Solar Empire

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This article is for an earlier version of this nation. Our Wizards are at work updating it, but some information is incomplete or outdated. Want to speed things up? Visit us on Discord and volunteer to help out!

Solar Empire

Solar Empire.png

SOL map.png

IdeologyAutocracy.png Autocracy
Ruling partyHoly Sun Reign (50%)*
PopulationPopulation 50,153,990*
PonypowerPonypower 301,430*
RacePony Pony
StabilityStability 100%*
War supportWar support 0%*
FactoriesFactory 91*
ContinentSouthern Equus
Color  #FFE081

It is our darkest hour. The enemies of Equestria, the scourge of ponykind, these beast-like insectoids have invaded our homeland, burned down our cities and have slaughtered thousands upon thousands of innocents. They will not stop until every last foal has perished from this world. I have tried, desperately, to hold them back, but the lines are failing. My ponies are losing hope. With every day, the Changelings take another step towards Canterlot.

But I am not done yet. Through every means necessary, I will push these abominable monsters back to their hellish tundra. No longer will we lose our soil to the enemy! No longer will our foals be slaughtered! No longer shall the Glory of the Sun shine down upon these insectoid scum! Ponies of Equestria, take up your banners, rise in the glory of a new day, and push the enemy back! Forward! Forward unto Dawn!


Daybreaker's Origin - The Great War

Celestia is back, new and improved ~ Artist - Light262

After Luna´s redemption and the defeat of Queen Chrysalis during the Canterlot incursion, Equestria believed that peace had been restored at last. However, disasters continued. Tirek destroyed swathes of the Equestrian countryside in a cataclysmic conflict with Twilight Sparkle. The Storm King invaded, and briefly occupied Canterlot. War intensified amongst the Griffons, Flag of Kingdom of Olenia Olenia fell to a tyrant king, and Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling incursions on the border grew bolder as Queen Chrysalis planned her revenge.

Ponies began to demand action, and Celestia pushed herself for her failures to protect her ponies. The outbreak of full-blown war signaled a complete failure of past leadership. New decisions, hard decisions, had to be made in order to win this war. Not surprisingly many opposed these decisions, but many more ponies flocked to those who promised tough measures.

Solar Empire Propaganda Poster ~ Artist the-Orator

Those close to the Princess worried she might be turning into something worse. Princess Luna grew concerned and tried to help, but Celestia refused. As the situation on the frontlines became critical and the Changeling war machine rampaged through northern Equestria, Princess Celestia broke. Unleashing all her power and announcing a new militaristic turn, she faced Equestria as Daybreaker. Her new power stopped the changeling army in its track and turned the tides of war. Opposition to her radical policies faltered as she delivered victory after victory. Those who advocated moderation began to be attacked as traitors who sought defeat.

With the front stabilized, Daybreaker returned to her throne and prepared her reign over a new Equestria. An Equestria that would never be threatened again.

Daybreaker's Origin (Alternate) - The Civil War

Celestia's hard choices against the Changelings brought victory and many supporters. Celestia grew distant from her previous friends, ever more obsessed with victory and future threats to Equestria, both from without and within. A confrontation with Luna over Celestia's choices exploded as a furious Celestia rejected Luna's authority, transformed into Daybreaker and crowned herself sole Empress. The resulting battle forced Luna to withdraw, fleeing with her moderate supporters to Manehatten. A new war started just shortly after one ended - the Civil War. The Flag of Crystal Empire Crystal Empire, Flag of Commonwealth of New Mareland New Mareland, and the far-flung reaches of Equestria were torn apart - would they stay loyal to the new Empire or would they join Luna in her rebellion for harmony?

Gameplay Mechanics

Forming the Solar Empire

Celestia must ascend to Daybreaker to form the Solar Empire. Please see Equestria Secrets#Daybreaker and The Solar Empire.

Starting Situation

The Solar Empire starts with Daybreaker's ascension. All the standard maluses, including Stagnation of Harmony and Magic of Friendship, are removed. Buffs such as Alicorn Sisters and Home of Ponykind also get removed. Other buffs acquired from the focus tree are generally kept.

This triggers a number of changes - some advisors will become unavailable under a Solar government, as well as generals, departing in protest. Depending on Daybreaker's ascension path, Solar Empire may be at peace or war. Typically Daybreaker will ascend during a Civil War with the Lunar Empire or the War against the Changelings.

All military units will be inherited unless it is in a civil war.

Peacetime Ascension - Shocked by the sudden ascension, harmonists will band together to launch a civil war - under Luna if she remains, or under Republicans if she does not. The relative strength of the two sides will depend on Daybreaker's Supremacy support. All puppets or faction members will receive options on who to support or to stay neutral (New Mareland cannot remain neutral). Daybreaker will receive Harmonic resistance immediately.

Wartime Ascension (Against Lunar Empire) - Faced with yet another authoritarian alicorn, nations will receive a new opportunity to pick sides - Daybreaker, neutrality, or Nightmare Moon, even if they were already fighting for one side (New Mareland cannot remain neutral). When the war ends, all nations will get another opportunity to break away, and Daybreaker will be plagued with Harmonic Resistance.

Wartime Ascension (Not against Lunar Empire) - Although her ascension will trouble many, countries on the Solar Empire's side will not act, preferring to fight until the war is over. Luna will flee Equestria. Once it is done, all countries will get options to break free and Daybreaker will be plagued with Harmonic Resistance.

Field Marshal Daybreaker

If the Solar Empire starts at war, Daybreaker will become a field marshal for 140 days if losing badly, or 80 days if not so. Daybreaker has the Supernova trait, which gives absurd bonuses to military strength and the player should make the best use possible of this, especially if they had previously been on the defensive.

Experience Gain: -66%
Army Attack: +50%
Army Defence: +50%
Army Organisational Recovery Rate: +25%
Army Speed: +20%
Reinforce Rate: +15%
Heat Attrition: -40%
Supply Consumption: -20%

End of the Civil War

If Solar Empire was in a civil empire against either the Harmonists or the Lunar Empire, they may take the End of the Civil War focus - this will give the opportunity to demand the return of all prior subjects. Unite Equestria will then gain war goals anyone holding Equestrian cores.

Harmonic Resistance

If Daybreaker ascended whilst at war with an external foe, Harmonic Resistance will appear after the war ends. Otherwise, Harmonic Resistance will appear immediately.

Harmonic Resistance has 3 levels, and will worsen over time. Once level 3 is reached, and Democratic support is >30%, a civil war will be triggered after 240 days.

Description Time to Worsen* Removal Cost

Level 1

  • Division Recovery Rate: -3.0%
  • Daily Democracy Support: +0.02
  • Stability: -10%
  • Daily Political Power Cost: +0.10

Whispers behind closed doors, posters and graffiti appearing on the walls in the middle of the night...

~120 days 100PP

70 days

Level 2

  • Division Recovery Rate: -5.0%
  • Daily Democracy Support: +0.05
  • Stability: -15%
  • War Support: -10%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -10%
  • Factory Repair Rate: -15%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -5%
  • Construction Speed: -10%
  • Daily Political Power Cost: +0.15

The resistance is becoming more and more organized, and bolder.

~210 days 70PP

70 days

Level 3

  • Division Recovery Rate: -10.0%
  • Daily Democracy Support: +0.08
  • Stability: -20%
  • War Support: -20%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -15%
  • Factory Repair Rate: -15%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -5%
  • Construction Speed: -10%
  • Daily Political Power Cost: +0.2

The resistance is dangerously powerful. They are set to strike!

240 days 140PP

70 days

*The times given below are indicative, as they are mean time to happen. Picking the extreme God-Empress path will speed up the rate at which resistance grows. Picking the kinder Empress Protector branch will slow it.

To remove Harmonic Resistance takes several steps

  • Complete the relevant focus in the political tree. This will take different lengths of time depending on the path. Extreme paths are faster - Freedom from Fear (469d) / Firm but Fair (399d) / Imperial Inquisition (273d)
  • This will unlock Infiltrate the resistance, a decision that costs 70PP and takes 70 days.
  • This will unlock decisions to reduce resistance. The final level of reduction will remove the Harmonic Resistance permanently.

National Focus


The Solar Empire inherits most of its industrial tree from Equestria, with bonuses preserved. However, there are several new trees. Many Solar focuses, events and bonuses are gated behind the new political tree, which requires the player to choose what kind of leader Daybreaker shall be.

New Political Tree

The political path offers 3 choices for Daybreaker's rule -

  • Empress-Protector - The "good" option - Daybreaker rules to protect Equestria - Peace through Strength and Conquest.
  • Empress-Mother - The "neutral" option - The Ponies of Equestria are like children. They must be protected, disciplined and always watched over. Daybreaker is their loving mother, maternal and stern. Note the 2 sets of focuses on the sides of this path are mutually exclusive to one another.
  • God-Empress - The "evil" option - Daybreaker is a God, to be worshipped. The Empire exists to serve her and the glory of the Sun. Sacrifices must be made for her protection.

After the completion of one of the 3 paths, the focuses to gain annex war goals on every other nation on the Equestrian continent become available, allowing you to hold a complete hegemony over all Equus.

The complete bonuses for each path are listed below.

Political Tree - From Imperium Solem to Freedom from Fear / Empress Knows Best / She Who Raises the Sun
Tree Bonus Empress-Protector Empress-Mother God-Empress
RushTime.pngRush Time (d) 469 469 469
CompleteTime.pngComplete Time (d) 609 749 609
Stability Stability 60% 50% (+15% 2R) 60%
Political Power Political Power (Flat) 470 550 (+150 2R) 500
Political Power Political Power (%) 10% 10% 10%
War support War support 15% 15% 30%
PonypowerRecruitable Pop 2%
PopulationRecruitable Pop Factor 5% (+5% 1R) 15%
TrainingIcon.pngTraining Time -10% -5%
Consumergoods.pngConsumer Goods +2% -3%
Factoryout.pngFactory Output +5% +5% (+5% 1L)
Naval Dockyard.pngDockyard Output +5% +5% (+5% 1L)
Researchtime.pngResearch Time (all) (-1.00% 1R) +10.00%
Focusbonus.pngOne-off reductions (50%)
  • 2x 25% Industry
  • 2x (25% 1L) Industry
  • 1x (50% 1R) Magical Technology
  • 1x 50% Magical Technology
AttackIcon.pngAttack (All) / (Core) / (Inf) 0% / +5% / 0% 0% / 0% / 0% +10% / 0% / 0%
DefenceIcon.pngDefence (All) / (Core) / (Inf) 0% / +5% / 0% +5% / 0% / 0% +5% / 0% / 0%
OrganizationIcon.pngOrganization +5%
ReocveryIcon.pngRecovery Rate +5% +7% +5%
AttritionIcon.pngAttrition Reduction -20% heat attrition
SupplyIcon.pngSupply Consumption -5%
Other Notes / Bonuses
Economic / political bonuses
  • +10% Civilian Factory construction speed
  • +10% Military Factory construction speed
  • +20% Infrastructure construction speed
  • +30% Justify war goal time
  • (+10% 1L) Civilian Factory construction speed
  • +10% (+10% 1L) Military Factory construction speed
  • (+20% 2L) Infrastructure construction speed
  • -25% Justify war goal time
Military bonuses
  • Reinforce rate: +2%
  • Reinforce rate: +5%
  • Encryption: +7%
  • Decryption: +5%
  • Encryption: +5%
  • unlocks harmonic resistance decisions the slowest
  • unlocks harmonic resistance decisions slightly earlier
  • unlocks harmonic resistance decisions the quickest
  • can use tactic: Berserker Charge and Kamikaze Strike

The Ascension of Twilight Sparkle

With the ascension of Daybreaker, Twilight Sparkle (if she is not ruling the Crystal Empire) will attempt to flee to a Harmonic Equestria (if it exists), then the Crystal Empire. She will almost always fail, though success is far more likely if Daybreaker ascends at peace.

When Twilight is captured she may be converted into a loyal follower of Daybreaker by the Ascension focus.

She provides many bonuses as an advisor and can be appointed to rule the Crystal Empire if it is conquered by Daybreaker. Such an appointment will give the Crystal Empire a new Solar tree.

Industrial Branch

Remains relatively unchanged save for cosmetic differences. However an extra research slot is available at the end of the magical technology branch.

A Harmonic Crystal Empire will gain the option to break away from Equestria. If this occurs it will unlock a new focus Subjugate Crystal Ponies. This will send a diplomatic demand to the Crystal Empire. The events will be significantly different depending on the current status of Twilight Sparkle.

Military Branches

Army - the land forces branch is locked until Daybreaker can determine the loyalty of her generals. Choosing to redeem them costs 400 PP but allows you to keep everyone, while doing a purge will give 150 PP and remove a general from the roster. Afterward new generals and military high command will be unlocked, most notably field marshal Sunset Shimmer. Standard bonuses to specific land doctrines and equipment follow, but the Mage Army branch is notable for giving a smaller bonus to land doctrine research, however it gives an edge in magical research and production of magical infantry equipment.

Naval - offers a choice between focusing on battleships and Fleet in Being doctrine or carriers and Base Strike doctrine. Imperial Marines gives a bonus to marine research and transport models.

Aviation - gives the option between focusing on air superiority or strategic bombing. Finishes with bonuses to jet technology, rocketry and nuclear research.


National Spirits

Harmonic Resistance
Harmonic Resistance
  • Division Recovery Rate: -3.0%
  • Daily Democracy Support: +0.02
  • Stability: -10%
  • Daily Political Power Cost: +0.10

Whispers behind closed doors, posters and graffiti appearing on the walls in the middle of the night...

Civil War*
Civil War*
  • Division Training Time: +10.00%
  • Division Recovery Time: -10.00%
  • Factory Output: -25.00%
  • Production efficiency Cap: -10.00%
  • Construction Speed: -30.00%
  • Can't join factions
*Only appears if Daybreaker ascended at peace.


Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by

See alternate portraits:
Empress Protector


Holy Sun Reign

Other traits:

Princess of Ponies

  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.2
  • Stability: +10%
Born: Time Immemorial

Biography: Myths and fables tell of two regal sisters who ruled together, creating harmony for all the land. The eldest used her alicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. While it is obvious today that the tales speak of the Royal Pony Sisters who rule Equestria, few, if any concrete facts are known about their history.

For over a thousand years, Princess Celestia has safeguarded her ponies, and the land of Equestria. Doing it solely from the goodness of her own heart, she didn't ask for any compensation, nor demanded their absolute loyalty. Everything the Princess wished was for her little ponies to be protected. Contemporary times, however, are not kind to the ideals of friendship and harmony, with the onslaught of a merciless war leaving very little room for pleasantries.

Thus came the ascension of Daybreaker. Infuriated by the gall of her enemies, the former Princess, now Empress, wasted little time in reorganising the state to something far more totalitarian. Many ponies protest in the face of sudden, radical changes, but Daybreaker cares little for the complaints of a minority: all she needs is a devoted herd ready to give their all to protect Equestria.

Portrait by: Twotail

Alicorn Rule.png
Alicorn Rule

Equestrian Congress
The Congress and President of Equestria
Starlight Glimmer

Ponies' Communist Party

Prince Blueblood

Three Tribes Supporters
A well educated and accomplished general from the Equestrian military, Prince Blueblood rode his popularity as a hero of Equestria and his traditionally inherited power as a prince through the elections and into his new role as the executive of the nation. His tactics as a general were strict, disciplined, and conservative, not to mention highly effective, and he carries those methodologies into his administration. Though not necessarily the most humble politician, Blueblood knows how, when, and what to say what the public wants to hear, knows what the public wants, and has the intellect to carry out their will efficiently. Finally, his knowledge as a general gives his pragmatic administration great insight into the military and the defensive needs of the nation, essential in the torn and chaotic modern world.

Staff and Designers

Political Advisers

Name Trait Prereqs Effect Cost
Princess Mi Amore Cadenza Popular Figurehead Ruling Party is Harmony

Crystal Royal Family Escaped / Rescued

Cadence is not ruler of Crystal Empire

  • Stability +15%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
Twilight Sparkle Element of Magic Ruling Party is Harmony

Twilight Sparkle is not ruler of Crystal Empire

  • Stability: +5%
  • Political Power Gain: +15%
  • Magic Research Time: -10%
  • Research Time: -5%
Coco Pommel War Industrialist Is Solar Empire

Equestria does not exist

  • Military Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Dockyard construction speed: +10%
Flim and Flam Captains of Industry Is Solar Empire

Equestria does not exist

  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +10.0%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.0%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10.0%
Raven Inkwell Silent Workpony Celestia / Daybreaker is leader
  • Political Power Gain: +15.0%
Prince Blueblood Prince of Terror Not Communist

Is Solar Empire OR Martial Law Instituted

  • Effect of partisans on us: -25.0%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: -30.0%
  • Non-core Ponypower: +2.0%
Fancy Pants Compassionate Gentlemen Ruling Party is Harmony

Not current ruler

  • Improve relations opinion: +15.0%
Filthy Rich Smooth-Talking Charmer Ruling Party is Harmony

Not current ruler

  • Trade deal opinion factor: +10.0%
Florina Communist Revolutionary Rulling party is not Supremacy
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.10
Sweetie "Bon Bon" Drops Agent of S.M.I.L.E. Ruling Party is Harmony
  • Effect of partisans on us: -25%
  • Subversive activities cost: -30%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: -25%
  • Ideology Drift Defence: +25%
Padlock Cult Leader Is Solar Empire
  • Ideology Drift Defense: +10%
  • Stability: +5%
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
Dotted Line Armaments Organiser Celestia / Daybreaker is leader
  • Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: -20.0%
Sunrise Sparkle Lady Inquisitor Is Solar Empire

Daybreaker is ruler

Twilight Sparkle Has Ascended

  • Stability: +5%
  • Magic Research Time: -10%
  • Research Time: -2.5%
  • Effect of partisans on us: -20%
  • Subversive activities Cost: -10%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: -25%
  • Ideology Drift Defence: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +2%
  • Political Power Gain: +10%

Tank Designer

Name Trait Prereqs Effect Cost
Mustang Developments Mobile Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Time: -12%
  • Armor Reliability: +5%
  • Armor Max Speed: +5%
Stallion Company Medium Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Time: -10.0%
  • Armor Reliability: +5.0%
  • Armor Soft Attack: +5.0%
Sirius Metal Works Heavy Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Time: -10.0%
  • Armor Armor Value: +5.0%
  • Armor Hard Attack: +5.0%

Ship Designer

Name Trait Prereqs Effect Cost
Baltimare Designs Celestial Sea Fleet Designer Owns Baltimare
  • Naval Research Time: -10.0%
  • Carrier Armor: +50.0%
  • Capital Armor: +10.0%
  • Capital Attack: +10.0%
Seaward Shoals Lunar Ocean Fleet Designer Owns Vanhoover
  • Naval Research Time: -10.0%
  • Carrier Deck Size: +25.0%
  • Carrier Armor: -15.0%
  • All Ships Max Range: +25.0%
Mustangia Shipyards Escort Fleet Designer
  • Naval Research Time: -10.0%
  • Screen Range: +30.0%
  • Screen Sub Detection: +10.0%
  • Screen Speed: +10.0%
  • Screen Build Cost Ic: +10.0%

Aircraft Designer

Name Traits Prereqs Effect Cost
Wonderbolt Aircraft Research Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Fighter Agility: +10%
  • Fighter Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Agility: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Max Speed: +10%
Cloudsdale Airtech Medium Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Heavy Fighter Reliability: +20%
  • Tactical Bomber Reliability: +20%
"Northern" Development Bureau Heavy Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Strategic Bomber Strategic Bombing: +10%
Ultramarine Naval Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Time: -10%
  • Naval Bomber Range: +10%
  • Naval Bomber Naval Attack: +10%
  • CV Naval Bomber Range: +10%
  • CV Naval Bomber Naval Attack: +10%
Stratus Company CAS Designer
  • Air Research Time: -10.0%
  • Close Air Support Ground Attack: +10.0%
  • Close Air Support Reliability: +10.0%
  • Carrier CAS Air Ground Attack: +10.0%
  • Carrier CAS Reliability: +10.0%

Materiel Designer

Name Trait Prereqs Effect Cost
Star Energy Artillery Designer
  • Artillery Research Time -10%
McIntosh Factory Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Time -10%
Fillydelphia Motors Motorized Equipment Designer
  • Motorization Research Time -10%
  • Motorized Rocket Artillery Research Time -10%

Industrial Concern

Name Trait Prereqs Effect Cost
Cloudsdale Weather Factory Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Time -10%
Manehatten Science Institute Electronics Concern
  • Electronics Research Time -10%


Name Trait Prereqs Effect Cost
Granny Smith Military Theorist Focus - Urgent War Committee

Not: Harmonist Commanders left

Not: High Command purged

  • Land Doctrine Research Time -7%
  • Army Experience Gain +0.05 Daily
Spitfire Air Warfare Theorist Focus - Urgent War Committee

Not: Harmonist Commanders left

Not: High Command purged

  • Air Doctrine Research Time: -15.0%
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.05 daily150
Fluttershy Nuclear Scientist Focus - Equestrian Weapons of Mass Destruction

Not: Harmonist Commanders left

Not: High Command purged

  • Nuclear Research Time: -10.0%
Flocke Von Schnee Rocket Scientist Focus - Equestrian Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Rocket Research Time: -10.0%
Wind Rider Air Warfare Theorist Country is Solar Empire

Focus - Imperial Air Force

  • Air Doctrine Research Time: -10.0%
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
Arcane Nova Military Theorist Country is Solar Empire

Focus - Military Reorganisation

  • Land Doctrine Research Time: -7.0%
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Magic Research Time: -5%

Chief of Army

Name Trait Prereqs Effect Cost
Nimbus Dash Army Defence (Expert) Focus - New High Command or New Blood

Not: High Command purged

  • Division Defence: +10%
  • AI Focus on Defence: +5%
Grimhoof Army Offence (Specialist) Focus - New High Command or New Blood
  • Division Offense: +5%
  • AI Focus on Offense: +10%
Copper Top Army Maneuver (Expert) Focus - New High Command

Not: Harmonist Commanders left

Not: High Command purged

  • Division Speed: +10%
  • AI Focus on Offense: +5%
Maud Pie Entrenchment (Expert) Focus - New High Command

Rock Union Does Not Exist

Not: Harmonist Commanders left

Not: High Command purged

  • Entrenchment Speed: +8%
Shadow Scope Army Organisation (Expert) Country is Solar Empire

Focus - New Blood

  • Division Organization: +8%
Sunset Shimmer Army Reform (Genius) Country is Solar Empire

Focus - New Blood

  • Army Experience Gain: +15%
  • AI Focus on Military Advancements: +10%

Chief of Navy

Name Trait Prereqs Effect Cost
Cynosura Decisive Battle (Expert) Focus - New High Command
  • Capital Ship Attack: +10%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10%
  • Screen Attack: +10%
  • Screen Defence: +10%
Wild Little Naval Aviation (Expert) Focus - New High Command
  • Naval Air Attacks from Carriers: +6%
  • Naval Air Targeting from Carriers: +7%
  • Naval Air Agility from Carriers: +8%

Chief of Air Force

Name Trait Prereqs Effect Cost
Rainbow Dash Ground Support

Element of Loyalty

Focus - New High Command

Not: Harmonist Commanders left

Not: High Command purged

  • Air Superiority: +15%
  • Foreign subversive activities efficiency: -5%
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.07 daily
Kitty Hawk Air Reformer (Specialist) Focus - New High Command or New Blood
  • Air Experience Gain: +5%
Blaze "Bomber" Firehooves Strategic Bombing (Genius) Country is Solar Empire

Focus - Imperial Air Force

  • Bomber Attack: +3%
  • Bomber Defence: +3%
  • Bomber Agility: +3%
  • Strategic Bombing: +9%
Thunderlane Tactical Bombing (Expert) Country is Solar Empire

Focus - Imperial Air Force

  • Ground Support: +15%

Military High Command

Name Trait Prereqs Effect Cost
Limestone Pie Infantry (Specialist) Focus - New High Command or New Blood

Not: Harmonist Commanders left

Not: High Command purged

  • Infantry Division Attack: +5.0%
  • Infantry Division Defence: +10.0%
Zecora Armor (Expert) Focus - New High Command

Not: Harmonist Commanders left

Not: High Command purged

  • Armor Division Attack: +10%
  • Armor Division Defence: +10%
Rarity Uniform Designer Not: Harmonist Commanders left

Not: High Command purged

  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Winter Attrition: -10%
  • Heat Attrition: -5%
Wonderbolt Academy Air Combat Academy Focus - New High Command or Imperial Air Force
  • Ace Generation Chance: +15%
Thunderbolt Sentinel Army Regrouping (Specialist) Focus - New High Command
  • Division Recovery Rate: +4%
Fizzlepop Berrytwist Army Maneuver (Specialist) Focus - New High Command
  • Divisions Speed: +5%
  • AI Focus on Offense: +5%
Benevelle Army Regrouping (Expert) Country is Solar Empire

Focus - New Blood

  • Division Recovery Rate: +8%
Summer Sweet Airborne Assault (Expert) Country is Solar Empire

Focus - New Blood

  • Paradrop Attack: +2%
  • Paradrop Defence: +5%
  • Paradrop Agility: +5%
Morning Light Commando (Specialist) Country is Solar Empire

Focus - New Blood

  • Special Forces Attack: +10%
  • Special Forces Defence: +10%
Sunny Flare Artillery (Expert) Country is Solar Empire

Focus - New Blood

  • Artillery Attack: +15%
  • Artillery Defence: +10%

Military Leaders

Initially, all military leaders are inherited from Flag of Equestria Equestria. Some of them, however, will eventually resign.


Flag Information
Solar Empire.png
Solar Empire

EQS SOL democratic.png

Alicorn Rule.png
EQS SOL communism.png
Socialist Republic of Equestria




All laws, economic ideas, factories, resources etc are inherited from Flag of Equestria Equestria