Barony of Angriver

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Barony of Angriver
The Baron's Country

Barony of Angriver.png

ANG map.png

IdeologyAutocracy.png Autocracy
Baron Leer the Vicious
Ruling partyKabinett des Barons (23%)
PopulationPopulation 2,028,856
PonypowerPonypower 15,265
RaceGriffon Griffon
StabilityStability 33%
War supportWar support 50%
FactoriesFactory 6
  • 3 Military factory
  • 0 Naval dockyard
  • 3 Civilian factory
ContinentCentral Griffonia
DiplomacyMember of the Reichspakt
Nominal VassalNominal Vassal of Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire
Color  #DB441E

The Barony of Angriver, deep within the Scheißwald Forest of the Eastern Herzlands, holds the title of one of the most backwards nations of the Griffonian Empire. Both in politics and in industry, Angriver is seen as a nation stuck in the past, with the nobles holding absolute authority over the peasants, who subsequently move towards banditry in the forest just to survive.

Of course, that was until the revolution of 978. While in Angriver, like elsewhere in the Empire, the revolution was put down, it has given many hope that the systems that hold Angriver in the past can be changed.

While the Baron, Leer the Vicious, has his own vision for the future of Angriver, he is not the only one who has a vision. And with the Emperor's health declining, who shall prevail when the Empire's reigns are released?


Before the Revolution

Even before the revolution taking its toll on Angriver, the nation has always been one of the most backwards in the Empire. This is primarily due to the Scheißwald Forest making development incredibly difficult, with original settlers finding it useless for agriculture; a spirit which has been carried to the modern-day.

Though, there were (and still are) those who call the forest home: bandits. Mainly peasants, pushed to thievery just to survive, due to feudal lords treating them like serfs. These bandits were eventually radicalised by Anarchists from Yale, making the situation even more difficult for the lords to deal with. This tenuous situation eventually came to a head during the Revolution of 978.

The Revolution

The revolution of 978 upturned the status-quo in Angriver, as it did across the Empire. The Anarchist revolutionaries signed a deal with the NRP, the hub for Republican thought in Angriver. Together, they brought the revolution to Angriver.

However, as the case was across the Empire, the revolution was not meant to be. The Baron, derided as Leer the Vicious, put down the revolution, with the assistance of his Großmarschall, Othmar Stoiber.

The situation after the revolution has practically returned to what it was before, with the Baron's authority being absolute, and the peasants at the whims of their noble masters. But there is still hope for many as both the Anarchists and the NRP's influence are increasing. With even Stoiber feeling the need for change, many have hope the Baron's reign will soon be ending.

But, there is also cause for concern, as the Baron does still have control of his army, for the time being. And there is even talk of a mysterious group called the 'Black Claw', whose intentions are unknown.

Nevertheless, no matter who comes out on top, everygriff can see that change is coming to Angriver.

Starting Situation

Angriver, excluding its sizable army, is practically on par with its neighbours when it comes down to industry and science. Angriver, if it is to survive the coming years, especially when the Empire finally comes knocking, the ability to not only defend (forts) but push back (larger army) will be essential.


  • Army: Angriver starts with one of the largest armies in the Herzland, second only to the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire. It starts with a single 12-width knight division, a single 12-width mountaineer division (both also have support recon), and 7 12-width infantry divisions with support artillery.
  • Air Force: Angriver starts without any aeroplanes or airbases.
  • Navy: Angriver, being landlocked, starts without a navy.

Threats & Opportunities

  • Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire: The Empire is the greatest threat to Angriver at the beginning of the game. When the Empire begins its conquest foci, Angriver will need to be ready for a hard fight. In the event other Herzland nations share your ideology (Harmony/Communist only), decisions will be available to set up an 'alliance' in the form of mutual guarantees, which may make the Imperial invasion easier to deal with.
  • Other Herzland Vassals: The other vassals in the Empire can provide a good choice for early expansion, especially if Angriver keeps its military lead. Some examples for early expansion include the Flag of Yale Rectorate Yale Rectorate and the Flag of Katerin Principality Katerin Principality.



Political Trees

Angriver doesn't start with a political focus tree (only starting with the shared foci (see below)). Instead, through an event chain after the Empire has selected Grover VI's regent, the player will choose Angriver's political path.

Just after the regent has been selected (Either Eros or Gabriela), Republicans begin to revolt openly against the Baron, with them moving on the militia headquarters. The player will be given a choice: Does the revolt succeed, or does it fail? Should it fail, the Baron's political tree will be unlocked.

Autocracy.png Leer's Path - They Shall Know Fear

ANG - Leer (Pt.1).png

With the republican revolt put down once again, Leer is now ready to truly make the Barony his. In that spirit, most of Leer's tree is based around dealing with those who would challenge his rule, be they anarchists, republicans, or even simple peasants.

The first section of the tree specifically focuses on the removal of anarchist & republican influence, resulting in increased stability & political power, despite heavy pony power losses.

The second section focuses on solidifying the Baron's control & modernising Angriver's industry. Of note are the two sets of choices (One concerning the Black Claws, and the other concerning the army), and the focus 'Unrestricted Progress', which grants an additional research slot.

Leer's Empire

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
ANG - Leer (Pt.2).png

Should Angriver, under Leer, take Griffenheim & choose to succeed the Empire, then the second part of Leer's political tree will be unlocked, based around Leer creating an Empire of his own.

The first set of foci are based around securing the Imperial Herzland, gaining war goals on the Empire's former vassals. Then, after completing the focus 'The Coronation', not only will cores be granted on all the Imperial Herzland, but additionally Leer will crown himself as Emperor Leer I.

The next section focuses on Leer cementing his control on his new Empire. Of note is the following focus:

  • The Imperial Cult: Grants a new advisor, Hecaterus, who, among others, proclaim Leer to be a God-Emperor.

The final section focuses on retrieving the old Imperial borders. The section is practically identical to the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire's, so consult that page for more information. The differences primarily concern Leer adding yet more titles to his ever-growing list, encouraging all to look upon him as the God-Emperor of all Griffonkind.

Long live the God-Emperor!

Political Advisors
Name Trait Prereqs Effects Cost
Pontifex Maximus Hecaterus I
Pontifex Maximus Hecaterus I
Pontifex Maximus
  • Has completed focus The Imperial Cult
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • Stability: +5.00%
  • Daily Supremacy Support: +0.01
Leader Party Description Traits
Emperor Leer I
Emperor Leer I
Supremacy (Imperialism)

Kaiserpartei (Griffonische Kaiserpartei)

The first thing one notices upon meeting Emperor Leer is the confidence with which he carries himself. He is a leader without a single iota of fear or uncertainty, and merely being in his presence seems to steel the resolve of griffons whose faith may be wavering. This quality served him well when leading his armies into battles, from which he invariably emerged victorious. Not content with being a fierce warrior, Leer also possess superior wisdom: he is a brilliant and unparalleled strategist, formulating his plans with an almost supernatural foresight.

"Our Emperor is accustomed to taking decisive action; as Baron of Angriver, he witnessed the damage being inflicted upon his land by godless revolutionaries and took sole command of the loyalist forces, crushing the hordes of chaos in a lightning campaign. The experience left him a changed griffon, and he vowed never to rest until peace and prosperity for his beloved subjects could be guaranteed. A pious griffon, there is no doubt that his ascension was the will of the Gods."
—Rudolf Rümker, Court Historian

Spoiler end.

Should the Republican revolt succeed, Leer will be ousted, Angriver (if still part of the Empire) will leave the Empire, and Gerhard Bluhm (head of the NRP) shall take charge of the nation.

However, the Republican control of the nation is not secure. There is still one more major threat to the Republican cause: Großmarschall Othmar Stoiber. An event will fire, detailing Othmar's mission to wipe out the revolt's leadership in one strike. The player is presented with a choice: Does Othmar succeed, or does he fail? Should he succeed, the Republicans are put down, and the Großmarschall's political tree is unlocked.

Harmony Othmar's Path - The Counter-Revolution

ANG - Stoiber (Pt.1).png

While like Leer, Othmar has put down the revolt, he has some different ideas one how Angriver should change. But first, he needs to stabilise the nation, which is reflected within the first section of the tree. Through the three paths, Othmar will deal with the Anarchists, the Black Claw, & the Republican remnants.

Having now stabilised the nation, Othmar will present a new constitution for Angriver, with him being pronounced subsequently as 'Baron Othmar the Kind'.

The second section of the tree is based around modernising Angriver; in industry, politics, and society. Of note here is the focus 'Scientific Advancement', which grants an additional research slot.

Leader Party Description Traits
Baron Othmar the Kind
Baron Othmar the Kind

Angrivische Monarchistische Partei

Othmar's Regency

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
ANG - Stoiber (Pt.2).png

If Angriver takes Griffenheim under Othmar, and chooses to 'Unite Herzland', then the second half of Othmar's political tree will be unlocked, wherein he shall attempt to spread his ideals of Harmonic monarchism across the Herzland.

