Hippogriff events 3

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Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading

This is a partial list Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia's events (

  • hippocommie ids 1 - 741
  • hippogriff_communist ids 1 - 9

from /1826643372/events/Hippogriffia.txt).

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading

Aris First

id 1 - 10


Organizing the Leftist Coalition

Originating out of book clubs and disparate political idealists, our coalition has none of the ideological purity that stricter revolutionaries have managed in the past. Now that we find ourselves in power, the very real differences between the communists, democratic socialists, and anarchists among our coalition become clearer by the day. A power struggle is inevitable.

Despite these differences, there is a lot of goodwill between the factions, which has led to some proposing a sort of pact where each faction guarantees not to suppress the others and to always treat each other as comrades, no matter whose side comes out on top.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal UESR TNO left unity.png “Organize The Left”

Event button.png
No matter who comes to dominate, we're a team!
  • Gain 5% Communism Communist party popularity
  • The different factions of the left have promised to never betray each other (?)

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 8

Event button.png
Our ideology has to stay pure. No guarantees.
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Lose 5% Communism Communist party popularity
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 2


The Opening of the Supreme Workers' Council

General Secretary Posada swam around her tank, letting the microphone she had installed in it carry her voice out to the assembled delegates of the Supreme Workers' Council. She knew the professional thing would be to stay in one spot, and that she should probably be in hippogriff form, but she was simply too giddy to stay still, and she wanted to experience this wonderful day in the form she preferred. Posada began her speech, her hair floating around her head as she gushed to the crowd:

"Comrades of the Supreme Workers' Council, I could not be more pleased to see you all here. Today, we've taken the first step to making our dreams a reality, and have boldly entered a new era. The revolution has truly begun, here in Hippogriffia! And I am honoured to accept the position of General Secretary, and swear to do my duty to the revolution, to bring about a new world from the ashes of the old. As my first act, I would like to call a vote to rename our country to something that better reflects its true purpose and character. When I look around I see not only hippogriffs, but also ponies, seaponies and zebras. I propose that this be the inaugural meeting of the Supreme Workers' Council of Revolutionary North Zebrica, to better reflect our aims and our makeup."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Posadas.png “The Revolution Triumphant”

Event button.png
The delegates raised claws, flippers and hooves, and it was done.


The List

Posada sat in her office with a list of names before her. The material conditions in North Zebrica made it so that the purges necessary for the establishment of Stalliongrad and most other communist states were unnecessary here, but the revolution wouldn't be totally bloodless. The names before her, twelve in all, were the worst of the reactionaries: the imperialists. A small group of warmongers who wanted to go out and conquer other nations and crush their creatures over some ridiculous theory of Hippogriff supremacy or a sheer lust for conquest.

Posada's own body bore the scars of imperialism: her time imprisoned on one of the Storm King's airships had taught her to loathe them, and the writings of Caramel Marks had given her words to express that revulsion. Colonel Razorbeak, Director Solid Stone, all the others: these twelve had wanted to use their positions in the military and government to make Hippogriffia as vile as the Storm King. Posada had already gotten the Supreme Workers' Council's authorization to deal with them, and there would be no half-measures. Next to the orders which would end these twelve lives was a letter, written by her old friend Crack Lightning. They had drifted apart thanks to his involvement with Aris First, but the war hero had written to her as a friend, pleading her to spare them. Posada picked up her pen. Would imprisonment suffice, or would she turn to the bullet?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Listpos.png “A Solution To The Imperialist Problem”

Event button.png
Send them to the firing squad.
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power
  • Lose 20% Supremacy Supremacist party popularity
  • Razorbeak:
    • Retires
  • Hidden effect:
    • Modify country flag posada_sad_level by +1
    • Scripted Effect: HIP_check_posada_sad=yes
Event button.png
Life in prison.
  • Razorbeak:
    • Retires
  • Lose 20% Supremacy Supremacist party popularity
  • Set country flag HIP_razorbeak_in_prison


Communist Parties and Tea Parties

Posada had always preferred to give creatures the benefit of the doubt, but the news of former-princess Skystar joining the communist party was almost too much to believe. She'd invited Skystar to speak with her, and had gotten some tea for the two of them. She paced about her office, checking the clock constantly until, two minutes after the scheduled time, she heard a knock on her door.

Skystar walked in, wearing her communist party uniform with the same dignity with which she wore her old royal garb. Without a word she took a seat in front of Posada's desk, forcing the General Secretary to scurry to her own seat and sit down after her.

"How is the revolution progressing, comrade Posada?" Skystar asked with stiff formality, pouring them each a cup of tea. Posada was flustered, taking a long sip of the mango-flavoured liquid to buy time. While she thought of her response, something cracked in Skystar's expression and she launched into a bubbly series of questions:

"Did I get it right? Cuz like the revolution only started with overthrowing us right, cuz like you need to do so much work to build the new society and all? That's how that works right? We're still in a revolution right?"

Posada spat out her tea. Once she'd finished laughing, she regained some of her composure and answered:

"Well, yes! Yes that's exactly right. No hard feelings about the overthrowing part?"

"Oh, many hard feelings! I was angrier than I've been in... well, ever. But those are in the past, and I've seen what you've been doing. I want to be part of it, if you'll have me."

"Of course we'll have you!" Posada paused, chuckling to herself. "You know, when I was planning the revolution, I never expected I'd end up having a tea party with the princess."

"Wait, did you just make me princess again?"

"N- no, I mean-"

"Well then it's just tea with a comrade, right?"

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Posmon.png “Spare The Monarchy”

Event button.png
Or perhaps a friend.
  • Gain 0.1% Communism Communist party popularity
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “The Fate of the Child King” in 11 days


The Princess Commodore

Splendid news! The former-princess Skystar has found her place among the vanguard of the revolution by joining the revolutionary navy. Already highly respected among her comrades for her passion and diligence, Skystar was elevated to the rank of Commissar-Commodore after a splendid display of bold tactics and clever maneuvering during one of our naval wargames, which ended with her successfully outmaneuvering and "sinking" a carrier battlegroup commanded by far more experienced officers. Although some of the old guard have grumbled at "beginner's luck," the naval high command have granted her the rank of commodore, with the Naval Commissariat co-signing the promotion and making her the first Commissar-Commodore of Revolutionary North Zebrica!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Admiralpos.png “Promote New Admirals”

Event button.png
Congratulations Skystar!
  • Hidden effect:
    • Princess Skystar:
      • Change name to Skystar
  • Princess Skystar becomes a naval commander
  • Princess Skystar becomes a Political Advisor with the following effect:
    • Political Power Gain: −10%
    • Maximum Command Power Increase: +30
    • Daily Compliance Gain: +0.02%


A New Method of Execution

Posada took in the new experimental reactor, savoring the feeling. What she was about to do would finally bring justice to the victims of Chiropterra. Even the other three Lord and Lady Commanders who had escaped her grasp would know true fear.

"You'll appreciate this, Lightning Charm. You're going to see just what discipline can offer! And Lunar Hail, I've heard you're a very faithful pony. Surely you will be grateful for this ultimate test of faith. You held the line well, Stone Palisade. Today you'll get to see if your own resolve is as strong."

"The situation is simple, fillies and gentlecolts. Any of you who renounces your beliefs, and goes on record saying that Nightmareism is evil and all partisans are to stand down immediately - you will receive the kindness of a bullet. Anyone who doesn't will be exposed to the full power of this reactor and die in unimaginable agony. So, who wants to betray everything they ever stood for?"

No one answered. They all glared at her with pure hatred. Finally, Lunar Hail spoke. "Bleed to death, faithless abomination."

"Oh, that reminds me. We don't know the precise effects, but they should be very interesting. I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to contemplate them yourselves while-"

The doors slammed open, and a breathless Skystar rushed in. "You can't do this, Posada! They might be evil... they might be monsters... but nocreature should suffer this kind of torture!"

"The Supreme Workers' Council left their fate up to me, Skystar," Posada replied coolly. "And they're going to get what they deserve."

Skystar dropped to the floor. "Look at them, Posada! They're helpless prisoners. What you're about to do to them is the kind of thing THEY do, not us! Remember about how you spared my family? How you didn't have the capitalists shot? Please, don't become a torturer."

"You feel that strongly about this?" Posada inquired. Skystar nodded, silently pleading.

Posada frowned. She could choose to only have them shot, showing mercy to monsters who didn't deserve it. Or she could go ahead with the plan, and risk losing Skystar as a friend. What would she do?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal HIP phighcommand.png “The Fate Of The High Command”

Event button.png
"It seems my conscience has saved you monsters. A bullet it is."
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
Event button.png
"I'm sorry, Skystar. Their victims must have justice."
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
  • Hidden effect:
    • Modify country flag posada_sad_level by +3
    • Scripted Effect: HIP_check_posada_sad=yes
    • Trigger country event “Medical Report MOONFALL” in 17 days


The Fate of Chiropterra

Posada hadn't slept in almost two days. The presidium had been debating what to do with Chiropterra, with the proposals getting more and more desperate as new facts came to light. Chiropterra was a society engineered from the ground up for a thousand years to be as ruthless as possible, arranged in a vast stratocracy. Given their crimes and the depth of their hatred for their occupiers, incorporating Chiropterra as an ordinary region was out of the question. Whichever option was adopted, it would take generations to uproot the Chiropterran system and ideology. Three proposals lay before the presidium, each sickening in its own way.

The first would represent a concession to absolute evil. There was a dissident Moonspeaker named Dusk Wane who had somehow twisted the Nightmareist faith into something resembling liberation theology. Posada could withdraw the majority of the occupation force and put him in charge, although in order to administer Chiropterra he would have to use much of the old power structure. That meant letting war criminals return to their old jobs and potentially setting up Chiropterra to rise again and exact revenge.

The second proposal meant remaining in the Chiropterran quagmire for generations. The creatures of Chiropterra would be mostly spared death, but the Nightmarist faith would be completely banned. The population of Chiropterra would have to attend reeducation camps, where the next generation would learn of the evils of the Chiropterran system so that they might grow up better than their parents. This was guaranteed to be met with massive resistance and insurgencies, but its proponents argued that the first plan was naive and the third plan monstrous.

The third option was genocide. Justice would be applied in its harshest form, with everyone above the rank of sergeant immediately shot. A blue terror of massive proportions would erase Chiropterra, with those who kept their lives put into permanent reeducation camps. It was horrific, it was bloodier than even the Storm King's methods, but it would finally annihilate one of the most evil nations in the world.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal HIP pbat1.png “The Fate Of Chiropterra”

Event button.png
We'll just have to hope this Dusk Wane is genuine.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “bat.1002”
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Limited to:
      • State is owned by Flag of Chiropterra Chiropterra
      • None of:
        • Is state New South Buckcastle (689)
        • Is state Howling Mountains (690)
        • Is state New Mareidian (691)
        • Is state The Imperial Hills (712)
        • Is state Exile's Landing (713)
        • Is state Huiactlali (815)
    • Remove the core of Flag of Chiropterra Chiropterra
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “A New Faith?” in 2 days

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 10

Event button.png
The occupation will continue and intensify.
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Limited to:
      • Is a core state of Flag of Chiropterra Chiropterra
      • None of:
        • Is state New South Buckcastle (689)
        • Is state Howling Mountains (690)
        • Is state New Mareidian (691)
        • Is state The Imperial Hills (712)
        • Is state Exile's Landing (713)
        • Is state Huiactlali (815)
    • Remove the core of Flag of Chiropterra Chiropterra
  • If:
  • Else:
    • [SCOPE]Every state:
      • Limited to:
      • Resistance: −10%
  • [Scope]The Imperial Hills (712):
    • Rename state to The Revolutionary Hills
  • [Scope]Exile's Landing (713):
    • Rename state to Liberation Shore
  • Rename the province (18477) to Blackwood Hollow
  • Rename the province (18570) to Emancipation City
  • Rename the province (18601) to Freeport
  • Hidden effect:
    • Modify country flag posada_sad_level by +3
    • Scripted Effect: HIP_check_posada_sad=yes
    • Trigger country event “On Their Best Behaviour” in 2 days

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 10

Event button.png
The Chiropterrans have chosen their fate.
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Limited to:
      • Is a core state of Flag of Chiropterra Chiropterra
      • None of:
        • Is state New South Buckcastle (689)
        • Is state Howling Mountains (690)
        • Is state New Mareidian (691)
        • Is state The Imperial Hills (712)
        • Is state Exile's Landing (713)
        • Is state Huiactlali (815)
    • Remove the core of Flag of Chiropterra Chiropterra
  • If:
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability
  • Scripted Effect: save_current_manpower=yes
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
    • Lose Ponypower 50 000 Ponypower
  • [Scope]The Imperial Hills (712):
    • Rename state to The Revolutionary Hills
  • [Scope]Exile's Landing (713):
    • Rename state to Liberation Shore
  • Rename the province (18477) to Blackwood Hollow
  • Rename the province (18570) to Emancipation City
  • Rename the province (18601) to Freeport
  • Scripted Effect: restore_previous_manpower=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: Unlocks the Brutal Oppression occupation law
  • Brutal Oppression has been allowed (?)
  • Custom effect tooltip: The Chiropterran national spirits that boost resistance will be eliminated.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Modify country flag posada_sad_level by +12
    • Scripted Effect: HIP_check_posada_sad=yes
    • Trigger country event “Blue Terror” in 2 days
    • Flag of Chiropterra Chiropterra:
      • Remove the National Spirit Idea NLR fight to death.png “The Bitter Remnant”
      • Remove the National Spirit Idea NLR fight to death.png “All Hooves On Deck”
      • Remove the National Spirit Idea NLR fight to death.png “All Hooves On Deck”
      • Remove the National Spirit Idea NLR fight to death.png “The Bitter Taste Of Defeat”
      • Remove the National Spirit Idea NLR fight to death.png “Hearts And Minds Campaign”
      • Remove the National Spirit Idea NLR fight to death.png “Remember The Empire”
      • Remove the National Spirit Idea NLR fight to death.png “The Nightmare Bless Chiropterra”
      • Remove the National Spirit CES wartime farms.png “The Civil Defence Force”
      • Remove the National Spirit CES wartime farms.png “The Civil Defence Force”
      • Remove the National Spirit CES wartime farms.png “The Civil Defence Force”

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 0


The Fate of Chiropterra's Science

The most nauseating crimes Chiropterra committed were done by their medical science division, the LMRD. Now that this data is in our claws, we have to decide what to do with it. While the methods were monstrous, they advanced medical science years ahead of us, and a group of former Harmonists have persuasively argued that it would be a crime against their victims to burn the information they gathered on Polio, Malaria, and a dozen other diseases which could save so many lives. More controversial are the military applications of their research. While their combat drugs were undeniably effective, many of them were temperamental, and we only have a vague understanding of how they work since so many of their records were destroyed. Adopting these would mean turning our own soldiers into the lab rats of Chiropterra's worst, even from beyond the grave. Still, Terrafin and many others in our own military science division have urged us to put aside these qualms and use these military applications, as doing so would make our troops more effective and almost certainly save lives.

Finally, an even more controversial option has been proposed: Chiropterran scientists advanced medical science immensely, and with the destruction of so many records, much of their data only exists in their heads. Certain technocratic elements have suggested that by offering amnesty to a mere half-dozen of Chiropterra's monsters, we could advance our own medical research dramatically. They would be kept on a tight leash, and obviously we would not let them use their old methods, but there is some appeal to putting these evil minds to work building a better world. Terrafin as well as numerous others have objected to this idea, stating that they do not wish to work with such creatures and that offering them amnesty would sully their entire department.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal HIP pbatsc.png “The Dark Side Of The Moon”

Event button.png
Reuse anything we can apply to the civilian sphere, destroy the rest.
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Electronics bonus) (1 use) towards:
    • Computing technology
Event button.png
Even the military applications could be useful.
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Electronics bonus) (1 use) towards:
    • Computing technology
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Support technology) (2 uses) towards:
    • Field Hospitals
  • Hidden effect:
    • Modify country flag posada_sad_level by +2
    • Scripted Effect: HIP_check_posada_sad=yes
Event button.png
We need to offer amnesty to Chiropterran scientists.
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Electronics bonus) (1 use) towards:
    • Computing technology
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Support technology) (2 uses) towards:
    • Field Hospitals
  • Gets the National Spirit Pos batcode.png “LMRD Scientists Pardoned”
LMRD Scientists Pardoned icon
LMRD Scientists Pardoned
  • Research Speed: +2%
  • Field Hospital Technology Research Speed: +10%
We have offered amnesty to Chiropterran scientists willing to cooperate with us, under heavy supervision.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Modify country flag posada_sad_level by +4
    • Scripted Effect: HIP_check_posada_sad=yes


Project SALVO

One of many pet projects of the Exotic Weaponry Commission, Project SALVO was finally shelved today after half a year of research failed to produce a next-generation conventional assault rifle. Prototypes included triple-barreled rifles, fletchette guns, caseless ammunition, and all manner of other methods to increase rate of fire, all with the goal of creating a rifle that could fire off a burst of three to five rounds before the recoil from the first shot was felt. This comes as a great disappointment to Terrafin, who had hoped that by equipping every single soldier with advanced weaponry, Hippogriffia could inspire its recruits and strike fear into the hearts of reactionaries worldwide.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Project SALVO”

Event button.png
  • Lose Political Power 25 Political Power
  • Set country flag HIP_project_salvo_failed
Event button.png
I don't care how much it costs, restart the program! Flechettes are the future!
  • Gets the National Spirit Idea civilian economy red.png “Major Economic Investment” for 1 year
Major Economic Investment icon
Major Economic Investment
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 10%
  • Research Speed: −10%
An absurd amount of resources are being poured into an experimental project that may not even do anything.
  • Set country flag HIP_chose_flechette
Event button.png
I don't care how much it costs, restart the program! Caseless will prevail!
  • Gets the National Spirit Idea civilian economy red.png “Major Economic Investment” for 1 year
Major Economic Investment icon
Major Economic Investment
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 10%
  • Research Speed: −10%
An absurd amount of resources are being poured into an experimental project that may not even do anything.
  • Set country flag HIP_chose_caseless



Project SHATTER has run into a slight problem: super heavy tanks create tremendous ground pressure, and in amphibious operations we rarely have the stable ground necessary for them not to sink into it. With added weight from snorkels, fully-sealed armor, and an amphibious engine, anything short of the solid basalt of the ocean floor will be unable to support it, making it rather useless for amphibious assaults. Terrafin has suggested that we take the extensive data from the project and apply it to a more traditional super-heavy tank, as without all the extra weight and complexity he could design a good tank, but some within the project insist that the concept is possible. In particular they point to the double-tread idea which performed well in models but has not been rigorously tested and would take extensive redesigning.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Project SHATTER”

Event button.png
Go with Terrafin's idea and abandon the amphibious requirement.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • DLC No Step Back No Step Back is enabled
    • Gain +100% research bonus or 2 years ahead of time penalty reduction (Wonder weapons bonus) (1 use) towards:
      • Basic Super-Heavy Tank Chassis
      • Improved Super-Heavy Tank Chassis
      • Advanced Super-Heavy Tank Chassis
  • Else:
    • Gain +100% research bonus or 2 years ahead of time penalty reduction (Wonder weapons bonus) (1 use) towards:
      • super_heavy_tank
      • super_heavy_tank_a
      • super_heavy_tank_b
  • Set country flag HIP_project_shatter_partially_succeeded
Event button.png
We believe in our scientists! They can do it!
  • Add technology: Waterproof Super-Heavy Tanks
  • Custom effect tooltip: All Super-Heavy Armor:
     Attack: +10%
     Movement: +10%
     Attack: +10%
     Defense: +10%
     Attack: +20%
  • Set country flag HIP_project_shatter_partially_succeeded

id 11 - 20


The Weapon of the Future

Event trigger.png The below descriptions are available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • Country flag HIP_chose_flechette is set
After a dozen failed prototypes, project SALVO has finally borne fruit! The rifle of the revolution will no longer fire lead or steel slugs, but finned sub-calibre darts made of pure tungsten. The new rifle can achieve incredible rates of fire, pierce enchanted griffonian armor, and in larger calibres even punch through light tank armor! Comrade Posada was thrilled to learn that it also had far greater range underwater than any conventional or magical rifle, and has ordered the rollout of the newly-named 'Caramel-pattern Flechette Rifles' to all branches of our infantry. The cost of the ammunition, being made of tungsten and soon perhaps even depleted uranium, would be prohibitive had we not already abolished money!

The following description is used if:

  • Country flag HIP_chose_caseless is set
Caseless ammunition has many benefits, including lightening the load carried by each soldier, but our chemists had difficulty creating a material that would both hold the bullet in place and act as a propellant while not being prohibitively difficult to manufacture.

The solution came from an unexpected source: a chemistry graduate student named Adhamon, who was working as a lab assistant on the project, applied a bit of Zumidian alchemy to the problem and finally created a formula which worked. Terrafin has already named the first working caseless firearm the 'Adhamon Light Machinegun.' Terrafin recommends the new ammunition be rolled out as soon as possible, since it halves the weight of ammunition and turns the weapon into a beautiful closed system with no ejection ports to allow dust in, and no material wasted. Full adoption will take years given the lack of backwards compatibility, but the 'Adhamon' is already proving a hit with troops, especially ammunition carriers.''

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

When the Country Idea civilian economy red.png “Major Economic Investment” is removed

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Country flag HIP_chose_flechette is set
Event button.png
A splendid design.
  • Add technology: Flechette Rifles
  • Custom effect tooltip: All Infantry and Motorized/Mechanized
     Supply Consumption: +0.01
     Attack: +5%
     Defense: +5%
     Attack: +5%
     Defense: +5%
     Attack: +10%
  • Producing Flechette Rifles (?)
  • Gets the Materiel Designer NCR company pile of guns.png “Exotic Weapons Division”
  • Set country flag HIP_project_salvo_succeeded

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Country flag HIP_chose_caseless is set
Event button.png
A splendid design.
  • Add technology: Caseless Rifles
  • Custom effect tooltip: All Infantry and Motorized/Mechanized
     Supply Consumption: -0.01
     Attack: +10%
     Defense: +10%
     Movement: +10%
  • Producing Caseless Rifles (?)
  • Gets the Materiel Designer NCR company pile of guns.png “Exotic Weapons Division”
  • Set country flag HIP_project_salvo_succeeded


The Bomber of the Future

There is no question that [HIP.GetName] requires strategic bombers. Such weapons are, so far, the only method of reliably delivering strategic nuclear weapons, despite the promise of ICBMs continuing to grow. But there are three competing proposals before the General Secretary's desk, and only one can be chosen.

The first proposal, lead by old Air Force generals, suggests strongly incentivizing the growth of strategic bombers through major research grants. These would largely stick to established wisdom and not risk major changes.

The second proposal offers experimental improvements to designs, focused around achieving more lift with bigger bomb bays at a greater range. Terrafin has signed his name to this project, believing it is likely to succeed and will prove highly valuable.

The third proposal argues that enemy interception technology is too advanced and a totally new design is required to stab into the heart of enemy airspace. By flying higher than enemy interceptors can reach at Mach 3, it will be able to deliver nuclear payloads with safety anywhere. This so-called "deep-penetration bomber" would likely prove massively expensive and fuel-hungry, but proponents argue such costs are well worth it.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP air destruction fleet.png “The Strategic Annihilation Air Fleet”

Event button.png
Let's stick to conventional designs.
  • Gain +100% research bonus (Wonder weapons bonus) (3 uses) towards:
    • Heavy aircraft
Event button.png
Surely we can do better than our contemporaries.
  • Add technology: High-Altitude Bombings
  • Custom effect tooltip: Strategic Bombing: +10%

Bomber Defense: +10% Air Range: +10%

Event button.png
We need a deep-penetration bomber!
  • Set country flag HIP_b_70_chosen
  • Unlock the Project STARFIRE decision


Harmonists Form the RWP-H

Following the creation of the RWP-A, several other political factions previously excluded from power have tried to form their own wings of the RWP to legitimize their positions. The most successful of these has been a group of more progressive-minded harmonists, spearheaded by Silverstream, who have petitioned to form a Harmonic Socialist wing of the RWP.

While they supported the monarchy against our revolution, they argue that there is strong compatibility between the ideals of harmony and the aims of communism, citing the works of Karamelka Sladkaya and Vasiliy Wheatin which praise the values of friendship and harmony even while they denounce capitalism for failing to live up to these values. Silverstream in particular spoke of the optimism she shares with Posada's followers, and argues that we should put aside our differences with the harmonists and work together to create a better future for all creatures.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal HIP pharmoni.png “Cooperate With The Harmonists”

Event button.png
Welcome aboard, comrades.
  • Set the Harmony Harmonic party name to (RWP - H) Revolutionary Workers' Party - Harmonist
  • Set country flag RWP_H_formed
  • Silverstream becomes the leader for the Harmonic party.
    • Defender of the Peasantry
      • Political Power Gain: +10%
      • Research Speed: +2%
      • Factory Output: −5%
      • Stability: +5%
      • Civilian intelligence to others: +15%
      • Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: +50


Anarchists form the RWP-A

Today, our anarchist comrades have formalized the merger which had been in talks for months ever since our revolution. Despite disagreeing on a wide variety of issues, the anarchists and communists had been ironclad in their commitment not to devolve into the backstabbery which plagued so many other united leftist fronts, and today it looks like those fears have permanently been put to rest.

The anarchist wing of the RWP has managed to get all but the most hardline of the former anarchist party to sign on, its members pledging to ensure that Posada's dictatorship of the proletariat does not turn into an overbearing, self-serving state and never loses sight of its purpose, which is ultimately a stateless communist society. The RWP-A is also likely to advocate for more moderate foreign policy than Posada's, as they primarily consist of seaponies who still tend to be more isolationist than the fervent internationalists who make up the majority of the RWP, and see far less to gain from military intervention.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP pharmoni.png “Cooperate With The Harmonists”
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP pno.png “No Compromise On Communism”

Event button.png
A promise kept.
  • Gain 5% Neutrality Non-Aligned party popularity
  • Set the Neutrality Non-Aligned party name to (RWP - A) Revolutionary Workers' Party - Anarchist
  • Seapony Schools becomes the leader for the Non-Aligned party.
    • Our Right to Survive
      • Division Defense on core territory: +10%
      • War Support: +10%
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available as Political Advisor:
  • Seapony Schools , which grants
    • Anarchist Zeal
      • Minimum training level: −10%
      • War Support: +10%
      • Daily Support for Unaligned: +0.05
  • Set country flag RWP_A_formed


"National Communists" want to form the RWP-NC

A development has reached us which is making some question the wisdom of allowing heterodox wings within the Revolutionary Worker's Party in the first place. Crack Lightning and a few other former members of Aris First are petitioning to form a so-called "National Communist" wing of the RWP, which would advocate for the strengthening of the state and the protection of Hippogriff national identity against foreign influence.

When questioned, Crack Lightning said that he had come around to support the RWP after seeing our planned economy achieve economic independence and military expansion. While few took the nationalist's word for it, he protested that "Beakolini himself went from being a socialist to being a nationalist, so why can't I do the opposite?"

