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WIN map.png

IdeologyOligarchy.png Oligarchy
Legation Council
Ruling partyNon-Aligned (100%)
PopulationPopulation 889,334*
PonypowerPonypower 9,634*
RaceOther Other
StabilityStability 70%
War supportWar support 5%
FactoriesFactory 5*
ContinentNorthern Zebrica
DiplomacyGuaranteed by Flag of Kingdom of Wingbardy Kingdom of Wingbardy, Flag of Chiropterra Chiropterra and Flag of Colthaginian Republic Colthaginian Republic
Color  #D3DBF0


Starting situation

Winggarden as a country (occupied or otherwise) does not exist at the start of the game. It is formed only if Flag of Chiropterra Chiropterra, Flag of Colthaginian Republic Colthaginian Republic, and Flag of Kingdom of Wingbardy Kingdom of Wingbardy (led by Giulio Beakolini) force Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia to sign the treaty ending the North Zebrican War. This treaty, in turn, can be signed if Hippogriffia is pushed from the Zebrican mainland back to their home islands while fighting the three nations and prevented from returning for a sufficiently long time. It does not happen if Hippogriffia is completely defeated through conventional HoI4 war mechanics.

If you played as one of the three victorious nations, you will be offered to play as Winggarden in an event.

Note: Due to a bug, if Alesia Snezhnaya became the leader of the Flag of Republic of Tobuck Republic of Tobuck, Hippogriffia will be unable to capitulate other than through conventional capitulation, even if Tobuck no longer exists. Alesia has a slightly different version of the North Zebrican War treaty mechanic. To account for this, the typical version is disabled if Alesia is the leader of Tobuck, regardless of whether the nation exists or not, while her version will not activate unless she is an active participant in the war.

National Focus


Designers, concerns and theorists

Select theorist.png Theorists
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Giuliano Gitti
Giuliano Gitti
Air Warfare Theorist
  • Air Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Lunar Flower
Lunar Flower
Military Theorist
  • Land Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Zyrum Zarvadid
Zyrum Zarvadid
Naval Theorist
  • Naval Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100


National Spirits

The Great Game icon
The Great Game
  • The balance of power must be maintained, allowing any faction in the Legation Council to gain 40% or more influence will bring about disastrous consequences!
From the outside, the Legation Council stands as one, uniting the interests of the North Zebrican War's victors. Within its halls of power, however, a constant struggle is being waged for dominance. One can only hope such fight will not spill in the city streets, for the consequences would be catastrophic.


Political parties
Name Ideology Leader Popularity
Non-Aligned Oligarchy.png Oligarchy
Legation Council 100%
Hippogriffian Loyalists Harmonic Libertarianism.png Harmonic Libertarianism
Gentle Bay 0%
Hippogriffian Loyalists Revolutionary Dictatorship.png Revolutionary Dictatorship
Warm Current 0%
Hippogriffian Loyalists Plutocracy.png Plutocracy
Feather Flash 0%


Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Legation Council

Legation Council

Gentle Bay
Gentle Bay
Harmonic Libertarianism.png
Harmonic Libertarianism

Hippogriffian Loyalists
Connected Citizen
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Stability: +5%

Warm Current
Warm Current
Revolutionary Dictatorship.png
Revolutionary Dictatorship

Hippogriffian Loyalists
Revolutionary Intellectual
  • Research Speed: +3.5%
  • Ideology drift defense: +5%
  • Mobilization speed: +3.5%

Feather Flash
Feather Flash

Hippogriffian Loyalists
Collaborating Press Chief
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.1
  • Damage to Garrisons: −25%
Post-1007 leaders [may contain spoilers]
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Golden Shore

Winggardian Independence Party
The Puppet President
  • Political Power Gain: −5%
  • Stability: −5%

Captain of Industry

  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
  • Railway construction speed: +10%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10%

Gilippo Gappi

Associazione Governativa dei Winggarden
Compassionate Grandee
  • Improve relations opinion: +15%
  • Damage to Garrisons: −15%