The first set of foci are based around securing the Imperial Herzland, giving war goals on the Empire's former vassals. Following that, through the focus 'Adopt the Constitution', cores will be granted on the entire Herzland.

The second set of foci are based around solidifying Othmar's ideals across the Herzland. Of note are the following foci:

  • Peace In This World And The Next: Othmar meets with the Archons, negotiating them a place in the new kingdom. Subsequently, all three archons are available as political advisors.
  • Adopt Grover VI: Othmar meets with Grover, and subsequently adopts him, becoming his regent, leading to Grover taking the throne in 1021.
  • The Council of the Nine: Allows decisions for the creation of knight divisions.
  • One More Into The World: Allows diplomacy decisions to invite Non-Aligned/Harmonic Griffon nations into a faction: The Griffonian Pact.

Should the kingdom survive to the year 1021, Grover shall be crowned as King Grover I of the Herzland.

Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

Name Trait Prereqs Effects Cost
Archon Proteus III
Archon Proteus III
Arcturius' Archon
  • Has completed focus Peace In This World And The Next
  • Recruitable Population Factor: 5%
  • War Support: +5.00%
  • Division Attack: +5.0%
Archon Erion XII
Archon Erion XII
Eyr's Archon
  • Has completed focus Peace In This World And The Next
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Monthly Population: +5.0%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: +5.00%
Archon Eros VII
Archon Eros VII
Archon of Boreas
  • Has completed focus Peace In This World And The Next
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • Stability: +5.00%
Leader Party Description Traits
Regent Othmar the Kind
Regent Othmar the Kind

Angrivische Monarchistische Partei

King Grover I
King Grover I

Angrivische Monarchistische Partei

Chosen by the Gods
  • Daily Political Power Cost: -0.10
  • Division Recovery Rate: +10.0%
  • Division Attack: +5.0%
  • Division Defence: +5.0%

Spoiler end.

Should Othmar's mission fail, he will be killed, and the Republicans will stay in power. However, it was not only the NRP who liberated Angriver from the old regime's claws. There were are also the Anarchists, led by Willie Scherler, who have been waging a war of influence against the NRP since the fall of Leer's government.

The player is presented with another choice, concerning who wins this war: The Anarchists or the NRP. If the player chooses the Anarchists, Scherler's political tree will be unlocked.

Communism Scherler's Path - Anarchy in Angriver

ANG - Com 1.png

Scherler, having liberated Angriver alongside the NRP, has inherited a more stable nation than his predecessors. This means that he can immediately get started with his Anarcho-communist reforms; a spirit which is presented in the fact that the focus tree is a single section, primarily based around reforms.

Of note are the following foci:

  • Communal Education: Grants an additional research slot.
  • Battlecry of Freedom: Grants a war goal on the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire.

Scherler's Commune

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading

In the event that Angriver, under Scherler, takes Griffenheim and chooses to 'Unite Herzland', then the next part of Scherler's tree will be unlocked, in which he creates the Herzland Commune, alongside a Congress, where the people can decide who they wish to lead them as Chairgriffon.

But before that can happen, the Herzland needs to be united, as shown through the first section of the Tree. Through this first section, war goals are given on all of the Empire's former vassals. Then, through the focus 'The Congress of the Proletariat', not only will cores be granted on the entire Herzland, but an event will also fire allowing the player to choose who they want to lead this new commune:

Chairgriffon Kogchel

Gerben Kogchel, the former head of the Feathisan PvdA, is considered more of a moderate than his compatriots. His plan for Herzland involves the establishment of social services, alongside the creation of a true, working democracy. Notable foci include:

  • From the Ruins, United = Creates the 'International' faction and unlocks decisions to invite communist griffon nations.

Kogchel's tree also unlocks the 'Agrarianism' path.

We will become Herzland's new life.

Leader Party Description Traits
Gerben Kogchel

Herzland Anarchistische Union

Gerben Kogchel was born as the son of a bank clerk in De Vleugels, the Feathisian capital. Even though his father died when he was young, Gerben would initially follow his lead, working for a local bank. From studying finances, he quickly learned that the Feathisian state could do better. Many griffons were living in poverty or uncertainty, only a bad illness away from hunger. Distressed by the lack of protection for everygriffon, Kogchel joined the PvdA to fight for worker protection. His genuine empathy and drive to make Feathisia a better place saw him grow popular on the local level, where he became the first PvdA mayor for de Vleugels, which saw the city improving care for the poorest.

His newfound popularity reached across party lines and it was said that Kogchel had a longstanding correspondence with the Grand Duke of Feathisia. When Kogchel entered parliament after winning a leadership election in the labour party, opposition to his plans stiffened. Both the Liberal Democrats and the ducal party resisted his plans and there was even less of a chance the FNV would cooperate. Still, Kogchel laboured on without resenting his political opponents, trying ever so hard to change Feathisia for the better.

The social democrat's effort all seemed to crash down in the chaos following the fall of the Empire, as more violent and pessimistic forces overtook Feathisia. However, with Kogchel at the helm, the more moderate griffons never lost hope for a better tomorrow. Kogchel's briefcase full of social reforms became a symbol of hope all on its own, as the politician refused to part with them under any circumstances, to remind himself what he was fighting for. Now after so much death and destruction, it is time to rebuild. Gerben Kogchel hopes to breathe new life into Herzland; to implement working democracy and mend Herzland's unstable society. However, some are worried that the idealistic griffon will leave an already battered region vulnerable in this uncertain age.

Chairgriffon Scherler

Willie Scherler, leader of the Angrivan Anarchists, is well known as the liberator of Herzland from the oppression of the old regimes. His vision for Herzland involves the spreading of anarchism beyond his home of Angriver. Notable foci include:

  • Expand the Ranks = Unlocks decisions to create special forces divisions.
  • Red Archons = Unlocks three new 'red' archons for selection as political advisors.
  • The Perfect Society = Creates the 'International' faction and unlocks decisions to invite communist griffon nations.

Scherler's tree also unlocks the 'Agrarianism' & 'Resource Nationalisation' paths.

The International unites the Griffon Race!

Name Trait Prereqs Effects Cost
Archon Chrysus I
Archon Chrysus I
Arcturius' Archon
  • Has completed focus Red Archons
  • Recruitable Population Factor: 5%
  • War Support: +5.00%
  • Division Attack: +5.0%
Archon Kronos I
Archon Kronos I
Eyr's Archon
  • Has completed focus Red Archons
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Monthly Population: +5.0%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: +5.00%
Archon Pontus I
Archon Pontus I
Archon of Boreas
  • Has completed focus Red Archons
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • Stability: +5.00%
Chairgriffon Ehrhardt

Roland Ehrhardt, a veteran of the Romau street fights, is primarily known for his utter hatred of the Archonate. His intention for Herzland involves the implementation of his syndicalist & atheist ideals. Notable foci include:

  • The Herzlander Century = Creates the 'International' faction and unlocks decisions to invite communist griffon nations.

Ehrhardt's tree also unlocks the 'Resource Nationalisation' path.

Socialism shall save the world!

Leader Party Description Traits
Roland Ehrhardt

Herzland Anarchistische Union

When describing Roland Ehrhardt, the first word that comes to mind is radical. De-facto leader of the Romauan labour movement, Ehrhardt has made his mark on Romau in more ways than one. He led hundreds of strikes, narrowly avoided tens of assassinations by the Romau Council, and even burned down a few temples or two in his crusade against the Archonate, the Empire, and those who would harm the workers of Romau.

Ehrhardt was born in 961, in a position very similar to most Romauans: while the senate spent lavishly and fought amongst themselves, he grew up in relative poverty. His slum's position close to a sprawling temple of Eyr fueled his religious animosity, and when they continually drove back demanding charity, he began to doubt the Gods' grace entirely. His mother and father both participated in the labour movement, and Roland soon joined them in a craftworker's union at the age of 16. He rose the ranks of the union, rising from worker to organizer, and when the Republican revolution began, he joined his fellow workers in a mass general strike.

Although the Romauan revolution, and inevitably, the Republican revolution itself, failed, Ehrhardt continued organizing, eventually outranking his own parents and becoming the appointed representative of his union in 997.

Ehrhardt petitioned the council numerous times for rights, and when they refused, he organized strike after strike until his workers got what they wanted. His childhood animosity toward the Eyrians culminated in a violent anti-religious campaign, and Ehrhardt and thousands of other workers participated in burnings of Romau temples in protest of the corrupt Archon, Erion.

Now Ehrhardt is Chairgriffon of the Congress, with all the power necessary to settle his lifelong scores with the powerful, corrupt, and dishonest griffons who have betrayed the people of Herzland.

Spoiler end.

Should the player instead pick the National Republican Party, the Republican political tree will be unlocked.

