Colthaginian Republic

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Mighty Colthage, a great notion rocked until recently by the assault of the Storm King, weathered the great trial. Now Zalathel Zarca has been elected to lead the nation to glory, having been duly appointed by the Senate despite claims of tampering, corruption and rigging the election. He seems to rebuild the country in order to reclaim ribs ancient glory of ages past. However, a number of powerful factions are on the rise, and seek to carve their town claim to power. Others wish to nullify the corruption of Zalathel's rule, and restore things to the olden days of the Republic, whilst some in the east cry out for land reform and increased autonomy. Can Zalathel persevere, or will Colthage collapse under the strain?
— Colthage's Brief History in Country Selection
Colthaginian Republic
Battered Pride Of Zonicia

Colthaginian Republic.png

CTH map.png

IdeologyPlutocracy.png Plutocracy
Zalathel Zarca
Ruling partyZarcids (46%)
PopulationPopulation 11,461,632
PonypowerPonypower 30,301
RaceZebra Zebra
StabilityStability 14%
War supportWar support 60%
FactoriesFactory 20
  • 5 Military factory
  • 9 Naval dockyard
  • 6 Civilian factory
ContinentNorthern Zebrica
Color  #E9FFDA


In Ancient Times

Colthage (Kolt-Hadast in Zonician) was allegedly believed to have been founded in 1742 BLB by Queen Zido who banished by her father, led a group out of Zur to establish a new home, though likely Zonician Colonists from the west came to found many towns like Hippone, and Zebinop. In the centuries to come, Colthage grew and prospered through trade and commerce, becoming the hegemon of Zonician society. Their influence spanned widely across northern Zebrica and even across the Middle Sea into Southern Griffonia where they settled the colony of New Colthage on what is now Flag of Sicameon Scarlet Island. Colthage was truly one of the great empires of the ancient world. However, Colthage was not without rivals as neighboring Ancient Karthinia grew strong opposition against Colthaginian expansion.

By 552, the two ancient powers were in open war and although Colthage initially had the naval advantage, Colthage was decisively defeated and forced to cede its colonial holdings in Griffonia. The Karthinians went on the offensive, leading their forces across the Middle Sea. In 490 BLB, The Karthinians sacked and destroyed Colthage, shattering the great Zonician empire. The remaining remnants of Colthage's fallen empire would become annexed by Zur, lasting for the next 400 years.

The Dark Ages

Colthage finally regain independence in 15 BLB and once again grew into a powerful-city state. However, they could never reach the heights of their ancestors before. Political infighting and corruption would plague Colthaginian society, distracting them from the unforeseen conflict with the Flag of Quaggatai Qagga. Between 521 and 525 ALB, city by city fell into the Quagga subjugation. Colthage had once again lost its sovereignty becoming nearly a puppet to the horde as they gave tribute and forced to allow the horde to enslave Colthaginians, marking a dark age in Zonician history.

Exactly 300 years in 825 ALB, Zinuzel Zidalid, a mere priest of the town Zoea, launched a successful revolt against the Horde, with speeches of a free and united Zonicia. His speeches inspired uprisings all across Zonicia, and by the decade, Zonicia was liberated as Quaggatai fell into civil war. However, the dreams of a united Zonicia fell out as leaders of Flag of Kingdom of Warzena Warzena and Flag of Kingdom of Zumidia Zumidia refused, resulting in the formation of the Colthaginian Republic and Kingdoms of Warzena and Zumidia as sovereign nations. A brief civil war between Federalists and Centralists broke out with the latter ultimately winning.

To the Present Day

The year 975 ALB saw a turning point in the nation when Zamilcar Zarca became elected Sufrit who transitioned the republic into an oligarchical dictatorship. Zamilcar enlisted the help of a group of academics known as the Scientific Clique, whose economic policies helped drive Colthage's industrial revolution at the cost of selling property to foreign investors. Zamilcar also established a treaty of friendship and mutual support with Flag of Kingdom of Wingbardy Wingbardy, the heirs to Karthinia. Nationalists saw him as a return to glory, while Constitutionalists saw it as the start of Colthage's descent into Autocracy.

All looked great for the Colthaginian Republic in the new millennium until the Storm King's arrival. At the Battle of Colthage in 1005 ALB, Zamilcar perishes and his sons led a fierce guerilla war against the Storm King from the mountains above Zur. Much of Colthage's wealth was sacked as the war halted modernization. The Storm King would be decisively defeated a few months later at the Battle of Ain Trotgourait by Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffian forces with the help of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Following the end of the war in 1006, the Colthaginian senate gathered and established Zalatheal Zarca, Zamilcar's eldest son, as the new Sufrit

However, this did not come without a cost. Internal politics continued to plague the "republic" as internal factions vie for support and power from the Sufrit. Internal unrest in the west and east grows as Consitutionalists and Coltvans oppose the dictatorial regime. Externally, to the south, a resurgent Quaggatai seized Coltdar in the chaotic aftermath of the Storm King war and in the west, Hippogriffian occupation of Zumidia following the war left Colthaginians to question the legitimacy of Zumidia's occupation as Zonicia's rightful territory. Zalatheal must solve these problems to maintain his legitimacy as Sufrit and lead Colthage into prosperity.


Despite its past history of division, the Liberation from Quaggatai has made most of Colthage identify as being Colthaginian, from the Plains of the Coast to the Interior Jungles, Colthage is blessed with Natural resources and terrific land for Ports like Hippone and Zur. Colthage's 7 Water ways are key to much of Colthage's Prosperity. The Colthage River itself is excellent should you be pushed from the West and need a terrific Chokepoint. Overall, Colthage is defined by its excellent Coastal plains and resource rich Interior Jungles.


Main article: Colthaginian decisions


Main articles: Colthaginian events, Colthaginian events 2, Colthaginian events 3

National focus

Colthaginian Focus Tree
Main article: Colthaginian national focus tree
Lean On The Zarcid Legacy Branch
The Eler Sea Agreement and Pursue National Autarky Branch

At Game Start, the nation's Largest Issue is the growing unrest caused by the Constitutionalist Movement, with Coltvan unrest being a close 2. So The Left Economic Tree and Political/War center Tree will be entirely cut until you deal with it or it causes colthage to fall into Civil War. The Right Tree will allow you to weaken the Constitutionalists and depending how far you go, you can range from preventing Civil War entirely or ignoring it to cause them to control almost the Entire West of Colthage.

Should you Win or prevent the Civil War, you can then Procede to the Political Tree in the Center, where you can either Align with one of the 2 cliques that could put you on the course for a Militarist or Secentifqid Coup, or empower Zarca himself and make him the True Leader of Colthage and make his dream of Pan-Zonicia true.


Army Naval Air Tech / Industry
  • Primitive Weapons
    • Muzzle-loaders
  • Breech-loaded Rifles
  • Mountain Infantry I
  • Support Equipment
    • Engineer Company I
    • Recon Company I
  • Civilian Train
  • Pre-Industrial Artillery
  • Artillery
    • Anti-Air

With No Step Back No Step Back

  • Early Tank Development

Without No Step Back No Step Back

  • Early Tank
  • Modernised Coastal Submarine
    • Fleet Submarine
  • Designated Landing Barges

With Man the Guns Man the Guns:

  • Torpedo Boat Destroyer
    • Smoke Generators
    • Basic Depth Charge
    • Enlarged Destroyer
  • Scout and Armoured Cruisers
  • Basic Cruiser Armor Scheme
    • Inclined Belt Armor Scheme
  • Fast Battleships and Dreadnoughts
    • Long Range Battleships
  • Naval Gunnery
    • Basic Light Battery
    • Basic Medium Battery
    • Basic Heavy Battery
  • Basic Torpedo
  • Contact Mine
    • Minelaying Submarine

Without Man the Guns Man the Guns:

  • Torpedo Boat Destroyer
    • Enlarged Destroyer
  • Scout Cruiser
  • Late Armoured Cruiser
  • Fast Battleship
    • Battlecruiser

With By Blood Alone By Blood Alone:

  • Early Small Airframe
    • Basic Small Airframe
  • Early Medium Airframe
  • Aerial Bombs
  • Dedicated Aircraft Machine Guns
  • Dedicated Aircraft Engines
    • Applied Wartime Construction Experience
    • Aircraft Inline Engines

Without By Blood Alone By Blood Alone:

  • Early Fighter
    • Basic NAV
  • Early Bomber
  • Organised Fuel Storage
Doctrine Racial
  • None
  • Trade Interdiction
  • None
  • Charger Division
  • War Canoes
    • Deep Sea Canoes

Designers, concerns and theorists

Idea slot tank manufacturer.png Tank Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Maztrotta Cars
Maztrotta Cars
Infantry Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Soft attack: +5%
    • Armor: +5%
  • Armored Car:
    • Soft attack: +5%
    • Armor: +5%
Political Power 150
Hippone Tractor Factory
Hippone Tractor Factory
Medium Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Soft attack: +5%
    • Reliability: +5%
  • Armored Car:
    • Soft attack: +5%
    • Reliability: +5%
Political Power 150
Steel Elephants
Steel Elephants
Heavy Tank Designer
  • Tank designer unlocked (?)
  • Armor Research Speed: +20%
  • Heavy Tank:
    • Breakthrough: +5%
    • Soft attack: +10%
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −10%
  • Armor technology:
    • Hard attack: +5%
    • Armor: +5%
  • Armored Car:
    • Hard attack: +5%
    • Armor: +5%
Political Power 75
Idea slot naval manufacturer.png Ship Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Mercantile Escort Shipyard
Mercantile Escort Shipyard
Escort Fleet Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
  • Screens:
    • Sub detection: +10%
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
    • Max Range: +30%
Political Power 150
Cothon Of Colthage
Cothon Of Colthage
Battlefleet Designer
  • Owns state Colthage (875)
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
  • Capital Ships:
    • Armor: +15%
    • Heavy Attack: +15%
  • Screens:
    • Sub detection: −25%
    • Torpedo attack: +25%
Political Power 150
Hippone Military Dockyard
Hippone Military Dockyard
Middle Sea Fleet Designer
  • Naval designer unlocked (?)
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
  • Screens:
    • Sub detection: +10%
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −15%
    • Max Range: −25%
  • Submarine:
    • Sub Visibility: −10%
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −15%
    • Max Range: −25%
  • Carrier:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: +15%
    • Max Range: −25%
Political Power 75
Idea slot aircraft manufacturer.png Aircraft Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
National Aviation Workshops
National Aviation Workshops
Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Small Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Columbroni Colthage Branch
Columbroni Colthage Branch
Naval Aircraft Designer
  • Not:Nationalized Wingbardian Assets (?)
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Naval Bomber Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • Carrier Naval Bomber Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Agility: +10%
  • Carrier CAS Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
Political Power 150
Idea slot materiel manufacturer.png Materiel Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Ochzor Rifle Designs
Ochzor Rifle Designs
Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%
  • Infantry Equipment:
    • Soft attack: +5%
Political Power 150
Ochzor Cannon Designs
Ochzor Cannon Designs
Artillery Designer
  • Artillery Research Speed: +15%
  • Towed Artillery:
    • Breakthrough: +5%
    • Defense: +5%
Political Power 150
Army Materiel Command
Army Materiel Command
Support Equipment Designer
  • Support Unit Research Speed: +15%
  • Support Equipment:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −15%
Political Power 150
Taloncia Colthage Branch
Taloncia Colthage Branch
Motorized Equipment Designer
  • Motorized designer unlocked (?)
  • Not:Nationalized Wingbardian Assets (?)
  • Motorization Research Speed: +15%
  • Truck:
    • Hardness: +10%
Political Power 75
Idea slot industrial concern.png Industrial Concerns
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Refining Concern
  • Has completed national focus Goal Further Oil.png AGWP Colthage
  • Synthetic Resources Research Speed: +15%
  • Fuel Capacity: +10%
Political Power 75
Talonieli Colthage Branch
Talonieli Colthage Branch
Industrial Concern
  • Not:Nationalized Wingbardian Assets (?)
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Scientific Innovation Committee
Scientific Innovation Committee
Electronics Concern
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Select theorist.png Theorists
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Supreme Military Council
Supreme Military Council
Council of Theorist
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.03
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.03
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.03
  • Air Doctrine Cost: −5%
  • Land Doctrine Cost: −5%
  • Naval Doctrine Cost: −5%
Political Power 150



National Spirits

Legacy of the Storm icon
Legacy of the Storm
  • Political Power Gain: -15%
  • Division Organization: -5.0%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -5%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 10.0%
  • Division Recovery Rate: -5.0%
  • Stability: -15.00%
When the Storm King invaded us with his army, we initially resisted and fought back, before realising the mad conqueror's strategy was without flaw. Instead of continuing to fight in vain, we sought to negotiate with him and eventually managed to sign a deal that spared us from doom. Angered by our initial resistance, the Storm King sacked our largest cities and burned down many buildings. He then demanded we pay hefty tribute and seized all our artifacts. Our people are angered by our failure to protect them and our economy is ailing.
Army of Mercenaries icon
Army of Mercenaries
  • Army Experience Gain: -15.0%
  • Division training time: -10.0%
  • Division Organization: -15.0%
  • Division Recovery Rate: -20.0%
  • Military Leader Cost: +50.0%
  • Send volunteers tension limit: -100.0%
  • Max volunteer force divisions: +3
  • Divisions required for sending volunteer force: -75.0%
Colthage's military has always relied heavily on mercenaries, albeit during Zamilcar Zarca's reign a professional army was slowly being built. This army was unable to survive the Storm King's invasion and was scattered to the winds. All that remains is the elite Sacred Band of Colthage which faithfully followed Zalathel to victory. After the Storm King's death, the Colthaginian army was quickly rebuilt by relying once again on mercenaries, recruited both from home and abroad. These soldiers, however, are nowhere near as reliable as properly trained warriors.
Political Instability icon
Political Instability
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.50
  • Stability: -10.00%
The Colthaginian Republic has been plagued by political instability since its establishment. A civil war was fought between Centralists and Federalists and Zamilcar Zarca practically abolished the constitution, making Colthage into an oligarchic dictatorship. Yet successful economic reforms managed to calm the populace and the situation finally seemed stable.

Then the Storm King arrived.

Now Zamilcar is dead and Zalathel Zarca's hold over the country is tenuous at best. Something must be done about the dissenting voices within the elite of Colthage so order can be restored.

Factionalism icon
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.30
  • Division Organization: +8.0%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: -6.0%
  • Stability: -2.50%
  • Surrender Limit: +8.00%
  • ProdEffCap.png Production Efficiency Cap: +8.00%
  • Research Speed: +8.00%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: -10.00%
  • Economy Laws Cost: +20%
  • Conscription Laws Cost: +20%
The rule of the Sufrits is not absolute, and political power within Colthage is distributed among various factions that gain their support from different segments of society.

Loyal factions provide bonuses while disloyal factions give maluses. The scale of these modifiers depends on the power of each faction.


Political parties
Name Ideology Leader Popularity
Zarcids Plutocracy.png Plutocracy
Zalathel Zarca 46%
Harmonites Harmonic Republicanism.png Harmonic Republicanism
Jezabzella Zeshmid 13%
Regional Confederation of Colthaginian Workers
Syndicalism.png Syndicalism
Itthozaal Zummashid 1%
Constitutionalists Conservative Liberalism.png Conservative Liberalism
Zanno Mzelqatid 40%


Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Zalathel Zarca

The Heir Of Zamilcar
  • Division Attack on core territory: +10%
  • Division Defense on core territory: +10%
  • Stability: +5%
  • War Support: +5%
As the son of Zamilcar Zarca, former head of the powerful Zarca family and longest serving Sufrit of Colthage, Zalathel grew up in Colthaginian high society during a period of peace and prosperity. Since his birth, he was seen as the successor of his father, and thus received far more attention than his siblings. He was educated in history, military science and politics, becoming fascinated with ancient Colthage in the process. His love for his homeland grew as rapidly as the size of his ego did. By the time he became an adult, he saw himself as the embodiment of Zonician civilization, and was ready to succeed his aging father who was preparing to retire. However, everything changed when the Storm King attacked.

Despite joining his father in the defence of the city, the Storm King's forces overwhelmed the defenders. Zamilcar perished in the chaos and Zalathel was forced to abandon the city of Colthage with his sister and two brothers. The zebras fled high into the Alaudid Range to lead a guerilla force to harass the Storm King's army as it continued to rampage in Northern Zebrica. When news of the Storm King's death reached Zalathel, he led his forces to the capital and executed those who had surrendered to the enemy. With the city secure, he was seen as a liberator by many, but did not hesitate to crackdown on any opposition to the Zarcid rule. He turned to the warlords that had risen up throughout Colthage and those who would not step into line where quickly taken out.

Elections were soon held, which were claimed to be rigged, and the Senate approved Zalathel as the successor of his father. Now the new Sufrit, he has enough strength and support to keep power, but his position is a precarious one. Scientifids and militarists have taken advantage of the chaos, rebuilding their power. In the west, the anti-Zarcid Constitutionalist movement is plotting against his rightful rule, while in the east, the Coltvans are rising up against their landlords. Only time will tell if he is able to continue the legacy of his father, the position he was groomed for, or if the house of cards collapses around him.

Jezabzella Zeshmid
Harmonic Republicanism.png
Harmonic Republicanism

Lady Socialite
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.05
  • Improve relations opinion: +15%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +15%
Jezabzella's patrician parents had a very clear future planned for her when she was a filly. As a scion of the immensely wealthy Zeshmid dynasty, her destiny was to continue the family's legacy by embracing the life of a merchant and marrying some zebra from another equally wealthy (preferably even wealthier) patrician family.

However, she has bucked traditions since the beginning, and defied her parents' will. She studied foreign literature and took up political writing, had a knack for causing embarrassment for those who courted her which earned her the nickname "Lady Oleander", and most annoying of all, she joined the constitutionalists (which was a horrid disgrace to her father, who was loyal to the Zarcas).

Having studied political science from across the world, she's keenly up to date with global political discourse. She also has a fascination with the harmonic society of Equestria and is an admirer of Princess Twilight and her friends. This eventually led her to establish the harmonite faction within the constitutionalists, which quickly grew in popularity by appealing to the downtrodden masses.

No matter the occasion, she usually dresses up as if she's going to the ball. In part this is because she adores high fashion and dressing up, but she also loves it when others underestimate her. Many zebras are surprised to learn that she is experienced in fencing or that she is often ruthless to her political opponents. If they are against the common zebra getting rights and dignity, it is clear that they are not good individuals, so she doesn't feel bad about crushing them like ants.

Itthozaal Zummashid
Itthozaal Zummashid

Regional Confederation of Colthaginian Workers
Zanno Mzelqatid
Conservative Liberalism.png
Conservative Liberalism

Hero of the Revolution
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • Stability: +5%
Zanno Mzelqatid is a son of a landowning well-off family in Western Colthage. He attended university in Wingbardy thanks to a government exchange program and there he became part of the ever growing urban middle class that read republican Griffonian literature and spoke out against the Zarcid regimen as an affront to Colthage's own republican traditions.

