House Avian

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House Avian
The Newly Born Realm

House Avian.png

AVI map.png

IdeologyDespotism.png Despotism
Lady Katrina Avian
Ruling partyRoyalists (47%)
PopulationPopulation 722,427
PonypowerPonypower 246
RaceGriffon Griffon
StabilityStability 87%
War supportWar support 40%
FactoriesFactory 2
  • 1 Military factory
  • 0 Naval dockyard
  • 1 Civilian factory
ContinentCentral Griffonia
Color  #537AB5

House Avian, alongside House Erie and House Eyrie, is one of the three houses that emerged from the collapse of the Duchy of Verenia. A small and relatively new country located in Central Griffonia, House Avian is led by its founder Lady Katrina Avian.

Will House Avian manage to rise from the shackles of feudalism and linguistic divide and survive through the upcoming storms? Or will it remain a footnote of history in the rise of some greater realm?


House Avian, as a separate realm - is a new concept in the long history of Griffonia.

Duchy of Verenia

For hundreds if not thousands of years, the plains of Tarrin, the region where our noble house is currently located, were but mere extensions of various other states. No great lords and realms were born in these wild grasslands, or at least knowledge of such empires was lost after theFlag of Kingdom of Aquileia Kingdom of Aquileia extended it’s borders east.

However Aquilean dominance over these plains wasn’t eternal and unquestionable. Many others desired these lush grasslands, now filled with rich towns and cities, most notably house Eyrie of Duchy of Verenia. Of course while the so proclaimed “Lords of Sun and Moon” were powerful, their might was nothing compared to the one of Discrets. Such status quo would be changed with the rise of the champion of Boreas - Grover I of Griffonstone. The ambitious king desired to unite all of griffonkind under his banner and thus set out on a great campaign of conquest and subjugation.

When the time has come, Verenia under duchess Adelina willingly joined the Grover in his campaign and was one of the first to bend the knee to the future Emperor. During the war with Aquileia. the forces of Verenia fought bravely and valiantly and Grover I rewarded Adelina with a half of the Tarrin region, nearly increasing the size of Verenia three times.

This realm remained relatively rich and prosperous during the Imperial period, even if certain problems - such as the inability to advance and modernize at same pace as certain other regions and the ever growing animosity between the nobility which was split between Aquileans and Herzlanders. Even the attempt of eliminating such problems by spreading members of Eyrie across the realm only lessened the problems and in some cases even worsened them, as part of the royal family assimilated into the regions assigned to govern, creating the cadet branch of Erie.

Erie-Eyrie Feud

The culmination of this slow decline would come after the Griffonian revolutions and the counter revolutions that followed. Verenia was devastated by not only the republicans of the Heartlands, but also by the surge of Aquilean revolutionaries. This completely devastated the realm as many of it’s nobles and even members of house Eyrie and the cadet branch Erie were executed, leaving an old, now childless monarch on the throne and 2 potential successors with an equally valid claim - Iovinus Eyrie and Duke Vincent Erie. Successors, who on the death of the duke, were unwilling to bend and admit the other to be superior and decided that blades were better at deciding such matters than words, declared war on each other, splitting the state into two.

Foundation of House Avian

At first it seemed that Vincent would win, with the larger part of the former realm behind him, however due to actions of Lady Katrina Avian, this didn’t happen. Being the aunt of both pretenders to the throne and unwilling to participate in a conflict between her dear nephews, she broke off her own would be state, proclaiming herself the matriarch of the newly formed House Avian.

However such a choice had quite the negative result. With Avian domains leaving House Erie, depriving them of substantial amount of troops and industry, the front of the kinslaying war stagnated, resulting in over a decade of bloody warfare. Not to mention that such swift breaking up of the Duchy of Verenia resulted in the newly created House Avian facing countless problems themselves - most notable of which is the ever growing cultural and linguistic divide and antagonism between the non-noble population. Of course this isn’t even mentioning the perilous position of existing between Heartlands and Aquilea.

