Hayzeb Federation

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Hayzeb Federation

Hayzeb Federation.png

HAY map.png

IdeologyBenevolent Absolutism.png Benevolent Absolutism
Queen Bamina
Ruling partyHarmonic (55%)
PopulationPopulation 3,489,463
PonypowerPonypower 19,609
RaceZebra Zebra
StabilityStability 33%
War supportWar support 50%
FactoriesFactory 5
  • 2 Military factory
  • 0 Naval dockyard
  • 3 Civilian factory
ContinentGreat Lakes
Color  #8A163B


Starting Situation



Name Composition No.
InfantryLow Priority
Volunteers Infantry x3 6
Warriors Infantry x5 4
Army experience Total divisions 10
Ponypower Ponypower used 38,000


The Hayzeb Federation starts with no navy.


The Hayzeb Federation starts with airforce.

National Focus

The Hayzeb Federation uses the Zebrican generic focus tree.


Army Naval Air Tech / Industry
  • Muzzle-loaders (Muzzle-loading Guns)
  • Support Equipment
  • Engineer Company I
  • Recon Company I
  • Civilian Train
  • Pre-Industrial Artillery
  • Designated Landing Barges
  • None
  • None
Doctrine Racial
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None


National Spirits

Legacy of the Storm icon
Legacy of the Storm
  • Political PowerPolitical Power Gain: -15%
  • Division Organization: -5.0%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: -5%
  • Consumer GoodsConsumer Goods Factories: 10.0%
  • Division Recovery Rate: -5.0%
  • StabilityStability: -15.00%
When the Storm King invaded us with his army, we initially resisted and fought back, before realising the mad conqueror's strategy was without flaw. Instead of continuing to fight in vain, we sought to negotiate with him and eventually managed to sign a deal that spared us from doom. Angered by our initial resistance, the Storm King sacked our largest cities and burned down many buildings. He then demanded we pay hefty tribute and seized all our artifacts. Our people are angered by our failure to protect them and our economy is ailing.
Broken Chains icon
Broken Chains
  • Daily Political PowerPolitical Power Gain: +0.20
  • Recruitable Population Factor: 15%
  • StabilityStability: -10.00%
  • Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: +30.00%
In the aftermath of Mazwi's disintegration, Bamina rallied an army of slaves and with them united the lands of the Hayzeb. After becoming Queen, she liberated all slaves in the newborn nation and vowed to erase the oppressive institution from all of the Great Lakes, and perhaps even all of Zebrica. While the formerly enslaved masses rejoice, the former slaveowners are furious and many plot the downfall of the Queen.
A Federation Of City-States icon
A Federation Of City-States
  • Daily Political PowerPolitical Power Gain: -0.10
  • Economy Laws Cost: +50%
  • Trade Laws Cost: +50%
  • Conscription Laws Cost: +50%
Hayzebland has traditionally been divided into a number of city-states, which are centered around wealthy trade cities. The new Queen rallied the support of the cities by promising to grant them their historical rights which they had lost under Mazwian rule, but this has meant that the member states of the federation are very autonomous and pay little regard to the Queen and her central government.


Starting leaders
Leader Leader Ideology and party Traits Description Comes to power by
Queen Bamina
Benevolent Absolutism.png
Benevolent Absolutism



Political parties
Name Ideology Leader Popularity
Harmonic Benevolent Absolutism.png Benevolent Absolutism
Queen Bamina 55%
Communist Equestrian Socialism.png Communism
Generic leader 0%
Supremacist Autocracy.png Supremacy
Generic leader 10%
Non-Aligned Despotism.png Non-Aligned
Generic leader 35%