In 1006, when the chaos of the Storm King's invasion was dying down, Zanno travelled around the nation gathering support from the citizenry to campaign for an end of Zarcid tyranny and promised them true political and economic reform. All that had to be done was for them to make their voices heard to the Senate. Unfortunately this led to Zanno being arrested a week before the senate voted Zalathel Zarca in as Sufrit. Zanno was eventually released from prison on bail, but managed to make his way across the border into the Hippogriff-run Zumidian Mandate where he declared the election as illegitimate and began gathering supporters.

Personally, he is often seen as aloof and often not in touch with reality. In Wingbardy he ended up becoming an advocate of Spiritism and believes he is a medium who can talk to the dead and magical spirits. He claims the spirit of his dead brother visited him and asked him to dedicate his life to helping others, and to never drink alcohol or smoke. He is also a strong believer in homeopathy, a system of alternative medicine denounced by practitioners of both healing magic and medical science. Regardless, he is well liked by people he meets and is held in high regard by the employees of his plantations. He introduced sweeping education, medical, and social reforms for the plantation and the nearby towns, building schools and hospitals (staffed by actual doctors thankfully). He is against slavery and the semi-official class system in the nation and wishes to see a true liberal democratic Colthage.

Post-1007 leaders [may contain spoilers]
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Baltazar Zakbar

  • Efficiency cap texticon.png Production Efficiency Cap: +5%
While the Scientific Clique has no formal leadership, Baltazar Zakbar is widely acknowledged as the political figurehead of the faction. He supported the Zarcids from the very beginning, primarily because of Zamilcar's efforts to modernize the country which aligned with the goals of the Scientifids.

Having studied law and economics extensively and even worked as a teacher at the University of Colthage, Baltazar is an economic mastermind who was credited with laying the foundations for Colthage's economic miracle in the 900s. It was he who balanced the budget, established a gold standard for the zhekel and signed lucrative commercial treaties with Wingbardy and Sicameon. Without his genius, Colthage would've remained as backwards as many other zebra countries. However, his reforms came at the expense of the common folk, who lost much of their land and wealth to mighty magnates.

Baltazar's influence was so great that Zamilcar grew worried. Shortly before the Storm King's invasion, he sent the economist far away to Griffonia to negotiate a loan, wanting to get him out of the picture. This move likely saved Baltazar's life, as he was on another continent when flames of chaos engulfed Colthage.

After returning to his home, Baltazar was quick to assert dominance once again. His relations with the Zarcids had soured, especially because he saw Zalathel as nothing more than a selfish, hot-headed youth. The only thing that kept him from trying to take over the country was General Batrun Zaryes, who deeply distrusted Colthaginian intellectuals. It was clear to him that more preparations needed to be made before the Scientifids could assert dominance and guarantee order and progress in Colthage.

Scientific Committee

Technocratic Council
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.15
  • Efficiency cap texticon.png Production Efficiency Cap: +5%
  • Stability: +10%
Batrun Zaryes

Military Junta
If there was one zebra who could've challenged Zamilcar Zarca head-on, it was Batrun Zaryes. He was a military stallion who rose through the ranks during Zamilcar's reign, thanks to the Sufrit's patronage. Eventually Zamilcar gave him a position in the government, and Batrun quickly proved to be a capable administrator as well.

He used the opportunity to build up his power base, forging alliances with other generals, earning the popularity of the commoners and building his personal army. His power grew quickly, much to the dismay of the Scientifids. They were concerned and advised Zamilcar to turn on Batrun. The old Sufrit saw the general's growing influence as a threat to his regime and agreed to do so: He disbanded Batrun's private army and arrested many of his supporters.

Some years later, Zamilcar perished during the Storm King's invasion. Batrun re-established his army to fight off the invaders and reluctantly worked together with Zamilcar's eldest son, Zalathel Zarca. Thus he was able to take advantage of the chaos and rebuild his diminished power base. After the restoration of peace and order, Batrun stood as the second most powerful zebra in Colthage.

Batrun is a counterweight to the Scientifids, and is very popular both among soldiers and citizens. Over the years, he earned the personal loyalty of many generals and admirals and in practice is the true head of the military. He opposed the state-directed economic policies of Zamilcar and is a proponent of free economy and business interests. It is clear that he has aspirations to "save" Colthage, so anyone who opposes him must tread carefully. They must remember that in the end, true political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

Bezelshazzar Zerutra

Military Junta / Zerutrids
  • Stability: −5%
Born in an impoverished rural village in Trotkat, Bezelshazzar Zerutra saw a military career as the only way to escape the poverty of his home. He did his best to learn how to read, immersing himself in books about great historical figures, which allowed him to become the personal secretary of a general. With his hoof in the door, Bezelshazzar could begin to climb the ladder of military hierarchy. He entered a cadet school, earned a commission and was soon promoted to captain. Under Zamilcar Zarca's rule, he led numerous "pacification campaigns" into rebellious regions such as Coltva and distinguished himself as a capable leader. He earned a reputation of always paying his soldiers, sometimes employing ruthless methods to acquire the funds needed.

Numerous brutal operations to crush rebellions took a toll on the zebra, and he soon developed a dependency on alcohol. At the same time however, he was promoted to the rank of general, joining the upper echelons of Colthage's military. But this was not enough for him. The stories he had read as a colt, about larger-than-life heroes, instilled in him a desire to make his mark on history. He now dreamed of becoming Sufrit, hoping to succeed Zamilcar once he died.

Soon the Zarca did die, but nothing went as expected. Colthage erupted into chaos, and the weakened central government was barely restored by Zamilcar's offspring. There was little Bezelshazzar could do besides help with crushing rebellions as always. After the dust settled, it was clear he wasn't the only one vying for power. But the competition and chaos only made him more determined. One day, he would become Sufrit, and he would make things right.

Jebzel Zoblos

Military Junta
Princess of Terror
  • Non-Core Ponypower: +2%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: −30%
  • Damage to Garrisons: −25%
The mere mention of the name Jebzel Zoblos is enough to make almost any Colthaginian uncomfortable, furious or terrified. She is without a doubt the most infamous and controversial officer in the military of the republic. Word of her infamous deeds has spread far and wide, cementing her reputation as a ruthless commander.

Jebzel was born to a family of urban workers in the city of Zapsa. While attending school in her youth, she earned a reputation of a bully, an arsonist and a filly who enjoyed torturing animals. Eventually she was expelled for her behaviour, leaving her without an education to qualify for good jobs. So when she grew up, she made the decision to join the army, where her actions would not only be accepted, but respected. It did not take long for others to recognize the usefulness of her harshness and brutality, and she was soon made into a trainer of recruits, enforcing strict discipline on them and creating a culture of hazing which weeded out the weak.

During Zamilcar Zarca's reign, several revolts broke out, and Jebzel was one of the zebras put in charge of suppressing them. This is where she became a terrifying legend, a tale told to foals to scare them. Her soldiers left behind a trail of destruction as she ordered any villages or towns that were potentially sympathetic to the rebels to be burned to the ground. This brutality made the rebels flee elsewhere, so Jebzel claimed she had defeated and killed them all. Zamilcar believed her claim and granted her the rank of general as a reward for her valiant efforts.

When the Storm King invaded Colthage, Jebzel ensured soldiers loyal to her avoided direct confrontation with the enemy, thus sparing them from destruction. They joined Zalathel Zarca as he marched into the capital after the Storm King's death to restore order. Those who had tried to take advantage of the chaos faced the worst possible fates imaginable, all thanks to Jebzel Zoblos and her bloodhounds.

Zauro Ochzor

Military Junta
Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Infantry Equipment:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −10%
Zauro Ochzor is one of the senior generals of the Colthaginian army, and is greatly respected by soldiers and civilians alike. Born in Colturubis, he entered the military academy of Colthage and graduated as an artillery officer. His father had been an engineer and Zauro had developed a fascination with firearms from a young age, so it was inevitable that he ended up becoming a designer of military materiel.

As Zamilcar Zarca was modernizing the Colthaginian army, he needed zebras like Zauro to create a modern arsenal. Zauro answered the call and proved to be an ingenius and diligent designer, taking Griffonian designs and modifying them to perfection. His most famous work is the Garcano-Ochzor Model 989, the standard weapon of Colthaginian infantry. He also wrote several manuals on weapons and was promoted to Director of the Department of Artillery.

After the invasion of the Storm King, he started work on the world's first gas-operated semi-automatic rifle, which he calls the C-1007 and which others simply call the Ochzor Rifle. It is a revolutionary design, but he is distracted by his duties as a general of the army during a period of instability. While he is loyal to the Zarcid regime, he also believes that other factions in Colthage would be foolish to not adopt his superior design once it is finished."

Zenut Zaranzid
Conservative Liberalism.png
Conservative Liberalism

Zenut Zaranzid has much in common with the late Zanno Mzelqatid. He, too, comes from a landowner dynasty from western Colthage, and was influenced by liberal ideas during his studies. He also grew disillusioned with Zamilcar's authoritarianism, although he did not openly oppose the Zarcids. But this is where the similarities end.

During Zamilcar's reign, there was a small uprising in the west. Zamilcar dispatched Batrun Zaryes to put it down. It was during this expedition that Zenut met him. Zenut negotiated on behalf of the rebels and managed to convince Batrun that their revolt was justified. Together, the two convinced Zamilcar to accept the demands of the rebels. Thus began an unusual friendship between a soldier and a politician.

Zenut used his ties with Batrun to his advantage, becoming a Senator in the Colthaginian Senate. He, too, opposed the Scientifids despite supporting some of their policies. However, when Zamilcar turned against Batrun, Zenut had no choice but to find another ally. This ally was Zanno Mzelqatid, the head of the Constitutionalist movement.

After Zamilcar's death, Zenut joined the anti-Zarcid movement, which was the right choice as the rebellion succeeded and Zalathel was overthrown. But Zanno did not listen to his advice about cracking down on Zarcid supporters. This proved to be a fatal mistake when the Ten Tragic Days occurred.

Zenut was not surprised by the coup, and initially even supported Zaryes. But his old friend died in the chaos, and when Bezelshazzar Zerutra rose to power, he knew something had to be done to oppose him. He declared himself in rebellion of the coup and filled the void left by Zanno. However, he would prove to be a very different leader than him, in both good and bad ways..."

Zarvad Orzagid

The Orzagid family is well known in Amanesya, with some of its members being landowners, officials and notables. But Zarvad Orzagid never shared the fortune of his relatives. Being the eighteenth orphaned foal of his late father, all odds in life were stacked against him from the start. Yet Zarvad was always filled with determination and ambition, and his family contacts helped him rise from nothing. In his youth, he worked on the family farm, studied in his brother's school, bought a small farm for himself, married and raised a family of his own. Life struck back, and his wife and two of his foals died in the same year, but Zarvad did not give up. He founded a company, got involved in local politics and used lobbying to get the Zarcid government to build a railway to Amanesya.

Misfortune struck again as the Storm King rampaged through Colthage with his marauding army. Zarvad's properties were pillaged and he was left impoverished again. But he did not give up. He joined the newly reformed army after the storm subsided and quickly proved to be an exceptional and naturally talented military leader, rising through the ranks. Soon he hit a brick wall of corruption, as older generals looked down upon him and saw him as an upstart peasant who disobeyed orders from his superiors. Frustrated with this, it was no surprise that he became a supporter of the Constitutionalists.

Zarvad Orzagid is above all a zebra who favours the middle ground. When there are disputes between conservatives and radicals, he tries to act as the mediator, solving disputes through words rather than violence. He distrusts those rich zebras who did not earn their wealth through hard work, but does not want to overthrow social hierarchy. His mind is sharp and he has quickly adapted to modernity, advocating the use of latest technologies. He knows he has the skills to be a great general, and maybe one day, Sufrit.

Zannido 'Bandolier' Zidon
Social Banditry.png
Social Banditry

To some, he is Zannido Zidon, a ruthless bandit who takes what he wants. To many others however, he is Bandolier, hero of the common folk who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.

Little is known about Zannido's early life. He grew up on a large farm estate near Zur as the son of a sharecropper and learned to read at a local temple. He was nothing more than an average peasant, until the fateful day when the rich owner of his home estate harassed his sister. Zidon killed the zebra, saving his sister but becoming an outlaw in the process. Left with no choice but to flee, he escaped to the hills where he joined a notorious group of bandits to survive. Eventually he was arrested by Zamilcar's Rural Guard, avoiding a death sentence thanks to previously selling stolen goods to a general and instead being conscripted into the army. Not long after, he killed his commanding officer and deserted, returning to banditry. It was around this time when he earned the infamous nickname "Bandolier".

Now it appeared that the average peasant had become an average bandit, stealing from others to survive. But his life changed again when he met a supporter of Mzelqatid, who convinced him that he could utilize banditry to fight back against the cruel landowners and help the common zebras of Colthage. He pledged his loyalty to the revolution, proving to be an excellent and cunning strategist, rising quickly through the ranks of the Constitutionalist army and rallying followers to his cause. The revolutionaries who have a patrician background see Zidon as little more than a criminal who cannot be trusted, but he has become legendary among the commoners, who see him as their hero.

Zarishat Zeirutid
Agrarian Socialism.png
Agrarian Socialism

Liberation Army of the East
Depressed Alcoholic
  • Division Recovery Rate: −10%
  • Surrender Limit: −5%
  • War Support: −10%


  • Stability: −5%
Born: 8th of April 966 in Kizil-Zeb

Biography: Zarishat could have had it all, had it not been for her older brother's need to try and save the world. As a talanted student with a knack for building useful connections, she had arranged everything for her career in Colthage where she she would work for a member of the Zarcid family. It would have been her springboard to wealth and recognition, had not Zeshmunazash ruined everything with his need to Challenge authority.

After Zeshmunazash became an outlaw, Zarishat's future fell apart before her eyes, and it was not long before the authorities came looking for her as well. Though her brother bailed her out, Zarishat never forgave him, nor did she ever forget what she lost thanks to him. As part of the Liberation Army of the East, Zarishat's ambition found some distractions as she refused to not get involved, though she earned her place, she ended up drinking heavily when she realized she would never become anything more then a simple criminal stuck in her brother's delusional crusade.

Zeshmunazash dying was the only good thing her brother had ever done for her, as she found herself in a position to seize control over the LAE and finally, for the first time in many years, turn the path of her life the way she wanted it to go.

Zarishat could have had it all, and with her brother out of the way, she may have it yet.

Political Advisors

The Colthaginian Republic starts off with Unknown Pony (advisor).pngNo Co-Sufrit Political Advisor and cannot be removed until a Co-Sufrit is selected in the focus tree.

Select advisor.png Political advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
No Co-Sufrit
No Co-Sufrit
No Co-Sufrit
  • Has not selected a Co-Sufrit. (?)
  • Political Power Gain: −5%
  • Advisor can't be fired

See description:
The Colthaginian Constitution demands that the First Sufrit, elected by the people, chooses a Co-Sufrit. Since ancient times, this dual executive has stabilised the government and not adhering to this tradition is frowned upon.
Political Power 150
Azizelquart Zahummid
Azizelquart Zahummid
Financial Mastermind
  • Does not have National Spirit Idea generic reserve divisions.png Militarized Government
    • Hidden trigger:
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • The NUHF has seized full control of Winggarden (?)
        • Chiropterra has seized full control over Winggarden (?)
        • Colthage has seized full control over Winggarden (?)
  • Consumer Goods Factories factor: −6%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +15%
  • Trade Laws Cost: −10%

See description:
Azizelqart Zahummid is a name most in Colthage will know, but they can't tell you much about him. His whole life, he has been an economist working in the back rooms of Colthaginian government to guide its ship of state. A member of Zamilcar Zarca's favored Scientific Clique, he fled with Zalathel when the Storm King arrived and served in his cabinet when he re-established his rule over Colthage, earning him a high place in the economics ministry.
Political Power 150
Hiram Zerranid
Hiram Zerranid
Smooth-Talking Charmer
  • Does not have National Spirit Idea generic reserve divisions.png Militarized Government
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +10%
  • Improve relations maintain cost: −50%

See description:
Born to a rich patrician family in Hippone, Hiram Zerranid had an easy life and could focus freely on his studies. As an adult, he enrolled in the University of Hippone and studied history, philosophy, hippology and alchemy. He earned a reputation as an intelligent and charming figure, soon becoming the head of a secret society in the university. With his network of contacts, he had no trouble getting a job after graduating and joined the diplomatic corps of the Zarcid government. Soon enough, he became one of the most trusted and reliable diplomats, leading many missions to foreign countries.
Political Power 150
Zaalshillek Bodazthart
Zaalshillek Bodazthart
Rural Magnate
  • Landowners are loyal. (?)
  • Does not have National Spirit Idea generic reserve divisions.png Militarized Government
  • Consumer Goods Factories factor: −6%
  • Monthly Population: +15%

See description:
Zaalshillek Bodazthart is an important zebra from a line of important zebras. He is a rural magnate, owning several properties all over Colthage, with his family owning many more. Although the landowners are not an official political faction, Zaalshillek keeps in touch with them, presenting himself as a mouthpiece for the general mood of the landed class. Unbothered by political ideals, Bodazthart is willing to provide his influence to any zebra who protects the status quo in the rurality.
Political Power 150
Zarani Za'alyon Zarra
Zarani Za'alyon Zarra
Compassionate Grandee
  • Does not have National Spirit Idea generic reserve divisions.png Militarized Government
  • Improve relations opinion: +15%
  • Damage to Garrisons: −15%

See description:
Zarani Za'alyon Zarra is a well-respected name in the Colthaginian foreign ministry and in embassies far away. As the grey eminence of the Republic’s diplomacy, Zarra lobbied for support for Colthage when it was occupied by the Storm King. The zebra, already past the retirement age, carries himself with the grace of years, a reliant servant of the public good.
Political Power 150
Ziempsal Zannid
Ziempsal Zannid
Illusive Gentlebeing
  • Operative slots: +1
  • Agency upgrade time: −15%
  • Daily Political Power Gain: −0.05
  • Research Speed: +2.5%
  • Ideology drift defense: +5%

See description:
Ziempsal Zannid is often seen at the halls of power in Colthage, and she in an acquaintance to any zebra who might need her services. She, or some zebra carrying her name, at the least, had helped Zamilcar Zarca to keep opposition against his plans in check by doing the dirty work. As a follower of Zargon, Lord of the Deep, Zannid has few reservations, as long as she is given the means to continue her worship.
Political Power 150


Flag Information
Colthaginian Republic.png
Colthaginian Republic

Colthaginian Republic (Non-Aligned).png
Constitutionalist Army / Colthaginian Republic

Technocracy.pngConservative Liberalism.pngRepublicanism.pngOligarchy.png
Colthaginian Republic (Harmony).png
Conventionist Army / Colthaginian Republic

Harmonic Republicanism.pngSocial Banditry.png
Coltvan Republic.png
Liberation Army of the East / Coltvan Republic

Coltva has declared independence from Colthage

Agrarian Socialism.png
Colthaginian Federation.png
Colthaginian Federation / Coltvan Republic

Coltva has declared independence from Colthage / Coltva has unified Colthage under its leadership

Harmonic Socialism.png
Zonician Republic.png
Zonician Republic

Zalathel Zarca has realized his Zonician ambitions

North Zebrican Technate.png
North Zebrican Technate

The Scientifids faction have taken power and united North Zebrica

Zonician Confederation.png
Zonician Confederation

Coltva has reunified Zonicia under its leadership

Harmonic Socialism.png
Zonician Sovereign Socialist Federation.png
Zonician Sovereign Socialist Federation

Coltva has reunified Zonicia under its leadership

Market Socialism.png
Colthaginian Federal Army.png
Colthaginian Federal Army

The Third Civil War has erupted

Military Government.png
United Republican Front

The Third Civil War has erupted

The Covenant.png
The Covenant / The Ascendancy

The Third Civil War has erupted



Laws and Development

Laws and Development
Conscription Law Trade Law Economy Law
Volunteer Only Volunteer Only
  • Recruitable Population: 1.50%
Export Focus Export Focus
  • Construction Speed: +10.00%
  • Research Speed: +5.00%
  • Factory Output: +10.00%
  • Dockyard Output: +10.00%
  • Resources to Market: +50%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +20.0%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +10.0%
Slave-Based Economy Slave-Based Economy
  • Daily Political Power Gain: -0.25
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: +15.00%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 25.0%
  • Stability: -20.00%
  • Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost: +15.00%
  • Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: +15.00%
  • Construction Speed: +15.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
  • Production Efficiency Growth Production Efficiency Growth: -10.00%
  • Factory Output: -10.00%
  • Factory Repair Speed: +15.00%
  • Fuel Gain per oil: -10.00%
  • Electronics Research Speed: -5%
  • Industrial Research Speed: -5%
Scientific Development Society Development Illiteracy
Developed Science Base Developed Science Base
  • No penalties
Industrialising Society Industrialising Society
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: -20.00%
  • Monthly Population: -10.0%
  • Construction Speed: -20.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -20.00%
  • Factory Output: -20.00%
  • Dockyard Output: -20.00%
  • Factory Bomb Vulnerability: -25.00%
Limited Illiteracy Limited Illiteracy
  • Construction Speed: -5.00%
  • Research Speed: -15.00%
Poverty Race
Low Poverty Low Poverty
  • Monthly Population: -7.0%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 7.0%
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -2.50%
Zebra Zebra Race
  • Uses Zebra Racial Tree

Industry and Resources

Military factory
Military Factories
Naval dockyard
Naval Dockyards
Civilian factory
Civilian Factories
Fuel silo
Fuel Silos
Synthetic refinery
Synthetic Refineries
5 9 6 (-3) 1 0

Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.

Steel icon.png
31 (-16) 15 (-8) 61 (-31) 0 43 (-22) 0 17 (-9)

Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.



Type No.
InfantryLow Priority Somor Mahnit 1
Infantry Tahtbabar Mahnit 17
ChargersHigh Priority Sacred Band 1
Army experience Total divisions 19
Ponypower Ponypower used 102.00k
Field Marshal
Field Marshal Traits Description Skills Race
Zalathel Zarca
Field Marshal
Zalathel Zarca
Zalathel Zarca (advisor).png
Trait brilliant strategist.png Brilliant Strategist
A natural born strategist that is able to adapt to the dynamics of the battlefield.
  • Attack: +1
  • Planning: +1
Trait infantry officer.png Infantry Officer
Trained as an infantry officer.
  • Infantry Leader experience factor: +100%
Trait war hero.png War Hero
Hailed as a hero from their actions in war.
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
  • Army reassignment duration: +50%
Zarcid supporter.png Zarcid
This character is part of the immensely powerful Zarcid family.
Trait trickster.png Trickster
Doing the unexpected in combat can give you a large advantage.
  • Reconnaissance: +25%
Trait inspirational leader.png Charismatic
A natural leader. Soldiers will face their worst fears when backed by a powerful leader.
  • Division Recovery Rate: +10%
See description:
As the son of Zamilcar Zarca, former head of the powerful Zarca family and longest serving Sufrit of Colthage, Zalathel grew up in Colthaginian high society during a period of peace and prosperity. Since his birth, he was seen as the successor of his father, and thus received far more attention than his siblings. He was educated in history, military science and politics, becoming fascinated with ancient Colthage in the process. His love for his homeland grew as rapidly as the size of his ego did. By the time he became an adult, he saw himself as the embodiment of Zonician civilization, and was ready to succeed his aging father who was preparing to retire. However, everything changed when the Storm King attacked.

Despite joining his father in the defence of the city, the Storm King's forces overwhelmed the defenders. Zamilcar perished in the chaos and Zalathel was forced to abandon the city of Colthage with his sister and two brothers. The zebras fled high into the Alaudid Range to lead a guerilla force to harass the Storm King's army as it continued to rampage in Northern Zebrica. When news of the Storm King's death reached Zalathel, he led his forces to the capital and executed those who had surrendered to the enemy. With the city secure, he was seen as a liberator by many, but did not hesitate to crackdown on any opposition to the Zarcid rule. He turned to the warlords that had risen up throughout Colthage and those who would not step into line where quickly taken out.

Elections were soon held, which were claimed to be rigged, and the Senate approved Zalathel as the successor of his father. Now the new Sufrit, he has enough strength and support to keep power, but his position is a precarious one. Scientifids and militarists have taken advantage of the chaos, rebuilding their power. In the west, the anti-Zarcid Constitutionalist movement is plotting against his rightful rule, while in the east, the Coltvans are rising up against their landlords. Only time will tell if he is able to continue the legacy of his father, the position he was groomed for, or if the house of cards collapses around him.
Level 5
Attack.pngAttack: 5
Defense.pngDefense: 4
Planning.pngPlanning: 5
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
General Traits Description Skills Race
Zasdrubal Zarca
Zasdrubal Zarca
Zasdrubal Zarca (advisor).png
Trait politically connected.png Politically Connected
This leader has political connections which has smoothed the way for his career. Perhaps too quickly.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −10%
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
Trait infantry officer.png Infantry Officer
Trained as an infantry officer.
  • Infantry Leader experience factor: +100%
Trait war hero.png War Hero
Hailed as a hero from their actions in war.
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
  • Army reassignment duration: +50%
Zarcid supporter.png Zarcid
This character is part of the immensely powerful Zarcid family.
Level 4
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 4
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Zarvad Orzagid
Zarvad Orzagid
Zarvad Orzagid (advisor).png
Trait infantry officer.png Infantry Officer
Trained as an infantry officer.
  • Infantry Leader experience factor: +100%
Traditionalist supporter.png Constitutionalist
This character seeks to reform Colthage into a modern liberal democracy whilst keeping traditional values and power structures intact.
Trait hill fighter.png Hill Fighter
Excels at fighting in Hilly terrain.
  • Hills:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
See description:
The Orzagid family is well known in Amanesya, with some of its members being landowners, officials and notables. But Zarvad Orzagid never shared the fortune of his relatives. Being the eighteenth orphaned foal of his late father, all odds in life were stacked against him from the start. Yet Zarvad was always filled with determination and ambition, and his family contacts helped him rise from nothing. In his youth, he worked on the family farm, studied in his brother's school, bought a small farm for himself, married and raised a family of his own. Life struck back, and his wife and two of his foals died in the same year, but Zarvad did not give up. He founded a company, got involved in local politics and used lobbying to get the Zarcid government to build a railway to Amanesya.

Misfortune struck again as the Storm King rampaged through Colthage with his marauding army. Zarvad's properties were pillaged and he was left impoverished again. But he did not give up. He joined the newly reformed army after the storm subsided and quickly proved to be an exceptional and naturally talented military leader, rising through the ranks. Soon he hit a brick wall of corruption, as older generals looked down upon him and saw him as an upstart peasant who disobeyed orders from his superiors. Frustrated with this, it was no surprise that he became a supporter of the Constitutionalists.

Zarvad Orzagid is above all a zebra who favours the middle ground. When there are disputes between conservatives and radicals, he tries to act as the mediator, solving disputes through words rather than violence. He distrusts those rich zebras who did not earn their wealth through hard work, but does not want to overthrow social hierarchy. His mind is sharp and he has quickly adapted to modernity, advocating the use of latest technologies. He knows he has the skills to be a great general, and maybe one day, Sufrit.
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Ziliad Annizalid
Ziliad Annizalid
Ziliad Annizalid (advisor).png
Trait brilliant strategist.png Brilliant Strategist
A natural born strategist that is able to adapt to the dynamics of the battlefield.
  • Attack: +1
  • Planning: +1
Traditionalist supporter.png Constitutionalist
This character seeks to reform Colthage into a modern liberal democracy whilst keeping traditional values and power structures intact.
Trait cavalry leader.png Motorized Leader
Skilled at using mobile forces to achieve victory.
  • Motorized Attack: +12%
  • Mechanized Attack: +12%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 4
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Azruzaal Azarago
Azruzaal Azarago
Azruzaal Azarago (advisor).png
Trait bleeding heart.png Bleeding Heart
Doesn't like killing.
  • Division Attrition: −10%
  • Experienced soldier losses: −5%
Traditionalist supporter.png Constitutionalist
This character seeks to reform Colthage into a modern liberal democracy whilst keeping traditional values and power structures intact.
Trait engineer.png Engineer
Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications.
  • River:
    • Attack: +5%
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +10%
Trait infantry expert.png Infantry Expert
A true expert in leading infantry.
  • Infantry Division Attack: +10%
See description:
Ambition comes in many forms, most of them selfish. But selfless ambition exists, and it is a rare blessing to have.

Azruzaal Azarago was born in the Colthaginian city of Zur to an upper-middle-class family of intellectuals, seemingly destined for a life of going to university, sitting back and discussing philosophy, and doing nearly nothing else. But then, one day, he announced to his parents he wanted to join the military, and they wished him farewell without much fuss. Enrolling in an officer school, Azruzaal quickly noticed flaws with the Colthaginian military. Its reliance on mercenaries, corrupt command structure, and far more all caused fatal problems in the system. But Azruzaal kept his mouth shut. He would have opportunities to fix it all someday.
Azruzaal's first assignment was the management of roads and dikes in the Karamane region. He remained there for years until the arrival of the Storm King. Leading his unit underground, Azruzaal calmly guided the soldiers under his command towards survival and freedom upon the eventual liberation of Colthage, but without much of the publicity of Zalathel Zarca's own resistance effort. Returning to his post as a military engineer, Azruzaal soon was contacted by officers and politicians affiliated with Zanno Mzelqatid and signed on to their program resisting Zarca's rule.

What can be learned from Azruzaal's story is that sometimes the simplest people are the most reliable. Azruzaal has performed no great acts of heroism or political bravado in his life. He has simply done his service to the Colthaginian people at every opportunity. And one day, that responsibility will be to wage war, and by Za'al above, he shall do it.
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Zago Zarca
Zago Zarca
Zago Zarca (advisor).png
Trait politically connected.png Politically Connected
This leader has political connections which has smoothed the way for his career. Perhaps too quickly.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −10%
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
Trait cautious.png Cautious
Takes their time and plans carefully.
  • Planning Speed: −20%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: −50%
Trait war hero.png War Hero
Hailed as a hero from their actions in war.
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
  • Army reassignment duration: +50%
Zarcid supporter.png Zarcid
This character is part of the immensely powerful Zarcid family.
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Bezelshazzar Zerutra
Bezelshazzar Zerutra
Bezelshazzar Zerutra (advisor).png
Trait career officer.png Career Officer
Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match.
  • Promotion Cost: −25%
Trait substance abuser.png Substance Abuser
Addiction can be a bad thing, but it's really under control. Really.
Trait trickster.png Trickster
Doing the unexpected in combat can give you a large advantage.
  • Reconnaissance: +25%
See description:
Born in an impoverished rural village in Trotkat, Bezelshazzar Zerutra saw a military career as the only way to escape the poverty of his home. He did his best to learn how to read, immersing himself in books about great historical figures, which allowed him to become the personal secretary of a general. With his hoof in the door, Bezelshazzar could begin to climb the ladder of military hierarchy. He entered a cadet school, earned a commission and was soon promoted to captain. Under Zamilcar Zarca's rule, he led numerous "pacification campaigns" into rebellious regions such as Coltva and distinguished himself as a capable leader. He earned a reputation of always paying his soldiers, sometimes employing ruthless methods to acquire the funds needed.

Numerous brutal operations to crush rebellions took a toll on the zebra, and he soon developed a dependency on alcohol. At the same time however, he was promoted to the rank of general, joining the upper echelons of Colthage's military. But this was not enough for him. The stories he had read as a colt, about larger-than-life heroes, instilled in him a desire to make his mark on history. He now dreamed of becoming Sufrit, hoping to succeed Zamilcar once he died.

Soon the Zarca did die, but nothing went as expected. Colthage erupted into chaos, and the weakened central government was barely restored by Zamilcar's offspring. There was little Bezelshazzar could do besides help with crushing rebellions as always. After the dust settled, it was clear he wasn't the only one vying for power. But the competition and chaos only made him more determined. One day, he would become Sufrit, and he would make things right.
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Batrun Zaryes
Batrun Zaryes
Batrun Zaryes (advisor).png
Trait politically connected.png Politically Connected
This leader has political connections which has smoothed the way for his career. Perhaps too quickly.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −10%
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
Trait cautious.png Cautious
Takes their time and plans carefully.
  • Planning Speed: −20%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: −50%
Trait media personality.png Media Personality
This general will go out of his way to talk to the media and will always try to be in the limelight.
  • Army reassignment duration: +100%
See description:
If there was one zebra who could've challenged Zamilcar Zarca head-on, it was Batrun Zaryes. He was a military stallion who rose through the ranks during Zamilcar's reign, thanks to the Sufrit's patronage. Eventually Zamilcar gave him a position in the government, and Batrun quickly proved to be a capable administrator as well.

He used the opportunity to build up his power base, forging alliances with other generals, earning the popularity of the commoners and building his personal army. His power grew quickly, much to the dismay of the Scientifids. They were concerned and advised Zamilcar to turn on Batrun. The old Sufrit saw the general's growing influence as a threat to his regime and agreed to do so: He disbanded Batrun's private army and arrested many of his supporters.
Some years later, Zamilcar perished during the Storm King's invasion. Batrun re-established his army to fight off the invaders and reluctantly worked together with Zamilcar's eldest son, Zalathel Zarca. Thus he was able to take advantage of the chaos and rebuild his diminished power base. After the restoration of peace and order, Batrun stood as the second most powerful zebra in Colthage.

Batrun is a counterweight to the Scientifids, and is very popular both among soldiers and citizens. Over the years, he earned the personal loyalty of many generals and admirals and in practice is the true head of the military. He opposed the state-directed economic policies of Zamilcar and is a proponent of free economy and business interests. It is clear that he has aspirations to "save" Colthage, so anyone who opposes him must tread carefully. They must remember that in the end, true political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Zauro Ochzor
Zauro Ochzor
Zauro Ochzor (advisor).png
Trait old guard.png Old Guard
While not the most brilliant officer, he is unlikely to cause trouble.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −25%
  • Max Entrenchment: +1
Trait career officer.png Career Officer
Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match.
  • Promotion Cost: −25%
Trait artillery specialist.png Artillery Leader
Skilled at directing artillery in combat.
  • Artillery Defense: +10%
See description:
Zauro Ochzor is one of the senior generals of the Colthaginian army, and is greatly respected by soldiers and civilians alike. Born in Colturubis, he entered the military academy of Colthage and graduated as an artillery officer. His father had been an engineer and Zauro had developed a fascination with firearms from a young age, so it was inevitable that he ended up becoming a designer of military materiel.

As Zamilcar Zarca was modernizing the Colthaginian army, he needed zebras like Zauro to create a modern arsenal. Zauro answered the call and proved to be an ingenius and diligent designer, taking Griffonian designs and modifying them to perfection. His most famous work is the Garcano-Ochzor Model 989, the standard weapon of Colthaginian infantry. He also wrote several manuals on weapons and was promoted to Director of the Department of Artillery.

After the invasion of the Storm King, he started work on the world's first gas-operated semi-automatic rifle, which he calls the C-1007 and which others simply call the Ochzor Rifle. It is a revolutionary design, but he is distracted by his duties as a general of the army during a period of instability. While he is loyal to the Zarcid regime, he also believes that other factions in Colthage would be foolish to not adopt his superior design once it is finished.
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Jebzel Zoblos
Jebzel Zoblos
Jebzel Zoblos (advisor).png
Trait harsh leader.png Harsh Leader
Discipline is necessary to lead an army, but some leaders take it a bit too far.
  • Division Recovery Rate: −10%
  • Attack: +1
Trait substance abuser.png Substance Abuser
Addiction can be a bad thing, but it's really under control. Really.
Trait infantry leader.png Infantry Leader
Skilled at leading infantry in combat.
  • Infantry Division Defense: +13%
See description:
The mere mention of the name Jebzel Zoblos is enough to make almost any Colthaginian uncomfortable, furious or terrified. She is without a doubt the most infamous and controversial officer in the military of the republic. Word of her infamous deeds has spread far and wide, cementing her reputation as a ruthless commander.

Jebzel was born to a family of urban workers in the city of Zapsa. While attending school in her youth, she earned a reputation of a bully, an arsonist and a filly who enjoyed torturing animals. Eventually she was expelled for her behaviour, leaving her without an education to qualify for good jobs. So when she grew up, she made the decision to join the army, where her actions would not only be accepted, but respected. It did not take long for others to recognize the usefulness of her harshness and brutality, and she was soon made into a trainer of recruits, enforcing strict discipline on them and creating a culture of hazing which weeded out the weak.
During Zamilcar Zarca's reign, several revolts broke out, and Jebzel was one of the zebras put in charge of suppressing them. This is where she became a terrifying legend, a tale told to foals to scare them. Her soldiers left behind a trail of destruction as she ordered any villages or towns that were potentially sympathetic to the rebels to be burned to the ground. This brutality made the rebels flee elsewhere, so Jebzel claimed she had defeated and killed them all. Zamilcar believed her claim and granted her the rank of general as a reward for her valiant efforts.