National Focus

House Avian starting Focus Tree

House Avian's starting focus tree, from left to right, consists of an air force branch (Form the Avian Aviation Auxiliary), an army branch (Avian Military Act), a political branch (Convene the House Council), and an economy branch (Acknowledge Social Problems).

Politics Tree

The political branch of the focus tree divides into two branches right after the first focus:

  • Go with Count Ehrenreich: Count Ehrenreich and his policy of armed neutrality is adopted, unlocking the Pursue True Neutrality side of the focus tree.
  • Go with Viceroy Joachim: Viceroy Joachim and his proposal to reunite with Erie and Eyrie is adopted, unlocking the Avian Intergigantes side of the focus tree.

Pursue True Neutrality

Pursue True Neutrality is the isolationist path for House Avian. This side of the focus tree rapidly expands Avian's industry, military, and land fortifications. The drawback is that Avian will lose out on the opportunity to ally with and vassalize House Erie and Eyrie, which may weaken the country in the long run.

Avian Intergigantes

Avian Intergigantes is where most of Avian's flavor events and opportunities of expansion lie.

In this path, Avian seeks to end the Erie-Eyrie rivalry and reunite the three houses. The first section of the focus tree focuses on Avian working to bridge the Erie-Eyrie divide by expanding cooperation in research, economic, and social matters. Notable focuses include Support the Tripartite College, which grants an extra research slot.

The next section of this path will see Avian ending the Erie-Eyrie rivalry for good with friendly events.

  • Eyrie-Erie Treaty of Friendship will permanently end the hostility between House Eyrie and House Erie.
  • The Intergigantes Tripartite will create the faction Intergigantes Tripartite, and invite Erie and Eyrie to it.

The next section of the path sees Avian, Erie, and Eyrie forming closer relations on matters like military, intelligence, and fortifications.

  • Pursue Full Integration will turn Erie and Eyrie into vassals of House Avian as Avian proposes to take up the mantle of leadership and unite the three houses under one leader.
  • Form the Tripartite Legion will deploy three trained and equipped "Tripartite Legion" divisions, consisting of 6 infantry battalions, 3 knight battalions, and recon company.
  • A Common Military Leadership will promote the leaders of the three houses, Katerina Rivertail, Iovinus Eyrie, and Vincent Erie to field marshals.
  • The Second Winterfest Ball will see the three houses celebrate their unity by launching another, larger Winterfest Ball.

Here the story takes a turn: violence suddenly erupts during the Second Wintefest Ball, plunging House Avian into a civil war. The civil war is resolved through events, and one of three factions will emerge victorious: the Communists, the Loyalists, or the Militarists. An additional faction-specific branch of the focus tree will be unlocked following the civil war.

Post-Civil War

Communist Path

Communists Focus Tree

If the Communists emerge victorious, Erie and Eyrie will be immediately annexed upon the completion of the civil war events. Integigantes Tripartite will be disbanded, the national spirit Enlightened Feudalism will be removed, and most of the royalist generals (Iovinus Eyrie, Vincent Erie, Katrina Rivertail, and Trubach von Zypressen) will be made unavailable.

The Communists' branch of the focus tree grants some small bonuses across the board. The final focus, Socialist Technocracy (unlocked after "Finalize Industrialization" and "Finalize Education Reform" from the economy tree are finished), grants an extra research slot, increases societal and scientific deveopment, and cores all Erie and Eyrie territories. This focus is the only way to get the fifth research slot as House Avian.

Loyalist Path

Loyalists Focus Tree

If the Loyalists emerge victorious, Trubach von Zypressen will stop being a general. Unlike the Communists and the Supremacists, Erie and Eyrie will not be immediately annexed.

The Loyalists branch of the focus tree starts with purges of the military and the aristocracy, adding some negative effects. Later focuses will liberalize the country and add some positive bonuses.

The final focus, Permit Local Elections, will change the ruling party to the Harmonist Federalists party, and remove natioal spirit Enlightened Feudalism.

