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HIP map.png

IdeologyTyrannical Magocracy.png Tyrannical Magocracy
Adagio Dazzle
Ruling partySirens' Patronage
RaceHippogriff Hippogriff
StabilityStability Varies*
War supportWar support Varies*
FactoriesFactory Varies*
CapitalMount Aris
ContinentNorthern Zebrica
  • Leader of the Siren Hegemony
Color  #C40C19

Sirenalia is a formable nation led by the Sirens: Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze. Sirenalia can be formed through Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia after winning the Cultist war against Hippogriffia.


Since recorded history, even before the time of the Princesses of Equestria, when monsters ruled and cowed the native ponies, the sirens have existed in this world. A group of three, they traveled the land spreading fear and hatred with their magical voices, plunging Equestria into further disharmony and feeding off of the negative energy that followed. Only the creation of the legendary Pillars of Harmony were able to defeat them, tricking the trio into banishment at the bottom of the Mareiana Trench, far below the ocean waves for over a thousand years.

National Focus



Sirenalia inherits all technologies from Flag of Hippogriffia Hippogriffia


National spirits



Political parties
Name Ideology Leader Popularity
Sirens' Patronage Tyrannical Magocracy.png Tyrannical Magocracy
Adagio Dazzle 80%
Royal Court Benevolent Absolutism.png Benevolent Absolutism
Marina Bell 14%
Socialist Labour Party of Aris
Marksism.png Marksism
Council of Students 4%
Aris First Populism.png Populism
Raft Wood 0%


Before the epilogue, your current leader can be changed with a decision.

Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Adagio Dazzle
Tyrannical Magocracy.png
Tyrannical Magocracy

Sirens' Patronage
Charismatic Manipulator
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.2
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +50%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Peace: −15%
  • Stability: +10%
  • War Support: +15%
  • Daily Magic Drift: +1
Born: Time Immemorial

Biography: Since recorded history, even before the time of the Princesses of Equestria, when monsters ruled and cowed the native ponies, the sirens have existed in this world. A group of three, they traveled the land spreading fear and hatred with their magical voices, plunging Equestria into further disharmony and feeding off of the negative energy that followed. Only the creation of the legendary Pillars of Harmony were able to defeat them, tricking the trio into banishment at the bottom of the Mareiana Trench, far below the ocean waves for over a thousand years.

Adagio Dazzle is the leader of the three sirens, and for good reason. Even without magic her voice carries with it a stunning amount of charisma, and her elaborate plans are both long and rarely ever fail. Yet despite that she is extremely egotistical and controlling even compared to her fellow sirens, and believes that only she can lead the three to their rightful places as the masters of the entire world.

Adagio believes everything can be solved using their magic and their voices, a sentiment not exactly shared with her partners. She sees Aria as too distracted by her "what ifs" and a constant annoyance due to her constant fights with Sonata, who she sees as a loose cannon at best and an active hinderance at worst. Still, she works with them for a shared dream and her birthright; for everyone in this world to adore her.

Portrait By: Egil

Sonata Dusk
Tyrannical Magocracy.png
Tyrannical Magocracy

Sirens' Patronage
Passionate Ditz
  • Daily Political Power Cost: +0.15
  • Stability: −10%
  • Resistance Target: −10%
  • Resistance Decay Speed: +10%
  • Resistance Growth Speed: −10%
  • Damage to Garrisons: −25%
Born: Time Immemorial

Biography: Since recorded history, even before the time of the Princesses of Equestria, when monsters ruled and cowed the native ponies, the sirens have existed in this world. A group of three, they traveled the land spreading fear and hatred with their magical voices, plunging Equestria into further disharmony and feeding off of the negative energy that followed. Only the creation of the legendary Pillars of Harmony were able to defeat them, tricking the trio into banishment at the bottom of the Mareiana Trench, far below the ocean waves for over a thousand years.

Sonata Dusk is an outlier among the three, severely lacking in any sort of skill regarding intentional manipulation. Often forgetful and ditzy, Sonata legitimately enjoys music of all kinds, including music being played by others. She hates boredom, and prefers doing things and being in the moment, as opposed to the other two with their long plans and eyes on the future.

Sonata frequently gets into arguments with Aria over trivial matters, which constantly results in Adagio having to intervene in their pointless arguments. This has led to Sonata seeing Aria as "no-fun", and Adagio as the leader with the evil plans. The result of this has been her being the siren most involved with the enthralled population, preferring to get away from her partners often when possible and occasionally unwittingly doing something useful in the process. Despite it all, though, she still cares about the trio and does whatever she can to help, even if it isn't always useful.

