Free Towns of Gryphus

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Free Towns of Gryphus
The Ports of Liberty

Free Towns of Gryphus.png

GRU map.png

IdeologyCentrism.png Centrism
Yeve de Viartorré
Ruling partyTrade Unions (46%)
PopulationPopulation 3,217,041
PonypowerPonypower 9,545
RaceGriffon Griffon
StabilityStability 66%
War supportWar support 45%
FactoriesFactory 10
  • 3 Military factory
  • 2 Naval dockyard
  • 5 Civilian factory
ContinentEastern Griffonia
Color  #508779


The Free Towns of Gryphus is a coalition of trade cities located on the so-called East Griffon Frontier - a strip of land between pony states to the east and griffon heartlands to the west.

Pre-Imperial Gryphus

The lands that would one day become the Free Towns of Gryphus were first settled by various griffon tribes related to the Cossacks of the Flag of Gryphian Host Gryphian Host many centuries ago. They established several independent towns and city-states, and the lack of a central authority left the territory without strict law and order. This created a unique sense of freedom which attracted many migrants and merchants to the region.

However, the region's independence would not go unchallenged forever. In 747 ALB Emperor Grover I crossed the Creeper Mountains and conquered the griffon principalities west of the Evi River. This left many of the Gryphussians' trading partners under the control of the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire. Imperial influence over the region continued to grow as the Cossacks became an Imperial March in 749. Although the Empire posed an existential threat, the various towns and city-states of Gryphus were unable to unite against it, as their animosity towards each other was too great to overcome.

Imperial Conquest and Administration

In preparation for his crusade against the ponies of the Riverlands, Emperor Grover II began a campaign against the few remaining independent states of Southern Griffonia in 799 ALB. After conquering the Federated Parishes of Flag of Sicameon Sicameon and the Kingdom of Flag of Republic of Asterion Asterion, Grover II set his sights on Gryphus. As his army moved through the region, most towns and city-states surrendered without a fight in the face of overwhelming Imperial force. The griffons of the region were subsequently forced to supply Grover II's armies when his crusade against the Riverlands began in 810. Grover II also established the knightly Order of Opinicus in Gryphus to stabilize and protect the frontier against the eastern ponies. Although the Order's purpose was defensive, over time its members became increasingly zealous and aggressive. In 872 the Order launched a crusade against the territory that would later become the Flag of Kása Free State Kása Free State, but its knights were defeated by Kásan forces under First Commander Sinóra Pon at the Battle of Ebryon.

The beginning of Grover III's reign in 854 ALB saw prosperity return to the cities of Gryphus. Now that they were within the Empire, the Gryphussians were able to re-establish old trade connections with other Imperial provinces. However, Imperial trade also brought new players into Gryphussian politics. In 874 Emperor Grover III granted the Gryphus Südkontinent-Gesellschaft (Gryphus Southern Continent Company, a centuries-old company based in Sicameon) a charter which gave it a monopoly on commerce in the southern seas. In the following years the Southern Continent Company's influence in Gryphus would increase exponentially. The Company established trade posts throughout the region and attracted numerous migrants from Sicameon. This immigration wave created a cultural divide in the region as antagonisms grew between the native Gryphussians, the Sicameonese traders and the Herzlander knights. Although the relationship between these groups was often tense, each of their cultures would contribute to the development of modern Gryphus. The capital of modern Gryphus, Riaportu, is the result of a native Gryphussian town, an Order of Opinicus chapter house, and a Southern Continent Company trading post growing into one settlement over time.


In 978 ALB the Republican Revolution in Griffenheim shattered the Griffonian Empire. Gryphus, like many other Imperial subjects, used this opportunity to declare independence. Learning from their history, the cities and towns of the region sought strength in unity and formed a single nation. Thus the Free Towns of Gryphus was born, now governed by an elected council.

Independence has come with a new set of challenges. The Free Towns are plagued by a bitter cultural divide, political gridlock, and archaic institutions. Yeve de Viartorré, the current chairgriffon of the Free Towns' Council, is a reform-minded griffon. To address the main issues facing the nation, the Chairgriffon plans to hold a great congress in Riaportu with representative from every corner of Gryphus.

The two most prominent factions at the congress will undoubtedly be the Order of Opinicus and the Gryphus Southern Continent Company. The Chairgriffon will have to balance between the interest of these organizations and the many native Gryphussians who would like to see their influence curtailed. Both the Order and the Company could pose a major threat to the Council if they attempted to take power.