Neutrality Republican Path: The First Elections Harmony

ANG - Elections.png

With the Republicans having set up a provisional government, the time is now right for the people to decide who they want to lead them into a future free from tyranny. There are three candidates up for election:

Gerhard Bluhm Neutrality

Bluhm, being a vocal supporter of Republicanism, is willing to do anything to secure the Three Principles in his nation, despite his qualms with their creator Kemerskai. Notable foci include:

  • The March of Progress = Increases society development level.
Bluhm's Republic
Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
ANG - Bluhm 2.png

If Angriver, under Bluhm, takes Griffenheim and chooses to 'Succeed the Griffonian Empire', the next part of his tree will be unlocked. This section is very small, being made up mostly of foci granting war goals on the former Empire's vassals.

Once the Herzlands have been fully conquered, the 'The Griffonian Republic' focus is unlocked. The focus not only grants cores on the entire Herzland, but is also activates an event. In this event, a choice is presented: Be annexed by the Flag of Griffonian Republic Griffonian Republic (which will tag switch to the Republic and continue the game as the Republic), or keep the land for yourself.

Assuming that the player chose the latter option, the next section of Bluhm's tree will be unlocked.

Bluhm's Principles
ANG - Bluhm 3.png

This next part of the tree is separated into two sections. The first is based around Bluhm 'adapting' the Three Principles to his situation. Of note are the following foci:

  • Without Democracy = Allows Hanz Hertzog, the secret police chief, to be selected as a political advisor.

The second section is based around the liberation of the former imperial lands. The tree is practically equivalent to the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire's, so consult that page for more information. Of important note, however, is the final focus: 'The Enabling Act'. This focus will, once completed, fires an event chain that leads to the death of Bluhm, the replacement of him with Reinhard Olbeaking (one of his former advisors), before democracy is restored by Saskia Meckler, and a new focus tree is unlocked.

Name Trait Prereqs Effects Cost
Hanz Hertzog
Hanz Hertzog
Secret Police Chief
  • Has completed focus Without Democracy
  • Political Power Gain: -5%
  • Encryption: +0.50
  • Ideology drift defence: +15.0%
  • Enemy operative detection chance factor: +15%
Leader Party Description Traits
Reinhard Olbeaking
Reinhard Olbeaking

Nationalen Republikanischen Partei

Reinhard Olbeaking's unlikely rise to political prominence began in the turbulence following the fall of the Angriverian Barony. An obscure journalist working for a Griffing newspaper, he was inspired by Republican rhetoric and began authoring pro-NRP columns and pamphlets which proved extremely popular. This fame led to him being elected as a delegate representing Griffing in the newly-formed national legislature.

As the Republic rose, he became the leader of the NRP's moderate faction, occasionally butting heads with Bluhm over the government's role in civil society. The two eventually reconciled and Olbeaking was chosen by Bluhm to act as his Vice President, although the office was largely ceremonial and wielded little actual power. Olbeaking served as a figurehead more than anything else, cementing the marginalised status of the moderate NRP.

Rumours swirl that Olbeaking was dissatisfied and complicit in the plot against Bluhm, though few believe he is a griffon capable of such deviousness.

Meckler's Democracy
ANG - Meckler NRP.png

Meckler, having orchestrated the overthrow of Bluhm, now has the job of stabilising the nation, alongside truly implementing the Three Principles, not 'adapting' them like Bluhm. This is reflected within the final tree, which is based around the reversing of Bluhm's actions and implanting Meckler's democratic values in their place. Of note is the final focus, 'The New Elections', which gives the player a final choice, on who they wish to lead the Republic into the future. The candidates are as follows:

  • Théodore VeranyHarmony: Hero of the Aquileian Revolution, who to offer free education and the redistribution of land.
  • Saskia MecklerHarmony: Well known for her role in overthrowing Bluhm, she plans to uphold the Three Principles no matter what.
  • Heinrich KingfeatherNeutrality: A former member of Kemerskai's republic, Kingfeather plans to focus on the creation of a truly free market.
  • Fiona SchmitzNeutrality: A protege of Otto Weschler, she is committed to pushing economic progress within the Republic.

No matter who is chosen, no more focuses will be unlocked.

The Republican Dream lives on!

Leader Party Description Traits
Théodore Vérany

Nationale Progressive Partei

National Hero
  • Daily Political Power Cost: -0.10
  • Stability: +5.00%
Saskia Meckler

Nationale Progressive Partei

Born: 16th of October, 964 in Griffenheim

Biography: Outgoing and naturally charismatic, Saskia Meckler was born to a middle class family in central Griffenheim. Exposed to the squalor and poverty of the city from a young age, Meckler became passionate about improving conditions for the poor and promoting equality. Her time in university saw her drawn to socialist ideologies, although she shied away from the more radical positions of some of her peers.

After graduating, she moved to Angriver to get further away from the eye of the Empire. Her magnetic personality quickly gained her a reputation as a respectable and affable philosopher and theoretician. A harsh critic of the Anarchist Union, she opted to join the Social Democrats after the fall of the Barony, eventually rising to become their leader in the chaos following the disgrace of Hera Eichberg.

Meckler escaped persecution under Bluhm's dictatorship due to strong ties to the moderate faction within the NRP. These ties allowed her to become one of the most prominent public advocates for liberalisation in the Republic, a position she leveraged effectively during the overthrow of Bluhm. She continues to publicly praise the "True Principles" of the NRP and asserts that although the party became corrupted by Bluhm's influence, its original mission was a worthy one.

Meckler's vision for a better society is one that conforms to the principles of True Liberty, True Democracy, and True Prosperity for the people, allowing for the creation of a free and just Pan-Griffonian Republic.

Portrait By: Cofido

Heinrich Kingfeather

Partei der Rechte

Fiona Schmitz

Sozialliberale Partei

Born: 13th of April, 973 in Griffing

Biography: Hailing from a family of wealthy landowners, Fiona Schmitz grew up in a mansion, the eldest of six children. Her formal education began at a young age under the direction of highly regarded tutors from across the Empire. A diligent student, Schmitz displayed an avid curiosity in all fields, and outside her studies often read books from her family's sprawling library.

After graduating with highest honours, she began working as a law clerk, eventually becoming a lawyer in her own right. Thanks to family connections, her client list soon included members of the Angriver's elite families. In the course of practicing law, Schmitz was exposed to the rampant corruption endemic in Angriver's legal system, and developed a keen interest in curbing it.

This interest caused her to come into contact with Otto Weschler, a conscientious leader within the civil service who shared her goal of reforming the machinery of government. Schmitz was inspired by the ideals espoused by Weschler, and quickly became his devoted protege. They both believed that the injustices and excesses of Angriver were the result of institutional failures rather than griffon nature, and that individual liberties combined with political equality were the antidote to arbitrary government.

A staunch believer in the virtue of republicanism, Schmitz's vision for a better society emphasises secularism, a free yet regulated market, and protections for civil liberties.

Portrait By: Cofido

Spoiler end.

Harmony Hera Eichberg

Eichberg, being the leader of the Social Democrat party, appears to be committed to implementing her party's ideals of freedom and welfare, even if some question her mysterious past. Notable foci include:

  • A Free Society: Increases society development level.
Eichberg's Grand Plans
Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
ANG - Black Claw 1.png

After a month has passed since Eichberg's election, an event will fire, in which Eichberg reveals herself as the leader of the mysterious Black Claw and silences any opposition to her leadership. This event will also unlock a new political tree for the Black Claw, wherein the Claw will stabilise the nation, and implement their tyrannical ideals; Eichberg's initial focus tree is actually a decoy, and none of its focuses can be completed. Notable foci include:

  • Hire The Talon Mercenaries Company: Spawns 3 14-width infantry divisions with support artillery and recon.
  • Forceful Modernisation: Increases society development level.
  • Limitless Potential: Increases scientific development level, and grants an additional research slot.
  • Our Destiny: Grants a war goal on the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire.
ANG - Black Claw 2.png
Eichberg's Feudalism

If Angriver takes the Griffonian Empire, and the player chooses to 'Unite Herzland', then a new section of the tree will be loaded, wherein the Black Claw spreads their feudalistic reforms across the Herzland.

The first section of the tree is based around conquering the Empire's former vassals, the foci granting war goals on them. The second section is focused on spreading the Claw's tyranny, silencing any who oppose. Notable foci include:

  • Create The Schwarzestaffel: Unlocks decisions to create Waffen-SS divisions.
  • The Claw Rises: Unlocks diplomacy decisions.

The Claw rises!

Leader Party Description Traits
Hera Eichberg

The Black Claw

Born: 7th of July, 972 in Griffing

Biography: Next to nothing is known about the formative years of Hera Eichberg. Although an ever-present figure in Angriver's social circles, she gained a reputation for being a cipher and rarely let slip any details about her personal life. Her apparent introversion and bizarre mannerisms left many observers baffled at her initial rise to political prominence, but at this point none still doubt her efficacy.

