Kingdom of Vedina

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Kingdom of Vedina
Chivalry is All

Kingdom of Vedina.png

VED map.png

IdeologyBenevolent Absolutism.png Benevolent Absolutism
Gustav IV Wingstrom
Ruling partyWingstrom Dynasty (54%)
PopulationPopulation 4,851,668
PonypowerPonypower 6,584
RaceGriffon Griffon
StabilityStability 53%
War supportWar support 50%
FactoriesFactory 13
  • 4 Military factory
  • 3 Naval dockyard
  • 6 Civilian factory
ContinentNorthern Griffonia
Color  #57A471

Vedina is a nation with a hard-fought independence, having long kept both Imperial influence and revolutionaries at bay through careful political maneuvering. Its famous knightly institutions that have been a part of Vedina since it's birth have always been ready to defend the borders of their Kingdom. But problems arise as a succession crisis pokes its head into Vedina. King Wingstrom's daughter is not fully ready to rule and she must prove herself if she wishes to become the Queen of Vedina. But what type of Queen will she be? That remains to be seen.


The Land of Chivalry

The ever independent Kingdom of Vedina stands as a beacon of hope in these troubled times. Their knights fly forth with elegant pageantry and noble purpose. This is a land of chivalry and of honour. Glory to a noble of Vedina always comes second to doing the right thing. Good deeds and a warm national spirit are commonplace. Seemingly both stable, and powerful, the mighty Kingdom of the North appears to stand strong and tall among its neighbours. However, appearances can be deceiving.

Vedinian independence has always been a sore issue in the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire since the very first Vedinian king was granted the Godsword of Broturius by the witch Sjönavdam, which is said to grant the wielder invincibility. For a long time Vedina remained independent, but after a prolonged period of imperial dominance, Vedina was eventually made into a nominal vassal of the Griffonian Empire.

With the sundering of the Empire, the Kingdom of Vedina has been reborn under King Wingstrom. He has led Vedina for many years, reforging its culture of chivalry and nobility from the ground up. He is very popular and very well liked, however there is one key problem. Wingstrom's late wife only left him a daughter, who still has not passed the traditional trials which Wingstrom himself reinstated. If she does not pass them, she has no right to the throne.

Now Wingstrom must fight against the very traditions he has brought back to life. It is stated that any Vedinian knight can prove themselves worthy by completing three great quests. A quest to prove their prowess in battle and their heroism, a quest to prove they can further the family bloodline, and a quest to prove that they can rule and govern a nation.

The Suitors

Although are many in the Kingdom who wish to court the Princess, there are 3 candidates who will likely catch the Princess's attention. The first is Prince Stridande, a military leader who is a chivalrous and honourable griffon. The second is Princess Lycklig, a noble with ideas of social reform. Finally, there is Prince Ondska, a griffon who is seen by many as dishonorable and believes in the survival of the strong.

The Future

Can Wingstrom's daughter, Princess Sköldsvärd, become the rightful heir to the throne and complete all three of these noble quests? Or will Vedina's proud traditions fall under their own hubris?

National Focus

Vedina's Focus Tree

The initial focus tree focuses on the Princess's efforts to prove herself as a worthy successor.

  • Matters of Love - Will let the Princess find a suitor so she can further her lineage.
  • Matters of Heroism - Will let the Princess go on several quests to prove her heroism and bravery.
  • Moving Forward As A Nation - Will let the Princess prove she can rule and govern the nation. This also functions as the industrial tree.

The Red Wedding is the final focus in the initial tree and its outcome will decide what path the nation takes.