National Focus

The Base Gryphus Focus Tree

Gryphus' Focus Tree can be divided into three. The Industrial Tree, the MIlitary Tree and the Political Tree.

Industrial Tree

The Gryphus Industrial Tree

The left branch becomes available if you've chosen to develop the interior during the Riaportu Congress (see below). This branch grants 6 infrastructure in the interior, 2 military factories, 2 civilian factories and 2 fuel silos. It also grants one-off research bonuses for dispersed industry and excavation technology, and the Fuel Storage technology.

The right branch becomes available if you've choosen to develop the coast during the Riaportu Congress. This branch grants 5 infrastructure on the coast, 2 military factories, 2 civilian factories and 2 synthetic refineries. It also grants one-off research bonuses for concentrated industry and construction technology, and the Synthetic Oil Experiments technology.

The central branch will give you some resources, building slots, a research slot, and a few one-off research bonuses. You will also be able to improve your Literacy and Poverty Level.

The two focuses at the bottom of the central branch are fairly unique. The Cloudtower of Riaportu will unlock the decision to build said tower, after it is complete, you will be able to magically alter the weather in the states of Night Forest South, Pythagorea and Balisemont. You may also conduct an experiment which will eventually give you 25 crystals in Pythagorea.

The Great Ribs of Tiefbrunnen will trigger a short event chain, in it you will eventually receive a choice. If you choose to drive-off the natives you will initially obtain some oil as well as 1 fuel silo and 1 synthetic refinery, but these will end up destroyed and the oil will be lost. If you choose to give up on the expedition, you will unlock the commander Jaspis Białoryb.

Military Tree

The Gryphus Military Tree

The left branch of the tree deals with the navy. In it you will receive 25 Navy Experience, 2 Naval Dockyards and 4 Naval bases. You will also receive various one-off research bonuses to different ships, naval doctrine and marines.

The right branch deals with the airforce. You will gain 25 Air Experience and 4 Air Bases. There are also one-off research bonuses for various ships, air doctrine and paratroopers.

The middle branch deals with the army. You will receive 25 Army Experience and various one-off research bonuses for different parts of the army. At the bottom of the tree you may also obtain +10% Special Forces Capacity Multiplier, +10% Knights Speed, +0.05 daily Army Experience Gain and some bonuses to organization and planning. Finally, you can unlock the Ironpaws Division technology, allowing you to build the Diamond Dog special forces.

Political Tree

The Gryphus Political Tree

The Riaportu Congress

In 1007 Gryphus finds itself a divided nation, there are three notable groups: The native Gryphussians, The Herzlander Order of Opinicus and the Sicameonese Gryphus Southern Continent Company. The early focuses of the tree will revolve around The Riaportu Congress, which is attempting to bring peace between the factions.

Debate Requirement Choice 1 Choice 2
The Languages of Gryphus Finish focus The Linguistic Debate Political Power -50
National Spirit Multilingualism Encouraged:
Political Power Gain +2%
Recruitable Population Factor +10%
Antagonize the Order
Political Power +150
Appease the Order
The Matter of the Santa Búsqueda Random Event Political Power -50 Political Power -50
The Power of the Knightly Orders Finish focus The Power of the Order National Spirit The Military Order of Opinicus:
Political Power Gain +5%
Recruitable Population Factor +15%
War Support +5%
Ideology Drift Defense +5%
Special Forces Capacity +5%
Appease the Order
Political Power -75
Antagonize the Order
The Indigenes' Appeal Random Event Political Power -50
Appease the Order
Stability +5%
Antagonize the Order
The Two Houses of Camafeu Random Event Political Power -50 Political Power -50
The Power of the Free Towns Finish focus The Power of the Free Towns Political Power -50
National Spirit Increased Regional Autonomy:
Resource Gain Efficiency -10%
Surrender Limit +10%
Economy Laws Cost +10%
Trade Laws Cost +10%
Conscription Laws Cost +10%
Political Laws Cost +10%
Antagonize the Company
Political Power +150
Appease the Company
The Power of the Trading Houses Finish focus The Power of the Company National Spirit The Gryphus Southern Continent Company:
Consumer Goods Factories +1%
Economy Laws Cost -20%
Trade Laws Cost -20%
Antagonize the Company
Political Power -175
Appease the Company
The Free Towns' Appeal Random Event Political Power -50
Appease the Company
Stability +5%
Antagonize the Company
The Gryphussian Economy Finish focus The Economic Debate Allows you to take the focus The Transcostal Railway Allows you to take the focus The Night Forest Express

It is worth pointing out that, regardless of which of the three factions comes out ahead, you will be able to improve your Poverty Level, Industrial Society, Literacy Level and Science Base through shared focuses at the bottom of the tree.

