Changeling Lands

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Changeling Lands
The Shapeshifters

Changeling Lands.png

CHN map.png

IdeologyAutocracy.png Autocracy
Queen Chrysalis
Ruling partyQueen's Leadership (74%)
PopulationPopulation 36,880,240
PonypowerPonypower 86,665
RaceChangeling Changeling
StabilityStability 54%
War supportWar support 40%
FactoriesFactory 45
  • 14 Military factory
  • 10 Naval dockyard
  • 21 Civilian factory
ContinentNorthern Equus
DiplomacyLeader of the Changeling Hegemony
Color  #3C4056


Aggressive, deceptive, and loyal to their hive, changelings are insectoid pony-like creatures.

Changeling Nursery Hive.

All changelings possess unique shape-shifting magic. It enables them to shift form, voice, and even size with stunning rapidity and accuracy. They use this ability to fool their victims and drain their love, which is essential for their survival.

Recent pony scholars have discovered that changelings are more insectoid than mammalian due to hatching from eggs as larvae in collective hives. But beyond that - how their hives work, the role of queens in their society, how they acquire love, and how they think are up to the imagination as any travel to their territory will meet an almost certain demise.

The Changeling Forces, led by Queen Chrysalis, advances on Canterlot.

Fortunately for their neighbors, their militarism and aggression caused them to spend far more time fighting each other than outsiders, allowing Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenia and Flag of Equestria Equestria to outmatch isolated incursions.

But all of that changed in 982 ALB, when the ambitious Queen Chrysalis of Vesalipolis united the Changeling Hives under one banner, the first time in history for a Queen to do so. And in 1002, she led the hives on a bold mission into the heart of Equestria.

The Siege of Canterlot

In 1002 ALB Queen Chrysalis kidnapped and took the form of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, gaining access to the highest levels of government, and using her status as the fiance of Equestria's Captain of Guard, Shining Armor to drain his love. Only the last-minute discovery by Twilight Sparkle (also Shining Armor's sister) compromised the plan.

Chrysalis's true form is revealed in Canterlot, with the brainwashed Captain of Guard Shining Armor in tow.

Despite being discovered, Chrysalis had been able to feast on so much love that she used her overflowing magic to defeat Princess Celestia and prevent the Elements of Harmony from wielding their power, summoning her hive to occupy Canterlot and feast.

What followed was one of the most chaotic battles the ponies of Equestria had ever experienced as the changeling swarm descended upon the ancient city. The vastly outgunned and outnumbered Equestrian Royal Guard units mounted a desperate resistance on the streets. It seemed that all hope was lost.

It was only when the real Cadance, freed by Twilight, turned the love collected on her behalf against Chrysalis, and freed Captain Shining Armor. He was able to quickly repower Canterlot's powerful magical shielding. In one fell swoop, the Changelings were repulsed from the pony capital.

Twilight Sparkle and her gunner, Pinkie Pie, engage changeling doppelgangers with high powered unicorn combat magic. The techniques here would become inspiration for the development of dedicated mage companies.

This battle was the first true wake-up call for Equestria, and would begin to spark tentative interest in military preparedness and practice. Even the Elements of Harmony were forced to engage in combat to succeed.

The New Hive

This defeat brought Chrysalis to the brink of a breakdown. With this failure, the hives once again fractured and split. But instead of giving up, she nursed this grudge into a relentless drive to take revenge against Equestria. And in 1006, she finally reunited the hives under her banner.

Olenian scouts and seers begin to report strange sightings - changeling hives that had ceased their internal squabbles, instead building and working together. More organised, more numerous border raids led by increasingly professional forces. The changelings had always been an industrial, technological race, but recent weaponry showed unprecedented advances over their southern neighbours. The modern Changeling Military now features the most developed Army and Air Force in the world.

With these tools at her disposal, the Changelings hope to overcome their enemies with ease, so long as they can keep this technological advantage.

Dissenting Voices

Chrysalis' attack on Canterlot cost the changelings heavily. The defeat was quickly followed by dissatisfaction with her standing as leader. A strong Queen brought food and victory to the Hive. Chrysalis had proven herself weak. Acting promptly, Chrysalis moved quickly to purge high ranking dissenters, especially amongst her powerful generals. However, Chrysalis cannot be everywhere, and the whispers continue. One such changeling has begun to spoke beyond a whisper. Thorax, a dissenting drone, has been suggesting a new possibility for this industrial world - why not trade with willing Olenians for love and sign a non-aggression pact with Equestria? This would guarantee both food and safety for the hives.

A Second War

The Queen knows that her young, unified Nation is not yet ready to take on the ponies, though. She must bide her time and focus on further development and expansion before she can truly grasp for revenge.

Luckily, opportunity presents itself with a valid and easy target for conquest. The Kingdom of Olenia to the south is in political turmoil and is militarily weak. In such a crippled state, it would be more than easy to walk in and seize the land for themselves. The deer might just be the first ones to feel the combined might and fury of the Changelings

Soon, the ponies shall tremble, and the Changelings will reign supreme!

National Focus

Changeling Lands Focus Tree
Main article: Changeling Lands national focus tree/scriptoutput

The Changeling Lands focus tree consists of seven separate trees:

  • An industry + Olenia/Polar Bear expansion tree, under Thoraxian Betrayal/Destroy Thoraxian Resistance
  • An Army Reorganization tree, under Finalize Reorganization
  • An Army tree, under Vitalise The Heer
  • An Air Force tree, under Reform The Luftwaffe
  • A Navy tree, under Promote Mimic to Hivesadmiral/Promote Lysander to Hivesadmiral
  • An Equestrian conquest expansion tree, under Plan "Alicorn Sunset"
  • The post-Equestrian defeat tree, under Pax Chrysalia

At the start, only the industry + Olenia/Polar Bear conquest tree and the Army Reorganization tree are available. All other trees are locked.

  • The Army, Air Force, and Navy Trees are unlocked when the Army Reorganization tree is completed.
  • The Equestrian conquest tree is unlocked when Olenia has capitulated to the Changelings, or if Equestria goes to war with the Changelings before the that.
  • The Pax Chrysalia tree is unlocked when Equestria has capitulated.

Industry + Olenia/Polar Bear Conquest Tree

Changeling Lands Starting Tree.png

The first tree begins with consolidating the hives under Chrysalis' leadership, leading into the industry tree which contains both research slots, as well as war goals and subsequent investment into Olenia and the Polar Bears. Dealing with Olenia is required to unlock the war goal tree.

Army Reorganization Tree

Changeling Lands Military Reorganization Tree.png

The Army Reorganization tree gradually weakens and eventually replaces the Reorganization in the Armed Forces national spirit with a positive national spirit. The final choice between Changeling School of War and Griffon School of War grants the replaced national spirit different bonuses; the Changeling school focuses on offensive bonuses, while the Griffon school focuses on defensive bonuses.

Army/Navy/Air Force Trees

Changeling Lands Military Trees.png

The military trees can not be started until the Army Reorganization tree is finished and either the Changeling or Griffon School of War is chosen. Each tree focuses on bonuses to its respective section, giving equipment, research bonuses and national spirits.

Equestria Conquest Tree

Changeling Lands Expansion Tree.png

The war goal tree mainly focuses on the inevitable war with Equestria. Lead the Armies is the central focus of this tree: it takes 100 days to complete, cannot be cancelled manually, and when it completes, Changelings Lands will automatically declare war on Equestria. If Equestria collapsed into Civil War, then the focus will have the Changelings declare war on all Civil War participants and secessionists in addition to Equestria.

Many focuses like Death or Dishonor can only be taken once the war begins, and give wartime spirits which can aid a player's advance.

Once at war with Equestria, the Infiltrate Equestria focus can be used to send spies into Equestria. This will unlock an espionage operation which, if successful, will give Equestria a negative National Spirit. This cannot be removed quickly by the Equestrian player without very large expenditures of PP (150 for a 1.5 year removal time, 300 for a 200 day time, 500 for a 150 day time).

Whilst the idea is active, Changelings can also take Spies in High Places, which gives the Changelings another espionage operation. If the operation is successful, the Changelings will gain the National Spirit Spy Network, granting (Daily PP Gain +0.15, Research Speed +5.00%, Own operative detection chance offest: -0.25%).

After Equestria, there are also secondary war goals on Flag of Stalliongrad Stalliongrad and Flag of Nova Griffonia Nova Griffonia which can be taken at any time, and later ones on the Penguins and Yaks which are only available after Equestria has capitulated.

Pax Chrysalia Focus Tree

The Changeling Pax Chrysalia Tree

While the Equestrian armies may have been felled by the Changeling war machine, the struggles of the Heer are not over yet. For even as celebrations ring back in the hives, the civilian populace continues to rebel against their occupiers, and the Harmonic Resistance is an ever-present thorn in the regime. Queen Chrysalis has proclaimed the Pax Chrysalia, but the changelings who guard their newfound territories know that the true war is anything but over.

Once Equestria has capitulated and you own all its former territories, the Changeling Lands shift into its second phase of gameplay. This part is drastically different from the first, focusing less on warfare and more on consolidation and suppression. There is no nation to send your armies into here: correct decision making and preparation is key.

The focus tree can be roughly split into six areas:

  • Love harvesting (The Liebessammeldienst)
  • Industrial expansion (Minions for the Queen)
  • Resistance suppression (Rule of the High Tower)
  • Occupation consolidation (Triumph of the Hives)
  • The Coronation (Jewel in the Crown)
  • The situation in the Everfree Forest (Subjugate the Everfree)

A smart idea is to not focus on one or two of these branches alone, and instead do strategic focuses that you need at that moment. The player's main goal in this focus tree is to collect points to unlock the Occupation Consolidation decisions and weaken the Anti-Changeling Insurgency national spirit, and collect a variety of other national spirits and mechanics that can make the occupation easier.

Love Harvesting

This section of the focus tree focuses on the Love Harvest and Consumption mechanics (detailed above). Focuses in this focus tree branch grant extra Erots of love, and improve the efficiency of Love extraction and consumption.

Industrial Expansion

The industrial part of the Pax Chrysalia tree is rather small, and despite what most would assume it isn't centered around more factories in the hives. Instead, this branch of the tree increases the amount of industry that the hives can use from their conquered Equestrian territory, including a new occupation law that gives more resources at the cost of increased garrisons, as well as state modifiers and national spirits that increase production.

Resistance Suppression

As the title indicates, this branch is focused on suppressing the Harmonic Resistance across Equestria. A substantial amount of points needed to deal with the insurgency can be located in these focuses, which also give increases to compliance, decreases to resistance, and national spirits relating to both. Multiple hidden technologies are also researched in these focuses which provide bonuses to suppression.

Occupation Consolidation

Though some of the effects of this branch will most likely be unable to be taken advantage of immediately after you complete them, they provide very important and substantial buffs for when you are able to use them. These include dynamic modifiers based off of compliance in Equestria, military research bonuses and a national spirit which can help lower the resistance problem as long as you have the extra garrisons to afford it.

Arguably the most important focuses here are Regional Commissariats and Prep the Siedlungsplan.

  • Regional Commissariats unlocks a new occupation law of the same name, which can be used when the average resistance for an occupied country is <30%, and the average compliance is >30%. When implemented, the occupation law grants:
    • Local Resources: +10%
    • Local Factories: +15%
    • Resistance Target: -25%
    • Resistance Decay Speed: +25%
    • Damage to Garrisons: -50%
    • Required Garrisons: -50%
    • Daily Compliance Gain: +0.005%
  • Prep the Siedlungsplan unlocks the Siedlungsplan Expansionism decisions (detailed above). These decisions allow the colonized states to rapidly become free of resistance and grant access to much more of the state's ponypower.

The Coronation

While not technically locked behind the other branches, the Coronation is usually the branch done last as to start it you need Equestria to be on the Regional Commissariat occupation law. The focuses within entirely focus on the state of Canterlot in preparation for Chrysalis' coronation as Empress Regnant of Canterlot and Equestria, and provide quite a few state modifiers to the capital of former Equestria. Should everything go well, the failure and humiliation of 1002 will finally be avenged, and the Pax Chrysalia will usher in a new age for the Changeling race for the next thousand years!

Everfree Forest

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
The starting situation of the Everfree Forest.

About one and a half years into the Pax Chrysalia, the event "Retreat from the Everfree" will be triggered. Monster and partisan attacks originating from the Everfree Forest rises sharply, and the Heer garrissoning the area is forced to retreat. This spawns a nation named Everfree Forest on the states of Everfree Forest and Castle of the Two Sisters. Everfree Forest is a Detached Country, meaning that the Changelings cannot interact with it diplomatically. The focus tree Subjugate the Everfree will be unlocked, and the descriptions of focuses in this branch will be unredacted.

If Subjugate the Everfree is not taken, the event "The Everfree in Anarchy" will be triggered approximately two months later. If the focus is taken, then the event will be triggered when the focus is progressing (meaning that it happens sooner). Either way, the Everfree Forest reveals its true form: Flag of Zecora's Resistance Zecora's Resistance. It will gain a dozen divisions and declare war on the Changelings.

Under the leadership of witch doctor Zecora, magic-using partisans engage in hit-and-run tactics against Changeling troops, monsters run wild across the forest, and the forest itself expands at an exponential rate, rolling over everything in its path and turning its interior into an infinitely dense jungle of death. The Changelings estimate that they have under two months to contain the Everfree Forest before the Heer completely loses control over central Equestria.

War with the Everfree

The Everfree Forest is not a nation that the player can just send tanks or infantry in to capitulate. The Everfree Forest's inherent terrain trait already puts enormous maluses on divisions inside the forest, but under Zecora, the Everfree Forest gains a new state trait: The Everfree Forest Rampant, an enormous malus that grants:

  • Air Mission Efficiency: -150%
  • Air Accidents Chance: +150%
  • Division Speed: -150%
  • Division Attack: -150%
  • Division Defense: -150%
  • Division Attrition: --REDACTED--
  • Organisation Regain: -150%
  • Chance to Get Sick: +150%

In practise, sending any division into the forest causes them to instantly lose all organization and die when any of Zecora's divisions touches them. Zecora's divisions are also unaffected by the maluses put on by the magically-empowered Everfree Forest, since Zecora has the national spirit Everfree Resistance, which grants:

Everfree Resistance
Division Organization: +25%
Reconnaissance: +25%
Division Recovery Rate: +25%
Surrender Limit: +25%
War Support: +25%
Division Attack: +25%
Division Defense: +25%
Negates all maluses from the Everfree Forest.

In addition, Zecora also receives the +25% Division Defense on core territory bonus from the Everfree Forest terrain trait.

Additionally, the rapid growth of the forest is represented with a special game mechanic: after the war starts, once every day, a number of provinces (tiles) next to the states controlled by the Everfree Forest will immediately come under control of the forest, and these provinces will also gain the Everfree Forest terrain trait (though not The Everfree Forest Rampant state trait). It is highly recommended to station divisions on every tile next to the Everfree Forest before the war begins to surround and cut off their expansion.

Containing the Everfree

In order to contain the growth of the Everfree so the Changelings can even have a chance to root out Zecora's resistance, the Changelings plans to use every military asset and advanced technology they have to crush the magical menace.

The containment of the Everfree Forest is tracked with a Mission named Taming the Forest. The mission lasts 60 days, and if failed, the Everfree Forest will overrun the Changeling forces and force them to withdraw. If it is successfully executed, the Changelings will stop the Everfree Forest's growth, giving them a chance to move in and root out the partisans.

Completing Taming the Forest requires the following prerequisites:

  • The Changelings must have full control of Canterlot
  • The focuses Fall Grün, Fall Gelb, and Fall Rot must be completed.
  • Either the decision Operation Durchbruch or Operation Fernauf (which are revealed alongside Taming the Forest) must be completed.
  • No aspect of the Changelings' strategy must be compromised; when the Fall Grün, Fall Gelb, and Fall Rot focuses are completed, each one will trigger an event with two choices, and each of these three events has one choice that will compromise the strategy and make Taming the Forest impossible.