Even with this alleged conversion, the "National Communists" have voiced their opposition to the mainstream RWP's internationalism, arguing that other races and societies are too backwards to achieve communism in a "civilized manner" as we have. They argue we owe nothing to such inferior civilizations, and should seek to protect ourselves from them rather than "Pursue some romantic dream of international proletarian solidarity."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP pdemocracy.png “Democratic Centralism”
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP pdec.png “Council Communism”

Event button.png
Let them form their wing.
  • Set the Supremacy Supremacist party name to (RWP - NC) Revolutionary Workers' Party - National Communist
  • Crack Lightning becomes the leader for the Supremacist party.
    • The Ace
      • Ace generation chance: +5%
      • Air Superiority: +5%
      • Justify war goal time: −25%
      • Sortie efficiency: +5%
      • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +20%
      • AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: −10%
      • AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: +10%
      • War Penalty Stability Modifier: +10%
  • Crack Lightning:
  • Gain 1% Supremacy Supremacist party popularity
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available as Chief of Airforce:
  • Crack Lightning , which grants
    • The Ace
      • Ace generation chance: +5%
      • Air Experience Gain: @chief_experience_gain_high
      • Air superiority attack: +5%
      • Air superiority defense: +5%
      • Air superiority agility: +5%
      • AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: +10%
      • Daily Supremacy Support: +0.02
  • The RWP-NC has been formed. (?)
Event button.png
This is too far.


Event button.png
Arrest these reactionaries!
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power
  • Hidden effect:
    • Modify country flag posada_sad_level by +1
    • Scripted Effect: HIP_check_posada_sad=yes


An Awkward Moment

It had been a rowdy session at the Supreme Workers' Council, and Posada had been worried that bringing Skystar along to watch was a mistake. She didn't seem to mind however, and was eagerly jotting notes down in her seashell-themed journal as the members argued. When Hard Line got up to speak, Posada knew there would be trouble.

"Esteemed comrades," he began, "We must address a mistake which I believe this body made during the confusion of the early revolution, but which can be corrected if we act swiftly. We can hardly say that we are sweeping aside the old world if we allow not only capitalists but the royalty themselves to swim among us. We allowed rightist temerity to win out that day, and so I move to reopen the issue of Queen Novo, and suggest we follow what every successful revolution has done and have the primary symbol of reaction in Revolutionary North Zebrica executed immediately."

Posada glanced at Skystar, noticing the young commissar had started to cry even as Hard Line was met with boos and hisses by most of the Workers' Council. Posada had to shut this down at once, and addressed him from across the room:

"Comrades, please! Do not boo him, engage with him. Now, remember Caramel Marks said that it is a sign of weakness of a people to hold their enemy at their mercy and not exact revenge."

"Exactly General Secretary, it was a moment of weakness-"

"Wait!" interrupted Posada, "I am so sorry, esteemed comrades, that wasn't Caramel Marks, that was Beakolini." She heard a tiny giggle coming from Skystar, and continued, launching into a tirade at the momentarily dumbstruck Hard Line: "This body already made its decision, and it was in a moment of courage and clarity, not 'rightist cowardice.' The issue is closed. And the next time you propose murdering Comrade Skystar's mother, I would suggest you do it with more tact or we may have to suspend your membership in the Supreme Workers' Council."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Schoolpos.png “The Junior Pioneers”

Event button.png
"Or perhaps you'd wish to join Comrade Chrysalis?"
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power


A New Faith?

When she heard that the Lunar Legions had fallen, former-lieutenant Silver Spike had wanted to head into the hills with her husband Night Eye and wage a holy war of resistance against the communists. A fever had prevented her, and by the time she recovered the blue army had locked down her village. As she returned to her little home, her foals Agave Dew and Guava Drop ran out, babbling something about a radio announcement. She hurried inside to hear whatever bad news was coming.

Silver Spike held her foals tight in her leathery wings as they listened, silently praying that the communists hadn't finally decided to torch their village, or take away her foals, or that she wouldn't be on the next list of 'war criminals' their endless investigations had uncovered. The message she was greeted with was nothing she had expected.

"My friends," came the voice of the infamous radical Moonspeaker Dusk Wane, "It is time for us to leave our mistakes behind us. I have spoken with the communist leaders, and they have agreed to withdraw their forces and provide amnesty for those still fighting in the hills, so long as we accept our crimes and move forward to build a better Chiropterra."

Guava Drop hissed, but Silver Spike shushed him. She'd always been at least slightly sympathetic to Dusk Wane's message, even if he did border on heresy.

"We have been lost, my friends, for a very long time. I have been to old Tzinacatlia; our true faith is one of sharing, and tolerance of difference. Nightmare Moon shelters all, her light shines upon all, but we have been blinded by grief at our defeat and allowed bitterness to twist us for a thousand years. So I implore you, walk with me, walk with the hippogriffs, into a brighter future free of the poison of hatred."

She knew she should be outraged at the blatant heresy, but mostly she just felt relieved that the occupation was going to end and Night Eye would be able to come home. Her foals would grow up in a strange world, but not an intolerable one.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Fate of Chiropterra” option “We'll just have to hope this Dusk Wane is genuine.”

Event button.png
The moon shone a little brighter over Chiropterra.


Event button.png
Let's hear the rest of the sermon...


On Their Best Behaviour

Silver Spike sat at her new dinner table, watching her foals Agave Dew and Guava Drop as they ate. They didn't know, and she wasn't sure how to tell them: her husband Night Eye had been captured after months of fighting in the hills against the communist occupiers, and had been put in an enhanced reeducation camp. He would be reunited with Silver Spike and their foals in their minimum-security facility in eighteen months, conditional on his and their good behavior.

Guava Drop bowed his head and mouthed a thank you to Nightmare Moon for their food, just like Silver Spike had raised him to.
"Stop that," she whispered, "If they see you..."
"But you said," her youngest foal said, "You said as long as we didn't say anything, they wouldn't-"
"They've gotten better at spotting things. We can't ever break the rules, do you understand?"
"Will they punish us?" her older foal asked.
"Yes Guava."
"I can take it!" Guava Drop declared, "Let them punish us!"
"Hush! It's not just us anymore. They got dad. He's alright right now, but we'll only be able to see him again if we're on our best behavior. You want to see dad again, right?"

Her foals nodded. Silver Spike silently cursed herself for becoming an instrument of the communists' ploys to wipe out her faith, and she hoped Nightmare Moon would forgive her. But what else could she do? She swore to her foals that one day they would see Night Eye again, and she had to make good on that promise.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Fate of Chiropterra” option “The occupation will continue and intensify.”

Event button.png
One day, we'll be together again.



Blue Terror

Silver Spike knew what was coming when she heard the knock on her door. She told her foals Guava Drop and Agave Dew to make no noise, said a prayer to Nightmare Moon, and went out to meet the hippogriffs.

"Silver Spike?" one of them asked as she opened the door. There were four of them, all armed, three of them pointing guns at her while the fourth addressed her from behind a clipboard.
"That's me, yes."
"Right. Your husband Night Eye was recently identified in a raid on a terrorist holdout. As you did not come forward with information on him, you are considered an accomplice in his actions, which caused the death of three Blue Army soldiers."
Silently, Silver Spike congratulated her husband. A fever had prevented her from joining him before the communists had locked down their village, but she was proud of him for making these invaders bleed.
"Furthermore," the communist continued, "As a second lieutenant in the Ursa Legion, you are considered complicit in the innumerable crimes of Chiropterra, and are therefore scheduled for liquidation."

Silver Spike stiffened. She knew death would come for her, and was ready to face it with dignity. Then she heard Guava Drop whimpering, and glanced behind her to see that her foals had disobeyed her and come out of hiding. All of her strength vanished.

"What about my foals?" she whispered to the hippogriffs, "Will they be taken care of? Will they be alright?"
"If they behave."
Silver Spike nodded, and kneeled down to talk to her foals one last time.
"You be good, okay?" she said, "Agave, you watch after your brother. Do whatever the hippogriffs tell you to, and... don't look for me."

Silver Spike turned to face the hippogriffs, and followed them out into the woods around her village.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Fate of Chiropterra” option “The Chiropterrans have chosen their fate.”

Event button.png
One less Lunarist.



DU Is For You!

The Army Procurement Office has begun rolling out Depleted Uranium ammunition for our armor piercing weapons, with plans to roll out DU plating on our heaviest vehicles as soon as we can get them retrofitted. Several commissars have been asked by their troops to speak to the higher-ups about DU, as much of the rank-and-file are still uncomfortable with handling gear that sets off Neighger counters. Although many troops in anti-tank detachments have expressed amazement at the performance of the new ammunition, we will probably have to think of a better way of addressing their concerns than telling them "It's only a little bit of radiation."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP widespred du.png “Widespread DU Weapons”

Event button.png
Is this stuff safe? Oh well, it works.
  • Add technology: Depleted Uranium Armor & Ammunition
  • Custom effect tooltip: All Tanks & Armor Variants
     Armor: +10%

All Anti-Tank

     Piercing: +10%
Capital Ship Armor      +10%

id 21 - 30



Project FALLOUT has yielded a successful test. From now on, our skies will be protected by nuclear weapons, which will make dealing with enemy bomber wings far simpler. The use of air-to-air nuclear rockets does distress many of our pilots, and it is not without its drawbacks: the extreme caution needed in deploying such a weapon makes them all but useless in dogfights with other fighter craft, as the weapon must be set to detonate at a predetermined distance a long range away from the fighter, allowing an agile enemy to change direction easily.

The added weight of the nuclear missile also strains our fighter engines, reducing their speed and agility. Still, the enemy's "flying fortresses" can now be shot down en masse by even our smaller fighter craft, so the tradeoff is easily worth it in the eyes of airforce command.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Project FALLOUT”

Event button.png
The reactionaries won't like this one!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • DLC By Blood Alone By Blood Alone is enabled
    • Add technology: Unguided Nuclear Air-to-Air Rockets
  • Else:
    • Add technology: Unguided Nuclear Air-to-Air Rockets
    • Custom effect tooltip: Fighter & Heavy Fighter
     Air Attack: +10%
     Reliability: -10%
  • Custom effect tooltip: This will cost 1 Nuclear Bomb every month.
  • Set country flag HIP_project_fallout_partially_succeeded



Project BOTTOMFEEDER has been declared a success. Terrafin reports that these new nuclear depth charges are powerful enough to obliterate any submarine out to a huge radius, even if the target changes depth. This has the potential to revolutionize our anti-submarine warfare, but Terrafin has cautioned against a general rollout. The charges are so powerful that they pose a threat to the destroyers launching them, leading many within the navy including Skystar to suggest they only be deployed via naval bomber, to remove the chance of sinking our own ships.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Project BOTTOMFEEDER”

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
This is too dangerous. Stick to bombers.
  • Add technology: Air-Dropped Nuclear Depth Charges
  • Custom effect tooltip: All Planes:
     Naval Attack: +10%
  • Custom effect tooltip: This will cost 1 Nuclear Bomb every month.
  • Set country flag HIP_project_bottomfeeder_succeeded

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • DLC Man the Guns Man the Guns is enabled
Event button.png
Just follow the instructions and you'll be fine!
  • Add technology: Nuclear Depth Charges
  • Custom effect tooltip: All Planes:
     Naval Attack: +10%

Unlocks the Variable-Yield Nuclear Depth Charges module

  • Custom effect tooltip: This will cost 1 Nuclear Bomb every month.
  • Set country flag HIP_project_bottomfeeder_succeeded

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • DLC Man the Guns Man the Guns is enabled
Event button.png
Just follow the instructions and you'll be fine!
  • Add technology: Nuclear Depth Charges
  • Custom effect tooltip: All Planes:
     Naval Attack: +10%


     Depth charges: +20
     Reliability: -10%
  • Custom effect tooltip: This will cost 1 Nuclear Bomb every month.
  • Set country flag HIP_project_bottomfeeder_succeeded



Comrade Terrafin is pleased to report that Project TATZLWURM is a complete success. Nuclear demolition charges are powerful enough to collapse skyscrapers and light enough to be carried in a backpack. These are useful as a specialist tool for our infantry's defensive and breakthrough operations, improving urban combat potential and generally bettering our readiness. However, their greatest use has been found in our combat engineering corps. We look forward to further developments in the nuclear battlefield.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Project TATZLWURM”

Event button.png
The earth shakes at our will!
  • Add technology: Atomic Demolition Munitions
  • Custom effect tooltip: Entrenchment Speed: +5%


     Attack: +10%
     Defense: +10%

All Infantry and Motorized/Mechanized

     Defense: +5%
     Breakthrough: +5%
  • Custom effect tooltip: This will cost 1 Nuclear Bomb every month.
  • Set country flag HIP_project_tatzlwurm_succeeded



Project BARNACLE has been declared a success: we have produced a small batch of nuclear-equipped naval mines, to be distributed to our minelaying ships over the next month. Needless to say, these mines carry an enormous payload capable of sinking any ship which sets one off, although the radiation signature from the uranium core of each mine will make them easier to detect. Combined with their immense cost, the majority of our mines will still use conventional payloads, but even a few of these will give our enemies pause before approaching our waters.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Project BARNACLE”

Event button.png
Every ship sunk with a mine is a sailor's life saved!
  • Add technology: Nuclear Naval Mines
  • Custom effect tooltip: Naval Mines Damage: +20%
  • Custom effect tooltip: This will cost 1 Nuclear Bomb every month.
  • Set country flag HIP_project_barnacle_succeeded



Terrafin reports success! Project BARRACUDA has borne fruit: a workable prototype of nuclear-armed torpedoes, ready for rollout to our submarines and destroyers. The immense payload makes it practically a guaranteed-kill if a direct hit can be achieved, although the prohibitive cost and danger in actually deploying such a weapon in combat situation mean it is likely to see only limited use. Still, this terrifying new weapon will give us a major advantage in trade interdiction and naval engagements.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Project BARRACUDA”

Event button.png
No convoy shall be safe!
  • Add technology: Nuclear Torpedos
  • Custom effect tooltip: Torpedo Screen Penetration: +25%
  • Custom effect tooltip: This will cost 1 Nuclear Bomb every month.
  • Set country flag HIP_project_barracuda_succeeded


Hippogriffia Calls Dark Wing a Traitor!

Although the Supreme Soviet of Stalliongrad has responded to our doctrine of National Communism with thunderous applause, our erstwhile comrades in Revolutionary North Zebrica have not been so kind. In an uncharacteristically-short fifty-page diatribe, General Secretary Posada has denounced us as "fascists in red" and has torn apart every axiom of our ideology as an anti-Marksist opportunistic betrayal of everything Stalliongrad stands for, from our nationalism to the cult of personality to our economic plans. Supreme Leader Dark Wing chuckled upon reading it, and declined to send a response, quipping:

"Posada's juvenile ultras are irrelevant, as are their words."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP stgfrens.png “Friends In Stalliongrad”

Event button.png
She'll get hers.



Hippogriffia Denounces Us as Weak!

General Secretary Posada of Revolutionary North Zebrica denounced us today in front of their Supreme Soviet, declaring that by joining with Equestria we had "destroyed Stalliongrad," and accusing our government of being counterrevolutionary cowards. General Secretary Dark Wing was incensed to hear the news, angrily stating that this was exactly the kind of ultraleft extremism which inspired the terrorist actions of Red Dawn.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP stgfrens.png “Friends In Stalliongrad”

Event button.png



Hippogriffia Approaches for Closer Relations

Event trigger.png The below descriptions are available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • Has leader “STG_vasiliy_wheatin”
We have received a diplomatic communique from General Secretary Posada of Revolutionary North Zebrica. She has praised General Secretary Vasiliy for "overcoming the factionalism which has plagued Stalliongrad" and offered to expand and deepen cooperation between our nations.

Posada's communique also contained several dozen pages worth of criticisms on the finer points of our policy, particularly Vasiliy's allegedly-timid foreign policy and the doctrine of Socialism In One Country, but the main body of the text is supportive, and she has offered material support to "our closest comrades on the continent of Equus."

The following description is used if:

  • Has leader “STG_sinister_serov”
We have received a diplomatic communique from General Secretary Posada of Revolutionary North Zebrica. She has praised General Secretary Sinister for "overcoming the factionalism which has plagued Stalliongrad" and offered to expand and deepen cooperation between our nations.

Posada's communique also contained several dozen pages worth of criticisms on the finer points of our policy, particularly Sinister's allegedly-rightist policy of limited markets, but the main body of the text is supportive, and she has offered material support to "our closest comrades on the continent of Equus."''

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP stgfrens.png “Friends In Stalliongrad”

Event button.png
Of course, the revolution shall burn forever!



An Insult from Hippogriffia

President Sickleclaw has received a heated letter--although in sheer length it is closer to a novella--from General Secretary Posada of "Revolutionary North Zebrica," otherwise known as Hippogriffia. In it she rants about "betraying the revolution" and other drivel, accusing Sickleclaw of "Becoming worse than Kemerskai" and then descending into unending Marksist sloganeering and academic-sounding jargon. That any creature could have chosen such a tempestuous bookworm to lead a nation is perhaps the most surprising part of this fiasco.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP skyfrens.png “Friends In Skynavia”

Event button.png
Socialism is infantile.



Hippogriffia Approaches for Closer Relations

General Secretary Posada of Revolutionary North Zebrica has sent us a manifesto-length diplomatic communique, praising Skynavia as a "shining beacon for all revolutionaries" and praising nearly every aspect of our system. While the first half is full of unconditional adoration for Skynavia as a whole, the second half has quickly become a rallying cry for the internationalist wing of the General Congress, particularly the passage: "We must fight until the establishment of the universal dictatorship of the proletariat, since the world bourgeoisie will not permit a socialist island to live in peace." Despite the partisan message, the communique has been well received, and the Congress is expected to accept her offer of deepened military and economic cooperation.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP skyfrens.png “Friends In Skynavia”

Event button.png
The revolution is international in nature!


id 31 - 40


Hippogriffia Critically Supports Us

General Secretary Posada of Revolutionary North Zebrica has sent us a seventy-page diplomatic communique congratulating us on our progress towards creating a communist society and on advancing the cause of the international proletariat. While much of the notoriously-verbose seapony's letter consists of vocal criticisms of certain policy points, the overall assessment is one of "critical support," and she dismisses our fiercer critics as groundless. Ultimately, she offers her congratulations to [FROM.GetName] for furthering the international communist cause, and suggests closer cooperation between our countries in the future.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP frensworldwide.png “Friends Worldwide”

Event button.png
We salute our Hippogriff comrades!
  • Gains opinion modifier “Common Cause” (Opinion +50 opinion) towards Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
  • Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia gains opinion modifier “Common Cause” (Opinion +50 opinion) towards this country


The Multi-Stage Weapon

Posada listened carefully as the scientists explained the proposed design. While still a purely theoretical notion, the science behind it was sound. A two-stage weapon, using the heat and pressure created in a nuclear fission to produce nuclear fusion. In both complexity and blast yield, this "thermonuclear device" would make the crystal-atomic bomb look like a firecracker.

Posada's eyes fixed on the labcoated seapony at that.
"So you're telling me, it would take years to get this right. We'd have to pour as much effort into this, if not more, than making the first nuclear weapons."
"Yes, madam General Secretary."
"But you think it'll work? A fusion bomb, within this decade?"
"According to our most current understanding of atomic physics, under the right circumstances a fission bomb can trigger a fusion reaction. And the energy released would be... vastly greater than anything we have now. We could very well see yields exceeding a megaton."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP multi deto.png “Multistage Detonations”

Event button.png
Over a megaton!?



The Sunset Atoll Test

Until it went off, nopony there could quite bring themselves to believe it would work. Even when the countdown reached zero, they still privately wondered if their great work had been a pipe dream, or if the gods would somehow stop them from wielding such power. Then, the fireball.

A hemisphere of impossibly-bright light, expanding outward into the sky and dwarfing the sun itself. It engulfed Sunset Atoll, the ocean around it, and kept expanding until it finally faded in on itself, distortions on its surface becoming visible as darker spots as it reached its maximum size. The mushroom cloud which came next broke through the clouds, the gas and debris flying up high into the atmosphere.

The yield was exactly as predicted: 10.06 megatons. Over 300 times the yield of a conventional implosion bomb. The scientists, watching from many miles away in a rad-shielded bunker, shared their drinks in silence.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP nukefish.png “The Sunset Atoll Test”

Event button.png
By the stars...
  • Custom effect tooltip: Anyone we are at war with will suffer the Sunset Atoll Terror national spirit, weakening their will to fight.
  • [SCOPE]Every other country:
    • Limited to:
    • Gets the National Spirit HIP sunset atoll idea.png “Sunset Atoll Terror”
Sunset Atoll Terror icon
Sunset Atoll Terror
  • War Penalty Stability Modifier: −10%
  • Surrender Limit: −5%
  • War Support: −10%
Researching the Thermonuclear Experiments tech will remove this National Spirit.

The Sunset Atoll test looms large in our leaders' minds. We are at war with an enemy who wields previously unimaginable destructive power, and we are years behind even understanding their technology. There is no telling when they could unleash it, and many within our high command are whispering that an early surrender might be our only hope of survival.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger news event “Thermonuclear Detonation On Sunset Atoll” in 1 day
    • Trigger country event “Discovery of Elements 99 and 100” in 10 days



Despite being plagued by setbacks, project TANKBUSTER has produced a working prototype of a new generation of artillery. For the first time, our rocket artillery units will be able to deploy the unmatched firepower of nuclear warheads. The limited number of these weapons, combined with the inherent contradiction between the strategic nature of nuclear weapons and the rapidly-changing nature of ground warfare, means that actual combat deployment of these weapons will be rare. This is compounded by the appallingly-poor accuracy of the design, which is inaccurate and short-ranged even compared to standard rocket artillery. Still, the mere existence of this weapon will give enemies pause, as any enemy armored detachment which crosses open ground exposes itself to being vaporized or else irradiated even through the best armor, and it could also potentially prove useful against static fortifications.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Project TANKBUSTER”

Event button.png
Not as useful as we'd hoped, but a valuable advantage.
  • Add technology: Nuclear Rocket Artillery
  • Custom effect tooltip: This will cost 1 Nuclear Bomb every month.
  • Set country flag HIP_project_tankbuster_partially_succeeded


The Department of Extranormal Affairs

"Thank you all for attending the opening meeting of the Department of Extranormal Affairs," Posada began. "I know that the premise I put forth is eccentric."

"Eccentric?" a reporter called out. "That's putting it mildly. You're talking about UFOs! Psionic mind control! Ancient civilizations with advanced magic and technology! Alien species bioengineering our planet, for An's sake!"

"Yes, I am," Posada affirmed, confidence growing in her voice. "And this exact reaction is why such avenues of truth have been largely unexplored. There's so much out there--so much more to what we call life than anycreature can imagine."

"And you know this how? From visions? Messages from the gods?"

"No," Posada answered curtly. "That may have been what sent me down this path, but the reason I stayed on it was because my rational thought has come to the conclusion that there really is something to all of this. Look at the evidence for UFOs. Look at the evidence for advanced technology used to build the pyramids of Maregypt. Look at the evidence for rare psionic talent. Look at the evidence for life-seeding. Consider all of it, taken together, as one!"

"What evidence?!" the reporter demanded. "The visions in your head?"

Posada smiled bemusedly. "That's why we're here. To find and share that evidence for all to see. I will start by letting the esteemed Doctor Blue Beam discuss flying saucers. To the workers of the galaxy!"

The professor flew up to the stage with a grin. "Alright. Let's begin with the phenomenon of foo fighters, observed by our very own fighter pilots."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP searchalien.png “Investigate The Esoteric”

Event button.png
Let's hope this isn't a gigantic waste of time and money.
  • Gets the National Spirit Pos alienstudy.png “The Department of Extranormal Affairs”
The Department of Extranormal Affairs icon
The Department of Extranormal Affairs
  • Research Speed: +2%
The Department of Extranormal Affairs is devoted to uncovering the secrets of the world, and is not afraid to delve into discredited, dubious fields.


Choosing an Anthem

The Supreme Workers' Council debated several proposed options for a new national anthem for Revolutionary North Zebrica. While Posada vigorously argued for The Internationale, which she said reflected the dreams of liberation for every worker, two other songs garnered substantial approval among the delegates.

The first, the aggressive "The People's War," had a substantial appeal among the more militaristic elements of the RWP, and its upbeat and bombastic rhythm has made it a favourite among many hippogriffs outside the party. It is also a new song, composed in Hippogriffia itself as part of the new musical movements which have sprung up after our revolution, as opposed to the Internationale which is more of a classic.

The other proposal is called "Fourteen minutes to launch," and reflects the dreams of spaceflight which have gripped many of the younger and more technologically-minded communists. With that said, others have dismissed it as effectively putting the entire nation's hopes on technocratic cliques, as ultimately only a very few will be involved in any space program, and it is still an open question whether one will ever succeed.

The debate raged well into the night, but in the end, the Supreme Workers' Council came to a decision.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Musicpos.png “The Communists Have The Music”

Event button.png
The Internationale will unite all creaturekind.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Arise ye prisoners of starvation, arise ye wretched of the earth

For justice thunders condemnation, a better world's in birth!

  • Gain 2.5% Communism Communist party popularity
Event button.png
The People's War will inspire our soldiers!
  • Custom effect tooltip: And noble anger leads us, to victory over the fascist scum!

Arise, our mighty land, arise for People's War!

  • Gain 2.5% War support War Support
Event button.png
Fourteen Minutes to Launch, to announce our dreams of the stars.
  • Custom effect tooltip: So let us sing together, we still have fourteen minutes

Before we start the engines and leave the world behind.

  • Modify the National Spirit Pos music.png “Communist Music”
Communist Music icon
Communist Music
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Division Attack on core territory: +5%
  • Compliance Growth Speed: +10%
  • Rocket Research Speed: +5%
The communist revolution has inspired a new artistic movement celebrating the worker and the bright future we are building.
Event button.png
The Supreme Workers' Council deadlocks, and the pre-revolutionary anthem remains.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Gods save our grateful People!

Long live our noble People! Gods save the People!

  • Gain 2.5% Stability Stability


Medical Report MOONFALL

Author: Doctor XXXXXXXXXX

Date: [GetDate]

Summary: The Lord Commanders were afflicted with roughly eleven thousand roentgens. After initial burns (treated by washing the affected areas with water) and cellular trauma, a recovery seemed imminent, as symptoms softened. 24 hours after dosage, the Lord Commanders conversed, with Lunar Hail mocking [HIP.GetName]'s pathetic torture department.
Over the next 48 hours, cellular damage progressed as cells died but could not be replaced. Samples taken indicated the DNA had been nearly completely destroyed.
Across the next week, further symptoms manifested, and those already present continued to worsen (see pages 68-88 for full details). 107 hours after dosage, a nurse attempted to murder the Lord Commanders, but was stopped by orderlies. He was quoted as saying, "This is monstrous. It's disgusting. Why are we keeping these poor people alive? Do you pretend not to hear them begging for us to kill them?"
In the final week, cellular and internal damage became catastrophic to a level never seen before in any patient in the literature. The full list of symptoms recorded is relegated to the appendix.
Conclusion: Acute radiation syndrome is a horrific death. I hope we never have to treat victims afflicted with it again. Should we need to, gods forbid, we have hopefully learned at least a little here.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A New Method of Execution” option “"I'm sorry, Skystar. Their victims must have justice."”

Event button.png
Personal note: You make me sick, General Secretary.
  • Gain +25% research bonus (Wonder weapons bonus) (1 use) towards:
    • Field Hospitals


For Justice Thunders Condemnation

Posada lay down on the hot sand of the remote, uninhabited island. It warmed her to her core, making her think of the times everything had looked so much brighter. Before she'd had to do so many awful things.

Had she really? She'd always told herself that, but now there was that terrible nagging feeling that maybe this could have been avoided. That if she'd been a better person, a stronger person, she could have threaded the needle and saved the world from reaction without killing so many.

Her claw hovered over the radio receiver. She knew what she had to do, but it was never easy to admit you were wrong. Even if you'd spent years wishing you could. Finally, she pressed it.

"People of Revolutionary North Zebrica," she said slowly, "it's time that you hear what I've been saying to myself for years. I started on the path to communism because of the cruelties I suffered at the hands of the Storm King. I declared war on supremacist after supremacist, hoping to stamp out ideas like this, so that nocreature would ever have to be hurt because of imperialist ambitions again. But along the way, I lost myself. I became like the monsters I was fighting."