Smooth-Talking Charmer

  • Trade deal opinion factor: +10%
  • Improve relations maintain cost: −50%
If there is one creature within Winggarden that could be said to embody what the Legation means for the nations involved, it would be Gilippo Gappi. But now that mission has failed, and he sits atop a shadow of what Winggarden once was. Once just a minor diplomat in Wingbardy's foreign service, Gappi played an immense role in getting the griffons to seize the chance offered by the Colthaginian and Chiropterran invasion of the Hippogriffs' continental mandate, seeing tremendous economic opportunity in the venture. He had known these lands for years before entering the diplomatic service, serving in the seas around Zebrica as a member of the Wingbardian Navy and Air Force, where he pioneered airship technology and added much of Zebrica to Wingbardian maps. So when Wingbardy needed a diplomat to head their new involvements in Zebrica, Gilippo's application was readily accepted, and he was sent once again to Zebrica to work out treaties with Wingbardy's new allies on the continent. Gilippo was also the griffon who sat at the negotiating table with the Hippogriffs and placed before them the now-infamous Twelve Concessions. With the Legation being a concession of his own inception, he now sees that vision has failed.

So now he has a new job, find a Hippogriff who can adopt his Leader's ideology. And pray to the Trinity that it will keep the city stable.

Azizelquart Zahummid

Winggarden Municipal Council
Financial Mastermind
  • Consumer Goods Factories factor: −6%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +15%
  • Trade Laws Cost: −10%
Azizelqart Zahummid is a name most in Colthage will know, but they can't tell you much about him. His whole life, he has been an economist working in the back rooms of Colthaginian government to guide its ship of state, and now the guardian of a new nation, the Colthago Nuovo Project. A member of Zamilcar Zarca's favored Scientific Clique, he fled with Zalathel when the Storm King arrived and served in his cabinet when he reestablished his rule over Colthage, earning him a high place in the economics ministry. In this regard, many would be content to stop there, sit on their rear end, and make a happy and healthy living. And Azizelqart was content for a long time, until he read Gappi's documents regarding the opportunities in establishing the Legation. It made something burn deep within him, an opportunity to try his economic theories in a land where he had near-total control of the economic sphere. He just never expected to be leading it. After the fall of the Legation, Zahummid has done his best to save many aspects of the previous system. And with this, he has had even more freedom to implement his economic ideas. He has declared that his Colthago Nuovo will be a bastion of free market economics, proving that a nation can run itself off of the power of capital alone. But only time will show if he can succeed.

Ocean Spray

Chiropterran Military Administration
Economic Exploiter
  • Political Power Gain: −5%
  • Factory Output: +10%
  • Dockyard Output: +10%
  • Stability: −5%
Born: 20th of April, 960 in Batsby

Biography: Ocean Spray was born to a couple of Silver Moon Legion soldiers; entering the service as quickly as he could he slowly began to climb the Legion's ranks, but not in the way most did. He was not a military bat, but a pencil-pushing bureaucrat, though one adept at his job. In his early thirties, he signed up for the LMRD, serving to organize and structure their less savory business into a form more palatable by the rest of the Legions, eventually rising to be the Chiropterran Legate in Winggarden. But recently, things have changed.

Personally, Spray is no kind soul. He is a harsh bat, and is only a bit nicer to his friends than enemies and only has a few hobbies. He holds a general disdain for the hippogriff and seapony populations, and is always preparing for a struggle against them.

But now he has hit a new height. The Warmaster now sends him new orders. No longer is the plan to be careful subversion and maintaining control, now it shall only be absolute domination. Ocean Spray has seized his chance and has upended Chiropterran policy in Hippogriffia. He intends to use his position for the good of the nation and aim a "Dagger at Mount Aris" as he regularly says to his assistants.

Ocean Spray is in control of Winggarden now. And Nightmare help any creature who stands in his way.

Portrait by: Bunnyshrubby

Zephyr Silversliver

National Union of Hippogriffian Fascists
The Commandant
  • Stability: +5%
  • War Support: +5%
  • Daily Supremacy Support: +0.01

Coffee Bean

The Liberty Lobby
  • Political Power Gain: −5%
  • Division Defense: +5%
  • Encryption: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +25%


  • Stability: −5%
Born: 18th of September, 965 in Bridlepolis

Biography: Born the youngest of four foals to a well-off family, Coffee Bean's early years were chaotic but happy. After graduating from high school, he and his father toured the world together, visiting cities across all the continents. These trips made a big impression on the young pony, and exposed him to a wide variety of creatures and cultures.