Staff and Designers

Select advisor.png Political Advisors
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Communist Revolutionary
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.1
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Pro-Harmony Reformer
  • Daily Harmony Support: +0.1
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Supremacist Demagogue
  • Daily Supremacy Support: +0.1
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Captain of Industry
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
  • Railway construction speed: +10%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Fortification Engineer
  • Land Fort construction speed: +20%
  • Coastal Fort construction speed: +20%
  • Anti Air construction speed: +20%
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
War Industrialist
  • Military Factory construction speed: +10%
  • Dockyard construction speed: +10%
  • Fuel Silo construction speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Illusive Gentlebeing
  • Operative slots: +1
  • Agency upgrade time: −15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot tank manufacturer.png Tank Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Armor Company
Armor Company
Tank Designer
  • Armor Research Speed: +15%
  • Armor technology:
    • Reliability: +5%
  • Armored Car:
    • Reliability: +5%
Political Power 150
Idea slot naval manufacturer.png Ship Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Naval Company
Naval Company
Ship Designer
  • Naval Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot aircraft manufacturer.png Aircraft Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Light Air Company
Light Air Company
Light Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Small Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Agility: +10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
Political Power 150
Medium Air Company
Medium Air Company
Medium Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Heavy Fighter Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Medium Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
  • Scout Plane Airframe:
    • Reliability: +20%
Political Power 150
Heavy Air Company
Heavy Air Company
Heavy Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Large Airframe:
    • Strat. Bombing: +10%
  • Transport Plane:
    • Range: +10%
Political Power 150
Naval Air Company
Naval Air Company
Naval Aircraft Designer
  • Air Research Speed: +15%
  • Naval Bomber Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • Carrier Naval Bomber Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
  • Carrier Fighter Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Agility: +10%
  • Carrier CAS Airframe:
    • Range: +10%
    • Naval Attack: +10%
Political Power 150
Idea slot materiel manufacturer.png Materiel Designers
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Small Arms Company
Small Arms Company
Infantry Equipment Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Artillery Company
Artillery Company
Artillery Designer
  • Artillery Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Motorization Company
Motorization Company
Motorized Equipment Designer
  • Motorization Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Idea slot industrial concern.png Industrial Concerns
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Industrial Company
Industrial Company
Industrial Concern
  • Industrial Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Electronics Company
Electronics Company
Electronics Concern
  • Electronics Research Speed: +15%
Political Power 150
Select theorist.png Theorists
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Military Theorist
  • Land Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Naval Theorist
  • Naval Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 150
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Air Warfare Theorist
  • Air Doctrine Cost: −10%
Political Power 150
Select army chief.png Chiefs of Army
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Army Offense (Specialist)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Division Attack: +5%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Offense: +15%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Army Defense (Specialist)
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.20
  • Division Defense: +5%
  • AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: +15%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Select navy chief.png Chiefs of Navy
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Decisive Battle (Expert)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Capital Ship Attack: +10%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10%
  • Screen Attack: +10%
  • Screen Defense: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Anti-Submarine (Expert)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Submarine Detection: +15%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select air chief.png Chiefs of Airforce
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Close Air Support (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Ground attack factor: +5%
  • Air Support Mission Efficiency: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
All-Weather (Expert)
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.30
  • Bad Weather Penalty: −20%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Select high command.png Military High Command
Name Trait Requirement Effect Cost
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Artillery (Specialist)
  • Artillery Attack: +10%
  • Artillery Defense: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Army Logistics (Expert)
  • Division Attrition: −8%
Political Power 100
Command power 20
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Fleet Logistics (Specialist)
  • Naval max range factor: +5%
Political Power 50
Command power 30
Generic Advisor
Generic Advisor
Air Combat Training (Expert)
  • Ace generation chance: +10%
Political Power 100
Command power 20

Military Leaders

Hayzeb Federation starts without any military leaders.


Flag Information
Hayzeb Federation.png
Hayzeb Federation / Kingdom of the Hayzeb / Hayzebland

Benevolent Absolutism.pngDespotism.pngAutocracy.png
Hayzeb Socialist Republic.png
Hayzeb Socialist Republic

Equestrian Socialism.png


Laws and Development

Laws and Development
Conscription Law Trade Law Economy Law
Volunteer Only Volunteer Only
  • Recruitable Population: 1.50%
Export Focus Export Focus
  • Construction Speed: +10.00%
  • Research Speed: +5.00%
  • Factory Output: +10.00%
  • Dockyard Output: +10.00%
  • Resources to Market: +50%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +20.0%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +10.0%
Civilian Economy Civilian Economy
  • Industrial Research Speed: +3%
  • Electronics Research Speed: +2%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 35.0%
  • Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
  • Fuel Gain per Oil: -40.00%
  • Fuel Capacity: -25.00%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
  • Military Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: -30.00%
  • Refinery construction speed: +5.00%
Scientific Development Society Development Illiteracy
Small Science Base Small Science Base
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.20
  • Research Speed: -55.00%
Industrialising Society Industrialising Society
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: -20.00%
  • Monthly Population: -10.0%
  • Construction Speed: -20.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -20.00%
  • Factory Output: -20.00%
  • Dockyard Output: -20.00%
  • Factory Bomb Vulnerability: -25.00%
Modest Illiteracy Modest Illiteracy
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -30.00%
Poverty Race
Low Poverty Low Poverty
  • Monthly Population: -7.0%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 7.0%
  • Construction Speed: -10.00%
  • Research Speed: -2.50%
Zebra Zebra Race
  • Uses Zebra Racial Tree

Industry and Resources

Military factory
Military Factories
Naval dockyard
Naval Dockyards
Civilian factory
Civilian Factories
Fuel silo
Fuel Silos
Synthetic refinery
Synthetic Refineries
2 0 3 (-2) 0 0

Numbers in red indicate the number of civilian factories required to produce consumer goods, based on economy laws and the total number of military and civilian factories, rounded up.

Steel icon.png
0 0 0 0 20 (-10) 0 0

Numbers in red indicate how many resources are reserved for export due to trade laws.