She looked up at the azure sky. The plane would be here any moment, and she had to say her part.

"Don't emulate me. Don't consider me a hero. What I did was a terrible atrocity that may not even have been justified. And even if it was, it certainly shouldn't be upheld as a paragon of praxis. It was a desperate measure, not a proud example."

Posada heard the telltale buzzing of strategic engines, getting steadily louder. In truth, it was a relief to know that she would not escape the workers' justice.

"Please, be better than I was. Don't make my mistakes. Goodbye, comrades."

With a brilliant, beautiful light, like a new star being born, she saw no more.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Selecting the national focus Goal HIP prnz.png “Revolutionary North Zebrica Rises!”

Event button.png
A better world's in birth...
  • Kill the current country leader
  • add_nuclear_bombs = -1
  • Hidden effect:
    • scoped_sound_effect = "nuke_01"
  • Supreme Workers' Council becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Provisional Government
      • Generate war goal tension limit: +100%
      • Join faction tension limit: +100%
      • Lend-lease tension limit: +100%
      • Send volunteers tension limit: +100%
      • Guarantee tension limit: +100%
      • Justify war goal time: +100%


The True Gift of Gifting

Posada couldn't imagine a more perfect scene. The soft sand of the beach cradled her back comfortably. The air was cool, but the warmth coming off the water made it feel just right. The night sky was crystal clear, providing a dazzling view of the distant stars. And for the first time in a long time, she had someone to share it with.

"See that constellation? It's a dog."
"Really?" Skystar asked excitedly.
"Yep. See, there's the head and there's the tail."
"Ohhh." Skystar scratched her head, "It looks kinda like a bird to me."

Posada giggled. "I can see that, sort of. It doesn't really matter, the stars are beautiful either way."
"They sure are." Skystar replied, smiling. "I'm glad I got to experience them with you."

Posada turned to look at Skystar, but was surprised to find the former princess already looking at her.

"I want to thank you..." Skystar began, struggling to find the right words.
"Thank me?"
"Yes! You've been an amazing leader, always standing strong and staying true to your ideals," she paused again. "And you've been a great friend too."

Posada blushed furiously. "Th... Thanks," she stammered, "that really means a lot."

"I made something for you," Skystar continued, holding up a shell necklace.
Posada's eyes widened as she admired the shells, which shimmered in the dim light.

"Do you like it?"
"Yes, it's beautiful!" Posada felt her heart skip a beat. "Thank you so much!"

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Selecting the national focus Goal HIP prnz.png “Revolutionary North Zebrica Rises!”

Event button.png
"I'll treasure it for the rest of my life!"
  • Hidden effect:
    • Posada:
      • set_leader_description = HIP_POSADA_GOODEND_DESC


The New General Secretary

Posada's death has thrown [HIP.GetName] into chaos. The Revolutionary Workers' Party, once united behind the General Secretary and her ideals, is being torn apart by factional disputes. Our armed forces are also fracturing, with the doctrines and occupation tactics introduced by Posada facing intense criticism. Worst of all, the people's faith in our government and in communism has been completely shattered.

These problems are being compounded by the departure of several leading party members. Posada's decision to take her own life has caused all of her closest friends and colleagues severe emotional distress. Starry Eyes has already announced her retirement from government service, and many others are expected to follow suit. This has created a power struggle within the Supreme Workers' Council at the worst possible time.

The power vacuum is being filled by a variety of new leaders. Creatures whose beliefs were once considered heterodox are now gaining traction inside the party and among the people. Each of them has wildly different ideas about the root of the problems facing us and the solutions we should pursue.

With the crisis deepening, the Supreme Workers' Council will have to make a decision soon. The new General Secretary shall be...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP soldiering on.png “Soldiering On”

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
The Scientist, Terrafin.
  • Terrafin becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Technocrat
      • Research Speed: +5%
      • Civilian Factory construction speed: +5%
  • Set country flag HIP_gensec_terrafin
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Has completed national focus HIP our hero.png “Our Eternal Hero”
Event button.png
The Fanatic, Hard Line.
  • Hard Line becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Ruthless Anti-Revisionist
      • Weekly Ponypower: −200
      • Monthly Population: −20%
      • Daily Supremacy Support: −0.2
      • Daily Support for Unaligned: −0.2
      • Daily Harmony Support: −0.2
  • Hidden effect:
    • Set cosmetic tag to HIP_hardline
  • Set country flag HIP_gensec_hard
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Has completed national focus HIP adm monster.png “An Admitted Monster”
Event button.png
The Moderate, Skybolt Spear.
  • Skybolt Spear becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Great War Hero
      • Division Attack on core territory: +20%
      • Division Defense on core territory: +20%
      • Stability: +5%
      • War Support: +5%
  • Set country flag HIP_gensec_skybolt
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Has completed national focus HIP our hero.png “Our Eternal Hero”
  • The RWP-NC has been formed. (?)
Event button.png
The Nationalist, Crack Lightning.
  • Crack Lightning becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Supremacist Sympathies
      • Acceptance of Supremacist Diplomacy: +70
    • The Ace
      • Ace generation chance: +5%
      • Air Superiority: +5%
      • Justify war goal time: −25%
      • Sortie efficiency: +5%
      • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +20%
      • AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: −10%
      • AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: +10%
      • War Penalty Stability Modifier: +10%
  • Set country flag HIP_gensec_crack
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
  • Trigger country event “The Memorial” in 1 day

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Has completed national focus HIP adm monster.png “An Admitted Monster”
  • Country flag RWP_H_formed is set
Event button.png
The Reformer, Silverstream.
  • Silverstream becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Defender of the Peasantry
      • Political Power Gain: +10%
      • Research Speed: +2%
      • Factory Output: −5%
      • Stability: +5%
      • Civilian intelligence to others: +15%
      • Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: +50
  • Set country flag HIP_gensec_silverstream
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
  • Trigger country event “Giving Gallus a Tour” in 1 day

id 41 - 50


[HIP.GetName] Demands Unconditional Surrender

General Secretary Posada has sent a letter to our government, stating in no uncertain terms that the Hippogriffs intend to annex us into their nation. Denouncing our government as "reactionary and capitalistic," she has threatened an immediate military invasion unless we surrender. "We have no desire to spill blood against our neighbors," the letter reads, "but we refuse to let the proletariat of Warzena suffer any longer, and will liberate them by force if necessary."

What is the decision of our ruler?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Thoriumpos.png “War Plan Thorium”

Event button.png
We cannot hope to resist them...
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Limited to:
      • Is a core state of our country
    • Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia gains a core on this state
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
  • Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia:
    • Annex our country (troops transferred)
  • Custom effect tooltip: The game will end for you.

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 20

Event button.png
We will not be cowed by communist imperialists!

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 80


DEA Report on Foo Fighters

Author: Dr. Blue Beam

Date: [GetDate]

Summary: The phenomenon known as 'foo fighters' are in fact breezies, not extraterrestrials! They are sometimes endangered by fighters, and sometimes ride along with them to expedite travel. Now that we are aware of our breezie comrades, the Supreme Workers' Council has reached out to them with offers of an alliance.

While such an agreement is outside the Department's oversight, we tentatively say that such a deal would be greatly beneficial to both parties. Our breezie comrades would be able to alert us when they see enemy planes incoming, and we'd be able to assist them technologically and economically, as well as naturally avoid hurting them or disrupting their migration routes.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP message stars.png “Finding Foo Fighters”

Event button.png
To ALL the workers of the world!
  • Modify the National Spirit Pos alienstudy.png “The Department of Extranormal Affairs”
The Department of Extranormal Affairs icon
The Department of Extranormal Affairs
  • Air Detection: +10%
  • Research Speed: +2%
The Department of Extranormal Affairs is devoted to uncovering the secrets of the world, and is not afraid to delve into discredited, dubious fields.


The Anarchist General Secretary

The party bureaucrats couldn't sit still as they awaited the arrival of their new General Secretary. When he finally showed up 30 minutes late, they stared at him with a mixture of curiosity and fear.

Sponge Sluice was Posada's opposite in many ways. She had always worn a pristine party uniform, yet he was dressed in unkempt street clothes. She was full of righteous fury and passion, but he seemed calm and laid-back. Most strikingly of all, Posada's last days in power had seen her wracked with self-doubt, but Sponge Sluice seemed supremely confident.

As the new General Secretary strolled into Posada's office, he casually knocked a stack of papers onto the floor and sat on the desk. One of the bureaucrats nervously approached him.

"Excuse me, General Secretary-"
"Bah!" he exclaimed, "Enough with titles! Call me Sponge."
"Well, Sponge," she continued, "Posada was working on an economic recovery plan, and-"
"Ah, the economy! From now on, all economic decisions will be made by local workers' councils."
As the bureaucrat fell silent, another approached. "What about rebuilding the military, to defend ourselves from the reactionaries?"
"Defense is a very important issue, but military affairs will also be handled by the local workers' councils."
A third bureaucrat tried their luck. "How about... we hold a nationwide celebration in honor of our new General Secretary?"
Sponge laughed. "I'm flattered, but I think planning for events like that is best left to the local workers' councils."

Silence filled the room. One of the bureaucrats finally asked, "Then what are we supposed to do?"

A wild grin spread across Sponge's face. "Get out of here! Don't waste your lives doing boring office work, go on an adventure! But most of all, do whatever you want!"

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Focus generic anarchism.png “An Anarchist General Secretary”

Event button.png
Finally, true freedom.
  • Scripted Effect: HIP_remove_all_posadist_ideas=yes
  • Set the Communism Communist party name to (PCCCA - L) Post-Civilization Coalition of Communities, Anarchist - Left
  • Set the Neutrality Non-Aligned party name to (PCCCA - R) Post-Civilization Coalition of Communities, Anarchist - Right
  • Seapony Schools becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Our Right to Survive
      • Division Defense on core territory: +10%
      • War Support: +10%
  • Seapony Schools becomes the leader for the Non-Aligned party.
    • Our Right to Survive
      • Division Defense on core territory: +10%
      • War Support: +10%
  • Anarchists in Power (?)
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
  • Changes the national focus tree to HIP_anarchist_tree
  • Hidden effect:
    • Delete template “Last Warband” and delete all units created from this template
    • Clear country flag HIP_has_last_warband


DEA Report on the Pyramids

Author: Professor Ball Lightning

Date: [GetDate]

Summary: The official story of mainstream archaeologists is that the pyramids of Maregypt and Re'em were built with nothing beyond a hammer and chisel. The official story further claims some pyramids were built in as little as 20 years. We do not mean to downplay the magnificence of the builders of the pyramids, nor their tremendous accomplishments. The pyramids are astonishing wonders of the world.

However, these structures would be difficult to build today with modern tools. We therefore see two primary possibilities:

1) The pyramids were built with advanced technology and magic, at least as powerful and sophisticated as what we have today.

2) That an ancient conspiracy dating back to the first pyramids of Re'em and Maregypt has secretly existed across all of history, organized by the greatest builders of each generation, to design and construct these wonders.

The Department deems the first possibility far more likely.

As an addendum, we further question how the ancient Maregyptians and Re'emites came to possess such advanced tools, and how that knowledge was lost. Is it possible that advanced civilizations have existed for far longer than we previously thought? Or perhaps these ancient peoples were assisted by some external force? Who can say? Until the Supreme Workers' Council approves research into necromancy, the truth will remain buried in the tombs of the ancients.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP pyramids.png “Delve Into The Past”

Event button.png
We have much to learn from our ancestors.
  • Modify the National Spirit Pos alienstudy.png “The Department of Extranormal Affairs”
The Department of Extranormal Affairs icon
The Department of Extranormal Affairs
  • Air Detection: +10%
  • Naval Detection: +10%
  • Construction Speed: +5%
  • Research Speed: +2%
  • Factory Repair Speed: +5%
The Department of Extranormal Affairs is devoted to uncovering the secrets of the world, and is not afraid to delve into discredited, dubious fields.


A Fond Farewell

Posada took one last look out at the Aquilan harbor before retiring to bed. It had been a magical week, but unfortunately she had to return to her duties at home. Still, she would never forget Aquila's sights and splendors, and she intended to keep her promise to her guide to write to him as soon as she returned to Seaquestria.

While her official business had been to foster ties between Revolutionary North Zebrica and their comrades on Griffonia, she had spent most of her time not with the dull president of the Aquileian Republic but with one of his associates: the delightfully-mad Victor Allard. Victor had shown her all around the city, and they'd stayed into the small hours every night discussing their dreams, ambitions, and the peculiar kinds of Marksist theories they each subscribed to. Victor was one of the few creatures Posada had met who could keep up with her on that front. Whether dining at one of the many fine restaurants in Aquila, wandering the parks and boulevards of the capital or in Victor's living room, there was never a dull moment with him.

Posada chuckled at the crazy request she'd made on her last day in Aquila, asking him to come with her to North Zebrica. "Your zeal is wasted here!" she'd exclaimed, "The rest of the PAT are so boring; you'd fit in so much better in North Zebrica. We could really use somegriff with a mind like yours!"
He'd just given that sardonic grin she'd grown to enjoy so much, and told her that he could never abandon his beloved city, then slyly said not to underestimate [JER.GetLeader] and what the PAT could do. Then with a peck on her cheek, he'd sent her off, Posada promising to write as soon as she got back to Seaquestria.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Finishing the decision “Approach [JER.GetName] for Closer Relations”
  • Finishing the decision “Approach [JER.GetName] for Closer Relations”

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We'll always have Aquila.


Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We'll always have Aris.



Hippogriffia Denounces the Gray Pact

"Sinister Serov has betrayed the revolution in every way," the letter began. "By aligning himself with a tyrant who gleefully uses mind control, he has buried the revolution in its own home. We are formally severing all diplomatic ties with Stalliongrad, and urge their people and those of the Crystal Empire to revolt."

"To Serov, you were supposed to be better than this. It breaks my heart to see you twist Steel Stallion's legacy into this abomination. To Sombra, the only chance you have to survive when the workers' justice arrives is by begging their forgiveness now. Hope that your own people overthrow you, for I have no intention of extending mercy's claw."

"With infinite hatred, General Secretary Posada"

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Finishing the decision “Denounce the Gray Pact”
  • Finishing the decision “Denounce the Gray Pact”

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Atom-damned Storm King in red.


Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Original country is Flag of Crystal Empire Crystal Empire
  • None of:
    • Global flag sinister_sombra_marriage_in_progress is set
Event button.png
The necessities of realpolitik are lost on idealists.


Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Original country is Flag of Stalliongrad Stalliongrad
  • Global flag sinister_sombra_marriage_in_progress is set
Event button.png
But I love him!



Hippogriffia Denounces Our Blackhollow

In an extended diatribe, General Secretary Posada has loudly denounced the government of Our Blackhollow, laying out the differences between Marksism and Equalism and exhorting every sane creature to reject the doctrine. While there have been objections from a few neo-Equalists at her allegedly mischaracterizing the doctrine as a whole, none have risen in defence of Reeve Bleddyn or Our Blackhollow itself.

"The core of communism is uplifting the working class from its prison of starvation. The core of equalism is making sure everyone is equal," Posada began, "But the madgriff Reeve has gone beyond equality of cutie marks into equality of everything. He makes the intelligent dumb, and if that won't work, he kills them. Starlight Glimmer herself would never have imagined such horrors as he practices daily. Our Blackhollow is neither communist nor even equal; it is an insane abomination upon creature dignity."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Finishing the decision “Denounce Radical Equalism”
  • Finishing the decision “Denounce Radical Equalism”

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png


Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Of course the hierarchists hate equality.



Hippogriffia Denounces [LSC.GetName]

Today Posada, General Secretary of Revolutionary North Zebrica, gave a terse but emotional speech condemning [LSC.GetNameDef]. "To be clear," she began, "we are appalled by the atrocities the Reformisten committed against the ponies of Longsword. The story of the Longsword Liberation Army and its fight for freedom is an inspiration to oppressed creatures everywhere."

"But the goals those partisans fought for have been betrayed! The desire for vengeance has driven [LSC.GetLeader] mad, and he has committed atrocities just as vile as those of the Reformisten! A resurgent Griffonian Empire may well pose a threat to [LSC.GetNameDef], but there is a difference between the nobles and imperialists of the Herzland, the actual oppressors, and the griffonian proletariat, an oppressed underclass. Because [LSC.GetLeader] cannot or will not see this difference, he has created a genocidal regime that runs contrary to every value communists hold dear."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Finishing the decision “Denounce the Genocidal "Communists"”
  • Finishing the decision “Denounce the Genocidal "Communists"”

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Revenge is not a license to murder innocents!


Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Original country is Flag of Socialist Republic of Longsword Socialist Republic of Longsword
Event button.png
They just don't understand our sacred mission.



Hippogriffia Denounces MARESOC

General Secretary Posada of Revolutionary North Zebrica has denounced Marelandia and The Party. Her statement was made after consultation with exiled New Mareland marksist Lufty Star who has been a consistent opponent of the ideology of MARESOC and a regular feature of Five Minute Hate broadcasts within the country. In the uncharacteristically-short speech, she said:

"Marelandia is one of the most evil states in existence. This is obvious. I will waste no time arguing against their ideology. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength, Poverty is Prosperity: It is pointless to argue against these axioms, because they are made not to appeal to the intellect, but to insult it."
"The theory and practice of Oligarchical Collectivism makes fascism seem almost palatable: it is unmatched in its illogic, its cruelty, and its fundamental opposition to the freedom and dignity of sentient creatures. Comrade Lufty has assured me that The Party's rule cannot last, for only if the entire world were ruled by similar states could it preserve itself indefinitely. Still, if it does not collapse on its own, then Revolutionary North Zebrica will have to crush it."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Finishing the decision “Denounce Oligarchical Collectivism”
  • Finishing the decision “Denounce Oligarchical Collectivism”

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We eagerly await their collapse and the freedom of their workers.


Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
This seapony clearly is colluding with Celestia!



DEA Report on Cetacean Communication

Author: Professor Deep Dive

Date: [GetDate]

Summary: The question of animal intelligence is one of the world's great mysteries. While all living things deserve respect regardless of their intellect, identifying which species are sapient could be the key to communicating with animals. Comrade Silverstream claims that one of her former teachers, Fluttershy, is able to communicate clearly with all animals regardless of species. Unfortunately, the Department has not been able to find any other creatures that possess this ability, nor have we been able to reach Fluttershy for an interview.

DEA biologists quickly identified bottlenose dolphins as the ideal species for sapience research. In the wild, dolphins exhibit several behaviors that are indicative of advanced cognitive abilities. To study dolphin intelligence, the research team decided to live and work in close proximity to a pod of dolphins for a period of 4 months.

The dolphins' sapience was proven beyond a doubt when they were able to perform complex tasks and recognize themselves in a mirror. After these initial tests, the team attempted to establish communication. This proved difficult until one of the researchers brought in several whistles that produced different sound frequencies, which the dolphins were able to mimic. The two-way whistle language the team created with the dolphins eventually developed its own grammar and syntax, both concepts which the dolphins could understand.

The team's findings have revolutionary implications. The Blue Navy is already conducting research on the dolphins' ability to detect enemy vessels and naval mines. Some eccentric scientists are exploring the possibility of helping to develop an advanced dolphin civilization. For now these projects are highly classified, but the Department has publicly announced the discovery that dolphins are sapient.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP delphincomrades.png “Our Cetacean Comrades”

Event button.png
The seas teem with friends!
  • Modify the National Spirit Pos alienstudy.png “The Department of Extranormal Affairs”
The Department of Extranormal Affairs icon
The Department of Extranormal Affairs
  • Air Detection: +10%
  • Naval Detection: +10%
  • Research Speed: +2%
The Department of Extranormal Affairs is devoted to uncovering the secrets of the world, and is not afraid to delve into discredited, dubious fields.

id 51 - 60


The War Yet To Come

"Comrades, today I would like to address the great struggles that lay ahead. Our task, the task history has assigned to us, is global liberation..."

As Posada spoke, her words came through millions of radio sets across [HIP.GetName]. The broadcast's total audience represented over half of the state's population. It was heard in living rooms, where families gathered to listen as they counted their ration cards. It echoed through factories, where workers put in overtime to keep up with increased production quotas. It was played in barracks and on warships, where soldiers and sailors listened in their bunks as they recovered from intense training exercises.

Creatures of every race and from every walk of life listened, and their thoughts were just as diverse as they were. Some were angry, others were afraid. A few were excited, even jubilant. Many were cautiously optimistic and deeply uneasy at the same time.

But they all had one thing in common: they were all working towards the same goal. There was a unity of purpose among the people that hadn't been seen in a long time. No matter how they felt about global liberation, they were all in this together. They would make many sacrifices, not for Posada or for communism, but for each other and for suffering creatures everywhere. For the dreams of the revolution to be realized they all must fight this war, and all of them were ready to fight until the end.

"...No matter what hardships we face, we will carry on. We must always keep in mind our goal: a world free from reaction, exploitation, and fear. This is our sacred duty, and we cannot waver or turn back. When the war comes, we will be ready! Glory to the ones who go forward!"

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP prep people.png “Prepare The People”

Event button.png
To the bright future!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • DLC La Résistance La Resistance is enabled
    • Modify the National Spirit Pos spy.png “The Committee for the Security of the Revolution”
The Committee for the Security of the Revolution icon
The Committee for the Security of the Revolution
  • Counter intelligence: +1
  • Root Out Resistance mission effects: +25%
  • Operative slots: +1
  • Intel network strength gain factor: +25%
  • Own operative detection chance factor: −25%
We have empowered a committee to investigate and root out saboteurs and spies who would destroy our revolution, subject to public oversight and rotating membership selected by the Supreme Workers' Council.
  • Else:
    • Modify the National Spirit Pos spy.png “The Committee for the Security of the Revolution”
The Committee for the Security of the Revolution icon
The Committee for the Security of the Revolution
  • Encryption: +10%
  • Subversive activities cost: −25%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: −25%
  • Resistance Target: −10%
We have empowered a committee to investigate and root out saboteurs and spies who would destroy our revolution, subject to public oversight and rotating membership selected by the Supreme Workers' Council.


The Interstellar Manifesto

Life can exist on other planets, in other solar systems, in other galaxies and universes. The fact that so many races appeared here, each with our own creator gods, is all but proof of this. To imagine that we are alone in a cosmos full of galaxies is the height of absurd pride. No, we know there are comrades out there, and we know they are comrades for capitalism is inherently unsustainable. Capitalism will eventually collapse due to its contradictions. The only form of civilization that could endure to fly to the stars is communism. We fight not merely for the revolution here, but for all our comrades in the stars above. This I swear: revolutionary communism shall not falter, for our Star People comrades are out there waiting for us!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP manifesto.png “A Post-Terrestrial Manifesto”

Event button.png
We salute the vanguard that stands outside history!
  • Gets the National Spirit Pos orbit.png “The Interstellar Cause”
The Interstellar Cause icon
The Interstellar Cause
  • Division Recovery Rate: +2%
  • Surrender Limit: +1%
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.01
  • Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: +20
This society embraces their position as one among many between the stars, and will not give up as long as there is faith in the space comrades' arrival.


To the Star People

We come to you as friends. We have long looked up at the stars with wonder and astonishment. If you are out there, please come visit us.

Star People, we have brought about the revolution here in Hippogriffia, and spread it to all of North Zebrica. We are ready to face the terrors of imperialism and the heartless calculus of capitalism. We know that you must have defeated capitalism, or something quite like it, yourself.

Star People, we desire peaceful cooperation and cultural exchange. We desire to meet you, to understand you, to tell you about ourselves, and to ultimately forge a brighter future together in a Workers' Federation of Planets.

Star People, the people of [HIP.GetName] look towards you with admiration and hope. We know that you may fear us, as we are not yet a united planetary government, but do not be afraid. The stars beckon us as surely as they do you, and we know that capitalism, imperialism, reaction, and all other forces in the way of revolutionary communism will ultimately fall. We welcome any aid you can offer us in the struggle for communism.

"Star People, we would love to meet you." Skystar set down the microphone. "So, how'd I do Posada?"

"You did wonderful."

"Do you think the Star People have shells? I hope they do!"

"I'm sure some of them- hold on, it's still recording."

"Oh darn. Do we have to record it again?"

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP message.png “A Message To The Stars”

Event button.png
"Actually, let's leave it like this."
  • Modify the National Spirit Pos orbit.png “The Interstellar Cause”
The Interstellar Cause icon
The Interstellar Cause
  • Division Recovery Rate: +6%
  • Surrender Limit: +3%
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.03
  • Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: +60
This society embraces their position as one among many between the stars, and will not give up as long as there is faith in the space comrades' arrival.


A New Capital?

Event trigger.png The below descriptions are available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • None of:
    • The RWP-NC has been formed. (?)
A surprising measure was put forth to the Supreme Workers' council by a Zumidian comrade. As we are now in control of all of North Zebrica, he proposed we formally recognize this fact by moving our capital to Ain Trotgourait. Its position near the coast will make administration of both the continent and Aris easy, and moving will send a strong signal to those mainlanders who fear we seek to establish a Hippogriff racial hierarchy over them.

The Supreme Workers' Council has a hearty debate on this topic, as some argue the level of bureaucrats and party officials required to relocate will be too labor-intensive. Others counter the party and the state need to take a strong stance against racism, and this is a firm statement that reactionary conceptions of race have no place in our nation.

After the debates are done, what position holds sway in the Supreme Workers' Council?

The following description is used if:

  • The RWP-NC has been formed. (?)
A surprising measure was put forth to the Supreme Workers' council by a Zumidian comrade. As we are now in control of all of North Zebrica, he proposed we formally recognize this fact by moving our capital to Ain Trotgourait. Its position near the coast will make administration of both the continent and Aris easy, and moving will send a strong signal to those mainlanders who fear we seek to establish a Hippogriff racial hierarchy over them.

The Supreme Workers' Council has a hearty debate on this topic, as some argue the level of bureaucrats and party officials required to relocate will be too labor-intensive. Others counter the party and the state need to take a strong stance against racism, and this is a firm statement that reactionary conceptions of race have no place in our nation. The RWP-NC has threatened to boycott the Supreme Worker's Council if they have to conduct their business in "that filthy zebra city" and suggest that "If this body wants to send a message that we are abandoning our Hippogriff civilization so badly, why not move the capital to [712.GetCapitalVictoryPointName]? I hear there's plenty of Lunarist comrades who would simply love to meet us!"

After the debates are done, what position holds sway in the Supreme Workers' Council?''

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Selecting the national focus Goal HIP prnz.png “Revolutionary North Zebrica Rises!”

Event button.png
Ain Trotgourait will govern the state with revolutionary fervor!
  • Change capital to Ain Trotgourait (697) -->
  • [Scope]Ain Trotgourait (697):
    • Set state category to Dense Urban Region
    • Gain Ponypower 200 000 Ponypower
  • Scripted Effect: save_current_manpower=yes
  • [Scope]Mount Aris (1165):
    • Lose Ponypower 200 000 Ponypower
  • Scripted Effect: restore_previous_manpower=yes
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “A Visit to Macawia” in 15 days
Event button.png
Mount Aris has served us well; there's no reason to move.
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “A Visit to Macawia” in 15 days


Hard Disclosure

Posada tapped the microphone installed in her tank eagerly. All the information had been collected, and great news was ready to be shared with the revolutionary state. The press had been told a major proclamation was to be made soon, but not more than that.