Portrait By: Egil

Aria Blaze
Tyrannical Magocracy.png
Tyrannical Magocracy

Sirens' Patronage
Level-Headed Realist
  • Efficiency texticon.png Production Efficiency Growth: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Research Speed: +5%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: +10%
  • Recruitable Seapony Population Factor: +10%
Born: Time Immemorial

Biography: Since recorded history, even before the time of the Princesses of Equestria, when monsters ruled and cowed the native ponies, the sirens have existed in this world. A group of three, they traveled the land spreading fear and hatred with their magical voices, plunging Equestria into further disharmony and feeding off of the negative energy that followed. Only the creation of the legendary Pillars of Harmony were able to defeat them, tricking the trio into banishment at the bottom of the Mareiana Trench, far below the ocean waves for over a thousand years.

Aria Blaze is the serious and level-headed member of the sirens, being a stark contrast to her partners and their eccentricity. While being just as capable of manipulation as Adagio, Aria concerns herself more with what could happen, no matter how unlikely those situations could be. Her plans and backup plans are thorough and numerous, which could even be described as paranoia in some cases.

Having learned of the new world and the vast differences from the old, Aria is a proponent of less-magical solutions to problems she and the others come across, seeing them as more reliable than continuing to trust in their magic never failing after her banishment. While she does listen to Adagio, she sees her fellow siren as too obsessed with world domination and egotistical to see the possibility of their plans falling apart, and Aria's annoyance with Sonata's carefree attitude has led to many an argument. Still, she works with them side by side, for Aria knows that her fellow sirens are the only creatures she can trust completely.

Portrait By: Egil



Strategies and guides

Starting Situation

Sirenalia inherits most of whatever Hippogriffia had after the sirens take over. Most characters' loyalty is ensured through the mind control magic. Flag of Kingdom of Zumidia Kingdom of Zumidia, however, will secede, and has to be retaken after the internal situation for the sirens stabilizes. Skystar, Posada, Crack Lightning, and later Raft Wood are members of the resistance.

Gameplay Walkthrough

Sirens have a unique resource called magic. How much of it you accumulate or lose every day is determined by the magic drift. Getting into magic deficit will lead to certain penalties, such as inability to complete focuses, and potentially a revolution if the resistance hasn't been dealt with yet. Later on, you will be able to trade magic drift for various bonuses.

Your first order of business is to prepare to deal with the resistance. Complete initial focuses from both Aria's and Adagio's branches to increase magic drift for later. Do not spend magic on anything that is not absolutely necessary, including underwater construction. If Flag of Equestria Equestria is not at war (typically either the Lunar Civil War or because of Twilight Theory special rule), they will send the Elements of Harmony to help the resistance, further decreasing the magic drift. After crushing the resistance, complete the middle and either left or right branch of the first part of the focus tree, before going after Flag of Kingdom of Zumidia Kingdom of Zumidia. The penalty for not completing only one of prerequisite focuses is not a lot, and it will mean that you will not waste time due to not being able to complete any focus.

Now you've entered the proper part of the focus tree. In general, Aria's focuses give various bonuses to your nation's ability to wage war, Adagio's are mostly wargoals, and Sonata's are additional cores. Only Adagio's branch is mandatory, and if you plan to join the Flag of Changeling Lands Changeling Lands's faction before the Great War ends, you should focus almost exclusively on it. With Changelings' help, you probably won't need many buffs to defeat Equestria. Note, however, that one of the focuses required to achieve Sonata's ending has a date limit after which it is bypassed. If Flag of Zarantia Zarantia annexed Flag of Republic of Tobuck Republic of Tobuck thanks to Pea Shooter honoring the deal, it might save you from having to complete one focus. War with Flag of Colthaginian Republic Colthaginian Republic is optional, and if they have second, and possibly even third civil war, they will likely not bother you for a while.

Your path of conquest will eventually take you to Flag of Maregypt Maregypt and Flag of Abyssinia Abyssinia. While they are reachable by land through Zarantia, naval invasions to open additional fronts might be a good idea. Justifying manually on Abyssinia a few months earlier rather than taking the focus will also likely help you save some time. If Flag of Kingdom of Wingbardy Kingdom of Wingbardy has taken Abyssinia before you did, you will need to either defeat them conventionally, or force a white peace by capturing all Abyssinian states. It will be easier if Wingbardy went with Harmonic or Communist path, so you can fight a regular Abyssinia.