There are several possible results to the Congress:

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
  • Should you successfuly appease both the Order and the Company, the Council will remain in power.
  • Should either the Order or the Company attain too much influnce, the other will attempt to overthrow the Council. At this point you may either submit or ask the other faction for help, if they accept, the Council may yet remain in power.
  • Should you fail to appease both the Order and the Company, open conflict between them will start. Depending on your choices one of the factions will defeat the other and take power or, should both sides fight to a standstill, the natives will rise up and a communist civil war will be ignited.

Note: If the Order comes to power you will lose the Multilingualism Encouraged spirit, if the Company comes to power you will lose the Increased Regional Autonomy spirit.

Spoiler end.

The Order of Opinicus Resurgent

Should the Order take power, your nation will be named Ordensstaat Opinicus, led by Grand Master Weißfisch.

Under the order you will receive 7 Fundamentalist Militias (6-width infantry), some espionage bonuses and few other notable ones such as +25% Recruitable Population Factor and +3% Recruitable Population. You will also gain 50 Army Experience, several forts on the border with the Flag of Barrad Magocracy Barrad Magocracy and commit purges which will kill dozens of thousands of griffons.

Upon finishing the last focus you will be faced with a choice: Either become a monarchy or start crusading. Should the former be chosen, you will become the Kingdom of Gryphus, led by King Jürgen von Grypsburg.

The Holy Gryphussian Crusade
The Crusade fully realized

If you choose the path of the crusades, you will unlock decisions which shall give you Annex War Goals against the Flag of Kása Free State Kása Free State, Flag of Austurland Austurland and the Flag of Barrad Magocracy Barrad Magocracy. Once defeated, you will be able to core the states of Fireshore and Ilhas Lagosta, you will also be able to release a puppet on the rest of the states.

After releasing the puppet, you will have decisions to acquire new Annex War Goals, this time on the Flag of Gryphian Host Gryphian Host, the Flag of Kingdom of Wittenland Kingdom of Wittenland and Flag of Pònaidhean Pònaidhean. You will be able to core Pohryfynnja and Chykchyryn; also, release puppets on the other states.

The Council Remains in Power

Should the power of the council only be kept thanks to the help of one of the factions, you will unlock the lateral focuses which will allow some loss of political power for stability, Harmonist and Non-Aligned popularity. Regardless, the middle branch will always be available.

In this path you will receive 6 indigenous militias (6-width infantry), some new advisors and a research slot. Other notable bonuses are +10% Resource Gain Efficiency, +15% Construction Speed and +25% Monthly Population. Upon finishing the branch, you will become Harmonist.

The Company Takes Control

Should the Company take power, the nation will be renamed to The Gryphus Southern Continent Company, led by Governor-Executive Felchen.

Through this branch you will receive 4 corporate militias (6-width infantry), your trade policy will be locked to Free Trade, you will be able to improve your Science Base and Poverty Level as well as receive a research slot. You will also gain 2 military factories, 2 civilian factories, 11 building slots and forts along your coastal states. Notable bonuses include: -7.5% Consumer Goods Factories, +15% Resource Gain Efficiency, +25% Max Factories in State and -25% Justify war goal time.

The Company has special cosmetic tags when releasing puppet states on most of the nations in the Evi Valley and some Southern Riverlands nations.

Workers of Gryphus, Unite!

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
The Gryphus Communist Tree

With the start of the civil war, the newly formed Union of Gryphus will receive a new political tree.

A short branch will deal with the civil war itself. It will give you political power, ponypower, war support and infantry equipment, as well as spawn 7 divisions to help you fight. Once victorious in the civil war an election will be held, in which you may choose to either elect Aniela Gryfoń of The United Workers' Party or Edward Piórowski of The Solidarity Trade Union.