"Greetings, people of [HIP.GetName]. I am honored to announce that Unidentified Flying Objects, or 'flying saucers', a phenomenon once considered 'fringe', are now officially recognized by the state and party. These things are real, they are here, and they have been here for quite some time." She took a bite of kelp. "As of now, every file we have on these, as well as all reports we've collected from foreign newspapers, are publicly available at the Hall of Records. These things have been spotted by pilots and astronomers, police officers and politicians. They have been confirmed on RADAR from multiple stations. Similar sightings, of flying wheels of fire, date back thousands of years."

She took a deep breath. "I wish I could say these things were the space comrades we've been awaiting. Unfortunately, we simply don't know. They may be spirits taking physical form, ley lines twisted into knots, time travelers, experimental craft tested by another nation, something else yet, or multiple of the above. Of course they may also be our extraterrestrial comrades come to visit. If they are, however, they have not yet revealed themselves to us. If you have ever seen one of these things, be it a disk-shaped craft, a light in the sky, or even another form, please report it! We are very interested in learning about the truth of these unknown craft. Remember, comrades:"

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP radar dish.png “The Mount Aris Radar Array”

Event button.png
"The truth is out there!"
  • Modify the National Spirit Pos orbit.png “The Interstellar Cause”
The Interstellar Cause icon
The Interstellar Cause
  • Division Recovery Rate: +4%
  • Surrender Limit: +2%
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.02
  • Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: +40
This society embraces their position as one among many between the stars, and will not give up as long as there is faith in the space comrades' arrival.



Against all the doubts and naysayers, STARFIRE has succeeded. However, many of the doubts have proven to be well-founded. The XB-70 Valkyrie's bomb bay is smaller than a B-52 Stratofortress, it has less range, and it is far, far more labor-intensive to produce and guzzles fuel like no plane before. The XB-70 will not replace the B-52 nor the B-47, but it will complement it and serve missions the Stratofortress cannot. We have our deep-penetration bomber, and our enemies will never be safe behind their interceptors again.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Project STARFIRE”

Event button.png
A glorious design!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • DLC By Blood Alone By Blood Alone is enabled
    • Add technology: Jet Deep-Penetration Strategic Bomber
  • Else:
    • Add technology: Jet Deep-Penetration Strategic Bomber
  • Set country flag HIP_project_starfire_partially_succeeded


Hippogriffs offer Associate Status in the Revintern

The nation of [HIP.GetName] has formed a "Revolutionary Internationale", or Revintern for short, designed to help organize and synchronize the efforts of comrades around the globe. We have been extended associate membership, which would offer us research cooperation as well as a promise to never attack each other.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Offer Associate Membership to the Revintern”

Immediate effects
  • Set country flag HIP_considered_comintern

Event button.png
Of course!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • None of:
        • Is in the same faction as FROM
    • Enters a Non-aggression pact Non-aggression pact with FROM
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • DLC Together for Victory Together for Victory is enabled
    • Add to the technology sharing group “Revintern Tech Sharing”
    • Trigger country event “[FROM.GetName] Agrees to Associate Status”

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 100

Event button.png
[HIP.GetLeader] is not our comrade.
    • Trigger country event “[FROM.GetName] Declines to Associate Status”

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 0


[FROM.GetName] Agrees to Associate Status

To our delight, [FROM.GetName] has agreed to become an associate in the Revintern! This will surely benefit the aim of global communism and help us move towards an upper-stage communist society together.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Hippogriffs offer Associate Status in the Revintern” option “Of course!”

Event button.png
To internationalism!



[FROM.GetName] Declines to Associate Status

It seems our supposed comrades in [FROM.GetName] fear our intentions and do not wish to share their research. Or it could be they seek to conquer us someday. Whatever the case, we will find no ally here.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Hippogriffs offer Associate Status in the Revintern” option “[HIP.GetLeader] is not our comrade.”

Event button.png



Hippogriffs offer Full Status in the Revintern

The nation of [HIP.GetName] has formed a "Revolutionary Internationale", or Revintern for short, designed to help organize and synchronize the efforts of comrades around the globe. To our surprise, they have extended full membership. We would pledge not to attack each other, share our research, and promise to come to the other's aid if they are ever endangered.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Offer Membership to the Revintern”

Immediate effects
  • Set country flag HIP_considered_full_comintern

Event button.png
Of course!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • DLC Together for Victory Together for Victory is enabled
    • Add to the technology sharing group “Revintern Tech Sharing”
    • Trigger country event “[FROM.GetName] Agrees to Join the Revintern”

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 100

Event button.png
A defensive pact? That seems too dangerous.
    • Trigger country event “[FROM.GetName] Declines to Join the Revintern”

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 0

id 61 - 70


[FROM.GetName] Agrees to Join the Revintern

To our utter joy, [FROM.GetName] has agreed to full membership in the Revintern! Whatever our fates, they are now inexorably tied together in the spirit of eternal revolution. Glory to the proletariat!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Hippogriffs offer Full Status in the Revintern” option “Of course!”

Event button.png
To the workers of the world!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • [SCOPE]FROM
        • Is not in a faction
    • Add FROM to the current scope's faction
  • Else:
    • Grants guarantee of independence for FROM


[FROM.GetName] Declines to Join the Revintern

Our comrades in [FROM.GetName] have declined our offer. Perhaps they fear we are too radical, or they are simply naturally suspicious. Whatever the case, it seems we will have to face the forces of reaction separately, instead of together.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Hippogriffs offer Full Status in the Revintern” option “A defensive pact? That seems too dangerous.”

Event button.png
Upsetting; we had believed them true allies...



War Plan Plutonium

Event trigger.png The below descriptions are available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • None of:
    • The RWP-NC has been formed. (?)
"Comrades, the matter is clear," Hard Line declared, his voice nasal and dry. "The yetis have already stormed across Zebrica once. We cannot wait for their smithcasters to break their chains; we must come to their aid. I propose an immediate invasion of the Stormlands to bring revolutionary communism to them."

"You're talking about invading across the world," Skystar countered, fire in her voice. "For, what, revenge? To make the yeti leaders suffer the way they made Zebrica suffer? You should be better than this, 'Comrade' - isn't revenge a reactionary impulse?"

"I don't normally say this... but Hard Line has a point," Posada admitted.
Skystar whirled towards her, disbelief on her face. "You can't be serious, Posada! This is crazy! It'll wipe out a generation of soldiers, and... why? The Storm King is dead, do you really think they'll try the same stupid thing again?"

"I do," Posada said firmly. "I'm quite certain of this fact. You have to understand, the ideology of conquest and acquisition has been heavily injected into their culture."

"Oh well if you know them so well, then start a propaganda department!" Skystar insisted. "Help them see the flaws of their system! Don't go on some silly crusade halfway around the world!"

Posada looked around the room. Maybe she was letting her personal feelings corrupt her thoughts. Maybe her treatment had left her scarred in more ways than one. But one thing was certain: she couldn't condemn others to die for her pain. "...Very well, Comrade Skystar. You have a good point. This is... ill-advised."

Opposite her, Hard Line scowled. Posada bowed her head as Skystar tore apart her opponent's arguments, her scars starting to itch again.

The following description is used if:

  • The RWP-NC has been formed. (?)
"Comrades, the matter is clear," Hard Line declared, his voice nasal and dry. "The yetis have already stormed across Zebrica once. We cannot wait for their smithcasters to break their chains; we must come to their aid. I propose an immediate invasion of the Stormlands to bring revolutionary communism to them."

"You're talking about invading across the world," Skystar countered, fire in her voice. "For, what, revenge? To make the yeti leaders suffer the way they made Zebrica suffer? You should be better than this, 'Comrade' - isn't revenge a reactionary impulse?"

"I don't normally say this... but Hard Line has a point," Posada admitted.
Skystar whirled towards her, disbelief on her face. "You can't be serious, Posada! This is crazy! It'll wipe out a generation of soldiers, and... why? The Storm King is dead, do you really think they'll try the same stupid thing again?"

"I do," Posada said firmly. "I'm quite certain of this fact. You have to understand, the ideology of conquest and acquisition has been heavily injected into their culture."

"Oh well if you know them so well, then start a propaganda department!" Skystar insisted. "Help them see the flaws of their system! Don't go on some silly crusade halfway around the world!"

"Nonsense," declared Crack Lightning, "Idealistic nonsense. I consider this the finest idea we've had since the revolution. The yetis are at a biological level of sentience which precludes the achievement any mode of economic existence beyond primitive accumulation. Any independent yeti state is a threat to us."

Posada winced at Crack's approval, her scars starting to itch again. Even Hard Line looked uncomfortable with this now. Skystar stared at Crack in disbelief. Maybe she was letting her personal feelings corrupt her thoughts. Maybe her treatment had left her scarred in more ways than one. But one thing was certain: she couldn't condemn others to die for her pain. "...Very well, Comrade Skystar. You have a good point. This is... ill-advised."''

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP PU.png “War Plan Plutonium”

Event button.png
But maybe in the future we can do something similar...
  • Gets the National Spirit Pos PU.png “War Plan Plutonium”
War Plan Plutonium icon
War Plan Plutonium
  • Entrenchment speed: +10%
  • Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: +10%
The population is being prepared for the eventuality of another attack, and the soldiers are being drilled on the proper manner of building fortifications quickly.


War Plan Hydrogen

The Presidium was filled with quiet murmurs as Posada approached the podium. Opening speeches were normally short and perfunctory, but today the General Secretary had announced she would be proposing a motion. No one had any idea what she was going to say.

"Comrades, since the revolution began we have achieved many things. We have freed North Zebrica from the shackles of tyranny and exploitation. We are developing a society where scarcity and want will soon be things of the past. Thanks to the people's hard work, communism is more secure than ever before."

A few deputies began to clap, but Posada gestured for them to be silent.

"But it is not enough. What we do in North Zebrica will never be enough, for there are creatures all over the globe still suffering. Capitalism and imperialism are alive and well, and the tyrants of the world grow stronger every day. As they continue to exploit the proletariat they will try to attack us, to destroy the example of a better world we represent. Until reaction is defeated everywhere, we will never be truly safe."

Posada paused for effect, then exclaimed "I move that we declare war on EVERY SUPREMACIST STATE IN THE WORLD!"

For a moment there was silence, then the room erupted into chaos. Many deputies began loudly booing and jeering. Others stood with their mouths open, too shocked to speak. Skystar's eyes went wide as saucers, her mouth trembling.

"Comrades, please!" Posada continued, "I know this plan is a bit extreme, but it is not impossible. We have the capabilities to take on any military in the world, and win! It will be a long and hard-fought war, but by making this sacrifice we shall set the workers of the world free!"

Posada's reasoning seemed to persuade a number of deputies, and a few even started to cheer. Others were incredulous, believing their colleagues and the General Secretary must have completely lost their minds. With most of the Presidium still in shock, Posada yielded the floor for debate.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Selecting the national focus HIP wp hydro.png “[Root.HIPHydrogenName]”

Event button.png
The motion will proceed!
  • Hidden effect:
    • Phase Three of the RWP's aims have been accomplished (?)
    • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
Event button.png
This is madness. We won't go along with this insane plan.
  • Trigger country event “The Annihilation of War Plan Hydrogen” in 1 hour to 2 hours
  • Hidden effect:
    • Set country flag posada_tree_3_nowar
    • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch


The Annihilation of War Plan Hydrogen

Event trigger.png The below descriptions are available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • Has the National Spirit Pos council1.png “Council Communism”
After her plan to declare war on all reactionary states met with intense opposition in the Presidium, Posada brought the issue before the people. Local workers' councils, the source of state power, were invited to debate the merits of the plan and vote on it.

The result was a decisive defeat for the General Secretary. All across [HIP.GetName] in cities and towns, factories and fields, the workers' councils voted down War Plan Hydrogen by overwhelming margins.

When debating the plan, many workers argued that the government's priorities should be developing the economy and improving standards of living to fulfill the promises of the revolution. They considered the idea of launching costly expeditions around the world and forcing the people to suffer wartime hardships again completely ridiculous.

Councils composed of soldiers, sailors, and other members of the armed forces unanimously rejected the plan. They were furious that the General Secretary would consider throwing away so many of their lives for an idea based on nothing but hopeless adventurism.

Posada was very disappointed, but she promised to respect the results. The people had spoken, and the revolution could not be sabotaged just to suit her wishes.

The following description is used if:

  • Has the National Spirit Pos demsoc.png “Democratic Centralism”
After her plan to declare war on all reactionary states met with intense opposition in the Presidium, Posada brought the issue before the people. She decided to hold a referendum in which all creatures would be invited to vote on the proposal. The deputies of the Supreme Workers' Council, the source of state power, promised to go along with the people's decision.

The result was a decisive defeat for the General Secretary. Across [HIP.GetName], creatures from all walks of life voted down War Plan Hydrogen by a margin of nearly 75%.

Large demonstrations against the plan in the lead-up to the vote showed the strength of the opposition. Public opinion polls asking creatures to rank government priorities found that "Spreading the Revolution" was one of the least popular, falling well below things like "Economic Development" and "Improving Standards of Living."

Many members of the armed forces, from the rank and file all the way up to generals, campaigned against the plan. They were furious that the General Secretary would consider throwing away so many of their lives for a plan based on nothing but hopeless adventurism.

Posada was very disappointed, but she promised to respect the results. The people had spoken, and the revolution could not be sabotaged just to suit her wishes.

The following description is used if:

  • Has the National Spirit Pos organic.png “Organic Centralism”
After her plan to declare war on all reactionary states met with intense opposition in the Presidium, Posada brought the issue before a full meeting of the Congress of the Revolutionary Workers' Party, the source of state power.

Posada had many allies in this body, and she defended War Plan Hydrogen with passion and zeal. It seemed like the General Secretary would carry the day, until a young delegate named Rising Tide took the floor to debate her.

"War Plan Hydrogen is the only way to secure world communism!" Posada said for what must have been the 10th time.

"But did Caramel Marks herself not say that communist revolution is inevitable?" Rising Tide retorted, "Communism will come to all creatures eventually, but it must develop naturally as a result of material conditions within their own societies. It can never be imposed by force of foreign arms."

"But if we don't do this we are condemning the workers of the world to exploitation, to slavery!" Posada replied, growing increasingly desperate.

"There are many things we can do to help the workers of the world achieve their own liberation. But if we launch this war, it is the creatures of [HIP.GetName] that will be condemned to suffering and death."

When Rising Tide finished making this point, the congress burst into applause. The vote was taken, and the General Secretary's plan was decisively defeated.

Posada was very disappointed, but she promised to respect the congress's decision. The party had spoken, and the revolution could not be sabotaged just to suit her wishes.''

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “War Plan Hydrogen” option “This is madness. We won't go along with this insane plan.”

Event button.png
In hindsight it was a bit crazy...
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “The Hydrogen Initiative” in 2 days


The Hydrogen Initiative

Posada stared at the night sky outside her office window, ignoring the stack of papers on her desk. She'd been too depressed to work ever since War Plan Hydrogen was rejected.

She kept asking herself where it all went wrong. When she proposed liberating all of North Zebrica through war, the people had supported it. It had been a long and costly struggle, and many brave creatures had given their lives, but everyone recognized that it was a necessary fight. Wasn't liberating the rest of the world the next logical step?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in."
The door opened to reveal Skystar. After a moment's hesitation, she entered.
"I came to apologize," she began, "for voting against your plan."

Posada sighed. "No need to apologize. You thought it was a bad idea, and you followed your conscience. I'm the one who should be apologizing for proposing such an unpopular, stupid idea."

Skystar's expression grew serious. "It wasn't a stupid idea! It was misguided, but it was a solution for something real! Creatures all over the world are suffering, and we need to do something to help them."

Posada began to perk up. "Did you have something in mind? Something other than declaring war on the whole world?"

Skystar giggled. "I was thinking of spreading communism through more peaceful means. We should be doing things like providing aid to the needy, assisting developing nations, and building up our soft power on the world stage. We could also give indirect military support to our comrades fighting against oppression. Let's make our country a shining beacon of communism, inspiring creatures everywhere and helping them to win their liberation."

Posada broke into a huge grin. "That's a great idea!"

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Annihilation of War Plan Hydrogen” option “In hindsight it was a bit crazy...”

Event button.png
Thank you, Comrade.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Flag of Equestria Equestria:
        • Exists
        • Current ruling party is Harmony Harmonic
    • Flag of Equestria Equestria:
      • Gains opinion modifier “Friendly Government” (Opinion +170 opinion / Time 12 years and 6 months) towards Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
    • Gains opinion modifier “Friendly Government” (Opinion +170 opinion / Time 12 years and 6 months) towards Flag of Equestria Equestria


Diplomatic Offer from [HIP.GetName]

[HIP.GetName] has invited us to join them in an alliance. General Secretary [HIP.GetLeader] sent a letter offering critical support to our government and arguing that all the socialists of North Zebrica will be stronger if we stand together against the forces of reaction.

Should we accept, we will gain a powerful ally that could significantly aid our diplomatic and military efforts. However [HIP.GetName] is likely to take the lead in this alliance, and there are concerns that they might prioritize their own interests while neglecting ours.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP pcolt.png “Free The Slaves”
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP pcolt.png “Free The Slaves”
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP pbat.png “Crush The Lunatics”
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP psweep.png “Sweep The Remainder”
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP psweep.png “Sweep The Remainder”
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP psweep.png “Sweep The Remainder”
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP psweep.png “Sweep The Remainder”
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP psweep.png “Sweep The Remainder”
  • Completing the national focus Thoriumpos.png “War Plan Thorium”

Event button.png
Of course we will join our comrades!

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 5

Event button.png
We must have our independence!
  • Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia:
    • Gains opinion modifier “Friendship offer declined” (Opinion −30 opinion / Time 3 years) towards FROM
    • Trigger country event “Zeirutid's Letter”

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 0


The Temporary Victory of Reaction

Rather than continue a losing battle, the Revolutionary Workers' Party has signed away our mainland comrades in exchange for an armistice. In every city and town, mourners flood the streets of Aris and the coves of Seaquestria, carrying the photographs of their loved ones, whose blood was spilt in a war we could not win.

So very quickly, the grief turns to anger and recrimination. Claws and fins are pointed everywhere. The hippogriffs blame the seaponies for shirking their duties, calling them crypto-reactionaries and isolationists. The seaponies blame the hippogriffs for being foolish and adventurist. Although our leaders work overtime to try to keep the situation under control, they cannot stand against the tide of bitterness, pain and anger which our defeat has unleashed.

[HIP.GetLeader] has convened the Supreme Workers' Council to come up with a course of action, but one thing is clear.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event hippogriff.1002 option “(Un-named option)”

Event button.png
We need to act quickly if Revolutionary North Zebrica is to survive.
  • Hippogriffia has been defeated (?)
  • Complete national focus Focus TUR ratify the six arrows.png “The Catastrophic Failure”
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has the National Spirit HIP united society.png “A Perfect Union”
    • Replace the National Spirit HIP united society.png “A Perfect Union” with the National Spirit HIP divided society 4.png “Divided Society - Seapony Leaning”
Divided Society - Seapony Leaning icon
Divided Society - Seapony Leaning
  • Daily Political Power Cost: +0.05
  • Construction Speed: −10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Navy: +10%
  • Stability: −5%
Recent decisions by the government are seen as favouring the seaponies over the hippogriffs.
    • Set country flag HIP_once_united
  • Gets the National Spirit Post War Crisis.png “Postwar Crisis”
Postwar Crisis icon
Postwar Crisis
  • Daily Political Power Gain: −0.2
  • Stability: −30%
Defeat in the North Zebrican War has caused a crisis of faith in the government.
  • Changes the national focus tree to HIP_commie_crisis_tree


The Intolerable Surrender

Rather than continue a losing battle, the Revolutionary Workers' Party has signed away our mainland comrades in exchange for an armistice. Worse still, we allowed our enemies to set up a treaty port on Arisian soil, handing over the thriving port of Winggarden to the Chiropterran zealots, the Colthaginian despots and the Wingbardian fascists. In every city and town, mourners flood the streets of Aris and the coves of Seaquestria, carrying the photographs of their loved ones, whose blood was spilt in a war we could not win.

So very quickly, the grief turns to anger and recrimination. Claws and fins are pointed everywhere. The hippogriffs blame the seaponies for shirking their duties, calling them crypto-reactionaries and isolationists. The seaponies blame the hippogriffs for being foolish and adventurist, and everywhere looms the shadow of our friends and fellow citizens, trapped in Winggarden and left at the mercy of our foes. Although our leaders work overtime to try to keep the situation under control, they cannot stand against the tide of bitterness, pain and anger which our defeat has unleashed.

[HIP.GetLeader] has convened the Supreme Workers' Council to come up with a course of action, but one thing is clear.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
We need to act quickly if Revolutionary North Zebrica is to survive.
  • Hippogriffia has been defeated (?)
  • Complete national focus Focus TUR ratify the six arrows.png “The Catastrophic Failure”
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has the National Spirit HIP united society.png “A Perfect Union”
    • Replace the National Spirit HIP united society.png “A Perfect Union” with the National Spirit HIP divided society 4.png “Divided Society - Seapony Leaning”
Divided Society - Seapony Leaning icon
Divided Society - Seapony Leaning
  • Daily Political Power Cost: +0.05
  • Construction Speed: −10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Navy: +10%
  • Stability: −5%
Recent decisions by the government are seen as favouring the seaponies over the hippogriffs.
    • Set country flag HIP_once_united
  • Gets the National Spirit Post War Crisis.png “Postwar Crisis”
Postwar Crisis icon
Postwar Crisis
  • Daily Political Power Gain: −0.25
  • Stability: −35%
Defeat in the North Zebrican War has caused a crisis of faith in the government.
  • Changes the national focus tree to HIP_commie_crisis_tree


Propaganda of the Deed

It was a bright, cool day, with a light breeze blowing through. Posada felt the wind rustle her head-feathers, and she sighed in contentment. Even with a country to run, she still could enjoy the little things in life.

Sunlight reflected off a rooftop. Posada winced, and looked away. A moment later, a loud crack sounded, and everything went black.

The sniper looked down at Posada's corpse. The blue tyrant was dead. He opened his wings and soared down. "Attention, workers of Hippogriffia! Your time is now! The authoritarian-reactionaries have been crushed and the people's inspiration runs through the blood of the blue fascists! Seize the chance, and rise up! Tear down the dictators who claim to be of the proletariat, and join the true revolution - a revolution of the people! A new age dawns in Hippogriffia, an age of anarchism! Glory to the workers!"

His agent-provocateur comrades in the crowd began to cheer. One by one, the other hippogriffs cheered as well.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal italy tripoli explosives factory.png “A Knife In The Dark”

Event button.png
Down with the GenSecs, and down with the laws!
    • Kill the current country leader
  • Supreme Workers' Council becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Provisional Government
      • Generate war goal tension limit: +100%
      • Join faction tension limit: +100%
      • Lend-lease tension limit: +100%
      • Send volunteers tension limit: +100%
      • Guarantee tension limit: +100%
      • Justify war goal time: +100%

id 71 - 80


The Million Seapony March

Seaweed Shoal swam angrily through the water, waving a sign labeled "WHY DID WE FIGHT? ASK MY DEAD SISTER!" The Revolutionary Workers' Party had sold the war as a glorious affair to crush the reactionaries, but she knew the truth. They had never stood a chance and the forces of reaction had crushed the workers. An earlier ceasefire might've spared her sister. And what did the party bureaucrats do? They were insanely calling for another war, as if that would somehow save anyone who'd already died!

She pushed her way to the front of the crowd, and saw the General Secretary herself there. She looked utterly miserable. "You killed my sister!" Seaweed half-screamed, half-sobbed. Posada nodded bleakly, and took off her hat. She swam up to the microphone.

"Creatures of Seaquestria, the party has failed you. We fought an unwinnable war and countless brave soldiers, sailors, and aircreatures paid the price for it. I can no longer lead you. I resign my office of General Secretary, and can only hope that eventually, Aris will heal."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Focus yug pan slavic congress.png “A March On Seaquestria”

Event button.png
Without her, maybe it will.
    • Retire the current country leader
  • Supreme Workers' Council becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Provisional Government
      • Generate war goal tension limit: +100%
      • Join faction tension limit: +100%
      • Lend-lease tension limit: +100%
      • Send volunteers tension limit: +100%
      • Guarantee tension limit: +100%
      • Justify war goal time: +100%



Posada looked grimly at the four anarchists in her underwater office. "Comrade, surely you must recognize the writing on the wall," Kelp Surge murmured. "The revolution in Hippogriffia was very nearly crushed by foreign reactionary powers. We cannot maintain our post-scarcity society. The world was simply not ready materially for your vision."

"I know," Posada admitted. "I... I'm sorry."

"But are you ready to make a change?" Sponge Sluice inquired. "The revolution has benefited from your help, but it's time for the next stage to begin. Central planning is inefficient, and local workers' self-management will be vastly more effective."

Posada nodded slowly. "Thank you, comrade. I'll have my resignation written by tomorrow morning."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Focus fra devalue the franc.png “An Emergency Meeting”

Event button.png
"I trust you to pick up the pieces, Sponge Sluice."
    • Retire the current country leader
  • Supreme Workers' Council becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Provisional Government
      • Generate war goal tension limit: +100%
      • Join faction tension limit: +100%
      • Lend-lease tension limit: +100%
      • Send volunteers tension limit: +100%
      • Guarantee tension limit: +100%
      • Justify war goal time: +100%


[HIP.GetName] Offers Economic Aid

The communist nation once called Hippogriffia has offered to help care for our poorest, to provide food and shelter for them. While we really have no reason to decline, a few in our nation worry about foreign subversion.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP helping hydrogen.png “Hydrogen's Helping Hoof”

Event button.png
Of course, we welcome you!
  • Gets the National Spirit Pos toaster.png “People's Welfare League”
People's Welfare League icon
People's Welfare League
  • Monthly Population: +5%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: −2%
  • Research Speed: +2%
While most creatures in this society are doing quite well, there are still those who are weak. The old, the disabled, the orphaned, and otherwise. The Welfare League has been formed to attend to and care for them.

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 100

Event button.png
Keep your fins to yourself!


AI logic:
  • Base weight: 0


A Job Well Done

Event trigger.png The below descriptions are available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • Country flag posada_tree_3_nowar is set
The sun was just beginning to set, but it was still bright enough to be irritating. Posada found herself smiling even as she squinted. She normally preferred the sky at night, but in the company of a friend she could appreciate even this glare.

"Thanks for making a picnic for us!" said Skystar, "It's nice getting a break from work."
"You're welcome." Posada replied, "Though our work has gotten a bit easier lately."
"It sure has! I'm so glad you listened to my suggestions for the Hydrogen Initiative. Our peaceful development and foreign aid programs have done a lot of good for creatures all around the world."

Remembering what she came here to do, Posada put on a brave face.
"Skystar, there's something I need to tell you."
"Are you gonna finish that?" Skystar asked, looking at a piece of kelp.
"Um, no, but listen-"
"Hey, we should totally do this again next week!"
"Skystar, I'm retiring!" Posada yelled.

Skystar finally stopped talking. A serious look spread across her face.
"I know what you're going to say, the people aren't ready and-"
"I'm happy for you."
"-there's still so much I could do and... huh?"

Skystar smiled. "You're been the best leader ever, so of course I'm sad, but I'm also your friend. I want you to be happy. If you think the time is right to retire, I support your decision."

"Thank you, that means a lot." Posada blushed slightly. Skystar always found a way to surprise her. "Since I'm stepping down, do you have any interest in being the next General Secretary?"

Skystar thought for a moment. "I'd like to stay in government, but I don't want to be the leader. We should let someone new take the job. I also have my duties as a commodore to focus on."
"Ok! You're my friend too, and I'll support you no matter what. As for myself..."

