Science”
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Atomic Committee) (2 uses) towards:
    • Nuclear Technology