When the Storm King invaded Colthage, Jebzel ensured soldiers loyal to her avoided direct confrontation with the enemy, thus sparing them from destruction. They joined Zalathel Zarca as he marched into the capital after the Storm King's death to restore order. Those who had tried to take advantage of the chaos faced the worst possible fates imaginable, all thanks to Jebzel Zoblos and her bloodhounds.
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 4
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Palatinatus Clypeus
Palatinatus Clypeus
Palatinatus Clypeus (advisor).png
Trait panzer leader.png Panzer Leader
A natural with Tanks and Mechanized forces.
  • Armor speed: +5%
  • Armor Division Attack: +16%
Trait desert fox.png Desert Fox
Entirely at home when fighting in a Desert.
  • Desert:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Zaharbal Zimilco
Zaharbal Zimilco
Idea generic army zebra 2.png
Trait promising general.png Promising Leader
This leader has proven to be a quick learner.
  • Leader Experience Gain: +25%
Constitutionalist supporter.png Harmonite
This character wishes to see Colthage become a true harmonic society.
Level 1
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Zogarzar Zomilcar
Zogarzar Zomilcar
Idea generic army zebra 8.png
Scientific supporter.png Scientifid
This character is a member of the Scientific Clique and seeks to keep the same powers they had under Zamilcar Zarca.
Trait engineer.png Engineer
Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications.
  • River:
    • Attack: +5%
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +10%
Level 1
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Zurelo Balzanquet
Zurelo Balzanquet
Generic Zebra General 5 (advisor).png
Trait old guard.png Old Guard
While not the most brilliant officer, he is unlikely to cause trouble.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −25%
  • Max Entrenchment: +1
Trait armchair general.png Armchair General
This leader commands from the rear, preferably as far away from the frontlines as possible to avoid exposure to 'unnecessary dangers'.
  • Division Recovery Rate: −10%
  • Max planning: +25%
  • Chance to Get Sick: −100%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: −100%
Level 1
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Xikala The Gunslinger
Xikala The Gunslinger
Xikala The Gunslinger (advisor).png
Trait brilliant strategist.png Brilliant Strategist
A natural born strategist that is able to adapt to the dynamics of the battlefield.
  • Attack: +1
  • Planning: +1
Traditionalist supporter.png Constitutionalist
This character seeks to reform Colthage into a modern liberal democracy whilst keeping traditional values and power structures intact.
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Benoam Gerza
Benoam Gerza
Benoam Gerza (advisor).png
Trait harsh leader.png Harsh Leader
Discipline is necessary to lead an army, but some leaders take it a bit too far.
  • Division Recovery Rate: −10%
  • Attack: +1
Traditionalist supporter.png Constitutionalist
This character seeks to reform Colthage into a modern liberal democracy whilst keeping traditional values and power structures intact.
Trait organizer.png Organizer
Able to plan and organize the movement of large armies.
  • Planning Speed: +10%
See description:
Born to a middle class Coltvan landowner, Benoam Gerza spent his entire early life trying to escape the condition of his Coltvan birth. His father had tried for years to earn the respect given to any Colthaginian of his status, but he was looked down upon as nothing more than a country hick. Benoam would continue his father's objective by doing all the dirty deeds asked of him by the local Colthaginian government, eventually earning a reputation as a ruthless, and mildly competent fixer. He enrolled in a local military academy and received an officer's commission thanks to his work as a grunt, and a decently sized bribe.

The one time Benoam made use of his Coltvan heritage was when the Storm King invaded Colthage. He met up with general Zoblos and they hid in the jungles of the eastern province, committing horrid reprisals on Storm King and Coltvan rebel forces alike. Though it should be noted, he never won a battle he personally led.

After tenuous peace settled in Colthage and Zalathel became Sufrit, he was promoted to a general thanks to Zoblos' recommendation, despite his complete lack of competence. However, his loyalty to the Zarcids is questionable at best. He is a zebra of opportunity with a desire to always be on the winning side. Should the tide turn against the Zarcas, he will be among the first to take advantage of it. Unless, of course, he is offered a deal he cannot resist.
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1

Division composition list

Division composition list
Division Name list Support companies Combat battalions
NATO infantry.png Somor Mahnit Garrison Divisions 4x Infantry
NATO infantry.png Tahtbabar Mahnit Mercenary Regiments Artillery 6x Infantry
NATO chargers.png Sacred Band None Artillery 9x Pegasi

Tank Variants list

Tank Variants list (With No Step Back No Step Back)
Name Chassis Suspension Armor? Engine? Main Armament Turret Special Features
Early Light Tank Early Light Tank Bogie Riveted 1 Gasoline 1 Heavy Machine Gun One Pony Turret
* marks a variant as "outdated".


Type No.
Aircraft Carrier Carrier
Battleship Battleship 2
Battlecruiser Battlecruiser 2
Heavy Cruiser Heavy Cruiser
Light Cruiser Light Cruiser 8
Destroyer Destroyer 20
Submarine Submarine 5
Navy experience Total ships 37
Ponypower Ponypower used 26.80k

Admiral Traits Description Skills Race
Innalas Ahutzam
Innalas Ahutzam
Innalas Ahutzam (advisor).png
Trait bold.png Bold
The difference between a bold attack and a stupid attack is that the bold attack succeeds.
  • Naval Speed: +10%
  • Naval Damage: +5%
Scientific supporter.png Scientifid
This character is a member of the Scientific Clique and seeks to keep the same powers they had under Zamilcar Zarca.
Trait seawolf.png Sea Wolf
The Sea Wolf is particularly skilled in Convoy Raiding
  • Submarine Attack: +20%
Trait admiral screening master.png Fleet Protector
An expert in keeping small ships away from the big ships.
  • Screening Efficiency: +20%
Trait admiral lancer.png Lancer
This officer knows torpedoes like no other, and is able to get the most out of them.
  • Torpedo screen penetration: +25%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 4
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 3
Coordination.pngCoordination: 1
Zaphod Zarca
Zaphod Zarca
Zaphod Zarca (advisor).png
Trait naval lineage.png Naval Lineage
It takes 3 years to build a ship. It takes 300 years to build a tradition.
  • Number of ships in the first contact: +25%
  • Retreat Decision Chance: −25%
Zarcid supporter.png Zarcid
This character is part of the immensely powerful Zarcid family.
Constitutionalist supporter.png Harmonite
This character wishes to see Colthage become a true harmonic society.
Trait superior tactician.png Superior Tactician
A master of Fleet Positioning.
  • Positioning: +25%
Trait ironside.png Ironside
Determined to defend our home waters with the most powerful ships our navy can muster.
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 5
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 2
Coordination.pngCoordination: 2
Zamalad Ochzor
Zamalad Ochzor
Zamalad Ochzor (advisor).png
Trait media personality.png Media Personality
This general will go out of his way to talk to the media and will always try to be in the limelight.
  • Army reassignment duration: +100%
Pirate supporter.png Pirate
This character is a pirate and is loyal to the pirate code.
Trait blockade runner.png Blockade Runner
Able to rapidly Disengage from Naval Combat.
  • Retreat Decision Chance: +20%
  • Fleet speed while retreating: +15%
  • Convoy speed while retreating: +5%
Trait spotter.png Spotter
The Spotter pays special attention to keeping an eye out for enemy fleets.
  • Spotting Speed: +10%
Trait admiral concealment expert.png Concealment Expert
This officer has completed the government-mandated training course on how not to be seen.
  • Visibility: −20%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 5
Coordination.pngCoordination: 1

Naval units list

Naval units list (With Man the Guns Man the Guns)
Type Class Hull Engine # No. Production cost (naval).png # No. Design note
BB Republic Long Range Battleship Heavy II 2 2x Heavy Battery II, 2x Anti-Air II, Fire Control I, 2x Secondary Battery II, Battleship Armor II
BB Storm* Long Range Battleship Heavy I 2 2x Heavy Battery II, 2x Anti-Air II, Fire Control I, Secondary Battery I, Battleship Armor II
BC Colthage Long Range Battleship Heavy II 2 2x Heavy Battery II, 2x Anti-Air II, Fire Control I, Secondary Battery I, Heavy Cruiser Battery II
CA Akik Coastal Defense Ship Cruiser II Heavy Cruiser Battery II, 3x Anti-Air II, Fire Control I, Cruiser Armor I
CL Raider Scout and Armored Cruiser Cruiser II 8 Light Cruiser Battery I, Anti-Air II, Fire Control I, Secondary Battery I, 2x Torpedo Launcher I, Floatplane Catapult I
DD Strips Enlarged Destroyer Light II 4 Light Battery II, 2x Anti-Air II, Fire Control I, Torpedo Launcher II, Depth Charge I
DD Trident* Torpedo Boat Destroyer Light II 14 Light Battery I, Anti-Air II, Fire Control I, Torpedo Launcher I, Depth Charge I
DD Trapper* Torpedo Boat Destroyer Light II 2 Light Battery I, Anti-Air II, Fire Control I, Torpedo Launcher I, Minelaying Rails
DD Gunboat* Torpedo Boat Destroyer Light II 4 Light Battery I, Anti-Air II, Torpedo Launcher I
SS Free Zumidia Fleet Submarine Submarine II 2 2 Torpedo Tubes II, Minelaying Tubes
SS Hunter Modernised Coastal Submarine Submarine I 5 Torpedo Tubes I, Minelaying Tubes
* marks a variant as "outdated".

Ship type terminology:

  • CV - Carrier
  • BB - Battleship
  • BC -Battlecruiser
  • CA - Heavy cruiser
  • CL - Light cruiser
  • DD - Destroyer
  • SS - Submarine


The Colthaginian Republic's air-force is non-existent, and has no planes in reserve.

Military staff

Select army chief.png Chiefs of Army
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Bezelshazzar Zerutra
Bezelshazzar Zerutra
Army Maneuver (Specialist)
  • Bezelshazzar Zerutra is active in this country
  • Bezelshazzar Zerutra: is a unit leader
  • Division Speed: +5%
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.20

See description:
Born in an impoverished rural village in Trotkat, Bezelshazzar Zerutra saw a military career as the only way to escape the poverty of his home. He did his best to learn how to read, immersing himself in books about great historical figures, which allowed him to become the personal secretary of a general. With his hoof in the door, Bezelshazzar could begin to climb the ladder of military hierarchy. He entered a cadet school, earned a commission and was soon promoted to captain. Under Zamilcar Zarca's rule, he led numerous "pacification campaigns" into rebellious regions such as Coltva and distinguished himself as a capable leader. He earned a reputation of always paying his soldiers, sometimes employing ruthless methods to acquire the funds needed.

Numerous brutal operations to crush rebellions took a toll on the zebra, and he soon developed a dependency on alcohol. At the same time however, he was promoted to the rank of general, joining the upper echelons of Colthage's military. But this was not enough for him. The stories he had read as a colt, about larger-than-life heroes, instilled in him a desire to make his mark on history. He now dreamed of becoming Sufrit, hoping to succeed Zamilcar once he died.

Soon the Zarca did die, but nothing went as expected. Colthage erupted into chaos, and the weakened central government was barely restored by Zamilcar's offspring. There was little Bezelshazzar could do besides help with crushing rebellions as always. After the dust settled, it was clear he wasn't the only one vying for power. But the competition and chaos only made him more determined. One day, he would become Sufrit, and he would make things right.
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Azruzaal Azarago
Azruzaal Azarago
Army Defense (Expert)
  • Azruzaal Azarago is active in this country
  • Azruzaal Azarago: is a unit leader
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Defense: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: +15%

See description:
Ambition comes in many forms, most of them selfish. But selfless ambition exists, and it is a rare blessing to have.

Azruzaal Azarago was born in the Colthaginian city of Zur to an upper-middle-class family of intellectuals, seemingly destined for a life of going to university, sitting back and discussing philosophy, and doing nearly nothing else. But then, one day, he announced to his parents he wanted to join the military, and they wished him farewell without much fuss. Enrolling in an officer school, Azruzaal quickly noticed flaws with the Colthaginian military. Its reliance on mercenaries, corrupt command structure, and far more all caused fatal problems in the system. But Azruzaal kept his mouth shut. He would have opportunities to fix it all someday.
Azruzaal's first assignment was the management of roads and dikes in the Karamane region. He remained there for years until the arrival of the Storm King. Leading his unit underground, Azruzaal calmly guided the soldiers under his command towards survival and freedom upon the eventual liberation of Colthage, but without much of the publicity of Zalathel Zarca's own resistance effort. Returning to his post as a military engineer, Azruzaal soon was contacted by officers and politicians affiliated with Zanno Mzelqatid and signed on to their program resisting Zarca's rule.

What can be learned from Azruzaal's story is that sometimes the simplest people are the most reliable. Azruzaal has performed no great acts of heroism or political bravado in his life. He has simply done his service to the Colthaginian people at every opportunity. And one day, that responsibility will be to wage war, and by Za'al above, he shall do it.
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select navy chief.png Chiefs of Navy
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Innalas Ahutzam
Innalas Ahutzam
Anti-Submarine (Expert)
  • Innalas Ahutzam is active in this country
  • Innalas Ahutzam: is a unit leader
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Submarine Detection: +15%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Zamalad Ochzor
Zamalad Ochzor
Commerce Raiding (Expert)
  • Zamalad Ochzor is active in this country
  • Zamalad Ochzor: is a unit leader
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Convoy Raiding Efficiency: +15%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select air chief.png Chiefs of Airforce
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Bodo Tabnit
Bodo Tabnit
Air Superiority (Expert)
  • Airforce has been founded (?)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Air Superiority Mission Efficiency: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select high command.png Military High Command
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Zogarzar Zomilcar
Zogarzar Zomilcar
Entrenchment (Expert)
  • Zogarzar Zomilcar is active in this country
  • Zogarzar Zomilcar: is a unit leader
  • Entrenchment speed: +16%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Zarvad Orzagid
Zarvad Orzagid
Army Regrouping (Genius)
  • Zarvad Orzagid is active in this country
  • Zarvad Orzagid: is a unit leader
  • Hidden trigger:
    • Country flag CTH_hide_orzagid is not set
  • Division Recovery Rate: +12%

See description:
The Orzagid family is well known in Amanesya, with some of its members being landowners, officials and notables. But Zarvad Orzagid never shared the fortune of his relatives. Being the eighteenth orphaned foal of his late father, all odds in life were stacked against him from the start. Yet Zarvad was always filled with determination and ambition, and his family contacts helped him rise from nothing. In his youth, he worked on the family farm, studied in his brother's school, bought a small farm for himself, married and raised a family of his own. Life struck back, and his wife and two of his foals died in the same year, but Zarvad did not give up. He founded a company, got involved in local politics and used lobbying to get the Zarcid government to build a railway to Amanesya.

Misfortune struck again as the Storm King rampaged through Colthage with his marauding army. Zarvad's properties were pillaged and he was left impoverished again. But he did not give up. He joined the newly reformed army after the storm subsided and quickly proved to be an exceptional and naturally talented military leader, rising through the ranks. Soon he hit a brick wall of corruption, as older generals looked down upon him and saw him as an upstart peasant who disobeyed orders from his superiors. Frustrated with this, it was no surprise that he became a supporter of the Constitutionalists.

Zarvad Orzagid is above all a zebra who favours the middle ground. When there are disputes between conservatives and radicals, he tries to act as the mediator, solving disputes through words rather than violence. He distrusts those rich zebras who did not earn their wealth through hard work, but does not want to overthrow social hierarchy. His mind is sharp and he has quickly adapted to modernity, advocating the use of latest technologies. He knows he has the skills to be a great general, and maybe one day, Sufrit.
Political Power 200
Command power 10
Zauro Ochzor
Zauro Ochzor
Artillery (Expert)
  • Zauro Ochzor is active in this country
  • Zauro Ochzor: is a unit leader
  • Artillery Attack: +15%
  • Artillery Defense: +10%

See description:
Zauro Ochzor is one of the senior generals of the Colthaginian army, and is greatly respected by soldiers and civilians alike. Born in Colturubis, he entered the military academy of Colthage and graduated as an artillery officer. His father had been an engineer and Zauro had developed a fascination with firearms from a young age, so it was inevitable that he ended up becoming a designer of military materiel.

As Zamilcar Zarca was modernizing the Colthaginian army, he needed zebras like Zauro to create a modern arsenal. Zauro answered the call and proved to be an ingenius and diligent designer, taking Griffonian designs and modifying them to perfection. His most famous work is the Garcano-Ochzor Model 989, the standard weapon of Colthaginian infantry. He also wrote several manuals on weapons and was promoted to Director of the Department of Artillery.

After the invasion of the Storm King, he started work on the world's first gas-operated semi-automatic rifle, which he calls the C-1007 and which others simply call the Ochzor Rifle. It is a revolutionary design, but he is distracted by his duties as a general of the army during a period of instability. While he is loyal to the Zarcid regime, he also believes that other factions in Colthage would be foolish to not adopt his superior design once it is finished.
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Ziliad Annizalid
Ziliad Annizalid
Motorized (Expert)
  • Ziliad Annizalid is active in this country
  • Ziliad Annizalid: is a unit leader
  • Motorized Attack: +10%
  • Motorized Defense: +10%
  • Mechanized Attack: +10%
  • Mechanized Defense: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Zurelo Balzanquet
Zurelo Balzanquet
Old Guard
Army Organization (Specialist)
  • Zurelo Balzanquet is active in this country
  • Zurelo Balzanquet: is a unit leader
  • Maximum Command Power Increase: +10
  • Division Organization: +4%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Jebzel Zoblos
Jebzel Zoblos
Army Drill (Expert)
  • Jebzel Zoblos is active in this country
  • Jebzel Zoblos: is a unit leader
  • Division training time: −10%

See description:
The mere mention of the name Jebzel Zoblos is enough to make almost any Colthaginian uncomfortable, furious or terrified. She is without a doubt the most infamous and controversial officer in the military of the republic. Word of her infamous deeds has spread far and wide, cementing her reputation as a ruthless commander.

Jebzel was born to a family of urban workers in the city of Zapsa. While attending school in her youth, she earned a reputation of a bully, an arsonist and a filly who enjoyed torturing animals. Eventually she was expelled for her behaviour, leaving her without an education to qualify for good jobs. So when she grew up, she made the decision to join the army, where her actions would not only be accepted, but respected. It did not take long for others to recognize the usefulness of her harshness and brutality, and she was soon made into a trainer of recruits, enforcing strict discipline on them and creating a culture of hazing which weeded out the weak.
During Zamilcar Zarca's reign, several revolts broke out, and Jebzel was one of the zebras put in charge of suppressing them. This is where she became a terrifying legend, a tale told to foals to scare them. Her soldiers left behind a trail of destruction as she ordered any villages or towns that were potentially sympathetic to the rebels to be burned to the ground. This brutality made the rebels flee elsewhere, so Jebzel claimed she had defeated and killed them all. Zamilcar believed her claim and granted her the rank of general as a reward for her valiant efforts.