The following description is used if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag posada_tree_3_nowar is set
The sun was just beginning to set, but it was still bright enough to be irritating. Posada found herself smiling even as she squinted. She normally preferred the sky at night, but in the company of a friend she could appreciate even this glare.

"Thanks for making a picnic for us!" said Skystar, "It's nice getting a break from work."
"You're welcome." Posada replied, "Though our work has gotten a bit easier lately."
"It sure has! When you first proposed War Plan Hydrogen no creature thought it could ever work, and you proved us all wrong! It was a hard-fought struggle, but we can now say the world is safe from supremacy."

Remembering what she came here to do, Posada put on a brave face.
"Skystar, there's something I need to tell you."
"Are you gonna finish that?" Skystar asked, looking at a piece of kelp.
"Um, no, but listen-"
"Hey, we should totally do this again next week!"
"Skystar, I'm retiring!" Posada yelled.

Skystar finally stopped talking. A serious look spread across her face.
"I know what you're going to say, the people aren't ready and-"
"I'm happy for you."
"-there's still so much I could do and... huh?"

Skystar smiled. "You're been the best leader ever, so of course I'm sad, but I'm also your friend. I want you to be happy. If you think the time is right to retire, I support your decision."

"Thank you, that means a lot." Posada blushed slightly. Skystar always found a way to surprise her. "Since I'm stepping down, do you have any interest in being the next General Secretary?"

Skystar thought for a moment. "I'd like to stay in government, but I don't want to be the leader. We should let someone new take the job. I also have my duties as a commodore to focus on."
"Ok! You're my friend too, and I'll support you no matter what. As for myself..."''

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Taking the decision “Complete the Revolutionary Mission
  • Taking the decision “Complete the Revolutionary Mission
  • Completing the national focus HIP mission complete.png “The Mission Completed”

Event button.png
"I'll need to write my resignation letter."
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “The Final Posadist Meeting” in 21 days


The Final Posadist Meeting

"When I was first elected General Secretary of the Revolutionary Workers' Party, I did not know what the future would bring. I didn't have a grand blueprint or strategy to bring about the revolution, and I had no idea what challenges we would face once the revolution came."

"What I did have was a vision. A dream of a new world, free from the tyranny and exploitation of the old. A world where the progress of science and technology sets creaturekind free and allows us to reach the stars. Thanks to the hard work, dedication and sacrifice of many of our comrades, that dream has almost come true. But one piece is still missing: I must make sure that what we've built will live on after I'm gone."

As Posada announced her retirement to the Supreme Workers' Council, each delegate took the news in their own way. Some were sad and dismayed, others were not sure how to react. Many could already feel the gears in their heads turning, considering what this meant and who the next General Secretary might be.

Hard Line thought he was the logical choice to succeed Posada, but his rigid orthodoxy and callous attitude towards other party members made him very few friends. Starry Eyes, on the other fin, was a talented and compassionate organizer who got along well with everyone. As Starry rose to congratulate Posada and wish her well, many delegates had already made up their minds about who to support.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Job Well Done” option “"I'll need to write my resignation letter."”

Event button.png
Old friends find new horizons.
    • Retire the current country leader
  • Supreme Workers' Council becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Provisional Government
      • Generate war goal tension limit: +100%
      • Join faction tension limit: +100%
      • Lend-lease tension limit: +100%
      • Send volunteers tension limit: +100%
      • Guarantee tension limit: +100%
      • Justify war goal time: +100%
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Starry Skies, Starry Eyes” in 1 day


Starry Skies, Starry Eyes

"Today [HIP.GetName] faces a monumental development: the transition from one General Secretary to another. I, like many of you, think very highly of Posada, and I will miss her. However, with change comes opportunity! For though we owe Posada a great debt, we must remember that the Revolution is bigger than any one creature. By voluntarily ceding power, Posada has shown the world that our state is not built upon a cult of personality. It is built upon Communism, and its promise of a better world for all! As General Secretary, I will always strive to live up to that promise. The Revolution shall carry on and..."

Starry Eyes gave her first public address as General Secretary in the capital's largest square. She chose to speak as a Hippogriff, in order to reach a larger audience. She also demanded that her speech be open to all who wished to see it, and the organizers had delivered. The crowd stretched as far as the eye could see in all directions, exceeding even the highest estimated attendance figures. Unfortunately, this also stretched the event's security detail very thin...

A Hippogriff in a crazed state leaped from the crowd and flew onto the stage, interrupting Starry mid-sentence. He landed on the edge of the stage and started yelling something incoherently. Before anyone could react, he suddenly slipped and fell to the ground face-first.

"Can you hear me? Are you okay?"
As the griff regained consciousness, he was surprised to see the General Secretary standing over him. She was applying pressure to a cut on his beak with a piece of fabric ripped from her uniform. The crowd watched in astonishment as she helped the wounded griff to sit up.

"He needs to see a doctor." She gestured to the nearby crowd, "Help me get him to a hospital."
"But what about your speech?" someone yelled.
"The speech can wait! My job has always been to help creatures in need, and I'm not about to stop just because I got a promotion."

The cheers from the audience were deafening as Starry and another griff carried the wounded stage rusher away.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Final Posadist Meeting” option “Old friends find new horizons.”

Event button.png
Actions speak louder than words.
  • Starry Eyes becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Idealistic Visionary
      • Non-Core Ponypower: +5%
      • Research Speed: +5%
      • AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: +50%
      • Compliance Growth Speed: +10%
  • Set country flag posada_endgame
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Country flag posada_sad_level is set Is set equal to or more than 0.
    • Trigger country event “A Cracked Foundation” in 4 days


A Cracked Foundation

Crack Lightning sat broodingly on a couch in his living room, sipping some bourbon. He'd heard the rumors from other reactionaries, about the CSR midnight knocks and the quietly-operated extermination camps they shipped all fascists to. He had a hunch the only reason he was still breathing was that he used to be friends with the General Secretary, and the moment she retired, he'd be shot.
A quick knock at the door jolted him out of his thoughts. "Well, this is it," he muttered, slipping his revolver into a claw. He would not give them the luxury of putting him up on a show trial.
But the hippogriff at the door was not CSR. It was Posada! "Hey, Crack," she said, a little smile on her face. "It's good to see you."
Crack relaxed his posture, placing the gun on his coffee table. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Can't I just stop by to talk with an old friend?" She chuckled a little. "Okay, you got me. There is another reason. I wanted to discuss the world we've built."
"What's there to say? You've given equality to Colthaginians and Chiropterrans, and I hear you even allowed yetis full rights!" he cried. "Did you forget what they did to you!?"
"No," Posada answered, pulling back her white uniform to reveal her lightning scars, "I never will."
Crack winced. "Posada..."
"I'm not here to force you to stop being a racist. I came here to make sure you were doing alright." She glanced over to the fifteen bottles of bourbon strewn on the floor. "I guess you're not."
"No, I'm not," Crack said softly. "I've heard you have people like me killed. That you have fields full of reactionary corpses. And so I've been waiting for my turn."
"We don't do anything like that. It's not a crime to be a racist; we try to rehabilitate reactionaries, to persuade them." Posada looked into his eyes, before sliding forward to give him a gentle hug. "Crack, when we said we'd help the creatures of the world..."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Starry Skies, Starry Eyes” option “Actions speak louder than words.”

Event button.png
"Did you think that didn't include you?"
  • Gain 0.1% Communism Communist party popularity



Posada screamed as the lightning coursed through her. Her entire body convulsed, desperately trying to find some escape, some respite, some relief from the agony. "Please!" she begged. "Mercy!"

"Now where would be the fun in that?" her bearded tormentor gloated. "Besides, what can I say? It's fun seeing you like this."

Posada looked up into the cruel, pitiless eyes of the Storm King. She tried to find some words, but the agony of the lightning was too much. He cackled cruelly. "So, you thought me dead, did you? Didn't you ever think that someone would put me back together? And now, you and your little 'revolutionary state' are mine."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “The First Vision”

Event button.png
Posada woke up screaming.




Posada sat in a chair in a strange vessel of white and blue. Before her, the starkly stunning starry emptiness of space waited. She looked over at her friends. Everyone was there, all wearing outfits similar to her own.

"I admit it," Crack chuckled. "Race doesn't matter. Class does. Thank you for helping me see the light."

"Perhaps I have been too harsh on revisionists and opportunists," Hard admitted. "It took us all, together, to do this."

"The future is so happy, isn't it, comrades?" Posada replied. "Now, we stand ready to meet our comrades among the stars."

"We did it, Posada," Skystar whispered, pulling her into a hug. "We made a better world. We united all creaturekind, ended class conflict, and brought a brighter future for everycreature."

She looked out the great window out front. Two stars were orbiting each other in a beautiful dance.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “The Second Vision”

Event button.png
Posada woke up with a smile.




"Please! Mercy!"

Posada regarded the captive, bound Storm King with disgust. "You ravaged a continent. You broke countless lives and slaughtered countless more. And now you have the audacity to beg for mercy from one of your victims?"

"I'm not begging for myself," he answered. "I'm begging for my people. You wouldn't punish my family for my deeds, would you?"

"...No," Posada admitted, spitting the word like venom.

"Then why would you punish my people for it?"

"Your people?" she asked, uneasily, confusing slipping into her voice. She looked down at the paper on her desk. It was an order to destroy the Eye of the Storm with nuclear weapons, and then to send in radiation-protected troops to exterminate any survivors.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “The Third Vision”

Event button.png
Posada woke up drenched in sweat.


id 81 - 90



Posada gazed up at the stars through a telescope. It was an unusually clear night, letting her see the stars with exceptional clarity.

Skystar sat beside her, a wing around her. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" the former princess asked.

"It is," Posada agreed. "Thank you for coming stargazing with me. It really means a lot."

"Thank you," Skystar replied. "I never knew there was such perfection."

A long, quiet moment passed. "Do you really think there's life out there?"

"I do. There have to be Star People somewhere out there. We can't be alone. It's just... not possible."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “The Fourth Vision”

Event button.png
Posada woke up hugging a pillow happily.




Posada awoke in a command center. She was wearing her full uniform, surrounded by other communist party members. The ruthless Hard Line, the dreamer Starry Eyes, and of course Skystar.

"What are your orders, General Secretary?" Skystar asked, her eyes bright with bubbly hope. "Tell us!"

"Orders!" Hard Line added. "Are we to attack the yetis, or not?"

"Attack them? Why?" Posada asked, her voice full of confusion. "Are we... what's going on?"

Crack Lightning stepped forward, wearing the same uniform as her. "We're avenging the injustice of the Storm War," he said, his voice full of pride. "And you, General Secretary, are leading the invasion! We'll finally bring the yetis to their knees, and forge a better world out of it! All we need is your approval, and we'll send our planes to turn every city in their cursed lands to glass!"

"What about the people there?" Posada asked, fear in her voice.

"You mean the ENEMIES?" Skystar replied. "They'll get what they deserve. This is our revenge. Our revenge for what they did to you, Comrade." Crack, Skystar, Starry, and all her other friends grinned, but it was a terrible grin.

It was the grin the Storm King wore.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “The Fifth Vision”

Event button.png
Posada woke up sobbing.




The three quarks jiggled around, vibrating in their tricolor game.

The four hydrogen atoms slammed together at incomprehensible speed. Two of them converted into neutrons on the spot. From this reaction, and an unimaginable amount just like it, the sun burned.

The massive blue-white star was being slowly devoured by its pitch-black neighbor, a neighbor which looked like nothing so much as a hole in space.

The galaxies danced, gravity tugging them towards each other yet momentum keeping them from slamming together. Their dance would last millions of years before it would finally end in a spectacular merger.

At the largest scale imaginable, the universe looked like nothing so much as strands of star-essence pasta laid one on top of another. And yet each "star" was a hundred thousand galaxies.

Posada floated through space, seeing each of these in turn. Somehow, she knew to the core of her being, that each of these was happening right here, right now. This was the endless song of the cosmos, the unceasing waltz that all their world was but a tiny part of.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “The Sixth Vision”

Event button.png
Posada woke up at peace.



A Puppet of History

Posada shuffled some papers, sitting at her desk uneasily. "Comrade Skystar, do you know of the concept of 'great creature theory'?"

"Nope, I don't, but I can guess what it's about from the name!" Skystar replied. "It's the idea that some creatures are just born with intrinsic properties that let them shape the world, right?"

"W-well... yes," Posada sputtered.

"It makes sense. I mean, look at you, look at the work you've done! Look at what I did! Look at what the Elements of Harmony did! Even look at what the Storm King did! Very, very few creatures can influence the world the way Princess Twilight can."

"That's just it," Posada replied. "I don't believe in it." Skystar raised an eyebrow, but let her continue. "I'm not anycreature special. I'm just a bookbinder who happened to fall into the position of communist leader. Anyone could have been me. I'm... a puppet of history, a marionette on the strings of material conditions."

Skystar took a long moment to think. "So then why do you hate the Storm King?"


"He was just a puppet of material conditions too, right? The Stormlands were in the state of economic development such that primitive acquisition made sense, and ergo everything he did could have been done by anyyeti." Skystar shrugged. "But you still hate him. Why?"

"He--he still chose to use excessive brutality! He ordered cities razed!"

"Then he wasn't just operating on material conditions?" Skystar pressed. "There were other factors?"

Posada lowered her head. "I suppose you're correct. But I still think anyone could have been him."

"Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle," the ex-princess offered. "Creatures do have different talents and abilities, but the way these abilities wind up utilized is based largely upon material conditions. Nonetheless, they can still make choices about their actions, and are still to blame if they act evilly."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Selecting the national focus Posadaspace.png “The Immortal Science Of Dialectical Materialism”

Event button.png
"That sounds about right," Posada admitted.



The Cybernetic Future

Terrafin was a scientist, not a politician. He was much more at home in a laboratory than in a committee meeting. He had joined Posada's revolution mostly because of their shared interest in nuclear energy. When a successor needed to be chosen, he threw his hat into the ring because he didn't think the other contenders would fund his research. Now he wished more than anything for a break from his new responsibilities. Luckily, there was a proposal on his desk that might give him just that.

Across from him sat a researcher from the computer science division, eager to hear his thoughts. In front of him was a study which found that local governments that incorporated computers into their operations saw their efficiency increase exponentially. The study recommended that computers be integrated into all government functions, from routine paperwork to decision making at the highest levels. It even speculated that computers may eventually make government by living creatures obsolete.

"It's an interesting idea," Terrafin said, finally breaking the silence, "but I'm not sure how practical it is. The idea that computers can rule us is going to meet with opposition. Many creatures won't put their trust in machines."

The researcher's face lit up. "Trust is exactly why we need the computers. As scary as rule by machines is in the abstract, there's nothing scarier than being ruled by other creatures. History shows us that even the most ardent revolutionaries can become tyrants once in power. And after... recent events, the people's trust in their politicians has already been shaken."

Terrafin winced at the allusion to the previous General Secretary. As he contemplated the idea further, he began to see its potential. Computers couldn't be corrupt or abuse their power, so relying on them was the logical choice. His enthusiasm continued to grow as he considered the possibility of escape from the government duties he'd come to loathe.

"I see your point. Very well, your project will have my full support."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP ter computers.png “Computer-Aided Administration!”

Event button.png
Computers will free creaturekind.
  • Set country flag HIP_developed_starnet
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available as Chief of Army:
  • StarNet , which grants
    • Advanced Military A.I.
      • Army Experience Gain: @chief_experience_gain_high
      • Motorized Attack: +5%
      • Motorized Defense: +5%
      • Mechanized Attack: +5%
      • Mechanized Defense: +5%
      • Armor Division Attack: +5%
      • Armor Division Defense: +5%
      • Artillery Attack: +5%
      • Artillery Defense: +5%
      • Armor technology:
        • Max Speed: +10%


A Revolution that shall Defy Eternity

"In the sea of people we are after all but a drop in the ocean, and we can administer only when we express correctly what the people are conscious of. Unless we do this, the Communist Party will not lead the proletariat and the whole machine will collapse."

Although Steel Stallion was succeeded by rightist revisionists, his early works were valuable contributions to the Marksist canon. Hard Line had always been particularly fond of this quote. It occasionally inspired him to leave the comfort of his office and walk amongst the people, in order to better express their will.

The streets of the capital were crowded, but all creatures quickly cleared the way as the General Secretary and his guards approached. Hard Line observed his surroundings with smug satisfaction. On almost every street there was construction. New factories, hospitals and schools went up every day. The people were healthy and prosperous, and there were no beggars in sight. Society had come a long way since the early days of the revolution.

The early days... Hard Line frowned, remembering Posada's rule. He had once considered her a comrade, but as events progressed she rebuked, scorned and mocked his every proposal. He had endured all her denunciations because he knew she was wrong. She polluted and deformed Marksism by tolerating revisionists.

Now she was gone, and he had finally set things right. By destroying the revisionists, he had purified the party and secured the state. Thanks to his efforts, the revolution would last beyond eternity!

As Hard Line passed by, those who saw him felt either terror or thinly veiled contempt. Almost all of them knew someone who had been executed, sent to a labor camp, or simply disappeared. Not even in their wildest nightmares had they imagined the purges would go so far.

A few onlookers worked up enough courage to shout insults at Hard Line. He ignored them. The communist revolution didn't require the approval of the workers, so poisoned by false consciousness and reformist lies about 'creature rights' or 'personal freedom'. The Party stood over all, and the fear and hatred of the workers of their dictatorship were immaterial in light of the glorious future that awaited successful communism.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP rev unchained.png “A Revolution Unchained By Bourgeois Morality!”

Event button.png
Communism is easy when there are no revisionists.



Threading the Needle

Skybolt Spear had never been great with speeches, yet he found himself having to make them more and more. As he rose through the ranks of the Blue Navy, each promotion required a new round of orations to the sailors and officers. Now that his sense of duty had led him to the General Secretary's chair, it seemed like public speaking was all he did. Despite this constant practice, he never seemed to get any better at addressing a crowd.

Luckily today's speech would be simple. He had been invited to attend the launching ceremony of the Navy's newest ship. Surrounded by sailors and steel hulls, he would be in his element.

As the new ship's captain finished speaking, Skybolt took his place at the podium. In his claws he held notecards with prepared remarks, written to be short and sweet. He looked up at the new vessel. "Isn't she a beauty? Brand new and state of the art. Here's to you captain, I'm sure you and your crew will make us proud..."

Skybolt turned his gaze to the audience and froze. The crowd was much larger than expected, and none of them looked happy to see him. Militaristic officers glared, furious at him for ending Posada's most brutal policies. Harmonist sympathizers looked disappointed, feeling he hadn't gone far enough. Many others simply looked concerned for the future. Skybolt had to think fast. He tore up his notecards and took a deep breath.

"And when you think about it, this ship is a lot like the revolution. As it sails its crew will make plenty of missteps and have many disagreements. And they will face many challenges: rough seas, storms, maybe even enemy attacks. But in spite of all these dangers from within and without, the ship will persevere. The revolution will carry on much the same, because like the crew we're all in this together. No matter what happens, we will all do our best to create a better world!"

These remarks appeared to satisfy the crowd. Many clapped, a few even cheered. Skybolt breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his seat.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP blue navi.png “The Blue Navy Brings The Revolution!”

Event button.png
We've made mistakes, but things are getting better.



The Ultimate Question

Many years ago, just as his exploits as a fighter pilot were making him a household name, Crack Lightning heard tales of an eccentric Seapony who had somehow managed to escape from the Storm King. He eventually became curious enough to arrange a meeting, and what he found surprised him. She was hopelessly idealistic, but she had passion and determination that seemed almost supernatural.

With boundless enthusiasm, she had led the revolution to victory and spread it across North Zebrica. When tough decisions needed to be made, she had done what was necessary to protect Hippogriffia and its people. Yet her nature was so trusting that vile, manipulative traitors had made her doubt herself and now... now she was gone. Now it was Crack's job to pick up the pieces.

The office of the General Secretary was abuzz with activity. A uniformed officer approached Crack and exclaimed, "Sir! Resistance on the mainland is finally subsiding, but we're facing increased pushback from factions within the Party."
Crack's eyes narrowed. "It was seditious factions that destroyed the previous General Secretary, I won't let them destroy me. See to it that these traitors, especially any remaining Harmonists, are dealt with severely."

The officer saluted and left just as a bureaucrat approached Crack's desk. "Sir, I have a proposal for you. There are very few communist states that approve of our... unique system. If we were to make a clean break with socialist internationalism, we might be able to normalize relations with the many supremacist states of the world."

Crack smiled. "Sounds good to me. I was never much of an internationalist."
"I have the announcement right here, it just needs your signature."

Crack opened his desk to grab a pen, but as he looked inside he noticed something stuck in the back of the drawer. It was a photo of him and Posada, smiling with their fins around each other. He paused to consider what he was doing. Posada had always tried to show him the shortcomings of nationalism. Maybe it was time he started listening.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP class race.png “Class, Culture, And Race!”

Event button.png
I promised her I was a communist first.


Event button.png
May as well make it official...
  • Set the ruling party to Supremacy Supremacist


The Ultimate Question

Terramar hadn't been this excited in a long time. Silverstream's new position kept her very busy, but his older sister had promised to spend her first day off with him. Now that day had finally arrived, and the siblings planned to spend it roaming the streets of [ROOT.Capital.GetName] together.

Silverstream's appearance had changed a lot. She had bags under her eyes, more wrinkles than he remembered, and her hair was a mess. It was as if she had the weight of the world on her shoulders.

As Terramar greeted his sister, Silverstream's bodyguards agreed to follow from a distance so the siblings could have fun in peace. They made their way through crowded squares and lush parks, and everywhere they went creatures waved to Silverstream or asked to shake her claws. As time went on she began to smile and laugh more, almost seeming like her old self again.

When the sun began to set, the siblings decided to end the day with a ride on a giant wheel. After they got on, Terramar broached the subject he'd been avoiding.

"I'm glad to see you're having fun. You've done great as our leader, and you deserve a break."
"Yeah..." she replied, "Being General Secretary is really hard, but so far everything has worked out. Except for..."
"Except for what?"

Silverstream's expression darkened. "The private property issue. Some of my advisors say that if we want to bring harmony back, we need to bring back private ownership. But others say Posada's collectivization was a good thing and has gone too far to be undone. They've been arguing for weeks, and I have to make a decision soon." She sniffled.

Before Terramar could respond, they reached the top of the wheel and came to a stop. The siblings looked out at the dazzling city beneath them.
"What do you think, Terramar? The old system or the new one, what's best for all those people down there?"
Terramar shook his head. "Who cares what I or anyone else thinks? You're our leader, and the people trust you. It's your opinion that matters."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP harm soc.png “Harmonic Communism!”

Event button.png
There's enough good here to save the system.


Event button.png
Reintroduce private property.
  • Set the ruling party to Harmony Harmonic


Giving Gallus a Tour

"And this is the office of the General Secretary," Silverstream said, leading Gallus along on his tour. "So, you?"
"So me!"
"That's nice."

There was a pause. Gallus had gladly accepted Silverstream's invitation to see Hippogriffia, despite what he'd heard, but for the first time since he'd known her, Silverstream's cheeriness seemed forced.

"Silverstream..." Gallus began, looking around the office, still strewn with Posada's old papers, "What happened? You always talked about Hippogriffia as this beautiful place, but now..."
"Oh we're just all sad about our leader being dead!"
"But, what about Novo? And Skystar? Even on Griffonia we got word of what was happening, the way 'Revolutionary North Zebrica' turned against Harmony, conquered its neighbours, the horrible things you all did in Chiropterra..."

"I... I don't know," Silverstream said, her voice breaking, "I don't know what happened. Skystar tried to explain it to me, said that the poor of Hippogriffia saw our family as responsible for keeping them poor, talked about her mom's mistakes... She asked me to form a Harmonist wing in the communist party, and I did, and I tried to stop the violence, but I didn't do enough and now everything is ruined and I didn't do enough and Skystar's gotten really quiet ever since Posada killed herself and I don't know what I'm supposed to do!"

Gallus hugged her as Silverstream sobbed.
"I was never supposed to be in charge! I just put my name forward because I couldn't think of anything else to do. And now, I don't know anything..."

"You know more about friendship than anygriff. They chose you because they knew they needed Harmony to come back. Not restoring the monarchy or anything, but just... apologizing. Making amends, stopping all the anger. There's enough anger on Griffonia, more than I know how to deal with. But I think you can heal Hippogriffia. I really do."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The New General Secretary” option “The Reformer, Silverstream.”

Event button.png
"I hope you're right..."


id 91 - 100


The Memorial

In a cemetery in Seaquestria, there was a simple tombstone. No religious iconography, no ostentation, just a simple headstone of black basalt engraved with an atom symbol and a name: Posada, General Secretary of Revolutionary North Zebrica, 980-[GetYear].

There was no body underneath it; not even ash remained of Crack's old friend. He swam up to it, noticing the little seashell which had been left. Furrowing his brow, he made a guttural noise and knocked it off, watching it spin off a short way before floating down and settling on the sand.

Skystar had been here. The damned princess had wanted to make a show of caring about Posada, when it was her moralizing, her pleas, her abusing Posada's conscience which led to her suicide. It was despicable, and Crack choked for a moment on the water: he was almost too angry to breathe.

Finally, after remembering how to use his gills, Crack looked down at the headstone. "I'm sorry, Posada," he said. "I should have helped you. I should have seen what was happening to you. You and I, we both knew what had to be done. Even though we were divided at first, we saw while everygriff else was blind. But you were too kind for it. I should have helped."

Crack closed his eyes. Posada had always been an atheist, but he was sure Tiamat had welcomed her after all she had done for the seaponies.
"Worry not, my friend. You swept away the degenerate monarchy. You crushed our enemies, made the world tremble at us. And I will see that legacy upheld. Aris shall not fall, Posada. And I will punish those... those Harmonist reactionaries, even the ones who call themselves communists, who cursed you for doing what had to be done. They hounded you to your death, but I won't let them do the same for me. I will make them pay."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The New General Secretary” option “The Nationalist, Crack Lightning.”

Event button.png
"This I promise, my old friend."



Razor Feathers

Razorbeak had been in prison for a long time. She'd lost track of the date years ago. But no matter how long the vile communists kept her locked up, she would never let them break her spirit. She refused all their attempts to "reform" her or get her to feel remorse. Knowing the communists, as soon as she gave in she'd end up in front of a firing squad. Her imprisonment would have to end eventually, either with her escape or with her death.

When the guards told her a new General Secretary had granted amnesty to all political prisoners, she was certain it was some sort of trick. As they returned her belongings and released her she wondered what exactly they were playing at. Did they want to watch what she'd do? Was this some new experimental form of torture?

When Razorbeak realized that she really was outside with no one following her, her confusion only grew. Why would the communists leave her unsupervised? And these people, what were they all doing? Everywhere she looked creatures went about their days with a smile, greeting each other happily and helping those in need. Where were all the labor camps and death squads?

As a couple of hippogriffs in party uniforms approached Razorbeak she raised her claws for a fight, but they just asked if she was ok. When they found out where she'd come from they offered her a meal and a place to sleep. Lacking any other options she followed them home, but she never let her guard down. She kept her eyes open all night waiting for assassins to strike at her, but they never came.

What was going on? This whole thing had to be some kind of communist deception... it just had to be! There was no way the world she was seeing could be real...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP rehabilitation.png “A Rehabilitationlist Legal System”

Event button.png
Why are they being so nice!?




"General Secretary? Starry Eyes? Starry, wake up!"
"Ah!" Starry Eyes cried, lifting her head off of the desk. Standing over her was Skystar, her uniform coat unbuttoned. The office clock read 4:00 A.M.

"Sorry comrade, I got a little carried away with work," Starry said, rubbing her eyes. "And I was having the most wonderful dream."
"Really?" Skystar asked, "What were you dreaming about?"
"The future!"