After receiving a bachelor's degree in economics, he founded a private military company: Bean Security. His company provided contract security services to the Equestrian government and received massive amounts of money in the process. However, he was soon dogged by controversy, suspected of being involved in illegal activities including unlicensed drug manufacturing, smuggling, and tax evasion—this unreliable reputation led Equestria not to renew their contract with Bean Security.

Given his strained relationship with the Equestrian government and various legal issues, Coffee Bean decided to turn his gaze elsewhere and began offering security, logistics, and transportation services to any nation that could pay. A true adventure seeker, he never shied away from sending his mercenaries anywhere in the world, no matter the danger.

Coffee Bean has been married three times and is currently divorced. His personal interests include golfing, poetry, meditation, water skiing, and recreational drug use.

A libertarian to his core, Coffee Bean distrusts government and advocates the decriminalisation of drugs, a free market economy which does not redistribute wealth, and upholding free trade. Now in total control of Winggarden, he finally has a place to transform into the liberty-loving utopia he's always dreamed of.

Portrait by: Bunnyshrubby

Libertalian Corporate Council
Libertalian Corporate Council

The Liberty Lobby

Political Advisors

Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Gilippo Gappi
Gilippo Gappi
Compassionate Grandee
Smooth-Talking Charmer
  • One of the following must be true:
    • Current ruling party is Supremacist.
    • Current ruling party is Non-Aligned.
  • Improve relations opinion: +15%
  • Damage to Garrisons: −15%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +10%
  • Improve relations maintain cost: −50%
Political Power 150
Azizelquart Zahummid
Azizelquart Zahummid
Financial Mastermind
  • Does not have national spirit Militarized Government
  • Consumer Goods Factories factor: −6%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +15%
  • Trade Laws Cost: −10%
Political Power 150
Ocean Spray
Ocean Spray
Economic Exploiter
  • One of the following must be true:
    • Current ruling party is Supremacist.
    • Current ruling party is Non-Aligned.
  • Political Power Gain: −5%
  • Factory Output: +10%
  • Dockyard Output: +10%
  • Stability: −5%
Political Power 150


Flag Information


Coffee Bean has taken over

Social Republic of Hippogriffia.png
Social Republic of Hippogriffia

Zephyr Silversliver has taken over



Laws and Development

Laws and Development
Conscription Law Trade Law Economy Law
The People's Militia Legation Volunteers
  • Weekly Ponypower: +750
  • Recruitable Population: 1.50%
Free Trade Free Trade
  • Construction Speed: +15.00%
  • Research Speed: +10.00%
  • Factory Output: +15.00%
  • Dockyard Output: +15.00%
  • Resources to Market: +80%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +30.00%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +40.0%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +20.0%
Civilian Economy Civilian Economy
  • Industrial Research Speed: +3%
  • Electronics Research Speed: +2%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 35.0%
  • Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Fuel Gain per Oil: -40.00%
  • Fuel Capacity: -25.00%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
  • Military Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Refinery construction speed: +5.00%
Scientific Development Society Development Illiteracy
Developed Science Base Developed Science Base
  • No penalties
Modern Society Modern Society
  • No penalties
Negligible Illiteracy Negligible Illiteracy
  • No penalties
Poverty Race
Negligible Poverty Negligible Poverty
  • No penalties
Hippogriff Hippogriff Race
  • Uses Hippogriff Racial Tree

Industry and Resources

Military factory
Military Factories
Naval dockyard
Naval Dockyards
Civilian factory
Civilian Factories
Fuel silo
Fuel Silos
Synthetic refinery
Synthetic Refineries
2 1 2 (-1) 0 0

Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.

Steel icon.png
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.