When the Storm King invaded Colthage, Jebzel ensured soldiers loyal to her avoided direct confrontation with the enemy, thus sparing them from destruction. They joined Zalathel Zarca as he marched into the capital after the Storm King's death to restore order. Those who had tried to take advantage of the chaos faced the worst possible fates imaginable, all thanks to Jebzel Zoblos and her bloodhounds.
Political Power 100
Command power 20

Strategies and guides

Starting situation

Colthage starts with a decent-sized industry comprised of Military factory six military factories, Civilian factory five civilian factories, and Naval dockyard nine naval dockyards. Its military is one of the strongest Zebra Zebra nations in the region. Should you successfully avoid falling into civil war, Colthage can quickly become one of the big powers in the region.

Army experienceThe Colthage Army starts with 102k deployed Zebras in 19 divisions divided by 18 Infantry divisions and 1 Charger Divison.

Navy experienceThe Colthage Navy starts off with 37 ships divided into 2 Battleships, 2 Battle-crusiers, 8 Light Cruisers, 20 Destroyers, and 5 Submarines; totaling up to 26.8k zebras.

Air experienceThe Colthage Air Force has no aircraft at the game start and only has an airbase for 200 aircraft in Colturubis.

Threats and opportunities

  • Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia - The hippogriffs hold a strong claim over Zumidia and defeating Hippogriffia alone can be very difficult. On land, its army won't be as much difficult but its significantly larger navy and airforce pose a big threat and may prevent an invasion of the hippogriffian island. However, an alliance with Chiopterra in addition to Wingbardian intervention may make this goal easier.
  • Flag of Kingdom of Warzena Kingdom of Warzena - Warzena under King Barekzamal VII will join in a defensive alliance with the hippogriffs. It is the last nation in Colthage's unification of Zonicia. Warzena can be skipped if under Chriopterran occupation but can be cored through integration if controlled.
  • Flag of Chiropterra Chiropterra - Chiropterra can form the Anti-Aris Pact with Colthage after Chiropterra defeats Tobuck and Zarantia unless Chriopterra is in a faction with the Flag of Lunar Empire Lunar Empire.
  • Flag of Llambet Llambet - The llamas of the Andelayans control the Kar-Alpaka region. They are the first nation to encounter during Colthage's pursuit of a united Zonicia and can choose to cede Kar-Alpaka or fight. Llambet will most likely cede Kar-Alpaka.
  • Flag of Quaggatai Quaggatai - The Khans of Quaggatai were once historical enemies of Colthage. However, following the end of the Storm King's invasion, Quaggatai became resurgent and reoccupied Coltdar and a small portion of Coltva (Zrumqi) in the chaos. Once Colthage recontrols Kar-Alpaka, retaking Coltdar and Zrumqi is required to progress through the focus tree. Colthage may start a short war to reclaim Coltdar or wage total war against Quaggatai.
  • Flag of Kingdom of Wingbardy Kingdom of Wingbardy - The griffons of Wingbardy under Giulio Beakolini will intervene as an ally during the war with Hippogriffia. Its large navy is very useful for naval-invading the island.
  • Minor nations like Flag of Republic of Tobuck Republic of Tobuck or Flag of Zarantia Zarantia do not pose a threat to Colthage unless Chriopterra is defeated by them.

Game Mechanics

Internal Factionalism

Zanno Mzelqatid
Zeshmunazash Zeirutid

Colthage is rife with internal politics. To the west lies Zanno Mzelqatid's growing Constitutionalist movement which declared the last election for Sufrit rigged and invalid following Zalathel Zarca's overwhelming victory. Mzelqatid's supporters present the greatest opposition against the ruling Zarcids; its movement's presumed strength starts at Dangerously High. Given time, the Constitutionalists will eventually start a civil war against the Zarcids should the player fail to fully suppress the movement. Prior to the civil war, several events and decisions will appear and allow the player to slowly chip away at the movement's support. The movement must fully be put down to prevent the civil war, which will always start in August 1007. In the focus tree, the player can take focuses under the Breadfocus.png"Bread Or Stick Politics" branch to further decrease the potential strength of the movement.

Political Power Civil War Constitutionalist Strength Levels
Statistics Dangerously High Very High High Medium Low
Occupied Territories Sivmareas, Tefemanei, Zalihli, Alaudid Range
  • Partial control: Zamitha, Zur, Colthage
Sivmareas, Tefemanei, Zalihli, Alaudid Range Sivmareas, Tefemanei, Zalihli, Alaudid Range Sivmareas, Tefemanei Sivmareas
Army experience Army 24 18 14 8 5
Navy experience Navy 15 15 0 0 0
Air experience Air 0 0 0 0 0
Factories (Military factoryMilitary-Civilian factoryCivilian-Naval dockyardNaval Dockyard) 4 - 5 - 8 3 - 3 - 1 3 - 3 - 1 2 - 1 - 0 2 - 1 - 0
Trains and Convoys 16 - 2 16 - 2 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0

Next is the Coltva unrest in the East. Following the Storm King's War, it became clear that Colthage was too weak to protect to protect Coltva. The peasant majority chaffed under the harsh conditions placed upon them by the wealthy elite of Colthaginian landowners, claiming to be their defenders. One such rebel leader Zeshmunazash Zeirutid, rallied around the Coltvans to his cause to continue the war of resistance against the Colthaginian government. While not as bolstered as the Constitutionalists, failing to monitor their resistance level (should resistance in one of the Coltvan states reach 70%) will start the 30-day countdown on Zeirutid's Rallying Cry, inevitably resulting in Coltva's violent secession from Colthage (Flag of Coltvan Republic Liberation Army of the East). This may prove disastrous if the player has fallen into civil war with the Constitutionalist rebellion. Coltva's secession can be prevented in the national focus tree by taking focuses under the Goal generic position armies.png"Reinforce the Eastern Garrisons" branch. Should order be restored in Coltva, Coltva becomes a Colthaginian core state.

Colthage's Faction System

Lastly is the Sufrit's faction loyalty. The Sufrit cannot rule alone and power must be divided amongst the various factions that keep the Sufrit in power. Historically, the Military and the Scientifids have largely supported the Zarcids for decades, starting off with high power and 70% loyalty. The Landowners also grew extensively with medium power and 50% loyalty while the remaining Consitutionalists and Harmonites have low influence. Through the faction system, Colthage can gain buffs or maluses in the TRO zarza pol.pngFactionalism National Spirit depending on the Power and Loyalty of each specific faction. Higher Loyalty grants buffs to the national spirit which are also modified by the faction's Power level. However, a faction at very-high power can start losing loyalty and give maluses should they become Disloyal (loyalty less than 50%). Disloyal factions with very-high power will overthrow the Sufrit in a coup. The Landowners faction is the only exception to this rule.

Political Power Faction Power Modifiers
Factions Modifiers (Each level of Power provides the following modifiers)
Scientifids 2% Research Speed

2% Production Efficiency Cap

Military 2% Organization

2% Surrender Limit

Landowners 0.1 Political Power Gain

2% Consumer Goods Factor

Constitutionalists 10% Economy and Mobilization Law Cost
Harmonites 2.5% Stability Factor

10% Trade Opinion Factor

Political Power Potential Coup Leaders
Scientifids Military Constitutionalists Harmonites
Baltazar Zakbar.png
Baltazar Zakbar
Batrun Zaryes.png
Batrun Zaryes
Zarvad Orzagid.png
Zarvad Orzagid
Jezabzella Zeshmid.png
Jezabzella Zeshmid

Picking a Co-Sufrit

Since ancient times, a dual executive system of Sufrit and Co-Sufrit, enumerated by the Colthaginian Consitution, has kept Colthage internally stable. Colthage starts off without a Co-Sufrit which reduces Political Power Gain by -5%. The player can choose a Co-Sufrit for Zarca in the focus tree between the Scientifid Baltazar Zakbar, the Militarist Batrun Zaryes, or in the middle ground Zaron Zorrel. Each Co-Sufrit's focus branch grants various buffs based on their respective fields, but may also increase faction power (Militarist or Scientifid) or decrease faction loyalty (Zorrel), leading to a potential coup (See #The Reign of the Warlords or #Order and Progress).

Trade Decisions

Colthage's Trade Interface

Colthage has access to Trade Decisions upon completing the focus Zebra caravan.png"Reinvigorate Commerce". Starting off with a trade capacity for 2 trade partners, Colthage can establish trade partners with nations in Southern Griffonia and Northern Zebrica through a supply and demand system. Each trade partner grants +10 Political Power every 90 days. If the goods are fulfilled, an additional trade capacity slot. Additionally, completing the Zebra factory.png"Strengthen Domestic Production" will allow domestic production of some goods and civilian factories.

Should 10 trade partners be obtained, the player is awarded the "Trade Tycoon" award.

Restarting Colthage's Modernization

The effects of the Storm King's war have largely resulted in the devastation of Colthage's industry and halted modernization. Following the end or prevention of the Colthiginian Civil War, the industrial branch (Focus WNG flag.png"The Eler Sea Agreement" and Pursue National Autarky.png"Pursue National Autarky") will be available to take.

Colthage may propose an economic trade agreement with Flag of Kingdom of Wingbardy The Jewel of the South (Focus WNG flag.png"The Eler Sea Agreement") or pursue self-sufficiency (Pursue National Autarky.png"Pursue National Autarky"). Both focus branches along with the shared middle branch grant improved society development, +1 research slot, increased faction loyalty from Scientifids and Militarists, +15 Oil in Sophoovene, level 2 railways between Sivmareas-Colthage and Amanesya-Trotkat, and gradually phase out the Slave-Based Economy Slave-Based Economy law.

Political Power Industry Branch Comparison
Tree Bonus Focus WNG flag.pngThe Eler Sea Agreement Pursue National Autarky.pngPursue National Autarky
Trade Law Free Trade Free Trade Limited Exports Limited Exports
Economy Law Partial Mobilization Partial Mobilization Partial Mobilization Partial Mobilization
Political and Dipolomacy
National Spirits
  • The Eler Sea Agreement
  • Cotton Plantations
  • CZSEZ Development Council
  • Colthaginian Autarky
  • Indentured Servitude

Colthage and Zur

  • +5 Building Slot
  • +2 Civilian Factory
  • +1 Military Factory
  • +2 Infrastructure
  • Colthage-Zur Special Economic Zone state modifier


  • +2 Building Slot
  • +2 Military Factory


  • +1 Building Slot
  • +1 Military Factory


  • +3 Building Slot
  • +3 Civilian Factory

Colthage, Zur, and Alaudid Range

  • +3 Building Slot
  • +25000 Ponypower
Other notes/bonuses
  • (1x) 100% Research bonus for Industry
  • AGWP-Colthage Industrial Concern
  • Added production of 20 Oil in Sophoovene
  • (2x) 100% Research bonus for Nuclear Technology

Uniting Zonicia

Zonician Republic

Upon completing or preventing Mzelqatid's Revolution, Colthage can pursue the dream of a united Zonicia and retake its land lost during the Storm King's invasion. Starting under Goal generic alliance.png"Dream Of An United Zonicia". The following nations and territories must be taken to achieve the dream:

  • Kar-Alpaka occupied by Flag of Llambet Llambet (Retake Kar Alpaka.png"Reclaim Kar-Alpaka")
  • Coltdar and Coltva cores occupied by Flag of Quaggatai Quaggatai
    • Colthage can lead a short reclamation war for its territories or declare total war on Quaggatai (Retake Coltdar.png"Liberate Southern Zonicia" / Operation Steppe Charger.png"Destroy Our Nemesis")
  • Zumidia cores in Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia (Focus generic strike at democracy2.png"Liberate Zumidia")
    • Colthage may reach out in an alliance with Flag of Chiropterra Chiropterra to defeat Hippogriffia unless Chriopterra is in a faction with the Flag of Lunar Empire Lunar Empire during the Equestrian Civil War.
  • Flag of Kingdom of Warzena Warzena (Goal generic territory or war.png"Liberate Warzena")
    • Note: Owning Warzena is not required for progression through the focus tree branch, but can be a core if occupied after Colthage becomes the Zonician Republic.

At the end of the branch, Colthage can realize Zidalid's dream and become the Zonician Republic.

Gameplay Walkthrough

  • Zalathel Zarca
    • Pre-North Zebrican War
    • North Zebrican War
    • Zonician Unification
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Alternate Paths

Zanno Mzelqatid's uprising is successful.:
Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
Constitutionalist Wartime Focus Tree

Failing to completely suppress Mzelqatid's movement will result in Mzelqatid's supporters and the harmonites open revolt against Zarca's government, forming the Constitutionalist Army.

Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Zanno Mzelqatid
Conservative Liberalism.png
Conservative Liberalism

Hero of the Revolution
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • Stability: +5%
Zanno Mzelqatid is a son of a landowning well-off family in Western Colthage. He attended university in Wingbardy thanks to a government exchange program and there he became part of the ever growing urban middle class that read republican Griffonian literature and spoke out against the Zarcid regimen as an affront to Colthage's own republican traditions.

In 1006, when the chaos of the Storm King's invasion was dying down, Zanno travelled around the nation gathering support from the citizenry to campaign for an end of Zarcid tyranny and promised them true political and economic reform. All that had to be done was for them to make their voices heard to the Senate. Unfortunately this led to Zanno being arrested a week before the senate voted Zalathel Zarca in as Sufrit. Zanno was eventually released from prison on bail, but managed to make his way across the border into the Hippogriff-run Zumidian Mandate where he declared the election as illegitimate and began gathering supporters.

Personally, he is often seen as aloof and often not in touch with reality. In Wingbardy he ended up becoming an advocate of Spiritism and believes he is a medium who can talk to the dead and magical spirits. He claims the spirit of his dead brother visited him and asked him to dedicate his life to helping others, and to never drink alcohol or smoke. He is also a strong believer in homeopathy, a system of alternative medicine denounced by practitioners of both healing magic and medical science. Regardless, he is well liked by people he meets and is held in high regard by the employees of his plantations. He introduced sweeping education, medical, and social reforms for the plantation and the nearby towns, building schools and hospitals (staffed by actual doctors thankfully). He is against slavery and the semi-official class system in the nation and wishes to see a true liberal democratic Colthage.

At the start of the war, the Constitutionalists will have a firm holding in Sivmarean in addition to other western Colthaginian states depending on the movement's "presumed strength level" and inherits Colthage's File:Constitutionalist.pngConstitutionalist starting generals. Two new generals, Zannido 'Bandolier' Zidon, and Zacual Orozid, join the cause.

General Traits Description Skills Race
Zannido 'Bandolier' Zidon
Zannido 'Bandolier' Zidon
Zannido 'Bandolier' Zidon (advisor).png
Trait reckless.png Reckless
A good officer needs to lead from the front.
  • Planning Speed: +20%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: +50%
Trait media personality.png Media Personality
This general will go out of his way to talk to the media and will always try to be in the limelight.
  • Army reassignment duration: +100%
Trait trickster.png Trickster
Doing the unexpected in combat can give you a large advantage.
  • Reconnaissance: +25%
Trait hill fighter.png Hill Fighter
Excels at fighting in Hilly terrain.
  • Hills:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Trait guerilla fighter.png Guerilla Fighter
The skilled guerilla fighter is an expert at using natural terrain and obstacles to their advantage.
  • Entrenchment speed: +50%
See description:
To some, he is Zannido Zidon, a ruthless bandit who takes what he wants. To many others however, he is Bandolier, hero of the common folk who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.

Little is known about Zannido's early life. He grew up on a large farm estate near Zur as the son of a sharecropper and learned to read at a local temple. He was nothing more than an average peasant, until the fateful day when the rich owner of his home estate harassed his sister. Zidon killed the zebra, saving his sister but becoming an outlaw in the process. Left with no choice but to flee, he escaped to the hills where he joined a notorious group of bandits to survive. Eventually he was arrested by Zamilcar's Rural Guard, avoiding a death sentence thanks to previously selling stolen goods to a general and instead being conscripted into the army. Not long after, he killed his commanding officer and deserted, returning to banditry. It was around this time when he earned the infamous nickname "Bandolier".

Now it appeared that the average peasant had become an average bandit, stealing from others to survive. But his life changed again when he met a supporter of Mzelqatid, who convinced him that he could utilize banditry to fight back against the cruel landowners and help the common zebras of Colthage. He pledged his loyalty to the revolution, proving to be an excellent and cunning strategist, rising quickly through the ranks of the Constitutionalist army and rallying followers to his cause. The revolutionaries who have a patrician background see Zidon as little more than a criminal who cannot be trusted, but he has become legendary among the commoners, who see him as their hero.
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 4
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Zacual Orozid
Zacual Orozid
Zacual Orozid (advisor).png
Trait harsh leader.png Harsh Leader
Discipline is necessary to lead an army, but some leaders take it a bit too far.
  • Division Recovery Rate: −10%
  • Attack: +1
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1

The Constitutionalists' starting wartime focus tree aims to bolster the military. Each focus in the wartime tree takes 14 days to complete and provides bonuses to military equipment and production and extra divisions.

  • Goal new treaty.pngThe Plan Of Zapsa: "Defend the Constitution!" (+100 Political PowerPolitical Power, +20% War supportBase War Support, 10000 PonypowerPonypower, +50 Command powerCommand Power)
  • HIP ggun.pngSeek Support From Mount Aris: Should Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia accept, the Consitutionalists will receive 1,500 Infantry Equipment and Sent Equipment (+25 OpinionOpinion of Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia).
  • Goal coop farms.pngContact Zeirutid's Rebels: +10% Resistance in Zarcid-occupied Coltvan cores.
    • If Flag of Coltvan Republic Coltva violently seceded in the war, Mzelqatid will ask the Coltvans to recognize his government as the rightful government of Colthage. Depending on Coltva's response, the Consitutional Army gains Accepted Friendship or Distrustful Relations which gives +50 or -50 Opinionopinion on Flag of Coltvan Republic Coltva respectively.
  • Goal van rifles.pngMacawian Arsenal Of Liberty: Adds 2 offmap Military factoryMilitary Factories
  • Goal revolution pony.pngAwaken The Populace: Gains +10% StabilityBase Stability and +20% War supportBase War Support. The Flag of Colthaginian Republic Colthaginian Republic gains -5% StabilityBase Stability and -15% War supportBase War Support.
  • Zebra agriculture.pngPromises To Peasants And Slaves: One of three divisions of 2 Irregular Infantry battalions each spawn across Zur, Sophoovene, and Amanesya. After winning the civil war, Landowner Loyalty will be lowered.
  • Zebra plane.pngPurchase Planes: 1x (100%) Research bonus for Fighter models. With By Blood Alone, gains Dedicated Aircraft Machine Guns and Dedicated Aircraft Engines technologies. Creates a Early Fighter variant based on Early Small Airframe. 25 units of Small Airframe is added to the national stockpile.
  • Colthaginian soldier.pngAppeal To The Soldiers: +15 Army experienceArmy Experience, +5000 PonypowerPonypower. Flag of Colthaginian Republic Colthaginian Republic loses -5000 PonypowerPonypower. Generals Bezelshazzar Zerutra and Zurelo Balzanquet, and Admiral Zamalad Ochzor will join the Constitutionalists.
General Traits Description Skills Race
Bezelshazzar Zerutra
Bezelshazzar Zerutra
Bezelshazzar Zerutra (advisor).png
Trait career officer.png Career Officer
Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match.
  • Promotion Cost: −25%
Trait substance abuser.png Substance Abuser
Addiction can be a bad thing, but it's really under control. Really.
Trait trickster.png Trickster
Doing the unexpected in combat can give you a large advantage.
  • Reconnaissance: +25%
See description:
Born in an impoverished rural village in Trotkat, Bezelshazzar Zerutra saw a military career as the only way to escape the poverty of his home. He did his best to learn how to read, immersing himself in books about great historical figures, which allowed him to become the personal secretary of a general. With his hoof in the door, Bezelshazzar could begin to climb the ladder of military hierarchy. He entered a cadet school, earned a commission and was soon promoted to captain. Under Zamilcar Zarca's rule, he led numerous "pacification campaigns" into rebellious regions such as Coltva and distinguished himself as a capable leader. He earned a reputation of always paying his soldiers, sometimes employing ruthless methods to acquire the funds needed.