Skystar laughed. "Let me guess, a super advanced utopia with space travel?"
Starry shook her head. "I've always looked up to Posada, but that doesn't mean we agree on everything. She thinks technological progress is the key to communism, but I'm not so sure. Technology advances under capitalism too, and it just leads to more exploitation."

"Then what do you think we should be focusing on?"
"Social relations! As Marks wrote, the revolution must completely transform the way creatures relate to each other. Everyone must put the needs of others first."

Skystar raised an eyebrow. "So everyone needs to stop being selfish?"
"It's more like there won't be such a thing as selfishness anymore, because what's best for the group will also be best for the individual," Starry explained. "Think of it like this: long ago the pony tribes of Equestria were always at each other's throats, but then they learned to see each other as one united ponykind. Imagine if all creatures could see each other like that. Imagine a world where friendship and love are free from the constraints of group and class identity!"

"Do you really think that's possible?" Skystar asked, still skeptical.
"We can't force people to change, it has to happen naturally. But I think we can create the conditions necessary for that change to take place," Starry smiled. "And I know it's possible to put the needs of others before your own. After all, you came in late just to check on me!"

Skystar giggled, and Starry joined in. They both went to bed and dreamt of a better future.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP brighter future.png “To A Brighter Future!”

Event button.png
A new beginning for creaturekind.
  • Trigger country event “Apple Trees Will Bloom Amongst the Stars” in 2 days


Securing the Revolution

Steel Feather gripped the pistol in his pocket like a talisman. Up ahead, Hot Breeze was giving a speech on the benefits of worker ownership or something similar, as if any of that mattered in an Aris that had turned against the gods and the Queen. He knew he'd probably hang for this, but he was ready. He would send a message to the people of Aris that not all of the workers loved the worker's dictatorship. And maybe his children wouldn't have to grow up in this nightmare.

He got closer, edging through the crowd, keeping his head down and mumbling excuses as he went. Finally, he had a clear shot. He started to pull the gun out.

Steel felt a claw settle onto his wrist, and a whisper from behind. "Don't."

He whirled around, trying to break free, and was met with a punch to the head. As he heard gasps from all around, Steel finally understood what his enemy was saying.

"CSR. This hippogriff is suspected of terrorism. We'll be taking him into custody."

Steel Feather couldn't believe it. They'd known. And they'd let him get close enough to almost do it. Why? Did they want to make a public show of their power? Or did they want to give him a chance to back out? He didn't know.

As he was dragged away, Steel Feather thought of his home, and how much he'd miss it.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Csrpos.png “Establish The CSR”

Event button.png
The speech continued like nothing had happened.



The Vote of No Confidence

The call for a vote of no confidence had been a shock to some, but a real surprise was rare in politics. Discussions had been had both publicly and privately, and it had become clear that while interpretations could differ there was overall agreement in disagreement. The winds were shifting, and it had become time to decide which direction they blew.

So it was that the Seaponies and Hippogriffs had assembled in the hall, and it had opened to raucous discourse as there was a call for Yays and Neighs. In the end, it came down to a per-representative vote. For a time, it seemed like Posada might hang on to power. As time went on, however, the path to keep confidence shifted to fainter and fainter methods. Eventually, when the math became apparent that not a single one of the next twenty names could vote in favour of a non-confidence vote she slumped back in her chair and released a deep mournful sigh. The writing was on the wall, but it took ten more minutes for the paint to dry.

When the tally was declared, Posada hung her head low. "I am sorry to have failed you," she said, in a sad voice. "But communism is stronger than any one creature. I trust my successor to govern with skill and grace. The stars shine on." With that, she quietly swam out of the room.

It soon fell to Salina Blue to pick up the pieces. Her contingent of the coalition had been the second largest, and in back rooms deals were made and promises offered. When the assembly came together again the next day, Salina Blue coasted to victory in a confidence motion by a heavy margin. There was no speech to be made, that would wait until things settled down. Salina did, however, have a few words to offer when she was asked how she felt after the proceedings.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal UESR TNO elections.png “The Vote Of No Confidence”

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Election Night” in 2 years

Event button.png
"Hopeful," Salina offered simply. "For all of us."
  • Scripted Effect: HIP_remove_all_posadist_ideas=yes
  • Set the Communism Communist party name to (SLPA) Socialist Labour Party of Aris
  • Salina Blue becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Organizer of Labor and Defense
      • Consumer Goods Factories: −5%
      • Army Experience Gain: +5%
      • Division Defense on core territory: +5%
      • Research Speed: −3%
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
  • Changes the national focus tree to HIP_SLPA_tree
  • Leftist Coalition Government (?)


[HIP.GetName] Calls for Aid

We have received a message from [HIP.GetName]. After being defeated in the North Zebrica War, they are now attempting to rebuild their military strength in case of another conflict with their neighbors. They are requesting that we send them any weapons we can spare.

There are many reasons for us to deny this request. [HIP.GetName] has already proven itself incapable of defeating its neighbors, and our weapons might be put to better use elsewhere. However despite past disagreements we are on much better terms with the government of [HIP.GetName] than we are with its neighbors, so perhaps aiding them is the right course of action.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Completing the national focus Goal UESR TNO population.png “Request International Aid”
  • Completing the national focus Goal UESR TNO population.png “Request International Aid”
  • Completing the national focus Goal UESR TNO population.png “Request International Aid”

Event button.png
They shall have our support.
  • Send 2000 Infantry Equipment to Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia prioritising older equipment
Event button.png
Our help won't make a difference.
  • Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia gains opinion modifier “Traitors of the Revolution” (Opinion −75 opinion) towards this country


Dire Circumstances

When the armies of [HIP.GetName] were driven back by the forces of reaction, we grieved but did not despair. No matter what happens to our nation the revolution will always live on, for ours is an international revolution. Many assumed that material aid from our comrades around the world would be forthcoming after our defeat.

Instead, we have awoken to a bleak reality. There are no friendly powers nearby willing to provide us with aid. Without foreign support and with our reactionary neighbors emboldened, our situation has become shockingly grim. We must prepare to defend ourselves, lest we see our revolution snuffed out once and for all.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal UESR TNO population.png “Request International Aid”

Event button.png
We stand alone...



Election Night

It's election night in [HIP.GetName], and every delegate to the Supreme Worker's Council is up for re-election. While most of the SLPA incumbents remain, there is a surprising groundswell of support for the newly-formed New Harmony Party headed by Silverstream, which aims to further market reforms and move closer to Equestria. At the same time, the RWP's formidable political machine and the charismatic leadership of Comrade Skystar has allowed them to pick up several seats.

The result was an election season that was tense, yet civil, due to the personal relationships between the three leaders and the fact that they mostly agreed on the broad strokes of what had to be done for the next two years. After lengthy coalition negotiations between the three parties, a new Presidium was established with members from all three, but the position of Prime Minister went to...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • As an immediate effect of the “The Vote of No Confidence” event
  • As an immediate effect of the “Election Night” event

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Election Night” in 2 years
    • Set the Harmony Harmonic party name to (NHP) New Harmony Party
    • Silverstream becomes the leader for the Harmonic party.
      • Defender of the Peasantry
        • Political Power Gain: +10%
        • Research Speed: +2%
        • Factory Output: −5%
        • Stability: +5%
        • Civilian intelligence to others: +15%
        • Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: +50

Event button.png
Salina Blue. The Centre holds!
  • Set the ruling party to Communism Communist
  • Set the Communism Communist party name to (SLPA) Socialist Labour Party of Aris
  • Salina Blue becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Organizer of Labor and Defense
      • Consumer Goods Factories: −5%
      • Army Experience Gain: +5%
      • Division Defense on core territory: +5%
      • Research Speed: −3%
Event button.png
Silverstream. For Harmony and Unity!
  • Set the ruling party to Harmony Harmonic
  • Set the Harmony Harmonic party name to (NHP) New Harmony Party
  • Silverstream becomes the leader for the Harmonic party.
    • Defender of the Peasantry
      • Political Power Gain: +10%
      • Research Speed: +2%
      • Factory Output: −5%
      • Stability: +5%
      • Civilian intelligence to others: +15%
      • Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: +50
Event button.png
Comrade Skystar. The RWP is back!
  • Set the ruling party to Communism Communist
  • Set the Communism Communist party name to (RWP) Revolutionary Workers' Party
  • Princess Skystar becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Eccentric Ex-Royal
      • Research Speed: +3%
      • Stability: +10%
      • War Support: +10%
  • Princess Skystar:


Slipping the Chains of Gravity

Before the button was pressed, no one was quite sure if it would work. Would the rocket explode at the launchpad? Would it detonate in flight? Would it go off-course?

Then, the fire. A gout of screaming flame erupted from the four engines of the rocket, flying higher and higher into the dimming sky. The roar was deafening, but even more powerful was the soaring feeling in the hearts of the scientists who'd designed it and the workers who'd built it.

Hippogriffia was a good place for rocket launches. Near the equator and with plenty of uninhabited, small islands to build on. But this was something else. The Redstone orbital reentry rocket was a success, and soon, probably within a decade, it would be able to carry a satellite into orbit. The name for the future object had already been chosen: Proletarian-1.

Posada received the news with a huge smile. "Did you hear, Skystar? As of now, we're no longer a terrestrial civilization! The stars beckon to us!"

Skystar giggled. "I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself, Posada. We haven't even put a creature in space yet."

"Not yet," Posada admitted. "But soon."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP break grav.png “Breaking Gravity's Chains”

Event button.png
To the stars!
  • Modify the National Spirit Pos orbit.png “The Interstellar Cause”
The Interstellar Cause icon
The Interstellar Cause
  • Division Recovery Rate: +10%
  • Surrender Limit: +5%
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.05
  • Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: +100
This society embraces their position as one among many between the stars, and will not give up as long as there is faith in the space comrades' arrival.


Towards Worldwide Peace

"Comrades, soldiers!" the general secretary's voice crackled over the radio, "Today we begin the final struggle against the forces of reaction. Today we sally forth, to break the chains of the oppressed of the world."
The transport ship rumbled to life, its mooring lines being unhooked as dozens of jets flew overhead. The marines within had been training for this operation for years: the opening salvo of the greatest war in history.

"Arise, arise! This shall be a long war, a hard war, but it is a sacred war! We fight not for glory, not for profit, nor for vanity, but for the liberation of all creatures, to bring a better world into being. When you fight, remember that you are fighting with all the people of Revolutionary North Zebrica behind you, and that your march is the march of history!"

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP world safe for comm.png “Make The World Safe For Communism”

Event button.png
The soldiers' shouts and cheers shook the ship's very hull.
  • Modify the National Spirit Pos planet.png “The Committee for Global Liberation”
The Committee for Global Liberation icon
The Committee for Global Liberation
  • Max volunteer force divisions: +20
  • Divisions required for sending volunteer force: −25%
  • Justify war goal time: −80%
  • Justify war goal time when at war with a major: −80%
  • Propaganda mission effects: +15%
  • Boost Ideology mission effects: +15%
We are committed to lending a helping flipper to every revolutionary in the world, and our soldiers can be found fighting all across the globe.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We stand ready to destroy every Supremacist regime in the world, and finally complete our revolutionary mission and usher in a bright future for all!

id 101 - 110


Zeirutid's Letter

"Dear General Secretary Posada,

I have no wish for war between our people. I see many similarities between us, even though our methods differ substantially, and I still believe we can come to an agreement if you and your followers are willing to listen. Your achievements in Hippogriffia are admirable, as is the way you have addressed the Zumidian zebras as your comrades, rather than your subjects. However, I cannot allow you to continue in your current path, and I hope by the time you have read this letter you will see why.

You have always spoken against imperialism, but while your presses spill rivers of ink rightly condemning it, your armies prepare to spill rivers of blood to bend the nations of North Zebrica to your will. Do you not see the contradiction? I have praised your state and its achievements, but the culture, the history, and thus the destiny of Hippogriffia is not that of Zarantia, Warzena, Chiropterra, or indeed of Zumidia or Zonicia. And so as one idealist to another, I would like to offer you an alternative vision.

Let us work together, as a commonwealth of independent nations, supporting each other in developing their own unique forms of harmonious life. I ask that we combine our resources to rebuild the nations of this region devastated by this era of war, and then to walk with them in friendship rather than ruling over them in a vast super-state.

I understand that our visions are very different, and that they may seem totally incompatible even, but I trust you will see the wisdom in these words and abandon your current ambitions in favour of something which trusts the creatures of other nations to determine their own destinies.

-Zeshmunazash Zeirutid."

Posada set down the letter, her claws shaking slightly after the third re-read. The Lichtenberg scar on her back was itching again. She took out a pen, intending to write a response, but after ten minutes of staring at the paper she still hadn't written anything.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Diplomatic Offer from [HIP.GetName]” option “We must have our independence!”

Event button.png
For the first time in years, Posada was struck silent.



A Letter from Across the Sea

The government of [HIP.GetName] is offering to become our ally. While the nation suffered economic chaos and instability after its defeat in the North Zebrica War, the situation there has now stabilized. Under the leadership of [HIP.GetLeader], the hippogriffs have come to embrace a more moderate vision of communism and begun to rebuild their economy.

This decision is not to be taken lightly. Should we accept, we would be committing ourselves to the defense of a distant nation that has a history of conflict with its very hostile neighbors. However the alliance would also bring us significant benefits. We would have a reliable ally on a very defensible island that could help extend our influence into North Zebrica.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Completing the national focus Goal world revolution.png “A Powerful Friend”
  • Completing the national focus Goal world revolution.png “A Powerful Friend”
  • Completing the national focus Goal world revolution.png “A Powerful Friend”

Event button.png
We accept.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Is in a faction
    • Add FROM to the current scope's faction
  • Else:
    • Grants guarantee of independence for FROM
      • Grants guarantee of independence for FROM

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 100

Event button.png
They're on their own.


AI logic:
  • Base weight: 0


A Visit to Macawia

As Revolutionary North Zebrica grew to encompass the entire region, General Secretary Posada made an effort to visit each newly liberated territory. Her travels had taken her from Tobuck to Kizil-Zeb, and everywhere in between. Now she was finally visiting the last destination on her list: the islands that once comprised the nation of Macawia.

What she found there wasn't encouraging. The Macawians were a proud and independent people with their own unique language and culture. They were not exactly thrilled about being absorbed into a North Zebrican superstate. In cities and towns still strewn with rubble, harpies of all ages glared at Posada and her military escort. Garrison commanders reported stiff resistance from the population and begged for reinforcements.

Yet there were still bright spots. Macawia had its own native socialist parties before the liberation, and many of their members had agreed to join the RWP. On the last day of her visit Posada addressed these new party members at a special conference. It was a nice change of pace to meet harpy comrades who had rejected national chauvinism.

Posada gave a short speech praising the socialist harpies and thanking them for embracing their new status as North Zebricans. Her remarks were well-received, and after a round of applause many harpies rose to shake Posada's claw. One harpy who seemed especially eager to meet the General Secretary reached into his coat pocket as he approached.

Posada barely had time to register what was happening as he took out a pistol and opened fire.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “A New Capital?” option “Ain Trotgourait will govern the state with revolutionary fervor!”
  • The event “A New Capital?” option “Mount Aris has served us well; there's no reason to move.”

Event button.png
Medic! We need a medic!
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Limited to:
    • Resistance: +10%
    • Compliance:−10%
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “The Question of Regional Autonomy” in 4 days
    • Country leader gains trait:
      • Assassination Survivor


The Question of Regional Autonomy

Event trigger.png The below descriptions are available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag HIP_posada_became_sad is set
Posada lay in bed recovering. The bullet only grazed her shoulder, but the assassination attempt weighed heavily on her conscience. If the would-be assassin had been a crypto-reactionary that would have been one thing, but by all accounts he wasn't. According to those who knew him, the harpy had been a devoted socialist all his life.

Posada read through the manifesto he'd written again:
"All our socialist parties are banned, ordered to merge with the RWP or be labeled as reactionaries. We have never met an RWP member except at gunpoint. Reactionary means enemies of the hippogriffs; revolutionary means those who praise them for destroying our republic. If that is so, then I am the arch-reactionary! A "raceless society" is one where hippogriffs and zebras patrol harpy streets, heavily armed, disdaining property and shutting down "counter-revolutionary" printing presses, completely convinced of their own righteousness. Any who want these thugs gone are racist; those few collaborators who storm the presses with them are anti-racist. If that is so, then I am the arch-racist!"

If a socialist felt this way then Posada had clearly failed the people of Macawia. Now she had to find a way to make things right.

In her writings, Rosey Luxembark always warned against autonomy for minority nationalities, saying nationalism is an inherently reactionary force. If autonomy was off the table, the best way to win the harpies over would probably be ordering personnel in the country to integrate into the local culture. Yet Posada couldn't shake the feeling that in this case Rosey was wrong. The Macawians had made their feelings crystal clear, and granting them an autonomous republic would be the best way of showing that she was willing to listen.

The following description is used if:

  • Country flag HIP_posada_became_sad is set
Posada lay in bed recovering. The bullet only grazed her shoulder, but the assassination attempt weighed heavily on her conscience. If the would-be assassin had been a crypto-reactionary that would have been one thing, but by all accounts he wasn't. According to those who knew him, the harpy had been a devoted socialist all his life.

Posada read through the manifesto he'd written again:
"All our socialist parties are banned, ordered to merge with the RWP or be labeled as reactionaries. We have never met an RWP member except at gunpoint. Reactionary means enemies of the hippogriffs; revolutionary means those who praise them for destroying our republic. If that is so, then I am the arch-reactionary! A "raceless society" is one where hippogriffs and zebras patrol harpy streets, heavily armed, disdaining property and shutting down "counter-revolutionary" printing presses, completely convinced of their own righteousness. Any who want these thugs gone are racist; those few collaborators who storm the presses with them are anti-racist. If that is so, then I am the arch-racist!"

If a socialist felt this way then Posada had clearly failed the people of Macawia. Now she had to fix the mess she'd created.

In her writings, Rosey Luxembark always warned against autonomy for minority nationalities, saying nationalism is an inherently reactionary force. If autonomy was off the table, the best way to win the harpies over would probably be ordering personnel in the country to integrate into the local culture. Yet Posada couldn't shake the feeling that in this case Rosey was wrong. The Macawians had made their feelings crystal clear, and granting them an autonomous republic would be the best way of showing that she was willing to listen.

Then again, giving in would set a dangerous precedent. Posada had used harsh methods to keep the Chiropterrans in line, and giving autonomy to another rebellious people would be to admit she was wrong, to admit it had all been for nothing...''

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Visit to Macawia” option “Medic! We need a medic!”

Event button.png
Rosey was right, no autonomy, but we should integrate with the local socialists.
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Limited to:
    • Resistance: −5%
    • Compliance:+5%
Event button.png
Our Macawian comrades deserve a little autonomy.
  • Release Flag of Macawia Macawia as Integrated Puppet Integrated Puppet
  • Flag of Macawia Macawia:
    • Set cosmetic tag to MCW_posada


The Post-Civilization Manifesto

Post-Civilization Anarchism is based on three premises:

1. Civilization Will Always Fail - All social, political and cultural structures that have evolved since creatures began living in cities are unsustainable. In our own time, both the absolute monarchy of Novo and the proletarian dictatorship of Posada claimed to represent the interests of the people, and when that myth was dispelled they collapsed. Instead of replacing them with another form of tyranny, we must end the cycle once and for all.

2. We Can't Just Undo Civilization - There are some in our ranks who claim that we should reject civilization in its entirety and revert to a pre-civilized state of being. That idea is both impossible and extremely foolish. Civilization has become too ingrained to simply undo, and the modern world has produced several positive developments that we should not reject. We must look forwards, not backwards.

3. We Are for Post-Civilization - Instead of resurrecting civilization or pretending it never existed, we have to create something new. Let's recycle the materials and technology of the past civilization so we don't need creatures to labor in oppressive factories and mines. Let's reject hierarchy and build communities based on mutual aid, free association and self-determination.

In the post-civilization world, all creatures shall enjoy true freedom and live as one with nature.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal GRF com agriculture.png “The Post-Civilization Manifesto”

Event button.png
We keep the political theory simple.
  • Gets the National Spirit GRW ricefield training idea.png “Embracing Post-Civilization”
Embracing Post-Civilization icon
Embracing Post-Civilization
  • Construction Speed: −10%


The Tyranny of Parents

Ever since Tidal Wave's mother swam off to war and never came back, it had just been him and his dad. The situation was hard for both of them. Tidal had become a bit of a troublemaker, and his father was often strict and overbearing. They quarreled with each other constantly, and because his dad was the adult he always won.

That is, until children gained rights equal to adults.

Now everything was different. Chores, curfews, and bedtime were suddenly open for debate. Tidal had more power now, and he knew it. Suddenly "because I say so" wasn't enough for his dad to win any argument.

"Dad, stop holding my fin everywhere we go. I'm my own seapony, I have rights!"
His father frowned. "Fine. I just want you to be safe."
Freeing himself from his father's grip, Tidal examined his surroundings. He noticed a familiar silhouette in the water above.

"Hey dad! Watch me touch this boat."
Tidal's father looked like he was about to explode. "Tidal, get back here right now! It's too dangerous!"
As Tidal swam away from his dad, he was confronted by an even younger seapony.

"What do you think you're doing?"
"Swimming up to touch the boat."
"Because... I can?"

The young stranger scoffed. "We've been given the rights of adults. That means we have responsibilities, to ourselves and to each other! Do you want to get hurt? Do you like making your dad worry?"
Tidal was dumbfounded. "...I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

Hanging his head low, Tidal returned to his father.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal griffon schools.png “Liberate The Children”

Event button.png
Some kids only need a good example.



Voluntary Resettlement

Clay Feathers had lived in Howlington all his life. Instead of going off to university on Mount Aris when he finished his schooling, Clay decided to stay and help his father run the family business. Even after his parents passed away he never once thought of leaving. Howlington was his home, and he couldn't imagine living anywhere else.

Clay still couldn't imagine it as he lay in bed sulking. Rumor had it that those weirdo anarchists were going around Aris and moving everygriff to Seaquestria. As he thought about it over and over again, he went from sad to angry. If a bunch of loony fish thought they were going to drag him underwater, they had another thing coming!

There was a knock on the door. Clay opened it to reveal a ragged old griff who looked like he hadn't been on dry land in years. Behind him several other griffs were milling about.
"Hello, we're here to invite you to join our seapony school. Come with us and start a new worry-free life under the sea!"

"No!" Clay yelled, "There's no way I'm going with you. You can't make me leave my home!"
The stranger looked at him closely and began to laugh. "Well, ok then."
"Really? That's it?" Clay asked, astonished.

"Yeah, really. We're anarchists, we'd never make anyone do anything. If you want to stay you're welcome to stay, BUT!" the stranger's face hardened, "A word of advice: you'd better get ready to defend yourself. The imperialists of the world will come for Aris someday, and the creatures left up here are gonna have to face them head-on. You'll be on your own against bombs, shells, gas, and every other weapon you can think of."

There was an awkward silence, then suddenly the stranger said, "We'll be on our way now. Good luck in the fight!"
"Wait!" Clay cried, crestfallen. "I want to come with you. Just... give me a minute to pack my things."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP underwater construction.png “Exodus From The Surface”

Event button.png
Staying home is not for the faint of heart.



The Wreckage of the World

Sparkling Pearl didn't mind going up on land, but this was just too much. She was up to her eyeballs in garbage and no closer to finding what she came for.

All she needed was a pot. It should have been easy to salvage such a common item. But the first pot she found had a hole in it, the second one was cracked, and the third had so many dents it was unusable. She was beginning to give up hope.

After emerging from another pile empty-clawed, Sparkling shouted to her salvaging companion, an older anarchist named Barnacle.

"Ugh, I hate this! Why can't we just make new stuff instead of reusing everything?"
Barnacle's eyes widened. "Why salvage? Are you serious? Look around you!"

This beach wasn't always a junkyard. Until very recently it had been a large and prosperous industrial district. The end of the war and the collapse of the Posadist state had caused conditions here to degrade rapidly. Faded posters with Posada's face and the text "Work for a Post-Scarcity Society!" hung on every wall. It was a truly ominous sight.

"You want to build new stuff? You need mines, fields and factories. For those things to work you need stuff like money, laws, and hierarchies. In short, you need a civilization. And what always happens to civilizations? They collapse."

Barnacle continued, smiling now. "And thanks to Posada's post-scarcity manufacturing craze, salvaging's never been easier! There's more than enough stuff here to meet our needs. We won't have to produce anything for a long time."

After he finished, Sparkling turned to the next garbage pile and saw a pot near the top. It had a few burn marks on it, but that was hardly a dealbreaker. She grinned as she admired her hard-earned prize. Maybe salvaging wasn't so bad after all.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal griffon com books.png “Waste Not, Want Not”

Event button.png
Why produce when you can repurpose?



The Lost Civilization

Clove Hitch had seen many strange things during his time at sea, but this took the cake. The ship was passing by what had once been Canterford, a thriving port city frequented by sailors from all over the world. Now it was a wasteland, a ghost town filled with half-dismantled wreckage. Just like all other vessels in the area, Clove and the rest of the crew were under orders not to go ashore for any reason.

Clove turned to one of the other sailors, a zebra who was native to the region.
"What happened to this place?"
"Argh," the zebra growled, "the hippogriffs and seaponies have always been strange, but now they've outdone themselves. Revolution and war drove them all crazy. They've decided to reject the world and live like wild animals."

"Hey, that's not true at all!"
Clove and the zebra shrieked, unsure where the mysterious voice had come from.
"Down here, in the water!" said a female seapony.
Clove leaned over the railing. "Wha... what do you mean?" he asked, still startled.

"We don't live like animals, we've moved beyond civilization! We take the best ideas from all eras and blend them together to create a free and fair society. If anyone here is living like animals, it's you ponies and zebras! You live under capitalist tyranny and exploitation and..."

She went on for some time. Clove turned to the zebra, who looked just as confused as he was.
"Well that all sounds... very nice. Thank you for explaining the, uh, 'post-civilization' thing."

The seapony smiled. "I'm always happy to help outsiders understand our ways. Just don't insult us again! And tell your capitalist masters they better not think about trying to conquer us..." her smile became sinister.

"...because we'll make them pay dearly for it."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal griffon money growth.png “Waking From The Nightmare”

Event button.png
Strange creatures in an even stranger land.
  • Replace the Economy Law Partial Mobilization.png “Partial Mobilization” with the Economy Law Spr collectivized society.png “Collectivized Society”


Official Statement on the South-East State

Comrades! There is a black spot today on Southeast Equestria, a black spot which twists and insults everything COMMUNISM stands for. Caramel Marks wrote of the deprivations of CAPITAL, the internal logic which forces even the most benevolent of capitalist systems towards MAXIMUM EXPLOITATION. She did not hate the capitalists, but hated the SLAVERY and STARVATION caused by capital.

Were Caramel Marks alive today however, she would HATE the regime currently oppressing Southeast Equestria. In her name, they duplicate the worst effects of Capital, despite having abolished the system which makes such deprivation inevitable. Famine! Poverty! Ponies worked to death! These echoes of the bleakest stages of capitalism are now perpetuated in even more brutal form, and not by the inevitability of a system, but by the evil will of a single pony who calls himself "Comrade" Lavender Berry!

He has taken the torch to the ecosystem of Southeastern Equestria, razing lush jungles to the ground and MURDERING defenseless natives. The goal? To wipe out the cultures of the Southeast and create a uniform society of misery for misery's sake! We call on everypony on the continent of Equus to take up arms against this tyrant, and offer Revolutionary North Zebrica's material support to those who will.