You can finally request to join the Changelings' faction. Even if you rushed there, by now the Great War is likely already ongoing. They are likely to accept your request, but it is not completely guaranteed. If they refused, you may need to consider alternatives, such as joining the Great War through manual justification or focus even if you are not formally in faction, or continue the buildup and fight whoever emerged victorious.

If you are in faction with the Changelings, simply taking Canterlot during the peace conference will guarantee that the Changelings will honour the deal about properly negotiating the partition of Equestria. If that's not possible, take as many major cities as you can to increase your chances both for the negotiations to happen, and to be awarded more land when they conclude, although you only need to get the Equestrian Southeast. If you are not in faction, you will need to own at least Canterlot, Baltimare, and Crystal City Centre to complete your story.


The epilogue starts upon the completion of the focus Nothing Can Stop Us Now. Which of the three variants you will end up with will depend on your choices up to this point. Each of the three sirens has a hidden influence score, which you can increase by completing some of the key focuses in their branch, and taking their side in various events. Some of the focuses in Adagio's branch can be taken by any of the three sirens, which will increase that siren's influence.

Adagio starts at an influence advantage over the two, so if you aim to get Aria's ending and an event gives you only a choice between Sonata and Adagio, you should support Sonata. Likewise, for Sonata's ending, you should support Aria whenever Sonata is not an option.

Each of the three epilogues unlock a new, short focus tree with some story events. If you manage to conquer the entire world, you will get a bonus event.

Beware of a potential bug in Aria's and Sonata's epilogues where you end the spell. If you have certain effects active that increase your magic drift, they may continue to invisibly drain your magic even after ending the spell, eventually putting you into a magic deficit without a way to alleviate it. As a workaround, you may intentionally induce a deficit beforehand. An event that ends the spell will also remove the deficit debuff if it is present, and since you didn't remove that debuff through regular means, the game will never start checking again if it should be reapplied.

Adagio's epilogue

This is the default epilogue that you get if you don't fulfill the requirements for any of the other two epilogues. Favoring Adagio heavily in events can help you achieve it, but if you just play normally without favoring any of the three strongly, or you favor Sonata without fulfilling her extra requirements, you will also trigger this ending.

Adagio will maintain the magic mind control spell. She also gets war justification time reduction, helping you actually achieve the world conquest.

Aria's epilogue

A relatively easy to unlock epilogue, simply by favoring Aria strongly. One hidden opportunity to increase Aria's influence beyond focuses and events is the decision to expand the crystal mines in Mount Aris. After you expanded the mines and completed the focus The Scientifids, they will approach you with request to perform an experiment. If you allow it, they will eventually increase both Aria's influence and the maximum amount of magic that you can store. This is helpful, but not mandatory.

Aria prefers to have contingency plans and to proceed with caution, sometimes bordering on paranoia. In her epilogue, you will get to decide whether you wish to remove the spell or keep it. She expresses the desire to conquer the world… eventually, meaning you don't get any bonuses to justification.

Sonata's epilogue

This epilogue is the most difficult to achieve. In addition to raising her influence above the rest (similarly to Aria's epilogue), there are some hidden requirements that you need to fulfill.

  1. Complete the focus The Child King before year 1013. After two years, Zamni will offer to do an experiment, which will eventually increase your magic capacity once you permit it.
  2. After you conquer Maregypt, imprisoned Somnambula will try to tell something to Sonata. Listen to her.
  3. After the focus Revenge, you must spare at least Somnambula and Stygian. It is recommended that you wait until you have completed step 1, increasing your magic capacity, to unlock the option to spare all the Pillars except for Starswirl, increasing Sonata's influence even further.
  4. Once the above is completed, do the focus Recapitulation. Then, proceed to the final focus as usual.

In addition to the above, successfully coring the Colthaginian Republic will also increase Sonata's influence. This is helpful, but optional.

Sonata will work towards ending the mind control spell. She never expresses the desire to conquer any additional land beyond what Sirenalia already has. Nevertheless, there is still a bonus event waiting for you if you achieve the world conquest.


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Under Our Spell
As the ancient creatures in the Abyss, get your revenge over a thousand years in the making.