Numerous brutal operations to crush rebellions took a toll on the zebra, and he soon developed a dependency on alcohol. At the same time however, he was promoted to the rank of general, joining the upper echelons of Colthage's military. But this was not enough for him. The stories he had read as a colt, about larger-than-life heroes, instilled in him a desire to make his mark on history. He now dreamed of becoming Sufrit, hoping to succeed Zamilcar once he died.

Soon the Zarca did die, but nothing went as expected. Colthage erupted into chaos, and the weakened central government was barely restored by Zamilcar's offspring. There was little Bezelshazzar could do besides help with crushing rebellions as always. After the dust settled, it was clear he wasn't the only one vying for power. But the competition and chaos only made him more determined. One day, he would become Sufrit, and he would make things right.
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Zurelo Balzanquet
Zurelo Balzanquet
Generic Zebra General 5 (advisor).png
Trait old guard.png Old Guard
While not the most brilliant officer, he is unlikely to cause trouble.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −25%
  • Max Entrenchment: +1
Trait armchair general.png Armchair General
This leader commands from the rear, preferably as far away from the frontlines as possible to avoid exposure to 'unnecessary dangers'.
  • Division Recovery Rate: −10%
  • Max planning: +25%
  • Chance to Get Sick: −100%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: −100%
Level 1
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Admiral Traits Description Skills Race
Zamalad Ochzor
Zamalad Ochzor
Zamalad Ochzor (advisor).png
Trait media personality.png Media Personality
This general will go out of his way to talk to the media and will always try to be in the limelight.
  • Army reassignment duration: +100%
Pirate supporter.png Pirate
This character is a pirate and is loyal to the pirate code.
Trait blockade runner.png Blockade Runner
Able to rapidly Disengage from Naval Combat.
  • Retreat Decision Chance: +20%
  • Fleet speed while retreating: +15%
  • Convoy speed while retreating: +5%
Trait spotter.png Spotter
The Spotter pays special attention to keeping an eye out for enemy fleets.
  • Spotting Speed: +10%
Trait admiral concealment expert.png Concealment Expert
This officer has completed the government-mandated training course on how not to be seen.
  • Visibility: −20%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 5
Coordination.pngCoordination: 1
  • Focus indy democratic process.pngBattle Cry of Freedom: Adds Generic morale bonus.png"Battle Cry of Freedom" national spirit: +10% Division Speed, +15% Attack bonus and +10% Defense bonus against the Flag of Colthaginian Republic Colthaginian Republic.

Should the Zarca's Colthage reach 50% or more towards capitulation, the Scientifid and Militarist factions, realizing an impending defeat if they continued supporting the Zarcids, offer to make peace with Mzelqatid and betray Zarca.

  • Accepting the offer will abruptly end the war. However, the Scientifids and Militarist factions will retain a large influence in Colthaginian politics.

The Interim Government

CTH Interim Government Focus Tree.png

Following the end of the civil war, Mzelqatid will oversee the creation of an interim government and will attempt to stabilize and prepare the country for an electoral transition. Depending on the decision of the coup offer, there will be several differences in Colthage's stabilization, most importantly the interactions with Coltva and the fate of Mzelqatid's political opponents.

  • The Old Debate.pngForm The Interim Government: The TRO zarza pol.pngFactionalism national spirit is restored. Depending on the outcome of the coup offer, the Scientifids and Military Power either start at High or Low. Zarani Za'alyon Zarra (advisor).png Zarani Za'alyon Zarra becomes appointed as the interim Sufrit and gets added as a Political Advisor.
Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Zarani Za'alyon Zarra
Zarani Za'alyon Zarra
Compassionate Grandee
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.12
  • Naval base construction speed: +9%
  • Dockyard construction speed: +6%

See description:
Zarani Za'alyon Zarra is a well-respected name in the Colthaginian foreign ministry and in embassies far away. As the grey eminence of the Republic's diplomacy, Zarra lobbied for support for Colthage when it was occupied by the Storm King. The zebra, already past the retirement age, carries himself with the grace of years, a reliant servant of the public good.
Political Power 150

  • DOM End Judicial Corruption.pngReplace Political Chiefs: Adds Generic democratic drift bonus.png"Municipal Democracy" national spirit (+5% StabilityStability, +5% Starting Compliance, +0.01% Daily Compliance Gain)
  • Focus indy pacifist state.pngDisband The Revolutionaries: +5% StabilityBase Stability. -2.5% NeutralityNon Aligned party popularity. Deletes Abiyot Yennterib template and disband all units created from this template. Deletes Rural Mob template and removes all units created from this template. Zacual Orozid and Zannido 'Bandolier' Zidon stop becoming generals. In addition depending on the choices made,
    • If Mzelqatid rejects the offer, the Coltvans stand down and Zeshmunazash sends a list of demands. Any decision taken will end the Coltvan unrest for good and remove the problematic general Benoam Gerza. Accepting Zeitruid's Terms give -75 Political PowerPolitical Power, -10% Landowners Loyalty and remove the "Coltvan Unrest" and "Dominant Landowners" province modifiers on Coltvan cores. However, inviting Zeshmunazash to negotiate will remove the -75 Political PowerPolitical Power penalty and add the "Token Land Reforms" province modifier on Coltvan cores (-10% Resource Efficiency Gain, -1 Max Factories in State, +0.02% Daily Compliance Gain).
      • If Flag of Coltvan Republic Coltva violently seceded during the civil war, Coltva becomes a Colthaginian puppet. As mentioned above, inviting Zeshmunazash to negotiate removes the -75 Political PowerPolitical Power penalty.
    • If Mzelqatid accepts the offer, the Coltvans will refuse to stand down, forcing Mzelqatid to either continue negotiations or put down the Coltvans by force. Coltva will violently secede from Colthage no matter what decision was taken. However, should Mzelqatid try inviting Zeshmunazash Zeitruid to negotiate, Zeshmunazash gets assassinated, and Coltva violently secedes from Colthage under Zeshmunazash's sister Zarishat Zeirutid (-10% StabilityBase Stability).
      • If Flag of Coltvan Republic Coltva violently seceded during the civil war, Coltva can become a Colthaginian puppet. However, inviting Zeshmunazash Zeitruid to negotiate will have Zeshmunazash assassinated. Under Zarishat Zeirutid, Flag of Coltvan Republic Coltva will declare a Declare warWar of Vengeance against Colthage.
  • Goal constitutional guarantees.pngRestore The Constitution: Adds Idea generic constitutional guarantee.png"The Colthaginian Constitution" national spirit (+0.10 Political PowerDaily Political Power Gain, +10% StabilityStability)
  • Goal big news.pngFreedom Of Speech: Adds CES newspapers.png"Freedom of Speech" national spirit (+0.10 Political PowerDaily Political Power Gain, +10% StabilityStability, -20% Party Popularity Stability Modifier, -20% War Penalty Stability Modifier)
  • Zebra worker.pngLiberation Of Labour: Adds Generic production bonus.png"Liberated Labour" national spirit (+5% StabilityStability, +10% Production Efficiency CapProduction Efficiency Cap, -5% Factory Output, -5% Dockyard Output). Reduces Landowners Loyalty by 10% in TRO zarza pol.pngFactionalism game mechanic.
  • Zebra school.pngRural Education: Decreases Negligible IlliteracyIlliteracy
  • Zebra judge.pngPut Zarcid Supporters On Trial: Depending on the choices made,
    • If Mzelqatid rejects the offer, The trial of the Zarcids will run smoothly. The One Hundred and Twenty Seven judicial body convicts and sentences the defendants Baltazar Zakbar, Batrun Zaryes, Bezelshazzar Zerutra, Jebzel Zoblos, and the three Zarca brothers to life in prison. (+50 Political PowerPolitical Power, +5% NeutralityNon Aligned party popularity, and reduces Scientifid and Military Power. Bezelshazzar Zerutra stops being a General)
    • If Mzelqatid accepts the offer, the trials are canceled. (-25 Political PowerPolitical Power, +5% SupremacySupremacy party popularity.)
  • Goal generic lau democracy.pngHold Elections:
    • If Mzelqatid rejects the offer, Mzelqatid and Jezabzella Zeshmid compete for the title of Sufrit. The election received an 82% turnout, the highest in 30 years. Jezabzella Zeshmid manages to win the election by a slight margin.
    • If Mzelqatid accepts the offer, Mzelqatid, Jezabzella Zeshmid, and Batrun Zaryes compete for the title of Sufrit. The election received a 59% turnout, although several polling stations took a long time to report results. Mzelqatid wins the election, but during his victory speech, Zaryes goes on the radio and calls the election a fraud. The Senate, filled with supporters of the old Zarcid regime, refused to ratify the results with many of the Scienfid and Militarist supporters rallying, demanding a formal inquiry.

The Light in the Darkness

Jezabzella Zeshmid and the Harmonites lead Colthage towards a better tomorrow.

Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Jezabzella Zeshmid
Harmonic Republicanism.png
Harmonic Republicanism

Lady Socialite
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.05
  • Improve relations opinion: +15%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +15%
Jezabzella's patrician parents had a very clear future planned for her when she was a filly. As a scion of the immensely wealthy Zeshmid dynasty, her destiny was to continue the family's legacy by embracing the life of a merchant and marrying some zebra from another equally wealthy (preferably even wealthier) patrician family.

However, she has bucked traditions since the beginning, and defied her parents' will. She studied foreign literature and took up political writing, had a knack for causing embarrassment for those who courted her which earned her the nickname "Lady Oleander", and most annoying of all, she joined the constitutionalists (which was a horrid disgrace to her father, who was loyal to the Zarcas).

Having studied political science from across the world, she's keenly up to date with global political discourse. She also has a fascination with the harmonic society of Equestria and is an admirer of Princess Twilight and her friends. This eventually led her to establish the harmonite faction within the constitutionalists, which quickly grew in popularity by appealing to the downtrodden masses.

No matter the occasion, she usually dresses up as if she's going to the ball. In part this is because she adores high fashion and dressing up, but she also loves it when others underestimate her. Many zebras are surprised to learn that she is experienced in fencing or that she is often ruthless to her political opponents. If they are against the common zebra getting rights and dignity, it is clear that they are not good individuals, so she doesn't feel bad about crushing them like ants.

The Ten Tragic Days

Days following the election results, Batrun Zaryes leads a coup attempt and marches on the Byrza Citadel in Colthage with a battalion of soldiers. Major Pazeb, Commander of the Citadel, orders the senators and delegates inside the Citadel as his soldiers build entrenchments and sandbags around the entrance of the Citadel. Pazeb eventually meets up with Zaryes who in full military dress uniform, demands to step aside to "conduct business" at the citadel. Pazeb proclaimed that Zaryes violated the constitution. Refusing to stand down, Zaryes is shot and killed by Major Pazeb. Zaryes' supporters fired back in retaliation, but without a leader, they were forced to surrender and were arrested.

In the ensuing chaos, the ex-sufrit Zalathel Zarca escapes prison. Zarca's supporters raided armories stocked with artillery and heavy weapons, using them to besiege the Citadel with artillery. Zarca demanded the surrender of the "illegitimate government". However, General Bezelshazzar Zerutra's forces arrived from the countryside and relieved the citadel defenders. Major Pazeb stepped down and gave Zeutra the title of Commander of the Citadel. With his artillery, Zerutra's forces began bombarding Zarcid strongholds. Seeing the futility of his efforts, Zarca and Zerutra came to a ceasefire agreement, ending the city's bombardments.

With the end of the bombardment, Zanno Mzelqatid met with Zerutra and commended his efforts. However, Zerutra with other intentions, demanded that Mzelqatid revoke his claim for Sufrit. Zanno refuses and is apprehended, leaving Zerutra as the new sufrit. Under the constitution, in emergencies, a sufrit without a co-sufrit is succeeded by the Commander of the Citadel. In just a few days, Zerutra has become the most powerful zebra in Colthage. On the way to prison, Mzelqatid is shot twice and his body is left in the streets. Following the discovery of Mzelqatid's body, Zerutra launches a full investigation into the death, but no news is found. However, alleged rumors that Zerutra ordered the killing to eliminate opposition spread like wildfire and turned Zanno from a disgrace to a martyr among the Constitutionalists.

Unrest grew across Coltahge as Constitutionalists regrouped in the West. Elsewhere, freedom fighters in Coltva and northwest Colthage began to rearm themselves for the coming war. The final straw for Colthage came as Zenut Zaranzid, taking leadership of the regrouped Constitutionalists, formally denounced Zertrua as a counter-revolutionary usurper and a traitor and declared a second Colthaginian Civil War.

The Iron Hoof

Warning: This pathway is incomplete and missing content. Future content will be added to this path in future releases
CTH Zerutra Wartime Focus Tree.png

Bezelshazzar Zerutra cements his hold as Sufrit.

Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Bezelshazzar Zerutra

  • Stability: −5%
Born in an impoverished rural village in Trotkat, Bezelshazzar Zerutra saw a military career as the only way to escape the poverty of his home. He did his best to learn how to read, immersing himself in books about great historical figures, which allowed him to become the personal secretary of a general. With his hoof in the door, Bezelshazzar could begin to climb the ladder of military hierarchy. He entered a cadet school, earned a commission and was soon promoted to captain. Under Zamilcar Zarca's rule, he led numerous "pacification campaigns" into rebellious regions such as Coltva and distinguished himself as a capable leader. He earned a reputation of always paying his soldiers, sometimes employing ruthless methods to acquire the funds needed.

Numerous brutal operations to crush rebellions took a toll on the zebra, and he soon developed a dependency on alcohol. At the same time however, he was promoted to the rank of general, joining the upper echelons of Colthage's military. But this was not enough for him. The stories he had read as a colt, about larger-than-life heroes, instilled in him a desire to make his mark on history. He now dreamed of becoming Sufrit, hoping to succeed Zamilcar once he died.

Soon the Zarca did die, but nothing went as expected. Colthage erupted into chaos, and the weakened central government was barely restored by Zamilcar's offspring. There was little Bezelshazzar could do besides help with crushing rebellions as always. After the dust settled, it was clear he wasn't the only one vying for power. But the competition and chaos only made him more determined. One day, he would become Sufrit, and he would make things right.

At the start, Zerutra has the advantage of controlling a large portion of Colthage's provinces. However, when the Conventionists break off, Zerutra will have to contend with a two-front war between the Constitutionalists in the West and the Conventionists in the East. Taking out one side should make it easier on focusing one front.

  • Appoint zerutra.pngThe Iron Hoof: Bezelshazzar Zerutra becomes a Field Marshal. +100 Political PowerPolitical Power and +5% to StabilityBase Stability and War supportBase War Support.
  • Goal foreign diplomacy.pngGet Rid Of Zalathel: Zalathel Zarca is removed and sent on a one-way trip to the Flag of Kingdom of Pingland Kingdom of Pingland. +75 Political PowerPolitical Power, +10% StabilityBase Stability, and +5% SupremacySupremacy party popularity.
  • Colthaginian soldiers.pngMass Conscription: Six divisions of 4 Irregular Infantry battalions appear in Colthage. Changes Conscription Law to Service by RequirementService By Requirement. -10% StabilityBase Stability.
  • Goal champagne party.pngReward Loyalists: Benoam Gerza becomes a Field Marshal. +75 Political PowerPolitical Power and +5% SupremacySupremacy party popularity. +10% Loyalty and increase Power for the Military faction in the "Factionalism" game mechanic.
  • Zebra remove socialism.pngGet Back To Work!: +10% StabilityBase Stability. -10% CommunismCommunism party popularity. -1000 PonypowerPonypower
  • Focus generic eagle.pngThe Hippogriff Menace: +25% War supportBase War Support. +5% SupremacySupremacy party popularity.
  • Colthaginian soldier.pngMilitarise Government: Innalas Ahutzam, Zauro Ochzor and Jebzel Zoblos become available political advisors. +10% Military Loyalty in the "Factionalism" game mechanic.
    • Adds Idea generic reserve divisions.png"Militarized Government" national spirit: +0.15 Political PowerDaily Political Power Gain, -25% High Command Cost, -25% Army Chief Cost, -25% Navy Chief Cost, -25% Air Chief Cost, -15% Political Advisor Cost,
Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Innalas Ahutzam
Innalas Ahutzam
Grand Admiral
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.12
  • Naval base construction speed: +9%
  • Dockyard construction speed: +6%
Political Power 150
Zauro Ochzor
Zauro Ochzor
Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Infantry Equipment:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −10%
Political Power 150
Jebzel Zoblos
Jebzel Zoblos
Princess of Terror
  • Non-Core Ponypower: +2%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: −30%
  • Damage to Garrisons: −25%
Political Power 150

  • Zebra Old vs New.pngPermit Private Armies For Landowners: Three divisions of 7 Irregular Infantry battalions appear in Coltrubis. -5% StabilityBase Stability. +10% Loyalty and increase Power for the Landowners faction in the "Factionalism" game mechanic.
  • Zebra worker.pngMilitarise Economy: Changes Economy Law to War EconomyWar Economy. Removes 1 Civilian factory civilian factory and adds 1 Military factory military factory in Colthage
  • Zebra rope.pngA Rope For The Rebels: Adds Generic intel bonus.png"Crushing The Rebellions" national spirit: +10% Division Speed, +15% Attack bonus and +10% Defense bonus against The Constitutionalist Army, +15% Attack bonus and +10% Defense bonus against The Conventionist Army.

Upon winning the Civil War, the wartime focus tree will switch to the Zebrican generic focus tree.

The Second Constitutionalist Army

CTH Zaranzid Wartime Focus Tree.png

Back again in Zapsa, Zenut Zaranzid formed the second Constitutionalist Army against Zerutra.

Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Zenut Zaranzid
Conservative Liberalism.png
Conservative Liberalism

After completing Goal authoritarian.pngThe First Chief Of The Revolution focus:

First Chief Of The Revolution

  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.25
  • Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: +30%
Zenut Zaranzid has much in common with the late Zanno Mzelqatid. He, too, comes from a landowner dynasty from western Colthage, and was influenced by liberal ideas during his studies. He also grew disillusioned with Zamilcar's authoritarianism, although he did not openly oppose the Zarcids. But this is where the similarities end.

During Zamilcar's reign, there was a small uprising in the west. Zamilcar dispatched Batrun Zaryes to put it down. It was during this expedition that Zenut met him. Zenut negotiated on behalf of the rebels and managed to convince Batrun that their revolt was justified. Together, the two convinced Zamilcar to accept the demands of the rebels. Thus began an unusual friendship between a soldier and a politician.

Zenut used his ties with Batrun to his advantage, becoming a Senator in the Colthaginian Senate. He, too, opposed the Scientifids despite supporting some of their policies. However, when Zamilcar turned against Batrun, Zenut had no choice but to find another ally. This ally was Zanno Mzelqatid, the head of the Constitutionalist movement.

After Zamilcar's death, Zenut joined the anti-Zarcid movement, which was the right choice as the rebellion succeeded and Zalathel was overthrown. But Zanno did not listen to his advice about cracking down on Zarcid supporters. This proved to be a fatal mistake when the Ten Tragic Days occurred.

Zenut was not surprised by the coup, and initially even supported Zaryes. But his old friend died in the chaos, and when Bezelshazzar Zerutra rose to power, he knew something had to be done to oppose him. He declared himself in rebellion of the coup and filled the void left by Zanno. However, he would prove to be a very different leader than him, in both good and bad ways..."

At the start of the war, the constitutionalists controlled the starting provinces of the first revolution (Alaudid Range, Tefemanei, Sivmareas, Zalihli).

The Second Interim Government
CTH Second Interim Government Focus Tree.png
The Republic is Saved!
Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Zarvad Orzagid

The Father Of The Republic
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.1
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • War Support: +5%
The Orzagid family is well known in Amanesya, with some of its members being landowners, officials and notables. But Zarvad Orzagid never shared the fortune of his relatives. Being the eighteenth orphaned foal of his late father, all odds in life were stacked against him from the start. Yet Zarvad was always filled with determination and ambition, and his family contacts helped him rise from nothing. In his youth, he worked on the family farm, studied in his brother's school, bought a small farm for himself, married and raised a family of his own. Life struck back, and his wife and two of his foals died in the same year, but Zarvad did not give up. He founded a company, got involved in local politics and used lobbying to get the Zarcid government to build a railway to Amanesya.

Misfortune struck again as the Storm King rampaged through Colthage with his marauding army. Zarvad's properties were pillaged and he was left impoverished again. But he did not give up. He joined the newly reformed army after the storm subsided and quickly proved to be an exceptional and naturally talented military leader, rising through the ranks. Soon he hit a brick wall of corruption, as older generals looked down upon him and saw him as an upstart peasant who disobeyed orders from his superiors. Frustrated with this, it was no surprise that he became a supporter of the Constitutionalists.

Zarvad Orzagid is above all a zebra who favours the middle ground. When there are disputes between conservatives and radicals, he tries to act as the mediator, solving disputes through words rather than violence. He distrusts those rich zebras who did not earn their wealth through hard work, but does not want to overthrow social hierarchy. His mind is sharp and he has quickly adapted to modernity, advocating the use of latest technologies. He knows he has the skills to be a great general, and maybe one day, Sufrit.

The Conventionists

Warning: This pathway is incomplete and missing content. Future content will be added to this path in future releases
CTH Zidon Wartime Focus Tree.png

Bandolier and his band of freedom fighters join forces with the Coltvans in a convention to remove the tyrants of Colthage once and for all.

Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Zannido 'Bandolier' Zidon
Social Banditry.png
Social Banditry

To some, he is Zannido Zidon, a ruthless bandit who takes what he wants. To many others however, he is Bandolier, hero of the common folk who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.

Little is known about Zannido's early life. He grew up on a large farm estate near Zur as the son of a sharecropper and learned to read at a local temple. He was nothing more than an average peasant, until the fateful day when the rich owner of his home estate harassed his sister. Zidon killed the zebra, saving his sister but becoming an outlaw in the process. Left with no choice but to flee, he escaped to the hills where he joined a notorious group of bandits to survive. Eventually he was arrested by Zamilcar's Rural Guard, avoiding a death sentence thanks to previously selling stolen goods to a general and instead being conscripted into the army. Not long after, he killed his commanding officer and deserted, returning to banditry. It was around this time when he earned the infamous nickname "Bandolier".

Now it appeared that the average peasant had become an average bandit, stealing from others to survive. But his life changed again when he met a supporter of Mzelqatid, who convinced him that he could utilize banditry to fight back against the cruel landowners and help the common zebras of Colthage. He pledged his loyalty to the revolution, proving to be an excellent and cunning strategist, rising quickly through the ranks of the Constitutionalist army and rallying followers to his cause. The revolutionaries who have a patrician background see Zidon as little more than a criminal who cannot be trusted, but he has become legendary among the commoners, who see him as their hero.

Following the end of the war, if Zeshmunazash is still alive, Bandolier steps down and transfers leadership to Zeshmunazash. The Flag of Coltvan Republic Coltvan Republic annexes all of Colthage's cores and Bandolier's wartime focus tree will switch to Zeshmunazash's focus tree. However, if Zeshmunazash is killed, Bandolier will remain in power, switching the focus tree to the Zebrican generic focus tree.

Spoiler end.

Baltazar Zakbar and the Scientific Clique overthrow the government and begin technocratic rule.:
Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading


The setup for the scientifid coup is the mostly the same as the setup for the military coup (see #The Reign of the Warlords), with the main difference being that instead of increasing military power and doing their foci, the reverse is done by increasing scientifid power and doing their foci.

Once the requirements for the coup are met, and 30 days pass, the country leader will arrange an urgent meating with Zakbar, which happens in the Byrza Cathedral. Baltazar will bring a teacup to the meeting. The teacup has a secret switch, which, when pulled, will pour poisoned tea instead of normal tea. On the following day, once the poison has taken effect, Baltazar Zakbar will offer a cure to the sufrit in exchange for their resignation. The sufrit accepts this offer, placing Zakbar as the country leader. A new focus tree gets loaded afterwards, the first focus of which is Goal CVA technocrat.png"The Clique In Control". Completing the focus will trigger an event which adds a research slot (or +100 political power if Colthage already has more than four of them). Afterwards, the focus tree splits into two branches: the political left branch, and the military right branch. It also introduces the Demands of the Military mechanic.

Gameplay mechanics

Demands of the Military

After completing Goal CVA technocrat.png"The Clique In Control", the military will begin making various demands to the scientifids. The first of these is to complete the focus Appoint zaryes.png"Ensure Military Loyalty". Should it be completed, the decision Curtail Military Power will be disabled, and more demands will be made. Failing to complete any one of them will reduce military loyalty by 10%, and give way to even more demands. Completing the demands will add +25 political power, but new demands will still be made. Various foci, like Zebra plane.png"Establish An Air Force" or Zebra navy.png"Develop New Ship Types", will also introduce new demands.

However, should Appoint zaryes.png"Ensure Military Loyalty" not be completed, the military won't make any other demands, and the decision to curtail military power will not be disabled. This allows for the scientifids to safely go down the left branch of the focus tree and curtail military power to none. After this, you may take Appoint zaryes.png"Ensure Military Loyalty". Since failing to complete the demands of the military doesn't increase military power, doing this makes this mechanic nearly irrelevant, as a military coup becomes impossible. It may still be useful to complete the demands in time, as doing so gives additional political power.

Below, a list of all demands, demands or foci by which they are triggered, demands they trigger, and the effects of completing them is presented.

Demands of the Military
Name Time to complete Requirements Triggers Triggered by
Expand The Army 400 At least 150.00K ponypower in divisions in the field - Event after Appoint zaryes.png"Ensure Military Loyalty"
Expand The Air Force 400 Have at least 50 aircraft deployed - Zebra plane.png"Establish An Air Force"
Expand The Navy 400 Have at least 50 ships - Zebra navy.png"Develop New Ship Types"
Sign Contracts With Design Companies 400 Have a tank, ship, aircraft, and materiel designer - Goal CVA techs.png"Divert Resources To Military Research"
Complete 'Ensure Military Loyalty' Focus 100 Complete focus Appoint zaryes.png"Ensure Military Loyalty" - Goal CVA technocrat.png"The Clique In Control"
Complete 'The Coltvan Problem' Focus 200 Complete focus Goal fire.png"The Coltvan Problem" Complete 'Retake Kar-Alpaka' Focus Event after Appoint zaryes.png"Ensure Military Loyalty"
Complete 'A Foundation of Order' Focus 200 Complete focus Goal generic political pressure.png"A Foundation of Order" Complete 'Reform The Army' Focus Event after Appoint zaryes.png"Ensure Military Loyalty"
Complete 'Reform The Army' Focus 200 Complete focus Zebra soldier.png"Reform The Army" Complete 'Establish An Air Force' Focus and Complete 'Develop New Ship Types' Focus Complete 'A Foundation of Order' Focus
Complete 'Retake Kar-Alpaka' Focus 200 Complete focus Retake Kar Alpaka.png"Retake Kar-Alpaka" Complete 'Pacify The South' Focus and Complete 'Divert Resources To Military Research' Focus Complete 'The Coltvan Problem' Focus
Complete 'Pacify The South' Focus 300 Complete focus Operation Steppe Charger.png"Pacify The South" - Complete 'Retake Kar-Alpaka' Focus
Complete 'Divert Resources To Military Research' Focus 200 Complete focus Goal CVA techs.png"Divert Resources To Military Research" Complete 'Open A Military Academy' Focus Complete 'Retake Kar-Alpaka' Focus
Complete 'Establish An Air Force' Focus 200 Complete focus Zebra plane.png"Establish An Air Force" - Complete 'Reform The Army' Focus
Complete 'Develop New Ship Types' Focus 200 Complete focus Zebra navy.png"Develop New Ship Types" Complete 'Military Mechanization' Focus Complete 'Reform The Army' Focus
Complete 'Open A Military Academy' Focus 200 Complete focus Invite Foreign Military Advisors.png"Open A Military Academy" - Complete 'Divert Resources To Military Research' Focus
Complete 'Military Mechanization' Focus 200 Complete focus Zebra mot.png"Military Mechanization" Complete 'Experimental Weaponry' Focus Complete 'Develop New Ship Types' Focus
Complete 'Experimental Weaponry' Focus 200 Complete focus Goal skull cannon.png"Experimental Weaponry" - Complete 'Military Mechanization' Focus

The decision to curtail military power will be reenabled after completing the focus HON peace in our time.png"Proclaim Neutrality". The mechanic will be disabled upon completing Goal split helmet.png"Purge The Military".

Experiments and Expeditions

These are two separate mechanics, both triggered by Zebra science.png"Experiments & Expeditions". They appear as two decision tabs, Scientific Experiments and Scientific Expeditions, respectively.

The initial experiments all cost 25 political power, and will reduce research speed by -15.00%. They give various bonuses, like more stability, increased faction loyalty, industry bonuses, and increased crystal production. The experiment The Great Stripe Debate will cause a chain of experiments, dedicated to discovering the nature of zebra magic.

The expeditions all cost 50 political power and 2000 ponypower. They also require that both Colthage and the expedition target are at peace. Upon completing them, Colthage will gain some ponypower back, and will usually get a unique technology bonus, except in the expeditions to the Flag of Magocracy of Maretania Magocracy of Maretania, which has no effect, the Flag of Federated Parishes of Sicameon Federated Parishes of Sicameon, which removes the distrustful relations modifier between the two nations gained in the beginning of the game, and the Flag of Ice Dragon Tribe Ice Dragon Tribe, which removes -25 political power. There will also be an event triggered for both the target and Colthage describing the expedition.

Student Exchange Programmes

Unlocked after completing the focus of the same name, it allows Colthage to propose student exchange programs to the following nations, should they have substantial or developed science base, be at peace, and have an opinion of Colthage above -10 (the last two requirements also apply to Colthage):

Flag of Commonwealth of New Mareland Commonwealth of New Mareland Flag of Macawia Macawia Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
Flag of Kingdom of Wingbardy Kingdom of Wingbardy Flag of Federated Parishes of Sicameon Federated Parishes of Sicameon Flag of Republic of Asterion Republic of Asterion
Flag of Chiropterra Chiropterra Flag of Quaggatai Quaggatai Flag of Zarantia Zarantia
Flag of Doelhi Confederation Doelhi Confederation Flag of Yarildom of Chital Yarildom of Chital Flag of County of Cyanolisia County of Cyanolisia
Flag of Free Towns of Gryphus Free Towns of Gryphus Flag of Llambet Llambet Flag of Kingdom of Brodfeld Kingdom of Brodfeld
Flag of Kingdom of Warzena Kingdom of Warzena Flag of Falcorian Queendom Falcorian Queendom Flag of Protectorate of Uusi Hirvimaa Protectorate of Uusi Hirvimaa
Flag of Republic of Tobuck Republic of Tobuck

Should they accept, they will join a technology sharing group with Colthage. If Together for Victory Together for Victory is not present, Colthage will instead get an industry and an electronics bonus.

National focus tree

Political branch

The political branch can be be split into a few subcategories:

  • The bypassable category, comprised of foci which can be done in the Zarcid path with Baltazar as an advisor. This category includes:
    • Zebra school.png"Secular Education"
    • Zebra judge.png"Anti-Corruption Initiative"
    • Goal generic lau construction.png"Rapid Recovery Plan"
    • Goal SOV tractors.png"Mechanize Agriculture"
  • The debate category, comprised of foci after which an event triggers. The event will have two options: the bottom one, which will increase constitutionalist and harmonist power and loyalty, and the top one, which does not. This category includes:
    • Goal CVA evolution.png"Scientific Politics"
    • Zebra economy.png"Economic Calculation Debate"
    • Zebra Temple.png"The Status Of Religion"
    • Goal CTH no one is truly innocent.png"The Eugenics Controversy"
    • OTT Land Reform.png"The Issue Of Land Reform"
  • The mechanic category, comprised of foci after which a gameplay mechanic is unlocked. This category includes:
    • Zebra science.png"Experiments & Expeditions"
    • Goal generic scientific exchange pony griffon.png"Student Exchange Programmes"

If the power of constitutionalists and harmonists is not lowered, and only bottom choices in the debate category are taken, their power may rise to the point that a coup can occur. There are also various foci which don't belong to any of the aforementioned groups, like Goal academy of medicine.png"Wonders Of Medical Science" or Goal dam 1.png"Construct The Grand Bagraza Dam. The most notable of these is KTG Bookstack.png"The Yale Of Zebrica", which replaces the initial scientific development of Colthage (developed developed science base) with an unique, even higher scientific development, advanced science base.

Military branch

The military branch is very closely related to the Demands of the Military mechanic, which will require to complete various foci within this branch. Just like the political branch, there are various foci, like Zebra soldier.png"Reform The Army", Zebra plane.png"Establish An Air Force", and Zebra mot.png"Military Mechanisation", which can be bypassed by taking foci within the Zarcid path. The most major focus that can be bypassed is Appoint zaryes.png"Ensure Military Loyalty", which disables curtailing the military. It can be bypassed if Zaryes is dead; in order for that to happen, however, Colthage must descend into a civil war, let the constitutionalist forces win, and get subsequently overthrown by the scientifids.

This branch includes the following conquest foci:

  • Goal fire.png"The Coltvan Problem", which allows to either release the Flag of Coltvan Republic Coltvan Republic as a puppet or go to war with them, allowing coring afterwards;
  • Retake Kar Alpaka.png"Retake Kar-Alpaka", which allows for negotiations (and, if they fail, a war) with Flag of Llambet Llambet;
  • Operation Steppe Charger.png"Pacify The South", which allows for total war against Flag of Quaggatai Quaggatai. The region of Flag of Coltdar Coltdar, owned by them at the start of the game, can later be cored by taking the focus Zebra Spears.png"Civilize The Savages".

Additionally, two foci trigger multi-choice events:

  • Goal fire.png"The Coltvan Problem", which gives a choice between:
    • releasing the Flag of Coltvan Republic Coltvan Republic as a puppet, decreasing military loyalty by 10%;
    • playing as said puppet;
    • letting the military deal with it, increasing their loyalty by 10% at the cost of a war between Colthage and the Flag of Coltvan Republic Liberation Army of the East. As some foci require Colthage to be at peace, temporarily make the military branch undoable, making the Demands of the Military mechanic harder to deal with.
  • Zebra soldier.png"Reform The Army", which gives a choice between:
    • reforming the army, which adds the national spirit A Professional Army, increasing both military power and loyalty; if military power is high, taking this option will raise it to very high, causing the overwhelming faction influence mechanic to be enabled. This will make dealing with the Demands of the Military mechanic far harder to deal with;
    • not reforming the army, which reduces military loyalty by 10%, but improves the Army of Mercenaries national spirit.

Order and Progress

The last focus of the scientifid path is Order And Progress.png"Order And Progress", after which an event is triggered. This event results in the retirement of Baltazar Zakbar; he is instead replaced by the Scientific Committee, which has the trait Technocratic Council, granting +0.15 daily political power gain, +10.00% stability, and +5.00% production efficiency cap. It also adds a new cosmetic tag, turning Colthage into the Flag of Colthaginian Republic North Zebrican Technate.

Industrial branch

The industrial branch is shared with Zarca-ruled Colthage. See #Restarting Colthage's Modernization.

Spoiler end.

Batrun Zaryes leads a military coup and forms a junta of warlords.:
Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading

The coup is most easily done by suppressing the constitutionalist uprising in the initial political focus tree of Zalathel Zarca, appointing Batrun Zaryes as co-sufrit, and then completing all of the of his unique foci. If done correctly, the military will have very high power, but loyalty will be under 50%, which will the cause the coup to occur. There are also some other ways in which this coup can occur: for example, the player can skip all the foci relating to stopping the constitutionalists and appoint Batrun Zaryes as co-sufrit as soon as possible, and then take all of the foci unique to him. In order to avoid an unwinnable civil war, the player may take the decisions Crackdown on the Students and Root out the Constitutionalists (the former unlocked during the A Murder in Scarlet event chain, the latter after picking You shall have what you require. in Protests Crushed, the event triggered after Crackdown on the Students), which together combined will lower the potential power of the constitutionalist uprising to high. Causing the coup this way can be potentially faster then the previous method, depending on how fast the civil war is won. However, if the player isn't skilled enough, it can also take longer, and may even result in the capitulation of the Colthaginian republic to constitutionalist forces.

Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Batrun Zaryes

Military Junta
If there was one zebra who could've challenged Zamilcar Zarca head-on, it was Batrun Zaryes. He was a military stallion who rose through the ranks during Zamilcar's reign, thanks to the Sufrit's patronage. Eventually Zamilcar gave him a position in the government, and Batrun quickly proved to be a capable administrator as well.

