County of Bronzehill

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County of Bronzehill
Refuge From Tyranny

County of Bronzehill.png

BRZ map.png

IdeologyDespotism.png Despotism
Count Ignatius Bronzetail
Ruling partyFürstliche Partei (60%)
PopulationPopulation 2,430,110
PonypowerPonypower 34,342
RaceDiamond Dog Diamond Dog
StabilityStability 69%
War supportWar support 0%
FactoriesFactory 8
  • 3 Military factory
  • 0 Naval dockyard
  • 5 Civilian factory
ContinentCentral Griffonia
DiplomacyMember of the Reichspakt
Nominal VassalNominal Vassal of Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire
Color  #B08D57

It is said that the only beings the emperor can trust are the dogs of Bronzehill. In 792, Emperor Grover II granted the Bronze Mountains to a group of ex-slaves fleeing Diamond Mountain. Since then the County of Bronzehill has grown and prospered as a loyal subject of The Empire. the dogs of Bronzehill are peaceful, hardworking, and freedom-loving. While they are still loyal to the Emperor, there are many who now recognize that powerful griffons have been exploiting them. The collapse of The Griffonian Empire and the republican uprisings of 978 have further shaken their worldview. With dark clouds looming, the hounds of Bronzehill are anxious for what the future might hold.


In 792, the dogs of Bronzehill's ancestors came as refugees fleeing the oppressive rule of Flag of Diamond Mountain Diamond Mountain, making the arduous trek seeking freedom from their enslavement. In his mercy, Emperor Grover II granted the Bronze Mountains north of Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffenheim as their new homeland, allowing the refugees to settle and prosper.

Since then the hounds of Bronzehill have become fiercely loyal to the Griffonian emperors, serving faithfully and diligently as guards and advisors to the imperial dynasty.

The mountains contain vast wealth and resources that have helped Bronzehill and Griffenhiem grow, however this has often come at the exploitation of many hounds and the recent economic downturn after the collapse of the Empire has ushered in a new wave of poverty and economic stagnation. Efforts to recover have been hampered by the fact that very little of the nation's burgeoning industry is domestically owned, with large chunks being operated from firms based in Griffenhiem and other imperial trade centers. In recent years this has lead to a fierce debate of whether or not the hounds assets are better managed by their griffon allies or if they should instead be nationalized and put in the paws of Bronzehill's inhabitants. In the meantime, the new Grover V Industrial Park in Ravensburg is nearing completion, offering new jobs and opportunities to the hounds and griffons of Bronzehill.

As part of the Imperial Heartlands, Bronzehill is bordered by friendly regimes and united under Imperial Protection as a vassal state. With the Imperial Capital to the south, Flag of Strawberry Duchy Strawberry Duchy to the west, and the Flag of Sunstriker Clan Sunstriker Clan to the north, as well as the Flag of Ordensstaat Hellquill Knights of Hellquil to the east, the threat of the tyrannical Diamond Mountain and its allies in the River Coalition seems far away. This has both been a blessing and a curse. The years of stability and protection have resulted in Bronzehill having little military power to speak of, with an ethos of stern pacifism taken up by a populace which still remembers the lingering pains felt at the paw of Diamond Mountain soldiers during the great trek and before.

The main political issue facing Bronzehill is that of the future imperial throne. It is no secret that Grover V's health is beginning to falter, and in the event of his premature death, there would be conflict over the regency of his son, the future Grover VI. As to who the regent will be, only time will tell, and with the deep divisions growing between the Griffonian nobility and the church, the regent choice will be unlikely to please everyone. Either way, the death of an Emperor is always a traumatic event for the dogs of Bronzehill and will cause severe distress among its citizens.

Count Ignatius Bronzetail has ruled Bronzehill since the death of his father in 1005. He is popular and well liked, however he has yet to have been tested like his father was in the Empire's collapse and the Republican Uprising of 978. In the Bronze Council - the Count's main advising council - various factions are forming inspired by the political parties that have swept across the industrial world. Winston Copperhill's Harmonic Conservative Party, and Rufus Loudbark's National Union Party being the two most predominant outside of the old nobility who make up the council. The Count's son, Barnaby, has become fascinated with the harmonists and sees Bronzehill's future lying in their influence.

Beyond the walls of the council, the Communist Party of Bronzehill is a growing thorn in the Count's side. The Communists are growing in popularity among the lower classes with their promises of better working conditions, removal of social inequality, societal reforms, and loyalty to the Emperor. But the communists themselves are not united, with various factions vying for control in their loose coalition. Meanwhile, the Knights of Bronze Cross and the Prelate of Ravensburg remain popular among griffons living in Bronzehill, even if their loyalties seem to lie more towards the church than the Emperor.

With uncertainty on the horizon, only time will tell what the future of Bronzehill will hold.

Starting Situation

Give us an overview of the things you need to consider starting out - what are the good and bad things, what directions could you take, etc.


The Bronzehill Army stars with three divisions, which consist of two Royal Defence Divisions consisting of six infantry batallions with support from engineers and artillery. Both divisions are at Experience Level 3 (Regular). An elite Ironpaw division consisting of six ironpaw batallions and support from engineers and artillery is also avaiable at Level 3 with half the experience required to reach Level 4. All divisions are fully equipped at gamestart, with a tiny surplus of equipment

Threats and Opportunities


Gameplay Mechanics


National Focus

Bronzehill's starting focus tree

(If the national focus tree follows a natural progression through the game, consider writing this section as National Focus and Walkthrough)


Army Naval Air Tech / Industry
  • Breech-Loaded Rifles (Hinterladerbüchse Model 98)
  • Truck
  • Mountain Infantry I
  • Engineer Company I
  • Artillery
  • Torpedo Boat Destroyer
  • Basic Depth Charges
  • Scout and Armourede Cruisers
  • Basic Torpedo
  • Naval Gunnery
  • Casemate Secondary Battery
  • Designated Landing Barges
  • Early Fighter (Fluggerät Heureka Model 98)
  • Early Bomber (Fluggestell Modell 99)
  • None
Doctrine Racial
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • Ironpaws Division


National Spirits

Imperial Owned Industry icon
Imperial Owned Industry
Many Griffons in Griffenheim have invested in Bronzehill, leaving very few local-owned mines, farms and factories. While this has helped develop Bronzehill's industrial capabilities, it has caused worry among locals who fear for their County's financial stability. The issue will have to be addressed in some form, lest the whole nation ends up in the ownership of foreigners.
Pacifism icon
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -20%
  • War Support: -20.00%
Many of the nation's dog population can track their descent from escaped slaves, that fleed from the cruelty of their eastern cousins in Diamond Mountain. The Grover dynasty has accepted them with open claws, and while they are fierce defenders of the Emperor, they prefer to solve their issues with a peaceful and logical method.


Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Count Ignatius Bronzetail

Fürstliche Partei
Grey Hound of Bronzekreuz
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: +10%
  • Stability: +10%
Born: 14th December 965, Sandstone House, Bronzehill

Biography: Count Ignatius has ruled Bronzehill since the death of his father Count Georgie in 997. When he was five years old, he travelled to the Imperial City to see Grover V's coronation and was enamoured by the splendour. He returned to the city many times and studied there at Emperor's College, gaining a degree in politics.

He became a close friend of the Emperor, who attended his wedding to Izzy Bones-Iron, daughter of the Lord Gems. With her he has had two children, Barnaby and Margaret.

During his rule he has been a competent administrator and a beloved defender of Bronzehill and the Emperor, however his policies on supporting Griffon industry over Bronzehill's own has led to the formation of several communist organisations in Bronzehill. And while he has the full support of the Bronze Council, there are those who question his ability to lead effectively should Bronzehill be faced by a disaster such as the Republican Uprising during his father's reign.

Portrait by: Scroup

Winston Copperhill
Democratic Monarchism.png
Democratic Monarchism

Harmonisch-Konservative Partei
Stubborn Bulldog
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: +20%
  • War Support: +10%
Born: November 15th 958

Former Rank: Major, Emperor's Own Bronzekreuz Hussars.

Biography: Winston Copperhill is first child of Lord Rover Copperhill and a member of the prestigious Copperhill family. He grew up as a member of Bronzehill's elite during the peaceful reign of Emperor Grover IV. He was one of a few Diamond Dogs who went to the military academy in Helheim and was commissioned as a Leutnant in 966.

After a time as a member of the Imperial Guard, he was granted a seat on the Bronze Council in 971 and was a close advisor to the Count. He was often controversial with his desire for social reform and his support of local Bronzehill businesses over Imperial ones. He was a founding member of the Harmonic Conservative Party and sort to bring greater representation of the common hound into the Bronze Council.

During the Republican Uprising he was temporary promoted to Oberstleutnant, although did not participate in the fight to restore the Emperor to the throne. The event however convinced him that the only way to ensure the safety of the Emperor is to make Bronzehill strong and ready to fight. A rallying call that has put him at odds with many even in his own party. But his stubbornness and oratory talent have kept him at the forefront of politics.

Portrait By: Flake

Rosey Luxembark
Socialist Monarchism.png
Socialist Monarchism

Kommunistische Partei Bronzhügel
Workers' Countess
  • Efficiency cap texticon.png Production Efficiency Cap: +5%
  • Stability: +5%
Born: 5th March 961, Zarhim-Kazgald, Diamond Mountain.

Portrait by: Cofido

Rufus Loudbark

Nationale Union
  • Political Power Gain: +25%
  • AI Modifier: Desired Divisions Factor: +20%
  • Weekly War Support (Combat Casualties): +0.1%
Born: 15th June 977, Bronzelöwe, Bronzehill.

Rank: Unterwachtmeister, Artillerie-Regiment Bronzekrutz, 1. Königlich Bronzehügelsche Garde Division.

Portrait by: Duke Von Kessel

Post-1007 leaders [may contain spoilers]
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Clement Attaboy
Harmonic Socialism.png
Harmonic Socialism

Harmonische Arbeitspartei
Welfare Reformer
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • Stability: +10%
Born: 3rd January, 954 in Pawdorf, Bronzehill.

Portrait By: Kajko

Count Barnaby Bronzetail
Benevolent Absolutism.png
Benevolent Absolutism

Fürstliche Partei
Young Count
  • Daily Political Power Gain: −0.1
  • Stability: +15%
Born: 14th August 975, Karfeuer, Bronzekreuz, Bronzehill.

Portrait by: Scroup

Karl Liebarknecht
Socialist Monarchism.png
Socialist Monarchism

Kommunistische Partei Bronzhügel
Revolutionary Lawyer
  • Trade Laws Cost: −25%
  • Conscription Laws Cost: −25%
  • Economy Laws Cost: −25%
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.1
Born: 13th August 961, Ravensburg, Bronzehill.

Portrait by: Riley

Clara Woofkin
Socialist Monarchism.png
Socialist Monarchism

Kommunistische Partei Bronzhügel
Socialist Grandmother
  • Stability: +15%

Ernst Thälpoodles
Socialist Monarchism.png
Socialist Monarchism

Kommunistische Partei Bronzhügel
Diehard Revolutionary
  • Justify war goal time: −15%
  • Subversive activities cost: −30%
  • Ideology drift defense: +15%

Wilhelm Spots
Socialist Monarchism.png
Socialist Monarchism

Kommunistische Partei Bronzhügel
Socialist Director
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • Ideology drift defense: +15%

Kimball Barking-Sun

Arbeiterpartei von Bronzhügel
Champion of the Great Leader
  • Political Power Gain: +25%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +10%
  • Ideology drift defense: +50%
Born: 15th April 973, Marzhounden, Bronzehill.

Portrait by: Cofido

Grandmaster Lucky
Zealous Knightly Order.png
Zealous Knightly Order

Knights of the Bronze Cross
Indomitable Perseverance
  • Division Recovery Rate: +4%
Born: 15th May 959, Bronzekreuz, Bronzehill.

Rank: Grandmaster of the Knights of the Bronze Cross. Portrait by: Flake

Prelate Gunhild
Authoritarian Theocracy.png
Authoritarian Theocracy

Prelate of Ravensburg
Defender of the Faith
  • Stability: +5%
  • War Support: +5%
Born: 12th August 949, Griffenheim, Griffonian Empire.

Portrait by: Cofido


Political parties
Name Ideology Leader Popularity
Fürstliche Partei
Despotism.png Despotism
Count Ignatius Bronzetail 60%
Harmonisch-Konservative Partei
Democratic Monarchism.png Democratic Monarchism
Winston Copperhill 20%
Kommunistische Partei Bronzhügel
Socialist Monarchism.png Socialist Monarchism
Rosey Luxembark 10%
Nationale Union
Reactionarism.png Reactionarism
Rufus Loudbark 10%

Staff and Designers

Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Winston Copperhill
Winston Copperhill
Harmonic Bulldog
  • Current ruling party is HarmonyHarmonic
  • Has completed national focus Goal generic support democracy.png Give Power to Barnaby
  • War Support: +10%
  • Daily Harmony Support: +0.1

See description:
Born: 30th November, 945 in Barkheim Palace, Bronzehill.

Former Rank: Major, Emperor's Own Bronzekreuz Hussars.

Biography: Winston Copperhill is first child of Lord Rover Copperhill and a member of the prestigious Copperhill family. He grew up as a member of Bronzehill's elite during the peaceful reign of Emperor Grover IV. He was one of a few Diamond Dogs who went to the military academy in Helheim and was commissioned as a Leutnant in 966.

After a time as a member of the Imperial Guard, he was granted a seat on the Bronze Council in 971 and was a close advisor to the Count. He was often controversial with his desire for social reform and his support of local Bronzehill businesses over Imperial ones. He was a founding member of the Harmonic Conservative Party and sort to bring greater representation of the common hound into the Bronze Council.

During the Republican Uprising he was temporary promoted to Oberstleutnant, although did not participate in the fight to restore the Emperor to the throne. The event however convinced him that the only way to ensure the safety of the Emperor is to make Bronzehill strong and ready to fight. A rallying call that has put him at odds with many even in his own party. But his stubbornness and oratory talent have kept him at the forefront of politics.

Portrait By: Flake
Political Power 150
Max Goldtooth
Max Goldtooth
Deal Broker
Smooth-Talking Charmer
  • Has completed national focus Goal generic positive trade relations.png Make Goldtooth Economic Minister
  • Trade Laws Cost: −25%
  • Conscription Laws Cost: −25%
  • Economy Laws Cost: −25%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +10%
  • Improve relations maintain cost: −50%
Political Power 75
Gunter Blackwing
Gunter Blackwing
War Industrialist
  • Has completed national focus Focus generic combined arms.png Defence Budget of 1007
  • Military Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Dockyard construction speed: +10%
  • Fuel Silo construction speed: +10%
Political Power 75
Prince of Terror
  • Non-Core Ponypower: +2%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: −30%
  • Damage to Garrisons: −25%
Political Power 150
Gotthilf von Greifenstein
Gotthilf von Greifenstein
Captain of Industry
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
  • Railway construction speed: +10%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Fido Stonewall
Fido Stonewall
Fortification Engineer
  • Has completed national focus Goal nested fortifications.png Bunkers are Our Backbone
  • Land Fort construction speed: +20%
  • Coastal Fort construction speed: +20%
  • Anti Air construction speed: +20%
Political Power 75
George Barkley
George Barkley
Social Reformer
  • At least one of the following is true:
    • Has completed national focus Goal generic harmony.png Open the Bronze Council
    • Has completed national focus Goal generic support democracy.png Give Power to Barnaby
    • Has completed national focus Goal generic support democracy.png Copperhill's Speech
  • Stability: +15%
  • Daily Harmony Support: +0.1
Political Power 150
Gunter Grouse
Gunter Grouse
Knightly Order Recruitment Officer
  • Has completed national focus Focus generic strike at democracy1.png Knights of the Bronze Cross
  • Mobilization speed: +10%
  • War Support: +5%
  • Daily Supremacy Support: +0.1
Political Power 150
Lassie Goldcoat
Lassie Goldcoat
Vengeful Ex-Slave
  • Has completed national focus Goal generic support fascism.png Meet with Loudbark
  • Generate war goal tension limit: −50%
  • Justify war goal time: −25%
  • War Support: +5%
  • Daily Supremacy Support: +0.1
Political Power 150
Karl Liebarknecht
Karl Liebarknecht
Revolutionary Lawyer
  • Has completed national focus Goal generic support communism.png Coalition of the Left
  • Trade Laws Cost: −25%
  • Conscription Laws Cost: −25%
  • Economy Laws Cost: −25%
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.1
Political Power 150
Clement Attaboy
Clement Attaboy
Welfare Reformer
  • Current ruling party is HarmonyHarmonic
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • Stability: +10%

See description:
Born: 3rd January, 954 in Pawdorf, Bronzehill.

Portrait By: Kajko
Political Power 150
Spot Bonehund
Spot Bonehund
Silent Workdog
  • Current ruling party is not CommunismCommunist
  • Political Power Gain: +15%
Political Power 150
Terrence Hounder
Terrence Hounder
Backroom Backstabber
  • Subversive activities cost: −25%
  • Ideology drift defense: +25%
Political Power 150
Wuffles Pawhowl
Wuffles Pawhowl
Socialist Journalist
  • Current ruling party is CommunismCommunist
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Daily Compliance Gain: +0.02%
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.05
Political Power 150
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Damage to Garrisons: −15%
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Illusive Gentlebeing
  • Has created an Intelligence Agency
  • Operative slots: +1
  • Agency upgrade time: −15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot tank manufacturer.png Tank Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Mobile Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Max Speed: +5%
    • Reliability: +10%
  • Armored Car:
    • Max Speed: +5%
    • Reliability: +10%
Political Power 150
Heavy Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Hard attack: +5%
    • Armor: +5%
  • Armored Car:
    • Hard attack: +5%
    • Armor: +5%
Political Power 150
Idea slot naval manufacturer.png Ship Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Coastal Defense Fleet Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
  • Carrier:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −25%
    • Max Range: −50%
  • Capital Ships:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −25%
    • Max Range: −50%
    • Armor: −20%
    • Heavy Attack: −20%
  • Screens:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −25%
    • Max Range: −50%
  • Submarine:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −25%
    • Max Range: −50%
Political Power 150
Raiding Fleet Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
  • Carrier:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Capital Ships:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
    • Heavy Attack: −10%
  • Screens:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Submarine:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Sub Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Idea slot aircraft manufacturer.png Aircraft Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Light Aircraft Designer
  • Beakker-Bronzehill has been established
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Small Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
CAS Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Close Air Support Airframe:
    • Ground Attack: +10%
    • Reliability: +10%
  • Carrier CAS Airframe:
    • Ground Attack: +10%
    • Reliability: +10%
Political Power 150
Medium Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Heavy Fighter Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Medium Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Scout Plane Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
Political Power 150
Idea slot materiel manufacturer.png Materiel Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Motorized Equipment Designer
  • Has completed national focus Goal generic army motorized.png Bronzehill Automotive Firm
  • Motorization Research Speed: +15%
  • Truck:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −10%
    • Max Speed: +5%
  • Mechanized:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −10%
    • Max Speed: +5%
Political Power 75
Bronzekreuz Arsenal
Bronzekreuz Arsenal
Artillery Designer
  • Artillery Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
ISAF Hundfeld
ISAF Hundfeld
Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot industrial concern.png Industrial Concerns
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Vereinigte Stahlwerk
Vereinigte Stahlwerk
Industrial Concern
  • Has completed national focus Focus generic steel.png Vereinigte Stahlwerk
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%
  • Construction Speed: +5%
Political Power 75
Bronzetech Instatute
Bronzetech Instatute
Electronics Concern
  • Has completed national focus Focus research2.png Found Bronzetech
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15%
  • Industrial Research Speed: +8%
  • Research Speed: +3%
Political Power 75
Bronze Oil
Bronze Oil
Refining Concern
  • Has completed national focus Goal generic oil refinery.png Bronze Oil
  • Synthetic Resources Research Speed: +15%
  • Industrial Research Speed: +8%
  • Synthetic Oil: +5%
  • Refinery construction speed: +5%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +5%
Political Power 75
Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Select theorist.png Theorists
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Bradly Bronze
Bradly Bronze
Superior Firepower Expert
  • Has completed national focus Focus generic military academy.png Reopen the Bronzekreuz Military Academy
  • Superior Firepower Doctrine Cost: −15%
Political Power 50
Griff Wingburg
Griff Wingburg
Dive Bomber
  • Has completed national focus Goal generic air doctrine.png Establish the Bronzehill Imperial Air Force
  • Air Doctrine Cost: −10%
  • Close Air Support Airframe:
    • Ground Attack: +10%
Political Power 50
Donnald Hundfeld
Donnald Hundfeld
Military Theorist
  • Land Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Laika Barker
Laika Barker
Rocket Scientist
  • Rocket Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 100
Select army chief.png Chiefs of Army
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Max Bronzeshield
Max Bronzeshield
Army Defense (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Defense: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: +15%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Luke Barkley-Squirrel
Luke Barkley-Squirrel
Army Reformer (Specialist)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Army Experience Gain: +5%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Military Advancements: +10%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Select navy chief.png Chiefs of Navy
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Bo von Wasser
Bo von Wasser
Commerce Raiding (Specialist)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Convoy Raiding Efficiency: +10%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Select air chief.png Chiefs of Airforce
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Arthur Terrier
Arthur Terrier
Strategic Bombing (Genius)
  • Has completed national focus Goal generic air bomber.png Arthur Terrier Doctrine
  • Strategic Bombing: +9%
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.40
  • Bomber defense: +3%
Political Power 200
Command power 10
Richard Barker
Richard Barker
Air Superiority (Genius)
  • Has completed national focus Goal generic air fighter.png Richard Barker Doctrine
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.40
  • Air Superiority Mission Efficiency: +15%
Political Power 200
Command power 10
Select high command.png Military High Command
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Rip Panter
Rip Panter
Entrenchment (Expert)
  • Entrenchment speed: +16%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Thorn Alsas
Thorn Alsas
Artillery (Expert)
  • Artillery Attack: +15%
  • Artillery Defense: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Tich Cloudhill
Tich Cloudhill
Air Superiority (Specialist)
  • Air Superiority Mission Efficiency: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 20
Jet Hunter
Jet Hunter
Close Air Support (Specialist)
  • Ground attack factor: +3%
  • Air Support Mission Efficiency: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 30

Military Leaders

Field Marshal
Field Marshal Traits Description Skills Race
Shep Ironhall
Field Marshal
Shep Ironhall
Shep Ironhall (advisor).png
Trait old guard.png Old Guard
While not the most brilliant officer, he is unlikely to cause trouble.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −25%
  • Max Entrenchment: +1
Trait inflexible strategist.png Inflexible Strategist
Skilled but stubborn. A good enough plan can survive contact with the enemy.
  • Defense: +1
  • Logistics: +1
Trait cautious.png Cautious
Takes their time and plans carefully.
  • Planning Speed: −20%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: −50%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 4
Diamond Dog.png
Diamond Dog
General Traits Description Skills Race
Ace Redstone
Ace Redstone
Ace Redstone (advisor).png
Trait brilliant strategist.png Brilliant Strategist
A natural born strategist that is able to adapt to the dynamics of the battlefield.
  • Attack: +1
  • Planning: +1
Trait politically connected.png Politically Connected
This leader has political connections which has smoothed the way for his career. Perhaps too quickly.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −10%
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
Trait career officer.png Career Officer
Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match.
  • Promotion Cost: −25%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 4
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Diamond Dog.png
Diamond Dog
Lucca Amberheart
Lucca Amberheart
Lucca Amberheart (advisor).png
Trait organizer.png Organizer
Able to plan and organize the movement of large armies.
  • Planning Speed: +10%
Trait skilled staffer.png Skilled Staffer
Surrounded by some of the best staff, this leader is able to organize and manage a larger number of units.
  • General Max Army Size: +6
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Diamond Dog.png
Diamond Dog


Flag Information
County of Bronzehill.png
County of Bronzehill / Bronzehill

Despotism.pngDemocratic Monarchism.pngHarmonic Socialism.pngBenevolent Absolutism.png
Imperial County of Bronzehill.png
Imperial County of Bronzehill

Reactionarism.pngZealous Knightly Order.png
Union of Bronzehill.png
Union of Bronzehill

Reactionarism.pngZealous Knightly Order.png
Socialist County of Bronzehill.png
Socialist County of Bronzehill / Griffonian Imperial Federation

The Spoticus League has taken leadership of the Council of the Left

Socialist Monarchism.png
Imperial Dogs' County of Bronzehill.png
Imperial Dogs' County of Bronzehill / Democratic Socialist Empire of Griffonia

Kimball and his supporters have taken leadership of the Council of the Left

Griffonian Empire.png
Griffonian Empire

Reunited the Griffonian Empire as a non-communist

Despotism.pngDemocratic Monarchism.pngHarmonic Socialism.pngBenevolent Absolutism.pngReactionarism.pngZealous Knightly Order.png


Laws and Development

Laws and Development
Conscription Law Trade Law Economy Law
Volunteer Only Volunteer Only
  • Recruitable Population: 1.50%
Export Focus Export Focus
  • Construction Speed: +10.00%
  • Research Speed: +5.00%
  • Factory Output: +10.00%
  • Dockyard Output: +10.00%
  • Resources to Market: +50%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +20.0%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +10.0%
Civilian Economy Civilian Economy
  • Industrial Research Speed: +3%
  • Electronics Research Speed: +2%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 35.0%
  • Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Fuel Gain per Oil: -40.00%
  • Fuel Capacity: -25.00%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
  • Military Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Refinery construction speed: +5.00%
Scientific Development Society Development Illiteracy
Small Science Base Small Science Base
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.20
  • Research Speed: -55.00%
Newly Industrialized Society Newly Industrialized Society
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: -10.00%
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -10.00%
  • Factory Output: -10.00%
  • Dockyard Output: -10.00%
Modest Illiteracy Modest Illiteracy
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -30.00%
Poverty Race
Mild Poverty Mild Poverty
  • Monthly Population: -4.0%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 4.0%
  • Construction Speed: -5.00%
Diamond Dog Diamond Dog Race
  • Uses Diamond Dog Racial Tree

Industry and Resources

Military factory
Military Factories
Naval dockyard
Naval Dockyards
Civilian factory
Civilian Factories
Fuel silo
Fuel Silos
Synthetic refinery
Synthetic Refineries
3 0 5 (-3) 0 0

Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.

Steel icon.png
0 0 0 22 (-14) 34 (-22) 22 (-14) 36 (-23)

Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.


Main article: Awards
Emperor Of Griffonia icon
Emperor Of Griffonia
Have Grover VI reach full age and become the Emperor.