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Supremacy, also referred to as supremacism, refers to political movements that advocate for the supremacy of one nation, religion, race, culture or idea over others. Supremacists are often antagonistic and violent. While supremacist countries usually have little reason to like each other, they are willing to cooperate against other ideologies.

Subideologies and adherents


  • People marked with * are their countries' starting leaders.
  • Provisional leaders are not included.
  • Breakaways are in italics.
Subideology Description Adherents (Equus) Adherents (Griffonia) Adherents (Zebrica)
Authoritarian Theocracy
With the head of state being a member of the clergy or a proclaimed god, authoritarian theocracy uses faith to unite the nation, with the word of the leader becoming law. See custom puppets:
In an autocracy, a single individual (often a monarch) holds absolute power. An autocratic state often goes great lengths to ensure that dissident and seditious ideas are suppressed. The autocrats usually seek to increase their personal power and wealth by pursuing a policy of expansionism. See custom puppets: See custom puppets: See custom puppets:
Celestial Cult
For millenia, the immortal alicorns ruled over Equestria. Through their magic powers and wisdom gained from uncountable experiences and years of life, they secured harmony for Equestria, and let the little ponies live out their lives, freely and without care for the dangers in the world. However, as this has continued, so has Equestria's dependence on the princesses. With their disappearance, Equestria has been left rudderless. But some still believe. Some still believe that they are still around, and they will return, one day, and lead Equestria boldly onwards. All of these rumours, theories, hypotheses and delusions has come to rest upon the newest Princess of Equestria and now the Celestial Regent, Twilight Sparkle.

The corpse of what was once the Home of Ponykind, the birthplace of the Magic of Friendship, held together by fear, nostalgia and a virulent hatred for all perceived enemies of Celestia and her little ponies, the sole goal of the Celestial Cult is to hasten the return of the alicorns to Equestria. To this end, the Regent and her supporters believe in mobilizing all the resources of Equestria towards hastening her return, hoping that she will return when the Regent and her ponies have learned enough friendship lessons and proven that they are worthy of her grace.

Orders have been given to systematically cleanse all opposition to their vision of Equestria in general and Celestia in particular, enforced friendship amongst everyone and the construction of grand monuments to 'friendship', 'harmony' or Celestia. Their system of surveillance and of extreme punishment is inspired, some would even dare say copied from a fringe group in New Mareland, and the submission of the ponies from the worst of literature.

Yet, it is unclear how it can perpetuate itself. For every day that goes without Celesta returning, the cult, its supporters and even the Regent herself grows more desperate. Soon, they fear, there will not be an Equestria for Celestia to return to.