Regardless of the victor in the elections you will have access to the central branch. With it you will be able to improve your Poverty Level, Science Base and Literacy. This branch will also give you 1 civilian and 1 military factories, as well as -5% Consumer Goods Factories, +25% Monthly Population and will make it easier to send volunteers abroad. Finally, you will either gain Puppet War Goals on several nations or, should they be communist, attempt to ally them; the nations in which you may gain a Puppet War Goal are: Flag of Gryphian Host Gryphian Host, Flag of Kingdom of Brodfeld Kingdom of Brodfeld, Flag of Kása Free State Kása Free State, Flag of Principality of Lushi Principality of Lushi and Flag of Republic of Asterion Asterion.

Stronger United

The leftmost branch will be unlocked if Aniela Gryfoń wins the elections. In it you will obtain 2 civilian and 2 military factories, you will improve your Poverty Level, Literacy and receive a research slot. You will also receive various espionage bonuses and some other notable ones such as Consumer Goods Factories, Construction Speed and Monthly Population, however, these will not last. You will receive negative events which will weaken most of the National Spirits and make you lose the research slot, should you finish the last focus, the National Spirits will be removed, Edward Piórowski will come into power and the right branch will be unlocked.

A Free Confederacy

The rightmost branch will be unlocked if Edward Piórowski is in power. In it you will obtain 2 civilian and 1 military factory, you will improve your Poverty Level, Science Base, Literacy Level, Industrial Sociey and receive a research slot. You will also receive an assortment of bonuses, notably a total of -5% Consumer Goods Factories, +5% Non-core ponypower, +10% Division Defense on core territory and +10% Construction Speed.

Spoiler end.


Army Naval Air Tech / Industry
  • Basic Rifles
  • Pre-Industrial Artillery
  • Destroyer II
  • Cruiser I
  • Basic Torpedo
  • Naval Gunnery
  • Secondary Battery I
  • Transport Ship
  • Contact Mine
  • None
  • None
Doctrine Racial
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • Knights Division I
  • We Can Fly?!


National Spirits

The Military Order of Opinicus icon
The Military Order of Opinicus

  • Political Power Gain: -5%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -5%
  • Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: +25.0%
  • Knights Attack: +5.00%
  • Knights Defense: +5.00%
  • Knights Speed: +5.00%
The Militärorden der Brüder vom Herzlandisch Haus der Heiligen Opinicus, simply called the Order of Opinicus by most, is a brotherhood of knights established by Emperor Grover II during his military campaigns in the Riverlands. They were given the sacrosanct task of guarding the southern border of the Empire against pony scum, and have loyally fulfilled their duty ever since. However, the leaders of the order have grown increasingly tired of merely sitting in place and think they should go on the offensive. Unfortunately for them, the Gryphussian government would never allow them to do such a thing.

Unless they get rid of the government and assume direct control over the nation, that is...
The Gryphus Southern Continent Company icon
The Gryphus Southern Continent Company

  • Consumer Goods Factories: -3.5%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +25.00%
  • License purchase cost: -10%
  • Economy Laws Cost: +25%
  • Trade Laws Cost: +25%
  • Political Advisor Cost: -10%
The Gryphusische Südkontinent-Gesellschaft/Gryps-Süd GmbH, otherwise known as "La Compañía Continental del sur de Gryphus" is a trade company founded centuries ago in Queruscos by local merchants. Emperor Grover III granted them an Imperial charter in 874 that gave them full rights to all commerce in the Gryphus sea. While they have retained their Griffish title as an homage to their Herzlander patron, they no longer have any overlord to keep them in check and have exploited southern markets without anyone to stop them. They profited greatly from exporting Prywhenian rice and were blamed by some to have caused the famine that followed. This only served to add to their reputation as greedy and ruthless merchants who placed profit above all else.


Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Yeve de Viartorré

Trade Unions
Harmonic Republicanism.png
Harmonic Republicanism

Alianza Progresista Unida
Revolutionary Coalition
Revolutionary Coalition

Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza
Provisional Government
  • Generate war goal tension limit: +100%
  • Join faction tension limit: +100%
  • Lend-lease tension limit: +100%
  • Send volunteers tension limit: +100%
  • Guarantee tension limit: +100%
  • Justify war goal time: +100%

Gerhardt Weißfisch
Zealous Knightly Order.png
Zealous Knightly Order

Privy Council
Geheimrat der Militärorden Opinicus
Ideological Crusader
  • Same ideology monthly opinion: +100%
  • Party Popularity Stability Modifier: +10%
Post-1007 leaders [may contain spoilers]
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Provisional Council
Provisional Council

Trade Unions
Provisional Government
  • Generate war goal tension limit: +100%
  • Join faction tension limit: +100%
  • Lend-lease tension limit: +100%
  • Send volunteers tension limit: +100%
  • Guarantee tension limit: +100%
  • Justify war goal time: +100%
Jürgen von Grypsburg
Zealous Knightly Order.png
Zealous Knightly Order

Privy Council
Geheimrat der Militärorden Opinicus
  • Political Power Gain: +25%
  • AI Modifier: Desired Divisions Factor: +20%
  • Weekly War Support (Combat Casualties): +0.1%

Matthias Felchen

Gryps-Süd GmbH Board of Gryphus
Verwaltungsrat des Gryphus Südkontinent-Gesellschaft
Financial Expert
  • Consumer Goods Factories factor: −15%

Aniela Gryfoń
Revolutionary Dictatorship.png
Revolutionary Dictatorship

Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza
Hero of the Revolution
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • Stability: +5%

Edward Piórowski
Market Socialism.png
Market Socialism

Trade Union "Solidarity"


Political parties
Name Ideology Leader Popularity
Trade Unions Centrism.png Centrism
Chairgriffon Yeve de Viartorré 46%
Alianza Progresista Unida
Harmonic Republicanism.png Harmonic Republicanism
Chairgriffon Yeve de Viartorré 35%
Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza
Marksism.png Marksism
Revolutionary Coalition 7%
Privy Council
Geheimrat der Militärorden Opinicus
Zealous Knightly Order.png Zealous Knightly Order
Grand Master Weißfisch 12%

Staff and Designers

Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Enrique Plumadorada
Enrique Plumadorada
Wealthy Industrialist
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: +10%
  • Resources to Market: −5%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +15%
Political Power 150
Elena Garratrueno
Elena Garratrueno
Ruthless Industrialist
  • Daily Political Power Gain: −0.05
  • Construction Speed: +5%
  • Efficiency cap texticon.png Production Efficiency Cap: +5%
Political Power 150
Antonio Alaviento
Antonio Alaviento
Deal Broker
  • Trade Laws Cost: −25%
  • Conscription Laws Cost: −25%
  • Economy Laws Cost: −25%
Political Power 150
Michael Pfannküchmeister
Michael Pfannküchmeister
Prince of Terror
  • Non-Core Ponypower: +2%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: −30%
  • Damage to Garrisons: −25%
Political Power 150
Luther von Braunschnabel
Luther von Braunschnabel
Armaments Organizer
  • Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: −20%
  • Supply Hub construction speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Illusive Gentlebeing
  • DLC La Résistance La Résistance is enabled
  • Can create an Intelligence Agency
  • Has created an Intelligence Agency
  • Operative slots: +1
  • Agency upgrade time: −15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot tank manufacturer.png Tank Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Camafeu Car Factory
Camafeu Car Factory
Mobile Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Max Speed: +5%
    • Reliability: +10%
  • Armored Car:
    • Max Speed: +5%
    • Reliability: +10%
Political Power 150
Tiefbrunnen Engineering Plants
Tiefbrunnen Engineering Plants
Medium Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Soft attack: +5%
    • Reliability: +5%
  • Armored Car:
    • Soft attack: +5%
    • Reliability: +5%
Political Power 150
Idea slot naval manufacturer.png Ship Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Viartorré Dockyard
Viartorré Dockyard
Raiding Fleet Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
  • Carrier:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Capital Ships:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
    • Heavy Attack: −10%
  • Screens:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Submarine:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Sub Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Riaportu Shipyards
Riaportu Shipyards
Coastal Defense Fleet Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
  • Carrier:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −25%
    • Max Range: −50%
  • Capital Ships:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −25%
    • Max Range: −50%
    • Armor: −20%
    • Heavy Attack: −20%
  • Screens:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −25%
    • Max Range: −50%
  • Submarine:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −25%
    • Max Range: −50%
Political Power 150
Idea slot aircraft manufacturer.png Aircraft Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Colégio Aeronautics
Colégio Aeronautics
Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Small Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Aerieschloss Airbase
Aerieschloss Airbase
Heavy Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Large Airframe:
    • Strat. Bombing: +10%
  • Transport Plane:
    • Range: +10%
Political Power 150
Idea slot materiel manufacturer.png Materiel Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Opinicus Order Armoury
Opinicus Order Armoury
Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Balisemont Gunworks
Balisemont Gunworks
Artillery Designer
  • Artillery Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot industrial concern.png Industrial Concerns
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Night Forest Timber Company
Night Forest Timber Company
Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Colégio University
Colégio University
Electronics Concern
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Select theorist.png Theorists
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Meister Sibrand
Meister Sibrand
Military Theorist
  • Land Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Select army chief.png Chiefs of Army
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Cristóbal Alacielo
Cristóbal Alacielo
Army Defense (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Defense: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: +15%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Engelhard Rabe von Tiefbrunnen
Engelhard Rabe von Tiefbrunnen
Army Offense (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Attack: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +15%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select navy chief.png Chiefs of Navy
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Ludwig von Eiershausen
Ludwig von Eiershausen
Decisive Battle (Expert)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Capital Ship Attack: +10%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10%
  • Screen Attack: +10%
  • Screen Defense: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Isabel Alafeliz
Isabel Alafeliz
Anti-Submarine (Expert)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Submarine Detection: +15%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select air chief.png Chiefs of Airforce
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Javier Unanegra
Javier Unanegra
Naval Strike (Expert)
  • Naval Bombing: +3%
  • Naval Targeting: +3%
  • Naval Agility: +3%
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Ernst von Grypsburg
Ernst von Grypsburg
Air Superiority (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Air Superiority Mission Efficiency: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select high command.png Military High Command
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Siegfried von Feuchtflügel
Siegfried von Feuchtflügel
Army Regrouping (Expert)
  • Division Recovery Rate: +8%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Jose Antonio Picoalto
Jose Antonio Picoalto
Army Logistics (Genius)
  • Division Attrition: −12%
Political Power 200
Command power 20
Emilio Garraoculta
Emilio Garraoculta
Entrenchment (Expert)
  • Entrenchment speed: +16%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Gottfried von Hohenvogel
Gottfried von Hohenvogel
Army Maneuver (Expert)
  • Division Speed: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20