-Signed, Starry Eyes. Cosigned, The Collective Presidium of the Supreme Worker's Council.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Finishing the decision “Denounce the South-East State”
  • Finishing the decision “Denounce the South-East State”

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Long Live the Revolution! Death to Berry!
  • Gains opinion modifier “Traitors of the Revolution” (Opinion −75 opinion) towards Flag of Baltimare Republic Baltimare Republic

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Signed, "Starry Eyes?" A refutation in itself.
  • Gains opinion modifier “Traitors of the Revolution” (Opinion −75 opinion) towards Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia

id 111 - 120



Despite a rough start, primitive rotorcraft have been proven possible and basic military applications are already being proposed, primarily for our logistics and hospital services. One of the General Secretary's most-hoped-for outcomes, however, has failed to materialize.

We had intended to create "air assault" teams, helicopter-dropped paratroopers, who could sweep over a frontline, land behind, and attack from the rear. This is impossible with current technologies, and will likely be out of reach for some 20 years. The rotorcraft are too slow, too clumsy, too small, and too vulnerable for frontline operations, and even support duties are likely to be primarily noncombat for years to come. The theorized "attack helicopter," while a very promising idea, is still quite far off, though not as distant as air assault teams.

Therefore with a heavy heart we have decided to relegate all helicopters in service to support duties for now.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Project SHOOTING STAR”

Event button.png
I could really use a wish right now...
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • None of:
        • Has Experimental Helicopter technology researched
    • Add technology: Experimental Helicopter
  • Else:
    • Gain +200% research bonus (Wonder weapons bonus) (1 use) towards:
      • Helicopter technology
  • Set country flag HIP_project_shooting_star_partially_succeeded


Discovery of Elements 99 and 100

In the aftermath of the Sunset Atoll nuclear test, our scientists have discovered evidence of the formation of two elements previously unknown. Our H-bomb designers are especially excited at the potential of this, as it means they are now immortal heroes in the legacy of science! One question, however, remains: what do we call these elements? Starry Eyes and Hard Line have proposed "proletarium" and "revolutium", to pay homage to the work we still have to do. Meanwhile, the scientists themselves have requested "terrafinium" and "clawtonium" after the greatest nuclear scientist in our nation and the research complex where the weapon was designed. In either case, once names are chosen, it will be read to the press and declared to the international scientific community.

The decision rests with the General Secretary--what will we call these two new elements?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Sunset Atoll Test” option “By the stars...”

Event button.png
Proletarium and revolutium, for our immortal goals!
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power
Event button.png
Terrafinium and clawtonium, to honor our scientists!
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power


The State of the Nation

One of Salina Blue's first acts after taking office was to take a tour of Aris and Seaquestria. She considered this essential because it would allow the people to meet their new leader while also allowing her to see how the country was doing. She knew the people's material conditions had worsened, but she didn't expect the situation to be disastrous. Before the vote of no confidence Posada had been planning to restart the war, so how bad could things really be?

Pretty bad, it turns out.

Salina was shocked by what she found. All communities, even those not in range of enemy bombs, were devastated by the defeat. Mass demobilization had reduced the demand for war materials while rapidly increasing the size of the labor force. This left many creatures without work just as resource shortages were increasing prices across the board. Posada's collectivized economy, once capable of rapid growth, was beginning to buckle and collapse.

Everywhere Salina went creatures pleaded with her to do something, anything, to alleviate their plight. In the hardest hit communities people mobbed her transport to beg for basic supplies. When she finally returned to the capital she was depressed and distraught, but determined at the same time. The horrors she had witnessed gave her strength, enough to dispel the shyness that often held her back during council meetings.

Passing major reforms wasn't going to be easy. The unity of the SLPA was fragile, and radicals in the RWP were already looking for an opportunity to remove her. Still, this had to be done. Salina called an emergency session of the Supreme Workers' Council and did not mince words.

"Communism is in crisis. The economy is in ruins and the people are desperate. If we want to help them, our system must change."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Focus SOV organize wreckers.png “Begin The Reconstruction Process”

Event button.png
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_consumer_goods_factor to 0.1
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_war_support_factor to 0
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_min_export to 0
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_production_factory_max_efficiency_factor to 0
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_conscription_factor to 0
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_global_building_slots_factor to 0
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_weekly_manpower to 0
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_production_speed_buildings_factor to 0
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_industry_repair_factor to 0
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_industrial_capacity_factory to 0
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_industrial_capacity_dockyard to 0
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_stability_weekly to 0
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_production_speed_infrastructure_factor to 0.25
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_production_speed_rail_way_factor to 0.25
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_army_core_defence_factor to 0
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_monthly_population to 0
  • Set variable HIP_coalition_research_speed_factor to 0
  • Hidden effect:
    • Add the dynamic modifier “Economic Reconstruction” to this country providing the following effects:
      • Consumer Goods Factories: HIP_coalition_consumer_goods_factor
      • War Support: HIP_coalition_war_support_factor
      • Resources to Market: HIP_coalition_min_export
      • Efficiency cap texticon.png Production Efficiency Cap: HIP_coalition_production_factory_max_efficiency_factor
      • Recruitable Population Factor: HIP_coalition_conscription_factor
      • Trade deal opinion factor: HIP_coalition_trade_opinion_factor
      • Max Factories in a State: HIP_coalition_global_building_slots_factor
      • Weekly Ponypower: HIP_coalition_weekly_manpower
      • Construction Speed: HIP_coalition_production_speed_buildings_factor
      • Factory Repair Speed: HIP_coalition_industry_repair_factor
      • Factory Output: HIP_coalition_industrial_capacity_factory
      • Dockyard Output: HIP_coalition_industrial_capacity_dockyard
      • Weekly Stability: HIP_coalition_stability_weekly
      • Infrastructure construction speed: HIP_coalition_production_speed_infrastructure_factor
      • Railway construction speed: HIP_coalition_production_speed_rail_way_factor
      • Division Defense on core territory: HIP_coalition_army_core_defence_factor
      • Monthly Population: HIP_coalition_monthly_population
      • Research Speed: HIP_coalition_research_speed_factor
      • Limited to:
  • Custom effect tooltip: Gains National Spirit Reconstruction, which grants (Consumer Goods Factories: +10.0%, Infrastructure construction speed: +25.00%, Railway construction speed: +25.00%).
  • Set cosmetic tag to HIP_salina


Facing the People

Salina Blue believed in recall elections. Holding elected representatives accountable was fundamental to any democracy, and delegates lacking the confidence of their constituents deserved to be replaced. In the Supreme Workers' Council she had championed the recallable delegate principle until its passage was assured. Had she known that she herself would be the first delegate to face a recall vote, her support may have been a bit less passionate.

When Salina heard that her Seaquestrian constituents were demanding a recall election, she rushed home to campaign against it. She defended her conduct in a local council meeting, but her infamous shyness made dealing with angry seaponies difficult.

"Your economic aid has all gone to the hippogriffs, leaving nothing for us!" shouted one seapony.
"Um, that's not-" Salina said quietly, trying to respond.
"And your foreign policy! Why continue to mess with the outside world? Do you want another war!?" demanded another.
"I don't think-"
"You're just like Posada, always making promises you don't keep. We should never have put our trust in you!"

"Enough!" Salina shouted, her patience finally exhausted. "In office I have done my best to help all the creatures of Aris and Sequestria, including all of you! It's true that sometimes what I've done isn't what you wanted, but there's always been a reason for it! Our country is in a very tough spot, and sometimes we have to make sacrifices to see it through. If you're too shortsighted to understand that, then I'd like to see you try to lead us!"

Salina paused to catch her breath. The audience sat in stunned silence. She continued, calmer now, "Is there anypony here who would like to take my place? Are any of you willing to challenge me for my office?"

No one responded. Over the next few days support for the recall campaign dried up, and Salina returned to the capital in triumph.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Focus SOV the supreme soviet.png “The Recallable Delegate Principle”

Event button.png
Good leaders are one in a million.



No Idle Claws

Cumulus Wind had seen the horrors of war. He'd watched as soldiers were blown to pieces, he'd heard their cries of agony, and he'd felt the pain of losing many friends and comrades. But the worst thing about the war by far, the fact that made everything else unbearable, was that they had lost it.

Cumulus's courage had survived the war, but it was broken by the peace. He couldn't accept that all of his friends had died for nothing. They had failed all of the creatures they were fighting to save. What was supposed to be their moment of glory was just the backdrop for the final triumph of reactionary imperialists. These thoughts haunted him every day.

When the government started calling up veterans and reservists for industrial work, Cumulus hated the idea. He was in no mood to leave home, and his trust in the government was at an all time low. But good soldiers follow orders, so he began reporting for work in an automobile factory. The job was difficult and tedious, taxing his basic knowledge of engineering to the limit. Yet as the days went by something strange happened: Cumulus found himself starting to enjoy it.

Maybe it was the camaraderie he felt with the other factory workers. Maybe it was the satisfaction of seeing fully assembled cars that he'd helped build. Maybe it was simply that the job kept him busy, distracting him from his thoughts of the war. Whatever it was, the work did wonders for Cumulus's physical and mental health.

When Cumulus reconnected with other veterans a few months later, he found that many of them were also happy with their jobs. Working to rebuild the economy gave their lives a new purpose. They would never forget the horrors they'd witnessed, but with time they might learn to move past them.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Focus SOV proclaim soviet hegemony.png “The Army Of Industry”

Event button.png
Stay busy, stay sane.
  • Increase variable HIP_coalition_industrial_capacity_factory by 0.1
  • Increase variable HIP_coalition_industrial_capacity_dockyard by 0.1
  • Custom effect tooltip: Modify Reconstruction by

Factory Output: +10% Dockyard Output: +10%


Dealing with the Bourgeoisie

Although more of a moderate than Posada, Salina Blue was a communist through and through. Her background as a union organizer, her role in the revolution, and her commitment to the people had earned her the confidence of all her comrades. Normally her communist credentials were a political asset, but today they made the task at claw much harder.

Around the table sat capitalists from all over the world. There were griffons, ponies, horses, and many other races represented. As wealthy members of the bourgeoisie they were not exactly fans of communism, and that was the holdup.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Miss Blue." said a griffon in a stylish suit, "But I'm afraid I don't see the merit of your proposal. [Root.GetNameDef] is still a communist state, full of pro-worker and anti-business laws. Why should I or any other creature consider investing here?"

The other capitalists nodded in agreement. Salina began to sweat. As much as she loathed them, she knew the country needed foreign capital. Putting aside her personal feelings, she tried to strike a conciliatory tone.

"You raise several good points, but look at the big picture. Investing in [Root.GetNameDef] will give you access to a large and highly skilled workforce, not to mention millions of potential customers. And recent reforms show that our desire for your business is genuine. We've changed our currency to make commerce easier, and I promise you we have no intention of seizing any foreign-owned assets."

The room filled with quiet murmurs as the capitalists considered these arguments. After several minutes the smartly dressed griffon looked towards Salina.
"Can we get that promise in writing?"
"Yes, of course."
"Then we have a deal!"

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal ideology democratic socialist.png “Invite Foreign Capital”

Event button.png
Class enemies, business partners.
  • Increase variable HIP_coalition_min_export by 0.2
  • Increase variable HIP_coalition_production_factory_max_efficiency_factor by 0.1
  • Custom effect tooltip: Modify Reconstruction by

Production Efficiency Cap: +10% Resources to Market: +20%


Turning the Page

Salina Blue sat in her office reading through the latest reports. This would normally be an exhausting task, but today there was nothing but good news. Resource shortages had been resolved, economic growth was higher than it had been in years, and popular support for the government was bouncing back. Salina breathed a sigh of relief. She inherited a mess, but through hard work and sacrifice she had put the nation back on track.

Salina was so lost in thought that she didn't notice Skystar entering through the open door.
"Am I interrupting something?"
"Comrade Skystar!" Salina exclaimed, dropping her papers. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"A friend of mine wanted to see you, so I walked her here."

Salina's jaw dropped as Posada entered the office. The former General Secretary had her eyes cast down, but she seemed more calm than sad.

After an awkward pause, Posada said, "I need to thank you. I failed this country and its people during the war, and in my disappointment and shame I almost led us into another. You had the presence of mind to stop me, and the leadership skills to salvage the situation. You should have been our leader from the start."

Posada turned to leave, but Salina gestured for her to stop. "I appreciate the sentiment, but that's just not true. I've seen how difficult it is to lead, always bouncing from one crisis to another, and you were a good leader! Before I met you I was willing to work with the monarchy. Only you had the vision and drive to lead us in a revolution. You made some mistakes, yes, but so do all creatures. You have nothing to be ashamed of."

Posada raised her head. "Thank you. I needed to hear that."
Salina thought for a moment. "Would you be willing to return to government service?"
"You... want me to come back? Why?" Posada asked.

Salina smiled. "It's simple comrade. I've always needed an advisor who understands just how difficult it is to lead."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Focus SOV the glory of the red army communism.png “The Enduring Bastion Of Communism”

Event button.png
The revolution lives on.
  • Gain Political Power 200 Political Power
  • [SCOPE]Every recruited character:
    • Limited to:
      • is_army_leader = yes
    • Add Logistics Skill: 1
    • Add Plannning Skill: 1
    • Add Defense Skill: 1
    • Add Attack Skill: 1
  • [SCOPE]Every recruited character:
    • Limited to:
      • is_navy_leader = yes
    • Add Coordination Skill: 1
    • Add Maneuvering Skill: 1
  • Gain 10% War support War Support
  • Posada has joined the government (?)
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available as Political Advisor:
  • Posada , which grants
    • Nuclear Enthusiast
      • Nuclear Production: +10%
      • Research Speed: +1%
      • Nuclear Reactor construction speed: +10%
      • Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: +35



Project STANDOFF is a complete failure.

Missile technology is simply not currently advanced enough to make such air-launched cruise missiles possible. Perhaps in five or ten years such weapons we be feasible, but for now we just can't get the electronics needed in a package small enough for a plane to carry.

While the aim of air-launched guided missiles has failed, we have learned valuable lessons about aerodynamics that allow us to design better glide bombs and rocket-assisted bombs. This in turn will allow our bombers a small degree of safety from anti-air defenses, although it is nowhere near what we had hoped to achieve.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Project STANDOFF”

Event button.png
  • Add technology: Modern Glide Bombs
  • Custom effect tooltip: Strategic bombing visibility: -5%
  • Set country flag HIP_project_standoff_failed



Although the ground-effect vehicle has been successfully created, military applications are... very limited at best. It is too fast, too hard to control, and the missiles we had hoped to mount on its back are too destabilizing to the aerodynamics and inhibit its movement more than is acceptable.

Regrettably, we must reassign the few we have built to scouting purposes, where their speed will hopefully be valuable in spotting an enemy fleet. In the future, we may be able to design some as troop transports, where their speed would be invaluable for naval invasions. But for now, scouting is all they can do.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Project TIDALWAVE”

Event button.png
  • Add technology: Primitive Scouting Ground Effect Vehicles
  • Custom effect tooltip: Spotting speed: +5%
  • Set country flag HIP_project_tidalwave_failed


Apple Trees Will Bloom Amongst the Stars

Starry Eyes looked out over the crowd and smiled. All of her comrades were there, even Posada. Skystar stood beside her, giving the General Secretary an encouraging look. Without further ado, Starry began her speech:

"I know it's hard to believe, but I wasn't always interested in space. When I was growing up I thought space travel was the stuff of science fiction, completely impossible in the real world. Even when I met Posada and she convinced me that it could happen one day, I didn't think it was very important. We have so many problems to solve down here, so why should we waste our time trying to get up there?"

"But that was before I understood what space really means. Space isn't just an infinite vacuum outside our atmosphere, it's so much more than that. It represents our aspirations, our hope that one day we will reach the distant stars. It represents infinite possibility, infinite resources and infinite wonders. More than anything it represents our curiosity, our desire to know what's out there and who's out there. In short, it is the final frontier of scientific discovery."

"Space travel is currently beyond our capabilities, though we grow closer every year. To achieve the dream of reaching the stars we will need scientists and aeronautical engineers, but that won't be enough. All the experts in the world could never achieve anything if the people didn't value their work. That is why we must help creatures to understand the importance of space, help them to make the same discovery I did."

"And that is why it is my great honor to dedicate the new [Root.Capital.GetName] Observatory, where future generations will gaze upon the stars and learn about the wonders of space!"

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Starstruck” option “A new beginning for creaturekind.”

Event button.png
Space - the final frontier.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Thank you for playing Posada!

id 121 - 130


Victory in the Kar-Alpaka Operation

The Revolutionary Army quickly seized Kar-Alpaka. While some might consider it an irrelevant patch of land, the General Secretary was adamant that it must be taken to complete our mandate as Revolutionary North Zebrica and to ensure the success of her future plans.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “Initiate Kar-Alpaka Military Operation”

Event button.png
Well done.
  • [SCOPE]Our country
    • Becomes owner and controller of Kar-Alpaka (1092)


Failure in the Kar-Alpaka Operation

The Revolutionary Army was repelled by the llamas. [HIP.GetLeader] was disappointed, as her plans require access to all the resources of North Zebrica, no matter how "trivial". This is especially disappointing as our army has striven to be the most advanced in the world, and such a defeat is a serious blow to our pride.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “Initiate Kar-Alpaka Military Operation”

Event button.png
We'll try again next time.
  • Lose Political Power 25 Political Power


We Held Them Off!

The crazy hippogriff communists have been repelled. Our borders remain secure! Take that, you imperialist fish maniac!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “Initiate Kar-Alpaka Military Operation”

Event button.png
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain 5% War support War Support
  • Gain Political Power 50 Political Power


Kar-Alpaka Seized!

The crazy hippogriff communists have taken Kar-Alpaka! While the violence has not escalated this is a serious blow to our sovereignty and our pride.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “Initiate Kar-Alpaka Military Operation”

Event button.png
  • Lose Political Power 50 Political Power
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability


Stalemate in the Kar-Alpaka Operation

This event should not be triggered. If you see it, feel free to report it in bugreports alongside how you got it so we can fix it. Thank you!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Taking the decision “Initiate Kar-Alpaka Military Operation”
  • Taking the decision “Initiate Kar-Alpaka Military Operation”

Event button.png
Oh, and no console commands, yeah?



The Fate of the Child King

Skystar tugged at her collar as she navigated the halls of Zerma Palace. She'd been here before, dozens of times, but like everything else it had changed since the revolution. Most of the palace staff was gone, as were the most valuable decorations. The few zebras that remained glared at her when they saw her party uniform.

The hippogriffs and seaponies had lost faith in their monarchy before the revolution, but here in Zumidia it was different. No matter how these zebras felt about the hippogriffs or the Regency Council, they all supported King Zamni. His popularity was making it difficult to recruit Zumidian communists.

Eventually Skystar reached the young king's bedchamber. The door was open, so she poked her head in.
"Hello! Zamni, are you in there?"
She heard movement, but only an old zebra butler emerged. "May I help you, princess?"
"I'm uh, not a princess anymore." Skystar said nervously, "And I was wondering where King Zamni is."
"His majesty is no longer here." the butler replied coldly.
"Is he out somewhere? On a walk, maybe?"
"No, he's left the country."

Skystar gasped. "But why? How could he leave us? Where has he gone?"
"When his majesty heard of Posada's plan to strip away all his titles and take direct control of Zumidia, he decided to flee. Members of the household staff aided his escape. I don't know where he is exactly, but it's somewhere far away. Somewhere where he'll be hard to find."
"Oh..." Skystar replied, heartbroken. "Well, thank you sir. I'll be on my way."
As the old zebra watched her go, his expression softened. "I still have some contact with the staff members who left. I won't help you find him, but if you'd like I can take a message for the King?"

Skystar smiled sadly. "Please tell him that I'm sorry. The revolution was our fault, it shouldn't have cost him his kingdom. Tell him that the future isn't certain yet. There's still a chance to do some good, so that's why I decided to stay. Most of all, tell him I hope we're still friends."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Communist Parties and Tea Parties” option “Or perhaps a friend.”

Event button.png
Revolution is never easy.
  • [SCOPE]Every state:


Hippogriffia Denounces [CVA.GetNameDef]

Today, in an emergency session of the Supreme Workers' Council, General Secretary Posada addressed recent developments in Colthage.

"Comrades, like many of you I have followed the course of the Coltvan revolution for some time. Before our own revolution began, we joined socialists around the world in extending critical support to Zeshmunazash Zeirutid. We were appalled when he was brutally murdered, but our grief was followed by elation as the Liberation Army of the East marched to Colthage and triumphed over the reactionaries."

The General Secretary cast her eyes down. "There was a time when I looked forward to working with Zarishat Zeirutid as we spread socialism across North Zebrica together. Her methods were brutal, yes, but revolution is often a brutal affair. I convinced myself that she was a comrade who had her people's best interests at heart."

Now Posada looked up, her eyes full of rage. "But I was wrong! We have all been deceived! Zarishat is no revolutionary, she is a reactionary tyrant! A traitor to the socialist cause! As we speak she is allowing the material conditions of capitalism to reemerge in Colthage!"

After pausing to breathe, Posada reached her conclusion. "The reports are clear: Zarishat's new system is nothing but state capitalism under a red facade. It is a product of her endless greed, and it makes a mockery of real socialism. Even worse, it entails endless suffering for the people of Colthage and Coltva. We must stop this insanity and free the zebras, by any means necessary!"

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP pcolt.png “Free The Slaves”
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP pcolt.png “Free The Slaves”

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
To arms! Crush the red tyrant!

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Posada is calling US insane?



Official Statement on Zarantia

While giving a radio address to the people of Revolutionary North Zebrica, General Secretary Posada spent a few minutes addressing conditions in the lands to our south.

"I do not claim to be an expert on all North Zebrican history, and I must admit that recent developments in Tobuck and Zarantia have been hard to follow. But it is clear that the long-divided Imazeeb tribes have risen up as one against the rule of a corrupt foreign tyrant."

"This is, of course, a welcome development. We salute the Imazeeb for their bravery and tenacity in the face of capitalist oppression. Unfortunately, we cannot call them our comrades or treat them as natural allies. They have now turned their back on modern civilization, de-industrializing their cities as they cling to a primitive way of life."

The General Secretary sighed deeply. "I know some creatures think I'm obsessed with technology, but I promise this has nothing to do with my personal feelings. No less a theorist than Caramel Marks wrote that communist revolution is only possible when the productive forces of society advance and an industrial proletariat forms. This Zarantian uprising is not a true socialist revolution, it's more akin to a historical peasants' revolt. Its initial causes may have been just, but now it's doing more harm than good. We cannot allow the Imazeeb to toil under primitive modes of production for all eternity."

Posada's voice grew stern. "So, we are going to bring the modern world and post-scarcity communism to Zarantia. Peacefully if possible, by force if not."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP psweep.png “Sweep The Remainder”
  • Completing the national focus Goal HIP psweep.png “Sweep The Remainder”

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
For the greater good, it must be done.

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Foreign rats have no right to dictate our way of life!




Project BOMBTHROWER has succeeded, though it has been less effective than we hoped. The dedicated grenade launcher does indeed vastly outrange traditional rifle grenades, sharply increasing the firepower of the infantry platoon, but it is near-useless at short range. Because of the weight of the M79 grenade launcher, an infantrycreature cannot carry it as well as a rifle, so they are totally dependent on their comrades for defense. Nonetheless, the ability to fire a grenade effectively out to a range of 350 meters cannot be underestimated, and this will be a valuable boost to the Revolutionary Army.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Project BOMBTHROWER”

Event button.png
  • Add technology: M79 Grenade Launcher
  • Custom effect tooltip:

All Infantry and Motorized/Mechanized

     Defense: +5%
     Breakthrough: +5%
  • Set country flag HIP_project_bombthrower_succeeded


The Modern Steel Stallion

Today, General Secretary Posada of Revolutionary North Zebrica wrote a letter to General Secretary Antonino Proletarino in Wingbardy. In it, she unconditionally praised Proletarino for his restoration of democratic centralism, permission of debate and discourse, and commitment to justice. She encouraged him to listen to Bordiclaw, calling him "one of the brightest minds in the world", and interestingly also critically supported Gacci as "a softhearted but true comrade", even calling him "the conscience of the revolution".

"When the revolution first took power, I was worried that Proletarino might become a dictator. His emergency powers were truly vast. But I am proud to say my fears were unfounded. He has become a glorious beacon of Marksism at the equator, upholding the values Stallion always believed in. Proletarino, you are a modern Steel Stallion. Good work, comrade."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Finishing the decision “Express an opinion about Proletarino's politics in Wingbardy”
  • Finishing the decision “Express an opinion about Proletarino's politics in Wingbardy”

Event button.png
To the workers of the world!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Gains opinion modifier “Friendly Government” (Opinion +170 opinion / Time 12 years and 6 months) towards Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
  • Else:
    • Gains opinion modifier “Friendly Government” (Opinion +170 opinion / Time 12 years and 6 months) towards Flag of Kingdom of Wingbardy Kingdom of Wingbardy

id 131 - 741


A Bitter Condemnation

A very angry letter has reached us from us from Revolutionary North Zebrica. They accuse us of having caved to nationalism, of Proletarino having become a "Red Duce", and are threatening an embargo over our actions. They claim "Steel Stallion would be disgusted with the atrocities you are committing in his name".

While this outrageous attack is unfortunate, perhaps the most unexpected part of it is a request for asylum for Bordiclaw. Posada argued that regardless of his break with party unity, he is a brilliant mind and it is vital for the sake of international communism that he be given a place where his theories will be heard. She has offered to take him in, and in return promises to avoid publicly slandering our image.

Proletarino is furious about this message, but it could be a disaster for his public image if he turns down the request, as Revolutionary North Zebrica is infamous for their propaganda apparatus and trade between our nations is important. What will Il Migliore do?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Express an opinion about Proletarino's politics in Wingbardy”

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag WNG_bordiclaw_actually_dead is set
Event button.png
Let them have the troublemaker.
  • Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia:
    • Trigger country event “Bordiclaw Released”

Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Hah! No chance.
  • Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia gains opinion modifier “Traitors of the Revolution” (Opinion −75 opinion) towards this country


Bordiclaw Released

Gennaro Bordiclaw stepped off the plane today, arriving at Mount Aris. He met privately with Posada, and thanked her for securing his asylum. But then he critiqued her harshly on her various deviations from proper revolutionary orthodoxy.

She looked very hurt, and he then quickly reassured her that he still believed in her. His criticism was meant to encourage her to course-correct, not to imply she was a failure or a traitor. He emphasized that she should listen to Hard Line on everything except what to actually do with enemies of the revolution--that Hard was too bloodthirsty and favored execution where reeducation would do, but otherwise a brilliant mind and guiding light for Revolutionary North Zebrica. Finally, he told her that while he had no interest in politics any more, he would gladly listen to her ideas and share his thoughts on them.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Bitter Condemnation” option “Let them have the troublemaker.”

Event button.png
Welcome to your new home.



Victory Over Wingbardy

Event trigger.png The below descriptions are available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • Country flag RWP_H_formed is set
Il Duce no doubt expected the attack on [HIP.GetName] to be a quick victory, a simple landgrab, but we proved him wrong. The hammer of the proletariat dealt a severe blow to reaction today, and Harmonist and Communists alike have come together to congratulate us on our victory.

The main question now is who will lead the new Wingbardian revolutionary state. Posada's choice is the theorist Gennaro Bordiclaw, whose ideals of Organic Centralism and fervent internationalism strongly inspired Posada's own strain of Marksism.

More pragmatic voices point to Bordiclaw's old age and relative lack of serious organizing experience, suggesting that he is a fine theorist but lacks a politician's touch. They call for the renowned communist Antonino Proletarino to lead, citing his tough attitude and credibility as a veteran antifascist fighter.