  • Harmonic Tree
    Harmony - This path allows Vedina to join either the Entente led by a harmonic Flag of Kingdom of Aquileia Aquileia or the Pan-Griffonia Alliance led by the Flag of Griffonian Republic Griffonian Republic. Depending on Flag of Nova Griffonia Nova Griffonia's ideology a war goal may be given on them. This is the only path where the Chivalrous Knights national spirit won't be fixed.
  • Non-Align Tree
    Non-Aligned - This path allows Vedina to either join the Reichspakt led by the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire or go alone which noticeably gives a +10% division defence on core territory. This path offer similar focuses with the Harmonic path in dealing with Nova Griffonia.
  • Supremacy Tree
    Supremacy - The most aggressive of the paths. Giving war goals on Flag of Socialist Republic of Skynavia Socialist Republic of Skynavia, Flag of Griffonian Republic Griffonian Republic, Flag of Northern Tribes Northern Tribes, and the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire. In addition Vedina will be able to get cores on Skynavia and the Griffonian Republic. The focus Choosing Our Allies will give a event to join either the Reichspakt if the Griffonian Empire is Supremacy, Nova's Griffonia's faction if they are Supremacy and have made their own faction, or if you create your own faction it will invite a Supremacy Nova Griffonia and every neighboring Supremacy nation (does not include Flag of Dread League Dread League}
Tree Bonus Harmony Non-Aligned Supremacy
CompleteTime.pngComplete Time (d) 875 875 1330
Political Power Political Power (Flat) +25
PonypowerRecruitable Pop +5%
Military factory Military factory +4+10% construction speed
Focusbonus.pngOne-off boosts (+100%)
  • 2 (2L +1)x Race-specific technology
  • 1 (1R +1) (2L +1)x Race-specific technology
  • 2x Magical Technology
AttackIcon.pngAttack (All) / (Core) / (Inf) 0% / 0% / 0% 0% / 0% / 0% +5% / 0% / 0%
SpeedIcon.pngSpeed +5%
Oil Oil 16 16
Other Notes / Bonuses
  • Reduced Last Stand and Force command abilities cost
  • (2R) Fortifications on starting ports and strait approach to Flag of Haukland Haukland
  • (2R) War goal on Flag of Nova Griffonia Nova Griffonia
  • -50% guarantee tension limit
  • -50% guarantee cost
  • Fixes Chivalrous Knights national spirit
  • (2R) Fortifications on starting ports and strait approach to Flag of Haukland Haukland
  • (2R) War goal on Flag of Nova Griffonia Nova Griffonia

All paths will allow the society development to be increased and add a additional research slot.

Military Tree

The Army Reform military tree is also unlocked after the Red Wedding. Most of it gives the standard research bonuses.


Army Naval Air Tech / Industry
  • Basic Rifles
  • Mountain Infantry I
  • Engineer Company I
  • Recon Company I
  • Artillery
  • Early Destroyer Hull
  • Basic Depth Charge
  • Early Cruiser Hull
  • Basic Torpedo
  • Naval Gunnery
  • Casemate Secondary Battery
  • Transport Ship
  • Early Fighter
  • None
Doctrine Racial
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • Knights Division II
  • We Can Fly?!


National Spirits

Chivalrous Knights icon
Chivalrous Knights

  • Recruitable Population Factor: -20%
  • War Support: +10%
  • Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: +5
  • Knights Attack: +10%
  • Knights Defense: +10%
  • Knights Technology Research Time: +10%
The knights of Vedina are renowned all accross Griffonia for their prowess, honour and bravery, inferior in no way to their peers in the Empire and other major nations.


Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Gustav IV Wingstrom
Benevolent Absolutism.png
Benevolent Absolutism

Wingstrom Dynasty
Stout Defender
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: +50%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: +10%
Born: 3rd October, 941, in Turhamn

Biography: Gustav IV of the House of Wingstrom, commonly referred to as simply "King Wingstrom", has reigned as King of Vedina for decades, maintaining the traditions and values of the chivalrous monarchy before and after the Republican Revolution. Due to Gustav's efforts, the effects of the Revolution on the wayward Kingdom were largely averted, and the nobility continued to support the rule of the Wingstrom dynasty without significant unrest from the commoners.

Eleven years after the Republican Revolution, at the age of 48, the Wise Lady and the gods bestowed upon Gustav his only first and only child, a griffon by the name of Sköldsvärd. Gustav's young wife died soon after, and the King was left with only a female heir to pass the trials of the Vedinaan monarchy. As the remaining members of the Wingstrom dynasty fell out, more and more nobles clamored for his heir's claw in marriage, desiring the throne of Vedina for themselves, but Gustav refused each and every one of them - declaring that when she came of age, his daughter would prove herself alone to be worthy of the trials of Vedina, and the Wingstrom name.