The detailed prerequisites and effects of the focuses and decisions mentioned in Taming the Forest are as follows:


  • Fall Grün: The Changelings will mass deploy carnivorous moss spores as a defoliant to eat up the forest. Requires the technology Magical Munitions from the Changeling racial tech tree to either be researched or being researched.
    • In the event triggered by this focus, industrialist Finicus Vesali informs Generalmajor Jachs that the strain of moss spores currently used by the Heer is a weaker strain, and Finicus has a stronger strain.
    • Choosing to stick to the original strain will compromise the strategy, while choosing to switch to the better strain will not.
  • Fall Gelb: The Changelings will detonate a nuclear weapon in the Everfree Forest. Requires the technology Atomic Research from the electronics tech tree to either be researched or being researched.
    • In the event triggered by this focus, Queen Chrysalis makes an order to shift the target of the nuclear weapon away from their original target, the Castle of the Two Sisters, so the castle can be preserved.
    • Choosing to change the target will compromise the strategy, while choosing to strike the original target will not.
  • Fall Rot: The Changelings will begin an enormous firebombing campaign to burn up the forest. Requires at least 750 planes deployed in Central Equestria, of which at least 250 of them must be fighters and 250 of them must be tactical bombers.
    • In the event triggered by this focus, Finicus makes a request to Jachs to scale back the firebombing campaign to preserve parts of the forest for future scientific study. Jachs rebuffs him by saying that the Heer's only goal is to stop the forest by any means necessary.
    • Choosing to side with Finicus and scaling back the firebombing campaign will compromise the strategy, while choosing to side with Jachs and not scale back the campaign it will not.


  • Operation Durchbruch: The Changelings will launch an armored spearhead with armored trains and tanks. Requires the focus The Panzerzugkorps to have been completed. Costs 30 Command Power, 25 PP, and 14 days to complete.
  • Operation Fernauf: The Changelings will launch a special scouting operation with elite special forces regiments. Requires the focus Jagdkommando Brigades to have been completed. Costs 30 Command Power, 25 PP, and 14 days to complete.
Defeating the Everfree

When Taming the Forest is completed, the forest will fail to hold up against the relentless Changeling assault and stop its spread, losing its ability to spread every day and the The Everfree Forest Rampant state trait. However, the war isn't over yet, and Zecora's partisans will make their last stand, spawning a large amount of divisions for the country.

In order to finally achieve victory over the partisans, however, the Changelings must occupy every single tile of both the Everfree and the Castle of the Two Sisters at once. Both states will constantly come back under control of the resistance, so garrisoning the whole state is the only way to maintain 100% occupation. Once that is done, Zecora's Resistance will capitulate and be automatically annexed back into the Changeling Lands. It will also give one Resistance Suppression point.

Defeated by the Everfree
The expanded Everfree Forest, should the Changelings fail to defeat it in time.

If Taming the Forest is not completed after 60 days, Zecora's resistance will automatically annex Ponyville, Summerdale, Froggy Bottom Bogg, and Rambling Rock Ridge, sign a white peace with the Changelings, and return to being Everfree Forest. Since the Everfree Forest is a detached nation, the Changelings will no longer be able to interact with it and attempt to defeat it again.

Spoiler end.


The Changeling Lands starts with 3 research slots available.

Army Naval Air Tech / Industry
  • Primitive Weapons
  • Muzzle-loaders
  • Breech-loaded Rifles
  • Bolt-action Rifles
  • Motorized
    • Basic Armored Car
  • Support Equipment
    • Engineer Company I
    • Recon Company I
    • Military Police I
  • Civilian Train
  • Welded Armour
  • Converted Tractor Engines
  • Early Tank Development
    • 1005 Light
    • 1007 Light
    • 1009 Medium
    • 1005 Heavy
  • Pre-Industrial Artillery
  • Artillery
    • Anti-Air
    • Anti-Tank

Without No Step Back No Step Back

  • Early Tank
    • L. Tank I
    • L. Tank II
    • H. Tank I
  • Torpedo Boat Destroyer
    • Hydrophone
    • Basic Depth Chargers
  • Enlarged Destroyer
  • Scout and Armoured Cruisers
    • Improved Airplane Catapult
  • Escort and Upgunned Cruisers
  • Basic Cruiser Armor Scheme
  • Inclined Belt Armor Scheme
  • Fast Battleships and Dreadnoughts
  • Long Range Battleships
  • Deck Conversions
  • Modernised Coastal Submarine
  • Fleet Submarine
  • Naval Gunnery
    • Basic Light Battery
    • Basic Medium Battery
    • Basic Heavy Battery
  • Basic Torpedo
    • Improved Ship Torpedo Launcher
  • Designated Landing Barges
  • Contact Mine
    • Minelaying Submarine

Without Man the Guns Man the Guns:

  • Torpedo Boat Destroyer
    • Enlarged Destroyer
  • Scout Cruiser
    • Escort Cruiser
  • Late Armoured Cruiser
    • Upgunned Cruiser
  • Fast Battleship
  • Late Dreadnought
    • Long-Range Battleship
  • Flat Deck Cruiser
  • Hippogrifian-Style Carrier
  • Early Small Airframe
  • Basic Small Airframe
  • Early Medium Airframe
  • Basic Medium Airframe
  • Aerial Bombs
    • Aerial Photo Reconnaissance
  • Dedicated Aircraft Machine Guns
  • Dedicated Aircraft Engines
    • Applied Wartime Construction Experience

Without By Blood Alone By Blood Alone:

  • Early Fighter
    • Basic Fighter
  • Early Bomber
  • Central Fire Control
  • Organised Fuel Storage
    • Synthetic Material Experiments
    • Systemised Naphtha Refineries
Doctrine Racial
  • Mobile Warfare
  • Trade Interdiction
  • None
  • Jagers I

Designers, concerns and theorists

Idea slot tank manufacturer.png Tank Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Aurelia Armoury
Aurelia Armoury
Heavy Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Hard attack: +5%
    • Armor: +5%
  • Armored Car:
    • Hard attack: +5%
    • Armor: +5%
Political Power 150
Carapace Motors
Carapace Motors
Mobile Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Max Speed: +5%
    • Reliability: +10%
  • Armored Car:
    • Max Speed: +5%
    • Reliability: +10%
Political Power 150
KLA Arsenal
KLA Arsenal
Medium Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Soft attack: +5%
    • Reliability: +5%
  • Armored Car:
    • Soft attack: +5%
    • Reliability: +5%
Political Power 150
Idea slot naval manufacturer.png Ship Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Celestial Sea Fleet Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
  • Carrier:
    • HP: +10%
    • Armor: +50%
  • Capital Ships:
    • Armor: +10%
    • Heavy Attack: +10%
Political Power 150
NG Shipyards
NG Shipyards
Raiding Fleet Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
  • Carrier:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Capital Ships:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
    • Heavy Attack: −10%
  • Screens:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Submarine:
    • Surface Visibility: −10%
    • Sub Visibility: −10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Idea slot aircraft manufacturer.png Aircraft Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Svarm Aircraft
Svarm Aircraft
Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Small Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
CAS Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Close Air Support Airframe:
    • Ground Attack: +10%
    • Reliability: +10%
  • Carrier CAS Airframe:
    • Ground Attack: +10%
    • Reliability: +10%
Political Power 150
United Wing Association
United Wing Association
Medium Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Heavy Fighter Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Medium Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Scout Plane Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
Political Power 150
Fagus Vraksis Aeronautics
Fagus Vraksis Aeronautics
Heavy Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Large Airframe:
    • Strat. Bombing: +10%
  • Transport Plane:
    • Range: +10%
Political Power 150
KLA Bureau
KLA Bureau
Naval Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Naval Bomber Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • Carrier Naval Bomber Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Agility: +10%
  • Carrier CAS Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
Political Power 150
Idea slot materiel manufacturer.png Materiel Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Eiskaltenseen Artillery
Eiskaltenseen Artillery
Artillery Designer
  • Artillery Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Nidhogg Industries
Nidhogg Industries
Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Motorized Equipment Designer
  • Motorization Research Speed: +15%
  • Motorized Rocket Artillery Research Speed: +50%
Political Power 150
Idea slot industrial concern.png Industrial Concerns
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Main Hive Industries
Main Hive Industries
Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Mayfly Electronics
Mayfly Electronics
Electronics Concern
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Select theorist.png Theorists
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Blitzkrieg Theorist
  • Does not have chief of army Trimmel
  • Mobile Warfare Doctrine Cost: −15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Close Air Support Proponent
  • Battlefield Support Doctrine Cost: −15%
Political Power 150
Air Warfare Theorist
  • Air Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100
Nuclear Scientist
  • Nuclear Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 100
Rocket Scientist
  • Rocket Research Speed: +15%

See description:
Dr. Legus, B.Sc., B.A.Sc., M.Eng., Sc.D.
Political Power 100


National spirits

Canterlot Defeat icon
Canterlot Defeat
  • Daily Political Power Gain: -0.20
  • Stability: +3.50%
  • War Support: +5.00%
  • Ideology drift defense: +45.0%
  • Damage to Garrisons: -5.00%
  • Required Garrisons: -5%
Despite ending in failure, Chrysalis came tantalisingly close to capturing Canterlot and control over Equestria. 5 years later, Canterlot Defeat still leaves its marks on the changeling society. Queen's government used it to cultivate hatred towards Equestria and ponies. However there are still changelings that doubt the competence of the Queen and her government.
Political Divisions icon
Political Divisions
  • Daily Political Power Gain: -0.50
  • Recruitable Population: -0.70%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 5.0%
  • Stability: -20.00%
  • War Support: -20.00%
  • Cannot train units, disband units, or edit unit templates.
While the changelings share the same goals, there are disagreements as to how they should be achieved. This may lead to future conflicts within the nation.
Changeling-Griffonian Attache icon
Changeling-Griffonian Attache
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.03 daily
  • Maximum Command Power Increase: -20
  • Land Doctrine Cost: +3%
  • Armor Research Speed: +6%
A Changeling military mission is present in the Griffonian Empire. Their designs are, in general, improving the quality of Imperial Tanks. Thanks to this, the designs are seeing much practical use throughout the Empire, giving the Changelings feedback on their design, an arrangement practical for both nations.
Reorganization in the Armed Forces icon
Reorganization in the Armed Forces
  • Daily Political Power Gain: -0.15
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.02 daily
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.02 daily
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.02 daily
  • Navy Organization: -10%
  • Training time: +10.00%
  • Planning Speed: -10.0%
  • Bad Weather Penalty: +10.00%
  • Maximum Command Power Increase: -30
  • High Command Cost: +30%
  • Army Chief Cost: +30%
  • Navy Chief Cost: +30%
  • Air Chief Cost: +30%
The changeling military structure is undergoing significant reforms as it abandons the old style of warfare, based on mass swarm attacks, and adopts heavy mechanised and aerial support. Chief proponent of this modernisation is Hivesmarschall Trimmel, supported by Queen Chrysalis and aided by the Griffonian attaché.
Pre-Emptive War Bonds icon
Pre-Emptive War Bonds
  • Consumer Goods Factories: -5%
  • Construction speed: +15.00%
As we are gearing up for looming conquests, Queen Chrysalis has decided to sell war bonds before the war formally starts. This will let us rapidly industrialize and get an edge on our future enemies.
Will be removed 31 December 1007.

Political parties

Political parties
Name Ideology Leader Popularity
Queen's Leadership Autocracy.png Autocracy
Queen Chrysalis 74%
Thoraxian Party Benevolent Absolutism.png Benevolent Absolutism
Thorax 6%
Communist Coalition Equestrian Socialism.png Equestrian Socialism
Gold Muffin 15%
Military Junta Military Government.png Military Government
Hivesmarschall Synovial 5%


Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Queen Chrysalis

Queen's Leadership
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +50%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: −15%
Ruler and despot of the Changeling Hives, Queen Chrysalis was the first of her race to unite them under one banner. From her hatching in 930, she has proven to be an exceptional individual. Being the only child of the dead Queen of Vesalipolis, she was raised with extreme care and given best possible education, which made her spoiled and arrogant, but also intelligent, determined and firm. She was crowned in 945 and fended off an attack from Vraks with her army. Soon after, the Vesalipolis-Ditrysium axis was formed, and it would be the embryo for united Changeling Lands.

Under her leadership, other hive queens either joined her voluntarily or were forced into submission. She became the sole absolute ruler of her species in 988, but her ambitions only continued to grow. She plotted to take over Equestria by infiltrating Canterlot and decapitating the nation with a single strike, and executed her plans in 1002. Chrysalis herself replaced Princess Cadance and had fooled nearly everyone, and had even bested Princess Celestia. It was by mere fluke that her victory was snatched away from her grasp and her people banished to the frozen North. Clearly infiltration alone is not enough to reclaim what is rightfully hers, and Chrysalis recognises the need of a powerful and modern military. Any opposition and protest to her despotic reign is swiftly crushed as she prepares to redeem her honour, or die trying.

Benevolent Absolutism.png
Benevolent Absolutism

Thoraxian Party
Inexperienced Imperialist
  • Political Power Gain: −30%
  • Justify war goal time: −25%
  • Stability: +5%
An outcast among the Hives, Thorax is one of the first supporters of Harmony among the changelings. His belief that love can be obtained with friendship and peaceful trading with their neighbours has been slowly catching on among the despondent drones, who feel their lives are being thrown away in pursuit of militaristic expansion. Nonetheless, Thorax's ideas are a minority in the Hives and he is mostly despised by the Hive Queens, who see his vision as detrimental to the changelings as whole. That has changed after the Changelings' defeat in the Great War, and now Thorax leads the reformed nation into a bright future, hoping to show the world that they're not all monsters.

Complete the focus Thoraxian Betrayal and win the Changeling Civil War, then complete the focus Bittersweet Victory.

Gold Muffin
Equestrian Socialism.png
Equestrian Socialism

Communist Coalition

Hivesmarschall Synovial
Military Government.png
Military Government

Military Junta

Post-1007 leaders [may contain spoilers]
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Keisarinna Velvet Jelzek
Keisarinna Velvet Jelzek
Benevolent Absolutism.png
Benevolent Absolutism

Thoraxian Party
Queen Velvet, the only child of King Aldar II, is respected and beloved by the deer of Olenia.

Complete the focus Keiserei of Olenia, and select Keiserinna Velvet Jelzek. once the coronation event pops up

Political Advisors

Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Prince of Terror
  • Non-Core Ponypower: +2%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: −30%
  • Damage to Garrisons: −25%
Political Power 150
Silver Sheckels
Silver Sheckels
Captain of Industry
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
  • Railway construction speed: +10%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10%
Political Power 150
War Industrialist
  • Military Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Dockyard construction speed: +10%
  • Fuel Silo construction speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Queen Helvia
Queen Helvia
Queen of Ditrysium
  • Current ruling party is SupremacySupremacist.
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.02
  • Amphibious Invasion Speed: +10%
  • Dockyard Output: +15%
  • Economy Laws Cost: −10%
  • Unlocks a decision to recall a skilled admiral.

See description:
The young queen of the thriving port hive of Ditrysium is interested in commercial expansion and increase of naval production. While Ditrysium was the first major hive to ally Vesalipolis, Helvia is not as fond of Chrysalis as her predecessor. The debacle of 1002 eventually led to communist sailors rioting in Ditrysium and Chrysalis crushed the resistance personally without asking Helvia. However, she is pragmatic and knows maintaining good relations with Vesalipolis is ultimately a positive thing.
Political Power 150
Queen Aurantia
Queen Aurantia
Queen of Lyctida
  • Current ruling party is SupremacySupremacist.
  • Factory Repair Speed: +5%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +5%
  • Railway construction speed: +5%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +2.5%

See description:
The aging queen of the industrial hive-city of Lyctida is able to provide resources and lumber for our railroads and military equipment. Ever since Chrysalis lead her alliance to save Lyctida from marauding deer zealots, she has been her most loyal supporter. She always strives to earn Chrysalis' favour, but she in turn sees Aurantia as a useful and reliable pawn until she eventually dies from old age.
Political Power 150
Queen Yaria
Queen Yaria
Queen of Soryth
  • Current ruling party is SupremacySupremacist.
  • Magic Research Speed: +5%
  • Research Speed: +2%

See description:
Queen of the largest northern hive of Soryth, which lies on the shore of the Key Lake. The Key Lake is known for its concentration of magical energy. Magic helped changelings of Soryth to survive harsh northern weather for generations. Queen Yaria believes that thorough study of magical abilities of crystals is vital for future success of the changeling nation. She is one of the queens who joined Chrysalis voluntarily and genuinely believes she can lead their race to greatness. In her eyes, changelings have the same potential for magic abilities as unicorns, if they only develop it enough.
Political Power 150
Queen Argynnis
Queen Argynnis
Queen of Vraks
  • Current ruling party is SupremacySupremacist.
  • Production Efficiency Retention: +5%
  • Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: −5%
  • Military Factory construction speed: +2.5%

See description:
The martial hive of Vraks has always had a tenuous relationship with Vesalipolis, at best. The two had for centuries engaged in skirmishes and raids before Vraks attacked the other hive with full force but was repelled by Chrysalis and her allies from Ditrysium. In 971 Chrysalis struck back with an expanded alliance and crushed Vraks, whose Queen committed suicide rather than face Chrysalis' wrath. Her oldest hatchling, Argynnis, thus became Queen. She holds no grudge against Chrysalis and recognizes her might, but never skips an opportunity to make a mocking, sarcastic comment if she fails.
Political Power 150
Vaspier Orn Kladisium
Vaspier Orn Kladisium
The Great Imperial Nobody
  • Current ruling party is SupremacySupremacist.
With La Résistance La Résistance DLC:
  • Operative slots: +2
  • Own operative detection chance factor: −15%
  • Enemy operative detection chance factor: +10%
  • Agency upgrade time: −5%

Without La Résistance La Résistance DLC:

  • Subversive activities cost: −15%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: −15%
  • Ideology drift defense: +20%
  • Resistance Target: −5%
  • Own operative detection chance factor: −15%
  • Enemy operative detection chance factor: +10%

See description:
Initially born in one of the most rural areas of the Changeling hivelands near the Gorak hive, Vaspier has become a key figure of the Changeling administration, even if no one knows it. Sent to gain a higher education by his family after he showed a quick mind from an early age, Vaspier soon became involved with his nation's political struggles. He was one of the changelings who signed on quickly to Chrysalis' bid to unite the hives, and served as her intel gatherer from that point on. From this position, he built the Changeling intelligence agency, VOPS, into a force to be reckoned with. It was, in fact, his hoof that guided the operation of Chrysalis' first attack on Canterlot. That failure damaged his reputation, and since then, he has worked even harder to make himself useful to his Queen. And in this, he has succeeded. The VOPS is the most secretive intelligence agency around, and it is from this that his nickname derives.
Political Power 150


Flag Information
Changeling Lands.png
Changeling Lands / Changelingia / Changeling Queendom

Free Changeling Hives.png
Free Changeling Hives

Benevolent Absolutism.png
United Changeling Hives.png
United Changeling Hives

Equestrian Socialism.png
Changeling Hives.png
Changeling Hives

Military Government.png
Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading
Olenian-Changeling Commonwealth.png

Spoiler end.
Olenian-Changeling Commonwealth

Led by Thorax and/or Velvet, after uniting the Changelings Hives and Olenia

Benevolent Absolutism.png


Laws and Development

Laws and Development
Conscription Law Trade Law Economy Law
Volunteer Only Volunteer Only
  • Recruitable Population: 1.50%
Limited Exports Limited Exports
  • Construction Speed: +5.00%
  • Research Speed: +1.00%
  • Factory Output: +5.00%
  • Dockyard Output: +5.00%
  • Resources to Market: +25%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: -30.00%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +10.0%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +5.0%
Early Mobilization Early Mobilization
  • Industrial Research Speed: +2%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 30.0%
  • Fuel Gain per Oil: -25.00%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +5.00%
  • Military Factory construction speed: -10.00%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: -10.00%
Scientific Development Society Development Illiteracy
Developed Science Base Developed Science Base
  • No penalties
Modern Society Modern Society
  • No penalties
Negligible Illiteracy Negligible Illiteracy
  • No penalties
Poverty Race
Negligible Poverty Negligible Poverty
  • No penalties
Changeling Changeling Race
  • Uses Changeling Racial Tree

Industry and Resources

Military factory
Military Factories
Naval dockyard
Naval Dockyards
Civilian factory
Civilian Factories
Fuel silo
Fuel Silos
Synthetic refinery
Synthetic Refineries
14 10 21 (-10) 1 1
Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.
Steel icon.png
33 (-8) 12 (-3) 3 (-1) 22 (-6) 32 (-8) 0 19 (-5)
Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.



Type No.
Infantry Infanterie Division 7
InfantryHigh Priority Queen's Guard 1
Jaegers Jager Division 4
InfantryLow Priority Grenzinfanterie 5
Light tank Panzer Division 3
Motorized Motorisierte Infanterie 5
Army experience Total divisions 25
Ponypower Ponypower used 196.90k

When the No Step Back No Step Back expansion is enabled the Changeling Lands gain the army command spirits "Embrace the Future" and "Motorization Drive"

Field Marshal
Field Marshal Traits Description Skills Race
Field Marshal
Trimmel (advisor).png
Trait trimmel.png Panzer Marshal
An unparalleled expert with Tanks and Mechanised forces.
  • Armor speed: +5%
  • Motorized Attack: +5%
  • Mechanized Attack: +5%
  • Armor Division Attack: +5%
  • Armor Division Defense: +5%
Trait politically connected.png Politically Connected
This leader has political connections which has smoothed the way for his career. Perhaps too quickly.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −10%
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
Trait organizer.png Organizer
Able to plan and organize the movement of large armies.
  • Planning Speed: +10%
See description:
Born: 17 May, 973 in Gardis

Rank: Hivesmarschall
Biography: Born to a low level administrator of the Hive of Gardis, Trimmel Eugen Heydrich Zu Gardis has always been destined for service to the state. Second born to his parents, he was generally viewed as the spare and allowed to choose his education as he saw fit, whereas his older sister was groomed for inheriting their dynastic position. Thus with such freedom in choice Trimmel chose the one thing he excelled at: War. At age 18 Trimmel joined the local 124th Infantry Regiment as an ensign, in 992 he was moved to begin studying at the Officer Cadet School in Vesalipolis. He graduated in November 993 and was commissioned as a lieutenant in January the following year where he was posted to various locations in Equestria after being assigned to 46th Infiltrator Brigade. Serving with distinction in the Winter Revolution of Stalliongrad along with the rest of the Changelings supporting the nascent communist revolt, his first combat experience was on 22 December 995 as a platoon commander near Severokholm, when – catching the Equestrian Royal Guard garrison unprepared – Hauptmann Trimmel and three of his infiltrators opened fire on them without ordering the rest of his platoon forward. For his actions throughout the Winter Revolution, Trimmel was awarded the Iron Cross, Second Class alongside the medals his Severyana persona had acquired such as the Medal "For the Defence of Petershoof" and Medal "For Battle Merit". Shortly before the end of the conflict he falsified his persona's and infiltrator platoon's death in service to Stalliongrad and returned to the Changeling Lands to be promoted to Oberst and quickly being reassigned back to Equestria to take take over another disguise as an agent in the Equestrian General Staff for the invasion of Equestria in 1002. Whilst his actions severely hampered Equestria's capabilities to respond to Chrysalis' lighting assault on the capital, failure was nonetheless tasted that day. Upon the demotion of Hivemarshall Synovial, Trimmel received his position from Chrysalis as one Oberst who had 'not failed her miserably'. Since then he has reformed the military to adopt his and Chrysalis' image of fast and heavy hitting mobile military force capable of crushing all those who oppose the Changelings.

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 5
Attack.pngAttack: 5
Defense.pngDefense: 4
Planning.pngPlanning: 4
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
General Traits Description Skills Race
Actia Pagala
Actia Pagala
Actia Pagala (advisor).png
Trait changeling love succ.png Love Addiction
This changeling is addicted to love essence. It makes them stronger, but the excess of it damages their mental skills.
  • Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: −10%
  • Division Organization: −5%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: −25%
  • Planning: −1
Level 4
Attack.pngAttack: 5
Defense.pngDefense: 6
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Azure Lore
Azure Lore
Azure Lore (advisor).png
Trait arrow.png Passionate
Inspires their troops to follow them anywhere and often leads the charge personally.
  • Division Speed: +5%
  • Division Attack: +3%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: +50%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Carolina Phymata
Carolina Phymata
Carolina Phymata (advisor).png
Trait promising general.png Promising Leader
This leader has proven to be a quick learner.
  • Leader Experience Gain: +25%
See description:
Born: 13 October, 984 in Vesalipolis

Rank: Oberst
Biography: TBD

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Cimex (advisor).png
Trait old guard.png Old Guard
While not the most brilliant officer, he is unlikely to cause trouble.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −25%
  • Max Entrenchment: +1
See description:
Born: 2 December, 946 in Vesalipolis

Rank: Generalleutnant
Biography: TBD

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 4
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Cinctus Araxis
Cinctus Araxis
Cinctus Araxis (advisor).png
Trait cautious.png Cautious
Takes their time and plans carefully.
  • Planning Speed: −20%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: −50%
See description:
Born: 14 February, 981 in Vesalipolis

Rank: Oberst
Biography: TBD

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Elvir Roland
Elvir Roland
Elvir Roland (advisor).png
Trait reckless.png Reckless
A good officer needs to lead from the front.
  • Planning Speed: +20%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: +50%
Trait armor officer.png Armor Officer
Trained as an armor officer.
  • Panzer Leader experience factor: +100%
Trait panzer leader.png Panzer Leader
A natural with Tanks and Mechanized forces.
  • Armor speed: +5%
  • Armor Division Attack: +16%
Trait desert fox.png Desert Fox
Entirely at home when fighting in a Desert.
  • Desert:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Epargy Clarus
Epargy Clarus
Epargy Clarus (advisor).png
Trait winter specialist.png Winter Specialist
Possesses an intuitive understanding of the difficulties of fighting in Cold conditions.
  • Winter Attrition: −50%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Hermis Thysbe
Hermis Thysbe
Hermis Thysbe (advisor).png
Trait brilliant strategist.png Brilliant Strategist
A natural born strategist that is able to adapt to the dynamics of the battlefield.
  • Attack: +1
  • Planning: +1
Trait politically connected.png Politically Connected
This leader has political connections which has smoothed the way for his career. Perhaps too quickly.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −10%
  • Promotion Cost: −50%
See description:
Born: 31 August, 962 in Vesalipolis

Rank: Generalleutnant
Biography: TBD

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 4
Attack.pngAttack: 4
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 5
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Lacin Cardo
Lacin Cardo
Lacin Cardo (advisor).png
Trait harsh leader.png Harsh Leader
Discipline is necessary to lead an army, but some leaders take it a bit too far.
  • Division Recovery Rate: −10%
  • Attack: +1
Trait infiltrator.png Queen's Guard
While all changelings are naturally adept in subterfuge and deception, the Queen's Guard understand the truth of war, battles are won by the merciless application of overwhelming force. Their combat doctrine dictates that any battle where their capacity to fight and willingness to die exceeds that of their enemy is a battle already won — everything else is merely a matter of time and attrition.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −25%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Division Defense on core territory: +5%
  • Infantry Division Attack: +10%
  • Infantry Division Defense: −5%
  • General Max Army Size: −20
See description:
Born: 12th of March 962

Rank: Generalkapitän

Biography: Born into a military family, Lacin Cardo joined the Queen's Guard the day he was old enough. He rose rapidly through the ranks, and was assigned as part of the first attache to the Griffonian Empire.

To Lacin, the empire was an eye opener, and he developed a deep fascination with its military and history. While his deep understanding of the empire as well as his zeal served Chrysalis well, his obsession only grew, and in the end she transferred him back to Vesalipolis before it could go too far.

Returning home, Lacin was put in charge of modernising the Queen's Guard and integrating them into the new changeling army. He's a zealot who is convinced of the changelings' right to dominance, and he has distinguished himself by a contempt for all those he deems as weak to a point where even among other changelings, he is seen as a hardliner. He is convinced that the changeling hives can become equal to or even superior to the Griffonan empire, and that force is the key.

Portrait By: Flake
Level 4
Attack.pngAttack: 7
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Larynx (advisor).png
Trait infantry officer.png Infantry Officer
Trained as an infantry officer.
  • Infantry Leader experience factor: +100%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Lascor Erebidae
Lascor Erebidae
Lascor Erebidae (advisor).png
Trait engineer.png Engineer
Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications.
  • River:
    • Attack: +5%
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +10%
See description:
Born: 18 November, 978 in Volistad

Rank: Generalmajor
Biography: TBD

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 5
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Latro Mactans
Latro Mactans
Latro Mactans (advisor).png
Trait urban assault specialist.png Urban Assault Specialist
An expert in Fighting In Someone's House and Causing Havoc In People's Streets.
  • Urban:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Limacus Uptrich
Limacus Uptrich
Limacus Uptrich (advisor).png
Trait inflexible strategist.png Inflexible Strategist
Skilled but stubborn. A good enough plan can survive contact with the enemy.
  • Defense: +1
  • Logistics: +1
Trait infantry leader.png Infantry Leader
Skilled at leading infantry in combat.
  • Infantry Division Defense: +13%
See description:
Born: 26 July, 953 in Ditrysium

Rank: Generalmajor
Biography: TBD

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 5
Lunason (advisor).png
Trait cautious.png Cautious
Takes their time and plans carefully.
  • Planning Speed: −20%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: −50%
Trait artillery specialist.png Artillery Leader
Skilled at directing artillery in combat.
  • Artillery Defense: +10%
Trait mountaineer.png Mountaineer
An excellent climber and skilled at Mountain warfare.
  • Mountain:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 4
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Manti Ligiosa
Manti Ligiosa
Manti Ligiosa (advisor).png
Trait career officer.png Career Officer
Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match.
  • Promotion Cost: −25%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Narcys Murx
Narcys Murx
Narcys Murx (advisor).png
Trait reckless.png Reckless
A good officer needs to lead from the front.
  • Planning Speed: +20%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: +50%
Trait harsh leader.png Harsh Leader
Discipline is necessary to lead an army, but some leaders take it a bit too far.
  • Division Recovery Rate: −10%
  • Attack: +1
See description:
Born: 2 April, 981 in Vraks

Rank: Generalmajor
Biography: TBD

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 6
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Oecan Fultoni
Oecan Fultoni
Oecan Fultoni (advisor).png
Trait media personality.png Media Personality
This general will go out of his way to talk to the media and will always try to be in the limelight.
  • Army reassignment duration: +100%
Trait fortress buster.png Fortress Buster
Assaulting a Fort holds no terror for this officer.
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +15%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Opteris (advisor).png
Trait ranger.png Ranger
Rangers lead the way, especially when it involves fighting in Forests.
  • Forest:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Osteitis (advisor).png
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Pharynx (advisor).png
Trait jaeger.png Veteran Jaeger
Expert in guerilla warfare and sabotage operations behind enemy lines.
  • Trickster experience factor: +100%
  • Winter Specialist experience factor: +100%
  • Commando experience factor: +100%
  • Swamp Fox experience factor: +100%
  • Ranger experience factor: +100%
  • Hill Fighter experience factor: +100%
  • Urban Assault Specialist experience factor: +100%
  • Invader experience factor: +100%
  • Equipment Capture Ratio Gain: +3%
Level 4
Attack.pngAttack: 4
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Qwiksis (advisor).png
Trait talented coordinator.png Talented Coordinator
Leadership means picking good soldiers and helping them do their best.
  • Division Speed: +5%
  • Division Organization: +3%
  • Army reassignment duration: +100%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Kitu Elder
Kitu Elder
Kitu Elder (advisor).png
Trait trickster.png Trickster
Doing the unexpected in combat can give you a large advantage.
  • Reconnaissance: +25%
Trait infantry leader.png Infantry Leader
Skilled at leading infantry in combat.
  • Infantry Division Defense: +13%
Trait engineer.png Engineer
Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications.
  • River:
    • Attack: +5%
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +10%
Trait changeling love succ.png Love Addiction
This changeling is addicted to love essence. It makes them stronger, but the excess of it damages their mental skills.
  • Non-Combat Out of Supply Penalties: −10%
  • Division Organization: −5%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: −25%
  • Planning: −1
See description:
Born: 12th of December 978, in Sicarus

Rank: Generaloberst

Biography: Raised in a small hive of Sicarus within the Great Marshes of the Changeling Lands, Kitu Elder did not hold any royal title or was a part of any line of succession. She and whatever family she had left were servants to the royal house of Sicarus, which at the time acted neutral amidst the series of skirmishes and internal strife amongst the hives. Kitu was a cropper underneath the Sicarus hive, primarily a neglected servant during her service and addicted to a love-like narcotic used by the Sicari royals to keep their drones in line and dependent.