The RWP-H however have pointed to both griffons' hardline stances on what qualifies as a "fascist sympathiser" or "counterrevolutionary," and have characterised Proletarino in particular as thuggish. They call for Giovanni Gacci, the leader of the left wing of the outlawed Wingbardian Socialist Party, to head the Wingbardian government, as a leader acceptable to both communists and more moderate antifascists.

The following description is used if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag RWP_H_formed is set
Il Duce no doubt expected the attack on [HIP.GetName] to be a quick victory, a simple landgrab, but we proved him wrong. The hammer of the proletariat dealt a severe blow to reaction today, and Harmonist and Communists alike have come together to congratulate us on our victory.

The main question now is who will lead the new Wingbardian revolutionary state. Posada's choice is the theorist Gennaro Bordiclaw, whose ideals of Organic Centralism and fervent internationalism strongly inspired Posada's own strain of Marksism.

More pragmatic voices point to Bordiclaw's old age and relative lack of serious organizing experience, suggesting that he is a fine theorist but lacks a politician's touch. They call for the renowned communist Antonino Proletarino to lead, citing his tough attitude and credibility as a veteran antifascist fighter.''

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “Establish new government in Wingbardy”

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Bordiclaw: theory is praxis!
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
      • [SCOPE]Every country that exist and could exist:
        • Limited to:
          • Gennaro Bordiclaw is active in this country
        • Gennaro Bordiclaw:
  • Release Flag of Kingdom of Wingbardy Kingdom of Wingbardy as a puppet
  • Flag of Kingdom of Wingbardy Kingdom of Wingbardy:
    • Set cosmetic tag to WNG_posada
    • Gennaro Bordiclaw becomes the leader for the Communist party.
      • Marksist Philosopher
        • Political Power Gain: +10%
        • Research Speed: +5%
        • Daily Communism Support: +0.05

Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Proletarino: a true fighter for the people!

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Country flag RWP_H_formed is set
Event button.png
Gacci: a leader for everygriff!
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
      • [SCOPE]Every country that exist and could exist:
        • Limited to:
          • Giovanni Gacci is active in this country
        • Giovanni Gacci:
  • Release Flag of Kingdom of Wingbardy Kingdom of Wingbardy as a puppet
  • Flag of Kingdom of Wingbardy Kingdom of Wingbardy:
    • Set cosmetic tag to WNG_posada
    • Set the Communism Communist party name to (PSW) Partito Socialista Wingbardo
    • Giovanni Gacci:
      • Becomes the leader for the Communist party.


Princess of Communism

"My dearest Skystar,"

I once said that I did not understand why you'd become a communist. I said a lot of things to you, most of which I regret. I am finally coming to terms with what happened: why you turned away from Harmony, why all of Aris did, the responsibility I bear for it. But that's not quite right, is it? You never turned your back on Harmony. For you, socialism was the next step for Harmony, because I had failed the workers of Aris. You never changed. You have always been my brilliant Skystar.

Communism appeals to the best in our hearts. Posada used your optimism, your hope, your willingness to think differently and to try new things. She used those to convert you to her cause, as she used on so many others. Communism promises a better tomorrow, and offers a way to work towards it. How could somepony as wonderful as you resist its call, when the old ways were failing all around you? I take back every hurtful word I said about you in the days after the revolution, and I hope you will one day forgive me.

But Skystar, my beloved, now you must see that it has all gone wrong. You must wake up. Years ago you told me of a seapony named Hard Line, calling for my head, how he was booed and humiliated for his cruelty. But more and more now, it seems ponies like Hard Line are calling the shots. Can you say truly, that had the matter been decided now rather than back then, that I would still be alive? I fear for you, Skystar. I fear that you will speak your mind, as you always have, and tell Posada how wrong she is. I fear what she will do to you when you do.

Please, my daughter, leave Aris behind. You have done all you can to keep them on the right track, but they have so clearly lost their way. Come join your family in exile. We will forget our past. Please.

Your loving mother,

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

When scripted effect “HIP_check_posada_sad” is activated

Event button.png
Skystar clawed at her party uniform.
  • Princess Skystar:
    • remove_unit_leader_role = yes
    • Stops being a Political Advisor


Hippogriffia Critically Supports [FEA.GetNameDef]

Event trigger.png The below descriptions are available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • None of:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Grover VI is Dead (?)
      • Has leader “Emperor Grover VI”
Today Posada, General Secretary of [HIP.GetName], sent [FEA.GetLeader] a message the size of a large textbook. In it, she and her co-author Starry Eyes conduct a "Dialectical materialist analysis of the Feathisian constitution," and conclude that it is a rare example of a bourgeois-democratic constitution which "Makes peaceful revolution possible, so that violent revolution need not be inevitable."

They then have a section, nearly 200 pages long, analysing the Grover Dynasty and its complex legacy. It is very clear the two authors do not see entirely eye to eye on this, as certain sections bearing Starry Eyes' signature style are far more condemnatory, particularly towards Grover I and the Idol of Boreas. Still, while the assessment of the Empire is overall negative, they seem to believe that should [FEA.GetName] restore the Empire in its entirety, it will not be the Empire of old, but rather an Empire which embraces the spirit of the abolition of serfdom and the other positive aspects of the Grover legacy.

In a section on foreign policy near the end, which nogriff had the time to read, the authors urge [FEA.GetName] to take a "revolutionary" approach to Pan-Griffonianism, leaving socialist states on Griffonia alone while sweeping aside capitalist and supremacist ones.

The highly confusing book was marked with a hydrogen seal, the personal stamp of General Secretary Posada, and came with a much shorter and more unambiguously-positive letter addressed to "Little Grover."

The following description is used if:

  • At least one of the following is true:
    • Grover VI is Dead (?)
    • Has leader “Emperor Grover VI”
Today Posada, General Secretary of [HIP.GetName], sent [FEA.GetLeader] a message the size of a large textbook. In it, she and her co-author Starry Eyes conduct a "Dialectical materialist analysis of the Feathisian constitution," and conclude that it is a rare example of a bourgeois-democratic constitution which "Makes peaceful revolution possible, so that violent revolution need not be inevitable."

They then have a section, nearly 200 pages long, analysing the Grover Dynasty and its complex legacy. It is very clear the two authors do not see entirely eye to eye on this, as certain sections bearing Starry Eyes' signature style are far more condemnatory, particularly towards Grover I and the Idol of Boreas. Still, while the assessment of the Empire is overall negative, they seem to believe that should [FEA.GetName] restore the Empire in its entirety, it will not be the Empire of old, but rather an Empire which embraces the spirit of the abolition of serfdom and the other positive aspects of the Grover legacy.

In a section on foreign policy near the end, which nogriff had the time to read, the authors urge [FEA.GetName] to take a "revolutionary" approach to Pan-Griffonianism, leaving socialist states on Griffonia alone while sweeping aside capitalist and supremacist ones.

The highly confusing book was marked with a hydrogen seal, the personal stamp of General Secretary Posada.''

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Finishing the decision “Analyse [FEA.GetNameDef]'s bizarre system”
  • Finishing the decision “Analyse [FEA.GetNameDef]'s bizarre system”

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
I guess that means they like us? Or something?


Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
600 pages is an entirely reasonable length.




Skystar and Posada looked out as the bomber loaded up.

"So, we're uh, we're really gonna do this?" asked Skystar. Posada wrung her claws. "Can't we just, I don't know..."

Thermonuclear weapons. They were originally meant only as a deterrent, but what good was a deterrent if it wasn't used? RNZ had the most powerful weapon in the world, and with a single strike, they would cripple their enemy and save countless of their own soldiers' lives. Besides, they had committed themselves to liberating the whole world... wasn't anything worth that?

"So, what'll happen?" asked Skystar.

"Well, we don't know for sure. We've never used it on... a real target before. By our estimations, it'll probably vaporize a large portion of the, ah, the target, then start a firestorm. It'll kick up radioactive dust from all the... all the ah..."

"All the homes?"

"Yeah, yeah that. And if it gets in the water... When it gets in the water, and the soil, it'll cause um... radiation poisoning, crop failure, just, a lot of bad things all around. We don't know how much of the city will be left, but... probably not much. I can..." The bomber started down the runway, picking up speed. "I can still call it off... maybe we can do this with just... just normal weapons. I mean it would probably take hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of our own creatures to accomplish what this bomb will do in an instant, but we won't have to deal with the poison and so much... innocent blood."

Posada looked down at her claws, not looking at Skystar as her scars itched for the first time in years. She picked up the radio receiver. She could still call it off. The bomber was about to take off.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “Deploy Thermonuclear Weapon on [FROM.GetName]”

Event button.png
Abort mission!
  • Thermonuclear strike canceled (?)
Event button.png
No, this has to be done.



The Emergency Government

Posada never wanted to rule forever. She had planned, at the end of War Plan Hydrogen, to leave things in the hooves, claws or fins of somecreature fresh-faced and optimistic. To breathe new life into the RWP, make sure the revolution outlived her when she was gone. Not to mention, she wanted to enjoy the society she'd built, live a normal life after so many hard decisions and sacrifices.

The Day of the Second Sun had put an end to that dream. Millions of creatures vaporised in an instant, a massive smoking crater blown in the economy, the food system, and the culture of the lands RNZ was now responsible for. Poisoned waters, radioactive dust spreading far and wide... it was a nightmare. And it was a nightmare that would take years to clean up.

Despite the fact that the 'liberated' creatures would never forgive them for The Second Sun, the creatures of RNZ had stepped up to shoulder the burden. Posada was so proud of them. They had agreed to lower their own standard of living in order to provide for the millions of the displaced, the orphaned, the poisoned, and the war-wounded.

She was proud of them, but Posada wasn't naive. She knew that they only were willing to accept all these new burdens because she asked them to. Hydrogen and its aftershocks had forced RNZ into becoming an emergency government, turning away from its loftiest goals and becoming concerned first and foremost with averting catastrophe and cleaning up the devastation they had wrought. Without their founder at the helm, it would falter.

Posada never wanted to be a dictator, never wanted her own personality to be the only thing holding Revolutionary North Zebrica together. But for the foreseeable future, that was her fate.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “Complete the Revolutionary Mission

Event button.png
No rest for the revolutionary.
  • Replace the National Spirit Pos heaven.png “Attempting Post-Scarcity” with the National Spirit Pos heaven.png “Luxury for All”
Luxury for All icon
Luxury for All
  • Efficiency texticon.png Production Efficiency Growth: +5%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 2%
  • Production Efficiency Retention: +5%
  • Production Efficiency Base: +5%
  • Efficiency cap texticon.png Production Efficiency Cap: +5%
This society has rejected inequality and austerity alike; every creature has access not only to the necessities of life, but the necessities of happiness.
  • Remove the National Spirit Pos toaster.png “People's Welfare League”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has the National Spirit Pos alienstudy.png “The Department of Extranormal Affairs”
    • Remove the National Spirit Pos alienstudy.png “The Department of Extranormal Affairs”
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Has the National Spirit Pos alienstudy.png “The Department of Extranormal Affairs”
    • Remove the National Spirit Pos alienstudy.png “The Department of Extranormal Affairs”
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Has the National Spirit Pos alienstudy.png “The Department of Extranormal Affairs”
    • Remove the National Spirit Pos alienstudy.png “The Department of Extranormal Affairs”
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Has the National Spirit Pos alienstudy.png “The Department of Extranormal Affairs”
    • Remove the National Spirit Pos alienstudy.png “The Department of Extranormal Affairs”
  • Remove the National Spirit Pos planet.png “The Committee for Global Liberation”
  • Custom effect tooltip: Thank you for playing Posada!


id 1 - 9


The Rising Lower Classes

The benefits of our booming economy have not been distributed evenly. While opening up our markets has brought the prices of goods down and has made great profits for our corporations via exports and tourism, there is rising discontent among the lower classes that they are not getting their share of the national prosperity.

While before, much of the opposition to our trade policies have been from nationalists and isolationists among the middle classes afraid of foreign competition, now much of the anger is coming from the proletariat, as socialist ideas once popular mainly among radical student groups have started percolating among the common workers. Popular discontent is directed more and more at domestic businessgriffs rather than distant foreigners, and even at the monarchy itself, which is increasingly seen as a defender of inequality.

The constitutionalist Socialist Labour Party of Aris has been doing its best to moderate rhetoric and remind the people that Novo has been a good queen, but the fringe Revolutionary Workers' Party and Post-Civilization Coalition of Communities, Anarchist have said in no unclear terms that the monarchy must be dissolved.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP gstock.png “The Aris Stock Exchange”

Event button.png
I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.



The Motor Strike

Event trigger.png The below descriptions are available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • Country flag HIP_unions_banned is set
The simmering discontent among the working class has reached a boiling point today. Despite our efforts, auto-workers in both Seaquestria and Mount Aris have walked out of their jobs in large-scale strikes, citing low wages, unsafe working conditions and callous supervisors.

The industry has ground to a standstill, but as the strikers are not centrally organized, it is difficult to tell what would get them to go back to work. Enraged at being denied the right to unionize, different groups have demanded everything from increased safety standards to a complete restructuring of the wage system so that every worker shares in a percentage of the profits of their company.

Skystar has suggested getting all the labour leaders together into one room so they can talk amongst themselves and talk with us to figure out a plan that works for everygriff, while auto industry leaders like Lucky Break have cautioned against such a plan, saying that that would result in the most radical voices swaying the others and pointing to the increasing popularity of socialist ideologues like the anarchists and Posada. They suggest simply waiting the strikers out, playing them off each other until their movement loses momentum. If that fails, the Queen can always sign back-to-work legislation forcing the strikers to return to their jobs.

The following description is used if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag HIP_unions_banned is set
The simmering discontent among the working class has reached a boiling point today. Organized by their new unions, auto-workers in both Seaquestria and Mount Aris have walked out of their jobs in large-scale strikes, citing low wages, unsafe working conditions and callous supervisors.

The industry has ground to a standstill. Given the ideological leanings of many union leaders, it is difficult to tell exactly what would get them to go back to work, as although they publicly say they mainly want increased wages and safety standards, many of them are known socialist radicals who have previously called for the abolition of the wage system.

Skystar has suggested giving in to the more moderate demands and figuring out a plan that works for everygriff, while auto industry leaders like Lucky Break have cautioned against such a plan, saying that that would give legitimacy to the radicals in the labour coalition. They suggest simply waiting the strikers out, playing factions off eachother until their movement loses momentum. If that fails, the Queen can always sign back-to-work legislation forcing the strikers to return to their jobs.''

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal generic army motorized.png “Encourage The Automotive Industry”

Event button.png
Let's hear them out.
  • Set country flag HIP_commies_happy_2
  • Lose Political Power 15 Political Power

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 5
  • Base weight * 0 if the following are true:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Country flag HIP_AI_COMMUNIST is set
      • Rule HIP_ai_behavior is set to COMMUNIST

Event button.png
They should return to work.
  • Gain 5% Communism Communist party popularity

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 5


The Socialist Unions

Swimming about her throne room, Queen Novo looked over report after report of more industries trying to form unions, and of the socialist goals those unions had declared. While many said they were forming in response to the rising inequality and deregulation, one look at their founding members told Novo all she needed to know.

Skystar was with her, but as usual her daughter underestimated the severity of the situation. Once more Novo wondered what would happen to Hippogriffia when she was gone.
"We should never have let it get this far," Novo muttered, looking at another report.
"Look at this one: the glassmakers are organizing, and one of their chief organizers is Hot Breeze, who is one of Posada's top henchgriffs!"
"I don't know, it doesn't seem so bad," said Skystar, "Salina Blue seems nice, and she's pretty high up. And besides, all kingdoms have labour movements."

"This isn't just a labour movement!" Novo snapped, "They want to dispose of us. Communists, anarchists, Posadists, these new unions are full of them! You know what they do to creatures like us in Stalliongrad? I should have done this a long time ago, but I'm still the Queen. I'm going to ban these unions while I still can."

Skystar was silent for a moment, lost in thought. Novo hadn't heard Skystar be silent in a long time, and finally embraced her daughter in her fins, holding onto her.
"I'm sorry Skystar. I don't want to crack down on our own subjects, but I haven't been this scared since the Storm King. I... I don't want to lose you."
Skystar hugged her back, trying to find the words to tell her mother how wrong she was. "Mom, I know you're scared, and I know a lot of them are real weird, but they just want to negotiate on an even level with their bosses. Isn't that what Harmony is all about: every creature has a fair say?"

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus IRE medium industry.png “Cut The Industrial Red Tape”

Event button.png
Skystar is right: they just want a voice.
  • Lose Political Power 15 Political Power

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 5
  • Base weight * 0 if the following are true:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Country flag HIP_AI_COMMUNIST is set
      • Rule HIP_ai_behavior is set to COMMUNIST

Event button.png
We will monitor these unions and ban them if they try anything.
  • Gain 5% Communism Communist party popularity
  • Set country flag HIP_unions_banned

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 5


The Beggar in the Throne Room

Queen Novo was shocked today to find a grimy beggar in her throne room on Mount Aris. The hippogriff pleaded with the queen, telling her that the shelter he was staying at had been condemned and he had nowhere to go. As he spun his tragic tale, Novo hissed to her advisors to get Silverstream, who could always be relied upon to defuse tense situations, but she was nowhere to be found.

Tensions rose as Novo deliberated, with some of her courtiers demanding the beggar be removed from the throne room as he began accusing the queen herself of not caring about the plight of the poor. The reporters who always attended court sessions scribbled furiously. Finally, Novo rose from her throne, her face betraying outrage, though whether that was at this hippogriff's situation or at his impertinence, nogriff could say. Silencing the room, she spoke:

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus HIP gmiracle.png “The Hippogriff Miracle”

Event button.png
We need social reform. And we need it now.
  • Set country flag HIP_commies_happy_3
  • Lose Political Power 15 Political Power

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 5
  • Base weight * 0 if the following are true:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Country flag HIP_AI_COMMUNIST is set
      • Rule HIP_ai_behavior is set to COMMUNIST

Event button.png
You are a failure. There's no-one to blame but yourself.
  • Gain 5% Communism Communist party popularity

AI logic:
  • Base weight: 5


The Party Line

In a secluded part of Seaquestria, a bright green seapony named Hard Line spoke to a crowd of local students.

"Can anypony among you tell me what Caramel Marks would say if she could see you?"
"To keep up the hard work?" asked one of them.

"Absolutely not!" barked Hard Line, "Caramel Marks would be ashamed! You talk of revolution in private, but in public you demand nothing but free tuition and a few trinkets for the workers you claim to champion. Scraps, you demand scraps! Caramel Marks herself once demanded scraps from Princess Celestia, but her pleas were rebuffed, and she learned her lesson well. It was only the Winter Revolution which brought the ponies more than scraps, and even they fell backwards into state capitalism. Why?"

"Because of the material conditions of-"
"No! Because they allowed timid rightists to lead! Revisionists, who told them to slow down lest somepony get hurt. Revolution is no game! If nopony is getting hurt, then what is it? Surely not a revolution. Rosey Luxembark once said, "Either the revolution must advance at a rapid, stormy, resolute tempo, break down all barriers with an iron paw and place its goals ever farther ahead, or it is quite soon thrown backward and suppressed by counter-revolution." Will you take your scraps and go back home, become cogs in the state apparatus? Or will you stand as comrades and proclaim resolutely, and proudly, that you stand for the revolution?"

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision “Embolden Marksist Students”

Event button.png
Soon, the students were saying what they had been thinking.
  • Gain 5% Communism Communist party popularity


There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch...

Rough Feathers stood in the shadows, listening to the sounds of the alleyway. When he heard someone approach, he readied himself. He jumped into the stranger's path, brandishing a knife. "Stop right there! Put your claws where I can see 'em!"

In front of Rough stood a female Hippogriff. She was initially frightened and complied with his orders, but she began to smirk when she saw what he was holding. Gods, he knew he should have gotten a bigger knife! The one he had was so puny. He'd have to make his performance extra intimidating to get what he wanted. "No sudden movements! Give me all the money you got, or else!"

Rough's victim didn't react to this threat. Instead, she studied his very slender frame. Her expression shifted to a look of concern. "Oh, you poor thing! When's the last time you had a decent meal?"
Rough was taken aback by the question, but soon regained his composure. "That's none of your business! Now give me the money or..."

Before he could finish, she grabbed a wad of currency from her bag and held it out for him. "I wish I could give more, but this is all I have on me right now."
"Uh... thanks." Rough took the money, his face showing complete bewilderment.

"My name's Starry Eyes, what's yours?"
"Rough Feathers..." he replied, belatedly realizing he shouldn't identify himself to someone he'd just mugged.
"Well Rough, I'm on my way to a Revolutionary Workers' Party meeting, and I'd like you to come with me. I think you'd really enjoy it!"

"Oh," Rough realized, "you're a commie." Suddenly her behavior made a lot more sense. "Listen, you seem nice, but I ain't going to any Party meeting. You commies talk a good game, but I've been around long enough to know there's no such thing as a free..."
"Lunch?" Starry interjected, "But there is. All attendees will be provided with snacks. Make sure to try the cupcakes, I baked them myself!"

Rough wasn't fully convinced, but he couldn't pass up the opportunity for a meal. He tagged along, wondering if he'd had the communists all wrong.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Proletarize the Lumpen”

Event button.png
...Is there?
  • Gain 5% Communism Communist party popularity


A Blue Rally

Skybolt Spear had never been great with speeches, but he knew it had to be him. Convincing the soldiers and the sailors would make all the difference, and he was the only high-ranking officer who sympathized with the communists' goals. So there he stood, the timid flag officer, about to sink his own career to address a room of skeptical sailors.

"I thank you all for coming. I know you know the risk this presents to you. I live a very comfortable life, I'm sure you all know. But it wasn't always that way. I grew up in a poor neighbourhood in Seaquestria. It took everything my family had to ah, to send me to officer's school. And I saw so many other cadets with the same story as me, with twice my brains, flunk out because they needed to take care of their siblings, or their parents got a medical bill they couldn't afford, or whatever it was! Whatever it was, it was always something, and while we struggled and fought and sometimes failed, the rich kids would cruise on by like it was nothing."

Skybolt let the anger he'd felt for so long propel him further: "I made it. I was lucky. But so many others didn't. And you know what? I shouldn't have to become an officer to make more than a pittance. You shouldn't have to be brilliant to live a good life, because the navy needs sailors just as much as it needs officers. And we have the capacity! Don't let anypony or anygriff tell you it can't be done, because if they're able to have decent living conditions for sailors and for common workers in a struggling, embargoed, frozen country like Stalliongrad, then you damn well bet we can do it in Hippogriffia!"

His sailors cheered, and Skybolt noted the RWP recruitment sheets being passed around. Good. He'd probably just sank his career for this, but if it meant the sailors would finally fight for their own liberation, it was worth it.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Give Skybolt Spear a Platform”

Event button.png
Aris First aren't the only ones with fiery speeches...
  • Lose 2% Supremacy Supremacist party popularity
  • Lose 3% Neutrality Non-Aligned party popularity
  • Gain 5% Communism Communist party popularity


The Blue Revolution

This was the day the leftist coalition - the RWP, the SLPA, and the PCCCA - had been awaiting for months. Across Mount Aris and Seaquestria workers heeded the call for a general strike, grinding the economy to a halt. Outside the royal palace, a mass of demonstrators gathered.

They were a diverse group: Hippogriffs from every corner of Aris, Seaponies who had taken Hippogriff form for the day, and even a few zebras from the RWP's growing Zumidian branch. The crowd was so numerous that the Royal Guard struggled to hold them back as they pushed through barricade after barricade.

Many of them carried only banners and picket signs, but many others were armed. Posada had insisted that none of them be the first to fire. Any blood spilled today would be on the government's claws, but they wouldn't hesitate to fight back if necessary.

Their demands were simple: Novo's immediate abdication and the formation of a communist government.

Inside the palace the atmosphere was tense. Queen Novo and her advisors discussed several plans to disperse the mob. When it became clear that nothing but her abdication would satisfy them, the Queen resolved to order the Royal Guard to open fire. Before she could give the order, Princess Skystar pulled her aside.

"Mother, you can't do this."
"I'm sorry honey, but we don't have a choice. If they get their claws on us-"
"I don't want to be queen of a kingdom that murders its people!" Skystar yelled, gesturing towards a window. "Mother, the people are on their side. If this is what the people want, isn't it our duty to step down?"

Eventually Skystar and several royal advisors appeared on a balcony, the Queen refusing to deliver her decision in person. When they announced that Novo was caving to all demands, the crowd erupted into cheers.

Posada and other prominent leftists quickly began organizing a new government. As the sun set, the royal standard flying above the palace was lowered and replaced with two new banners: the unofficial red flag of the leftist coalition and the blue flag of the RWP.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Goal UESR TNO justice.png “The Marksist Revolution”

Event button.png
The people have won their liberation!
  • Set the ruling party to Communism Communist
  • Set the Communism Communist party name to (RWP) Revolutionary Workers' Party
  • Posada becomes the leader for the Communist party.
    • Nuclear Revolutionary
      • Nuclear Production: +20%
      • Research Speed: +2%
      • Nuclear Reactor construction speed: +20%
      • Acceptance of Communist Diplomacy: +70
  • Gets the National Spirit Seapony antipathy.png “Seapony Antipathy”
Seapony Antipathy icon
Seapony Antipathy
  • Amphibious Invasion Speed: −25%
  • Invasion Preparation Time: +25%
  • Stability: −10%
  • Recruitable Seapony Population Factor: −90%
The ferocious international policy of the state has seriously alienated many seaponies, as has losing their beloved Queen Novo. Until we make an effort to reconcile with them, we cannot expect them to fight for us.
  • [SCOPE]Every country in the world:
    • Limited to:
      • Current ruling party is Supremacy Supremacist
    • Gains opinion modifier “Embargo” (−300 Trade relation) towards Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
    • Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia gains opinion modifier “Embargo” (−300 Trade relation) towards this country
    • Gains opinion modifier “Mortal enemies” (Opinion −300 opinion) towards Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia
    • Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia gains opinion modifier “Mortal enemies” (Opinion −300 opinion) towards this country
  • Stratus Skyranger:
    • Retires
  • Lucy Duskfeather:
    • Retires


The Left Programme

WE, the Workers' Coalition of the RWP, SLPA, and PCCCA, being the representatives of our respective institutions and through them the proletariat and peasantry, have decided to declare our intentions for all to hear. We have no secrets, no hidden desires: read our programme and see for yourself!

- We aim to establish a true class consciousness, to educate workers and peasants on their economic situation,
- To peacefully transition into a republic, where bloodline is no guarantor of power,
- To legally recognize unions, to protect unions from bosses, and to ensure that no one can be fired for membership in one,
- To guarantee a minimum wage sufficient to provide for a family with one parent working,
- To ensure that no one in the country can make more than a hundred times what the poorest worker is making,
- To enshrine the rights to work and to a good life,
- To bring about a total economic and social transformation in society,
- To create a shining beacon of peace, technology, and cooperation, that we might reach to the stars,
- To allow communities to organize themselves, with regional autonomy for the communes and the councils,
- To bring down the tyrants, the capitalists, the lords of blood and tears, and
- To ensure that every creature will reap the fruits of their labour.

Rejoice, workers, for your hour is near! Tremble, tyrants, for wage-slavery shall soon be abolished!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Form a Programme for the United Front of the Left”

Event button.png
Cosigned, Posada, Salina Blue, Sponge Sluice
  • Set country flag HIP_SLPA_joined
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available as Political Advisor:
  • Salina Blue , which grants
    • Commissar for Posts and Telegraphs
      • Political Power Gain: +5%
      • Reinforce Rate: +2%