Military Leaders

Field Marshal
Field Marshal Traits Description Skills Race
Jürgen von Grypsburg
Field Marshal
Jürgen von Grypsburg
Jürgen von Grypsburg (advisor).png
Trait skilled staffer.png Skilled Staffer
Surrounded by some of the best staff, this leader is able to organize and manage a larger number of units.
  • General Max Army Size: +6
Trait thorough planner.png Thorough Planner
A strategic master mind. Given time, the well-laid plan will be the strongest.
  • Max planning: +10%
Trait inspirational leader.png Charismatic
A natural leader. Soldiers will face their worst fears when backed by a powerful leader.
  • Division Recovery Rate: +10%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
General Traits Description Skills Race
Gerhardt Weißfisch
Gerhardt Weißfisch
Gerhardt Weißfisch (advisor).png
Trait trickster.png Trickster
Doing the unexpected in combat can give you a large advantage.
  • Reconnaissance: +25%
Trait ambusher.png Ambusher
Expertly able to trick enemy forces into ambushes.
  • Max Entrenchment: +5
  • Recon Bonus While Entrenched: +25%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Master of War Craft
Master of War Craft
Master of War Craft (advisor).png
Trait infantry officer.png Infantry Officer
Trained as an infantry officer.
  • Infantry Leader experience factor: +100%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 4
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Albus Piscis
Albus Piscis
Albus Piscis (advisor).png
Trait logistics wizard.png Supply Raider
This general somehow always manages to scavenge, steal or find enough supplies to keep their troops well-provisioned.
  • Equipment Capture Ratio Gain: +3%
  • Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: −20%
Trait mountaineer.png Mountaineer
An excellent climber and skilled at Mountain warfare.
  • Mountain:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Admiral Traits Description Skills Race
Fernando Pescada
Fernando Pescada
Generic Griffon Admiral 6 (advisor).png
Trait blockade runner.png Blockade Runner
Able to rapidly Disengage from Naval Combat.
  • Retreat Decision Chance: +20%
  • Fleet speed while retreating: +15%
  • Convoy speed while retreating: +5%
Trait admiral cruiser captain.png Cruiser Captain
This officer has shown great skill in operating cruisers.
  • Light Cruiser:
    • Naval Speed: +10%
    • Naval Damage: +10%
  • Heavy Cruiser:
    • Naval Speed: +10%
    • Naval Damage: +10%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 1
Coordination.pngCoordination: 1
Matthias Felchen
Matthias Felchen
Matthias Felchen (advisor).png
Trait gentlemanly.png Courteous
This officer instills a sense of respect in subordinates and enemies alike.
  • Navy Organization: +5
  • Enemy retreat chance: +20%
Trait naval lineage.png Naval Lineage
It takes 3 years to build a ship. It takes 300 years to build a tradition.
  • Number of ships in the first contact: +25%
  • Retreat Decision Chance: −25%
Trait superior tactician.png Superior Tactician
A master of Fleet Positioning.
  • Positioning: +25%
Level 4
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 1
Coordination.pngCoordination: 1


