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Legacy of '05
Recruitable Population Factor: -10%
Division Recovery Rate: -5.0%
War Support: -10.00%
Daily Harmony Support: +0.01
Daily Communism Support: +0.02
Native princes, Doelhi insurgents, and Macawian-backed democrats revolted against the Sambari government in a harrowing event known as the "Summer Revolution", where the Yaril was murdered and the government of Sambar itself was briefly replaced by a native council. Pledging to institute a princely federation in the style of Doelhi before a further government could be chosen, the native council received broad support from Sambar's Hindian class, who still grieve its loss. Although with the help of the navy, our glorious leader Manfred Vanistö eventually brought an end to the rebellion, the damage was already done. The direct patrilineal line of the Yarils of Sambar was extinguished, and Vanistö found himself ruling a city of ashes and a country torn apart by the effects of the revolution.
The natives have not forgotten the crackdowns of Vanistö nor the glories of their first revolution, and are determined to set Sambar right once more - whatever the cost.
The Iron Regency
Resource Gain Efficiency: +10.00%
Stability: -10.00%
Factory Output: +10.00%
Herra Manfred Vanistö, regent of Sambar, took power following the events of 1005, but has refused to coronate a new Yaril ever since. The sheer brutality of Vanistö in his quest to eradicate native rebellion has led him to be known as the "Iron Regent" - a hero among the Olenian settlers that saw their towns ravaged by the Summer Revolution, but scarce beloved by any. The natives, of course, have a different idea, and even much of the nobility has begun to disagree with the methods of Vanistö in his quest to return Sambar to the old way.
One thing is clear, however - Vanistö must choose a new Yaril for Sambar soon.
The Jewel of the Sambari
Consumer Goods Factories: 10.0%
Screen Attack: +10.00%
Screen Defense: +10.00%
Dockyard Output: +15.00%
Sambar's great navy, affectionally titled "Samambarhee Ka Gahana", or "the Jewel of the Sambari", has never been defeated by rival vikings, Macawian pirates, nor foreign peacekeeping forces. The fact that Sambar has faced so many revolts, harsh summers, and failed industrialization policies makes its navy a symbol of stability and order in a chaotic landscape. However, not all is well within the ranks of the navy - its bloated budget has seen Sambari suffer to conserve their jewel, and the commanders themselves have shown displeasure for the violent, hostile actions of Regent Vanistö and his zealous reliance on the admiralty to do his dirty work.
As long as Herra Manfred has the navy on his side, there is little chance any petty revolt could stop him - but if the admirals ever had an interest in ending the regency, there would be nothing to stop them.
This is a community maintained wiki. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it.
Biography: Only one and a half years after the end of the Summer Revolution, the rule of Manfred Vanistö threatens to send Sambar into civil war once more. The "Iron Regent", as he is called, has hung on to power through a combination of treachery, intimidation, and bloodlust, and has refused to allow the young Yaril of Sambar to inherit at any costs, despite the deer already of an age to succeed the throne as is his right. Nobles and monarchists stand outraged that the regent will not give up even an inch of his power to the rightful ruler of the country, while an increasingly discontent agrarian population plots another revolution in the shadows, and continues to harass noble holdings across the country, reject conscription, and demand the restoration of a true people's ruler, selected among the ranks of the native Hindians.
The road ahead is treacherous, but with the power of the navy and the settlers behind him, a ship to Olenia might not be in order for the Iron Regent after all.
Yarildom of Sambar does not start with any military leaders.
Yarildom of Sambar / Sambar Republic / Sambar Commune / Sambar
Laws and Development
Laws and Development
Conscription Law
Trade Law
Economy Law
Volunteer Only
Recruitable Population: 1.50%
Export Focus
Construction Speed: +10.00%
Research Speed: +5.00%
Factory Output: +10.00%
Dockyard Output: +10.00%
Resources to Market: +50%
Civilian intelligence to others: +20.0%
Navy intelligence to others: +10.0%
Slave-Based Economy
Daily Political Power Gain: -0.25
Resource Gain Efficiency: +15.00%
Consumer Goods Factories: 25.0%
Stability: -20.00%
Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost: +15.00%
Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: +15.00%
Construction Speed: +15.00%
Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
Production Efficiency Growth: -10.00%
Factory Output: -10.00%
Factory Repair Speed: +15.00%
Fuel Gain per oil: -10.00%
Electronics Research Speed: -5%
Industrial Research Speed: -5%
Scientific Development
Society Development
Small Science Base
Daily Political Power Gain: +0.20
Research Speed: -55.00%
Agrarian Society
Resource Gain Efficiency: -50.00%
Monthly Population: -25.0%
Construction Speed: -50.00%
Production Efficiency Cap: -20.00%
Research Speed: -50.00%
Factory Output: -50.00%
Dockyard Output: -50.00%
Factory Bomb Vulnerability: -50.00%
Broad Illiteracy
Construction Speed: -15.00%
Research Speed: -45.00%
Low Poverty
Monthly Population: -7.0%
Consumer Goods Factories: 7.0%
Construction Speed: -10.00%
Research Speed: -2.50%
Deer Race
Uses Deer Racial Tree
Industry and Resources
Military Factories
Naval Dockyards
Civilian Factories
Fuel Silos
Synthetic Refineries
4 (-2)
Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.
6 (-3)
24 (-12)
23 (-12)
8 (-4)
7 (-4)
11 (-6)
Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.