Name Composition No.
Legation Expeditionary Force Infantry x6
Artillery x1

Military police
Army experience Total divisions 1
Ponypower Ponypower used 7,800
General Traits Description Skills Race
Galessandro Gevese
Galessandro Gevese
Galessandro Gevese (advisor).png
Trait infantry officer.png Infantry Officer
Trained as an infantry officer.
  • Infantry Leader experience factor: +100%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 4
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Giorgio Giacomelli
Giorgio Giacomelli
Giorgio Giacomelli (advisor).png
Trait politically connected.png Politically Connected
This leader has political connections which has smoothed the way for his career. Perhaps too quickly.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −10%
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
Trait substance abuser.png Substance Abuser
Addiction can be a bad thing, but it's really under control. Really.
Level 1
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Marble Pillar
Marble Pillar
Marble Pillar (advisor).png
Trait night guard 2.png Chiropterran Legionnaire
  • Leader Experience Gain: +5%
  • General Max Army Size: −4
  • Night:
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Trait career officer.png Career Officer
Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match.
  • Promotion Cost: −25%
Trait urban assault specialist.png Urban Assault Specialist
An expert in Fighting In Someone's House and Causing Havoc In People's Streets.
  • Urban:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Sonar Beep
Sonar Beep
Sonar Beep (advisor).png
Trait night guard 2.png Chiropterran Legionnaire
  • Leader Experience Gain: +5%
  • General Max Army Size: −4
  • Night:
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Trait media personality.png Media Personality
This general will go out of his way to talk to the media and will always try to be in the limelight.
  • Army reassignment duration: +100%
Trait signal expert.png Signal Expert
As a former radio host, this mare knows her way around the radio systems in the army.
  • Reinforce Rate: +5%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Zillquat Zaladid
Zillquat Zaladid
Zillquat Zaladid (advisor).png
Trait organizer.png Organizer
Able to plan and organize the movement of large armies.
  • Planning Speed: +10%
Trait skilled staffer.png Skilled Staffer
Surrounded by some of the best staff, this leader is able to organize and manage a larger number of units.
  • General Max Army Size: +6
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2

Military Staff

Select army chief.png Chiefs of Army
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Marble Pillar
Marble Pillar
Army Defense (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Defense: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: +15%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Galessandro Gevese
Galessandro Gevese
Army Planning (Specialist)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Planning Speed: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Zillquat Zaladid
Zillquat Zaladid
Army Organization (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Organization: +8%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select navy chief.png Chiefs of Navy
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Grimaldo Gecchini
Grimaldo Gecchini
Decisive Battle (Specialist)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Capital Ship Attack: +5%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +5%
  • Screen Attack: +5%
  • Screen Defense: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Astral Thunder
Astral Thunder
Commerce Raiding (Genius)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.40
  • Convoy Raiding Efficiency: +20%
Political Power 200
Command power 10
Zebal Zhiramdid
Zebal Zhiramdid
Naval Maneuver (Expert)
  • Naval Speed: +10%
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select air chief.png Chiefs of Airforce
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Geopardo Galtobello
Geopardo Galtobello
Air Reformer (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Air Experience Gain: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Silver Shine
Silver Shine
Ground Support (Genius)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.40
  • Air Superiority: +15%
Political Power 200
Command power 10
Zadon Zahinadabid
Zadon Zahinadabid
All-Weather (Specialist)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Bad Weather Penalty: −10%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Select high command.png Military High Command
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Gennaro Gassani
Gennaro Gassani
Artillery (Specialist)
  • Artillery Attack: +10%
  • Artillery Defense: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Gosanna Gago
Gosanna Gago
Bomber Interception (Expert)
  • Interception Mission Efficiency: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Gostumio Gurciuoli
Gostumio Gurciuoli
Fleet Logistics (Expert)
  • Naval max range factor: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Platinum Starlight
Platinum Starlight
Commando (Expert)
  • Special forces Attack: +10%
  • Special Forces Cap: +6
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Sky Chaser
Sky Chaser
Close Air Support (Expert)
  • Ground attack factor: +5%
  • Air Support Mission Efficiency: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Azure Jewel
Azure Jewel
Submarines (Genius)
  • Submarine Attack: +20%
  • Submarine Defense: +15%
Political Power 200
Command power 10
Zeshmunamash Zatrunzor
Zeshmunamash Zatrunzor
Infantry (Specialist)
  • Infantry Division Attack: +5%
  • Infantry Division Defense: +10%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Zelissa Zastartudid
Zelissa Zastartudid
Air Superiority (Genius)
  • Air Superiority Mission Efficiency: +15%
Political Power 200
Command power 10
Zimrida Zahircam
Zimrida Zahircam
Capital Ships (Expert)
  • Capital Ship Attack: +10%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20

Strategies and guides

Starting situation

Threats and opportunities


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