Flag Information
Free Towns of Gryphus.png
Free Towns of Gryphus

Centrism.pngHarmonic Republicanism.png
Gryphus Südkontinent-Gesellschaft.png
Gryphus Südkontinent-Gesellschaft

The Gryphus Southern Continent Company successfully overthrew the Council

Ordensstaat Opinicus.png
Ordensstaat Opinicus

The Order of Opinicus successfully overthrew the Council, and decided to remain in power

Zealous Knightly Order.png
Kingdom of Gryphus.png
Kingdom of Gryphus

Jürgen von Grypsburg was crowned as king, with the Order of Opinicus' blessing

Zealous Knightly Order.png
Union of Gryphus.png
Union of Gryphus

The Communists successfully overthrew the Council, after a deadlock between the Company and the Knightly Order

Revolutionary Dictatorship.pngMarket Socialism.png


Laws and Development

Laws and Development
Conscription Law Trade Law Economy Law
Volunteer Only Volunteer Only
  • Recruitable Population: 1.50%
Export Focus Export Focus
  • Construction Speed: +10.00%
  • Research Speed: +5.00%
  • Factory Output: +10.00%
  • Dockyard Output: +10.00%
  • Resources to Market: +50%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +20.0%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +10.0%
Civilian Economy Civilian Economy
  • Industrial Research Speed: +3%
  • Electronics Research Speed: +2%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 35.0%
  • Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Fuel Gain per Oil: -40.00%
  • Fuel Capacity: -25.00%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
  • Military Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Refinery construction speed: +5.00%
Scientific Development Society Development Illiteracy
Small Science Base Small Science Base
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.20
  • Research Speed: -55.00%
Newly Industrialized Society Newly Industrialized Society
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: -10.00%
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -10.00%
  • Factory Output: -10.00%
  • Dockyard Output: -10.00%
Modest Illiteracy Modest Illiteracy
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -30.00%
Poverty Race
Low Poverty Low Poverty
  • Monthly Population: -7.0%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 7.0%
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -2.50%
Griffon Griffon Race
  • Uses Griffon Racial Tree

Industry and Resources

Military factory
Military Factories
Naval dockyard
Naval Dockyards
Civilian factory
Civilian Factories
Fuel silo
Fuel Silos
Synthetic refinery
Synthetic Refineries
3 2 5 (-2) 0 0
Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.
Steel icon.png
0 25 (-13) 0 12 (-6) 50 (-25) 0 0
Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.


Gryphus starts with 8 fully supplied divisions, 4 garrison units, 3 knights and 1 infantry for a total of 36k ponypower in the field. It has a navy of 1 Battleship, 8 Destroyers, 1 Heavy Cruiser and 2 Light Cruisers, which can easily compete with most of its neighbours. With a conscription law of Volunteer Only and Civilian Economy, the country does not start in a war footing.

Strategies and guides

Starting Situation

Gryphus is medium size country in southeastern Griffonia, the country has a fairly low core population and an industry of 10 factories (5 civilian, 3 military and 2 dockyards), it also has some small amount of Aluminium, Rubber, Tungsten and Iron.

Threats and Opportunities

  • The fate of Gryphus depends on the actions of its western neighbour Flag of Kingdom of Brodfeld Kingdom of Brodfeld. If the Communist Flag of Griffon Liberation Army Griffon Liberation Army wins the civil war, it can try to take over Gryphus through a normal invasion, or by sending infiltrators and igniting a communist uprising.
  • Should Flag of Republic of Asterion Asterion reclaim its mainlaind holdings, it may attempt to either attack you or invite you to their faction the Concordat of Free Nations.
  • The Flag of Gryphian Host Gryphian Host is likely to attack you sometime in the early game, however if they do it alone, they can be easily defeated.


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