Now, his daughter has come of age, and the old King, although still popular among the nobility, has decided that he will abdicate upon his heir's completion of the trials of Vedina. Due to Gustav's actions, he hopes, the Wingstrom name will live on regardless of whatever cowardly noble is the one to secure his daughter's claw.

Equestrian Socialism.png
Equestrian Socialism

Skynavian Sympathizers

King Ondska I

Council of Nobles
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +50%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: −15%
Born: 24th November, 982, in Halmstad

Biography: It was almost as if Ondska was pre-destined to be a shadowy schemer, dwelling in the courtly intrigues of Vedina with little regard for the outdated morals of the chivalrous Kingdom. Born to the Norén family, Counts of Flodbotten, Ondska was named "Evil" in Vedinan, a testament to his vengeful father's cynical humor. It is perhaps most ironic that Ondska, at least on the interior, appears to embody his name. Ambitious, ruthless, and cunning, he has risen from cousin of the Counts of Flodbotten to one of the most important schemers in all of Vedina

Handsome and charming, Ondska seems to be a prime candidate for the new Prince of Vedina, should the Princess take what she hears about him at face value. Much-loved by most of the nobility for his facade of courtesy and generosity, Ondska is the prime candidate of the traditionalist faction of Vedina, discontent with Gustav Wingstrom's reforms of the Vedinan monarchy.

However, should the princess find herself looking a little deeper, Ondska's plans surely would be foiled - unless he can convince her of the scheming ways of his family himself.

Prince Stridande

Council of Nobles
Born: 4th May, 974, in Skyrim

Biography: There is perhaps no griffon that embodies the martial, chivalrous values of Vedina more than Prince Stridande, third son of the Jarl of Skyrim, Olbricht Wulfharth. A troublesome vassal of Vedina for centuries, the Jarldom has traditionally been one of the most fiercely militaristic lands in all of Griffonia, save for perhaps the Knightly Order of Hellquill, so it was no surprise that Stridande took up the sword and shield of a Knight of Vedina

Low in the line of succession for his Duchy, Stridande served in numerous tours against the Republicans, participating in skirmishes and border exercises against Northern warlords and Kermerskai's government. Now, he has returned to the scene oft he Vedinan nobility, in order to woo the Princess of Vedina and unite their houses in marriage.

Ultimately, however, will Stridande's strength and loyalty be enough to save Vedina?

Post-1007 leaders [may contain spoilers]
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Princess Sköldsvärd the Righteous

See alternate portraits:
"the Pragmatist"
"the Corrupted"
Benevolent Absolutism.png
Benevolent Absolutism

Wingstrom Dynasty
Ideological Crusader
  • Same ideology monthly opinion: +100%
  • Party Popularity Stability Modifier: +10%
    Addition traits dependent on use of Chivalry Points
Other traits:

Stout Defender

  • AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: +50%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: +10%


  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +50%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: −15%

Wingstrom Dynasty

Wingstrom Dynasty


Political parties
Name Ideology Leader Popularity
Wingstrom Dynasty Benevolent Absolutism.png Benevolent Absolutism
Gustav IV Wingstrom 54%
Skynavian Sympathizers Equestrian Socialism.png Equestrian Socialism
Lycklig 4%
Council of Nobles Autocracy.png Autocracy
King Ondska I 15%
Council of Nobles Despotism.png Despotism
King Stridande I 27%

Staff and Designers

Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Johan Jönnson
Johan Jönnson
Captain of Industry
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
  • Railway construction speed: +10%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10%

See description:
"Griffons may complain about my methods, but that's just because they won't get their bits unless they actually do work. Lazy bones have no place here!"
Political Power 150
Kent Jonathanson
Kent Jonathanson
Fortification Engineer
  • Land Fort construction speed: +20%
  • Coastal Fort construction speed: +20%
  • Anti Air construction speed: +20%

See description:
"Tell me how we can defend our borders without a fort huh? Oh yeah, we can't. So get back to work laying the concrete ya lazy bit-conniving bum!"
Political Power 150
Krigs Förare
Krigs Förare
War Industrialist
  • Military Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Dockyard construction speed: +10%
  • Fuel Silo construction speed: +10%