Militarist Path

Militarists Focus Tree

If the Supremacists emerge victorious, Erie and Eyrie will be immediately annexed upon the completion of the civil war events. Iovinus Eyrie, Vincent Erie, and Katrina Rivertail will stop being generals, and Intergigantes Tripartite will be disbanded.

The Militarists' branch of the focus tree is currently the largest and most advanced post civil war focus tree branch for House Avian.

Declare the Kingdom will see dictator Trubach von Zypressen declare the creation of the Kingdom of Verenia and name himself Kaiser Trubach von Zypressen I. The focus will core all Erie and Eyrie territories and remove the national spirit Enlightened Feudalism.

Following the declaration of the Kingdom of Verenia, the next section of the focus tree branch grants war goals on the Flag of Free Territory of Adelart Free Territory of Adelart, Flag of Pomovarra Pomovarra, Flag of City of Flowena City of Flowena, Flag of Kingdom of Griffonstone Kingdom of Griffonstone, and finally the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire.

Integrate Copperhill will core the Stone Highlands province of Griffonstone. Reinstate the Kingdom will release the Kingdom of Griffonstone as a puppet state of Verenia. Form the Archduchy will release the Archduchy of Flowena on Adelart, Pomovarra and Flowena (with all their territories cored), as a puppet state of Verenia.

The Kingdom of Verenia has special decisions to manage its conquered territory.

  • The original core provinces of Flag of Greifenmarschen Greifenmarschen and Flag of Yale Rectorate Yale Rectorate can be cored through decision. The province of Helheim from the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire can also be cored through decision.
  • Verenia can release new puppet states on conquered territories in order to expand the Zypressen dynasty. These new puppet states do not follow the pre-conquest borders exactly, and as a result the released puppet states may own some colony states.
  • Verenia has decisions to cede specific territories to the two puppets it created through the focus tree. Territories ceded this way are immediately cored by their new owners.
    • The original core provinces of Flag of Blackrock's Bandits Blackrock's Bandits can be ceded to the puppet Kingdom of Griffonstone. The province of Creeper Mountains will not be cored by Griffonstone however.
    • The provinces of Glensi and Falcontown from Flag of County of Greifwald County of Greifwald, and the provinces of Westkeep and Illeagle from Flag of Marquisate of Westkeep Marquisate of Westkeep can be ceded to Archduchy of Flowena.
Map of Verenian puppet states released by decision and focus tree (shown in blue). Note that many of the states feature borders that are completely different to the starting borders.

Comparison Tables for Focus Trees

Militarized Neutrality and Isolation or Foreign Politics.

At almost the beginning of the game, House Avian needs to choose its foreign politics way that affects everything that will happen later.

A comparison of the benefits of the two key trees are shown below.

Tree Bonus Viceroy Joachim Count Ehrenreich
RushTime.pngRush Time (d) 268 (Research Slot)

633 (Erie-Eyrie Feud End)

913 (Erie and Eyrie Vassalization)

1120 (Full Tree; Additional Tree)