He used the opportunity to build up his power base, forging alliances with other generals, earning the popularity of the commoners and building his personal army. His power grew quickly, much to the dismay of the Scientifids. They were concerned and advised Zamilcar to turn on Batrun. The old Sufrit saw the general's growing influence as a threat to his regime and agreed to do so: He disbanded Batrun's private army and arrested many of his supporters.

Some years later, Zamilcar perished during the Storm King's invasion. Batrun re-established his army to fight off the invaders and reluctantly worked together with Zamilcar's eldest son, Zalathel Zarca. Thus he was able to take advantage of the chaos and rebuild his diminished power base. After the restoration of peace and order, Batrun stood as the second most powerful zebra in Colthage.

Batrun is a counterweight to the Scientifids, and is very popular both among soldiers and citizens. Over the years, he earned the personal loyalty of many generals and admirals and in practice is the true head of the military. He opposed the state-directed economic policies of Zamilcar and is a proponent of free economy and business interests. It is clear that he has aspirations to "save" Colthage, so anyone who opposes him must tread carefully. They must remember that in the end, true political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

Regardless of what strategy was chosen, once the coup happens, a new unique political focus tree will be loaded. The initial part of it focuses on purging all opposing factions (scientifids, constitutionalists, and harmonists) and allying the landowners. After completing Generic martial law.png"Hold A Constitutional Referendum", faction decisions will be disabled, and will be instead replaced by two new mechanics: Warlords Of Colthage and Interservice Rivalry.

Warlords Of Colthage

After the successful coup, the warlords without which it would've failed begin to grow more ambitious and disillusioned with Zaryes' government. This is represented through two values: a warlord's power and their loyalty. Additionally, land within the republic can be granted to the various warlords. This ownership is represented by three state modifiers: Zerutra's Commandery, Zoblos' Fiefdom, and Ochzors' governorate. Should a warlord gain too much power, they will begin to get gradually less loyal. A warlord with dangerously high power and dangerously Low or lower loyalty will overthrow the current ruler and become the country's leader, retaining the initial focus tree. However, if a disloyal warlord doesn't have dangerously high power, but has above non-existent power, they will declare independence, taking all of their controlled lands with them. The countries associated with them are:

All of these breakaways will use the generic Zebrica focus tree.

In the beginning, both power and loyalty are set to moderate. The states of Alaudid Range, Sivmareas, and Trotkat are owned by the Ochzor, Zoblos, and Zerutra respectively.

Power can be in the following 4 states:

  • Negligible;
  • Low;
  • Moderate;
  • Dangerously high.

Loyalty also has 4 states:

  • High;
  • Moderate;
  • Dangerously Low;
  • Non-existent.

These values can be changed by decisions and events. There are three types of decisions relating to power and loyalty:

  • Appeasement decisions, which all cost Political Power 75, will give Stability 2.50% and increase the selected warlord's loyalty.
  • Granting territory decisions, which don't cost anything, will give the ownership of a random neighbouring unowned non-colonial state besides Colthage to a warlord. It will also increase the warlord's power and loyalty.
  • Undermining decisions, which all cost Political Power 150, will give Stability 5.00% and reduce the selected warlord's power and loyalty after 90 days.

There are also three events which can change the values:

  • The Sufrit's Right-Hoof Zebra - increases the power and loyalty of one warlord, but reduces the loyalty of others. Triggered by the focus Goal CVA msystem.png"Appoint A Co-Sufrit".
  • Meeting With The Warlord - increases Ochzor's loyalty. Triggered by the focus Generic gunrunning.png"Sign A Contract With Ochzor".
  • Sufrit now and forever - Sets the power of all warlords to negligible and loyalty to non-existent. Also disables all warlord decisions. Triggered by Focus generic treaty.png"Amend The Constitution".

Interservice Rivalry

The two branches of the military, the army and the navy, are at odds with each other. Strengthening the army will give greater bonuses to factory output, land doctrine cost, and military factory construction speed, but will give penalties to dockyard output, naval doctrine cost, and dockyard construction speed. The same aplies vice-versa. If one of the branches dominates, the bonuses and penalties will amplify, and in the case of army dominance, a penalty to naval research will also appear. If the military is balanced, there are no bonuses and no penalties.

These are the possible states of the interservice rivalry:

  • Army Dominance;
  • Army Strengthened;
  • Balanced;
  • Navy Strengthened;
  • Navy Dominance.

The power of the branches can be changed by taking foci in the right branch of the focus tree. The right branch's left subbranch has foci that will increase the standing of the army, and right subbranch will do the opposite. The focus Zebra plane.png"The Air Force Debate" gives a choice between increasing the standing of the army, the navy, or neither.

Interservice rivalry is an important mechanic, because the central branch of the focus tree has various foci which can only be completed only if a certain branch is strengthened or dominating. If this mechanic is handled incorrectly, the player can potentially be locked out of completing various foci in the central branch, all of which relate to conquest.

National Focus Tree

Consolidating Power

CTH Zaryes Focus Tree.png

After overthrowing the government, Batrun Zaryes forms a military junta, suspends the constitution, deals with the other factions, and eventually reforms the constitution. This is done by various foci in the beginning of the national focus tree, which later splits into three branches. All combined, the foci give:

  • +150 political power;
  • +60.00% stability;
  • +15.00% war support;
  • -3500 ponypower;
  • -5.0% consumer goods factories;
  • +0.15 daily political power gain;
  • +10.0% division organization;
  • +10.00% surrender limit;
  • -25% conscription laws cost;
  • -15.00% support for unaligned;
  • -15.00% support for harmony;
  • The trait Generalissimo to Batrun Zaryes, which adds a +40.00% penalty stability modifier during defensive wars;
  • Unlocks warlord decisions and gives Trotkat, Sivmareas, and Alaudid Range to Zerutra, Zeblos, and Ochzor respectively;
  • Disables faction decisions.

Political branch

The left branch is the political branch. It focuses on further stabilising the nation and dealing with its internal threats. Various foci within this branch are also present in the default Zarca path, like Zebra Muskets.png"Re-armament" or Zebra derpi.png"Restore The Rural Guard", and can therefore be bypassed if completed beforehand. Notable foci:

  • Take out zeirutid.png"Pacify Coltva" - allows the coring of Flag of Coltvan Republic Coltva;
  • Zebra school.png"Permit Private Education" - eliminates illiteracy;
  • Zebra spy.png"Employ The Servants Of The Dark One" - forms an intelligence agency;
  • Focus generic treaty.png"Amend The Constitution" - disables warlord decisions and adds the trait Dictator to the current country leader. Also gives +10.00 stability.

Conquest branch

The central branch is the conquest branch. It allows a border conflict decision for Kar-Alpaka (Secure Kar-Alpaka) and the conquest of Flag of Quaggatai Quaggatai (Crush Quaggatai). Afterwards, two Mutually Exclusivemutually exclusive paths are available:

(Note how, no matter the path, only Flag of Coltdar Coltdar and Kar-Alpaka can be cored. Also note that conquering Flag of Quaggatai Quaggatai requires the army to be strengthened or dominating, so if you wish to go down the War Plan North path, make sure to increase army standing first, and only after completing Operation Steppe Charger.png"Crush Quaggatai" should you begin to lower it).

Regardless of what path was taken, the last focus of both trees (Goal hindia yellow.png"The Colthaginian Raj" and Generic authoritarian government.png"Refounding Of New Colthage") will present an event with three options:

  • Direct rule from Colthage (if any of the aforementioned countries were turned into puppets, they will be annexed, and all their cores will receive a modifier);
  • Establishment of a colonial subject state (any land which was a core of any of the aforementioned countries owned by you or a puppet will be joined together into a single colony. In the Raj's case, this also includes Flag of Barasingha Barasingha);
  • Leaving the current arrangement (gives +50 political power).

The military branch

The right branch is the military branch. Various foci within this branch are also present in the default Zarca path, like Zebra soldier.png"Rebuild The Professional Army" or Zebra storm.png"Lessons From The Storm", and can therefore be bypassed if completed beforehand. This branch is deeply related to the interservice rivalry mechanic - foci of the left subbranch (except Generic gunrunning.png"Sign A Contract With Ochzor") increase army standing, and foci on the left subbranch (except Goal navy hat ships.png"Promote New Admirals and Goal generic air naval bomber.png"Copy Wingbardian Torpedo Designs") increase navy standing. Zebra plane.png"The Air Force Debate" gives a choice on whether to increase army standing, navy standing, or neither.

Notable foci:

  • Zebra science.png"Military Research And Development" - adds a research slot;
  • Goal CVA techs.png"Experimental Weaponry" - adds chemical warfare units technology, and also gives 1x research bonuses for helicopters, magical equipment and nuclear technology.

The industrial branch

The industrial branch is shared with Zarca-ruled Colthage. See #Restarting Colthage's Modernization.

Spoiler end.

The harmonites, be it through peaceful elections or a voiolent revolution, have gotten into power:
Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading

The most simple way to access the harmonite focus tree is to go down the path of Mzelqatid's uprising (see #Long Live the Revolution). Once Zarcid Colthage reaches 50% surrender limit, you will gain an offer of peace from the scientifids and military. Do not take it, and instead win the war as normal. After doing so, an interim tree will be loaded, which ends with the focus Goal generic lau democracy.png"Hold Elections". Harmonites will always win them, and the harmonite focus tree will be loaded afterwards.

An alternative strategy is to go down the scientifid path, and take various foci on the left side of the tree. Foci with events will give two choices: one which increases harmonite (and constitutionalist) power, and one which does not. By only picking the bottom choices, harmonite power will rise to the point that a coup will occur if nothing is done to prevent it.

National Focus Tree


The harmonite focus tree starts with three foci, after which the focus tree splits into three branches: the reform-focused left branch, the political center branch, and the military right branch. The three beginning foci are:

  • A Harmonist Surfrit.png"Arise, People Of Colthage!" - triggers the event The Inaugural Speech Of The Sufrit, which adds +75 political power, +5.00% stability, +2.50% support of Harmony, and the ideas The Colthaginian Constitution, Municipal Democracy, Freedom of Speech, and Liberated Labour, if they are not already present. However, Bezelshazzar Zerutra, Jebzel Zoblos, Zamalad Ochzor, Zanno Zomilcar, Zurelo Balzanquet, Innalas Zerutra, and Zauro Ochzor will all stop being unit leaders.
  • Goal generic pony unity.png"The Missing Half" - will trigger an event which allows to choose a co-sufrit. There are three possible candidates:
    • Zaron Zorrel, who adds +0.10 daily political power gain and +25.0% ideology drift defense.
    • Zaphod Zarca, who adds +15.0% naval experience gain, +2.50 stability, and +15.00% defense. Taking her costs -50 political power.
    • Zarvad Orzagid, who gets elected if the option Let the citizens decide for once. is chosen. He grants +10.0% division organization, a 10% recruitable population factor, and +5.00% war support. He is a constitutionalist, so taking this option will increase constitutionalist power and change the popularity of non-aligned by 5.00%. However, letting the people elect the co-sufrit goes against the constitution, so this option also reduces constitutionalist loyalty by 10%, but increases the popularity of harmony by 2.50%.
  • Goal gunpoint diplomacy.png"Speak Softly And Carry A Big Stick" - gives a military and naval factory, and also a national spirit which decreases the time needed to justify a war goal by -25.0%.

Reform branch

This branch focuses on improving the living conditions of the people, reforming the political structure of Colthage, and trading with foreign powers. Notable foci:

  • Zebra worker.png"Together, We Can Rebuild!" - removes Legacy of the Storm;
  • DOM End Judicial Corruption.png"Devolution Of Power" - should Flag of Coltvan Republic Coltva not be cored or a puppet yet, this focus will give an event which, if OTT Land Reform.png"Implement Land Reform" is completed, will allow the coring of Coltva. Else, it gives the option to either release Flag of Coltvan Republic Coltva as a puppet, or to complete OTT Land Reform.png"Implement Land Reform" within 100 days.
  • Breadgrain.png"Fulfillment Of Basic Needs" - lowers poverty;
  • Expand Private Industry.png"Role of the Patricians" - lowers poverty and enables Patrician Investments decisions;
  • Goal slavery.png"Outlaw Indentured Servitude" - removes Indentured Servitude (needs Zebra slave.png"Reform The Slavery Laws" focus to be completed for this focus to be available for completion);
  • Zebra caravan.png"Open For Business" - unlocks trade decisions, which makes the achievement Trade Tycoon possible in this path. Note that, however, harmonic nations (including Colthage) have an opinion modifier which decreases the nation's opinion of another nation by the amount of world tension they generated. This makes getting the achievement somewhat harder than in the Zarcid path, as one of the requirements for proposing a trade deal to a nation is that you must have at least -10 opinion of them.
  • Tradegoods.png"Expand Our Horizons" - adds more possible trade partners.

Political branch

This branch focuses on dealing with all the diffrent factions of Colthage (scientifids, military, landowners, and constitutionalists) and introduces the Popular Power mechanic: after every focus, an event will trigger, related to a specific faction. The event will have two choices: the top one, which offers concessions to the faction, or the bottom one, which does not. Picking the upper choice will increase the power and loyalty of the faction, and will also give a unique effect, dependent on the faction. Picking the bottom choice will reduce the faction's power and loyalty, but will strengthen the Popular Power national spirit.

The final focus of the branch has different effects depending on what options were taken in the aforementioned events:

  • The more bottom choices were taken, the more Popular Power will be strengthened.
  • If no bottom choice was ever taken, Popular Power won't be strengthened at all and will be removed.
  • If any faction was appeased by taking an upper choice, they will gain 10% loyalty.
  • If any faction has very high power, their power will be lowered.

Military branch

The military branch allows to negotiate for Kar-Alpaka (Retake Kar Alpaka.png"Negotiate For Kar-Alpaka"). Should negotiations fail, you'll still gain a border war decision. It also allows to wage a limited war to retake Flag of Coltdar Coltdar (Retake Coltdar.png"Liberate Coltdar") or wage a total war to liberate Flag of Quaggatai Quaggatai (Operation Steppe Charger.png"Overthrow The Khan"). The most notable focus of this branch is Goal generic major alliance pony griffon.png"Seek Allies", which allows to seek for allies, Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia, Flag of Kingdom of Warzena Kingdom of Warzena, Flag of Doelhi Confederation Doelhi Confederation, Flag of Boltrian Kingdom Boltrian Kingdom, Flag of Republic of Tobuck Republic of Tobuck and Flag of Zarantia Zarantia among them. If taken early enough, this can allow Colthage to intervene in various wars, both major and minor, including Flag of Chiropterra Chiropterra's war against Tobuck and Zarantia, the North Zebrican war, the Boltrian-Camel war, and the Hindian wars.

The Shining Beacon

In the end, the branches converge to to a single focus: Goal sunshine.png"The Shining Beacon". Before that, 5 other foci must be completed:

  • Mountaineer gen.png"The Bounties Of Nature" - unlocks Bounties Of Nature decisions.
  • Zebra city.png"Accelerated Urbanisation" - adds +15000 ponypower to all urban (incl. sparse and dense) regions, and their state level will increase.
  • Goal generic national unity.png"Cultural Pluralism" - allows coring of Flag of Coltdar Coltdar and Flag of Kingdom of Zumidia Kingdom of Zumidia.
  • TBK zum question.png"The Zumidian Question" - if the owner of Ain Trotgourait is harmonist or non-aligned, or Flag of Kingdom of Zumidia Kingdom of Zumidia a subject nation and their overlord is harmonist or non-aligned, the owner/overlord will gain a proposal for a referendum. Should the offer of the referendum be declined, or the owner's/overlord's ruling power be communist or supremacist, Colthage will declare a war of liberation against them. If they accept, the referendum has 3 possible results:
    • a 25% change for Zumidia to stay within the owner's/overlord's control;
    • a 50% change for Zumidia to become a Colthaginian puppet;
    • a 25% change for Zumidia to be annexed into Colthage.
  • Focus indy swing the sword.png"Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere" - allows declaring liberation wars against certain nations.

Once all of these foci have been completed, the last focus of the entire harmonite national focus tree will be available.

The industrial branch

The industrial branch is shared with Zarca-ruled Colthage. See #Restarting Colthage's Modernization. Note that harmonite Colthage is locked out of Focus WNG flag.png"The Eler Sea Agreement", so they can only go down the national autarky subbranch.

Unique gameplay mechanics

Patrician investments

Made available after completing Expand Private Industry.png"Role of the Patricians", these decisions allow to build a civil factory, military factory, or naval dockyard at any random state (in the case of the naval dockyard, the state must also be costal) with free building slots. The process of building will take 90 days.

Bounties of Nature

Unlocked after taking the focus Mountaineer gen.png"The Bounties Of Nature". This is a group of 5 decisions, all with different effects.

These decisions require #Trade Decisions:

  • The Waterfalls Of Tefemanei - adds 1 supply of sugar;
  • The Pearl Fields Of Qatrain - adds 1 supply of pearls; Qatrain is in Flag of Coltvan Republic Coltva, so this decision will not be available if Coltva exists as a puppet of Colthage.
  • The Carmine Reefs Of Zjerba - adds 1 supply of textiles.

The other two add resources:

  • The Verdant Jungles Of Karamane - adds 12 rubber in Karamane;
  • The Crystal Caves Of Colthoba - adds 18 crystals in Trotkat.

Alliance offer/liberation war

These mechanics are unlocked after completing Goal generic major alliance pony griffon.png"Seek Allies" and Focus indy swing the sword.png"Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere" respectively.

If the following nations are harmonic, at peace, not in a faction, and border Colthage or one of its subjects (excluding Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia and Flag of Macawia Macawia), they can be offered an alliance. But if they are supremcist or communist, a puppet wargoal can be generated instead.

Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia Flag of Macawia Macawia Flag of Republic of Tobuck Republic of Tobuck
Flag of Zarantia Zarantia Flag of Quaggatai Quaggatai Flag of Boltrian Kingdom Boltrian Kingdom
Flag of Llambet Llambet Flag of Doelhi Confederation Doelhi Confederation Flag of Kingdom of Warzena Kingdom of Warzena
Flag of Kingdom of Zumidia Kingdom of Zumidia Flag of Chiropterra Chiropterra Flag of Buckhara Buckhara

Completing Goal generic major alliance pony griffon.png"Seek Allies" also allows Colthage to apologise to the Flag of Kása Free State Kása Free State, as they used to be enslaved by Colthage.

Spoiler end.


Main article: Awards
Another Victory For Zalathel Zarca icon
Another Victory For Zalathel Zarca
As Colthaginian Republic, make sure Zalathel Zarca gets a hug from his sister.
Trade Tycoon icon
Trade Tycoon
As the Colthaginian Republic, have at least 10 trade routes.