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While our Feathisian economic rivals to the east may now be the ones to call the shots on all inbound and outbound trade in Southeastern Zebrica, it is Sambovato that still remains the traditional custodian of the waters of the Peaceful Sea and its Great Horns, with its lucrative sea lanes carrying goods from the Great Inland to the international market defended by our National Protection Fleet...for a commission of course.
After all, all roads may lead to Roam, but all ships shall pass by Sambovato!
Ravaged Environment
Stability: -5.00%
In spite of our best efforts at maintaining a healthy balance, the navy's heavy pressure on our fuel refining program has resulted in unsustainable deforestation and the destruction of Sambovato's natural beauty
Organic Gasification
Fuel Gain: +20
Given our lack of natural resources we had to create fuel subsidies, using everything that can be turned into biogas despite the possible long-term issues it could cause with the local fauna and flora.
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During her coronation ceremony on the eleventh month of 1006, few expected that Ceyda Vatosoa, sole daughter of the late Mpanjaka Serkan Vatosoa, would have the austere, iron-fisted attitude nor the administrative expertise needed to rule the turbulent nation of Sambovato that her father possessed, at least not at such a young age. However, what the new Mpanjakavavy does not lack is the wits of a learner, the resolve of a leader and most importantly the charisma befitting of her stunning beauty as the "Ebony Pearl of Sambovato".
Born on a stormy summer night in 988, Ceyda was surrounded by nothing but the vast opulence of the Vatosoa clan as early as she could remember, as a true silver spoon filly. However, the devastating death of her mother shortly after her birth in circumstances still mysterious to this day left her without siblings and the sole heir of the fledgling Vatosoa dynasty, a reality her father Serkan remedied to by keeping her daughter far removed from the politics, machinations and intrigue of the Rova's court culture for the preservation of her relative safety and innocence. Thus Ceyda grew up to be a cultured and beautiful, if rather eccentric young socialite mare, unwittingly becoming the popular public face of the monarchy through her lavish parties and grand public festivities, relaxing with her best friend by the pool of her family rova or watching the movements of the mighty National Protection Fleet from her seaside balcony in between occasions, all while being counseled by the best tutors money could afford. However, with the Mpanjaka's abrupt and premature death in late 1006, the barely mature Ceyda was called upon by her late father's advisory council to assume the throne of Sambovato as the second monarch of the Vatosoa dynasty.
As the young queen prepares to enter the chambers of the National Rova for the very first time of her life to confront and read the faces of these supposedly altruistic and well-meaning ministers and set the course of her country's increasingly uncertain future, she thinks to herself...
"Inexperience be damned, aren't politics after all just another party to navigate?"
Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.
9 (-2)
8 (-2)
18 (-4)
Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.