1458 (Full Tree)
Stability Stability +6.5%
  • +20%
  • Defensive War Penalty Modifier: +25%
Political Power Political Power (Flat) +485 +135
PonypowerRecruitable Pop
  • Mobilization Speed: +10%
  • +0.50%
  • Monthly Population: +15%
  • Monthly Population: +5%
  • +5.00%
  • Mobilization Speed:+10%
  • Special Forces Capacity Modifier: +2.5%
RushTime.pngCommand Power
  • +10
  • Maximum Increase: +20
  • Daily Gain Multiplier: +10%
Army experience Army experience +25 +35
Civilian factory Civilian factory 1
Production Efficiency Cap Production Efficiency Cap +15.00% +10.00%
Maintenance company Resourse Gain Efficiency +15.00% +10.00%
Constructspeed.pngConstruction Speed +15.00%
  • +10.00%
  • Land Fort: +25.00% (600 days)
Consumergoods.pngConsumer Goods -5% -10%
Infrastructure Infrastructure 11 2
Building slot Building slot 4
Researchtime.pngResearch Time
  • Research speed: +2.5%
  • Research speed: +15.0% (for 70 days)
Focusbonus.pngOne-off reductions (%)
  • 1x Industry (50%)
  • 1x Industry (300%)
  • 2x Anti-air (100%)
OrganizationIcon.pngOrganization +5.00%
ReocveryIcon.pngRecovery Rate +10.00%
ReocveryIcon.pngReinforce Rate +10.00%
ReocveryIcon.pngTraining Time -25.00%
Signal company Planning Speed +10%
OrganizationIcon.pngMax Planning +10%
Other Notes / Bonuses
  • Encryption: -5% (for 70 days)
  • Ideology Drift Defense: -2.5% (for 70 days)
  • Ideology Drift Defense: +15%
  • Encryption: +10%
  • Decryption: +10%
  • Subversive Activities Cost: -15%
  • 1 Research Slot
  • Theorist "Tripartite College of Science" with good research bonuses and Industrial Concern "Three Houses Corporation" with good economics bonuses available
  • Resourses to Market: -5.00%
  • Max Factories in a State: +5%
  • Faction, Bonuses from and for Erie-Eyrie, and later - Vassalization of them
  • Erie, Eyrie and Avian border fortifications (1-2 lvl)
  • Gives 3 Field Marshals (they may be lost later!)
  • Gives 3 good and fully equipped divisions
  • Additional Focus Tree (look below for bonuses)
  • 3.5k Muzzle-loading guns (infantry equipment)
  • Resourses to Market: -5.00%
  • +5 Steel resourses
  • Economy and Trade laws cost (-50%)
  • Max Factories in a State: +10.00%
  • Conversion Speed Bonus: +15%
  • Out of Supply: -10.00%
  • Supply Grace: +120.00 hours
  • Capital fortification (+3 lvl) and anti-air (+1 lvl)
  • West and East boards fortifications (+2 lvl)
  • Four fortifications in the middle of Avian region (+1 lvl)
  • Effects of our Partizans: +50.00%
  • Surrender Limit: +150.00%

Technocrats, Loyalists or Militarists.

If Avian goes by the way of Viceroy Joachim for 1120 days (full tree) - it will get an event, that gives the following options for your Politics Focus Tree modification:

  • Communists Tree
  • Harmonists Tree
  • Supremacists Tree

A comparison of the benefits of the three trees are shown below.

Tree Bonus

Technocrats (Communists) Loyalists/Federalists (Harmonists) Military Administration/Haus Zypressen (Supremacists)
RushTime.pngRush Time (d) 360 (Full Tree if meets all requirements)

1040 (Full Tree if done nothing in economics tree before)

360 (Full Tree) 1000 (War with the Griffonian Empire)

1060 (Full Tree)

Stability Stability +15% -20% +5%
Political Power Political Power (Flat) +25 +25 -50
War support War support -25% -25%
RushTime.pngCommand Power Maximum Increase: +5 Command Power: -75
  • -75
  • Maximum Increase: +5
PonypowerRecruitable Pop
  • +1.0%
  • +1500 one time
  • -5500 one time
  • +1.0%
  • -3000 one time
Army experience Army experience -50 -50
Constructspeed.pngConstruction Speed +5% +10%
Consumergoods.pngConsumer Goods -5% -5%
Production Efficiency Cap Production Efficiency Cap +7.00% +22.00%
Researchtime.pngResearch Time Research speed: +5%
Focusbonus.pngOne-off reductions (100%)
  • 2x Industry
  • 2x Electronics
  • 2x Support Artillery or 2x Armor Research
  • 1x Motorized (300%) or 1x Mechanized (300%)
Other Notes / Bonuses
  • Ideology Drift Defense: +15%
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.5
  • Resourses to Market: -5.00%
  • Change in popularity of communism: +175%
  • Annexation of Erie and Eyrie
  • 1 Research Slot
  • Change in popularity of Non-Aligned: +65%
  • Change in popularity of harmony: +80%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +50%
  • Ideology Drift Defense: +5%
  • Resourses to Market: -5.00%
  • Change in popularity of Supremacy: +175%
  • +1.5k support equipment
  • Expansion Focuses.
  • Annexation of Erie and Eyrie


Army Naval Air Tech / Industry
  • Breech-Loaded Rifles
  • Support Equipment
  • Civilian Train
  • Artillery (Towed Artillery)
  • Torpedo Boat Destroyer
  • Designated Landing Barges
  • None
  • None
Doctrine Racial
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • Knights Division I
  • We Can Fly?!


National Spirits

Enlightened Feudalism icon
Enlightened Feudalism

  • Daily Political Power Cost: -0.20
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -10.00%
This country's rural population are still largely peasants with little to no rights nor say in politics.
Linguistic Antagonism icon
Linguistic Antagonism

  • Daily Political Power Gain: -0.10  
  • Stability: -5.00%
  • War Support: -10.00%
Although the nobility of House Avian utilise the Imperial Dialect as their lingua franca, the languages spoken by the commoners range from the Herzland dialect to Aquileian. The lack of linguistic uniformity obfuscates communication and further ingrains cultural strife.


Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Lady Katrina Avian

Popular Leader
  • Stability: +20%
  • Daily Compliance Gain: +0.05%
Benevolent Absolutism.png
Benevolent Absolutism


Aaron Redtail
Equestrian Socialism.png
Equestrian Socialism

Post-1007 leaders [may contain spoilers]
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Trubach von Zypressen

Military Administration
Avian Military Administration
  • Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: +40%


  • Political Power Gain: +25%
  • AI Modifier: Desired Divisions Factor: +20%
  • Weekly War Support (Combat Casualties): +0.1%


Political parties
Name Ideology Leader Popularity
Royalists Despotism.png Despotism
Lady Katrina Avian 47%
Federalists Benevolent Absolutism.png Benevolent Absolutism
Lady Katrina Avian 23%
Technocrats Equestrian Socialism.png Equestrian Socialism
Aaron Redtail 20%
Militarists Autocracy.png Autocracy
Lady Katrina Avian 10%

Staff and Designers

Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Count Ehrenreich
Count Ehrenreich
Prince of Terror
Ideological Crusader
  • Has completed national focus Focus rom handle king.png Go with Count Ehrenreich
  • Non-Core Ponypower: +2%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: −30%
  • Damage to Garrisons: −25%
  • Same ideology monthly opinion: +100%
  • Party Popularity Stability Modifier: +10%
Political Power 150
Viceroy Joachim
Viceroy Joachim
Compassionate Grandee
  • Has completed national focus Focus rom royal dictatorship.png Go with Viceroy Joachim
  • Improve relations opinion: +15%
  • Damage to Garrisons: −15%
Political Power 150
Maximilian Avian
Maximilian Avian
Captain of Industry
  • Research Speed: +2.5%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
  • Railway construction speed: +10%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Erich Flugel
Erich Flugel
Sociopathic Bureaucrat
  • Political Power Gain: −10%
  • Consumer Goods Factories factor: −10%
Political Power 150
Avian Chamber of Commerce
Avian Chamber of Commerce
State Investor
  • Has completed national focus DAH Topke.png Found the Avian Chamber of Commerce
  • Has not completed national focus Goal generic forceful treaty.png A Commoners' Chamber
  • Has not completed national focus Goal generic intelligence exchange.png An Aristocratic Chamber
  • Research Speed: +2.5%
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Illusive Gentlebeing
  • DLC La Résistance La Résistance is enabled
  • Can create an Intelligence Agency
  • Has created an Intelligence Agency
  • Operative slots: +1
  • Agency upgrade time: −15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot tank manufacturer.png Tank Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Armor Company
Armor Company
Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Reliability: +5%
  • Armored Car:
    • Reliability: +5%
Political Power 150
Idea slot naval manufacturer.png Ship Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Naval Company
Naval Company
Ship Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot aircraft manufacturer.png Aircraft Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Light Air Company
Light Air Company
Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Small Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Medium Air Company
Medium Air Company
Medium Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Heavy Fighter Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Medium Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Scout Plane Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
Political Power 150
Heavy Air Company
Heavy Air Company
Heavy Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Large Airframe:
    • Strat. Bombing: +10%
  • Transport Plane:
    • Range: +10%
Political Power 150
Naval Air Company
Naval Air Company
Naval Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Naval Bomber Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • Carrier Naval Bomber Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Agility: +10%
  • Carrier CAS Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
Political Power 150
Idea slot materiel manufacturer.png Materiel Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Small Arms Company
Small Arms Company
Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Artillery Company
Artillery Company
Artillery Designer
  • Artillery Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Motorization Company
Motorization Company
Motorized Equipment Designer
  • Motorization Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot industrial concern.png Industrial Concerns
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Three Houses Corporation
Three Houses Corporation
Refining Concern
  • Has completed national focus Goal gold reserve.png Three Houses Corporation
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15%
  • Synthetic Resources Research Speed: +25%
  • Refinery construction speed: +5%