See description:
"Now you see, many people ask me, 'oh how can you get your workers to work so hard!' And the answer is simple, threaten to kidnap their families and your workers don't stop till they drop!"
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Illusive Gentlebeing
  • DLC La Résistance La Résistance is enabled
  • Can create an Intelligence Agency
  • Has created an Intelligence Agency
  • Operative slots: +1
  • Agency upgrade time: −15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot tank manufacturer.png Tank Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Reliability: +5%
  • Armored Car:
    • Reliability: +5%

See description:
A famous manufacturing company based in Veteborg that focuses on cars, trucks and, more recently, tanks.
Political Power 150
Idea slot naval manufacturer.png Ship Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Stoning Line
Stoning Line
Ship Designer
  • Owns state Kungland (429)
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
  • Dockyard construction speed: +5%

See description:
A famous naval manufacturer that manufactures ferries, personal boats and warships.
Political Power 150
Idea slot aircraft manufacturer.png Aircraft Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Norra Flyg
Norra Flyg
Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Small Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%

See description:
A prominent plane manufacturer that now works for the government focusing on light aircraft.
Political Power 150
Södra Flyg
Södra Flyg
Medium Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Heavy Fighter Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Medium Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Scout Plane Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%

See description:
A plane company that works for the government with a focus on medium aircraft.
Political Power 150
Västra Flyg
Västra Flyg
Heavy Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Large Airframe:
    • Strat. Bombing: +10%
  • Transport Plane:
    • Range: +10%

See description:
A heavy aircraft manufacturer that works on commision for the government.
Political Power 150
Östra Flyg
Östra Flyg
Naval Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Naval Bomber Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • Carrier Naval Bomber Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Agility: +10%
  • Carrier CAS Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%

See description:
Navally based aircraft that will fit on any carrier anytime, destroying ships galore and destroying our enemies' naval power!
Political Power 150
Idea slot materiel manufacturer.png Materiel Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%

See description:
Forsbo is a Vedinan armaments firm based in the capital that makes the best guns idols can buy, a company worth every bit their rifles cost.
Political Power 150
Sprängmedel AB
Sprängmedel AB
Artillery Designer
  • Owns state Kungland (429)
  • Artillery Research Speed: +15%

See description:
The best artillery-gun makers in all of Vedina and possibly the whole wider world! At least that's what they told us.
Political Power 150
Motorized Equipment Designer
  • Motorization Research Speed: +15%

See description:
One of the leading providers in motorized trucks and cars for the government and for civilians, their technology is top of the line.
Political Power 150
Idea slot industrial concern.png Industrial Concerns
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%

See description:
A very famous industrially based company that works on all manners of things from construction to resource gathering and factories.
Political Power 150
Electronics Concern
  • Owns state Kungland (429)
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15%

See description:
An electronics company from Cloudbury that makes electronics, they will be useful for helping Vedina.
Political Power 150
Select theorist.png Theorists
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Teori Skrivare
Teori Skrivare
Military Theorist
  • Land Doctrine Cost: −10%

See description:
"Military theory is the best thing since sliced bread, and if you look at my waist line then you will know how much i comparatively love military theory. That makes sense right?"
Political Power 100
Select army chief.png Chiefs of Army
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Stark Slag
Stark Slag
Army Offense (Specialist)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Division Attack: +5%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +15%

See description:
"We will not win by staying on our side of the border or by holding our lines! To win we must break our enemy and turn them to god damn dust! NOW KEEP PUSHING!"
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Skalman Beskyddaren
Skalman Beskyddaren
Army Defense (Specialist)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Division Defense: +5%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: +15%

See description:
"Now now, don't get too excited. Why lose tens of thousands for an inch when we can be clever and let the enemy do it instead, eh?"
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Select navy chief.png Chiefs of Navy
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Skö Bo
Skö Bo
Decisive Battle (Expert)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Capital Ship Attack: +10%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10%
  • Screen Attack: +10%
  • Screen Defense: +10%

See description:
"In a naval battle we will not win with tiny destroyers shooting their tiny missiles at big ships! Big ships, beat ALL ships!"
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Sja Bo
Sja Bo
Anti-Submarine (Expert)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Submarine Detection: +15%

See description:
"Submarines are the bane of my Boreas-damned existence. Please, please just hire me. I will make sure those cheap sons of birds go straight to Tartarus!"
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select air chief.png Chiefs of Airforce
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
När Luft
När Luft
Close Air Support (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Ground attack factor: +5%
  • Air Support Mission Efficiency: +10%

See description:
"We won't win with some dumb planes fighting over who can control the sky, we will win when we control the sky of the BATTLEFIELD! Wake up griffons!"
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Väder Gillare
Väder Gillare
All-Weather (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Bad Weather Penalty: −20%

See description:
"Griffons, behave yourselves. Rain or storm, doesn't matter... Our planes will fly anyway!"
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select high command.png Military High Command
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Vapen Makare
Vapen Makare
Artillery (Expert)
  • Artillery Attack: +15%
  • Artillery Defense: +10%

See description:
"Artillery is beautiful, you just aim and fire and bam! A squad just blinked out of existence. It's quite nice and I do say that we can easily sit back and let the shells take care of it."
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Mat Lagare
Mat Lagare
Army Logistics (Expert)
  • Division Attrition: −8%

See description:
"Keep 'em fed, keep 'em happy and make sure they have their bread! That's my saying."
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Skö Lagare
Skö Lagare
Fleet Logistics (Specialist)
  • Naval max range factor: +5%

See description:
"I am quite like my brother, our naval fleet does need to stay fed and ready for battle at all times!"
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Skyn Lärare
Skyn Lärare
Air Combat Training (Expert)
  • Ace generation chance: +10%

See description:
"Our pilots must know everything about planes! They gotta embrace the Airplane! They have to sniff the Airplane! They gotta lick the Airplane! They gotta wash the Airplane! They have to BE the Airplane!"
Political Power 100
Command power 20

Military Leaders

Field Marshal
Field Marshal Traits Description Skills Race
Prince Stridande
Field Marshal
Prince Stridande
Prince Stridande (advisor).png
Trait inflexible strategist.png Inflexible Strategist
Skilled but stubborn. A good enough plan can survive contact with the enemy.
  • Defense: +1
  • Logistics: +1
Trait offensive doctrine.png Offensive Doctrine
More Offensive-minded than most.
  • Org Loss when Moving: −30%
  • Attack: +1
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 4
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
General Traits Description Skills Race
Count Aluvia
Count Aluvia
Generic Griffon General 13 (advisor).png
Trait old guard.png Old Guard
While not the most brilliant officer, he is unlikely to cause trouble.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −25%
  • Max Entrenchment: +1
Trait infantry leader.png Infantry Leader
Skilled at leading infantry in combat.
  • Infantry Division Defense: +13%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Sir Ventrue Hansson
Sir Ventrue Hansson
Generic Griffon General 5 (advisor).png
Trait career officer.png Career Officer
Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match.
  • Promotion Cost: −25%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Camarilla Allvar
Camarilla Allvar
Generic Griffon General 15 (advisor).png
Trait hill fighter.png Hill Fighter
Excels at fighting in Hilly terrain.
  • Hills:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Level 1
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Daltanye Backström
Daltanye Backström
Generic Griffon General 9 (advisor).png
Trait brilliant strategist.png Brilliant Strategist
A natural born strategist that is able to adapt to the dynamics of the battlefield.
  • Attack: +1
  • Planning: +1
Level 1
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Admiral Traits Description Skills Race
Gustav Garrensson
Gustav Garrensson
Generic Griffon Admiral 7 (advisor).png
Trait gentlemanly.png Courteous
This officer instills a sense of respect in subordinates and enemies alike.
  • Navy Organization: +5
  • Enemy retreat chance: +20%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 1
Coordination.pngCoordination: 1


Flag Information
Kingdom of Vedina.png
Kingdom of Vedina

Benevolent Absolutism.pngDespotism.png
Kingdom of Vedina (Supremacy).png
Kingdom of Vedina