Portrait By: Printik

Spoiler end.

Neutrality Otto Weschler

Weschler, head of the Social Liberal party, supports ideas of personal freedom and of securing the independence of Angriver. Foci of note include:

  • Safeguard The People: Increases society development level.
Weschler's Successors
Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
ANG - Otto 2.png

If Angriver, led by Weschler, takes Griffenheim and chooses to 'Unite Herzland', then the final part of his focus tree will be loaded. The tree is split into two sections. the first is focuses on uniting the Herzland under Angriver, with all the foci granting war goals on the Empire's former vassals.

The second section is based around the people choosing whop they wish to lead them, as Weschler is old and ill, unable to lead the nation any longer. The player has a choice between two candidates:

Harmony An Unexpected Comeback

Saskia Meckler, leader of the Social Democrat HVP, supports welfare within the nation, alongside the building of unity between citizens. Notable foci include:

  • A Better Society: Unlocks diplomacy decisions, allowing the player to invite Non-aligned/Harmonic griffon nations to a new faction: 'The Griffonia Pact'.

Three Hurrahs for Herzland!

Leader Party Description Traits
Saskia Meckler

Herzland Volkspartei

Born: 16th of October, 964 in Griffenheim

Biography: Outgoing and naturally charismatic, Saskia Meckler was born to a middle class family in central Griffenheim. Exposed to the squalor and poverty of the city from a young age, Meckler became passionate about improving conditions for the poor and promoting equality. Her time in university saw her drawn to socialist ideologies, although she shied away from the more radical positions of some of her peers.

After graduating, she moved to Angriver to get further away from the eye of the Empire. Her magnetic personality quickly gained her a reputation as a respectable and affable philosopher and theoretician. A harsh critic of the Anarchist Union, she opted to join the Social Democrats after the fall of the Barony, eventually rising to become their leader in the chaos following the disgrace of Hera Eichberg.

Meckler's vision for a better society is a more caring, trusting, and generous one. Her rhetorical style is based around egalitarian appeals, often extolling the virtues of empathy and humility; she prides herself on seeing the best in evergriff she meets.

Portrait By: Cofido

Neutrality The Protege

Fiona Schmitz, leader of the Social Liberal HSLP, wishes to continue Weschler's work in encouraging personal freedoms and supporting decentralisation. Notable foci include:

  • A Dream Realised: Unlocks diplomacy decisions, allowing the player to invite Non-aligned/Harmonic griffon nations to a new faction: 'The Griffonia Pact'.

To life, liberty, and happiness!

Leader Party Description Traits
Fiona Schmitz

Herzland Sozialliberale Partei

Born: 13th of April, 973 in Griffing

Biography: Hailing from a family of wealthy landowners, Fiona Schmitz grew up in a mansion, the eldest of six children. Her formal education began at a young age under the direction of highly regarded tutors from across the Empire. A diligent student, Schmitz displayed an avid curiosity in all fields, and outside her studies often read books from her family's sprawling library.

After graduating with highest honours, she began working as a law clerk, eventually becoming a lawyer in her own right. Thanks to family connections, her client list soon included members of the Angriver's elite families. In the course of practicing law, Schmitz was exposed to the rampant corruption endemic in Angriver's legal system, and developed a keen interest in curbing it.

This interest caused her to come into contact with Otto Weschler, a conscientious leader within the civil service who shared her goal of reforming the machinery of government. Schmitz was inspired by the ideals espoused by Weschler, and quickly became his devoted protege. They both believed that the injustices and excesses of Angriver were the result of institutional failures rather than griffon nature, and that individual liberties combined with political equality were the antidote to arbitrary government.

A staunch believer in the virtue of republicanism, Schmitz's vision for a better society emphasises secularism, a free yet regulated market, and protections for civil liberties.

Portrait By: Cofido

Spoiler end.

No matter which candidate is chosen, the 'New Officers' and 'Disposing of the Baron' paths are always available.

Shared Focus Trees

These trees are available no matter what political path is chosen.

Navy Tree

ANG - Navy Tree.png

The Naval focus tree, being available only once Angriver controls a coastal state, is primarily based around grating research bonuses to the player (for doctrines, ship models, carrier planes, & marines), alongside the occasional dockyards.

There are a set of exclusive foci at the start of the tree (though the rest of the tree is available no matter which focus is chosen). The foci give the following benefits:

  • Strike at the Heart: 2x 100% Research bonus for: Base Strike Doctrine
  • A Show of Force: 2x 100% Research bonus for: Fleet in Being Doctrine
  • Striking at the Lifelines: 2x 100% Research bonus for: Trade Indirection Doctrine

Air Force Tree

ANG - Air Tree.png

The Air Force focus tree focuses mainly on building up Angriver's non-existent air force, through the granting of technologies, research buffs, air bases, and the addition of planes to the national stockpile.

Economy Tree

ANG - Economy Tree.png

The Economy focus tree is based around modernising Angriver, providing research buffs, infrastructure, factories, etc., in order to build up the industry of Angriver. Of particular note are the following foci:

  • Educating the People: Gradually removes the Mass Illiteracy national spirit.
  • A Modern Scientific Base: Increases society and scientific development levels.
  • The Curse Broken: Removes the Underdeveloped Economy national spirit.

Army Tree

ANG - Army Tree.png

The Army focus tree is focused on the buildup of Angriver's army, primarily through the use of research buffs.

Of note are the two sets of exclusive foci: The first set is based around choosing a doctrine to focus on (though the rest of the tree is available no matter the choice the player makes): Mass Assult (Bauer), Grand Battleplan (Stoiber), and Superior Firepower (Henniger).

The second set is based around whether the army should focus on being an offensive force, or a defensive force.

Additionally, the following foci are also of note:

  • Angriverian Rangers: Spawns two 14-width infantry divisions, with support artillery and recon.
  • Found The Institute of Military Affairs: Grants an additional research slot.


Army Naval Air Tech / Industry
  • Weapons 989 (Hinterladerbüchse Model 98)
  • Mountain Infantry I
  • Engineer Company I
  • Recon Company I
  • Artillery I (M-1005 Helheim Kannonen 105mm leFH)
  • Early Destroyer
  • Basic Depth Charges
  • Early Cruiser
  • Basic Torpedo
  • Naval Gunnery
  • Casemate Secondary Battery
  • Transport Ships
  • None
  • None
Doctrine Racial
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • Knights Division I
  • We Can Fly?!


National Spirits

The Free State Army icon
The Free State Army
  • Daily Political Power Gain: -0.25
  • Stability: -10.00%
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.01
During the Republican Revolution of 978, Angriver found itself fighting not only the Republicans but the peasant militias of the Angriver Anarchist Union.

While the Revolution and by extension the Anarchists themselves were quickly defeated a year afterwards, many of their former soldiers, leaders and supporters have fled into the Scheißwald. They continually plague our society decades later, unfortunately.

The Black Claw icon
The Black Claw
  • Daily Political Power Gain: -0.25
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -10%
  • Stability: -10.00%
Beneath the fabric of Angriverian society lies a sinister and malicious organization hence labeled as "The Black Claw". Despite the best efforts of our leaders over centuries of knowing the existence of these troublesome loons, none have succeeded thus far. To this day their end-goals and motives remain a complete mystery. For most the Black Claw are boogeybirds, mere bedtime stories to scare the young at night.
Underdeveloped Economy icon
Underdeveloped Economy
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 10%
  • Construction Speed: -15.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
  • Production Efficiency Growth: -10.00%
  • Factory Output: -10.00%
Angriver has the "honour" of being perhaps the least developed county in Herzland as for centuries the Scheißwald has successfully discouraged extensive investment due to being a breeding ground for an array of abhorrent creatures and murderous bandits.


Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Baron Leer the Vicious

See alternate portraits:
God-Emperor Leer I

Kabinett des Barons
Born: 5th of May, 955 in Griffing

Biography: Baron Leer was once a complacent ruler, but when the flames of Revolution swept through Griffonia they burned fiercest in Angriver, forcing Leer into a fight for his life. His lands were swiftly overrun by a Republican-Anarchist alliance of considerable strength. The rebels seemed unstoppable until Marshal Stoiber—a close friend of Leer—was able to rally his forces and begin supporting the Baron.

Their partnership proved fruitful, and together they began to push back the Republican army. Leer showed the rebels no mercy in battle and displayed a shocking brutality which extended to harsh treatment of captured prisoners. Although Stoiber found this behaviour off-putting he did not have much time to dwell on it; in short order the two put an end to organized resistance in Angriver. The campaign had been a success, but it marked the beginning of a permanent rift between Leer and Stoiber. After the restoration of Grover V, Leer was rewarded for his service and Angriver was given greater autonomy within the Empire.