See description:
The Three Houses Corporation was originally formed as an oil refining company, but has since expanded its operations to industrial and electronics research. Headquartered in Avian, it has a strong presence in the realms ruled by the three great Houses of the Griffonian Heartlands.
Political Power 150
Industrial Company
Industrial Company
Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Electronics Company
Electronics Company
Electronics Concern
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Select theorist.png Theorists
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Peter Hardringer
Peter Hardringer
Military Theorist
  • Has completed national focus Goal tfv generic tech sharing.png Support the Tripartite College
  • Research speed: +10.00%
  • Max planning: +5.00%
  • Crypto defense.png Cryptology Level: +1
  • Decrypt strength icon.png Decryption Power Factor: +5%

With DLC La Résistance La Résistance disabled

  • Research speed: +10.00%
  • Max planning: +5.00%
  • Encryption: +5.00%
  • Decryption: +5.00%
Political Power 100
Peter Hardringer
Peter Hardringer
Military Theorist
  • Land Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Select army chief.png Chiefs of Army
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Johannes von Dross
Johannes von Dross
Army Offense (Expert)
  • Has completed national focus Goal generic position armies.png Adopt Imperial Drill
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Attack: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +15%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Philippe Remy
Philippe Remy
Army Organization (Expert)
  • Has completed national focus Goal generic army doctrines.png Adopt Aquileian Drill
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Organization: +8%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select navy chief.png Chiefs of Navy
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Elias Yellowplume
Elias Yellowplume
Fleet Logistics (Expert)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Naval max range factor: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Hubert Stossbeak
Hubert Stossbeak
Submarines (Specialist)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Submarine Attack: +10%
  • Submarine Defense: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Select air chief.png Chiefs of Airforce
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Tobias Hellcrest
Tobias Hellcrest
Air Reformer (Genius)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.40
  • Air Experience Gain: +15%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: +10%
Political Power 200
Command power 10
Staffan Marie Stormfeather
Staffan Marie Stormfeather
Night Operations (Specialist)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Night Operations Penalty: −10%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Select high command.png Military High Command
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Patrice de Celles
Patrice de Celles
Army Regrouping (Specialist)
  • Division Recovery Rate: +4%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Ancietus von Toltz
Ancietus von Toltz
Commando (Genius)
  • Special forces Attack: +15%
  • Special Forces Cap: +10
Political Power 200
Command power 10
Feullien von Lishill
Feullien von Lishill
Army Logistics (Expert)
  • Division Attrition: −8%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Gustave Avian
Gustave Avian
Entrenchment (Expert)
  • Entrenchment speed: +16%
Political Power 100
Command power 20