Vedinan Socialist Republic.png
Vedinan Socialist Republic

Equestrian Socialism.png


Laws and Development

Laws and Development
Conscription Law Trade Law Economy Law
Volunteer Only Volunteer Only
  • Recruitable Population: 1.50%
Export Focus Export Focus
  • Construction Speed: +10.00%
  • Research Speed: +5.00%
  • Factory Output: +10.00%
  • Dockyard Output: +10.00%
  • Resources to Market: +50%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +20.0%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +10.0%
Civilian Economy Civilian Economy
  • Industrial Research Speed: +3%
  • Electronics Research Speed: +2%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 35.0%
  • Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Fuel Gain per Oil: -40.00%
  • Fuel Capacity: -25.00%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
  • Military Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Refinery construction speed: +5.00%
Scientific Development Society Development Illiteracy
Substantial Science Base Substantial Science Base
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.10
  • Research Speed: -30.00%
Industrialising Society Industrialising Society
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: -20.00%
  • Monthly Population: -10.0%
  • Construction Speed: -20.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -20.00%
  • Factory Output: -20.00%
  • Dockyard Output: -20.00%
  • Factory Bomb Vulnerability: -25.00%
Broad Illiteracy Broad Illiteracy
  • Construction Speed: -15.00%
  • Research Speed: -45.00%
Poverty Race
Moderate Poverty Moderate Poverty
  • Monthly Population: -12.0%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 10.0%
  • Construction Speed: -15.00%
  • Research Speed: -5.00%
Griffon Griffon Race
  • Uses Griffon Racial Tree

Industry and Resources

Military factory
Military Factories
Naval dockyard
Naval Dockyards
Civilian factory
Civilian Factories
Fuel silo
Fuel Silos
Synthetic refinery
Synthetic Refineries
4 3 6 (-4) 0 0

Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.

Steel icon.png
15 (-8) 4 (-2) 0 6 (-3) 32 (-16) 0 5 (-3)

Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.

Strategies and guides

Starting Situation

As a nation proud of its chivalry, Vedina's strength lies in its Knights division. It starts with a decent industry and core population which is somewhat hampered by the Chivalrous Knights national spirit. However it has crippling illiteracy and poverty issues which it will have to fix if it wants to prosper.

Vedina starts with 7 divisions totaling 51K griffonpower, of these 3 are knights that are highly experienced and have a good starting template. The navy starts with 1 heavy cruiser and 3 destroyers.

Threats and Opportunities

Flag of Griffonian Republic Griffonian Republic - Your slightly stronger eastern neighbor. Once it completes the Question of Vedina focus it can either choose to attack Vedina or offer Vedina to join its faction. You will likely ally with them if you take the harmonic path.

Flag of Socialist Republic of Skynavia Socialist Republic of Skynavia - Once they complete the Our Brothers in Arms focus they will either gain a war goal or try to cause civil war to Vedina, in which cause Vedina has 120 days to defeat Skynavia to stop the civil war.

Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire - In the mid-late game, should the Griffonian Empire succeed in defeating the Griffonian Republic, it will likely attempt to attack you. By then you should have had enough time to prepare, but they will be very strong depending on how much of the continent they've annexed.

Gameplay Mechanics

Chivalry Points

As you complete focuses and the Princess completes her quests you will get Chivalry Points which can be spent to improve the Princess's abilities. You will only see these effects if and when she spawns.

Combat will improve her general stats when she spawns. At level 8 she will spawn with 5 in all her stats and at skill level 3.

Statescraft will give the Princess a country leader trait and improve it the higher the statecraft level is.

Statecraft Level Additional Bonuses
1 -3% Consumer Goods Factories

+10% Surrender Limit

2 +5% Stability
3 +5% Resource Gain Efficiency
4 +5% Construction Speed

+10% Fuel Gain per Oil

5 +0.20 Daily Command Power Gain
6 +5% Stability

+1 Starting level of new army leaders

7 -10% effect of partisans on us
8 -1% Consumer Goods Factories

5% effect of partisans on us

+3% Recruitable Population

The following focuses will give Chivalry Points

  • Debutante (not shown on focus)
  • A Love Letter
  • Matters of Heroism
  • First Railway
  • Limited Welfare Reforms
  • New Naval Approach

In total it is possible to gain a max of 13 Chivalry Points.

The Quests

Once the Princess starts her quest no focuses from other branches can be done. There are 5 focuses which give quests and at least 3 quests must be completed in a chivalrous way or else the nobility will not accept the Princess. The quests are also an opportunity to earn Chivalry Points and traits the Princess can train to. The information below gives the most optimal event outcome for the quests and how to get them. Once the quests are done The Flight Home will give a Chivalry point.

The Princess' Honour

Outcome Path
Chivalry Point and trickster trait unlock Lure them into an Ambush

Nah, job done

Chivalry Point and quest completed Lure them into an Ambush

Let's solve this properly


I am the law!

An Act of Valour

Outcome Path
Chivalry Point, quest completed, and engineer trait unlock ...enjoys a quick drink

A dragon eh?

The local knights!

Let's play this smart.

Use it!


Chivalry Point and artillery preference trait unlock ...enjoys a quick drink.

A dragon eh?

A bigger gun is all the assistance she needs.

Sounds like a good plan.

Don't you die on me now.

Anygriff up for pancakes?

Charity For All

Outcome Path
2 Chivalry Point, quest completed, -150PP, reduce penalities from poverty national spirit twice, and Princess Skoldsvard the Kind trait unlock What is the situation?

(You must solve all 3 issues. Can be done in any order)

Chivalry Point, +50PP and Princess Skoldsvard the Cold trait unlock. What is the situation?

No. We are trying this new thing called austerity.

Yes, perfect.

Job done!

Her duty

Outcome Path
Chivalry Point and quest completed Skoldsvard will do her best.

Only fight in defence of the weak.

Never break a promise or a vow.

Always accept an invite to a challenge.

It teaches one to better oneself.

Patience is Key

Outcome Path
Chivalry Point and quest completed Perhaps a good book will teach me?

How about a spellbook?

She'll befriend a unicorn .

What a nice afternoon.

Finding Love

Once the Princess has gotten to know the suitors, she must choose one for marriage. Each of the different suitors brings a different national spirit, lesson for which the Princess can learn using Chivalry points, and unlocks a branch in the focus tree.

Suitor National Spirit Lesson Unlocked Focus Tree Branch Unlocked Benefits
Military Prince Division Organisation: +5% Through Planner:
  • Max planning: +10%
Research bonuses for military and 2 military factories.
Reformer Princess Production Efficiency Cap: +7% Lycklig' Teaching
  • Production Efficiency Base: +5%
  • Monthly Population: +10%
Research bonuses for industry, resources, construction speed, and monthly population.
Authoritarian Prince War Support: +10%Magic Research Time: +5% Prince Ondska's Lessons
  • War Support: +10%
Research bonus for navy, army experience, war support, and 2 military factories.

The Separatist Menace

Around March 1008 you will get a event informing you of the growing separatist movement led by Duke Fredjanik. You will now get a decision to suppress the separatist movement which will delay the uprising and reduce its size each time it is done. The decision costs 75 PP and can be done again after 30 days. Including the initial event you will get 3 events on how to respond to the growing separatist movement. Generally the harsh responses will delay the uprising the most. When the uprising comes if you have done the suppress separatist decision 4 times then the separatist movement will be successfully stopped and the uprising fails. Otherwise the you will be unsuccessful in suppressing the separatists which will led to Duke Fredjanik rising his forces in rebellion and a loss of 20% stability.

Event Choice which delays the uprising the most
The Separatist Threat Executioner!
Separatists Rooted In Court Executioner!
The Separatists Mass Ready our troops.

The Red Wedding

The final focus will ultimately decide what path the nation goes depending on your actions before and during the wedding.

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading

If Ondska was not chosen then he will try to convince the Princess to change her mind and pick him. If the Princess resists then during the ceremony, if not enough quests are completed in a chivalrous way then the nobility will rise up in rebellion to cause a civil war and the Non-Aligned path opens up. If enough quests are completed then Ondska will instead attempt a coup and challenge the Princess to a duel. If the Princess chooses the sword then the harmony path opens up, otherwise, if the gun is chosen then the Non-Aligned path opens.

If Ondska was initially chosen then the Princess has one last chance to back out of his plan. Doing so will open the Non-Aligned path.

If the Princess goes with Ondska in the end then they will massacre the nobles at the wedding. The remaining nobles and knights who did not side with the Princess will start a civil war and the Supremacy path will open. If Ondska was not initially chosen as the suitor then the Princess will die, leaving Ondska to lead the nation and cause a lost of 15% stability.

Spoiler end.


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