The crisis had pushed the Baron to his absolute limit, some say leaving him a broken griffon. Although he always had a controlling personality and a propensity for micromanagement he has grown increasingly obsessive in recent years, allegedly because he envisions a day when chaos and instability will return to Griffonia with a vengeance, and that to survive both he and his country must be prepared.

Portrait by: Scroup

For the alternate portrait take the Succeed the Griffonian Empire decision after becoming the owner of Griffenheim to unlock new focuses, and then complete the focus The Coronation.

Gerhard Bluhm

Angrivische Zweig der Nationalen Republikanischen Partei
Born: 31st of October, 946 outside Gerashofen

Biography: Gerhard Bluhm was born in a small town in rural Angriver, the son of poor farmers. His humble upbringing did nothing to stunt his ambition, which led him to join the Imperial Army in the hope of gaining glory, but his hopes were dashed and he found himself disgruntled with the Empire's rigid and outdated military doctrine. When Kemerskai launched his Republican Revolution in 978 Bluhm was an enthusiastic supporter, believing the Empire was in need of drastic reform to thrive in a changing world.

After the Revolution failed, Bluhm declined to follow his fellow Republicans in the Long March North. He instead returned to Angriver to form a resistance, beginning what would become a decades-long fight to free his homeland. With limited resources and a rag-tag force, Bluhm was a constant thorn in the side of the Barony. Unwavering resolve and courage are traits that Bluhm's soldiers always attributed to him during this period.

His short stature in combination with staunch Republican ideals earned him the nickname "Little Kemerskai." Nogriff would dare use it in his presence, though, as he bears an intense grudge against Kemerskai for his bungling of the first Republican Revolution. In Bluhm's view, it was Kemerskai's weakness and leniency that allowed a counter-revolution to take place.

Bluhm swears that he will go to any length to protect the Republic and uphold the Three Principles. With the length of his résumé and the impressiveness of his accomplishments, that looks to be a great length indeed.

Portrait by: Riley

Wait until a matter of regency for Grover VI is resolved in the Griffonian Empire. Soon after, there will be a republican revolution in Angriver. If the rebels succeed, Gerhard Bluhm will become the new leader.

Großmarschall Othmar Stoiber
Democratic Monarchism.png
Democratic Monarchism

Born: November 15th 958

Biography: Othmar Stoiber is a peculiar griffon by all meanings of the word. Born into the upper crust of Angriver nobility, if you were to look over his life story, you would find no reason for him to develop the political principles he plans to implement in Angriver and beyond. You would see his parents living wistfully in Griffenheim with him, living a life of luxury without care. But look a bit deeper, and you start to see the reason. Othmar Stoiber has known one griffon his entire life, a friend he has tried to care for and whose legacy he now plans to protect. Emperor Grover V. From their youngest years they had been close, playing together even as the sickly Grover had to constantly ask Othmar to slow down so he could catch up. But Othmar didn't mind; the two of them were best friends. Even as Othmar began to attend school away from the Imperial heir and registered for a military academy, they always kept in touch.

Then came 978. At the age of twenty, Othmar found himself leading a sizable section of the Imperial army near the capital, fighting delaying actions against the republicans until reinforcements could arrive. Fighting day and night, tooth and nail, to try and save his friend's Empire. But he was not a harsh commander, he was not a fanatic, he was a gentlegriff. He treated prisoners well and even had dinner with many of them at his own table. Even after discovering the horrible crime that was the rape of Crona, Othmar continued to treat his adversaries with respect. Eventually, the revolution ended, and Othmar returned to Griffenheim to see his friend again. No one quite knows what they said to each other that day, but Othmar came out of that chamber a changed griffon.

He moved back to Angriver and took up the running of his family estates, massively reforming how they were run and continuing to speak through his friend through letter. What would end up being his and Grover's last meeting would be when the Emperor visited Griffing in early 1007. No one has asked how he has felt since then, but a passion burns in his eyes like never before. After the Imperial collapse, the republican revolt, and his restoration, he has yet to take up a title, saying the time for that will come eventually. But he has also refused to recognize Imperial rule, saying "those carrion birds have no right to own what they have." Only those closest to him know what he means. For Grover the V's final wish has to be fulfilled. The Imperial heir must be rescued once again. For if Othmar has saved and served one Grover in his life, then he can sure do the same for another.

Portrait By: Kessel

One week after Gerhard Bluhm and his republicans overthrow the baron, Othmar Stoiber will attempt to restore order. If successful, he will take over.

Willie Scherler

Anarchistenunion Angrivers
Born: 29th of April, 957 in Romau

Biography: Willie Scherler was once a professor of sociology at Cyrusval university in Yale. Passionate about his field and a staunch anarcho-syndicalist, he was popular with his students and became well-known for giving lively and rousing lectures. Ironically for an academic, he preferred actions over ideas and grew restless at his post. He came to resent his peers at the university for being armchair revolutionaries, and burned with a desire to take the future into his own claws.

One day he resigned from his position and left for Angriver to put his theories into practice. Filling a vacuum in leadership, he quickly became a rallying point for the disorganised socialist groups in Angriver, and in time came to lead all of them. It was under his direction that the Free State Army became reorganised into a trained and formidable guerilla force.

Scherler has a forceful yet compassionate personality and is a natural leader, inspiring intense loyalty in his followers. He is a devout believer in the Gods, although he disdains the rigid structure and dogma of established temples, which he views as distorting and misrepresenting the true messages of the Gods for their own gain.

Portrait by: Scroup

If Othmar Stoiber's attempt to defeat the republicans failed, after another week you will be given a choice whether to keep Bluhm and the republicans, or to replace him with Willie Scherler's anarchists.

Post-1007 leaders [may contain spoilers]
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Hera Eichberg
Harmonic Socialism.png
Harmonic Socialism

Angrivische Volkspartei
Born: 7th of July, 972 in Griffing

Biography: Next to nothing is known about the formative years of Hera Eichberg. Although an ever-present figure in Angriver's social circles, she gained a reputation for being a cipher and rarely let slip any details about her personal life. Her apparent introversion and bizarre mannerisms left many observers baffled at her initial rise to political prominence, but at this point none still doubt her efficacy.

Portrait By: Printik

If Gerhard Bluhm stays in power despite Othmar Stoiber's and Willie Scherler's attempts, you will be able to hold the elections. Hera Eichberg is one of the available candidates.

Schwarze Klaue
See description:
Born: 7th of July, 972 in Griffing

Hera Eichberg was born to a minor aristocratic family and lived a comfortable childhood in a large manor on the outskirts of Griffing, the administrative center of the Barony of Angriver, a loyal and integrated subject of the Griffonian Empire. But when she was six years old, the world around her collapsed.

Republican revolutionaries swarmed the capital, while Baron Leer rallied his supporters to strike back against the traitors. Hera's manor was burned to the ground and her entire family was brutally murdered by anarchists and republicans. But miraculously, she survived. A scarred little griffon crawled out of the charred remains of her former home. Quietly, she muttered a prayer of revenge.

After the end of the revolution, she was adopted by another noble family, the Eichbergs, who raised her as one of their own. When she grew up, she was active in forming connections with notable griffons in the country. Eventually, by expressing strongly anti-republican views in private, she was contacted by the ominous Black Claw. But this was exactly what she had wanted, and soon she joined their ranks. Over the years, she had a meteoric rise not only in Angriverian society, but in the Black Claw itself, becoming its leader after the previous head died in an unfortunate "accident". She infiltrated the ranks of the republicans and joined the social democratic AVP, becoming the party leader through blackmail, bribery, manipulation and coercion. And now at last, she has become the leader of Angriver itself. Decades of planning and preparation have borne fruit, but her work is not yet done. Far from it.

Portrait By: Printik

Simply wait four weeks after Hera is elected.

Otto Weschler

Sozialliberale Partei / Herzland Sozialliberale Partei
Born: 2nd of June, 927 in Griffing

Biography: Otto Weschler was born the son of Conrad Weschler, a prosperous Griffing merchant. Although well-off, Otto's family was ostracised from polite society as a result of widespread suspicion that Conrad was involved in black market trade, an accusation that Conrad and his family always denied. Regardless, young Otto declined to follow his father's path and instead pursued a career in the civil service. After university he began working as a mail carrier for the Griffing post office, beginning what would turn out to be a long and distinguished career.

As he worked his way up from mail carrier to postmaster of Griffing, Otto was shocked at the corruption and mismanagement he witnessed. Concluding that nepotism was the root cause of the problem, he resolved to put a stop to it. But it was no easy task, and a long period of struggle followed as Otto was continually thwarted by the entrenched and powerful families of Griffing.

Eventually, after years of effort, Otto succeed in turning the Griffing post office into an efficient, meritocratic department. His accomplishments did not go unnoticed, with the Baron himself praising the job Otto had done, and elevating him to Postmaster General of Angriver. His past stewardship of the Postal Service is one of Angriver's few unconditional success stories and earned him near-universal popularity: popularity he has leveraged to springboard his way to the forefront of public life as an advocate for liberal principles.

Portrait by: Cofido

If Gerhard Bluhm stays in power despite Othmar Stoiber's and Willie Scherler's attempts, you will be able to hold the elections. Otto Weschler is one of the available candidates.

Saskia Meckler
Harmonic Socialism.png
Harmonic Socialism

Herzland Volkspartei
Born: 16th of October, 964 in Griffenheim

Biography: Outgoing and naturally charismatic, Saskia Meckler was born to a middle class family in central Griffenheim. Exposed to the squalor and poverty of the city from a young age, Meckler became passionate about improving conditions for the poor and promoting equality. Her time in university saw her drawn to socialist ideologies, although she shied away from the more radical positions of some of her peers.

After graduating, she moved to Angriver to get further away from the eye of the Empire. Her magnetic personality quickly gained her a reputation as a respectable and affable philosopher and theoretician. A harsh critic of the Anarchist Union, she opted to join the Social Democrats after the fall of the Barony, eventually rising to become their leader in the chaos following the disgrace of Hera Eichberg.

Meckler's vision for a better society is a more caring, trusting, and generous one. Her rhetorical style is based around egalitarian appeals, often extolling the virtues of empathy and humility; she prides herself on seeing the best in everygriff she meets.

Portrait By: Cofido

As Otto Weschler take the Unite Herzland decision after becoming the owner of Griffenheim to unlock new focuses. Complete the focus The New Elections and wait a week for the election event. Saskia Meckler will be one of the candidates.

Alternatively, she will replace Reinhard Olbeaking shortly after he becomes the leader.

Gerben Kogchel
Democratic Socialism.png
Democratic Socialism

Harmonist Sympathies
  • Acceptance of Harmonist Diplomacy: +70
Gerben Kogchel was born as the son of a bank clerk in De Vleugels, the Feathisian capital. Even though his father died when he was young, Gerben would initially follow his lead, working for a local bank. From studying finances, he quickly learned that the Feathisian state could do better. Many griffons were living in poverty or uncertainty, only a bad illness away from hunger. Distressed by the lack of protection for everygriffon, Kogchel joined the PvdA to fight for worker protection. His genuine empathy and drive to make Feathisia a better place saw him grow popular on the local level, where he became the first PvdA mayor for de Vleugels, which saw the city improving care for the poorest.

His newfound popularity reached across party lines and it was said that Kogchel had a longstanding correspondence with the Grand Duke of Feathisia. When Kogchel entered parliament after winning a leadership election in the labour party, opposition to his plans stiffened. Both the Liberal Democrats and the ducal party resisted his plans and there was even less of a chance the FNV would cooperate. Still, Kogchel laboured on without resenting his political opponents, trying ever so hard to change Feathisia for the better.

The social democrat's effort all seemed to crash down in the chaos following the fall of the Empire, as more violent and pessimistic forces overtook Feathisia. However, with Kogchel at the helm, the more moderate griffons never lost hope for a better tomorrow. Kogchel's briefcase full of social reforms became a symbol of hope all on its own, as the politician refused to part with them under any circumstances, to remind himself what he was fighting for. Now after so much death and destruction, it is time to rebuild. Gerben Kogchel hopes to breathe new life into Herzland; to implement working democracy and mend Herzland's unstable society. However, some are worried that the idealistic griffon will leave an already battered region vulnerable in this uncertain age.

As Willie Scherler take the Unite Herzland decision after becoming the owner of Griffenheim to unlock new focuses. Complete the focus The Congress Of The Proletariat and wait a day for the event. Gerben Kogchel will be one of the candidates.

Roland Ehrhardt

Ehrhardt of Romau, a veteran of the brutal street battles there, is a devout syndicalist and atheist, having lived his life in a city dominated by the regressive Archonate of Eyr. His fiery speeches were by far more passionate than those of Steppenbeld and Scherler and thus it was no surprise he gained the trust and admiration of the people.

Similar to Gerben Kogchel, Roland Ehrhardt is one of the available candidates in the congress.

Fiona Schmitz

Sozialliberale Partei / Herzland Sozialliberale Partei
Born: 13th of April, 973 in Griffing

Biography: Hailing from a family of wealthy landowners, Fiona Schmitz grew up in a mansion, the eldest of six children. Her formal education began at a young age under the direction of highly regarded tutors from across the Empire. A diligent student, Schmitz displayed an avid curiosity in all fields, and outside her studies often read books from her family's sprawling library.

After graduating with highest honours, she began working as a law clerk, eventually becoming a lawyer in her own right. Thanks to family connections, her client list soon included members of the Angriver's elite families. In the course of practicing law, Schmitz was exposed to the rampant corruption endemic in Angriver's legal system, and developed a keen interest in curbing it.

This interest caused her to come into contact with Otto Weschler, a conscientious leader within the civil service who shared her goal of reforming the machinery of government. Schmitz was inspired by the ideals espoused by Weschler, and quickly became his devoted protege. They both believed that the injustices and excesses of Angriver were the result of institutional failures rather than griffon nature, and that individual liberties combined with political equality were the antidote to arbitrary government.

A staunch believer in the virtue of republicanism, Schmitz's vision for a better society emphasises secularism, a free yet regulated market, and protections for civil liberties.

Portrait By: Cofido


  • in Otto Weschler's path she can win in the same elections as Saskia Meckler, being a competing candidate.
  • in Gerhard Bluhm's path, after he is succeeded by Reinhard Olbeaking who is then succeeded by Saskia Meckler, complete The New Elections focus in the new tree. Fiona Schmitz is one of the candidates.

King Grover I
King Grover I
Democratic Monarchism.png
Democratic Monarchism

Chosen by the Gods
  • Daily Political Power Cost: −0.1
  • Division Recovery Rate: +10%
  • Division Attack: +5%
  • Division Defense: +5%

As Othmar Stoiber take the Unite Herzland decision after becoming the owner of Griffenheim to unlock new focuses. Complete the focus Adopt Grover VI (without bypassing it), then wait until late May or early June of 1021 for the coronation event.

Reinhard Olbeaking
Reinhard Olbeaking

Reinhard Olbeaking's unlikely rise to political prominence began in the turbulence following the fall of the Angriverian Barony. An obscure journalist working for a Griffing newspaper, he was inspired by Republican rhetoric and began authoring pro-NRP columns and pamphlets which proved extremely popular. This fame led to him being elected as a delegate representing Griffing in the newly-formed national legislature.

As the Republic rose, he became the leader of the NRP's moderate faction, occasionally butting heads with Bluhm over the government's role in civil society. The two eventually reconciled and Olbeaking was chosen by Bluhm to act as his Vice President, although the office was largely ceremonial and wielded little actual power. Olbeaking served as a figurehead more than anything else, cementing the marginalised status of the moderate NRP.

Rumours swirl that Olbeaking was dissatisfied and complicit in the plot against Bluhm, though few believe he is a griffon capable of such deviousness.

As Gerhard Bluhm, take the decision Succeed the Griffonian Empire after becoming the owner of Griffenheim. Then, complete the new focus tree all the way to The Enabling Act and watch the events unfold. He is replaced by Saskia Meckler shortly after.

Théodore Vérany
Harmonic Republicanism.png
Harmonic Republicanism


In Gerhard Bluhm's path, after he is succeeded by Reinhard Olbeaking who is then succeeded by Saskia Meckler, complete The New Elections focus in the new tree. Théodore Vérany is one of the candidates.

Heinrich Kingfeather

Partei der Rechte

In Gerhard Bluhm's path, after he is succeeded by Reinhard Olbeaking who is then succeeded by Saskia Meckler, complete The New Elections focus in the new tree. Heinrich Kingfeather is one of the candidates.


Political parties
Name Ideology Leader Popularity
Kabinett des Barons
Autocracy.png Autocracy
Baron Leer the Vicious 24%
Konstitutionalisten Democratic Monarchism.png Democratic Monarchism
Großmarschall Othmar Stoiber 16%
Anarchistenunion Angrivers
Anarcho-Communism.png Anarcho-Communism
Willie Scherler 17%
Angrivische Zweig der Nationalen Republikanischen Partei
Republicanism.png Republicanism
Gerhard Bluhm 43%

Staff and Designers

Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Educational Program
  • Has completed national focus Goal double research.png Village Education
  • Has not completed national focus Viira society.png The Return of Feudalism
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.1
  • Research Speed: +5%
Political Power 150
Theodor Rozenblum
Theodor Rozenblum
Silent Workbird
  • Political Power Gain: +15%
Political Power 150
Ernst Ehrenwerke
Ernst Ehrenwerke
Captain of Industry
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
  • Railway construction speed: +10%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Gustav Von Steppe
Gustav Von Steppe
Quartermaster General
  • Air Base construction speed: +15%
  • Naval base construction speed: +15%
  • Rocket Site construction speed: +15%
  • Radar Station construction speed: +15%
  • Nuclear Reactor construction speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Werner Kvatschkopf
Werner Kvatschkopf
Backroom Windbag
  • Political Power Gain: +2%
  • Ideology drift defense: +5%
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Illusive Gentlebeing
  • Has created an Intelligence Agency
  • Operative slots: +1
  • Agency upgrade time: −15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot tank manufacturer.png Tank Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Klaue Armor Foundry
Klaue Armor Foundry
Tank Designer
  • Owns state Angriver (411)
  • Angriver: Is a core of the Flag of Barony of Angriver Barony of Angriver.
  • One of the following must be true:
    • Has an Outdated Industry.
    • Has a Modern Society.
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Reliability: +5%
  • Armored Car:
    • Reliability: +5%
Political Power 150
Idea slot naval manufacturer.png Ship Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Raiding Fleet Designer
  • Owns state Angriver (411)
  • Angriver: Is a core of the Flag of Barony of Angriver Barony of Angriver.
  • Any owned state:
    • Is coastal.
  • Carrier:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Capital Ships:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
    • Heavy Attack: −10%
  • Screens:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Submarine:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Sub Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Idea slot aircraft manufacturer.png Aircraft Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Range-focused Aircraft Designer
  • Owns state Angriver (411)
  • Angriver: Is a core of the Flag of Barony of Angriver Barony of Angriver.
  • One of the following must be true:
    • Has an Outdated Industry.
    • Has a Modern Society.
  • Small Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
  • Heavy Fighter Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Medium Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
Political Power 150
Light Aircraft Designer
  • Owns state Angriver (411)
  • Angriver: Is a core of the Flag of Barony of Angriver Barony of Angriver.
  • One of the following must be true:
    • Has an Outdated Industry.
    • Has a Modern Society.
  • Small Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Idea slot materiel manufacturer.png Materiel Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Rottschwarz Rifles
Rottschwarz Rifles
Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%
  • Infantry Equipment:
    • Reliability: +5%
Political Power 150
Zuverlässigkeit Angriver
Zuverlässigkeit Angriver
Support Equipment Designer
  • Support Unit Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
König Karmesin GmbH
König Karmesin GmbH
Artillery Designer
  • Artillery Research Speed: +15%
  • Towed Artillery:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −5%

See description:
Our guns just work.
Political Power 150
Idea slot industrial concern.png Industrial Concerns
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Rubin Automobile
Rubin Automobile
Industrial Concern
  • Owns state Angriver (411)
  • Angriver: Is a core of the Flag of Barony of Angriver Barony of Angriver.
  • Has completed national focus Automobile Production.png Expanding Rubin Automobile
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%
  • Truck:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −5%
  • Mechanized:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −5%
Political Power 150
Telerunnser GmbH
Telerunnser GmbH
Electronics Concern
  • Owns state Angriver (411)
  • Angriver: Is a core of the Flag of Barony of Angriver Barony of Angriver.
  • Has completed national focus Goal machine.png Electronic Experiments
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15%
  • Research Speed: +2%
Political Power 150
Petrolub Angriverisch
Petrolub Angriverisch
Refining Concern
  • Owns state Angriver (411)
  • Angriver: Is a core of the Flag of Barony of Angriver Barony of Angriver.
  • Has completed national focus Goal Basic Oil.png Attracting Oil Companies
  • Synthetic Resources Research Speed: +15%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Select theorist.png Theorists
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Hans Von Appengen
Hans Von Appengen
Military Theorist
  • Land Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Dieter Von Dierhoven
Dieter Von Dierhoven
Naval Theorist
  • Naval Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Manfred Klawitz
Manfred Klawitz
Air Warfare Theorist
  • Air Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Boreasmacht GmbH
Boreasmacht GmbH
  • Has completed national focus Focus wonderweapons.png The Power of the Gods
  • Has a Modern Society.
  • Has Developed Science Base active
  • Nuclear Reactor construction speed: +20%
  • Nuclear Research Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Select army chief.png Chief of Army
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Klaus 'Unerschrocken'
Klaus 'Unerschrocken'
Army Morale (Genius)
  • Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: −9%
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.40
Political Power 200

Command power 10

Adolf Blitzwing
Adolf Blitzwing
Army Maneuver (Expert)
  • Division Speed: +10%
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
Political Power 100

Command power 20

Karl Klawspick
Karl Klawspick
Army Defense (Specialist)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Division Defense: +5%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: +15%
Political Power 50

Command power 30

Select navy chief.png Chief of Navy
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Heinrich Doeknitzen
Heinrich Doeknitzen
Decisive Battle (Expert)
  • Any owned state:
    • Is coastal.
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Capital Ship Attack: +10%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10%
  • Screen Attack: +10%
  • Screen Defense: +10%
Political Power 100

Command power 20

Werner Walstraße
Werner Walstraße
Commerce Raiding (Expert)
  • Any owned state:
    • Is coastal.
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Convoy Raiding Efficiency: +15%
Political Power 100

Command power 20

Select air chief.png Chief of Airforce
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Thaddeus Meckzenheit
Thaddeus Meckzenheit
Ground Support (Expert)
  • One of the following must be true:
    • Has an Outdated Industry.
    • Has a Modern Society.
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Air Superiority: +10%
Political Power 100

Command power 20

Erich Gefeugels
Erich Gefeugels
Air Combat Training (Expert)
  • One of the following must be true:
    • Has an Outdated Industry.
    • Has a Modern Society.
  • Ace generation chance: +10%
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
Political Power 100

Command power 20

Select high command.png Military High Command
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Johan Kriegdropf
Johan Kriegdropf
Infantry (Expert)
  • Infantry Division Attack: +10%
  • Infantry Division Defense: +15%
Political Power 100

Command power 20

Theodor Mecklinzpeit
Theodor Mecklinzpeit
Army Regrouping (Specialist)
  • Division Recovery Rate: +4%
Political Power 50

Command power 30

Jonas Hierenspiegel
Jonas Hierenspiegel
Entrenchment (Genius)
  • Entrenchment speed: +24%
Political Power 200

Command power 10

Albert Aivadenoff
Albert Aivadenoff
Motorized (Expert)
  • Has completed national focus Automobile Production.png Expanding Rubin Automobile
  • Motorized Attack: +10%
  • Motorized Defense: +10%
  • Mechanized Attack: +10%
  • Mechanized Defense: +10%
Political Power 100

Command power 20

Military Leaders

Field Marshals
Field Marshal Traits Description Skills Race
Großmarschall Othmar Stoiber
Field Marshal
Großmarschall Othmar Stoiber
Großmarschall Othmar Stoiber (advisor).png
Trait career officer.png Career Officer
Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match.
  • Promotion Cost: −25%
Trait war hero.png War Hero
Hailed as a hero from their actions in war.
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
  • Army reassignment duration: +50%
Trait defensive doctrine.png Defensive Doctrine
Especially skilled in fighting on the Defensive.
  • Max Entrenchment: +30%
See description:
Born: November 15th 958

Biography: Othmar Stoiber is a peculiar griffon by all meanings of the word. Born into the upper crust of Angriver nobility, if you were to look over his life story, you would find no reason for him to develop the political principles he plans to implement in Angriver and beyond. You would see his parents living wistfully in Griffenheim with him, living a life of luxury without care. But look a bit deeper, and you start to see the reason. Othmar Stoiber has known one griffon his entire life, a friend he has tried to care for and whose legacy he now plans to protect. Emperor Grover V. From their youngest years they had been close, playing together even as the sickly Grover had to constantly ask Othmar to slow down so he could catch up. But Othmar didn't mind; the two of them were best friends. Even as Othmar began to attend school away from the Imperial heir and registered for a military academy, they always kept in touch.

Then came 978. At the age of twenty, Othmar found himself leading a sizable section of the Imperial army near the capital, fighting delaying actions against the republicans until reinforcements could arrive. Fighting day and night, tooth and nail, to try and save his friend's Empire. But he was not a harsh commander, he was not a fanatic, he was a gentlegriff. He treated prisoners well and even had dinner with many of them at his own table. Even after discovering the horrible crime that was the rape of Crona, Othmar continued to treat his adversaries with respect. Eventually, the revolution ended, and Othmar returned to Griffenheim to see his friend again. No one quite knows what they said to each other that day, but Othmar came out of that chamber a changed griffon.

He moved back to Angriver and took up the running of his family estates, massively reforming how they were run and continuing to speak through his friend through letter. What would end up being his and Grover's last meeting would be when the Emperor visited Griffing in early 1007. No one has asked how he has felt since then, but a passion burns in his eyes like never before. After the Imperial collapse, the republican revolt, and his restoration, he has yet to take up a title, saying the time for that will come eventually. But he has also refused to recognize Imperial rule, saying "those carrion birds have no right to own what they have." Only those closest to him know what he means. For Grover the V's final wish has to be fulfilled. The Imperial heir must be rescued once again. For if Othmar has saved and served one Grover in his life, then he can sure do the same for another.

Portrait By: Kessel
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Leer the Vicious
Field Marshal
Leer the Vicious
Baron Leer the Vicious (advisor).png
Trait harsh leader.png Harsh Leader
Discipline is necessary to lead an army, but some leaders take it a bit too far.
  • Division Recovery Rate: −10%
  • Attack: +1
Trait politically connected.png Politically Connected
This leader has political connections which has smoothed the way for his career. Perhaps too quickly.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −10%
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
See description:
Born: 5th of May, 955 in Griffing

Biography: Baron Leer was once a complacent ruler, but when the flames of Revolution swept through Griffonia they burned fiercest in Angriver, forcing Leer into a fight for his life. His lands were swiftly overrun by a Republican-Anarchist alliance of considerable strength. The rebels seemed unstoppable until Marshal Stoiber — a close friend of Leer — was able to rally his forces and begin supporting the Baron.

Their partnership proved fruitful, and together they began to push back the Republican army. Leer showed the rebels no mercy in battle and displayed a shocking brutality which extended to harsh treatment of captured prisoners. Although Stoiber found this behaviour off-putting he did not have much time to dwell on it; in short order the two put an end to organized resistance in Angriver. The campaign had been a success, but it marked the beginning of a permanent rift between Leer and Stoiber. After the restoration of Grover V, Leer was rewarded for his service and Angriver was given greater autonomy within the Empire.

The crisis had pushed the Baron to his absolute limit, some say leaving him a broken griffon. Although he always had a controlling personality and a propensity for micromanagement he has grown increasingly obsessive in recent years, allegedly because he envisions a day when chaos and instability will return to Griffonia with a vengeance, and that to survive both he and his country must be prepared.

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 4
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
General Traits Description Skills Race
Sieger Bauer
Sieger Bauer
Generic Griffon General 12 (advisor).png
Trait ranger.png Ranger
Rangers lead the way, especially when it involves fighting in Forests.
  • Forest:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Trait infantry expert.png Infantry Expert
A true expert in leading infantry.
  • Infantry Division Attack: +10%
Trait ambusher.png Ambusher
Expertly able to trick enemy forces into ambushes.
  • Max Entrenchment: +5
  • Recon Bonus While Entrenched: +25%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Frederick Wach
Frederick Wach
Generic Griffon General 9 (advisor).png
Trait cautious.png Cautious
Takes their time and plans carefully.
  • Planning Speed: −20%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: −50%
Trait organizer.png Organizer
Able to plan and organize the movement of large armies.
  • Planning Speed: +10%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 4
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Marc Kippenberger
Marc Kippenberger
Marc Kippenberger (advisor).png
Trait brilliant strategist.png Brilliant Strategist
A natural born strategist that is able to adapt to the dynamics of the battlefield.
  • Attack: +1
  • Planning: +1
Trait ranger.png Ranger
Rangers lead the way, especially when it involves fighting in Forests.
  • Forest:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
See description:
Born: 16th of April, 972 near Dierhoven

Biography: Marc Kippenberger was born to a poor peasant family in Angriver. Despite the harsh conditions he had a fairly well childhood due to the efforts of his loving parents. However this put an incredible strain on his father who worked long and difficult hours. As a result growing up Marc witnessed the health of his father noticeably deteriorate. Seeing the similar situation in the rest of the village, Marc would be motivated to leave his village to study medicine.

During his travels throughout Angriver he realised the poor conditions his village suffered were shared by the rest of Angriver. He witnessed poverty and hunger everywhere he went and became appalled by these poor conditions. He realised no matter how hard he tried, there would be thousands of griffons left untreated and many more who could not afford treatment. These experiences caused Marc to leave the study of medicine and enter the political scene. Yet he realised political change was impossible as long as Baron Leer was in power and the only way to solve these problems was a eventual revolution. Since then he has joined the Angriver Military and risen through the ranks and has come into contact with several republican cells.

He has contracts with the National Republican Party and is highly supportive of their dream of a Pan-Griffonian Republic. When the time arises he would happily aid the efforts of the republicans to overthrow the Barony and fight for their cause.

Portrait By: Axidant
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 5
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Reimar Cloudfeather
Reimar Cloudfeather
Generic Griffon General 7 (advisor).png
Trait inflexible strategist.png Inflexible Strategist
Skilled but stubborn. A good enough plan can survive contact with the enemy.
  • Defense: +1
  • Logistics: +1
Trait skilled staffer.png Skilled Staffer
Surrounded by some of the best staff, this leader is able to organize and manage a larger number of units.
  • General Max Army Size: +6
Trait ranger.png Ranger
Rangers lead the way, especially when it involves fighting in Forests.
  • Forest:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Arwin Henninger
Arwin Henninger
Generic Griffon General 5 (advisor).png
Trait engineer.png Engineer
Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications.
  • River:
    • Attack: +5%
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +10%
Trait scavenger.png Scavenger
More likely to scavenge and repair captured equipment for use by their own troops.
  • Equipment Capture Ratio Gain: +3%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Steelwing Hollowtooth
Steelwing Hollowtooth
Steelwing Hollowtooth (advisor).png
Trait old guard.png Old Guard
While not the most brilliant officer, he is unlikely to cause trouble.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −25%
  • Max Entrenchment: +1
Trait infantry officer.png Infantry Officer
Trained as an infantry officer.
  • Infantry Leader experience factor: +100%
Trait mountaineer.png Mountaineer
An excellent climber and skilled at Mountain warfare.
  • Mountain:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
See description:
Born: 21st of September, 979

Biography: Born to a working class family in the Angelclaw region of Angriver with a long line of military service and manual labour industry work and management to his family name. Steelwing Hollowtooth quickly found himself indulged in the steel manufacturing and production family business as a foreman. Learning skills at a young age well into his early adulthood, made him prime candidate for the inevitable call to service that all Hollowtooths are required to give by family tradition. Commissioning in the officer academy and finding himself in a comfortable administration and logistical position with his foreman experience and trade knowledge, he was a key asset for the army's critical supply chain.

When the time arose, Steelwing was approached to take on a more advantageous endeavour, and directly led troops at the front due to a lack of front-line officers at the time. Wanting to serve as his family's fathers had before him, he was loyal to Angriver and Marshall Stoiber's influence and eventual ambitions for the future of the country. He happily served and provided his skills to see a brighter hopeful future for Angriver.

Portrait By: Niezow
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1


Flag Information
Barony of Angriver.png
Barony of Angriver

Barony of Angriver (Harmony).png
Barony of Angriver

Democratic Monarchism.png
Angriver Commune.png
Angriver Commune

Republic of Angriver.png
Republic of Angriver / Herzland Republic

Angriver Regency.png
Angriver Regency

Kingdom of Herzland.png
Kingdom of Herzland

Unified Herzland

Democratic Monarchism.png
Herzland Commune.png
Herzland Commune

Unified Herzland

Holy Griffonian Empire.png
Holy Griffonian Empire

Unified Herzland



Laws and Development

Laws and Development
Conscription Law Trade Law Economy Law
Volunteer Only Volunteer Only
  • Recruitable Population: 1.50%
Export Focus Export Focus
  • Construction Speed: +10.00%
  • Research Speed: +5.00%
  • Factory Output: +10.00%
  • Dockyard Output: +10.00%
  • Resources to Market: +50%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +20.0%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +10.0%
Civilian Economy Civilian Economy
  • Industrial Research Speed: +3%
  • Electronics Research Speed: +2%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 35.0%
  • Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Fuel Gain per Oil: -40.00%
  • Fuel Capacity: -25.00%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
  • Military Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Refinery construction speed: +5.00%
Scientific Development Society Development Illiteracy
Small Science Base Small Science Base
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.20
  • Research Speed: -55.00%
Industrialising Society Industrialising Society
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: -20.00%
  • Monthly Population: -10.0%
  • Construction Speed: -20.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -20.00%
  • Factory Output: -20.00%
  • Dockyard Output: -20.00%
  • Factory Bomb Vulnerability: -25.00%
Modest Illiteracy Modest Illiteracy
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -30.00%
Poverty Race
Negligible Poverty Negligible Poverty
  • No penalties
Griffon Griffon Race
  • Uses Griffon Racial Tree

Industry and Resources

Military factory
Military Factories
Naval dockyard
Naval Dockyards
Civilian factory
Civilian Factories
Fuel silo
Fuel Silos
Synthetic refinery
Synthetic Refineries
3 0 3 (-2) 0 0
Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.
Steel icon.png
0 0 0 0 19 (-10) 9 (-5) 0
Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.


Main article: Awards
Emperor Of Griffonia icon
Emperor Of Griffonia
Have Grover VI reach full age and become the Emperor.