Flag of Canterlonian Regency Twilight Sparkle
In corporatocracy, the state is an extension of industry and big business. Laws are enacted to protect monopolies and punish strikes, and any regulatory ministries function as rubber-stamp agencies. Bankruptcy may be replaced by debt slavery, and any crimes against the corporations are punished swiftly and harshly. Flag of Nova Griffonia Skeiron Goldfeather
Though most authoritarian governments seek power largely for its own sake, the same cannot not be said for Esoteric Authoritarians. This ideology is not a specific political movement; rather it categorizes governments which organize their country like a nation-wide cult. They devote total loyalty to a set of mystical and perhaps insane ideals so radical that it is difficult to imagine one coming to power in the first place. See custom puppets: See custom puppets:
Originating in Wingbardy, fascism typically venerates devotion to the state and uniting the people under a strong leader. It is fiercely nationalistic, militaristic and expansionistic. Economically, it usually favours corporatism and state interventionism.
Kleptocracy is the rule of thieves, where corrupt leaders use their power to exploit their citizens and the natural resources of their nation, all to extend their personal wealth, might and reputation. Usually appears in failed states whose economies are based entirely on robbery, looting and plundering.
In a kratocracy, might makes right. Laws and rules mean little to those who believe that all political power ultimately comes from coercion and threat of violence. Aside from physical force, rule is maintained through subterfuge and manipulation, which can help keep rivals and the general populace in check. Strength is pursued above all else, while the weak are freely subjugated and exploited. See custom puppets:
Maar Worship
Maar, the griffon god of murder, cruelty, and evil, is very rarely worshipped. In this state, however, worship of the dark god is mandatory. Occultism, blood sacrifice, necromancy, and even demonology are glorious affairs. Orthodoxy is heresy. Death is life. Evil is good.
National Communism
An unusual ideology claiming to be a variant of communism, national communism is radically expansionist, totalitarian, and establishes a personality cult. The leader of the nation is all-powerful and all-good, and the state exists to aid the leader in his or her wonderful goals. The nation has an obligation to liberate all other peoples of the world from the shackles of capitalism, and there is no higher service than to die for the nation and the leader. Flag of Stalliongrad Dark Wing
In necrocracy, the dead rule. Ghouls and other sapient undead comprise the bulk of the citizens, with mindless zombie and skeleton armies. The few living citizens are necromancers, and most of them eventually embrace undeath. The rulers of a necrocracy are mighty liches and vampire lords and ladies.
Feudalism was once a common political system in many kingdoms, but it has been largely abandoned as society has progressed into the industrial age. Neo-feudalism demands a radical return to traditional hierarchies, with nobles owning all land in the nation, and the peasants bound to the land in turn. Factory workers fare no better, being bound to the factories they work at. Peasants and urban workers have barely any rights, being only just above slaves, and can be ordered to work or be conscripted as the nobility desires. Neo-feudalism accepts elements of modern society such as factories and science as useful, but refuses to let them erode the old hierarchies it deems necessary. See custom puppets:
Plutocracy, or rule by the wealthy, is rarely codified into an ideology as such. While the former governing institutions of this country (be they hereditary succession, democratic election, or some other means) may remain, they have been thoroughly co-opted to ensure that the wealthiest ruling class of society retain all of the real power. Flag of Confederation of Southern States Flag of Las Pegasus Rockfeller
Reactionarism arose as a radical response to revolutionary and progressive movements. It espouses using any means possible to maintain the traditional status quo of society, including violence. Reactionaries usually seek to empower the clergy and the monarchy, while vehemently opposing any forms of democracy or socialism. Flag of Republic of Tobuck Baragzen
The Reformisten ideology is a recent worldview born in the Griffonian Frontier. While its exact tenets, philosophy and mythology are very much in flux and highly dependent on individual leaders, their unifying belief is a fanatical exaltation of some form of griffon identity, a complete hostility to the presence of independent pony nations on the Griffonian continent, and the need to achieve their vision through brutal military means.
Stratocracy covers military juntas, military republics, and military dictatorships. While the armed forces may not be officially in charge, they have the final say and legitimize themselves as maintainers of political stability. If elections are held, the military has to approve the results. Peace is viewed as a sign of weakness, and warfare is a glorious affair citizens should be proud to take part in. See custom puppets: See custom puppets: See custom puppets:
Surveillance State
While nearly all supremacist regimes monitor their populations, surveillance states take this to new heights. They strive to map and catalogue every personal relation, every business transaction, and eventually every thought of their subjects to maximize efficiency and preempt threats. The paranoia of the leaders quickly filter down into every stratum of society, as anyone could be an informer. But is it paranoia if they really are watching you? See custom puppets: Flag of Free Territory of Adelart Jean de Nottemagne
Tyrannical Magocracy
Magocracy is the rule of spellcasters, often unicorns, where magical talent is the most valued asset. A peasant with magical skill can quickly rise to the upper class, while those of lesser talent are consigned to serve their superiors. In a tyrannical magocracy, mighty sorcerers lead the government, and the nation's people are considered of secondary importance to the advancement of magical research. Flag of Crystal Empire Sombra See custom puppets:
Ultranationalism upholds the nation as the ultimate good, taking nationalism to the extreme. Unlike fascism, it is not necessarily authoritarian, as the idea of the nation is above everything, even the leader of the state or the gods themselves. Ultranationalists see their own nation as superior to all others, regarding foreigners with disdain. See custom puppets:
Zealous Knightly Order
Knightly orders are guided by a fundamental religious or martial code, with decisions made in reference to the code's doctrine. The state is run by a military order with sacred rituals and customs. The most extreme measures are taken in the pursuit of the code, and insufficiently devoted members are ruthlessly purged. See custom puppets: