Ordensstaat Hellquill

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Ordensstaat Hellquill
The Watch on the Griffking

Ordensstaat Hellquill.png

HLQ map.png

IdeologyKnightly Order.png Knightly Order
Siegfried Trappenfeld
Ruling partyRitterlicher Rat (53%)
PopulationPopulation 2,442,443
PonypowerPonypower 23,986
RaceGriffon Griffon
StabilityStability 43%
War supportWar support 60%
FactoriesFactory 7
  • 2 Military factory
  • 0 Naval dockyard
  • 5 Civilian factory
ContinentCentral Griffonia
Color  #E2D2D5

Stalwart defenders of the eastern frontier, the knights of Hellquill have stood long as the Flag of Griffonian Empire Empire's protectors against the Riverpony incursions. But these oaths were abandoned after the Empire's collapse 30 years ago, and now the Hellquillians stand independent, closely tied to their allies in Flag of County of Longsword Longsword. The current Grand Master of the Order is old and set to retire soon, and with it, change might come to Hellquill, for the better or worse.


Grover II's Crusades

Emperor Grover I founded the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire, uniting all Griffon nations through military might and the blessing of The Idol of Boreas. His successor Grover II, had a problem. The Idol of Boreas did not bless him, and he controlled a vast Empire, with most countries only nominally under his rule, eager to challenge his rule.

Seeking an external enemy to keep the Empire from collapsing, he led military campaigns with the Knightly Orders against the ponies of the Riverlands, blessed by the Archons of the griffon Gods. He would lead multiple campaigns over his life.

The "crusades" as some call them were a partial success. They preserved the unity of the Empire and annexed some pony territories, especially in Southern Griffonia. However, their most ambitious goal - shattering the Riverlands, failed. Grover II met his end at the end of a Flag of Nimbusia Nimbusian spear in 854 ALB. In addition, his Crusades led to the Riverlands to sign the Treaty of Coltstream, a common defense pact amongst pony lands.

His more peaceful successor Grover III showed no interest in continuing the Crusades against the ponies.

The Rule of the Knights

The Knightly Order of Hellquill, previously an independent chapter of Knights, was granted some of the conquered territory, and incorporated into the Empire as a March around 810 ALB. Their honourable ancestors swore an oath to Grover II that they and their successors would do everything in their might to fight the Pony menace, and that the Empire would never have reason to fear their loyalty.

Many years of honourable service to the Empire passed. They fought alongside Grover II in his crusades, expanding their territory. After his death, Hellquill ruled over a sizeable population of ponies, and both sides raided back and forth.

A military order led by a Grandmaster, Hellquill's policies changed significantly from leader to leader. Originally, capture of land was followed by mass griffon settlement and displacement of conquered ponies, however as Hellquill's territory grew ponies tended to be left in peace, provided they disarmed, kept to their own self-run communities and providing taxes to their Griffon overlords.

Changing Times

Recently, the perpetual stalemate was broken, as the Knights of Hellquill managed to even advance all the way towards Flag of Diamond Mountain Diamond Mountain and seized their treasury.

However, trouble soon loomed over the Empire, which was increasingly shaken by greed and internal conflict. Sure enough, it had soon been utterly shattered, with even Griffonstone, the home of the imperial dynasty having broken away. After all these years, years during which they fought off pony raiders time and time again, the Empire has failed them, and is at the brink of complete collapse. As such, when Grover V was crowned in 979, they refused to renew their oaths of loyalty to the dying Empire.

The current leader, Grandmaster Siegfried Trappenfeld has served Hellquill well for many years, standing valiantly against both the East and the West to keep the order safe. His will to lead has slowly faded over these past couple of trying years, however. Much has changed within the world and the Griffonian continent, and Siegfried feels that he is no longer willing to lead the Order into the new world. He plans to retire soon and in his absence a new Grandmaster must be chosen.

Their are currently 3 promising candidates. August von Ortelsberg, Urlach ap Cyrod, and Wingfried von Katerinburg.

August von Ortelsberg brings promises of peace and prosperity. War and rivalry, he says, have only weakened Hellquill in the past, and cost us many thousands of lives. August is also said to believe in the equality of Ponies and Griffons, and he aims to establish a free and peaceful nation, which Griffons and Ponies share as equals.

Urlach ap Cyrod is a veteran knight and a big believer in the values of honour and tradition. He believes the main focus of the Order should be defending against the ponies from the east, just as they had done so for hundreds of years. Urlach also wishes to reestablish ties with the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire.

Wingfried von Katerinburg is the founder and leader of the Reformisten movement which seeks to reform the Knightly Order into a proper state with Wingfried at its helm, while at the same time seeking to create more "living space" for the Griffon race at the expense of the ponies of the East. Wingfried and his violent ideology are renown for their views on Griffon supremacy and the concept that Ponies are an evil that must be eliminated for the good of griffonkind. Even amongst the poor treatment of ponies in Hellquill, Wingfried and members of his movement are considered radicals.

The Knightly Order is at a turning point and the new Grandmaster will likely define the Order for centuries. Will they continue their eternal quest against ponykind nonetheless, to make both their ancestors and gods proud? Or do they seek a new path? The future is very much uncertain to us all.

National Focus

Focus tree of Ordensstaat Hellquill.

Political Tree

Siegfried's Retirement is the political tree and will unlock once Siegfried retires which will happen a month into the game. Once he retires there are 3 political paths to go down.

Springtime in Hellquill (Harmony)

Hellquill Harmony.png

The Council chooses August von Ortelsberg as the new Grandmaster. August will focus on mending the divide between the ponies and griffons, and eventually reform Hellquill into a democratic republic.

  • It is recommended to arrest Wingfried before supporting Pony Towns. As otherwise there will be attacks against the pony towns and you will get a negative event.
  • The same goes for opening dialogue with the ponies before inviting griffon settlers. As otherwise the ponies will be worried about the griffon settlements and voice their concerns, causing a small political penalty.
  • Two Species Under One Flag will begin a series of events where Hellquill is reformed into a Republic, and the first Presidential elections are held. There are four possible elected leaders:
    • August von Ortelsberg (Harmony), unlocks The Konservative Volkspartei Mandate. The re-elected August will continue reinforcing his reforms and ensure the equality of races within Hellquill.
    • River Breeze (Harmony), unlocks The Zmānenawinan Peraīninsnas Wīrija Mandate. Posniak lawyer River Breeze will seek to build a welfare state.
    • Reiner Guttenfried (Non-Aligned), unlocks The Sozialliberale Mandate. Businessgriffon Guttenfried will seek to liberalize Hellquill's economy and make the country wealthy.
    • Carl von Soldau (Non-Aligned), unlocks The Ost-Griffonische Bund Mandate. General von Soldau will seek to preserve frontier agrarian culture and institute regional democracy.
  • Invite Our Friends will give an event to deal with Longsword. You will get the option to first ask them to join Hellquill peacefully or go to war immediately. Longsword is likely to accept if the communists or non-aligned won the civil war. If the fascists won the civil war then it's likely they will reject the offer for unification.
  • The von Katerinburg Trial unlocks an event where Wingfried von Katerinburg is trialled. There are 3 options on dealing with Wingfried:
    • Imprison: -25 PP, -5% Supremacy popularity
    • Exile: -50 PP, +2% stability, -7.5% Supremacy popularity
    • Execute: -125 PP, +5% stability, -10% Supremacy popularity

A School Debate event will eventually appear in Harmonic Hellquill, asking about whether or not should schools be separated by species. There are 2 options:

  • No separate schools: -50 PP, +2% stability, +2% harmony popularity
  • Separate schools: 25 PP

The Last True Knight (Non-Aligned)

Hellquill Non-Aligned.png

The Council chooses Urlach ap Cyrod as the new Grandmaster. Urlach is a believer in traditional chivalrous values, and will work to preserve Hellquill's traditions while making peace with the Posniaks.

  • The Longswordian Mistake will demand Longsword's submission to Hellquill. If Longsword refuses, Hellquill will receive a war goal against them.

A New Hellquill (Supremacy)

Hellquill Supremacy.png

The Council chooses Wingfried von Katerinburg as the new Grandmaster. Wingfried will focus on removing the pony minority in Hellquill. However, he does not wish to stop there. Rather than remaining as a defence against the ponies, he will actively prepare Hellquill for a Grand Crusade against the ponies in the east, and to do that he will modernize the nation and remove the archaic Knightly Order.

  • Before putting the Reformisten in power you should remove the Old Guard. As otherwise they will complain about the new leadership and cause minor political penalties.
  • Longsword Must Submit!: If the Reformisten won the Longsword Civil War (ideology of Longsword is Supremacist), an event will be sent to Longsword demanding unification, which will often be accepted. Otherwise, Hellquill will receive an Annex war goal on Longsword and receive cores on Longsword.
  • The Role of the Sturmgreifen which gives an event to decide what type of role the Sturmgreifen, either elite frontline units or supportive roles behind the frontline.
    • Frontline: +1% Recruitable population, +10% division attack, +5% division recovery rate, +5% division defence.
    • Support: +1.5% Recruitable population, +5% reconnaissance, +0.5 max entrenchment, +5% division organisation.
  • The Grand Crusade will unlock a decision to build more forts if at war and unleash the Purple Plague on the River Nations. The Purple Plague will cause several negative malus on the Riverlands nations which will last for a year. However, this will take several months to prepare and will cause all Riverland nations to declare war on Hellquill if not already at war.
The Purple Plague
-50% Monthly Population
-15% Recruitable Population Factor
-15% Construction Speed
-5% Division Attack
-5% Division Defence

Alternate Path - The Rise of the Groverists

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
EAW Stackelberg.png

In the Supremacy path, taking the focus Disband The Order will launch an event where radical traditonalist knight Wilhelm Stackelberg will attempt a coup against Wingfried, the results of which are decided in a binary choice event.

If Stackelberg's coup succeeds, he will depose Wingfried and impose his own traditionalist Groverist rule, unlocking a new focus tree. He will restore the traditional society that Wingfried tried to eradicate, and continue with the plans for the Grand Crusade as Grover II envisioned it (and not as what Wingfried envisioned it).

Note that Stackelberg's focus tree also removes the military and the economy focus trees.

Post-1007 leaders (may contain spoilers)
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Wilhelm Stackelberg

Reformisten - Groverists
Born: 17th of March 964 in Hellquill

Biography: The reformisten may have offered the faithful sweet promises of victory and glory. Yet, they proved to be Maar's ilk, tempters serving no masters but themselves or worse. Wilhem was swayed, true, but when their true colours showed, he honored his old oaths over his new masters. Grabbing his sword and his knightly regalia, he walked to Hellquill to smite the heretics and degenerates.

Now, the Ordensstaat stands reborn, purged of both its weakness and falsehood. Only the faithful remain and Wilhelm shall lead them east. To their destiny and duty. To victory.

May Boreas, Eyr and Arcturius have mercy for the blasphemous enemies of griffonkind, for their humble servant won't show them any.

Portrait By: Vexili

Spoiler end.

Alternate Path - Junta of National Salvation

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
EAW Kamphaus.png

In the Supremacy path, taking the focus Might Makes Right (unlocked by siding with the Sturmgreife in the Beakstadt Conference event, itself unlocked after completing the Disband The Order focus) will launch an event where general Demetrius Kamphaus, deciding that Edler and his insanity is too much for Hellquill, makes plans to purge both Wingfried and the SG. He plans to assassinate Wingfried, blame the assassination on the SG, and purge the SG. The event has two choices; either his plot is discovered and he gets purged, or his plot goes through and he deposes Wingfried.

If Kamphaus succeeds, he will institute his Junta of National Salvation, and a new focus tree is unlocked. The old political and economic trees are replaced with new ones.

Kamphaus's rise to power causes a crisis in Hellquill; the Sturmgreife go into open rebellion, while the economy crashes. These conditions are represented by two new negative national spirits added on Hellquill during the coup: The Sturmgreife Rebellion (Recruitable Population Factor -20%, Division Recovery Rate -5%, Stability -10%, War Support -10%) and A Shattered Economy (Consumer Goods Factories 20%, Construction Speed -50%, Production Efficiency Cap -50%, Factory Output -50%).

Kamphaus plans to invite the prince of the Flag of Principality of Lushi Principality of Lushi to lead Hellquill and restore legitimacy and stability. If Lushi is not Communist, then Kamphaus will send an invite to the Prince of Lushi.

A Crown For A Prince

Kamphaus has successfully invited the Prince of Lushi to lead Hellquill, uniting Lushi and Hellquill as a Dual Principality. Depending on the political events in Lushi, the Prince of Lushi will either be Prince Elias Whitecrest or Prince Gerar Whitecrest, who lead into different paths.

Both paths will grant a war goal on Flag of Griffon Liberation Army Prywhen or Flag of Kingdom of Brodfeld Brodfeld through the shared focus Strike At Brodfeld. Both paths also implement additional reforms that grant bonuses and an edict that protects ponies as equals to griffons.

  • Prince Elias (Harmony): Prince Elias desires the creation of a constitutional Federal Kingdom. After conquering Brodfeld, he will declare the creation of the Triune Kingdom.
    • Finish Off The Sturmgreife will remove the Sturmgreife Rebellion national spirit.
  • Prince Gerar (Supremacy): Prince Gerar desires to bring Hellquill-Lushi into a new age of glory. His path grants additional war goals on the Flag of Gryphian Host Gryphian Host (Subjugate The Cossacks), the Flag of Free Towns of Gryphus Free Towns of Gryphus (Bring The Trade Cities To Heel), and the River Coalition (Lord Of The East). Gerar can also declare the creation of the Ost-Griffonian Empire after conquering all of the Riverlands, though he does not receive cores on Flag of Lake City Lake City.
    • A Few Discreet Pardons will remove the Sturmgreife Rebellion national spirit, and give a new Group 225 national spirit, which gives -5% PP gain and +5% Research Speed.
The Revolution Comes For All!

Kamphaus's plans fail, either because the Prince of Lushi rejected his invite, or because Lushi had became communist and their Prince had been deposed. Hellquill falls into chaos, and a communist revolution led by the Hellquillian Communist Party (KPH) under Ernst Fischer seizes the opportunity and rises up to depose Kamphaus.

The communists will purge the remnant Reformisten from the country and link up with the Flag of County of Longsword Longswordian partisans under Starry Night. Kamphaus will be trialled and executed. After the Communists stabilize the country, they will begin the First KPH Party Congress, where they decide on a leader, the two options are Chairgriffon Ernst Fischer, who emphasizes socialist patriotism and self-defense, or Chairmare Starry Night, who emphasizes workers' self-management and de-militarization.

The path eventually grants either a war goal on a non-Communist Lushi, or an invite to Communist Lushi for the two nations to join together. In either case, after Hellquill annexes Lushi, the Communists will declare the creation of Volksbundesrepublik that joins together Hellquill, Longsword, and Lushi.

Rebuilding The Economy

The new economy tree gradually removes the A Shattered Economy national spirit.

Post-1007 leaders (may contain spoilers)
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Demetrius Kamphaus

Junta der Nationalen Erlösung

Prince Elias Whitecrest
Benevolent Absolutism.png
Benevolent Absolutism

Der Fürstenrat
Prince Elias Whitecrest took power in the Principality of Lushi in January of 1006. He is still young and ambitious, with grand plans for his nation. The Prince knows that Lushi has the potential to modernise in the shortest terms and catch up to the rest of Griffonia. He has elected to pursue peaceful foreign policy and to focus primarily on improving the quality of life of the citizens. Many believe that Prince Elias is the leader Lushi needed long ago.

Fortunes would lead to Elias accepting the Kamphaus Junta's offer to accept the integration of Hellquill in a dual monarchy. He feels confident that the makeshift confederacy can find a golden mean and bring back peace to the wartorn lands of the frontier.

Prince Gerar Whitecrest

Der Fürstenrat
Prince Gerar Whitecrest, younger brother of Elias, sees Lushi as a strong nation that could occupy the whole basin of the Evi river. Inspired by the writings of notorious Wingbardian fascist Beakolini, he aims to create a corporate nationalist state, rooted in religion and military. He dreams of getting rid of the monarchy and proclaiming himself the Leader of the nation.

Gerar was quick to seize the offer to adding Hellquill to his crown, crushing any idea of a popular uprising once the Reformisten extremists were dealt with. With the combined resources and army of Hellquill-Lushi, Gerar seeks to expand his ambitions tenfold.

Ernst Fischer
Equestrian Socialism.png
Equestrian Socialism

Kommunistische Partei Hellquill
Born: 1st of January 971 in Swordsson

Biography: Born premature during a new year eve party, Ernst Fischer would always be described as being in a rush to act and achieve. He was by all account a poor student, pestering his parents to let him join the army early on. Eventually, at 16, they relented and he became a private serving the knightly order of Hellquill.

For all his motivation to fight, Ernst Fischer proved to be an undisciplined soldier, frequently getting involved in brawls, kirsch-soaked nights and other petty mischief. Yet, he was a master at arms and gained a bit of a reputation for his tactical ingeniosity. What changed was meeting a soldier who had left the Empire to live in the Frontier and revealed to him that he was a communist, loyal to the Skynavian party. The griffon was found out and shot rather quickly but Ernst had been sold. He would be a communist. He sought out, joined and took over the Communist Party of Hellquill, barely a small cell of idealistic students back then. Eventually, he defected in 1004 and travelled the world, visiting Skynavia, Stalliongrad and even the Riverlands. His travels allowed him to establish contacts which have him an authority and support that other Hellquillian revolutionaries could only dream off.

Finally, in 1007, alarmed by the news of the slaughter in Longsword, he finally put an end to his journey and came back running to his beloved KpH in Hellquill. When he arrived, meeting his comrades in a cellar of the capital, he told me "I am here for one and only one thing, comrades: revolution". The rest is the inevitable march of history.

Portrait By: Vexili

Starry Night
Starry Night
Agrarian Socialism.png
Agrarian Socialism

Kommunistische Partei Hellquill
Foal of a locksmith and a farmer, Starry Night had led a rather monotonous life before assuming the leadership of the Partisans. But when Count Dusktalon's descent into madness started affecting her friends and family, she knew that the only right thing to do is to oppose his cruelty. Years of guerrilla warfare in Visaginas' forests have turned the once plain mare into a fearless leader of ponies and griffons, who promises a bright and free of fear future to anyone who follows. This future is set to become a reality in the new Longsword.

Unfortunately, the dream of a liberated Longsword did not last long. The Reformisten were quick to crush what they perceived as an illegitimate state, leading to Starry and her comrades laying low. But they returned the favour once the Reformisten disintegrated themselves, seizing control of a leaderless state. Starry Night now leads the united communist parties of Hellquill and Longsword as chairpony, where ponies and griffons can live together in harmony.

Spoiler end.

Alternate Path - Might Makes Right

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
EAW Wingenberg.png

In the Supremacy path, taking the focus Might Makes Right will launch an event where general Demetrius Kamphaus makes plans to purge both Wingfried and the Sturmgreife. If his plot fails, then Edler von Wingenberg, the radical head of the SG, will kill Wingfried due to Wingfried's failures to keep his generals in check, and institute his own radical genocidal rule.

Effectively a sub-path for Wingfried, Edler's path only replaces the final section of the Supremacist Hellquill focus tree following Disband The Order.

Post-1007 leaders (may contain spoilers)
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Edler von Wingenberg

Reformisten - Sturmgreife
  • Daily Political Power Gain: −0.05
  • Research Speed: +2.5%
  • Ideology drift defense: +5%
Born: 19th of December 974 in Wingenberg

Biography: In a grand display of dedication to the reformisten cause, Edler von Wingenberg has once more done what needed to be done: an act of salvation and necessity. Only traitors and fools would call it a coup or treason. Under the wavering leadership of Wingfried von Katerinburg - of notable Katerinian degeneracy - Hellquill could have done naught but fail and collapse. And who better than Edler to prevent it? Was he not the griffon who had given the reformisten movement strength by founding and leading the proud Sturmgreife?

By taking power, Edler has proven a simple truth of the universe. Despite ever present challenges and obstacles, griffon superiority shall find its way to succeed and claim what is theirs by right. Now, the hated Ponies and all creatures who dare threaten them shall be vanquished!

Portrait By:Vexili

Spoiler end.

Industrial Tree

Hellquill Economy.png

The Industry of Hellquill is small and unfit for a modern nation, especially one seeking to wage war. Hellquill will have two options on how to deal with this: either through the classic market capitalism, supported by the Harmonist/Non-aligned, or through the mass nationalization of the Reformisten.

Tree Bonus Neues Geschäft Nationale Wirtschaftsabteilung
RushTime.pngRush Time (d) 490 490
CompleteTime.pngComplete Time (d) 637 637
Stability Stability -7.50%
Political Power Political Power (Flat) +75 -75
Political Power Political Power (%) +10% -5%
Civilian factory Civilian factory 3 4
Constructspeed.pngConstruction Speed +10%
Consumergoods.pngConsumer Goods -5%
Infrastructure Infrastructure 4 8
Military factory Military factory 3 4
Factoryout.pngFactory Output +5%
Production Efficiency Cap Production Efficiency Cap +10%
Researchtime.pngResearch Time (all) -3%
Researchtime.pngResearch Time (specific)
  • -10% Electronics
Focusbonus.pngOne-off boosts(+100%)
  • 2x100% Industry
  • 2x100% Synthetic resources
  • 2x100% Industry
  • 2x100% Synthetic resources
Resourcegain.pngResource Gain Efficiency +15%
Syntheticrefinery.pngSynthetic Refinery +1 +1
Tungsten Tungsten 12 12
Steel Steel 12 12
Other Notes / Bonuses
  • Both paths gain 1 research slot
  • Both paths can upgrade their science base
  • Both paths can upgrade their industrial base
  • +10% Prodcution Efficiency growth
  • +5% Conversion speed bonus
  • +5% Supremacy popularity
  • +5% Max Factories in a State
  • +15% Factory Repair Speed
  • +4 Building Slots
  • -12500 Griffonpower

Military Tree

Hellquill Military.png

The military trees are fairly self explanatory. Most of the focuses will provide Hellquill with research bonuses.


Army Naval Air Tech / Industry
  • Infantry Equipment 989
  • Mountain Infantry I
  • Engineer Company I
  • Recon Company
  • Artillery I
  • None
  • Early Fighter
  • None
Doctrine Racial
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • We Can Fly?!
  • Knights Division II


National Spirits

The Knights of Hellquill icon
The Knights of Hellquill

  • Recruitable Population Factor: -25%
  • War Support: +10.00%
  • Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: +15.0%
  • Knights Attack: +10.00%
  • Knights Defense: +10.00%
  • Knights Technology Research Speed: +10%
Offically the Order of Brothers of the Griffon House of Prelate Aloysious in Cloudbury, the Knights of Hellquill have had a storied and bloody past.

Having been granted the ancient Frontier lands around Hellquill by Emperor Grover II himself, the Knights have continually proven themselves to be a bulwark of Griffonkind against the savage ponies of the East, even if said ponies claim otherwise...
The Reformisten icon
The Reformisten

  • Political Power Gain: -10%
  • Monthly Population: -10.0%
  • Daily Supremacy Support: +0.02
Reformisten, or more commonly known as the Black Cloaks, are a group of rather... enthusiastic knights whom have taken all the worst ideas of the modern age to heart.

Led by Wingfried von Katerinburg, the Black Cloaks seek to reform the Knightly Order into a proper state with Wingfried at its helm, while at the same time seeking to create more "living space" for the Griffon race at the expense of the ponies of the east.
Pony Minorities icon
Pony Minorities

  • Political Power Gain: -5%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -15%
  • Stability: -10.00%
  • Daily Harmony Support: +0.02
In spite of nearly three hundred years of colonisation and griffonisation, there are still plenty of ponies living in Hellquill, still holding onto their ancient way of life and traditions. Some even actively subvert the state, seeking to overthrow the existing order.


Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Siegfried Trappenfeld
Knightly Order.png
Knightly Order

Ritterlicher Rat
Born: 27th of June 936 in Wingenberg

Rank: Grandmaster

Biography: Born into a prominent family of Hellquillian knights, Siegfried Trappenfeld joined the Order at an early age as a squire. During his service, Siegfried has seen many battles in his lifetime, and is respected by all for his unwavering dedication, boldness and being the model of a gallant knight. He distinguished himself by bravely leading the sack of Diamond Mountain in 973. For this, he was nominated as Grandmaster of his Order in 976.

Unfortunately, he was robbed of the opportunity of leading the knights in a golden age. Faced with the collapse of the Griffonian Empire and revolution in 978, he chose not to renew the oath binding the Order to the Imperial Power. While he vowed to forever protect the West from the threat of the Riverlands menace, he would forever be remembered as a turncoat.

He did achieve success in maintaining the Griffonian Frontier intact but was unsuccessful in building a modern nation. Despite this poor state of affairs and the growing extremist movements in Hellquill and neighbouring Longsword, Siegfried Trappenfeld remains a living proof that the knightly ways will endure and so will Hellquill as a bulwark to protect the griffon way of life.

Portrait by: Scroup

August von Ortelsberg
Chivalric Knightly Order.png
Chivalric Knightly Order

  • Research Speed: +5%
Born: 6th of May 959 in Hellquill

Biography: August von Ortelsberg was born into the small land-owning nobility of Ortelsberg. As a young fledgling, he showed a certain attraction towards intellectual pursuit but was still encouraged to follow the knight's life rather an academic career.

As a member of the Order, August served dutifully but never showed any interest in command. Instead, his impeccable bookkeeping and detailed reports lead him to join the administrative side of the Order. Finally in 992, after the death of the Knight Archivist, August petitioned the Grandmaster for the position which admittedly, few knights cared for and many saw as an undignified position. The Grandmaster agreed, causing August to becoming the youngest knight to ever occupy the position and also the youngest knight to be elevated by right to the Inner Circle of the Order.

As head archivist, August von Ortelsberg had spent many hours documenting and researching the Order's history. He has repeatedly reached the conclusion that the conflict between ponies and griffons is immensely destructive and has achieved nothing positive for anygriff or pony. His continuous pleas to the Grandmaster fell on deaf ears, and when the latter stepped down, August's exasperation only grew, comprehending that his attempts to foster peace would never be realised.

In the end, August prevailed over the traditionalist Urlach and the extremist Wingfried and is now poised to reconcile the Order of Hellquill with modernity and extend a claw towards the ponies. Though in a land as filled with hatred as the Frontier is, his aim remains a tall order.

Portrait By: Scroup

Volkskomitee der Nationalen Befreiung
Volkskomitee der Nationalen Befreiung
Equestrian Socialism.png
Equestrian Socialism

Kommunistische Partei Hellquill

Wingfried von Katerinburg

Born: 13th of December 961 in Katerinburg

Rank: Despite being a member of a minor branch of the Von Katerinburg house, Wingfried was born and raised in great wealth. Fascinated by knightly tales of old, he wished from a young age to become a knight himself. However, he was unwelcome in the order of the Argentumdämmerung due to dynastic rivalries and uninterested in the more civilian minded Silberkralle. So, he journeyed to the east, to the Frontier where heroism was welcomed and boldness more favored than in the rigid Katerin. Or so the official story says. Rumours from Katerin tell a different story, that of a troubled griff, weak willed and cursed with erratic behaviour not unlike princess Diellza. An embarrassment to his family, he was sent away to the Frontier not for glory but for damage control.

In Hellquill, Wingfried was given special privileges due to his noble birth and spent more time in the knightly seats of power than in the field. However, what he didn't achieve in military honour, he made up with influence. Nogriff quite knows what lead him to develop his burning hatred of Ponies but he became an ardent member of the pro-war faction of the knights. Frustrated with the inertia and pushback regarding his increasingly extreme ideas, he began to form a new political movement, akin to a political party as they exist in the West. Thus was born the Reformisten, dedicated to nothing but absolute victory over the dreaded ponies. He found great success in neighbouring Longsword where he caught the attention of Count Pallas Dusktalon. And now that Wingfried has convinced the Inner Circle, he stands ready to rejuvenate Hellquill, bring war to the East and to achieve victory, whatever the cost.

Portrait by: Duke Von Kessel

Post-1007 leaders [may contain spoilers]
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Inner Circle Council
Inner Circle Council
Knightly Order.png
Knightly Order

Ritterlicher Rat
Provisional Government
  • Generate war goal tension limit: +100%
  • Join faction tension limit: +100%
  • Lend-lease tension limit: +100%
  • Send volunteers tension limit: +100%
  • Guarantee tension limit: +100%
  • Justify war goal time: +100%
River Breeze
Harmonic Socialism.png
Harmonic Socialism

Zmānenawinan Peraīninsnas Wīrija
Friendly Preacher
  • Daily Political Power Cost: +0.1
  • Division Recovery Rate: +2.5%
  • Stability: +5%
Born: 9th of February 966 in Hellquill

Biography: River Breeze's family had lived in Hellquill for generations, and despite the intense griffonisation they were subjected to after the conquest, they never considered moving to friendlier lands. Instead, they've adopted large parts of the griffon culture, with River Breeze's father becoming a priest of Arcturius.

As a privileged posniak, River Breeze was lucky enough to have opportunities for better education which he pursued, becoming a lawyer. However, despite his faith and acceptance of the new order, the pony became sensible to the woes of his brethrens throughout the land. Believing in the power of law and incremental changes, he sued the Order and civilian administration of Hellquill multiple times to uphold what few rights his fellow ponies enjoyed. Through his civil rights actions, he became a fixture of the Hellquillian pony community, pozniak or native.

Some say that despite his respectability, the pony still maintains ties with more radical or unsavory organizations such as the partisans in Longsword or pony mobsters in Hellquill proper. Yet, River Breeze has eventually convinced the conservative voters of Hellquill to trust him in bringing peace and stability to the troubled Frontier. For if a pony ended up ruling, would there ever be a more reasonable choice?

Portrait by: Scroup

Reiner Guttenfried
Harmonic Libertarianism.png
Harmonic Libertarianism

Sozialliberale Partei
National Hero
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Stability: +5%
Born: 13th of June 961 in Soldau

Biography: Reiner Guttenfried was born in the wealthy middle class of Soldau. He enjoyed higher education at university in Yale and began working in the family business of cargo transport along the Griffking River between the Empire and Hellquill. The uneventful life of the merchant eventually changed when August von Ortelsberg eventually came to power. Guttenfried was among those griffons who benefited massively from his liberalization reforms. Rather than opposing August's reforms like many other wealthy griffons, August embraced them and expanded his trading empire to the Riverlands. Not content with this, he build a media empire, though one dedicated to his own glory according to his slandering critics.

Eventually, Reiner prevailed in the election and is well-determined to bring change to Hellquill, though one of economic liberalism and decisive executive action rather than the more parliamentary or welfare-minded ideas of his adversaries. Reiner promises that after having cracked the code of success in the Frontier, he will bring about prosperity for all in the Frontier!

Portrait by: Scroup

Carl von Soldau

Ost-Griffonischer Bund
Born: 30th of september 970 in Soldau

Biography: One would be hard pressed to understand why the conservative wing of the Order of Hellquill rallied around a known philanderer and a general with little interest in the proper etiquette befitting a knight. And yet, here came Carl.

Carl's road to power was a difficult one, one that saw the unification of the old partisans of knightly rule and the settlers community who for so long had been excluded from power in a state virtually made for their benefit. Though, he does not rule supreme and his coalition in parliament will prevent him from simply ruling by decree.

Though for all his charisma and reassuring speeches, Carl's victory has spread fear in Hellquill. Fear that democracy may end up being a passing fad or that the ghost of reformisten ideology may not be entirely gone, even with the disappearance of its leader. Will Carl save the Republic or doom it? The only griffon with the answer is the one smiling.

Portrait by: Vexili

Urlach ap Cyrod
Knightly Order.png
Knightly Order

Ritterlicher Rat
Born: 7th of december 957 in Rumare

Biography: With the retirement of his mentor and the claim to power of the demented Wingfried von Katerinburg, Urlach saw Hellquill on the brink of moral collapse. And so, he rose to the occasion, engaging in the political terrain he hated so much.

In the end, he prevailed and is now tasked with leading the knights but unlike his mentor, he has no knowledge of what it entails to lead in the modern era. Armed with morality and resolve, he will still need to seek advice and find a path forward as the heroes of old or perhaps in a more pragmatic way, like Siegfried had to.

Portrait by: Scroup

Wilhelm Stackelberg

Reformisten - Groverists
Born: 17th of March 964 in Hellquill

Biography: The reformisten may have offered the faithful sweet promises of victory and glory. Yet, they proved to be Maar's ilk, tempters serving no masters but themselves or worse. Wilhem was swayed, true, but when their true colours showed, he honored his old oaths over his new masters. Grabbing his sword and his knightly regalia, he walked to Hellquill to smite the heretics and degenerates.

Now, the Ordensstaat stands reborn, purged of both its weakness and falsehood. Only the faithful remain and Wilhelm shall lead them east. To their destiny and duty. To victory.

May Boreas, Eyr and Arcturius have mercy for the blasphemous enemies of griffonkind, for their humble servant won't show them any.

Portrait By: Vexili

Edler von Wingenberg

Reformisten - Sturmgreife
  • Daily Political Power Gain: −0.05
  • Research Speed: +2.5%
  • Ideology drift defense: +5%
Born: 19th of December 974 in Wingenberg

Biography: In a grand display of dedication to the reformisten cause, Edler von Wingenberg has once more done what needed to be done: an act of salvation and necessity. Only traitors and fools would call it a coup or treason. Under the wavering leadership of Wingfried von Katerinburg - of notable Katerinian degeneracy - Hellquill could have done naught but fail and collapse. And who better than Edler to prevent it? Was he not the griffon who had given the reformisten movement strength by founding and leading the proud Sturmgreife?

By taking power, Edler has proven a simple truth of the universe. Despite ever present challenges and obstacles, griffon superiority shall find its way to succeed and claim what is theirs by right. Now, the hated Ponies and all creatures who dare threaten them shall be vanquished!

Portrait By:Vexili

Demetrius Kamphaus

Junta der Nationalen Erlösung

Prince Elias Whitecrest
Benevolent Absolutism.png
Benevolent Absolutism

Der Fürstenrat
Prince Elias Whitecrest took power in the Principality of Lushi in January of 1006. He is still young and ambitious, with grand plans for his nation. The Prince knows that Lushi has the potential to modernise in the shortest terms and catch up to the rest of Griffonia. He has elected to pursue peaceful foreign policy and to focus primarily on improving the quality of life of the citizens. Many believe that Prince Elias is the leader Lushi needed long ago.

Fortunes would lead to Elias accepting the Kamphaus Junta's offer to accept the integration of Hellquill in a dual monarchy. He feels confident that the makeshift confederacy can find a golden mean and bring back peace to the wartorn lands of the frontier.

Prince Gerar Whitecrest

Der Fürstenrat
Prince Gerar Whitecrest, younger brother of Elias, sees Lushi as a strong nation that could occupy the whole basin of the Evi river. Inspired by the writings of notorious Wingbardian fascist Beakolini, he aims to create a corporate nationalist state, rooted in religion and military. He dreams of getting rid of the monarchy and proclaiming himself the Leader of the nation.

Gerar was quick to seize the offer to adding Hellquill to his crown, crushing any idea of a popular uprising once the Reformisten extremists were dealt with. With the combined resources and army of Hellquill-Lushi, Gerar seeks to expand his ambitions tenfold.

Ernst Fischer
Equestrian Socialism.png
Equestrian Socialism

Kommunistische Partei Hellquill
Born: 1st of January 971 in Swordsson

Biography: Born premature during a new year eve party, Ernst Fischer would always be described as being in a rush to act and achieve. He was by all account a poor student, pestering his parents to let him join the army early on. Eventually, at 16, they relented and he became a private serving the knightly order of Hellquill.

For all his motivation to fight, Ernst Fischer proved to be an undisciplined soldier, frequently getting involved in brawls, kirsch-soaked nights and other petty mischief. Yet, he was a master at arms and gained a bit of a reputation for his tactical ingeniosity. What changed was meeting a soldier who had left the Empire to live in the Frontier and revealed to him that he was a communist, loyal to the Skynavian party. The griffon was found out and shot rather quickly but Ernst had been sold. He would be a communist. He sought out, joined and took over the Communist Party of Hellquill, barely a small cell of idealistic students back then. Eventually, he defected in 1004 and travelled the world, visiting Skynavia, Stalliongrad and even the Riverlands. His travels allowed him to establish contacts which have him an authority and support that other Hellquillian revolutionaries could only dream off.

Finally, in 1007, alarmed by the news of the slaughter in Longsword, he finally put an end to his journey and came back running to his beloved KpH in Hellquill. When he arrived, meeting his comrades in a cellar of the capital, he told me "I am here for one and only one thing, comrades: revolution". The rest is the inevitable march of history.

Portrait By: Vexili

Starry Night
Starry Night
Agrarian Socialism.png
Agrarian Socialism

Kommunistische Partei Hellquill
Foal of a locksmith and a farmer, Starry Night had led a rather monotonous life before assuming the leadership of the Partisans. But when Count Dusktalon's descent into madness started affecting her friends and family, she knew that the only right thing to do is to oppose his cruelty. Years of guerrilla warfare in Visaginas' forests have turned the once plain mare into a fearless leader of ponies and griffons, who promises a bright and free of fear future to anyone who follows. This future is set to become a reality in the new Longsword.

Unfortunately, the dream of a liberated Longsword did not last long. The Reformisten were quick to crush what they perceived as an illegitimate state, leading to Starry and her comrades laying low. But they returned the favour once the Reformisten disintegrated themselves, seizing control of a leaderless state. Starry Night now leads the united communist parties of Hellquill and Longsword as chairpony, where ponies and griffons can live together in harmony.


Political parties
Name Ideology Leader Popularity
Ritterlicher Rat Knightly Order.png Knightly Order
Siegfried Trappenfeld 54%
Einheitspakt Chivalric Knightly Order.png Chivalric Knightly Order
August von Ortelsberg 9%
Kommunistische Partei Hellquill
Equestrian Socialism.png Equestrian Socialism
Volkskomitee der Nationalen Befreiung 3%
Reformisten Reformisten.png Reformisten
Wingfried von Katerinburg 34%

Staff and Designers

Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Herman Sauerland
Herman Sauerland
Captain of Industry
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
  • Railway construction speed: +10%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Friedrich Grimbill
Friedrich Grimbill
Fortification Engineer
  • Land Fort construction speed: +20%
  • Coastal Fort construction speed: +20%
  • Anti Air construction speed: +20%
Political Power 150
Ellie Glöckner
Ellie Glöckner
War Industrialist
  • Military Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Dockyard construction speed: +10%
  • Fuel Silo construction speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Marie "Mizzy" de Artois
Marie "Mizzy" de Artois
Army Drugs Supplier
  • Division Speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: −5%
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Illusive Gentlebeing
  • Has created an Intelligence Agency
  • Operative slots: +1
  • Agency upgrade time: −15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot tank manufacturer.png Tank Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Armor Company
Armor Company
Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Reliability: +5%
  • Armored Car:
    • Reliability: +5%
Political Power 150
Idea slot naval manufacturer.png Ship Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Naval Company
Naval Company
Ship Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot aircraft manufacturer.png Aircraft Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Light Air Company
Light Air Company
Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Small Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Medium Air Company
Medium Air Company
Medium Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Heavy Fighter Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Medium Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Scout Plane Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
Political Power 150
Heavy Air Company
Heavy Air Company
Heavy Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Large Airframe:
    • Strat. Bombing: +10%
  • Transport Plane:
    • Range: +10%
Political Power 150
Naval Air Company
Naval Air Company
Naval Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Naval Bomber Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • Carrier Naval Bomber Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Agility: +10%
  • Carrier CAS Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
Political Power 150
Idea slot materiel manufacturer.png Materiel Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Small Arms Company
Small Arms Company
Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Artillery Company
Artillery Company
Artillery Designer
  • Artillery Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Motorization Company
Motorization Company
Motorized Equipment Designer
  • Motorization Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot industrial concern.png Industrial Concerns
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Zinten Plant
Zinten Plant
Industrial Concern
  • Synthetic Resources Research Speed: +4%
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Electronics Company
Electronics Company
Electronics Concern
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Select theorist.png Theorists
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Heine Roehr
Heine Roehr
Military Theorist
  • Land Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Frank Schöpfer
Frank Schöpfer
Naval Theorist
  • Naval Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Cecilia Schmid
Cecilia Schmid
Air Warfare Theorist
  • Air Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Select army chief.png Chiefs of Army
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Otto Stahlglaube
Otto Stahlglaube
Army Offense (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Attack: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +15%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Viktor von Soldau
Viktor von Soldau
Army Defense (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Defense: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: +15%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Ernst Imclaw
Ernst Imclaw
Army Organization (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Organization: +8%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select navy chief.png Chiefs of Navy
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Ophion Bähr
Ophion Bähr
Decisive Battle (Specialist)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Capital Ship Attack: +5%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +5%
  • Screen Attack: +5%
  • Screen Defense: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Walfried Whitebeak
Walfried Whitebeak
Submarines (Expert)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Submarine Attack: +15%
  • Submarine Defense: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select air chief.png Chiefs of Airforce
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Alwin Mittermeier
Alwin Mittermeier
Air Superiority (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Air Superiority Mission Efficiency: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Erebos Hopf
Erebos Hopf
Close Air Support (Specialist)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Ground attack factor: +3%
  • Air Support Mission Efficiency: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Select high command.png Military High Command
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Zephyrus Frosch
Zephyrus Frosch
Commando (Expert)
  • Special forces Attack: +10%
  • Special Forces Cap: +6
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Fistfall Hauke
Fistfall Hauke
Armor (Specialist)
  • Armor Division Attack: +5%
  • Armor Division Defense: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Isaak Heilprin
Isaak Heilprin
Army Logistics (Expert)
  • Division Attrition: −8%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Emil Simmel
Emil Simmel
Fleet Logistics (Specialist)
  • Naval max range factor: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Augusta Stauffer
Augusta Stauffer
All-Weather (Specialist)
  • Bad Weather Penalty: −10%
Political Power 50
Command power 30

Military leaders

Field Marshal
Field Marshal Traits Description Skills Race
Siegfried Trappenfeld
Field Marshal
Siegfried Trappenfeld
Siegfried Trappenfeld (advisor).png
Trait unyielding defender.png Unyielding Defender
Retreat is not an option.
  • Defense: +10%
Trait inspirational leader.png Charismatic
A natural leader. Soldiers will face their worst fears when backed by a powerful leader.
  • Division Recovery Rate: +10%
See description:
Born: 27th of June 936 in Wingenberg

Rank: Grandmaster

Biography: Born into a prominent family of Hellquillian knights, Siegfried Trappenfeld joined the Order at an early age as a squire. During his service, Siegfried has seen many battles in his lifetime, and is respected by all for his unwavering dedication, boldness and being the model of a gallant knight. He distinguished himself by bravely leading the sack of Diamond Mountain in 973. For this, he was nominated as Grandmaster of his Order in 976.

Unfortunately, he was robbed of the opportunity of leading the knights in a golden age. Faced with the collapse of the Griffonian Empire and revolution in 978, he chose not to renew the oath binding the Order to the Imperial Power. While he vowed to forever protect the West from the threat of the Riverlands menace, he would forever be remembered as a turncoat.

He did achieve success in maintaining the Griffonian Frontier intact but was unsuccessful in building a modern nation. Despite this poor state of affairs and the growing extremist movements in Hellquill and neighbouring Longsword, Siegfried Trappenfeld remains a living proof that the knightly ways will endure and so will Hellquill as a bulwark to protect the griffon way of life.

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 4
Attack.pngAttack: 4
Defense.pngDefense: 4
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
General Traits Description Skills Race
Urlach ap Cyrod
Urlach ap Cyrod
Urlach ap Cyrod (advisor).png
Trait infantry leader.png Infantry Leader
Skilled at leading infantry in combat.
  • Infantry Division Defense: +13%
Trait skilled staffer.png Skilled Staffer
Surrounded by some of the best staff, this leader is able to organize and manage a larger number of units.
  • General Max Army Size: +6
See description:
Born: 7th of December 957 in Rumare

Biography: Urlach ap Cyrod was born into the old Rumarean nobility. His childhood was a stern one and he was given the most proper education possible. Eventually, he sought to become a squire and serve the Empire as a knight. However, many in his entourage advised him to go and seek his fortune in the Griffonian Frontier where more opportunities were available. After briefly considering joining the Order of Opinicus, he finally settled for the Knightly Order of Hellquill.

As a squire in Hellquill, Urlach was taken under the wing of Grandmaster Siegfried von Trappenfeld who found in young Urlach a kindred spirit. Under his service, Urlach served well and quickly rose through the rank until finally joining the Inner Circle of the knights in 998.

A paragon of traditional values, Urlach has watched with unease as Hellquill was polluted by foreign ideologies and the political upheaval that came with modernity. He came to blows with the rising reformisten, especially upon witnessing their nefarious influence in Longsword and finding his friend Wilhelm Stackelberg swayed by their lies. Yet, he serves with righteous virtue and will continue to encourage his brothers and sisters to follow him in doing so.

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Demetrius Kamphaus
Demetrius Kamphaus
Demetrius Kamphaus (advisor).png
Trait engineer.png Engineer
Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications.
  • River:
    • Attack: +5%
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +10%
Trait hill fighter.png Hill Fighter
Excels at fighting in Hilly terrain.
  • Hills:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Trait fortress buster.png Fortress Buster
Assaulting a Fort holds no terror for this officer.
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +15%
See description:
Born: "Late October" 958 in the Strawberry Duchy

Biography: Demetrius Kamphaus's parentage is considered shrouded in mystery, as is his actual birthdate. This is not due to some grand conspiracy, but rather due to the fact he was born to a maid working in the estate of a high-ranking noble, a noble that shared a lot of features with the newly born Demetrius. Naturally, such an upstanding gentlegriff wouldn't possibly paw the servants, and Demetrius grew up with only his mother. It was deemed for the best that the boy be sent away after his mother's death, and the Order of Hellquill received a sizeable donation for taking him on and asking no questions. Demetrius could tell that he was not wanted back home and has ever since treated the order as the only family he has.

While not the order's most brilliant strategist or inspiring commander, he has built a rock solid reputation for himself rational, driven and stable (with many a comedic savant remarking on his corpulence whenever the last term comes up). Even during his youth, when he was part of the raid on Diamond Mountain, he held his ground even as the dogs attempted to use fire to drive back the knights. This gave him both his distinctive scars and his knighthood. Ever since, his grim determination along with his disinterest in factionalism or scheming is what has made him rise as high as he has. Kamphaus prides himself on getting things done, reasoning that others can have the glory because he will settle for success and a good meal at his favorite restaurant.
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Carl von Soldau
Carl von Soldau
Carl von Soldau (advisor).png
Trait artillery officer.png Artillery Officer
Trained as an artillery officer.
  • Artillery Leader experience factor: +100%
Trait ranger.png Ranger
Rangers lead the way, especially when it involves fighting in Forests.
  • Forest:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
See description:
Born: 30th of September 969 in Soldau

Rank: Generalmajor

Biography: Carl von Soldau was born in one of the settlers communities around Soldau. However, the life of a farmer was not one for him and he eventually decided to join the army. His family was able to gain him a place at the officer school in Hellquill from which Carl graduated with honors though not without gaining the reputation of a philanderer.

He joined the artillery corps of the Order's regular army and eventually met with Demetrius Kamphaus who he would become good friends with despite their vast differences in character. Despite his morally dubious private life, he served with distinctions and never openly transgressed the rules of conduct, something some attributed to his budding friendship with the professional Kamphaus. This allowed him to rise through the ranks rather quickly.

Finally, in 1006, he was promoted to the Inner Circle though some more senior knights believe his promotion to be more political in nature, as a way of disproving those who complained that the Order's Inner Circle was too beholden to the Griffonian nobility.

Portrait By: Vexili
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Trudy Oettinger
Trudy Oettinger
Generic Dog 8 (advisor).png
See description:
Born: 970s Somewhere in Diamond Mountain

Rank: Major

Biography: Likely born in slavery, Trudy was among those few dogs smuggled out of the Diamond Mountains by the Bund der Freien Hunde. Brought as a cub to Bronzehill, little Trudy was adopted by the Oettinger family who raised her as a dutiful subject of the Grover Dynasty.

She studied at the military academy of Bronzekreuze and graduated in 993. However, rather than enlist in the Imperial Army or the forces of the Bronzehill, she requested to go and serve in Hellquill. She justified herself as wanting to fight for the freedom of other Diamond Dogs and considered that fighting for their freedom should not rest fully on the shoulder of griffonkind. Her request was granted though the recruitement restrictions of the Order of Hellquill prevented her from becoming a knight.

As a member of the Hellquillian military, she proved herself to be a capable officer despite the inimity of the growing reformisten movement and after years of service, she became the first non-griffon in the history of Hellquill to be granted a commanding position by Grandmaster Trappenfeld.

Portrait By: Vexili
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Diamond Dog.png
Diamond Dog
Wilhelm Stackelberg
Wilhelm Stackelberg
Wilhelm Stackelberg (advisor).png
Trait inflexible strategist.png Inflexible Strategist
Skilled but stubborn. A good enough plan can survive contact with the enemy.
  • Defense: +1
  • Logistics: +1
Trait fortress buster.png Fortress Buster
Assaulting a Fort holds no terror for this officer.
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +15%
See description:
Born: 17th of March 964 in Hellquill

Rank: Grenzemeister

Biography: Wilhelm's origins are one shared by many lower ranking knights of the Order of Hellquill. His family belonged to the lowly priests and knights who had formed the bulwark of the Order for many generations. His mother died on the field of battle in 973 during the sack of Diamond Mountain. After having followed a religious upbringing, Wilhelm served as a dutiful squire for many years until he was finally knighted in 986.

As a knight, Stackelberg served dutifully on the eastern frontier and earned his commanding title after brutally exterminating a Riverlander scout party out in the Frontier. He also befriended the Rumarean Urlach ap Cyrod and often acted in tows with him. Both him and Urlach were elevated together to the Inner Circle in 998.

During the years following the turn of the millenium, Wilhelm Stackelberg gradually grew tired of the conduct of the Ordensstaat, believing that Trappenfeld's reforms and isolation were a betrayal of their oath to the emperors of the Griffonian Empire. He wished for closer ties with the Empire and to resume their conquest eastwards. And so, he became a regular attendees of meetings of knights organized by Wingfried von Katerinburg. Eventually, he became their most ardent supporter within knightly circles and obtained the nickname of the "Black Knight of the Reformisten".

Portrait By: Vexili
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Steeltalon The Butcher
Steeltalon The Butcher
Steeltalon The Butcher (advisor).png
Trait the butcher.png The Butcher
This stubborn general is incorrigibly aggressive, ripping and tearing into the enemy with little regard for strategy or friendly casualties.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −100%
  • Division Attack: +20%
  • Experienced soldier losses: +5%
  • General Max Army Size: −16
  • Promotion Cost: +1 000%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: +50%
See description:
Born: Unclear

Rank: Waffenmeister

Biography: Little is known about Hermann Steeltalon's early life mostly because he drops his usual oafish smile whenever he is asked about it which is usually enough to end any attempts at conversations. However, it is known that he joined the army and "performed" well during some incident in Zinten. Though some have argued that it may be a myth that Steeltalon himself enjoys too much to dispel.

The so-called butcher of Zinten was knighted not for his tactical expertise, noble birth or administrative know how but rather for his uncanny ability to fight and murder his opponent. Though some Reformisten like to claim that the butcher is their ally, Steeltalon has never shown any political interest. From his own rare account: he just kills what the higher-ups tell him to.

Portrait By: Vexili
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1


Flag Information
Ordensstaat Hellquill.png
Ordensstaat Hellquill / Hellquill / Hellquill Republic

Knightly Order.pngChivalric Knightly Order.pngHarmonic Libertarianism.pngHarmonic Socialism.pngCentrism.png
Ordensstaat Hellquill (Supremacy).png
Ordensstaat Hellquill

Ost-Griffonian Empire.png
Ost-Griffonian Empire

Conquered the Riverlands as Wingfried von Katerinburg or Edler von Wingenberg

Ordensstaat Flussland.png
Ordensstaat Flussland

Conquered the Riverlands as Wilhelm Stackelberg

Principality of Hellquill-Lushi.png
Principality of Hellquill-Lushi

Demetrius Kamphaus coups the Reformisten and invites the Flag of Principality of Lushi Lushian monarch to restore legitimacy

Democratic Monarchism.pngAutocracy.png
Triune Kingdom.png
Triune Kingdom

Hellquill-Lushi integrates Flag of Kingdom of Brodfeld Brodfeld into its union

Democratic Monarchism.pngAutocracy.png
People's Republic of Hellquill.png
People's Republic of Hellquill

Equestrian Socialism.pngAgrarian Socialism.png


Laws and Development

Laws and Development
Conscription Law Trade Law Economy Law
Volunteer Only Volunteer Only
  • Recruitable Population: 1.50%
Export Focus Export Focus
  • Construction Speed: +10.00%
  • Research Speed: +5.00%
  • Factory Output: +10.00%
  • Dockyard Output: +10.00%
  • Resources to Market: +50%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +20.0%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +10.0%
Civilian Economy Civilian Economy
  • Industrial Research Speed: +3%
  • Electronics Research Speed: +2%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 35.0%
  • Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Fuel Gain per Oil: -40.00%
  • Fuel Capacity: -25.00%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
  • Military Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Refinery construction speed: +5.00%
Scientific Development Society Development Illiteracy
Small Science Base Small Science Base
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.20
  • Research Speed: -55.00%
Industrialising Society Industrialising Society
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: -20.00%
  • Monthly Population: -10.0%
  • Construction Speed: -20.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -20.00%
  • Factory Output: -20.00%
  • Dockyard Output: -20.00%
  • Factory Bomb Vulnerability: -25.00%
Modest Illiteracy Modest Illiteracy
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -30.00%
Poverty Race
Low Poverty Low Poverty
  • Monthly Population: -7.0%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 7.0%
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -2.50%
Griffon Griffon Race
  • Uses Griffon Racial Tree

Industry and Resources

Military factory
Military Factories
Naval dockyard
Naval Dockyards
Civilian factory
Civilian Factories
Fuel silo
Fuel Silos
Synthetic refinery
Synthetic Refineries
2 0 5 (-2) 0 0
Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.
Steel icon.png
8 (-4) 0 0 0 15 (-8) 0 0
Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.

Strategies and guides

Starting Situation

The Knightly Order of Hellquill starts with a small military of 40K deployed griffons (including 2 veteran knights), a meagre 7 factories and mixed terrain types. While it can gain some industry and ponypower by uniting with Longsword, Hellquill will find itself be outmatched by the combined forces of the River Coalition.

Threats and Opportunities

  • Flag of County of Longsword Longsword - Another Knightly Order and historical ally of Longsword. All political paths will give a focus to deal with Longsword. They will have a civil war early in the game and depending on the ruling parties of them and Hellquill, the unification can either be peaceful or via war.
  • River Coalition - The ancient enemy of the Knights of Hellquill and unless Hellquill is harmonic they will be the main enemy of Hellquill. Several of their member nations will gain war goals against Hellquill which will bring the whole of the River Coalition into a war with Hellquill. Their combined strength vastly outmatches Hellquill and any conflict will be difficult. The key members to watch out for are Flag of Diamond Mountain Diamond Mountain, Flag of Lake City Lake City, and the Flag of River Republic River Republic. If you complete The Grand Crusade focus, you will end up at war with the entire river coalition.
    • Flag of Diamond Mountain Diamond Mountain - Your northeastern neighbor. A Supremacy Diamond Mountain can get a war goal against Hellquill from the Revenge focus. They are more likely to take the focus after 1011. Sometimes they can leave the River Coalition which can allow Hellquill to go to war with them without involving the rest of the River Coalition. However, be aware of their special Ironpaw divisions which have high defense and excel in fighting in hills and mountains of which Diamond Mountains have no shortage of.
    • Flag of Lake City Lake City - Most of their political paths will lead them to war with Hellquill. The exceptions are if they take Placate the Military and Bulwark Against Griffons or Curtail the Military paths.
    • Flag of River Republic River Republic - They are likely to get involved with Hellquill unless they go down the Prepare For The Storm Path.
  • Flag of Firtree Villages Firtree Villages - Despite being neighbors they have no interaction with Hellquill. However, they can sometimes join the River Coalition which can open up a new front when facing the River Coalition. Though weak, they start guaranteed by the River Republic so attacking them is generally not a good idea.
  • Flag of Farbrook Farbrook - While they have focuses to go to war with Hellquill, it is unlikely they will take these focuses.

Gameplay Mechanics

  • At the start Hellquill will get an event to decide how to spend their treasure from the Diamond Mountains. The treasure can be spent on the industry, population, or army. The choice will affect the rewards from certain focuses.
  • A decision to attract griffon colonists is available for all 3 political paths. The decisions is unlocked by doing The Imperials, The Shield of Griffonkind, or The Neuland Act focus. The decision will increase the core population and can be done multiple times.
  • If Hellquill finds itself losing a war against the River Coalition then they unlock a decision to call the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire for help. If accepted, this will put Hellquill back to being a vassal of the Empire but will gain a powerful ally. However, if Hellquill is Supremacist then the call for help will not be accepted. Higher relations will increase the chance of the call being accepted.
  • A Harmonic Hellquill will unlock decisions to seek a guarantee from the River Coalition or the Griffonian Empire. Getting guaranteed unlocks further decisions to request more aid and integrate Hellquill into the guaranteeing faction. The requests are more likely to be accepted if Hellquill has high relations with the nation receiving the request.
    • For the Imperials, Hellquill can invite Imperial bankers which will reduce consumer goods and increase trade deal opinion.
    • For the River Coalition, Hellquill can create embassies with with members of the River Coalition (improving relations) and join the River Coalition as a honorary member. As an honorary member Hellquill will get a non-aggression pact with all nations of the River Coalition and can adopt the Rivbit and sign the River Convention on Beings Rights.
  • Once a Supremacist Hellquill launches their Grand Crusade and defeats all the River Nations by holding all their capitals, it will unlock a decision to proclaim the Ost-Griffonian Empire. This will move the capital to Jezeragrad and give cores on all of Lake City.


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Main article: Awards
An Eye For An Eye icon
An Eye For An Eye
As Hellquill, Have Starry Night as the country leader.