Military Leaders

General Traits Description Skills Race
Trubach von Zypressen
Trubach von Zypressen
Trubach von Zypressen (advisor).png
Trait skilled staffer.png Skilled Staffer
Surrounded by some of the best staff, this leader is able to organize and manage a larger number of units.
  • General Max Army Size: +6
Trait engineer.png Engineer
Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications.
  • River:
    • Attack: +5%
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +10%
Trait skirmisher.png Skirmisher
Skilled at using probing attacks to test the enemy's strength and to wear them down.
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Lady Kalra Blackclaw
Lady Kalra Blackclaw
Lady Kalra Blackclaw (advisor).png
Trait promising general.png Promising Leader
This leader has proven to be a quick learner.
  • Leader Experience Gain: +25%
Trait organizer.png Organizer
Able to plan and organize the movement of large armies.
  • Planning Speed: +10%
Level 1
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2


Flag Information
House Avian.png
House Avian

Avian Federation.png
Avian Federation

Benevolent Absolutism.png
Avian Socialist Republic.png
Avian Socialist Republic

Equestrian Socialism.png
Avian State.png
Avian State / Kingdom of Verenia



Laws and Development

Laws and Development
Conscription Law Trade Law Economy Law
Volunteer Only Volunteer Only
  • Recruitable Population: 1.50%
Export Focus Export Focus
  • Construction Speed: +10.00%
  • Research Speed: +5.00%
  • Factory Output: +10.00%
  • Dockyard Output: +10.00%
  • Resources to Market: +50%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +20.0%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +10.0%
Civilian Economy Civilian Economy
  • Industrial Research Speed: +3%
  • Electronics Research Speed: +2%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 35.0%
  • Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Fuel Gain per Oil: -40.00%
  • Fuel Capacity: -25.00%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
  • Military Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Refinery construction speed: +5.00%
Scientific Development Society Development Illiteracy
Small Science Base Small Science Base
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.20
  • Research Speed: -55.00%
Industrialising Society Industrialising Society
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: -20.00%
  • Monthly Population: -10.0%
  • Construction Speed: -20.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -20.00%
  • Factory Output: -20.00%
  • Dockyard Output: -20.00%
  • Factory Bomb Vulnerability: -25.00%
Modest Illiteracy Modest Illiteracy
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -30.00%
Poverty Race
Low Poverty Low Poverty
  • Monthly Population: -7.0%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 7.0%
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -2.50%
Griffon Griffon Race
  • Uses Griffon Racial Tree


Military factory
Military Factories
Naval dockyard
Naval Dockyards
Civilian factory
Civilian Factories
Fuel silo
Fuel Silos
Synthetic refinery
Synthetic Refineries
1 0 1 (-1) 0 0

Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.

Steel icon.png
0 0 0 0 6 (-3) 0 0

Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.

Strategies and guides

Starting Situation

House Avian starts off in an extremely weak position. It has a tiny industry (1 civilian and 1 military factory), a tiny army, low ponypower, and is surrounded by potential enemies that might invade the country in the future. It is however politically very stable, which gives it a high political power growth early on.

Avian starts with three weak divisions:

  • 1 Infantry Regiment (6 Infantry battalions + support artillery)
  • 1 Household Regiment (2 Infantry battalions)
  • 1 Knights Regiment (2 Knight battalions + support artillery)

Threats and Opportunities

  • Flag of House Erie House Erie and Flag of House Eyrie House Eyrie: The two other houses that emerged from the Duchy of Verenia, Avian will have the possibility to ally with, vassalize and possibly even annex them in the Avian Intergigantes path of the politics tree.
  • Flag of Kingdom of Aquileia Kingdom of Aquileia: House Avian is one of the many targets of Aquileia's expansion focuses.
  • Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire: A resurgent Griffonian Empire will gain a war goal on Avian in its reconquest focus tree.
  • Flag of Griffonian Republic Griffonian Republic: The Republic may invite House Avian to its faction.


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