The Sicari family drafted both Kitu and her brother into a freshly raised army following news of impending assaults by their rival and neighbouring hive, the Volistad Hive. Under the command of Lykus Sicarus, the army was defeated in battle, leading to Kitu's brother's disappearance.

Fueled by rage and a desire to avenge her brother, Kitu acted exceptionally in the line of duty. After a successful defence of the Sicarus hive and later a counterattack against Volistad, Kitu received well-earned respect from her comrades. However, the Sicari royalty shunned and denied her either promotion or commendation.

Kitu dedicated the rest of her time as a soldier to exacting revenge on those who have wronged her. She eventually got her chance when she heard of Chrysalis' rise to prominence and her war with rival hives. Kitu discovered that Sicarus opposed Chrysalis' cause, which she relayed to the Queen, resulting in the invasion and occupation of Sicarus. Pleased with Kitu's loyalty, Chrysalis granted her the title of queen and control over the Sicarus hives in the marshlands, as well as field promoting Kitu to Generaloberst of the combined Sicarus and Volistad hives. Kitu's story is both a tale of reward to loyalists and a warning to traitors.

Portrait By: Yuri/floppochkin
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Sooty (advisor).png
Trait bearer of artillery.png Bearer of Artillery
Never drop a crate!
  • Artillery Attack: +15%
Trait artillery officer.png Artillery Officer
Trained as an artillery officer.
  • Artillery Leader experience factor: +100%
See description:
Born: Unknown

Rank: Generalleutnant

Biography: Unknown

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 4
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Polar Bear.png
Polar Bear
Tetti Rhombi
Tetti Rhombi
Tetti Rhombi (advisor).png
Trait bleeding heart.png Bleeding Heart
Doesn't like killing.
  • Division Attrition: −10%
  • Experienced soldier losses: −5%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Thiefio Bit
Thiefio Bit
Thiefio Bit (advisor).png
Trait reckless.png Reckless
A good officer needs to lead from the front.
  • Planning Speed: +20%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: +50%
Trait trickster.png Trickster
Doing the unexpected in combat can give you a large advantage.
  • Reconnaissance: +25%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Vect (advisor).png
Trait armor officer.png Armor Officer
Trained as an armor officer.
  • Panzer Leader experience factor: +100%
Trait communist sympathizer.png Communist Sympathizer
Supporter of the communist cause.
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Venyx (advisor).png
Trait organizer.png Organizer
Able to plan and organize the movement of large armies.
  • Planning Speed: +10%
Trait winter specialist.png Winter Specialist
Possesses an intuitive understanding of the difficulties of fighting in Cold conditions.
  • Winter Attrition: −50%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Zellix (advisor).png
Trait infantry officer.png Infantry Officer
Trained as an infantry officer.
  • Infantry Leader experience factor: +100%
Trait engineer.png Engineer
Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications.
  • River:
    • Attack: +5%
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +10%
Trait urban assault specialist.png Urban Assault Specialist
An expert in Fighting In Someone's House and Causing Havoc In People's Streets.
  • Urban:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Level 1
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1

Division composition list

Division composition list
Division Name list Support companies Combat battalions
NATO infantry.png Infanterie Division Infantry Divisions Artillery, Recon, Engineer 7x Infantry
NATO infantry.png Queen's Guards Queen's Guard Divisions Artillery, Recon, Engineer 4x Infantry
NATO jaegers.png Jager Divison Light Infantry Divisions Artillery, Recon, Engineer 7x Jagers
NATO infantry.png Grenzinfanterie Rear-Echelon Divisions 4x Infantry
NATO light tank.png Panzer Division Panzer Divisions Engineer, Artillery, Motorized Recon 3x Light Tank, 4x Motorized Infantry
NATO motorized.png Motorisierte Division Motorized Divisions Engineer, Artillery, Motorized Recon 8x Motorized Infantry

Tank Variants list

Tank Variants list (With No Step Back No Step Back)
Name Chassis Suspension Armor? Engine? Main Armament Turret Special Features
Panzer II Ausf. A Improved Light Tank Clawbeak Riveted 2 Gasoline 3 Automatic Cannon Three Pony Turret Radio I
Panzer III Ausf. A Basic Medium Tank Bogie Welded 0 Gasoline 2 Small Cannon Three Pony Turret Radio I, Smoke Launchers, Additional Machineguns
Panzer I Ausf. A Basic Light Tank Clawbeak Riveted 1 Gasoline 5 Heavy Machine Gun One Pony Turret Radio I
A7V* Early Medium Tank Bogie Riveted 3 Gasoline 4 Small Cannon Medium Fixed Superstructure Additional Machineguns
Leichttraktor* Early Light Tank Clawbeak Riveted 2 Gasoline 2 Small Cannon Three Pony Turret Radio I
* marks a variant as "outdated".


Type No.
Battleship Battleship 1
Battlecruiser Battlecruiser 4
Heavy Cruiser Heavy Cruiser 6
Light Cruiser Light Cruiser 16
Destroyer Destroyer 34
Submarine Submarine 24
Navy experience Total ships 65
Ponypower Ponypower used 54.27k

When the No Step Back No Step Back expansion is enabled the Changeling Lands gains the navy command spirit "Surface Raiders"

Admiral Traits Description Skills Race
Lysander (advisor).png
Trait superior tactician.png Superior Tactician
A master of Fleet Positioning.
  • Positioning: +25%
See description:
Born: TBA

Rank: Generaladmiral

Biography: As Commander of the Kriegsmarine's Surface Fleet, Lysander enjoys the control of the biggest ships the Kriegsmarine can muster. He believes that all parts of the fleet must work in tandem, and that one decisive battle can turn the tide of the sea war. He finds Mimic's ideas of hit-and-run tactics irritating, and over time they have become harsh rivals.

Portrait By: Neither
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 1
Coordination.pngCoordination: 1
Mimic (advisor).png
Trait seawolf.png Sea Wolf
The Sea Wolf is particularly skilled in Convoy Raiding
  • Submarine Attack: +20%
See description:
Born: TBA

Rank: Generaladmiral

Biography: The Commander of the Kriegsmarine's Submarine Fleet, Mimic has always believed firmly in the idea that the changeling fleet must behave as the changelings themselves, being able to strike quickly and vanish into the fog before any counterattack can be mounted. Her doctrinal rivalry with Generaladmiral Lysander has developed into a personal feud, and the two have become bitter political opponents.

Portrait By: Scroup
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 1
Coordination.pngCoordination: 1

Naval units list

Naval units list (With Man the Guns Man the Guns)
Type Class Hull Engine # No. Production cost (naval).png # No. Design note
BC Chrysalis Long Range Battleship Heavy II 2 2 4x Heavy Battery II, Anti-Air I, Anti-Air II, Fire Control I, Secondary Battery II, Battlecruiser Armor II
BC Dread* Long Range Battleship Heavy II 2 3x Heavy Battery II, Anti-Air I, Fire Control I, 1x Secondary Battery I, Battlecruiser Armor II, Floatplane Catapult I
BB Queen* Macawian-Style Battleship Hull Heavy I 1 1x Heavy Battery II, 2x Anti-Air I, Fire Control I, 2x Secondary Battery I, Battleship Armor I
CA Mandible Escort and Upgunned Cruiser Cruiser II 4 1 3x Heavy Cruiser Battery II, Anti-Air I, Anti-Air II, Fire Control I, Torpedo Launcher I
CA Fibula* Escort and Upgunned Cruiser Cruiser II 2 Heavy Cruiser Battery II, Anti-Air I, Anti-Air II, Hydrophones I, 3x Floatplane Catapult I
CL Kladisium* Escort and Upgunned Cruiser Cruiser II 4 2 2x Light Cruiser Battery II, Anti-Air II, Hydrophones I, Cruiser Armor II, 3x Floatplane Catapult I
CL Antax Escort and Upgunned Cruiser Cruiser II 1 1 3x Light Cruiser Battery II, Anti-Air I, Anti-Air II, Fire Control I, Torpedo Launcher I
CL Sezemoid* Scout and Armored Cruiser Cruiser II 11 Light Cruiser Battery II, Anti-Air I, Fire Control I, 3x Minelaying Rail
DD Antagonist Enlarged Destroyer Light II 10 Light Battery II, Anti-Air I, Fire Control I, 2x Torpedo Launcher I, Depth Charge I
DD Modiolus* Enlarged Destroyer Light II 11 Light Battery II, Anti-Air I, Fire Control I, 2x Torpedo Launcher I, Minelaying Rail
DD Type 991* Torpedo Boat Destroyer Light I 13 Light Battery II, Anti-Air I, Torpedo Launcher I, Minelaying Rail
SS Type VII Fleet Submarine Submarine II 3 2x Torpedo Tubes II
SS Type II* Modernised Coastal Submarine I 14 2x Torpedo Tubes I
SS Type IX Cruiser Submarine Submarine II 8 3x Torpedo Tubes II
* marks a variant as "outdated".

Ship type terminology:

  • CV - Carrier
  • BB - Battleship
  • BC -Battlecruiser
  • CA - Heavy cruiser
  • CL - Light cruiser
  • DD - Destroyer
  • SS - Submarine


Air Force
Type No.
Close Air Support Close air support
Fighter Fighter 295
Naval Bomber Naval bomber
Heavy Fighter Heavy fighter
Tactical Bomber Tactical bomber 100
Transport Plane Transport plane
Air experience Total planes 395
Ponypower Ponypower used 11.30k
Ace Modifiers Plane types
Scolytidae 'Graf Bubi' Argostrosi
Scolytidae 'Graf Bubi' Argostrosi
  • Max Air Speed: +8%
  • Air Attack: +10%
  • Agility: +15%
Fighter Fighters and Interceptors
Phyllodon 'Sky Terror' Hartling
Phyllodon 'Sky Terror' Hartling
  • Max Air Speed: +8%
  • Air Attack: +10%
  • Agility: +15%
Fighter Fighters and Interceptors


Operative Traits Description Skills Race
Trait operative spiracles.png Manipulator
This operative is an expert at manipulation, giving them a supply of middlemen to make up for their inability to transform. Unfortunately, being stuck as a changeling makes them the clear suspect if an information leak is found.
  • Root Out Resistance mission effects: +20%
  • Enemy intel network strength gain: −10%
  • Own operative detection chance factor: +100%
  • Enemy operative detection chance factor: +10%
  • Enemy operative capture chance: +10%
Trait operative seducer.png Seducer
This Operative has shown an aptitude to get into people's heads - sometimes via the bedroom.
  • Own operative detection chance factor: −20%
  • Infiltration effectiveness: +25%
  • Infiltration risk: −25%
See description:
Born: April 4th, 979

Cover Identity: Holiday

Biography Spiracles was the smallest and weakest of her many siblings. She was a subpar flyer, was unable to learn to transform her appearance, and was found to have a phobia of extremely loud noise. In spite of this, she endeavored to serve her country any way she could, and was eventually placed in a psychological warfare group called the Special Ambassadors for her prodigious skill at emotional manipulation sans-disguise, an already-rare ability for changelings.

She rose through the ranks at lightning speed due to this talent and the organization's rapidly-changing purpose, until it solidified in the form it is in today with her as the highest-ranking field officer. She has written much literature on improving interrogation training and methods, for common soldier and secret police alike and has earned an honorary four-year degree in psychology.

Now, she stands as living proof that no matter who you are, the Changeling Lands can find a use for you in its quest for domination.
Level 1


Military staff

Select army chief.png Chiefs of Army
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Army Maneuver (Expert)
  • Division Speed: +10%
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Army Offense (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Attack: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +15%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Army Organization (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Organization: +8%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Army Reformer (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Army Experience Gain: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Military Advancements: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select navy chief.png Chiefs of Navy
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Commerce Raiding (Genius)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.40
  • Convoy Raiding Efficiency: +20%
Political Power 200
Command power 10
Decisive Battle (Expert)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Capital Ship Attack: +10%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10%
  • Screen Attack: +10%
  • Screen Defense: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select air chief.png Chiefs of Airforce
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Ground Support (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Air Superiority: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
All-Weather (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Bad Weather Penalty: −20%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Air Reformer (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Air Experience Gain: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select high command.png Military High Command
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Elvir Roland
Elvir Roland
Armor (Expert)
  • Current ruling party is SupremacySupremacist.
  • Armor Division Attack: +10%
  • Armor Division Defense: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Infantry (Specialist)
  • Infantry Division Attack: +5%
  • Infantry Division Defense: +10%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Dedicated General
Dedicated General
Army Regrouping (Expert)
  • Division Recovery Rate: +8%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Artillery (Specialist)
  • Artillery Attack: +10%
  • Artillery Defense: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Army Logistics (Expert)
  • Division Attrition: −8%
Political Power 100
Command power 20

Strategies and guides

Starting Situation

Political - The Changelings start with the most technologically advanced nation on the planet, with established tank, air and naval forces. Their focuses allow for rapid buildup of their already respectable military base, and they have options for war with both the Flag of Polar Bear Communities Polar Bear Communities, which provides bonuses to the Changelings for little effort, and Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenia, which provides more factories and needed resources very early in the game. However, this power will be needed to challenge Equestria, the Changeling's ultimate target. With the largest industrial base in the game but crippling peacetime maluses, Equestria will close the gap as it rearms.

Army - Changelings start with a very strong army that can arguably defeat any force on the planet in a straight fight, and the advanced templates will save a lot of army experience. This includes 6 smaller garrison divisions, 7 infantry divisions, 4 jaegers (light infantry divisions), 5 motorized infantry divisions and 3 light tank divisions, for a total of 190k deployed ponypower, 2.7k motorized and 540 tanks. Apart from the garrison divisions, all forces are fully equipped with standard support (engineers, recon, artillery).

Airforce - Changelings start with 255 Fighter I, 110 Early Fighter, 100 Early Bomber, and two fighter aces, putting them on a solid foundation for expansion.

Navy - Changelings start with 4 Battlecruisers, 1 Battleship, 34 Destroyers, 6 Heavy Cruisers, 16 Light Cruisers and 24 Submarines. They are very advanced in their technology (1007 models for all ship classes aside from Carriers). However, they will still likely struggle against the Equestrian Navy, which starts with two Carriers already deployed and Naval Bomber I tech researched.

However the true strength of the Changeling Navy comes with their completely unique ship model: the Cruiser Submarine. These submarines have a base maximum range of 7000 kilometers, which can be further increased by adding fuel tanks. With these improvements, the player will be able to attack convoys on the eastern coast of Equus and even near the western coast Griffonia. This can effectively cut Equestria off from the precious aluminium deposits in New Mareland, severely hurting their capability to produce aircraft and support equipment.

Gameplay Mechanics

Changeling Demilitarization

If changelings are liberated by Equestria, they will enforce demilitarization on the nation. Changelings will become a puppet, with 0 ponypower, the Disarmed Nation law and set to Civilian Economy. Changelings will not be able to change these restrictions unless remilitarized by their overlord.

Changeling Protectorates

All nations on the continent of Equus have cosmetic localization for being a changeling puppet. However, in addition to this, the Changelings can release portions of Equestrian territory as protectorates. Each protectorate receives all changeling territory. The five potential regions are as follows.

  • Flag of Manehattan Protectorate Manehattan Protectorate
  • Austral Protectorate
  • Appleloosian Protectorate
  • Severyana Protectorate
  • Crystal Protectorate

If the Manehattan Protectorate wasn't formed in two months after Equestria's capitulation, the Flag of Equestrian Liberation Front Equestrian Liberation Front will spawn in Eastern Equestria and declare war on the Changelings. The player will receive the event "Unrest in the East" soon after Equestria's defeat warning about this fact.

When forming the Manehattan Protectorate, an event will be triggered asking if the player wants to play as Manehattan.

A good part of Griffonia also have decisions available to form changeling regional puppets if you are able to conquer them. There are currently seven decisions available.

  • Herzland Protectorate
  • Western Griffonia Protectorate
  • Verenia Protectorate
  • Griffonstone Protectorate
  • Southern Griffonia Protectorate
  • Evi Valley Protectorate
  • Karthin Protectorate

Sombra and Nightmare Moon

Should Sombra emerge in the Flag of Crystal Empire Crystal Empire he may seek to create a faction with the Flag of Lunar Empire Lunar Empire and/or Changelings. He may also propose marriage to Chrysalis, though this has no gameplay benefits other than improved relations between the two countries.

A Sombra-Chrysalis marriage isn't the only crack shipping available to the Changelings either. Can you find the other two?

The Changeling-Griffonian Attache

Two Changeling generals are present in the Flag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire, providing national spirits to both the Griffonian Empire and the Changeling Lands. These attaches can be recalled via decision or will be automatically recalled during the Lead The Armies focus. If they are feeling charitable, the Griffonian Empire may send some gifts with the returning attaches. One attaché, Thranx, has other plans, however...

New Mareland-Sponsored Resistance

After the changelings conquer Equestria, if Flag of Commonwealth of New Mareland New Mareland still exists and remained loyalist, a resistance to the changelings will spring up, leading to attacks on infrastructure, military factories, or civilian factories every so often.

The attacks are impossible to prevent, but by this point, the Changelings should have enough civilian factories to offset the attacks. The attacks will be permanently ended if New Mareland is conquered.

The Great Queen's Tower

Available from the start, The Great Queen's Tower is a set of two decisions focusing on the construction of Queen Chrysalis' tower at the center of Vesalipolis. Completing the construction of the tower gives a positive national spirit, and is a prerequisite to a branch of the Pax Chrysalia focus tree.

Decision Prerequisites Costs Effects
Construction of the Tower Current ruling party is Supremacy. 25 PP, use of 1 Civilian Factory for 70 days
Completion of the Tower
  • Current ruling party is Supremacy.
  • Construction of the Tower needs to be completed 4 times.
50 PP, use of 2 Civilian Factories for 70 days
  • Gains National Spirit The Great Queen's Tower, which grants (Division Defense on core territory: +2.5%, Infrastructure construction speed: +2.5%, Civilian Factory construction speed: +2.5%).
  • Political Power +200.
  • Vesalipolis Add 1 Building Slots.

Pax Chrysalia Mechanics

The Greater Changelingia

After the Changelings conquer Equestria, two decisions will be unlocked where Queen Chrysalis can proclaim either Greater Changelingia or the Changeling Queendom. Taking these decisions will rename the country to the selected name, and only one of the two can be taken. Both decisions cost 50 PP and reward 150 PP.

Anti-Changeling Insurgency

Immediately after Equestria capitulates and the Changelings annex it, the Changelings will receive the Anti-Changeling Insurgency national spirit. The national spirit has four levels, going from worst to best: Utter Chaos, Widespread, Sporadic, and Contained. By default, Anti-Changeling Insurgency is on the Utter Chaos level, and grants the following:

Anti-Changeling Insurgency: Utter Chaos
Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: -40%
Resistance Target: +40%
Resistance Decay Speed: -40%
Compliance Growth Speed: -40%
Garrison Penetration Chance: +40%
Damage to Garrisons: +40%
Resistance Activity Chance: +40%
Maximum Compliance of Equestrian states under Changeling occupation will be capped at 40%.

Every time the level of the national spirit increases, all negative stats will weaken by 10%, while the Maximum Compliance stat will increase by 20%. The final Contained level of the national spirit has all negative stats at ±10% and no cap on Maximum Compliance.

In order to increase the level of the Anti-Changeling Insurgency national spirit, three decisions unlocked alongside the national spirit will have to be taken. These are:

  • Suppress the Resistance
  • Consolidate the Occupation
  • Promote Compliance & Collaboration

All three decisions have five stages, which must be completed before they are unlocked. These stages are represented by points, and all three decisions start with 0/5 points. These points are rewarded through national focuses and events scattered across the Pax Chrysalia focus tree. If the player is not careful in their decision-making, some points will be permanently lost, and the decisions will become impossible to unlock.

The decisions themselves, once unlocked, cost 25 PP and 14 days of -25% PP Gain to complete, and increase the Anti-Changeling Insurgency level by one upon completion.

Love Extraction & Consumption

Love Extraction Decisions.png
The Love Harvest continuous focus.

Once the focus The Liebessammeldienst is complete, the Love extraction and consumption mechanics for the Changeling Lands will be unlocked.

Love, measured in Erots, is primarily acquired through the Changelings special continuous focus, The Love Harvest. The continuous focus steadily grants Erots of love at the cost of increasing resistance strength when it's active. Additional Erots of Love can be gained through the Supplementary Love Acquisition and Supplementary Love Synthesization decisions. Some events and focuses will also grant one-time Love bonuses.

Love can be used for completing national focuses, and for the love consumption decisions that grant temporary bonuses.

However, there is another string attached to this that you must keep a close eye on: The Battalion Cap. If you have more battalions and support companies than your cap allows, then your Love will slowly drain. The further your Love stockpiles dip into the negative, the worse the Love Deficit national spirit becomes, which will apply severe debuffs on your army.

The battalion cap depends on how many states you and your subjects own, and can also be increased later in the focus branch once the average resistance of Equestrian core states goes below 30%. The focuses in the Love extraction branch of the Pax Chrysalia focus tree will also make your Love harvesting methods more efficient as you progress.

Siedlungsplan Expansionism

All the states that can be colonized with the Siedlungsplan Expansionism decisions.

The focus Prep the Siedlungsplan unlocks decisions that allows the Changelings to colonize states in Northwestern Equestria and Crystal Empire. The prerequiesites for the decisions require the target colony state to have <20% Resistance, ≥40% Compliance, and either the Regional Commissariat or Local Police Force occupation law.

The decisions cost 70 PP and require 70 days to finish. Once complete, the colonized state will gain the "Settler-Colony" state modifier, which grants:

  • Local Non-Core Ponypower: +10%
  • Monthly Population: +50%
  • Resistance Target: -50%
  • Resistance Decay Speed: +50%
  • Damage to Garrisons: -50%
  • Recruitable Population: +50%
  • Daily Compliance Gain: +0.05%


The button to deploy the Jäger-Einsatzgruppe divisions is present on the upper right corner of the state menu.

The focus Jagdkommando Brigades unlocks the ability to deploy Jäger-Einsatzgruppe rapid-response divisions anywhere in the Hegemony. These divisions can be used to suppress resistance or deployed as emergency units.

After the mechanic is unlocked, a button to deploy Jäger-Einsatzgruppe divisions will appear next to the state overlay. The deploy action can be used if the state is owned by either the Changeling Lands, a changeling puppet state, or a member of the Changeling Hegemony. It costs 15 command power and 15 political power to use the deploy action, and doing so will designate the state for a Jagdkommando dispatch and prepare 2 Jagdkommando-Einsatzgruppe divisions for dispatch.

After a state is selected for a Jagdkommando dispatch, another decision will be unlocked in the decision menu to dispatch the Jagdkommando unit to the selected state, which costs 5 political power. The time the dispatch decision takes to complete varies depending on the distance between the selected state and Vesalipolis; on Equus, the decisions take around 1 to 2.5 weeks to complete.

After the dispatch decision completes, 2 Jagdkommando-Einsatzgruppe divisions will spawn in the selected state, and the state's resistance level will decrease by 3%. The Jagdkommando-Einsatzgruppe divisions consist of 6 Jager battalions with Infiltrator, Recon, and Engineer support companies, and are fully equipped, have Seasoned experience, and Elite equipment priority.

The Changeling Lands have a total of 10 Jagdkommando-Einsatzgruppe divisions in reserve; the number decreases when the deploy action is taken, meaning that a total of five states can be designated for dispatch at one time.

Another decision in the decision screen will recall the Jagdkommando-Einsatzgruppe divisions back into reserve; it costs 25 PP and 7 days of -25% Daily Command Power Gain Multipler to take this decision, during which states cannot be selected for Jagdkommando deployment. When this decision completes, all deployed Jagdkommando divisions will despawn, all states designated for a Jagdkommando dispatch will lose their designation status, and the number of Jagdkommando divisions in reserve returns to 10.

One state can only be designated for one dispatch of 2 Jagdkommando divisions at one time.

Gameplay Walkthrough

A playthrough of the Changeling Lands has three main stages: pre-Great War, Great War, and post-Great War.

  • In the Pre-Great War stage, the Changelings build up their military and conquer the Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Kingdom of Olenia (and optionally the Flag of Polar Bear Communities Polar Bear Communities) in order to prepare for their war with Equestria.
  • In the Great War stage, the Changelings declare war on Flag of Equestria Equestria, sparking the largest continental war on Equus.
  • In the Post-Great War stage, the Changelings triumph over Equestria, beginning the Pax Chrysalia focus tree and storyline, and can take further war goals to fully subjugate Equus.

Pre-Great War

Changelings open by completing the unification of the hives, by taking the Destroy Thoraxian Resistance Focus. This will also result in an audit of the VOPS, severely slowing down any expansion of the Changeling spy agency for half a year. Alternately, the Changelings can pursue a Harmonic Path, triggering a civil war, by taking Thoraxian Betrayal.

War Against Polar Bear Communities

Given the tight time constraints, taking the resource and industry poor Flag of Polar Bear Communities Polar Bear Communities is difficult to justify. However, the focuses are fast and can provide helpful bonuses to Changeling industry and resources.

Envoy to Polar Bears will allow Changelings to demand the submission of the Polar Bears as a puppet, along with gifts of gold, resources, or land. Gold will give the Polar Bears a National Spirit that cedes +15% of Polar Bear Military and Civilian factories to the Changeling Lands for 1000 days. Resources will give the Polar Bears a National Spirit that provides +20% Resources to Market, +80% Extra trade to overlord, and -75% target trade cost to the Changeling Lands for 1000 days. 15 Steel production is also added to the Changeling state of Den. Given the weakness of Polar Bear industry, Resources is usually the better option. By contrast, the land is barren and worthless.

Should the Polar Bears refuse, the next focuses will unlock, allowing the Changelings to either directly go to war or start two border wars. Border war is the superior option, producing significantly less world tension and keeping the original bonuses demanded. By winning both border wars the Changelings will cause the Polar Bears to surrender.

War Against Olenia

Taking Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenia is the necessary prelude to the Equestrian invasion. The biggest risk is Equestria intervening on the side of Olenia. This can happen if Olenia chooses harmony and reaches the end of its tree (426 days + time to win the civil war if rushed) or if Equestria uses its tree to start a civil war in Olenia. After the civil war Equestria can guarantee Olenia (364 + time to win the civil war if rushed.)

Changelings can rush Olenia faster than this and so it is recommended to take Olenia early - it's industrial might will be helpful to the Changelings and the Olenian military is no match for the Changeling army.

Olenia can be puppeted or conquered with a focus - puppeting will usually be refused and allows Changelings to go to war with lower world tension. When the war starts a neutral Olenia will typically surrender by event well before capitulation.

Great War

Flag of Equestria Equestria - the ultimate goal for the changelings. Once the Lead the Armies focus is selected, Equestria will have 100 days notice to prepare for the invasion, during which time they can begin their military focuses.

The Equestrian border is typically fortified and has rivers along much of its length. Blitzkrieg and tank heavy tactics will help achieve breakthroughs.

The first months of the war are crucial and will usually determine the winner. No matter when the changelings attack, Equestria will start getting an advantage if the war drags on - the Changelings are in a battle against time. Thus, to win the war, the player must obtain a significant advantage in the first months of the conflict. This is especially since Equestria also has a significant degree of ponypower and a large industrial base.

However, due to its need to rearm, Equestria's actual army size would be similar, if not smaller, to that of the changelings. One possible strategy is for a changeling player to focus on encircling Equestrian divisions with tanks, motorized/mechanized and infantry, destroying enemy divisions that will deprive Equestria of its ability to hold its frontline, despite its ponypower advantage. Infantry divisions with high soft attack and piercing (created by having magic and standard infantry in a division template) would be essential to that end.

Timing Equestria

Equestria has two major thresholds for waking up its dormant war machine.

Change to Laws - Equestria can change its recruitment and economic laws at 15% World Tension or 15% War Support. This will only partially empower Equestria - it must still remove the Magic of Friendship and gain other benefits via the Emergency War Committee. This only happens if the Changeling player is attacking quite late.

Urgent War Committee will typically be unlocked by one of three ways.

  • The Changelings begin the Lead the Armies focus, which allows them to go to war with Equestria.
  • World Tension reaches >50% / War Support >40%
  • Equestria has a civil war

Given this, the Changeling player should pick an extreme - either an early attack, or late attack. A middle ground has the weaknesses of both and the strengths of neither.

Early Attack - Even without Emergency War Committee, Equestria will increase in power - building more military factories and equipment. Attacking early, with only small delays to take industrial or other powerful focuses, will hit the Equestrian military when it is still small and low tech.

The Changelings can attack as early as 807 days into the game (March 1009) plus however long it takes the player to conquer Olenia. Taking the research slots and hive industrialisation focuses will add 574 days to this time, and quickly grabbing the focuses for 2 civilian factories, 2 military factories and 18 Steel will add 140 days.

An Equestrian friendly Flag of Stalliongrad Stalliongrad (that is, a Stalliongrad that elects Dark Wing or Vasily), or an Equestrian civil war, is best countered with an early attack.

Late Attack - Equestrian military production will allow the country to strengthen quickly from its early game weakness, but Equestria is hamstrung in the longer term by its low recruitable population and slow military factory production speed. A longer-term outlook on production and war preparation will allow the Changelings to produce a vast, technologically advanced army that greatly outnumbers the Equestrian forces. Should the longer path be chosen the Changelings have to carefully monitor Equestria - once World Tension is >50% or War Support is >40%, Equestria can increase recruitment, improve its economy, and start to close the gap.

An Equestrian hostile Flag of Stalliongrad Stalliongrad (ie. elects Sinister Serov) is best paired a late attack, depriving Equestria of a powerful ally.

The Border

Unfortunately for the changelings, the border between the Changelings and Equestria is a respectable defensive position, with many rivers and other natural obstacles to cross. The front can be divided into 3 main parts:

The Vanhoover – Acornage Line


This is undoubtedly the most protected part of the border. A large river protects all provinces, so even with a significant advantage, the changelings will have to spend a long time breaking through - Often enough time for the Equestrian to reinforce the endangered provinces.

However, this section has one significant weakspot. The province highlighted on the screenshot borders 4 Changeling provinces. By attacking from four directions, the player can achieve 200 combat width and deploy 10 20 width divisions to fight at once. A force of this size, with a good general, full planning bonus and the buff from Force Attack can overwhelm almost any defence.

Note that shortly after the war starts, 5 units of jaegers may appear behind the enemy lines near Vanhoover, able to make a rush for the port or support border attacks, though a competent Equestrian player will anticipate this.

The Central Opening


This sector is most promising for the attacker. There is no river, all provinces are plains, avoiding defender terrain advantages, and Equestrian focuses do not give any forts to this area. There is a river two provinces behind the border, but if the player manages to obtain a quick breakthrough, they should be able to cross the river before the Equestrian divisions can reorganize after the initial defeat.

The Changeling – Crystal Border


This small sector of the front is protected by a small river. Any attack which comes here will be met with significant resistance from both Equestrian and Crystal units. One of the biggest problems with trying to achieve a breakthrough here is the forest area behind the river. It significantly slows down every possible offensive. Furthermore – eastern Crystal states have very low infrastructure levels, so high division attrition quickly becomes an issue.

On the flipside, the border here is also easy to hold, and the Crystal Empire has fairly low ponypower. Having an army of divisions just apply pressure (cautious execution of attack plan) will pin down Crystal Empire divisions, and free up divisions to sweep through Equestria.

Other Notes

The Flag of Commonwealth of New Mareland Commonwealth of New Mareland, should they remain loyalist, will immediately sign a truce with the Changelings when Equestria capitulates, preventing the Changelings from conquering them in the peace deal. After the war, loyalist New Mareland will host the Equestrian government-in-exile, fund resistance on Equus, and form an anti-Changeling faction and eventually declare war on the Changelings to restore Equestria. Loyalist New Mareland's existence is a massive headache on the side of Pax Chrysalia, as such, it is possible for you to take out New Mareland before finishing off Equestria. However, a supremist Wingbardy will also be able to deal with them for you, and the Manehattan Protectorate can eventually get a war goal as well if successful in their plans.

Post-Great War

Following the Great War, the Changelings will have conquered vast swathes of Equestrian territory, and needs to properly manage them and consolidate the occupation. Properly managing the occupation mechanics is quite challenging due to the Anti-Changeling Insurgency national spirit, and it is highly recommended to temporarily pause taking expansion focuses and focus on the Pax Chrysalia focus tree and use its mechanics to improve the status of the occupation. If the occupation is not managed properly, the amount of resistance in Equestria can become a massive drain on the Changelings' manpower and turn the country into a paper tiger.

For starters, every available protectorate should be released to minimize the amount of states the Changelings have to occupy. Military production should temporarily be refocused on producing the equipment for the garrisons over the deployed military, as having low garrison equipment will significantly weaken the occupation. Technology that strengthens garrisons (like infiltrators and military police) should be researched and equipped as soon as possible, before the war concludes even.

One important note is that the states of Everfree Forest and Castle of Two Sisters should always have a high level of occupation law even when the rest of the country had deescalated to more moderate occupation laws, as these two states have a special state modifier that greatly increases resistance on them, which can influence nearby states into having high resistance levels.

As an additional note, deployed units should always avoid the Everfree Forest and Castle of Two Sisters, as their special state modifier greatly increases attrition in them even in peacetime.

Once the occupation has been consolidated to a manageable level, the Changelings can consider taking the additional conquest focuses in their expansion focus tree to conquer all of the Equus continent.

Pax Chrysalia Storyline

Almost all the focuses in the Pax Chrysalia tree give events or event chains describing the Equestrian society under Changeling occupation. Most of the events focus on the five members of the Canterlot Commissariat: Canterlot's Governor Generalmajor Jachs, Generaloberstabsarzt Marsilio, Jachs' second-in-command Oberstleutnant Alcippe, industrialist Finicus Vesali, and Canterlot Guard Kommandant Second Wind.

Throughout a Pax Chrysalia playthrough, the player and the members of the Canterlot Commissariat will be forced to make decisions. The consequences of these decisions initially appear to be merely different mechanical benefits, but look closer, and a greater story unravels itself as consequences collide and create visible changes. The coronation of Queen Chrysalis will be a culimination of the player's decisions, but it is far from the true end of the story of Jachs and his compatriots.

The future of both the Changelings and the Ponies under Pax Chrysalia can be forever changed, should events align...

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading

Of the many decisions that the player can make throughout Pax Chrysalia, some are particularly noteworthy.

  • Laying the groundwork for future Equestrian-Changeling scientific cooperation may prove useful.
  • Sometimes being light on the ponies has its own benefits, even if Chrysalis disagrees.
  • The caves under Canterlot hide many secrets, including some that many prefer to stay hidden.
  • While the Cornucopia Society is mysterious and seemingly nothing more than a drug den, special insights can sometimes come from unexpected places.
  • Second Wind is a key player to the future of the Pax Chrysalia: keeping him alive is a necessity.

There will be a choice. While it is your to make, some choices are less real then they appear. Some doors only open when others close, and the Everfree may be the key to unlocking a new path...

Spoiler end.

Alternate Path - The Thorax Path

Thorax's focus tree.

Taking the Thoraxian Betrayal focus will begin a civil war in the Changeling lands. The Harmonic leader Thorax has a new and different harmonic focus tree, aimed at aggressive promotion of harmony in Equestria and beyond.

Preparation for a Civil War

Considered to be one of the more difficult civil wars at the start of the game, taking on the civil war will require initial planning for the player. It is advised to destroy all Fighteraircraft stocks and disband the Naval basenavy and Fighterairforce before taking on the focus Thoraxian Betrayal. Additionally, focusing only on producing rifles and support equipment while removing any other production of Light tanktanks, Artillerysupport weapons, Fighteraircraft and Destroyernaval vessels. Lastly, building up the Railwayrailway connecting the hive cities of Soryth and Volistad, will allow improved flow of logistics between the two core territories at the start of the civil war. With an additional Supply Hubsupply depot at the East of Crucis, Ghostly Square in order to mitigate supply consumption that will concentrate at Volistad. (Can expedited via Reorganize the Supply Networks decision)

It is up to the player whether they should or should not research any technologies within the given 77 day period. As any and all completed technologies will be shared by both sides of the civil war. DO NOT disband the army, as this will give Chrysalis a significant manpower boost at the beginning of the Civil War.

Fight for What is Right ~ General Strategy

After the Thoraxian Betrayal Focus has been completed, you are given a 14 day time limit to choose either Harmony Harmonic or Supremacy Supremist options, before it automatically chooses to side with the supremist path. Within this time frame you can wait for any research or construction to be completed, furthermore you can disrupt Chrysalis' research by taking technologies that will take more than a year to complete. Alternatively, you can have her research other technologies that will help you post civil war, be warned though, as any passive boosts will also aid her during the civil war.

Once you're ready select the Harmonist option to begin the Civil War Declare war .

The map will be split into an almost-equal halves with a small section on the Olenian Border under Harmonist Control, additionally all produced pre-civil war equipment will be split evenly between the two factions. Soryth will become the harmonist capital in the time being, while Anthax and Volistad are the major supply hubs, resource and production. The player is given the following military strength and advisors:

  • 1Light tank - Panzergrenadier Division
  • 1Light tank - Panzer Division
  • 2Jaegers - Jager Divisions
  • 6Infantry - Infantry Divisions
  • 11InfantryLow Priority- Militia Divisions; 2InfantryLow Priority of said divisions are cut off from the rest of your army
General Traits Description Skills Race
Vect (advisor).png
Trait armor officer.png Armor Officer
Trained as an armor officer.
  • Panzer Leader experience factor: +100%
Trait communist sympathizer.png Communist Sympathizer
Supporter of the communist cause.
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Azure Lore
Azure Lore
Azure Lore (advisor).png
Trait arrow.png Passionate
Inspires their troops to follow them anywhere and often leads the charge personally.
  • Division Speed: +5%
  • Division Attack: +3%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: +50%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Larx Ersatz
Larx Ersatz
Larx Ersatz (advisor).png
Trait engineer.png Engineer
Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications.
  • River:
    • Attack: +5%
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +10%
Trait fortress buster.png Fortress Buster
Assaulting a Fort holds no terror for this officer.
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +15%
Level 1
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Admiral Traits Description Skills Race
Dispar (advisor).png
Trait superior tactician.png Superior Tactician
A master of Fleet Positioning.
  • Positioning: +25%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 1
Coordination.pngCoordination: 2
Acari (advisor).png
Trait seawolf.png Sea Wolf
The Sea Wolf is particularly skilled in Convoy Raiding
  • Submarine Attack: +20%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 2
Coordination.pngCoordination: 1
Select army chief.png Chiefs of Army
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Army Offense (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Attack: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +15%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Army Organization (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Division Organization: +8%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Army Reformer (Expert)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Army Experience Gain: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Military Advancements: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select navy chief.png Chiefs of Navy
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Commerce Raiding (Expert)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Convoy Raiding Efficiency: +15%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Decisive Battle (Genius)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.40
  • Capital Ship Attack: +15%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +15%
  • Screen Attack: +15%
  • Screen Defense: +15%
Political Power 200
Command power 10
Select air chief.png Chiefs of Airforce
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Ground Support (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Air Superiority: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
All-Weather (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Bad Weather Penalty: −20%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Air Reformer (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Air Experience Gain: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select high command.png Military High Command
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Infantry (Specialist)
  • Infantry Division Attack: +5%
  • Infantry Division Defense: +10%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Dedicated General
Dedicated General
Army Regrouping (Expert)
  • Division Recovery Rate: +8%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Artillery (Specialist)
  • Artillery Attack: +10%
  • Artillery Defense: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Army Logistics (Expert)
  • Division Attrition: −8%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Ideological Crusader
  • Same ideology monthly opinion: +100%
  • Party Popularity Stability Modifier: +10%
Political Power 150
Silver Sheckels
Silver Sheckels
Captain of Industry
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
  • Railway construction speed: +10%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Silent Workpony
  • Political Power Gain: +15%
Political Power 150
War Industrialist
  • Military Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Dockyard construction speed: +10%
  • Fuel Silo construction speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Illusive Gentlebeing
  • Has created an Intelligence Agency
  • Operative slots: +1
  • Agency upgrade time: −15%
Political Power 150
Select theorist.png Theorists
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Golden Guard
Golden Guard
Military Theorist
  • Land Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 150
Close Air Support Proponent
  • Battlefield Support Doctrine Cost: −15%
Political Power 150
Air Warfare Theorist
  • Air Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 100

Meanwhile Chrysalis will lose two of her starting divisions.

From the start, take the Fight for What is Right focus and group all infantry and armored divisions separately. Have the Infantry army form a straight fall back line that stretches from the equestrian border up to the impassable Whitehooves mountain range, said fall back line must pass through Volistad and any rail line up to the railway junction mentioned above. Additionally, train at least 12 InfantryQueens guard divisions and shore up the defense's near Soryth, said divisions are exceptional at defending with little ponypower per division. They also don't need to be fully trained for defending, once the bare minimum requirements are reached, send them out and group them on the Soryth defense lines.

Hold the Lines! Chrysalis WILL attempt to cutoff the player's supply chain, this includes all railways and specially Volistad, should the line be attacked by a large concentration, send in the armor group as soon as possible. Abandon the two surrounded divisions near the Olenian border there is nothing you can do for them...

Speak with Pharynx

The recommended path is to immediately take this focus after, in order to receive further reinforcements, open up production focuses and further strengthen the defensive lines. You will receive an additional Light tank Panzergrenadier Division and 4 Infantryinfantry divisions (one is a guarantied veteran division), along with some equipment. Pharynx will join his brother in the fight, as such have him command the armor divisions, meanwhile Chrysalis will lose 2 more divisions.

General Traits Description Skills Race
Pharynx(Harmonic) (advisor).png
Trait jaeger.png Veteran Jaeger
Expert in guerilla warfare and sabotage operations behind enemy lines.
  • Trickster experience factor: +100%
  • Winter Specialist experience factor: +100%
  • Commando experience factor: +100%
  • Swamp Fox experience factor: +100%
  • Ranger experience factor: +100%
  • Hill Fighter experience factor: +100%
  • Urban Assault Specialist experience factor: +100%
  • Invader experience factor: +100%
  • Equipment Capture Ratio Gain: +3%
Level 4
Attack.pngAttack: 4
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Select army chief.png Chiefs of Army
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Army Maneuver (Expert)
  • Division Speed: +10%
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.30
Political Power 100
Command power 20

Protect Volistad & Anthax Industry

Afterwards, take these focus to increase armament production and construction. The most crucial benefits of these two focuses are the military factories as for a period of time you will out produce Chrysalis until her factory focuses are completed. By this time Chrysalis will have run out of steam and have majority of her units at the south or near Volistad. You can now switch into an offensive line and prepare for a counter attack.

The following focuses left are optional but may prove beneficial during and post civil war:

  • Anthax Mines: Adds 10 Steel & Aluminum Resources on The Den core state and 1x (100%) Industrial Research Speed
  • Foreign Aid : Gives 500 units of each Bolt Action Rifle from Flag of Equestria Equestria, Flag of Crystal Empire Crystal Empire and Flag of Stalliongrad Stalliongrad
  • Forest Roads : Adds 2 levels Infrastructure Infrastructure on the core states of Ghostly Square & Major Forest
  • Forest Airfields : Add 2 levels of Air baseAir Base and 1 level of InfrastructureInfrastructure in the core state of Major Forest and 175 units of Fighter Svarm Aircraft 109E-4

Hive Militias focus is NOT recommended; as the passive organization debuff is detrimental into the players capability to quickly winning the civil war

Counter Attack & Time Limit

The time has come for a counter attack, it'd be best to analyze the enemy divisions along your line and adjust your divisions accordingly before attacking. The southern front will always have a supply deficit as it is shared with the troops stationed at the Equestrian Border. To the North near Soryth, tends to only have three to four divisions probing the line leaving a gap for a fast breakthrough followed by an encirclement. Regardless, your main goal is to encircle and destroy as much divisions as you can, with priority on the Light tankPanzer, MotorizedMotorized and JaegersJager Divisions; as these divisions are fast enough to encircle your own divisions. Plan & attack accordingly and pick your targets well.

Around the same time Chrysalis may choose focuses for: Continue industry build up, in which case may prove beneficial post civil war or, Instigate a war with Flag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenia .

The later will force the player into a time limit to finish the civil war before either Chrysalis or the current Olenian Leader to declare war. Should a any side declare war, one of the following will occur:

Bittersweet Victory

The Changeling Civil war will conclude once most Victory pointVictory Points and Vesalipolis is taken away from Flag of Changeling Lands Chrysalis' control, after which a peace conference will occur, meanwhile North Saddening Shore state will be taken by the Flag of Polar Bear Communities Polar Bear Communities post civil war and will remain so until reconquered back. (This is due to how the game is programed & has been a known bug). Upon finishing this focus, the National Spirit Changeling Civil War & Harmony or Death will be removed and replaced by Crashed Economy, Dismantled High Command and Opposed Militarism National Spirits. All of which prevents the player to build up their military strength for a while. Communism Support will also increase until the economy has been stabilized, with Stability & War support dropping around 30%. The National Focuses Trees, The New King and Civil War Rebuilding are unlocked and the first prerequisite for Renewed Militarism is unlocked.

Thorax gains the Inexperienced Imperialist trait which adds: (-30.00%) Political Power Gain, (+5.00%) Stability and (-25.00%) War goalJustify War Goal Time, the first value is a significant hurdle and will require time through the focuses and a need for a political advisor.

Note: From here on out, most of the focuses will require 70 days to be completed, as such a great amount of patience is needed to reach the end of the focus trees.

Civil War Rebuilding

This tree focuses on internal affair of the new Free Changeling Hives, specifically post civil war. Significant amount of de-buffs prevents the renewed nation from coming back up to its feet but will eventually revitalize the economy followed by a choice which Economical Path it should take, of which there are three:

  • Market Economy : Economy Focused on Supply and Demand, and having the least reduction of Consumer Goods(-1%) but with the highest Civilian factoryCivilian to Military factoryMilitary Conversion Cost Reduction Construction cost(-25.00%), a significant Production Efficiency CapProduction Efficiency (+25.00%), with (+10.00%) Factory Output.
  • State Capitalism : Economy where the state controls most of the business, giving a significant reduction for Consumer Goods (-6%) with an additional (+5.00%)Developed Science BaseResearch Speed , (15.00%) Production Efficiency CapProduction Efficiency and (+10.00%) Factory Output
  • Corporate Economy : Economy where corporations control the needs of the economy, gives an average reduction of Consumer Goods (-3%) but with a significant factory production output (+20.00%), and (15.00%) Production Efficiency CapProduction Efficiency

All of which reducing CommunismCommunism support by (-0.01%), giving an additional (+10.00%) Construction Speed and (+10%) Resources to Market.

Once an Economy has been selected, the steady increase of Communism support will be halted and the Rebuilding Economy National Spirit will be replaced with the chosen Economy, and will unlock access to the following focuses:

  • Industrialize the North/South : Adds 2 levels of Infrastructure to Core States at the North: Toltes, Jem Highlands, Soryth, Kladbische; or South: Wild Lands, Kalsog, Killing Swamps, Great Marsh. With 1x (100%) Research Bonus for Industry from each Industrialize Focus.
  • Lyctida Lumber Industry : Adds 2 Building slot and 2 Civilian factory at the Core State of Lyctida
  • Svartforest Steel Production : Adds 3 Military factory and 4 Building slot on Toltes Core state, (18) Steel at Soryth Core State and (5) Steel at Jem Highlands core State.
  • Broad Support for Smaller Hives : Adds New Hives National Spirit, which grants (+15%) PopulationMonthly Population and (+5%) Construction Speed.
  • Mandatory Friendship Lessons : Gives 1x (100%)Changeling Race Specific Research Speed
  • Eggicelands Testing Grounds : Grants an 1 additional Developed Science Base Research Slot
  • Expand the Vraks Arsenal : Adds 2 Building slot and 2 Military factory on Vraks Core State
  • Refurbish the Gorak Dockyards : Adds 2 Building slot and 2 Naval dockyard on Gorak Core State

Conflict with the BearsPolar Bear

Unfortunately due to how the game is programmed the Northern Saddening Shore Territory will be annexed by Flag of Polar Bear Communities Polar Bear Communities after the civil war, and there are no decisions or focuses for the player to peacefully retake the core state. As such the only option is to Declare War with Retake Core State option as Justification. For the focus to be unlocked the player must control the unpassable core state by holding Eastern Key Lake and Mathair Fearainn territories. This will then unlock the focuses:

  • Artic Oil : Gives 1 (300%) OilSynthetic Resources Research Speed and Adds production of 10 Oil in Gorak Core State and 24 Oil in North Saddening Shore
  • Invest in Tainaholm Mines : Adds 16 Chromium Production, 2 Building slot & 2 Civilian factory on Tainaholm Core States.
  • Modernize the Hives : Modify New Hives National Spirit with Bigger Hives National Spirit, granting an additional (10%) PopulationMonthly Population, (2.50%) Construction Speed and (5.00%) Factory Output to the previous National Spirit.

The player can then peacefully return the occupied territories once the Artic Oil Focus has been completed if they wish to do so. Do note that returning the territories Eastern Key Lakes & Mathair Fearainn will result in the North Saddening Shore to be transferred back once again to the Flag of Polar Bear Communities Polar Bear Communities , depriving the player 24 Oil production gained from the focus.

Renew Militarism

This Tree focuses in Military improvements and using the Changeling Hive's Large and advanced industry to create advancements in military technology. The Army Branch Focuses in gaining head time versus their competition, this is most significant when going for and combined Armor and Infantry/Mechanized compositions. If timed correctly it allows the player to access early MBT's and bypassing medium tanks or have a direct route to endgame Light tank Light Tanks & Modern tank MBT's (Leopard 1) by est. 1016 and 1021 respectively. The Army Branch culminates to three choices:

  • Dedicated Panzer Production : Grants (-10.00%) Production cost Reduction to Production Costs to Light, Medium and Heavy Tanks
  • Dedicated Motorized Production: Grants (-20.00%)Production cost Reduction to Production Costs of Trucks and (-10%)Production cost Reduction to Production Costs to Motorized Rocket Artillery
  • Royal Infantry Academy : Grants (1%)Population Recruitable Population, (5.00%) Special Forces Attack, (5.00%) Special Forces Attack, (-15.00%) Reduced Unit Training Time & (+10) Special Forces Minimum Capacity

The Airforce Branch focuses on Strategic Bombing or Fighter Production, with a sub-branch for Paratroopers giving the player a 2.0 year head time for a paratrooper research. The Fighter Branch gives 2x (100%) Fighter Fighter Model Research Speed, a 1x (100%) Heavy Fighter Heavy Fighter Model Research Speed and 1x (2.0 year) head time with 1x (50%) Fighter Fighter Model Research Speed. The Bomber Branch Focuses gives 2x (100%) Close Air Support Close Air Support Models,Tactical Bomber Tactical Bomber Models & Strategic Bomber Strategic Bombers Research Speed. Completing either branch will culminate into either:

  • Bomber Command: Adds National Spirit Bomber Command, which gives (+15.00%) Strat. Bombing for Strategic Bomber Large Airframes
  • Swarms in the Skies: Adds National Spirit Swarms in the Skies, which gives (-20.00%) reduction to Production Cost of FighterSmall Airframes and FighterNaval baseCarrier Fighter Airframes

The end of the Focus tree covers Rocket, Jet Engines and the most significant basic nuclear research speed, as the Harmonic Changeling does not have access to nuclear research speed boosting theorists by default.

The Naval Branch focuses only on naval research and nothing more, the focus Naval Purchase is recommended only to be taken very early in the game as soon as civil war has ended, when focus tree is available and still at peace time or during the very tail end of a game when you have significant amount of factories and resources to counteract the negatives that the focus and national spirit (Large Naval Purchase) will provide. The upside of the branch is the creation of the Harmonic Fleet which is composed of:

  • 2 Battleship Fast Battleship
  • 6 Heavy Cruiser Late Armored Cruisers

The Fortress Vesalipolis Branch deals with Land fortfortifying the capital of Changeling Hives, it's neighboring hive port Naval dockyard (Ditrysium), it's industrial Military factoryCivilian factory heart lands (Vraks) and the Equestrian Border (Wild Lands). Its true effectiveness shows once all of the land forts are emplaced and connected from the Olenian border all the way into the Svarm Core State (If initially established during civil war). Although it does leave the eastern sector open, the natural terrain along with the ChangelingChangeling terrain advantage in Forests and Swamps allows the the defensive line to hold for much longer, and into a counter attack.

The New King

This tree focuses initially on internal affairs of the Free Changeling Hives, but would later on branch out to Foreign affairs and the nation's role in the whole of Equus.

  • The New King: Set Base StabilityStability to (80.00%)
  • Promote Marshal Dalzollene : Removes Dismantled Command National Spirit, Adds New Military Staff:
Field Marshal
Field Marshal Traits Description Skills Race
Field Marshal
Dalzollene (advisor).png
Trait logistics wizard.png Logistics Wizard
Supplies are never late, nor are they ever early. They arrive precisely when I mean them to.
  • Supply Consumption: −15%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
General Traits Description Skills Race
Aphididae (advisor).png
Trait promising general.png Promising Leader
This leader has proven to be a quick learner.
  • Leader Experience Gain: +25%
Trait panzer leader.png Panzer Leader
A natural with Tanks and Mechanized forces.
  • Armor speed: +5%
  • Armor Division Attack: +16%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Viridula (advisor).png
Trait career officer.png Career Officer
Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match.
  • Promotion Cost: −25%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Tsezguerra (advisor).png
Trait infantry officer.png Infantry Officer
Trained as an infantry officer.
  • Infantry Leader experience factor: +100%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 4
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Vikar (advisor).png
Trait career officer.png Career Officer
Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match.
  • Promotion Cost: −25%
Level 1
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
  • House of Commons : Adds House of Commons National Spirit, which grants (+0.10%) Daily Political PowerPolitical Power Gain
  • Reunify the Nation : Adds A Nation United National Spirit, which grants (+0.05%) Daily Political PowerPolitical Power Gain, {{Color|Green|(+15.00%) StabilityStability & (+5.00%) War supportWar Support.
  • Contain Reactionaries: Adds Kings Protection Agency National Spirit, which grants reduced (-2%) Political PowerPolitical Power Gain, (-5%) Logistics companySupply Consumption Rate and increased (+5.00%) Division Recovery Rate.

Note: Contain Reactionaries Focus is recommended to to be taken last and delayed up until all political advisor, most of officer corps & design and industry slots has been filled and all desired laws and decision has been taken. Upon Completion of House of Commons, Reunify the Nation & Contain Reactionaries, the player can now access the Foreign Policies Focus Tree.

Closer to Equestria

This focus tree allows diplomatic relations to the Hive's direct neighbors to south Flag of Equestria Equestria , it's Dominion dominion Flag of Crystal Empire Crystal Empire , the Flag of Polar Bear Communities Polar Bear Communities and Flag of Kingdom of Yakyakistan Kingdom of Yakyakistan

  • Non-Aggression Pact : Offer a Non-Aggression Treaty to Flag of Equestria Equestria , May or may not be accepted if Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands has generated significant world tension. Flag of Equestria Equestria may also withdraw from the treaty if Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands has generated enough world tension and is not in the same faction, or if Flag of Equestria Equestria has become a puppet and/or switches ideologies.
  • Equestrian-Changeling Friendship : Adds Equestrian-Changeling Friendship National Spirit, which gives (+10.00%%) Resource Gain Efficiency & Construction Speed, to both the Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands & Flag of Equestria Equestria .
  • Offer Changeling Advisory Staff : Adds Changeling Advisors National Spirit to Flag of Equestria Equestria , which gives significant bonuses to it's military and cost reduction for their officer corps. This national Spirit is permanent until Flag of Equestria Equestria has become a puppet of any non harmonic nation.
  • Equus Trade Pact : Gives 1x (100%) Industry research speed, and Adds Equus Trade Pact National Spirit to Flag of Equestria Equestria & Flag of Crystal Empire Crystal Empire . With an increase +20 of Trade relations to the Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands, from the two nation. This focus cannot be taken or will immediately cancel if either or both Flag of Equestria Equestria & Flag of Crystal Empire Crystal Empire switches ideology.
  • Join Equestria : Request to join the Faction "United Ponies Alliance". This includes all puppet governments under the players control, and other members of your current faction. Can be taken if Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Hives is at war, but cannot be taken or will cancel if Flag of Equestria Equestria switches ideologies. The player may leave the faction at their own discretion, and will bring along their own puppets.
  • Influence the Bears/Yaks : Adds Harmonic Infiltrators to Flag of Polar Bear Communities Polar Bear Communities and Flag of Kingdom of Yakyakistan Kingdom of Yakyakistan , for each focus. Which gives an increase of (+0.08%) Daily Harmony Support)

Should enough Harmonic Support prevail in either Flag of Polar Bear Communities Polar Bear Communities or Flag of Kingdom of Yakyakistan Kingdom of Yakyakistan , the player may then choose to

  • Polar Bear/Yak Coup : Harmonic Supporters will start a civil war.
  • Yak/Bear Referendum : Flag of Polar Bear Communities Polar Bear Communities and Flag of Kingdom of Yakyakistan Kingdom of Yakyakistan will get event Changeling Demands & An offer from the Changelings respectively. Both nations are most likely to accept if they're non-aligned at peacetime, but most likely to reject if the ruling party or ideology are SupremacySupremist / CommunismCommunist or a puppet under such ideologies and will be bypassed if the respective nations are Harmonic. If the referendum is accepted, the country will become a Dominion Dominion of the Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Hives.

As mentioned before; the Flag of Polar Bear Communities Polar Bear Communities has access to a core state (North Saddening Shore) after the Changeling Civil War, even if the Flag of Polar Bear Communities Polar Bear Communities become a Dominion dominion. The territory will not be transferred back. It is recommended to simple conquer back the territory and the adjacent states to regain back control, in order for the player to complete the Civil War Rebuilding focus tree.

Once either Coups or Referendums focus are completed for both Flag of Polar Bear Communities Polar Bear Communities and Flag of Kingdom of Yakyakistan Kingdom of Yakyakistan , Harmony is Non Negotiable Focus can be taken, which adds the National Spirit: Harmony is Non Negotiable, which grants: Subersive Activities Cost (-25.00%), Weekly War SupportWar support (+1%), Send Volunteer tension limit (-100%), Max Volunteers force Divisions +2, Justification Goal Against Us War goal(-10.00%) and Ideology Drift Defense (+25.00%).

Our Own Harmony

This branch allows foreign policies primarily to the hives west, the Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Kingdom of Olenia and War Plans for possible conflicts with the Hive's possible Southern threats, Flag of Stalliongrad Stalliongrad Flag of Equestria Solar Empire Flag of Equestria Lunar Empire Flag of Crystal Empire Imperium CrystaleFlag of Union of Equestrian Socialist Republics EquestriaCommunism. The focus Emergency War Plans gives an additional +50 Political Power & Gain Base War Support War support (+30.00%). The following focuses grants annex war goal for the nations that may threaten the Hives:

  • Contain Stalliongrad : Gain Annex War goal to Stalliongrad. Can only be taken once Flag of Stalliongrad Stalliongrad has caused (+20.00%) World Tension, and generated if Stalliongrad has annexed (Flag of Stalliongrad Sinister) or puppeted (Flag of Stalliongrad Vasiliy) enough territories and/or has sent enough volunteer divisions into multiple wars. Can no longer be taken if Flag of Stalliongrad Dark Wing has been puppeted or merged back to Flag of Equestria Equestria.
  • Skewer the Monster : Gain Annex War goal to Lunar Empire. Can only be taken if Flag of Equestria Lunar Empire exists.
  • Bring Down the King : Gain Annex War goal to Imperium Crystale. Can only be taken if Flag of Crystal Empire Crystal Empire ruling party is SupremacySupremist.
  • Down with the Sun : Gain Annex War goal to Solar Empire. Can only be taken Flag of Equestria Solar exists.
  • Stop the Red Tide : Gain Annex War goal to CommunismEquestria. Can only taken if Flag of Equestria Equestria ruling party is CommunismCommunist.

The other branches deals with Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Kingdom of Olenia with one route for an over all goal of creating a larger faction.

  • Approach Olenia : Flag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenia Gets event Changelings Offers Pact. Which offers Olenia Guarantees by the Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands and an offer for open military access for both sides. Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Deer's Republic has a chance of rejecting this offer and a higher probability of rejcting if it is already in a CommunismComunist faction. Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Kingdom of Olenia has the highest chance of accepting the offer but has low chance of rejection if theFlag of Changeling Lands Changeling Hives has caused significant world tension. Focus cannot be accessed if Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenian Rike Supremacy exists.
  • Establish the Concordat : Create faction The Duskian Concordat, Flag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenia Gets the event The Changeling Lands and Olenia form the Duskian Concordat. As before, Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Deer's Republic has a chance of rejecting this offer while Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Kingdom of Olenia has the highest chance of accepting, albeit a higher chance of rejecting the offer if the Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands has gathered a moderate amount of World Tension and/or presence of puppets. Any puppets from both Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Hives and Flag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenia are added to the faction.
  • Guarantee Stalliongrad/Yakyakistan : Guarantee Flag of Stalliongrad Stalliongrad / Flag of Kingdom of Yakyakistan Kingdom of Yakyakistan. The same process goes with two focuses for Stalliongrad and Yakyakistan, albeit without the Not-Supremist prerequisite. As with Flag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenia , only a significant generated World Tension by theFlag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands will most likely to cause the Flag of Kingdom of Yakyakistan Yaks to reject the offer, unless they are already within a faction. Flag of Stalliongrad Stalliongrad however will most likely to reject the offer even if they are not part of a faction. Having Flag of Stalliongrad Dark Wing as Stalliongrad's leader does not give an increased chance of accepting the offer, but may lead to the nation rejecting the Flag of Equestria Equestrian reunification.
  • Offer Membership to Stalliongrad/Yakyakistan : Flag of Stalliongrad Stalliongrad / Flag of Kingdom of Yakyakistan Kingdom of Yakyakistan Gets event Changeling Alliance. Like the last two focuses, this join faction offer can be rejected by theFlag of Kingdom of Yakyakistan Yaks if the player has generated high amount of World Tension. Flag of Stalliongrad Stalliongrad will most likely to reject the offer, notably if they already are part or is already a leader in a faction. Any puppets from either nation will also be a part of the faction should they accept the offer.

Additionally, if any of the independent nations that becomes part of the faction, that has access to a focus that allows them to generate their own faction, then they will most likely leave The Duskian Concordat in order to create their faction.

Perhaps there is another way...

Spoilers below, we recommend these are best experienced in game before reading

A Letter To A Foreign Queen

An alternate and greater route the Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands can take is the establishment of the Flag of Changeling Lands Olenian-Changeling Commonwealth, of which unifies the New Crown of the Hives and the Old Crown of the Fjords. There are a few things to note before fully committing into this route as one may want to fully maximize the benefits of the each nations capacity & capabilities, and to better plan for the unification the player must understand the benefits of current government before planning to re-install Queen Velvet back on the Olenian throne

If Olenia is under...:

  • CommunismCommunist rule, then the Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Deer's Republic has access to more resources, with 4 Steel 4 Aluminum 4 Chromium 3 Tungsten & 3 {{{caption}}} and an additional 2 levels of Infrastructure Infrastructure & 2 Civilian factory Civilian Factories at Hjortland upon completing their respective focuses. Starting a civil war under this rule will also cause Destabilization of the nation, and the new HarmonyHarmonic rule unable to take any focus to remove destabilization, unless the nation is at war with another country.
  • HarmonyHarmonic rule, then the Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Kingdom of Olenia has access to more industry, with a total of 5 Civilian factory factories, at least 2 levels of Infrastructure infrastructure spread evenly at Hjortland, Cervus, Vaverfront etc., an additional resources mines at Palsstick Halvon, with 5 Steel, 6 Chromium, & 12 Oil. Additionally, after Pushing Olenia to the Future focus has been completed, any focuses from the Industrial Incentives branch that gives a Military factory/Civilian factoryfactory will give 1 additional Military factory/Civilian factoryfacotry upon completion.
  • SupremacySupremist or NeutralityNon-Aligned rule, then Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenian Rike or Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Kingdom of Olenia will have no access to additional resources nor industry and shares the industry and military focus trees with CommunismCommunist & HarmonyHarmonic rule. Starting a civil war under this rule will destabilize the nation but can be Restabilized after bypassing the Oppose the King & The True Queen focuses, of which will then access to the HarmonyHarmonic focus tree and it's benefits. Taking the longest time to fully build-up Olenia.

Once you have the grasp of the Olenia situation and the future benefits, you can now proceed ahead for the unification.

  • A Letters to a Foreign Queen Grants +50 Political Power & (+5.00%) change in popularity ofHarmonyHarmony
  • A Harmonic Olenia : Add Harmonic Infiltrators National Spirit to Flag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenia , which grants (0.08%) HarmonyHarmonic Support.
  • Install Velvet : Flag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of OleniaFlag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenia Gets event Queen Velvet returns to Olenia with Changeling Backing. The focus requires at least (15.00%+) HarmonyHarmonic Support before it can be accessed and will cancel should it drop below (15%). If the player wishes to aid in the civil war it's best to position most of their divisions to the north and have them planned to take the ports.

Note: Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Kingdom of Olenia is fully capable of handling the civil war on their own.

  • Join Velvet : Gets event Olenian Civil War Intervention. It allows the player to join the civil for a switft conclusion and/or additional military experience gain. Olenia will be divided into three sectors with the middle and mountainous regions under HarmonyHarmonic forces control while the northern fjords and the Hjorland Peninsula to the south under the opposing governments control. You will receive military access and war declaration after completing the focus and most likely a non-aggression treaty. Your divisions can immediately march into Olenia into the north, and as advised before, it'd be best to position most or all of them there and have them take the ports as soon as possible, majority of Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Queen Velvets Divisions will be marching to their capital Hjortland.

If the fight happens to be with the Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Deer's Republic, then it best to wait for the focuses Three Year Plan and Communal Mines to be completed then start & finish the war as fast a possible. All before the Communismnation is invited/accepted/joins a faction, as Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Kingdom of Olenia will not accept a white peace until the leader of the faction has been defeated.

Additionally you cannot take this focus if Flag of Equestria Equestria is the one that instigated the civil war nor if the civil war is instigated by Olenia's Harmonic Supporters

Marry Queen Velvet

After the civil war has been concluded, the player has two options on uniting the Changelings and the Deers, one is through a pact, the other through marriage. The Marriage route itself has two approaches, but regardless of the method, it must succeed if the player wishes to complete the unification route and progress down the focus tree.

  • Marriage by Assistance : Following the Changeling backed coup, Thorax will propose to Velvet after the civil war. With a high opinion of Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Kingdom of Olenia to the Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands, Velvet is most likely to accept, the Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands must NOT have generated a significant amount of world tension, or is NOT under a war goal, or has finished rebuilding from it's own civil war it order keep the chances high. Improving relations with Olenia might increase the chances of accepting the marriage proposal.
  • Marriage Bypass : Should Olenia be Harmonic by it's own instigated civil war or via Flag of Equestria Equestrian backing, Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Kingdom of Olenia will have low positive opinion of Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands & Thorax, and is unlikely to accept. Improving relations with Olenia and Diplomatic Pressure (via Spies La Résistance) might slightly increase the chances of accepting the marriage proposal. Any generated world tension and puppets under the Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands will severely lower the chances of accepting the proposal.

If Velvet Rejects the Proposal: Then the focus Olenian Pact will instead be completed and Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Kingdom of Olenia will join the faction, Changeling-Olenian Pact. Leaving poor Thorax heartbroken... Ouch!

If Velvet Accepts the Proposal: Then the Queen of the Deer and King of the Changelings will be wed, and Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Kingdom of Olenia will become a DominionDominion under the Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands. The most beneficial part of the marriage, is allowing the player to monitor Olenia's progress of their national focus tree.

Unthinkable Union

Before taking and completing this focus it is advised to wait for Olenia to complete the Industrial Incentives Focus Tree, The State of the Navy Naval dockyard Naval Dockyard focuses & The Sorry State of the Airforce Air base Air Base focuses. Should they have access to their HarmonyHamonic Focus Tree, then it be best to delay unification until said focus tree is also completed. Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenia generally goes through their focus tree in order of: HarmonyHarmonic(if accessible) Right Civilian factoryIndustry Right InfantryArmy Right Naval baseNavy Right Air baseAir Force, and then randomly switching to the subbranches of the accessible focus trees. Olenia can also break free from being a puppet if they complete their HarmonyHarmonic focus tree but as long as they remain Harmonic and/or not at war then the player can proceed to take the focus.

Once the player is ready, they may now complete the focus and take the last step for unification, Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenia will then get the evet Propose Unification, of which Olenia will most likely to accept, and thus all of Olenia's Industry, Military, People, Territories(albeit not cores) and Puppets(if any exists) will be transferred under the Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands for the time being.

Kaiserei of Olenia

To fully establish the commonwealth, Thorax is to be crowned as Kaiserei of Olenia together with Velvet. After completing the focus a decision will be brought forward to the player; to choose the leading figure in the diarchy. If...:

  • Kaseirei Thorax: is chosen, then Kaiserinna Velvet of House Jelzek will focus on increasing the unified nations' StabilityStability (+3.00%). Thorax will gain the Jezlek House's name but will keep his Inexperienced Imperialist trait.
  • Kaiserina Velvet: is chosen, then Kaiserei Thorax, now of House Jelzek will focus on boosting the nation's War supportWar Support (+3.00%). The nation will be relieved of Thorax's Inexperienced Imperialist trait but will cause longer War goalJustification time and a loss of some StabilityStability.

Both leaders will provide Same Ideology Monthly Opinnion by (+15.00%) regardless of whom the player choose.

Alas the Flag of Changeling Lands Olenian-Changeling Commonwealth is born!

The remaining focuses are for consolidating the Commonwealth and improving it's Northern Lands & further expansion of the nation's Naval dockyardNaval Dockyards:

  • Olenian Advisors : Adds the following Political Advisors and Military Staff under the Commonwealth
Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Karolina Manesonen
Karolina Manesonen
Captain of Industry Olenian Advisors
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
  • Railway construction speed: +10%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Rudolf Punainen
Rudolf Punainen
Fortification Engineer Olenian Advisors
  • Land Fort construction speed: +20%
  • Coastal Fort construction speed: +20%
  • Anti Air construction speed: +20%
Political Power 150
Fillypa Kukka
Fillypa Kukka
Silent Workpony Olenian Advisors
  • Political Power Gain: +15%
Political Power 150
Select air chief.png Chiefs of Airforce
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Ei Ideoita
Ei Ideoita
Air Reformer (Expert) Olenian Advisors
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Air Experience Gain: +10%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Aviation: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Oleni Olensson
Oleni Olensson
Night Operations (Specialist) Olenian Advisors
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Night Operations Penalty: −10%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Select high command.png Military High Command
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Hyvä Neuvonantaja
Hyvä Neuvonantaja
Army Logistics (Expert) Olenian Advisors
  • Division Attrition: −8%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Nopea Ajattelija
Nopea Ajattelija
Fleet Logistics (Expert) Olenian Advisors
  • Naval max range factor: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Arojen Vaeltaja
Arojen Vaeltaja
Ground Support (Genius) Olenian Advisors
  • Air Superiority: +15%
Political Power 200
Command power 10
  • Olenian Generals : Adds the following Military Generals to the Commonwealth
Field Marshal
Field Marshal Traits Description Skills Race
Carl Gustaf Manntlerhim
Field Marshal
Carl Gustaf Manntlerhim
Carl Gustaf Manntlerhim (advisor).png
Trait logistics wizard.png Logistics Wizard
Supplies are never late, nor are they ever early. They arrive precisely when I mean them to.
  • Supply Consumption: −15%
Trait defensive doctrine.png Defensive Doctrine
Especially skilled in fighting on the Defensive.
  • Max Entrenchment: +30%
Level 4
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 4
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 4
Deer race.png
General Traits Description Skills Race
Haakon Lurswig
Haakon Lurswig
Haakon Lurswig (advisor).png
Trait brilliant strategist.png Brilliant Strategist
A natural born strategist that is able to adapt to the dynamics of the battlefield.
  • Attack: +1
  • Planning: +1
Trait panzer leader.png Panzer Leader
A natural with Tanks and Mechanized forces.
  • Armor speed: +5%
  • Armor Division Attack: +16%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 1
Planning.pngPlanning: 3
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Deer race.png
Spurdo S. Perkele
Spurdo S. Perkele
Spurdo S. Perkele (advisor).png
Trait inflexible strategist.png Inflexible Strategist
Skilled but stubborn. A good enough plan can survive contact with the enemy.
  • Defense: +1
  • Logistics: +1
Trait engineer.png Engineer
Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications.
  • River:
    • Attack: +5%
  • Fort:
    • Attack: +10%
Trait panzer leader.png Panzer Leader
A natural with Tanks and Mechanized forces.
  • Armor speed: +5%
  • Armor Division Attack: +16%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 2
Deer race.png
Ansa Sito
Ansa Sito
Ansa Sito (advisor).png
Trait inflexible strategist.png Inflexible Strategist
Skilled but stubborn. A good enough plan can survive contact with the enemy.
  • Defense: +1
  • Logistics: +1
Trait promising general.png Promising Leader
This leader has proven to be a quick learner.
  • Leader Experience Gain: +25%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 4
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Deer race.png
Alvari Pirhonen
Alvari Pirhonen
Alvari Pirhonen (advisor).png
Trait reckless.png Reckless
A good officer needs to lead from the front.
  • Planning Speed: +20%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: +50%
Trait bleeding heart.png Bleeding Heart
Doesn't like killing.
  • Division Attrition: −10%
  • Experienced soldier losses: −5%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 3
Deer race.png
Einair Kainen
Einair Kainen
Einair Kainen (advisor).png
Trait winter specialist.png Winter Specialist
Possesses an intuitive understanding of the difficulties of fighting in Cold conditions.
  • Winter Attrition: −50%
Trait ranger.png Ranger
Rangers lead the way, especially when it involves fighting in Forests.
  • Forest:
    • Movement: +5%
    • Attack: +10%
    • Defense: +10%
Level 2
Attack.pngAttack: 1
Defense.pngDefense: 3
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Deer race.png
Eilert (advisor).png
Trait cautious.png Cautious
Takes their time and plans carefully.
  • Planning Speed: −20%
  • Chance to get wounded in combat: −50%
Trait infantry leader.png Infantry Leader
Skilled at leading infantry in combat.
  • Infantry Division Defense: +13%
Level 1
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 2
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Deer race.png
Rikka Kaalinpää
Rikka Kaalinpää
Rikka Kaalinpää (advisor).png
Level 1
Attack.pngAttack: 3
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Planning.pngPlanning: 1
Logistics.pngLogistics: 1
Deer race.png

Note: Any of the listed Generals may get promoted before unification and/or after completing Olenian Generals focus.

Admiral Traits Description Skills Race
Lauri Virta
Lauri Virta
Lauri Virta (advisor).png
Trait old guard.png Old Guard
While not the most brilliant officer, he is unlikely to cause trouble.
  • Leader Experience Gain: −25%
Trait spotter.png Spotter
The Spotter pays special attention to keeping an eye out for enemy fleets.
  • Spotting Speed: +10%
Level 3
Attack.pngAttack: 2
Defense.pngDefense: 2
Maneuvering.pngManeuvering: 1
Coordination.pngCoordination: 1
Deer race.png

Note: All traits and experience gained before the unification will be kept.

  • New Capital : Gets event Capital of the Commonwealth, this event allows the player to move their capital onto another location. There are no benefits from moving the capital, as such it is recommended to keep at Vesalipolis in order to maximize the effectiveness of the Fortress Vesalipolis Focus Tree. After this, the player can now take the five focuses grants cores from the whole Olenian territory, with each focuses takes 35 days to complete.

Finally once all states have been cored, the player can now wrap things up through further development of the Olenian territories, which are the following focuses:

  • Hive to Hjortland Line: Adds 2 Infrastructure Infrastructure to core states of Vesalipolis, Dim Garden, Tainahalom, Solgud Bergskadja, White Range, Manty Creek, Hoof Peninsula, Snowflake & Hjortland
  • Combine Parliments : Modify House of Commons by Stability: +10.00%
  • Velvet's Assuttaminen Plan : Gets event The Kaiserinna's Plan, Adds 1 InfrastructureInfastructure to core states of Bortbyting Hogland, Feer Dalar, Bergsilv, Norra Vikar, Elders Island, Trevingland & Palsstick Halvon. The event always succeeds and all mentioned states will provide varying bonus of PonypowerPonypower, added to the current server.
  • Kaiserrina Velvets Academy : Gain 1 Developed Science BaseResearch Slot
  • Joint Resource Development : Add Production of 13Steel in Feer Dalar and 25Steel in Solgud Bergskadja and 1x(50%) Industrial Research Speen.
  • Hjortlad Dockyards : Add 3Building slots and 3Naval dockyard in Hjortlands
  • Sakara Dockyards : Add 3Building slots and 3Naval dockyard in Porola

Future of the Commonwealth

By the time the Commonwealth focus tree has been completed, the remaining threats to the player is most likely a SupremacyFlag of Griffonian Empire Griffonian Empire, if the empire declares a war to reclaim back Flag of Nova Griffonia Nova Griffonia and Flag of Griffon Frontier Griffon Frontier. Should any of these territories be under the Commonwealth, or if an ally in the same faction that controls/puppeted the territories, then the Commonwealth may get dragged into the conflict.

If no such conflict such occur then all that's left for the Commonwealth to do is send volunteers to nations at war.

Mayhaps peace has finally reign over the frozen north of Equus.

Spoiler end.



Main article: Awards
Blitzkrieg icon
As the Changeling Lands, complete "Lead the Armies" focus and annex Canterlot state before 1010.
Deforestation Expert icon
Deforestation Expert
As the Changeling Lands, defeat the Everfree Forest.
Occupation Is Magic icon
Occupation Is Magic
As the Changeling Lands, open the Generalmajor's desk drawer.